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Jan 1, 2021 4:27 PM
✨ a lil bean ✨

Feb 2011
Banner: Rinarin


     The main purpose of this challenge is to give an opportunity to previous monthly submissions that garnered some interest from our members, but fell short of some votes to grab that precious first place and be featured as the monthly challenge in our club for that year.

     Not every submission will be considered. To be added in these challenges, they will need to have managed to get 25 votes or more. Also any item that's repeated from a previous monthly submission won't be added. There won't be duplicated items. If you are interested, you can check all challenges from the monthlies main thread.

    This challenge will count the following non-winning 2020 submissions:
     — January (3/7), February (1/8), March (1/8), April (1/3), May (2/2), June (3/6), July (3/3), August (4/4), September (1/3), October (2/7), November (3/5) and December (3/4).

  • Difficulties:
    Easy: 20 series
    Medium: 40 series
    Hard: 60 series
    Conquered: 80 series
     — There are extra requirements, you only need to do those required by your difficulty.
     — No second run (x2) available.

  • Previously completed series aren't allowed. Neither is re-watching.
     — Series previously started, but not finished, may be used.
     — Airing can be used, but you must complete the series, so you can only turn-in the challenge after the series has finished airing.

  • Any type is allowed, but must be equal to or longer than 15 minutes (total).
     — Unless otherwise stated.

  • Your challenge "Starting Date" is the day you post.
     — Remember that it's required to add the start and end dates to any anime you use for our challenges.

  • You cannot use the same entry more than once across all difficulties.

  • To make this easier on the inspectors, if an item ask for specifics, you MUST list the episode and/or time in which said things takes places.
     — Otherwise it's an instant invalid.

     — We will add a description under each item.
    Looking for more of this kind of challenge?

Suggested by SheyCroix

Second Chances 2020 Challenge
Sign Up Code Here

    GENRE TAGS & ADAPTATIONS The anime is tagged with the genre / listed with the source.

  1. [X] [Mar] Watch an Action or Drama anime
  2. [X] [Aug] Watch an Adventure anime
  3. [X] [Jun] Watch an anime tagged as Game and/or Sports
  4. [X] [Jul] Watch a GAR or Martial Arts anime
  5. [X] [Sep] Watch a Magic anime
  6. [X] [May] Watch a Historical or Supernatural anime
  7. [X] [Feb] Watch an anime tagged as Horror and/or Romance
  8. [X] [May] Watch a Military or Police anime
  9. [X] [Dec] Watch a Music or Sci-Fi anime
  10. [X] [Aug] Watch a Mystery anime
  11. [X] [Apr] Watch a Psychological and/or Thriller anime
  12. [X] [Nov] Watch a Space anime

  13. [X] [Jan] Watch an anime with no Sequels, Parent Stories or Full Stories listed under Related Anime
  14. [X] [Jan] Watch an anime directly related to one you've already completed
     — State which anime was previously completed.

  15. [X] [Jan] Watch an anime rated G or PG
  16. [X] [Nov] Watch an anime adapted from a Book or Novel

  17. [X] [Sep] Watch a two-cour anime
     — Two cours will refer to 20 episodes or more.

    TROPES & TAGS The anime/character must appear listed on the trope/tag page; state the character(s)/trope used.

  18. [X] [Aug] Watch an anime with a Barbecue or an Eating Contest episode
  19. [X] [Jun] Watch an anime with a Beach or Festival episode
  20. [X] [Aug] Watch an anime with a Beach or Pool Visit
  21. [X] [Jan] Watch an anime with either the CGI, Cel-Shaded Animation or Crowdfunded tags
  22. [X] [Nov] Watch a Contemporary Fantasy anime
  23. [X] [Nov] Watch an anime tagged with Countryside or Mountain Trip
  24. [X] [Oct] Watch an anime where a character has a Creepy Laugh or Evil Laugh
  25. [X] [Aug] Watch an anime that features a desert
  26. [X] [Jul] Watch an anime with a Disaster
     — Can be listed under any of the tags.
  27. [X] [Nov] Watch an anime tagged with drastic change of life, plot twists or tone changes
  28. [X] [Aug] Watch an anime where the characters watch or play with Fireworks
  29. [X] [Jan] Watch an anime featuring Gods or Monsters
     — From the Theme Tags challenge: Deities (God/Goddess) — aniDB or A-P.
     From Halloween Bingo '19: Monsters can be a Centaur, Cerberus, Chimera, Cryptids, Cyclopes, Dragon, Hydra, Minotaur, Ogre, Troll, Undeads, and/or Werewolf.

  30. [X] [Mar] Watch an anime from the Gourmet Challenge
  31. [X] [Jul] Watch an anime with gunfights
  32. [X] [Nov] Watch a Heartwarming anime
  33. [X] [Jan] Watch an Iyashikei anime

  34. [X] [Dec] Watch an anime with a love triangle
  35. [X] [Oct] Watch an anime where magic or a skeleton appears
  36. [X] [Nov] Watch a Post-Apocalyptic or Survival anime
  37. [X] [Jun] Watch an anime with the rebellion or the secret organization tag
  38. [X] [May] Watch anime that takes place during Spring
  39. [X] [Dec] Watch an anime that takes place in the summer or winter
  40. [X] [Aug] Watch an anime where a Summer Festival happens
  41. [X] [Nov] Watch a survival anime
  42. [X] [Jan] Watch an anime that lets you take it slow or watch the stars
  43. [X] [Jul] Watch an anime where Tanabata is referenced or celebrated
  44. [X] [Aug] Watch an anime that fits the Theme Tags Challenge

    CHARACTERS State the character(s) used; can be main or supporting unless otherwise stated; must appear listed on MAL; if 2 or more tags are provided, state which is used.

  45. [X] [Dec] Watch an anime where Angels and/or Demons appear
  46. [X] [Mar] Watch an anime that has a character tagged with animal ears or cats
  47. [X] [Jul] Watch an anime with an Aristocrat
  48. [X] [Jul] Watch an anime with an Assassin
  49. [X] [Jul] Watch an anime with a character who wears either a business suit or a waistcoast
  50. [X] [Nov] Watch an anime with a chef or farmer character
  51. [X] [Dec] Watch an anime with a character that wears a coat or jacket
  52. [X] [Aug] Watch an anime with a character who makes a comically angry face
  53. [X] [Oct] Watch an anime with a doctor
  54. [X] [Jul] Watch an anime with a dog in it
  55. [X] [Feb] Watch an anime with a character that's either a masochist or a yandere
  56. [X] [Dec] Watch an anime with a narcissistic or protective character
  57. [X] [Jul] Watch an anime with a spy
  58. [X] [May] Watch anime with a stalker
  59. [X] [May] Watch anime where a character wears a hat

    For the following items about hair color: it must be a single solid color. Mixed colors won't count (highlights, half/half and so on).
  60. [X] [May] Watch an anime with a female main character
  61. [X] [Jun] Watch an anime with a green haired main character
     — Useful links: AniDB, Anime-Planet.
  62. [X] [Jan] Watch an anime with a non-humanoid character
     — Non-humanoid characters resemble animals, monsters, or anything else that isn't just a distorted or slightly changed human form. Examples would be Pikachu, Madara, or Kyuubey.
  63. [X] [Aug] Watch an anime with a redhead protagonist
     — The color must be stated somewhere, link it
  64. [X] [Mar] Watch an anime with a white-haired or black-haired main character
     — White hair useful links: AniDB, Anime-Planet

  65. [X] [Apr] Watch an anime with a character whose name contains "shi" in it
  66. [X] [Nov] Watch an anime with a character who has a color in their name
     — Must be their listed name. Use only English or Japanese for the colors. State the character and bold or note the color used.

  67. [X] [Apr] Watch an anime with four main characters
  68. [X] [Nov] Watch an anime with no more than 10 characters listed
     — Characters listed under the "Characters & Voice Actors" section must be 10 or less.

    SEASONS & DATES Any day/month/year unless otherwise stated.

  69. [X] [Apr] Watch an anime that began airing on the 4th day
  70. [X] [Jan] Watch an anime that aired during any Spring Season or on any 15th day
     — Spring will cover anime aired during April, May and June.

  71. [X] [Feb] Watch an anime that started airing in either February or October

  72. [X] [Jan] Watch an anime that started and/or finished airing during 2010 OR 2019
  73. [X] [Jun] Watch a TV anime that started airing between Winter 2016 and Winter 2020
  74. [X] [Dec] Watch an anime that began airing in a year ending with 0

    TITLES Use either English, Japanese or Chinese only; can be in the official or alternative titles unless otherwise stated.

  75. [X] [Jun] Watch an anime with a color in its main title
     — Color language only in English or Japanese.
  76. [X] [Jul] Watch an anime with a Roman Numeral in the title
     — It can't be part of a word; Roman numbers are I, II, III and so on.
  77. [X] [Oct] Watch an anime with an English main title

    NUMBERS & STATS For any stats related item, include a screenshot as evidence, otherwise if the stats changes it will be an instant-invalidation; Whenever possible, they should show your username and your completed status for the anime.

  78. [X] [Jan] Watch an anime that includes the number 10 somewhere
     — Written in numerical form; Can be on the main title, synopsis, episodes in total, episode duration, aired dates, popularity, rank or total members.
  79. [X] [May] Watch an anime with five (5) somewhere
     — Can be on the main title, score, rank, popularity, main characters in total and/or cover pictures available.
  80. [X] [Sep] Watch an anime that has the number 30 in its rank or popularity
     — For example: 2,030, 3,057 and so on.

  81. [X] [Feb] Watch an anime that another club member has completed and rated a 1 or a 10
     — State their username and link their completed anime list.

  82. [X] [Jun] Watch an anime more popular than #500
     — Popularity is #499, #498, #497, etc.
  83. [X] [Oct] Watch an anime with a popularity of 500 or more
     — Popularity of 500 or more meaning 501, 502, 503, etc.


  84. [X] [Jan] Watch an anime with RED somewhere
     — RED can only be used in English; can be in titles, synopsis, anime pictures, characters eyes or hair color.

  85. [X] [Jun] Watch an anime with a flower on any of its pictures
     — Can be the cover picture or any of the others added (if any).

  86. [X] [Aug] Watch an anime generated randomly using
     — You will need a screenshot (no screenshot = instant invalid). Detailed instructions on how it works can be found under item B.28 of the MAL AWC (Bronze items post).

  87. [X] [Aug] Watch an anime from one of the club studios based challenges
     — Use any of the studios listed under the "Studios Based Challenges" category, or check the HoF.

  88. [X] [Aug] Watch an anime from one of the staff related collections
     — Specify which one was used; This refers to one of the followings: Staff, AG Staff, MAC or MAL AWC Collections

  89. [X] [Oct] Watch an anime in which any of the Top 50 most popular people participated
     — State the person used; must be listed on the anime's Characters and Staff page; can be a voice actor or any staff position

  90. [X] [Nov] Watch an anime with a predominantly light blue or red cover
     — Specify which one was used; include a screenshot if the cover is different on MAL.


Challenge Updates

Jul 21, 2023 — cosmetic update
SheyCroixJan 1, 7:33 PM




Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members
Pages (6) [1] 2 3 » ... Last »
Jan 1, 2021 4:28 PM
✨ a lil bean ✨

Feb 2011
Second Chances 2020 Challenge
completed 🍒 watching 🍒 planning
Previously completed can't be used; Previously started may be used;
Any type is allowed, but must be equal to or longer than 15 minutes (total)
Easy 20 | Med 40 | Hard 60 | Conq 80

Cmpl SC20 tagCAL.s

Easy Starting Date:
Easy Ending Date: [url=LINK]DATE[/url]

Medium Starting Date:
Medium Ending Date: [url=LINK]DATE[/url]

Hard Starting Date:
Hard Ending Date: [url=LINK]DATE[/url]

Conquered Starting Date:
Conquered Ending Date: [url=LINK]DATE[/url]

SheyCroixJan 4, 2023 7:36 PM




Jan 1, 2021 4:34 PM

Feb 2014
Coming soon... (maybe not)
Jan 1, 2021 4:38 PM

Jan 2017
Second Chances 2020 Challenge

Conquered on this post
ImyreldApr 7, 2021 10:24 PM
Jan 1, 2021 5:07 PM
Jan 1, 2021 5:08 PM

Apr 2010
Jan 1, 2021 5:11 PM

Jul 2017
Second Chances 2020 Challenge
Easy 20/20 | Med 11/40

Link to the 2nd post

Start Date: January 02, 2021
End Date: March 07, 2021

Starting Date: 02/01/2021
Ending Date: /

ketsueki22Oct 2, 2022 5:19 AM
Jan 1, 2021 5:29 PM

Nov 2018
Second Chances 2020 Challenge 1/2 - Post 02
Easy 20/20 | Med 40/40 | Hard 60/60

Starting Date: 02/01/21

Ending Date: 09/01/21

Starting Date: 02/01/21

Ending Date: 29/01/21

Starting Date: 02/01/21

Ending Date: 29/11/21

ShockZzNov 30, 2021 10:02 AM
Jan 1, 2021 5:29 PM

Aug 2017
Second Chances 2020 Challenge
Easy 20/20 | Med 40/40 | Hard 60/60 | Conquered 80/80

Starting Date: Sep 04, 2021
Ending Date: Nov 21, 2021

Starting Date: May 06, 2021
Ending Date: Sep 03, 2021

Starting Date: Feb 15, 2021
Ending Date: Dec 03, 2021

Starting Date: Jan 30, 2021
Ending Date: Apr 05, 2021

ImagineBrkrApr 7, 8:14 PM
Jan 1, 2021 5:30 PM
Phantom Thief

Jan 2012
Jan 1, 2021 5:30 PM

Apr 2015
Second Chances 2020 Challenge
Easy 0/20 | Med 0/40 | Hard 20/60 | Conquered 80/80

Previously completed is not allowed.
 — Series previously started, but not finished, may be used.
 — Airing can be used, but you must complete the series, so you can only turn-in the challenge after the series has finished airing.

Any type is allowed, but must be equal to or longer than 15 minutes (total).
 — Type unless otherwise stated.

KuraikoDesuSep 19, 2021 10:54 PM

Jan 1, 2021 5:31 PM

Jan 2013
Second Chances 2020 Challenge
Easy 20/20 | Med. 40/40 | Hard 60/60 | Conquered 80/80

Conquered Challenge 80/80
Start Date: 01.01.2021 / End Date: 14.08.2021
Hard Challenge 60/60
Start Date: 25.01.2021 / End Date: 18.08.2021

Wyvern22Jan 1, 2022 6:10 PM
Jan 1, 2021 5:34 PM

May 2010
Second Chances 2020 - Part 1/2
Easy 0/20 | Med 0/40 | Hard 0/60 | Conquered 0/80
HoF Link - No Checklist

Starting Date: 01/01/2021
End Date: TBD

Starting Date: 01/01/2021
End Date: TBD
SolidBladeApr 6, 2021 7:44 AM
Jan 1, 2021 5:36 PM

May 2017
Second Chances 2020 Challenge
Easy 20/20 | Med 40/40 | Hard 60/60

Starting Date: January 1 2021
Ending Date: February 3 2021

Starting Date: February 3 2021
Ending Date: March 20 2021

Starting Date: March 20 2021
Ending Date: July 9 2021
Rellni944Jul 9, 2021 8:08 PM
Jan 1, 2021 5:37 PM

Dec 2007
Second Chances 2020 Challenge
Previously started allowed - Any type - 15+ minutes total

Conquered: 62/80
Starting Date: 2 January, 2021
Ending Date:
ZenitApr 14, 2021 1:13 AM
Jan 1, 2021 5:39 PM

Jan 2016
Second Chances 2020 Challenge
Easy 0/20 | Med 0/40 | Hard 0/60 | Conquered 0/80

Starting Date: 1-1-21
Ending Date:

Jan 1, 2021 5:40 PM

Jan 2017
Second Chances 2020 Challenge

Easy, Med, Hard on this post
ImyreldJan 2, 2021 12:46 AM
Jan 1, 2021 5:42 PM
✨ a lil bean ✨

Feb 2011




Jan 1, 2021 5:42 PM
✨ a lil bean ✨

Feb 2011




Jan 1, 2021 5:42 PM
✨ a lil bean ✨

Feb 2011




Jan 1, 2021 5:44 PM

Dec 2015
Second Chances 2020 Challenge - Conquered (77/80)
    GENRE TAGS & ADAPTATIONS The anime is tagged with the genre / listed with the source.

  1. [] [Mar] Watch an Action or Drama anime: JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 5: Ougon no Kaze Recaps
  2. [] [Aug] Watch an Adventure anime: Tenka Hyakken: Meiji-kan e Youkoso!
  3. [] [Jun] Watch an anime tagged as Game and/or Sports: Try Knights
  4. [] [Jul] Watch a GAR or Martial Arts anime: JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 4: Diamond wa Kudakenai [GAR]
  5. [] [Sep] Watch a Magic anime: Ar Tonelico: Sekai no Owari de Utai Tsuzukeru Shoujo
  6. [] [May] Watch a Historical or Supernatural anime: Kyonyuu Fantasy
  7. [] [Feb] Watch an anime tagged as Horror and/or Romance: Kyochuu Rettou
  8. [] [May] Watch a Military or Police anime: Angel Core: Tenshi-tachi no Sumika
  9. [] [Dec] Watch a Music or Sci-Fi anime: IDOLiSH7
  10. [] [Aug] Watch a Mystery anime: Kami no Tou
  11. [] [Apr] Watch a Psychological and/or Thriller anime: Wonder Egg Priority
  12. [X] [Nov] Watch a Space anime: --

  13. [] [Jan] Watch an anime with no Sequels, Parent Stories or Full Stories listed under Related Anime: Yoroshiku Mechadock
  14. [] [Jan] Watch an anime directly related to one you've already completed: Tanaka-kun wa Kyou mo Kedaruge [Tanaka-kun wa Itsumo Kedaruge]
     — State which anime was previously completed.

  15. [] [Jan] Watch an anime rated G or PG: Santa Company: Manatsu no Merry Christmas
  16. [] [Nov] Watch an anime adapted from a Book or Novel: Aoi Bungaku Series

  17. [X] [Sep] Watch a two-cour anime: --
     — Two cours will refer to 20 episodes or more.

    TROPES & TAGS The anime/character must appear listed on the trope/tag page; state the character(s)/trope used.

  18. [X] [Aug] Watch an anime with a Barbecue or an Eating Contest episode: --
  19. [] [Jun] Watch an anime with a Beach or Festival episode: Abunai Sisters: Koko & Mika [Beach]
  20. [] [Aug] Watch an anime with a Beach or Pool Visit: Kanamemo [Pool]
  21. [] [Jan] Watch an anime with either the CGI, Cel-Shaded Animation or Crowdfunded tags: Koi☆Sento [Cel-Shaded Animation]
  22. [] [Nov] Watch a Contemporary Fantasy anime: Lingerie Senshi Papillon Rose
  23. [] [Nov] Watch an anime tagged with Countryside or Mountain Trip: Teekyuu 6 [Mountain trip]
  24. [X] [Oct] Watch an anime where a character has a Creepy Laugh or Evil Laugh: --
  25. [] [Aug] Watch an anime that features a desert: California Crisis: Tsuigeki no Juuka
  26. [] [Jul] Watch an anime with a Disaster: Chainsaw Man
     — Can be listed under any of the tags.
  27. [] [Nov] Watch an anime tagged with drastic change of life, plot twists or tone changes: Hal [Plot twists]
  28. [] [Aug] Watch an anime where the characters watch or play with Fireworks: Ooya-san wa Shishunki!
  29. [] [Jan] Watch an anime featuring Gods or Monsters: Kamisama Hajimemashita◎ [Gods]
     — From the Theme Tags challenge: Deities (God/Goddess) — aniDB or A-P.
     From Halloween Bingo '19: Monsters can be a Centaur, Cerberus, Chimera, Cryptids, Cyclopes, Dragon, Hydra, Minotaur, Ogre, Troll, Undeads, and/or Werewolf.

  30. [] [Mar] Watch an anime from the Gourmet Challenge: Sushi Police
  31. [] [Jul] Watch an anime with gunfights: Dirty Pair
  32. [] [Nov] Watch a Heartwarming anime: Mushishi Zoku Shou
  33. [] [Jan] Watch an Iyashikei anime: Yama no Susume

  34. [] [Dec] Watch an anime with a love triangle: Resort Boin
  35. [] [Oct] Watch an anime where magic or a skeleton appears: Jujutsu Kaisen 0 Movie [Magic]
  36. [] [Nov] Watch a Post-Apocalyptic or Survival anime: Waza no Tabibito [Post-Apocalyptic]
  37. [] [Jun] Watch an anime with the rebellion or the secret organization tag: Shingeki no Kyojin Season 3 [Rebellion]
  38. [X] [May] Watch anime that takes place during Spring: --
  39. [] [Dec] Watch an anime that takes place in the summer or winter: Yankee Hamster [Both]
  40. [X] [Aug] Watch an anime where a Summer Festival happens: --
  41. [X] [Nov] Watch a survival anime: --
  42. [] [Jan] Watch an anime that lets you take it slow or watch the stars: Hundred [Stargazing]
  43. [X] [Jul] Watch an anime where Tanabata is referenced or celebrated: --
  44. [] [Aug] Watch an anime that fits the Theme Tags Challenge: Shinigami no Ballad. [Tragedy]

    CHARACTERS State the character(s) used; can be main or supporting unless otherwise stated; must appear listed on MAL; if 2 or more tags are provided, state which is used.

  45. [] [Dec] Watch an anime where Angels and/or Demons appear: Hataraku Maou-sama! [Maou, Sadao - Demons]
  46. [] [Mar] Watch an anime that has a character tagged with animal ears or cats: Nekojiru-sou [Nyako - cats]
  47. [] [Jul] Watch an anime with an Aristocrat: "Eiyuu" Kaitai [Kanae, Reca]
  48. [] [Jul] Watch an anime with an Assassin: Boku no Hero Academia the Movie 2: Heroes:Rising [Shigaraki Tomura]
  49. [] [Jul] Watch an anime with a character who wears either a business suit or a waistcoast: Koi to Yobu ni wa Kimochi Warui [Amakusa Ryou - business suit]
  50. [X] [Nov] Watch an anime with a chef or farmer character: --
  51. [] [Dec] Watch an anime with a character that wears a coat or jacket: Fullmetal Alchemist: The Conqueror of Shamballa [Edward Elric - coat]
  52. [X] [Aug] Watch an anime with a character who makes a comically angry face: --
  53. [] [Oct] Watch an anime with a doctor: JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 5: Ougon no Kaze [Cioccolata]
  54. [] [Jul] Watch an anime with a dog in it: Inu ni Nattara Suki na Hito ni Hirowareta. [Pochita]
  55. [] [Feb] Watch an anime with a character that's either a masochist or a yandere: Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch I - Koudou [Yandere - Nina]
  56. [X] [Dec] Watch an anime with a narcissistic or protective character: --
  57. [] [Jul] Watch an anime with a spy: Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch II - Handou [Rolo]
  58. [X] [May] Watch anime with a stalker: --
  59. [] [May] Watch anime where a character wears a hat: Eizouken ni wa Te wo Dasu na! [Midori Asakusa]

    For the following items about hair color: it must be a single solid color. Mixed colors won't count (highlights, half/half and so on).
  60. [] [May] Watch an anime with a female main character: Dirty Pair: Lovely Angels yori Ai wo Komete
  61. [] [Jun] Watch an anime with a green haired main character: Hakata Mentai! Pirikarako-chan [Pirikarako-chan]
     — Useful links: AniDB, Anime-Planet.
  62. [] [Jan] Watch an anime with a non-humanoid character: Nazotokine [Hacchin]
     — Non-humanoid characters resemble animals, monsters, or anything else that isn't just a distorted or slightly changed human form. Examples would be Pikachu, Madara, or Kyuubey.
  63. [] [Aug] Watch an anime with a redhead protagonist: Joshiraku [Buratei Marii]
     — The color must be stated somewhere, link it
  64. [] [Mar] Watch an anime with a white-haired or black-haired main character: Sennen Joyuu [Black-haired - Fujiwara, Chiyoko]
     — White hair useful links: AniDB, Anime-Planet

  65. [] [Apr] Watch an anime with a character whose name contains "shi" in it: Subete ga F ni Naru [Shiki Magata]
  66. [] [Nov] Watch an anime with a character who has a color in their name: Kandagawa Jet Girls: Koko kara Hajimaru Tokyo Girls Promotion [Aoi, Misa]
     — Must be their listed name. Use only English or Japanese for the colors. State the character and bold or note the color used.

  67. [] [Apr] Watch an anime with four main characters: Uchuu Kaizoku Captain Herlock
  68. [] [Nov] Watch an anime with no more than 10 characters listed: Kanashimi no Belladonna
     — Characters listed under the "Characters & Voice Actors" section must be 10 or less.

    SEASONS & DATES Any day/month/year unless otherwise stated.

  69. [] [Apr] Watch an anime that began airing on the 4th day: 3D Kanojo: Real Girl
  70. [] [Jan] Watch an anime that aired during any Spring Season or on any 15th day: Kara no Shoujo
     — Spring will cover anime aired during April, May and June.

  71. [] [Feb] Watch an anime that started airing in either February or October: Shirobako Specials

  72. [] [Jan] Watch an anime that started and/or finished airing during 2010 OR 2019: Kenja no Mago
  73. [] [Jun] Watch a TV anime that started airing between Winter 2016 and Winter 2020: Teekyuu 8
  74. [] [Dec] Watch an anime that began airing in a year ending with 0: Ani ni Tsukeru Kusuri wa Nai! 4

    TITLES Use either English, Japanese or Chinese only; can be in the official or alternative titles unless otherwise stated.

  75. [] [Jun] Watch an anime with a color in its main title: Sora no Otoshimono: Project Pink
     — Color language only in English or Japanese.
  76. [] [Jul] Watch an anime with a Roman Numeral in the title: Nu Wushen de Canzhuo II
     — It can't be part of a word; Roman numbers are I, II, III and so on.
  77. [] [Oct] Watch an anime with an English main title: Million Doll

    NUMBERS & STATS For any stats related item, include a screenshot as evidence, otherwise if the stats changes it will be an instant-invalidation; Whenever possible, they should show your username and your completed status for the anime.

  78. [] [Jan] Watch an anime that includes the number 10 somewhere: Urawa no Usagi-chan [Started airing on April 10]
     — Written in numerical form; Can be on the main title, synopsis, episodes in total, episode duration, aired dates, popularity, rank or total members.
  79. [] [May] Watch an anime with five (5) somewhere: 5-toubun no Hanayome [Title]
     — Can be on the main title, score, rank, popularity, main characters in total and/or cover pictures available.
  80. [] [Sep] Watch an anime that has the number 30 in its rank or popularity: Koukaku Kidoutai Arise: Ghost in the Shell - Border:2 Ghost Whispers [Screenshot]
     — For example: 2,030, 3,057 and so on.

  81. [] [Feb] Watch an anime that another club member has completed and rated a 1 or a 10: Conception [ScarletCelestial]
     — State their username and link their completed anime list.

  82. [] [Jun] Watch an anime more popular than #500: No Game No Life
     — Popularity is #499, #498, #497, etc.
  83. [] [Oct] Watch an anime with a popularity of 500 or more: TANK S.W.A.T. 01
     — Popularity of 500 or more meaning 501, 502, 503, etc.


  84. [] [Jan] Watch an anime with RED somewhere: Akagami no Shirayuki-hime: Nandemonai Takaramono, Kono Page [Shirayuki's hair]
     — RED can only be used in English; can be in titles, synopsis, anime pictures, characters eyes or hair color.

  85. [] [Jun] Watch an anime with a flower on any of its pictures: Dansai Bunri no Crime Edge
     — Can be the cover picture or any of the others added (if any).

  86. [X] [Aug] Watch an anime generated randomly using Sousei no Aquarion [Screenshot]
     — You will need a screenshot (no screenshot = instant invalid). Detailed instructions on how it works can be found under item B.28 of the MAL AWC (Bronze items post).

  87. [] [Aug] Watch an anime from one of the club studios based challenges: Ani*Kuri15
     — Use any of the studios listed under the "Studios Based Challenges" category, or check the HoF.

  88. [] [Aug] Watch an anime from one of the staff related collections: Medaka Box [MegaManBK7's Time Tour Collection]
     — Specify which one was used; This refers to one of the followings: Staff, AG Staff, MAC or MAL AWC Collections

  89. [] [Oct] Watch an anime in which any of the Top 50 most popular people participated: Legend of Duo [Sugita, Tomokazu]
     — State the person used; must be listed on the anime's Characters and Staff page; can be a voice actor or any staff position

  90. [] [Nov] Watch an anime with a predominantly light blue or red cover: Kakegurui [Red]
     — Specify which one was used; include a screenshot if the cover is different on MAL.
GwathgorOct 2, 8:40 PM
Jan 1, 2021 5:45 PM

Mar 2011
Second Chances 2020 Challenge
Easy 20/20 | Med 2/40 | Hard 0/60 | Conquered 0/80

Version: Easy
Starting Date: January 01, 2021
Ending Date: March 18, 2021

Version: Medium
Starting Date: January 01, 2021
Ending Date: TBD
PlaxsinMar 28, 2021 2:32 PM

Jan 1, 2021 5:45 PM

Dec 2015
Second Chances 2020 Challenge - Hard (55/60)
    GENRE TAGS & ADAPTATIONS The anime is tagged with the genre / listed with the source.

  1. [] [Mar] Watch an Action or Drama anime: Kyousou Giga
  2. [] [Aug] Watch an Adventure anime: JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 6: Stone Ocean
  3. [] [Jun] Watch an anime tagged as Game and/or Sports: Levius
  4. [] [Jul] Watch a GAR or Martial Arts anime: Golden Kamuy OVA
  5. [] [Sep] Watch a Magic anime: School Days: Magical Heart Kokoro-chan
  6. [] [May] Watch a Historical or Supernatural anime: Deji Meets Girl
  7. [] [Feb] Watch an anime tagged as Horror and/or Romance: Petshop of Horrors
  8. [] [May] Watch a Military or Police anime: Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch III - Oudou
  9. [] [Dec] Watch a Music or Sci-Fi anime: Steins;Gate: Oukoubakko no Poriomania
  10. [] [Aug] Watch a Mystery anime: Kara no Kyoukai Movie 8: Shuushou
  11. [] [Apr] Watch a Psychological and/or Thriller anime: Wonder Egg Priority: Watashi no Priority
  12. [X] [Nov] Watch a Space anime: --

  13. [] [Jan] Watch an anime with no Sequels, Parent Stories or Full Stories listed under Related Anime: Mahou Shoujo Isuka
  14. [] [Jan] Watch an anime directly related to one you've already completed: No Game No Life Specials [No Game No Life]
     — State which anime was previously completed.

  15. [] [Jan] Watch an anime rated G or PG: Pui Pui Molcar
  16. [] [Nov] Watch an anime adapted from a Book or Novel: Ihatov Gensou: Kenji no Haru

  17. [X] [Sep] Watch a two-cour anime: --
     — Two cours will refer to 20 episodes or more.

    TROPES & TAGS The anime/character must appear listed on the trope/tag page; state the character(s)/trope used.

  18. [X] [Aug] Watch an anime with a Barbecue or an Eating Contest episode: --
  19. [X] [Jun] Watch an anime with a Beach or Festival episode: --
  20. [] [Aug] Watch an anime with a Beach or Pool Visit: Sword Art Online: Extra Edition [Pool]
  21. [] [Jan] Watch an anime with either the CGI, Cel-Shaded Animation or Crowdfunded tags: Fireball [CGI]
  22. [] [Nov] Watch a Contemporary Fantasy anime: Pupipo!
  23. [] [Nov] Watch an anime tagged with Countryside or Mountain Trip: Mayoiga [Countryside]
  24. [X] [Oct] Watch an anime where a character has a Creepy Laugh or Evil Laugh: --
  25. [X] [Aug] Watch an anime that features a desert: --
  26. [X] [Jul] Watch an anime with a Disaster: --
     — Can be listed under any of the tags.
  27. [X] [Nov] Watch an anime tagged with drastic change of life, plot twists or tone changes: --
  28. [] [Aug] Watch an anime where the characters watch or play with Fireworks: Koori Zokusei Danshi to Cool na Douryou Joshi
  29. [X] [Jan] Watch an anime featuring Gods or Monsters: --
     — From the Theme Tags challenge: Deities (God/Goddess) — aniDB or A-P.
     From Halloween Bingo '19: Monsters can be a Centaur, Cerberus, Chimera, Cryptids, Cyclopes, Dragon, Hydra, Minotaur, Ogre, Troll, Undeads, and/or Werewolf.

  30. [] [Mar] Watch an anime from the Gourmet Challenge: JK Meshi!
  31. [] [Jul] Watch an anime with gunfights: Koukaku Kidoutai Arise: Ghost in the Shell - Border:4 Ghost Stands Alone
  32. [X] [Nov] Watch a Heartwarming anime: --
  33. [] [Jan] Watch an Iyashikei anime: Amanchu!

  34. [] [Dec] Watch an anime with a love triangle: Boin
  35. [] [Oct] Watch an anime where magic or a skeleton appears: Tensei Oujo to Tensai Reijou no Mahou Kakumei [Magic]
  36. [] [Nov] Watch a Post-Apocalyptic or Survival anime: Needless [Post Apocalyptic]
  37. [X] [Jun] Watch an anime with the rebellion or the secret organization tag: --
  38. [X] [May] Watch anime that takes place during Spring: --
  39. [] [Dec] Watch an anime that takes place in the summer or winter: Xue Haizi [Winter]
  40. [X] [Aug] Watch an anime where a Summer Festival happens: --
  41. [X] [Nov] Watch a survival anime: --
  42. [X] [Jan] Watch an anime that lets you take it slow or watch the stars: --
  43. [X] [Jul] Watch an anime where Tanabata is referenced or celebrated: --
  44. [] [Aug] Watch an anime that fits the Theme Tags Challenge: Saber Marionette R

    CHARACTERS State the character(s) used; can be main or supporting unless otherwise stated; must appear listed on MAL; if 2 or more tags are provided, state which is used.

  45. [] [Dec] Watch an anime where Angels and/or Demons appear: Sora no Otoshimono [Ikaros - Angels]
  46. [X] [Mar] Watch an anime that has a character tagged with animal ears or cats: --
  47. [] [Jul] Watch an anime with an Aristocrat: Kuroshitsuji Recap [Ciel Phantomhive]
  48. [X] [Jul] Watch an anime with an Assassin: --
  49. [X] [Jul] Watch an anime with a character who wears either a business suit or a waistcoast: --
  50. [X] [Nov] Watch an anime with a chef or farmer character: --
  51. [X] [Dec] Watch an anime with a character that wears a coat or jacket: --
  52. [X] [Aug] Watch an anime with a character who makes a comically angry face: --
  53. [X] [Oct] Watch an anime with a doctor: --
  54. [X] [Jul] Watch an anime with a dog in it: --
  55. [X] [Feb] Watch an anime with a character that's either a masochist or a yandere: --
  56. [X] [Dec] Watch an anime with a narcissistic or protective character: --
  57. [X] [Jul] Watch an anime with a spy: --
  58. [X] [May] Watch anime with a stalker: --
  59. [] [May] Watch anime where a character wears a hat: Artiswitch [Nina]

    For the following items about hair color: it must be a single solid color. Mixed colors won't count (highlights, half/half and so on).
  60. [] [May] Watch an anime with a female main character: Teekyuu 9
  61. [] [Jun] Watch an anime with a green haired main character: Di Gi Charat [Di Gi Charat]
     — Useful links: AniDB, Anime-Planet.
  62. [] [Jan] Watch an anime with a non-humanoid character: Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Break Time [Pack]
     — Non-humanoid characters resemble animals, monsters, or anything else that isn't just a distorted or slightly changed human form. Examples would be Pikachu, Madara, or Kyuubey.
  63. [] [Aug] Watch an anime with a redhead protagonist: Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki Nisatsume [Sasatsu Yanna]
     — The color must be stated somewhere, link it
  64. [X] [Mar] Watch an anime with a white-haired or black-haired main character: --
     — White hair useful links: AniDB, Anime-Planet

  65. [] [Apr] Watch an anime with a character whose name contains "shi" in it: Chiruran: Nibun no Ichi [Hijikata, Toshizou]
  66. [] [Nov] Watch an anime with a character who has a color in their name: Makai Kishi Ingrid [Black, Edwin]
     — Must be their listed name. Use only English or Japanese for the colors. State the character and bold or note the color used.

  67. [] [Apr] Watch an anime with four main characters: Teekyuu 7
  68. [] [Nov] Watch an anime with no more than 10 characters listed: First Love
     — Characters listed under the "Characters & Voice Actors" section must be 10 or less.

    SEASONS & DATES Any day/month/year unless otherwise stated.

  69. [] [Apr] Watch an anime that began airing on the 4th day: Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki
  70. [] [Jan] Watch an anime that aired during any Spring Season or on any 15th day: Ikenie
     — Spring will cover anime aired during April, May and June.

  71. [] [Feb] Watch an anime that started airing in either February or October: Boku dake ga Inai Machi Recaps

  72. [] [Jan] Watch an anime that started and/or finished airing during 2010 OR 2019: Violet Evergarden Gaiden: Eien to Jidou Shuki Ningyou
  73. [] [Jun] Watch a TV anime that started airing between Winter 2016 and Winter 2020: Bernard-jou Iwaku.
  74. [] [Dec] Watch an anime that began airing in a year ending with 0: Kyochuu Rettou Movie

    TITLES Use either English, Japanese or Chinese only; can be in the official or alternative titles unless otherwise stated.

  75. [] [Jun] Watch an anime with a color in its main title: Marriage Blue: "Konyakusha ga Iru no ni, Doushite Konna Otoko ni......"
     — Color language only in English or Japanese.
  76. [X] [Jul] Watch an anime with a Roman Numeral in the title: --
     — It can't be part of a word; Roman numbers are I, II, III and so on.
  77. [] [Oct] Watch an anime with an English main title: Waver

    NUMBERS & STATS For any stats related item, include a screenshot as evidence, otherwise if the stats changes it will be an instant-invalidation; Whenever possible, they should show your username and your completed status for the anime.

  78. [] [Jan] Watch an anime that includes the number 10 somewhere: Megami-ryou no Ryoubo-kun. [Episodes number]
     — Written in numerical form; Can be on the main title, synopsis, episodes in total, episode duration, aired dates, popularity, rank or total members.
  79. [] [May] Watch an anime with five (5) somewhere: Double Circle [Number of main characters]
     — Can be on the main title, score, rank, popularity, main characters in total and/or cover pictures available.
  80. [X] [Sep] Watch an anime that has the number 30 in its rank or popularity: --
     — For example: 2,030, 3,057 and so on.

  81. [] [Feb] Watch an anime that another club member has completed and rated a 1 or a 10: Papillon Rose [ScarletCelestial]
     — State their username and link their completed anime list.

  82. [X] [Jun] Watch an anime more popular than #500: --
     — Popularity is #499, #498, #497, etc.
  83. [] [Oct] Watch an anime with a popularity of 500 or more: Boku no Hero Academia: Ikinokore! Kesshi no Survival Kunren
     — Popularity of 500 or more meaning 501, 502, 503, etc.


  84. [] [Jan] Watch an anime with RED somewhere: Mushishi Zoku Shou: Odoro no Michi [Main picture]
     — RED can only be used in English; can be in titles, synopsis, anime pictures, characters eyes or hair color.

  85. [] [Jun] Watch an anime with a flower on any of its pictures: Princess Army: Wedding★Combat
     — Can be the cover picture or any of the others added (if any).

  86. [X] [Aug] Watch an anime generated randomly using Chikyuu Shoujo Arjuna [Screenshot]
     — You will need a screenshot (no screenshot = instant invalid). Detailed instructions on how it works can be found under item B.28 of the MAL AWC (Bronze items post).

  87. [] [Aug] Watch an anime from one of the club studios based challenges: Koukaku Kidoutai Arise: Ghost in the Shell - Border:3 Ghost Tears
     — Use any of the studios listed under the "Studios Based Challenges" category, or check the HoF.

  88. [X] [Aug] Watch an anime from one of the staff related collections: --
     — Specify which one was used; This refers to one of the followings: Staff, AG Staff, MAC or MAL AWC Collections

  89. [] [Oct] Watch an anime in which any of the Top 50 most popular people participated: Aldnoah.Zero [Amamiya, Sora]
     — State the person used; must be listed on the anime's Characters and Staff page; can be a voice actor or any staff position

  90. [] [Nov] Watch an anime with a predominantly light blue or red cover: Taifuu no Noruda [Light blue]
     — Specify which one was used; include a screenshot if the cover is different on MAL.
GwathgorOct 2, 8:43 PM
Jan 1, 2021 5:45 PM

Dec 2015
Second Chances 2020 Challenge - Medium (25/40)
    GENRE TAGS & ADAPTATIONS The anime is tagged with the genre / listed with the source.

  1. [] [Mar] Watch an Action or Drama anime: Planetarian: Chiisana Hoshi no Yume
  2. [X] [Aug] Watch an Adventure anime: --
  3. [X] [Jun] Watch an anime tagged as Game and/or Sports: --
  4. [] [Jul] Watch a GAR or Martial Arts anime: Elf 17
  5. [] [Sep] Watch a Magic anime: Maji de Otaku na English! Ribbon-chan: Eigo de Tatakau Mahou Shoujo
  6. [] [May] Watch a Historical or Supernatural anime: Itadaki! Seieki♥
  7. [] [Feb] Watch an anime tagged as Horror and/or Romance: Yonimo Osoroshii Grimm Douwa
  8. [X] [May] Watch a Military or Police anime: --
  9. [] [Dec] Watch a Music or Sci-Fi anime: Hypnosis Mic: Division Rap Battle - Rhyme Anima
  10. [] [Aug] Watch a Mystery anime: Shadows House
  11. [] [Apr] Watch a Psychological and/or Thriller anime: Koukaku Kidoutai Arise: Ghost in the Shell - Border:1 Ghost Pain
  12. [X] [Nov] Watch a Space anime: --

  13. [] [Jan] Watch an anime with no Sequels, Parent Stories or Full Stories listed under Related Anime: Spelunker Sensei
  14. [] [Jan] Watch an anime directly related to one you've already completed: Musashino! [Previously watched: Urawa no Usagi-chan]
     — State which anime was previously completed.

  15. [] [Jan] Watch an anime rated G or PG: Abciee Shuugyou Nikki
  16. [] [Nov] Watch an anime adapted from a Book or Novel: H. P. Lovecraft's The Dunwich Horror and Other Stories

  17. [X] [Sep] Watch a two-cour anime: --
     — Two cours will refer to 20 episodes or more.

    TROPES & TAGS The anime/character must appear listed on the trope/tag page; state the character(s)/trope used.

  18. [X] [Aug] Watch an anime with a Barbecue or an Eating Contest episode: --
  19. [X] [Jun] Watch an anime with a Beach or Festival episode: --
  20. [X] [Aug] Watch an anime with a Beach or Pool Visit: --
  21. [X] [Jan] Watch an anime with either the CGI, Cel-Shaded Animation or Crowdfunded tags: --
  22. [X] [Nov] Watch a Contemporary Fantasy anime: --
  23. [] [Nov] Watch an anime tagged with Countryside or Mountain Trip: Hininden: Gauss [Countryside]
  24. [X] [Oct] Watch an anime where a character has a Creepy Laugh or Evil Laugh: --
  25. [X] [Aug] Watch an anime that features a desert: --
  26. [X] [Jul] Watch an anime with a Disaster: --
     — Can be listed under any of the tags.
  27. [X] [Nov] Watch an anime tagged with drastic change of life, plot twists or tone changes: --
  28. [X] [Aug] Watch an anime where the characters watch or play with Fireworks: --
  29. [X] [Jan] Watch an anime featuring Gods or Monsters: --
     — From the Theme Tags challenge: Deities (God/Goddess) — aniDB or A-P.
     From Halloween Bingo '19: Monsters can be a Centaur, Cerberus, Chimera, Cryptids, Cyclopes, Dragon, Hydra, Minotaur, Ogre, Troll, Undeads, and/or Werewolf.

  30. [X] [Mar] Watch an anime from the Gourmet Challenge: --
  31. [X] [Jul] Watch an anime with gunfights: --
  32. [X] [Nov] Watch a Heartwarming anime: --
  33. [] [Jan] Watch an Iyashikei anime: Mitsuboshi Colors

  34. [X] [Dec] Watch an anime with a love triangle: --
  35. [X] [Oct] Watch an anime where magic or a skeleton appears: --
  36. [X] [Nov] Watch a Post-Apocalyptic or Survival anime: --
  37. [X] [Jun] Watch an anime with the rebellion or the secret organization tag: --
  38. [X] [May] Watch anime that takes place during Spring: --
  39. [X] [Dec] Watch an anime that takes place in the summer or winter: --
  40. [X] [Aug] Watch an anime where a Summer Festival happens: --
  41. [X] [Nov] Watch a survival anime: --
  42. [X] [Jan] Watch an anime that lets you take it slow or watch the stars: --
  43. [X] [Jul] Watch an anime where Tanabata is referenced or celebrated: --
  44. [X] [Aug] Watch an anime that fits the Theme Tags Challenge: --

    CHARACTERS State the character(s) used; can be main or supporting unless otherwise stated; must appear listed on MAL; if 2 or more tags are provided, state which is used.

  45. [X] [Dec] Watch an anime where Angels and/or Demons appear: --
  46. [X] [Mar] Watch an anime that has a character tagged with animal ears or cats: --
  47. [X] [Jul] Watch an anime with an Aristocrat: --
  48. [X] [Jul] Watch an anime with an Assassin: --
  49. [X] [Jul] Watch an anime with a character who wears either a business suit or a waistcoast: --
  50. [X] [Nov] Watch an anime with a chef or farmer character: --
  51. [X] [Dec] Watch an anime with a character that wears a coat or jacket: --
  52. [X] [Aug] Watch an anime with a character who makes a comically angry face: --
  53. [X] [Oct] Watch an anime with a doctor: --
  54. [X] [Jul] Watch an anime with a dog in it: --
  55. [X] [Feb] Watch an anime with a character that's either a masochist or a yandere: --
  56. [X] [Dec] Watch an anime with a narcissistic or protective character: --
  57. [X] [Jul] Watch an anime with a spy: --
  58. [X] [May] Watch anime with a stalker: --
  59. [X] [May] Watch anime where a character wears a hat: --

    For the following items about hair color: it must be a single solid color. Mixed colors won't count (highlights, half/half and so on).
  60. [] [May] Watch an anime with a female main character: Dekakute Ecchi na Ore no Ane
  61. [X] [Jun] Watch an anime with a green haired main character: --
     — Useful links: AniDB, Anime-Planet.
  62. [] [Jan] Watch an anime with a non-humanoid character: Engimon Kin-chan ]
     — Non-humanoid characters resemble animals, monsters, or anything else that isn't just a distorted or slightly changed human form. Examples would be Pikachu, Madara, or Kyuubey.
  63. [X] [Aug] Watch an anime with a redhead protagonist: --
     — The color must be stated somewhere, link it
  64. [X] [Mar] Watch an anime with a white-haired or black-haired main character: --
     — White hair useful links: AniDB, Anime-Planet

  65. [X] [Apr] Watch an anime with a character whose name contains "shi" in it: --
  66. [X] [Nov] Watch an anime with a character who has a color in their name: --
     — Must be their listed name. Use only English or Japanese for the colors. State the character and bold or note the color used.

  67. [] [Apr] Watch an anime with four main characters: RoboMasters the Animated Series
  68. [] [Nov] Watch an anime with no more than 10 characters listed: Showtime! Uta no Oneesan datte Shitai
     — Characters listed under the "Characters & Voice Actors" section must be 10 or less.

    SEASONS & DATES Any day/month/year unless otherwise stated.

  69. [X] [Apr] Watch an anime that began airing on the 4th day: --
  70. [] [Jan] Watch an anime that aired during any Spring Season or on any 15th day: Aiura
     — Spring will cover anime aired during April, May and June.

  71. [X] [Feb] Watch an anime that started airing in either February or October: --

  72. [X] [Jan] Watch an anime that started and/or finished airing during 2010 OR 2019: --
  73. [X] [Jun] Watch a TV anime that started airing between Winter 2016 and Winter 2020: --
  74. [] [Dec] Watch an anime that began airing in a year ending with 0: eX-Driver

    TITLES Use either English, Japanese or Chinese only; can be in the official or alternative titles unless otherwise stated.

  75. [X] [Jun] Watch an anime with a color in its main title: --
     — Color language only in English or Japanese.
  76. [X] [Jul] Watch an anime with a Roman Numeral in the title: --
     — It can't be part of a word; Roman numbers are I, II, III and so on.
  77. [] [Oct] Watch an anime with an English main title: The Chocolate Panic Picture Show

    NUMBERS & STATS For any stats related item, include a screenshot as evidence, otherwise if the stats changes it will be an instant-invalidation; Whenever possible, they should show your username and your completed status for the anime.

  78. [] [Jan] Watch an anime that includes the number 10 somewhere: Yeon-ae Halujeon [Episode number]
     — Written in numerical form; Can be on the main title, synopsis, episodes in total, episode duration, aired dates, popularity, rank or total members.
  79. [] [May] Watch an anime with five (5) somewhere: Henkei Sakuhin Dai 5-ban: Rembrandt no Shudai ni yoru Henkei Kaitai to Saikousei [Main title]
     — Can be on the main title, score, rank, popularity, main characters in total and/or cover pictures available.
  80. [X] [Sep] Watch an anime that has the number 30 in its rank or popularity: --
     — For example: 2,030, 3,057 and so on.

  81. [] [Feb] Watch an anime that another club member has completed and rated a 1 or a 10: Sin: Nanatsu no Taizai - Masani Akuma no Shogyou... [SheyCroix]
     — State their username and link their completed anime list.

  82. [X] [Jun] Watch an anime more popular than #500: --
     — Popularity is #499, #498, #497, etc.
  83. [] [Oct] Watch an anime with a popularity of 500 or more: Pants no Ana: Mambo de Ganbo!
     — Popularity of 500 or more meaning 501, 502, 503, etc.


  84. [X] [Jan] Watch an anime with RED somewhere: --
     — RED can only be used in English; can be in titles, synopsis, anime pictures, characters eyes or hair color.

  85. [X] [Jun] Watch an anime with a flower on any of its pictures: --
     — Can be the cover picture or any of the others added (if any).

  86. [X] [Aug] Watch an anime generated randomly using Suzuka [Screenshot]
     — You will need a screenshot (no screenshot = instant invalid). Detailed instructions on how it works can be found under item B.28 of the MAL AWC (Bronze items post).

  87. [X] [Aug] Watch an anime from one of the club studios based challenges: --
     — Use any of the studios listed under the "Studios Based Challenges" category, or check the HoF.

  88. [X] [Aug] Watch an anime from one of the staff related collections: --
     — Specify which one was used; This refers to one of the followings: Staff, AG Staff, MAC or MAL AWC Collections

  89. [X] [Oct] Watch an anime in which any of the Top 50 most popular people participated: --
     — State the person used; must be listed on the anime's Characters and Staff page; can be a voice actor or any staff position

  90. [X] [Nov] Watch an anime with a predominantly light blue or red cover: --
     — Specify which one was used; include a screenshot if the cover is different on MAL.
GwathgorOct 2, 9:23 PM
Jan 1, 2021 5:46 PM

Dec 2015
Second Chances 2020 Challenge - Easy (9/20)
    GENRE TAGS & ADAPTATIONS The anime is tagged with the genre / listed with the source.

  1. [] [Mar] Watch an Action or Drama anime: Shine Post
  2. [X] [Aug] Watch an Adventure anime: --
  3. [X] [Jun] Watch an anime tagged as Game and/or Sports: --
  4. [X] [Jul] Watch a GAR or Martial Arts anime: --
  5. [] [Sep] Watch a Magic anime: Maji de Otaku na English! Ribbon-chan: Eigo de Tatakau Mahou Shoujo - The TV
  6. [] [May] Watch a Historical or Supernatural anime: Kirara
  7. [] [Feb] Watch an anime tagged as Horror and/or Romance: School Days: Valentine Days
  8. [X] [May] Watch a Military or Police anime: --
  9. [] [Dec] Watch a Music or Sci-Fi anime: Cipher
  10. [X] [Aug] Watch a Mystery anime: --
  11. [X] [Apr] Watch a Psychological and/or Thriller anime: --
  12. [X] [Nov] Watch a Space anime: --

  13. [X] [Jan] Watch an anime with no Sequels, Parent Stories or Full Stories listed under Related Anime: --
  14. [] [Jan] Watch an anime directly related to one you've already completed: Henkei Sakuhin Dai 2-ban [Previously completed: Henkei Sakuhin Dai 1-ban]
     — State which anime was previously completed.

  15. [] [Jan] Watch an anime rated G or PG: Naengjang-go Nala Cocomong
  16. [X] [Nov] Watch an anime adapted from a Book or Novel: --

  17. [X] [Sep] Watch a two-cour anime: --
     — Two cours will refer to 20 episodes or more.

    TROPES & TAGS The anime/character must appear listed on the trope/tag page; state the character(s)/trope used.

  18. [X] [Aug] Watch an anime with a Barbecue or an Eating Contest episode: --
  19. [X] [Jun] Watch an anime with a Beach or Festival episode: --
  20. [X] [Aug] Watch an anime with a Beach or Pool Visit: --
  21. [X] [Jan] Watch an anime with either the CGI, Cel-Shaded Animation or Crowdfunded tags: --
  22. [X] [Nov] Watch a Contemporary Fantasy anime: --
  23. [X] [Nov] Watch an anime tagged with Countryside or Mountain Trip: --
  24. [X] [Oct] Watch an anime where a character has a Creepy Laugh or Evil Laugh: --
  25. [X] [Aug] Watch an anime that features a desert: --
  26. [X] [Jul] Watch an anime with a Disaster: --
     — Can be listed under any of the tags.
  27. [X] [Nov] Watch an anime tagged with drastic change of life, plot twists or tone changes: --
  28. [X] [Aug] Watch an anime where the characters watch or play with Fireworks: --
  29. [X] [Jan] Watch an anime featuring Gods or Monsters: --
     — From the Theme Tags challenge: Deities (God/Goddess) — aniDB or A-P.
     From Halloween Bingo '19: Monsters can be a Centaur, Cerberus, Chimera, Cryptids, Cyclopes, Dragon, Hydra, Minotaur, Ogre, Troll, Undeads, and/or Werewolf.

  30. [X] [Mar] Watch an anime from the Gourmet Challenge: --
  31. [X] [Jul] Watch an anime with gunfights: --
  32. [X] [Nov] Watch a Heartwarming anime: --
  33. [X] [Jan] Watch an Iyashikei anime: --

  34. [X] [Dec] Watch an anime with a love triangle: --
  35. [X] [Oct] Watch an anime where magic or a skeleton appears: --
  36. [X] [Nov] Watch a Post-Apocalyptic or Survival anime: --
  37. [X] [Jun] Watch an anime with the rebellion or the secret organization tag: --
  38. [X] [May] Watch anime that takes place during Spring: --
  39. [X] [Dec] Watch an anime that takes place in the summer or winter: --
  40. [X] [Aug] Watch an anime where a Summer Festival happens: --
  41. [X] [Nov] Watch a survival anime: --
  42. [X] [Jan] Watch an anime that lets you take it slow or watch the stars: --
  43. [X] [Jul] Watch an anime where Tanabata is referenced or celebrated: --
  44. [X] [Aug] Watch an anime that fits the Theme Tags Challenge: --

    CHARACTERS State the character(s) used; can be main or supporting unless otherwise stated; must appear listed on MAL; if 2 or more tags are provided, state which is used.

  45. [X] [Dec] Watch an anime where Angels and/or Demons appear: --
  46. [X] [Mar] Watch an anime that has a character tagged with animal ears or cats: --
  47. [X] [Jul] Watch an anime with an Aristocrat: --
  48. [X] [Jul] Watch an anime with an Assassin: --
  49. [X] [Jul] Watch an anime with a character who wears either a business suit or a waistcoast: --
  50. [X] [Nov] Watch an anime with a chef or farmer character: --
  51. [X] [Dec] Watch an anime with a character that wears a coat or jacket: --
  52. [X] [Aug] Watch an anime with a character who makes a comically angry face: --
  53. [X] [Oct] Watch an anime with a doctor: --
  54. [X] [Jul] Watch an anime with a dog in it: --
  55. [X] [Feb] Watch an anime with a character that's either a masochist or a yandere: --
  56. [X] [Dec] Watch an anime with a narcissistic or protective character: --
  57. [X] [Jul] Watch an anime with a spy: --
  58. [X] [May] Watch anime with a stalker: --
  59. [X] [May] Watch anime where a character wears a hat: --

    For the following items about hair color: it must be a single solid color. Mixed colors won't count (highlights, half/half and so on).
  60. [X] [May] Watch an anime with a female main character: --
  61. [X] [Jun] Watch an anime with a green haired main character: --
     — Useful links: AniDB, Anime-Planet.
  62. [X] [Jan] Watch an anime with a non-humanoid character: --
     — Non-humanoid characters resemble animals, monsters, or anything else that isn't just a distorted or slightly changed human form. Examples would be Pikachu, Madara, or Kyuubey.
  63. [X] [Aug] Watch an anime with a redhead protagonist: --
     — The color must be stated somewhere, link it
  64. [X] [Mar] Watch an anime with a white-haired or black-haired main character: --
     — White hair useful links: AniDB, Anime-Planet

  65. [X] [Apr] Watch an anime with a character whose name contains "shi" in it: --
  66. [X] [Nov] Watch an anime with a character who has a color in their name: --
     — Must be their listed name. Use only English or Japanese for the colors. State the character and bold or note the color used.

  67. [X] [Apr] Watch an anime with four main characters: --
  68. [X] [Nov] Watch an anime with no more than 10 characters listed: --
     — Characters listed under the "Characters & Voice Actors" section must be 10 or less.

    SEASONS & DATES Any day/month/year unless otherwise stated.

  69. [X] [Apr] Watch an anime that began airing on the 4th day: --
  70. [X] [Jan] Watch an anime that aired during any Spring Season or on any 15th day: --
     — Spring will cover anime aired during April, May and June.

  71. [X] [Feb] Watch an anime that started airing in either February or October: --

  72. [X] [Jan] Watch an anime that started and/or finished airing during 2010 OR 2019: --
  73. [X] [Jun] Watch a TV anime that started airing between Winter 2016 and Winter 2020: --
  74. [X] [Dec] Watch an anime that began airing in a year ending with 0: --

    TITLES Use either English, Japanese or Chinese only; can be in the official or alternative titles unless otherwise stated.

  75. [X] [Jun] Watch an anime with a color in its main title: --
     — Color language only in English or Japanese.
  76. [X] [Jul] Watch an anime with a Roman Numeral in the title: --
     — It can't be part of a word; Roman numbers are I, II, III and so on.
  77. [] [Oct] Watch an anime with an English main title: Peeping Life

    NUMBERS & STATS For any stats related item, include a screenshot as evidence, otherwise if the stats changes it will be an instant-invalidation; Whenever possible, they should show your username and your completed status for the anime.

  78. [X] [Jan] Watch an anime that includes the number 10 somewhere: --
     — Written in numerical form; Can be on the main title, synopsis, episodes in total, episode duration, aired dates, popularity, rank or total members.
  79. [X] [May] Watch an anime with five (5) somewhere: --
     — Can be on the main title, score, rank, popularity, main characters in total and/or cover pictures available.
  80. [X] [Sep] Watch an anime that has the number 30 in its rank or popularity: --
     — For example: 2,030, 3,057 and so on.

  81. [X] [Feb] Watch an anime that another club member has completed and rated a 1 or a 10: --
     — State their username and link their completed anime list.

  82. [X] [Jun] Watch an anime more popular than #500: --
     — Popularity is #499, #498, #497, etc.
  83. [] [Oct] Watch an anime with a popularity of 500 or more: Ketsuekigata-kun!
     — Popularity of 500 or more meaning 501, 502, 503, etc.


  84. [X] [Jan] Watch an anime with RED somewhere: --
     — RED can only be used in English; can be in titles, synopsis, anime pictures, characters eyes or hair color.

  85. [X] [Jun] Watch an anime with a flower on any of its pictures: --
     — Can be the cover picture or any of the others added (if any).

  86. [X] [Aug] Watch an anime generated randomly using Kikou Senki Dragonar [Screenshot]
     — You will need a screenshot (no screenshot = instant invalid). Detailed instructions on how it works can be found under item B.28 of the MAL AWC (Bronze items post).

  87. [X] [Aug] Watch an anime from one of the club studios based challenges: --
     — Use any of the studios listed under the "Studios Based Challenges" category, or check the HoF.

  88. [X] [Aug] Watch an anime from one of the staff related collections: --
     — Specify which one was used; This refers to one of the followings: Staff, AG Staff, MAC or MAL AWC Collections

  89. [X] [Oct] Watch an anime in which any of the Top 50 most popular people participated: --
     — State the person used; must be listed on the anime's Characters and Staff page; can be a voice actor or any staff position

  90. [X] [Nov] Watch an anime with a predominantly light blue or red cover: --
     — Specify which one was used; include a screenshot if the cover is different on MAL.
GwathgorOct 2, 9:26 PM
Jan 1, 2021 5:50 PM

Jul 2017
Second Chances 2020 Challenge
Hard 0/60 | Conquered 0/80

Link to the First Post

Starting Date: 02/01/2021
Ending Date: /

Starting Date: 02/01/2021
Ending Date: /

ketsueki22Jan 4, 2021 10:28 AM
Jan 1, 2021 5:53 PM
Probably a Maso

Dec 2014
Blog Post for Hard and Conquered here

Second Chances 2020 Challenge
Easy 20/20 | Med 40/40 | Hard 60/60 | Conquered 80/80

Starting Date: Jan 1, 2021
Ending Date: Apr 21, 2021

Starting Date: Jan 1, 2021
Ending Date: Apr 21, 2021

BriApr 21, 2021 9:02 AM
Jan 1, 2021 5:57 PM

May 2009
Second Chances 2020 Challenge
Easy 20/20 | Med 39/40 | Hard 0/60 | Conquered 0/80

Starting Date: 01/01/2021
Ending Date:

Starting Date: 01/01/2021
Ending Date: 06/17/2021

Starting Date: 06/17/2021
Ending Date:
DeadlyRavenOct 11, 2021 9:58 AM
Jan 1, 2021 5:58 PM

Sep 2014
Second Chances 2020 Challenge
Hard 60/60 | Conquered 80/80

Starting Date: January 1st 2021
Ending Date: May 2nd 2022

Starting Date: January 1st 2021
Ending Date: June 20th 2023

Papa_DragonJul 23, 2023 9:12 AM
Jan 1, 2021 6:08 PM

Jan 2013
Second Chances 2020 Challenge
Easy 20/20 | Med. 40/40 | Hard 60/60 | Conquered 80/80

Medium Challenge 40/40
Start Date: 04.03.2021 / End Date: 25.08.2021
Easy Challenge 20/20
Start Date: 17.06.2021 / End Date: 15.08.2021

Wyvern22Jan 1, 2022 5:54 PM
Jan 1, 2021 6:11 PM

Jan 2020
Jan 1, 2021 6:16 PM

Feb 2013

forum set by
Haptism93 <3

Jan 1, 2021 6:19 PM

Oct 2013
Second Chances 2020 Challenge
Easy 20/20 | Med 40/40 | Hard 60/60 | Conquered 84/80

Starting Date: January 1, 2021
Ending Date: March 12, 2021

Starting Date: January 1, 2021
Ending Date: March 17, 2021

Starting Date: January 1, 2021
Ending Date: April 7, 2021

Starting Date: April 7, 2021
Ending Date: September 7, 2021

trojangirl12Jul 7, 2022 10:33 AM
Jan 1, 2021 6:22 PM

Nov 2018
Jan 1, 2021 6:23 PM

Nov 2018
Jan 1, 2021 6:23 PM

Nov 2018
Jan 1, 2021 6:23 PM

Nov 2018
Jan 1, 2021 6:36 PM

May 2012
SheyCroix said:
Banner: Rinarin


     The main purpose of this challenge is to give an opportunity to previous monthly submissions that garnered some interest from our members, but fell short of some votes to grab that precious first place and be featured as the monthly challenge in our club for that year.

     Not every submission will be considered. To be added in these challenges, they will need to have managed to get 25 votes or more. Also any item that's repeated from a previous monthly submission won't be added. There won't be duplicated items. If you are interested, you can check all challenges from the monthlies main thread.

    This challenge will count the following non-winning 2020 submissions:
     — January (3/7), February (1/8), March (1/8), April (1/3), May (2/2), June (3/6), July (3/3), August (4/4), September (1/3), October (2/7), November (3/5) and December (3/4).

  • Difficulties
    Easy: 20 items
    Medium: 40 items
    Hard: 60 items
    Conquered: 80 items
     — No second run (x2) available.

  • Previously completed is not allowed.
     — Series previously started, but not finished, may be used.
     — Airing can be used, but you must complete the series, so you can only turn-in the challenge after the series has finished airing.

  • Any type is allowed, but must be equal to or longer than 15 minutes (total).
     — Type unless otherwise stated.

  • Start date is the day you post.

  • Cannot use the same entry more than once across all difficulties.

  • To make this easier on the inspectors, if an item ask for specifics, you MUST list the episode and/or time in which said things takes places.
     — Otherwise it's an instant invalid.

     — We will add a description under each.
    Looking for more of this kind of challenge?

Suggested by SheyCroix

Second Chances 2020 Challenge
Sign Up Code Here

    GENRE TAGS & ADAPTATIONS The anime is tagged with the genre / listed with the source.

  1. [X] [Mar] Watch an Action or Drama anime
  2. [X] [Aug] Watch an Adventure anime
  3. [X] [Jun] Watch an anime tagged as Game and/or Sports
  4. [X] [Jul] Watch a GAR or Martial Arts anime
  5. [X] [Sep] Watch a Magic anime
  6. [X] [May] Watch a Historical or Supernatural anime
  7. [X] [Feb] Watch an anime tagged as Horror and/or Romance
  8. [X] [May] Watch a Military or Police anime
  9. [X] [Dec] Watch a Music or Sci-Fi anime
  10. [X] [Aug] Watch a Mystery anime
  11. [X] [Apr] Watch a Psychological and/or Thriller anime
  12. [X] [Nov] Watch a Space anime

  13. [X] [Jan] Watch an anime with no Sequels, Parent Stories or Full Stories listed under Related Anime
  14. [X] [Jan] Watch an anime directly related to one you've already completed
     — State which anime was previously completed.

  15. [X] [Jan] Watch an anime rated G or PG
  16. [X] [Nov] Watch an anime adapted from a Book or Novel

  17. [X] [Sep] Watch a two-cour anime
     — Two cours will refer to 20 episodes or more.

    TROPES & TAGS The anime/character must appear listed on the trope/tag page; state the character(s)/trope used.

  18. [X] [Aug] Watch an anime with a Barbecue or an Eating Contest episode
  19. [X] [Jun] Watch an anime with a Beach or Festival episode
  20. [X] [Aug] Watch an anime with a Beach or Pool Visit
  21. [X] [Jan] Watch an anime with either the CGI, Cel-Shaded Animation or Crowdfunded tags
  22. [X] [Nov] Watch a Contemporary Fantasy anime
  23. [X] [Nov] Watch an anime tagged with Countryside or Mountain Trip
  24. [X] [Oct] Watch an anime where a character has a Creepy Laugh or Evil Laugh
  25. [X] [Aug] Watch an anime that features a desert
  26. [X] [Jul] Watch an anime with a Disaster
     — Can be listed under any of the tags.
  27. [X] [Nov] Watch an anime tagged with drastic change of life, plot twists or tone changes
  28. [X] [Aug] Watch an anime where the characters watch or play with Fireworks
  29. [X] [Jan] Watch an anime featuring Gods or Monsters
     — From the Theme Tags challenge: Deities (God/Goddess) — aniDB or A-P.
     From Halloween Bingo '19: Monsters can be a Centaur, Cerberus, Chimera, Cryptids, Cyclopes, Dragon, Hydra, Minotaur, Ogre, Troll, Undeads, and/or Werewolf.

  30. [X] [Mar] Watch an anime from the Gourmet Challenge
  31. [X] [Jul] Watch an anime with gunfights
  32. [X] [Nov] Watch a Heartwarming anime
  33. [X] [Jan] Watch an Iyashikei anime

  34. [X] [Dec] Watch an anime with a love triangle
  35. [X] [Oct] Watch an anime where magic or a skeleton appears
  36. [X] [Nov] Watch a Post-Apocalyptic or Survival anime
  37. [X] [Jun] Watch an anime with the rebellion or the secret organization tag
  38. [X] [May] Watch anime that takes place during Spring
  39. [X] [Dec] Watch an anime that takes place in the summer or winter
  40. [X] [Aug] Watch an anime where a Summer Festival happens
  41. [X] [Nov] Watch a survival anime
  42. [X] [Jan] Watch an anime that lets you take it slow or watch the stars
  43. [X] [Jul] Watch an anime where Tanabata is referenced or celebrated
  44. [X] [Aug] Watch an anime that fits the Theme Tags Challenge

    CHARACTERS State the character(s) used; can be main or supporting unless otherwise stated; must appear listed on MAL; if 2 or more tags are provided, state which is used.

  45. [X] [Dec] Watch an anime where Angels and/or Demons appear
  46. [X] [Mar] Watch an anime that has a character tagged with animal ears or cats
  47. [X] [Jul] Watch an anime with an Aristocrat
  48. [X] [Jul] Watch an anime with an Assassin
  49. [X] [Jul] Watch an anime with a character who wears either a business suit or a waistcoast
  50. [X] [Nov] Watch an anime with a chef or farmer character
  51. [X] [Dec] Watch an anime with a character that wears a coat or jacket
  52. [X] [Aug] Watch an anime with a character who makes a comically angry face
  53. [X] [Oct] Watch an anime with a doctor
  54. [X] [Jul] Watch an anime with a dog in it
  55. [X] [Feb] Watch an anime with a character that's either a masochist or a yandere
  56. [X] [Dec] Watch an anime with a narcissistic or protective character
  57. [X] [Jul] Watch an anime with a spy
  58. [X] [May] Watch anime with a stalker
  59. [X] [May] Watch anime where a character wears a hat

    For the following items about hair color: it must be a single solid color. Mixed colors won't count (highlights, half/half and so on).
  60. [X] [May] Watch an anime with a female main character
  61. [X] [Jun] Watch an anime with a green haired main character
     — Useful links: AniDB, Anime-Planet.
  62. [X] [Jan] Watch an anime with a non-humanoid character
     — Non-humanoid characters resemble animals, monsters, or anything else that isn't just a distorted or slightly changed human form. Examples would be Pikachu, Madara, or Kyuubey.
  63. [X] [Aug] Watch an anime with a redhead protagonist
     — The color must be stated somewhere, link it
  64. [X] [Mar] Watch an anime with a white-haired or black-haired main character
     — White hair useful links: AniDB, Anime-Planet

  65. [X] [Apr] Watch an anime with a character whose name contains "shi" in it
  66. [X] [Nov] Watch an anime with a character who has a color in their name
     — Must be their listed name. Use only English or Japanese for the colors. State the character and bold or note the color used.

  67. [X] [Apr] Watch an anime with four main characters
  68. [X] [Nov] Watch an anime with no more than 10 characters listed
     — Characters listed under the "Characters & Voice Actors" section must be 10 or less.

    SEASONS & DATES Any day/month/year unless otherwise stated.

  69. [X] [Apr] Watch an anime that began airing on the 4th day
  70. [X] [Jan] Watch an anime that aired during any Spring Season or on any 15th day
     — Spring will cover anime aired during April, May and June.

  71. [X] [Feb] Watch an anime that started airing in either February or October

  72. [X] [Jan] Watch an anime that started and/or finished airing during 2010 OR 2019
  73. [X] [Jun] Watch a TV anime that started airing between Winter 2016 and Winter 2020
  74. [X] [Dec] Watch an anime that began airing in a year ending with 0

    TITLES Use either English, Japanese or Chinese only; can be in the official or alternative titles unless otherwise stated.

  75. [X] [Jun] Watch an anime with a color in its main title
     — Color language only in English or Japanese.
  76. [X] [Jul] Watch an anime with a Roman Numeral in the title
     — It can't be part of a word; Roman numbers are I, II, III and so on.
  77. [X] [Oct] Watch an anime with an English main title

    NUMBERS & STATS For any stats related item, include a screenshot as evidence, otherwise if the stats changes it will be an instant-invalidation; Whenever possible, they should show your username and your completed status for the anime.

  78. [X] [Jan] Watch an anime that includes the number 10 somewhere
     — Written in numerical form; Can be on the main title, synopsis, episodes in total, episode duration, aired dates, popularity, rank or total members.
  79. [X] [May] Watch an anime with five (5) somewhere
     — Can be on the main title, score, rank, popularity, main characters in total and/or cover pictures available.
  80. [X] [Sep] Watch an anime that has the number 30 in its rank or popularity
     — For example: 2,030, 3,057 and so on.

  81. [X] [Feb] Watch an anime that another club member has completed and rated a 1 or a 10
     — State their username and link their completed anime list.

  82. [X] [Jun] Watch an anime more popular than #500
     — Popularity is #499, #498, #497, etc.
  83. [X] [Oct] Watch an anime with a popularity of 500 or more
     — Popularity of 500 or more meaning 501, 502, 503, etc.


  84. [X] [Jan] Watch an anime with RED somewhere
     — RED can only be used in English; can be in titles, synopsis, anime pictures, characters eyes or hair color.

  85. [X] [Jun] Watch an anime with a flower on any of its pictures
     — Can be the cover picture or any of the others added (if any).

  86. [X] [Aug] Watch an anime generated randomly using
     — You will need a screenshot (no screenshot = instant invalid). Detailed instructions on how it works can be found under item B.28 of the MAL AWC (Bronze items post).

  87. [X] [Aug] Watch an anime from one of the club studios based challenges
     — Use any of the studios listed under the "Studios Based Challenges" category, or check the HoF.

  88. [X] [Aug] Watch an anime from one of the staff related collections
     — Specify which one was used; This refers to one of the followings: Staff, AG Staff, MAC or MAL AWC Collections

  89. [X] [Oct] Watch an anime in which any of the Top 50 most popular people participated
     — State the person used; must be listed on the anime's Characters and Staff page; can be a voice actor or any staff position

  90. [X] [Nov] Watch an anime with a predominantly light blue or red cover
     — Specify which one was used; include a screenshot if the cover is different on MAL.

Created by Imyreld

[img][/img] [img][/img]

[img][/img] [img][/img]

Created by Clover

[img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img]

Created by tamochinnn

Created by Imyreld

[img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img]

[img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img]

Created by Clover

[img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img]

[img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img]

Created by tamochinnn

[img][/img] [img][/img]

[img][/img] [img][/img]

Challenge updates

Jan 1, 2021 7:23 PM

May 2015
Second Chances 2020 Challenge
Easy 20/20 | Med 40/40 | Hard 60/60 | Conquered 80/80
Starting Date: Jan 01/21
Ending Date: Apr 10/21

Starting Date: Jan 01/21
Ending Date: Apr 10/21

Starting Date: Jan 01/21
Ending Date: Apr 10/21

Starting Date: Jan 01/21
Ending Date: Jul 13/21
MackamizzleJul 13, 2021 3:23 PM
Jan 1, 2021 7:30 PM
Space Brother

Mar 2015
Easy | 20/20
Start Date: June 29, 2021
Finish Date: July 9, 2021

Medium | 40/40
Start Date: June 2, 2021
Finish Date: June 29, 2021

Hard | 60/60
Start Date: March 17, 2021
Finish Date: June 6, 2021

Conquered | 80/80
Start Date: January 2, 2021
Finish Date: March 14, 2021
dierubikdieNov 13, 2023 10:39 AM

"An earnest failure has meaning."

"Nothing is definite in this world. But it's okay.
Some things within me are definite."
Jan 1, 2021 8:26 PM
The Enthusiast

Jul 2007
Second Chances 2020 Challenge
Easy 20/20 | Med 40/40 | Hard 60/60

Starting Date: January 2, 2021
Ending Date: January 22, 2021

Starting Date: January 2, 2021
Ending Date: June 28, 2021

Starting Date: June 19, 2021
Ending Date: September 22, 2021

lostnyankoSep 8, 2023 11:09 AM
Jan 1, 2021 8:31 PM

Dec 2016
Second Chances 2020

ScarletCelestialJan 2, 2022 11:00 AM
Jan 1, 2021 8:32 PM

Dec 2016
Second Chances 2020

ScarletCelestialJul 6, 2022 10:44 AM
Jan 1, 2021 8:35 PM

Aug 2010
Jan 1, 2021 8:37 PM

May 2009
Second Chances 2020 Challenge: (1 of 2)
Start Date: January 01, 2021
End Date: July 22, 2021 (Easy) | June 27, 2022 (Medium) | October 29, 2023 (Hard)
» Any type is allowed, but must be equal to or longer than 15 minutes (total).
» Previously completed is not allowed; series previously started, but not finished, may be used.
» No second run (x2) available.
» Helpful Sources: Post (Continued...), HoF

Easy – 20/20

Medium – 40/40

Hard – 60/60
SunflowerDaishoSep 27, 12:58 PM
Jan 1, 2021 9:18 PM

Sep 2017
Jan 1, 2021 9:18 PM

Sep 2017
Jan 1, 2021 9:22 PM

Sep 2017
Jan 1, 2021 9:23 PM

Jun 2017
Second Chances 2020 Challenge
Hard 60/60 | Conquered 80/80

Previously completed is not allowed.
 — Series previously started, but not finished, may be used.
 — Airing can be used, but you must complete the series, so you can only turn-in the challenge after the series has finished airing.

Any type is allowed, but must be equal to or longer than 15 minutes (total).
 — Type unless otherwise stated.

Starting Date: 02/01/21
Ending Date: 01/07/21

Starting Date: 02/01/21
Ending Date: 06/11/21

PNR_13Jul 29, 2023 12:36 AM
Jan 1, 2021 9:23 PM

Jun 2017
Second Chances 2020 Challenge
Easy 0/20 | Med 33/40 | Hard 0/60 | Conquered 0/80

Starting Date:
Ending Date:

Second Chances 2020 Challenge
Easy 0/20 | Med 0/40 | Hard 0/60 | Conquered 0/80

Starting Date:
Ending Date:

PNR_13Jun 29, 2022 8:04 AM
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members
Pages (6) [1] 2 3 » ... Last »

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riho88riho - Apr 26, 2016

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SheyCroix - Jan 1, 2022

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It’s time to ditch the text file.
Keep track of your anime easily by creating your own list.
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