CHARACTERSState the character(s) used; can be main or supporting unless otherwise stated; must appear listed on MAL; if 2 or more tags are provided, state which is used.
NUMBERS & STATSFor any stats related item, include a screenshot as evidence, otherwise if the stats changes it will be an instant-invalidation; Whenever possible, they should show your username and your completed status for the anime.
CHARACTERSState the character(s) used; can be main or supporting unless otherwise stated; must appear listed on MAL; if 2 or more tags are provided, state which is used.
TITLESUse either English, Japanese or Chinese only; can be in the official or alternative titles unless otherwise stated.
[✔][Jun] Watch an anime with a color in its main title: Blue Period
[✔][Oct] Watch an anime with an English main title: Paradise Kiss
NUMBERS & STATSFor any stats related item, include a screenshot as evidence, otherwise if the stats changes it will be an instant-invalidation; Whenever possible, they should show your username and your completed status for the anime.
CHARACTERSState the character(s) used; can be main or supporting unless otherwise stated; must appear listed on MAL; if 2 or more tags are provided, state which is used.
[✔][Feb] Watch an anime that started airing in either February or October: Deji Meets Girl
[✔][Jan] Watch an anime that started and/or finished airing during 2010 OR 2019: Kakegurui××
TITLESUse either English, Japanese or Chinese only; can be in the official or alternative titles unless otherwise stated.
[✔][Jul] Watch an anime with a Roman Numeral in the title: Overlord II
[✔][Oct] Watch an anime with an English main title: Edens Zero
NUMBERS & STATSFor any stats related item, include a screenshot as evidence, otherwise if the stats changes it will be an instant-invalidation; Whenever possible, they should show your username and your completed status for the anime.
[✔][Sep] Watch an anime that has the number 30 in its rank or popularity: Bubble — #1309.
[✔][Jan] Watch an anime with RED somewhere: Aikatsu on Parade! — RED ribbon in the anime picture.
[✔][Jun] Watch an anime with a flower on any of its pictures: Idol Densetsu Eriko — red roses in Eriko’s outfit on the cover picture.
[X][Aug] Watch an anime where the characters watch or play with Fireworks: Series
[X][Jan] Watch an anime featuring Gods or Monsters: Series — From the Theme Tags challenge: Deities (God/Goddess) — aniDB or A-P.
From Halloween Bingo '19: Monsters can be a Centaur, Cerberus, Chimera, Cryptids, Cyclopes, Dragon, Hydra, Minotaur, Ogre, Troll, Undeads, and/or Werewolf.
[X][Mar] Watch an anime from the Gourmet Challenge: Series
[X][Jul] Watch an anime where Tanabata is referenced or celebrated: Series
[X][Aug] Watch an anime that fits the Theme Tags Challenge: Series
CHARACTERSState the character(s) used; can be main or supporting unless otherwise stated; must appear listed on MAL; if 2 or more tags are provided, state which is used.
For the following items about hair color: it must be a single solid color. Mixed colors won't count (highlights, half/half and so on).
[X][May] Watch an anime with a female main character: Series
[X][Jun] Watch an anime with a green haired main character: Series — Useful links: AniDB, Anime-Planet.
[X][Jan] Watch an anime with a non-humanoid character: Series — Non-humanoid characters resemble animals, monsters, or anything else that isn't just a distorted or slightly changed human form. Examples would be Pikachu, Madara, or Kyuubey.
[X][Aug] Watch an anime with a redhead protagonist: Series — The color must be stated somewhere, link it
[X][Mar] Watch an anime with a white-haired or black-haired main character: Series — White hair useful links: AniDB, Anime-Planet
[X][Apr] Watch an anime with a character whose name contains "shi" in it: Series
[X][Nov] Watch an anime with a character who has a color in their name: Series — Must be their listed name. Use only English or Japanese for the colors. State the character and bold or note the color used.
[X][Apr] Watch an anime with four main characters: Series
[X][Nov] Watch an anime with no more than 10 characters listed: Series — Characters listed under the "Characters & Voice Actors" section must be 10 or less.
[X][Dec] Watch an anime that began airing in a year ending with 0: Series
TITLESUse either English, Japanese or Chinese only; can be in the official or alternative titles unless otherwise stated.
[X][Jun] Watch an anime with a color in its main title: Series — Color language only in English or Japanese.
[X][Jul] Watch an anime with a Roman Numeral in the title: Series — It can't be part of a word; Roman numbers are I, II, III and so on.
[X][Oct] Watch an anime with an English main title: Series
NUMBERS & STATSFor any stats related item, include a screenshot as evidence, otherwise if the stats changes it will be an instant-invalidation; Whenever possible, they should show your username and your completed status for the anime.
[X][Jan] Watch an anime that includes the number 10 somewhere: Series — Written in numerical form; Can be on the main title, synopsis, episodes in total, episode duration, aired dates, popularity, rank or total members.
[X][May] Watch an anime with five (5) somewhere: Series — Can be on the main title, score, rank, popularity, main characters in total and/or cover pictures available.
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that has the number 30 in its rank or popularity: Series — For example: 2,030, 3,057 and so on.
[X][Feb] Watch an anime that another club member has completed and rated a 1 or a 10: Series — State their username and link their completed anime list.
[X][Jun] Watch an anime more popular than #500: Series — Popularity is #499, #498, #497, etc.
[X][Oct] Watch an anime with a popularity of 500 or more: Series — Popularity of 500 or more meaning 501, 502, 503, etc.
[X][Jan] Watch an anime with RED somewhere: Series — RED can only be used in English; can be in titles, synopsis, anime pictures, characters eyes or hair color.
[X][Jun] Watch an anime with a flower on any of its pictures: Series — Can be the cover picture or any of the others added (if any).
[X][Aug] Watch an anime generated randomly using Series — You will need a screenshot (no screenshot = instant invalid). Detailed instructions on how it works can be found under item B.28 of the MAL AWC (Bronze items post).
[X][Aug] Watch an anime from one of the club studios based challenges: Series — Use any of the studios listed under the "Studios Based Challenges" category, or check the HoF.
[X][Aug] Watch an anime from one of the staff related collections: Series — Specify which one was used; This refers to one of the followings: Staff, AG Staff, MAC or MAL AWC Collections
[X][Oct] Watch an anime in which any of the Top 50 most popular people participated: Series — State the person used; must be listed on the anime's Characters and Staff page; can be a voice actor or any staff position
[X][Nov] Watch an anime with a predominantly light blue or red cover: Series — Specify which one was used; include a screenshot if the cover is different on MAL.
[X][Aug] Watch an anime where the characters watch or play with Fireworks: Series
[X][Jan] Watch an anime featuring Gods or Monsters: Series — From the Theme Tags challenge: Deities (God/Goddess) — aniDB or A-P.
From Halloween Bingo '19: Monsters can be a Centaur, Cerberus, Chimera, Cryptids, Cyclopes, Dragon, Hydra, Minotaur, Ogre, Troll, Undeads, and/or Werewolf.
[X][Mar] Watch an anime from the Gourmet Challenge: Series
[X][Jul] Watch an anime where Tanabata is referenced or celebrated: Series
[X][Aug] Watch an anime that fits the Theme Tags Challenge: Series
CHARACTERSState the character(s) used; can be main or supporting unless otherwise stated; must appear listed on MAL; if 2 or more tags are provided, state which is used.
For the following items about hair color: it must be a single solid color. Mixed colors won't count (highlights, half/half and so on).
[X][May] Watch an anime with a female main character: Series
[X][Jun] Watch an anime with a green haired main character: Series — Useful links: AniDB, Anime-Planet.
[X][Jan] Watch an anime with a non-humanoid character: Series — Non-humanoid characters resemble animals, monsters, or anything else that isn't just a distorted or slightly changed human form. Examples would be Pikachu, Madara, or Kyuubey.
[X][Aug] Watch an anime with a redhead protagonist: Series — The color must be stated somewhere, link it
[X][Mar] Watch an anime with a white-haired or black-haired main character: Series — White hair useful links: AniDB, Anime-Planet
[X][Apr] Watch an anime with a character whose name contains "shi" in it: Series
[X][Nov] Watch an anime with a character who has a color in their name: Series — Must be their listed name. Use only English or Japanese for the colors. State the character and bold or note the color used.
[X][Apr] Watch an anime with four main characters: Series
[X][Nov] Watch an anime with no more than 10 characters listed: Series — Characters listed under the "Characters & Voice Actors" section must be 10 or less.
[X][Dec] Watch an anime that began airing in a year ending with 0: Series
TITLESUse either English, Japanese or Chinese only; can be in the official or alternative titles unless otherwise stated.
[X][Jun] Watch an anime with a color in its main title: Series — Color language only in English or Japanese.
[X][Jul] Watch an anime with a Roman Numeral in the title: Series — It can't be part of a word; Roman numbers are I, II, III and so on.
[X][Oct] Watch an anime with an English main title: Series
NUMBERS & STATSFor any stats related item, include a screenshot as evidence, otherwise if the stats changes it will be an instant-invalidation; Whenever possible, they should show your username and your completed status for the anime.
[X][Jan] Watch an anime that includes the number 10 somewhere: Series — Written in numerical form; Can be on the main title, synopsis, episodes in total, episode duration, aired dates, popularity, rank or total members.
[X][May] Watch an anime with five (5) somewhere: Series — Can be on the main title, score, rank, popularity, main characters in total and/or cover pictures available.
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that has the number 30 in its rank or popularity: Series — For example: 2,030, 3,057 and so on.
[X][Feb] Watch an anime that another club member has completed and rated a 1 or a 10: Series — State their username and link their completed anime list.
[X][Jun] Watch an anime more popular than #500: Series — Popularity is #499, #498, #497, etc.
[X][Oct] Watch an anime with a popularity of 500 or more: Series — Popularity of 500 or more meaning 501, 502, 503, etc.
[X][Jan] Watch an anime with RED somewhere: Series — RED can only be used in English; can be in titles, synopsis, anime pictures, characters eyes or hair color.
[X][Jun] Watch an anime with a flower on any of its pictures: Series — Can be the cover picture or any of the others added (if any).
[X][Aug] Watch an anime generated randomly using Series — You will need a screenshot (no screenshot = instant invalid). Detailed instructions on how it works can be found under item B.28 of the MAL AWC (Bronze items post).
[X][Aug] Watch an anime from one of the club studios based challenges: Series — Use any of the studios listed under the "Studios Based Challenges" category, or check the HoF.
[X][Aug] Watch an anime from one of the staff related collections: Series — Specify which one was used; This refers to one of the followings: Staff, AG Staff, MAC or MAL AWC Collections
[X][Oct] Watch an anime in which any of the Top 50 most popular people participated: Series — State the person used; must be listed on the anime's Characters and Staff page; can be a voice actor or any staff position
[X][Nov] Watch an anime with a predominantly light blue or red cover: Series — Specify which one was used; include a screenshot if the cover is different on MAL.
MEDIUM Starting Date: 01/01/2021 End Date: TBD
GENRE TAGS & ADAPTATIONSThe anime is tagged with the genre / listed with the source.
[X][Aug] Watch an anime where the characters watch or play with Fireworks: Series
[X][Jan] Watch an anime featuring Gods or Monsters: Series — From the Theme Tags challenge: Deities (God/Goddess) — aniDB or A-P.
From Halloween Bingo '19: Monsters can be a Centaur, Cerberus, Chimera, Cryptids, Cyclopes, Dragon, Hydra, Minotaur, Ogre, Troll, Undeads, and/or Werewolf.
[X][Mar] Watch an anime from the Gourmet Challenge: Series
[X][Jul] Watch an anime where Tanabata is referenced or celebrated: Series
[X][Aug] Watch an anime that fits the Theme Tags Challenge: Series
CHARACTERSState the character(s) used; can be main or supporting unless otherwise stated; must appear listed on MAL; if 2 or more tags are provided, state which is used.
For the following items about hair color: it must be a single solid color. Mixed colors won't count (highlights, half/half and so on).
[X][May] Watch an anime with a female main character: Series
[X][Jun] Watch an anime with a green haired main character: Series — Useful links: AniDB, Anime-Planet.
[X][Jan] Watch an anime with a non-humanoid character: Series — Non-humanoid characters resemble animals, monsters, or anything else that isn't just a distorted or slightly changed human form. Examples would be Pikachu, Madara, or Kyuubey.
[X][Aug] Watch an anime with a redhead protagonist: Series — The color must be stated somewhere, link it
[X][Mar] Watch an anime with a white-haired or black-haired main character: Series — White hair useful links: AniDB, Anime-Planet
[X][Apr] Watch an anime with a character whose name contains "shi" in it: Series
[X][Nov] Watch an anime with a character who has a color in their name: Series — Must be their listed name. Use only English or Japanese for the colors. State the character and bold or note the color used.
[X][Apr] Watch an anime with four main characters: Series
[X][Nov] Watch an anime with no more than 10 characters listed: Series — Characters listed under the "Characters & Voice Actors" section must be 10 or less.
[X][Dec] Watch an anime that began airing in a year ending with 0: Series
TITLESUse either English, Japanese or Chinese only; can be in the official or alternative titles unless otherwise stated.
[X][Jun] Watch an anime with a color in its main title: Series — Color language only in English or Japanese.
[X][Jul] Watch an anime with a Roman Numeral in the title: Series — It can't be part of a word; Roman numbers are I, II, III and so on.
[X][Oct] Watch an anime with an English main title: Series
NUMBERS & STATSFor any stats related item, include a screenshot as evidence, otherwise if the stats changes it will be an instant-invalidation; Whenever possible, they should show your username and your completed status for the anime.
[X][Jan] Watch an anime that includes the number 10 somewhere: Series — Written in numerical form; Can be on the main title, synopsis, episodes in total, episode duration, aired dates, popularity, rank or total members.
[X][May] Watch an anime with five (5) somewhere: Series — Can be on the main title, score, rank, popularity, main characters in total and/or cover pictures available.
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that has the number 30 in its rank or popularity: Series — For example: 2,030, 3,057 and so on.
[X][Feb] Watch an anime that another club member has completed and rated a 1 or a 10: Series — State their username and link their completed anime list.
[X][Jun] Watch an anime more popular than #500: Series — Popularity is #499, #498, #497, etc.
[X][Oct] Watch an anime with a popularity of 500 or more: Series — Popularity of 500 or more meaning 501, 502, 503, etc.
[X][Jan] Watch an anime with RED somewhere: Series — RED can only be used in English; can be in titles, synopsis, anime pictures, characters eyes or hair color.
[X][Jun] Watch an anime with a flower on any of its pictures: Series — Can be the cover picture or any of the others added (if any).
[X][Aug] Watch an anime generated randomly using Series — You will need a screenshot (no screenshot = instant invalid). Detailed instructions on how it works can be found under item B.28 of the MAL AWC (Bronze items post).
[X][Aug] Watch an anime from one of the club studios based challenges: Series — Use any of the studios listed under the "Studios Based Challenges" category, or check the HoF.
[X][Aug] Watch an anime from one of the staff related collections: Series — Specify which one was used; This refers to one of the followings: Staff, AG Staff, MAC or MAL AWC Collections
[X][Oct] Watch an anime in which any of the Top 50 most popular people participated: Series — State the person used; must be listed on the anime's Characters and Staff page; can be a voice actor or any staff position
[X][Nov] Watch an anime with a predominantly light blue or red cover: Series — Specify which one was used; include a screenshot if the cover is different on MAL.
[X][Aug] Watch an anime where the characters watch or play with Fireworks: Series
[X][Jan] Watch an anime featuring Gods or Monsters: Series — From the Theme Tags challenge: Deities (God/Goddess) — aniDB or A-P.
From Halloween Bingo '19: Monsters can be a Centaur, Cerberus, Chimera, Cryptids, Cyclopes, Dragon, Hydra, Minotaur, Ogre, Troll, Undeads, and/or Werewolf.
[X][Mar] Watch an anime from the Gourmet Challenge: Series
[X][Jul] Watch an anime where Tanabata is referenced or celebrated: Series
[X][Aug] Watch an anime that fits the Theme Tags Challenge: Series
CHARACTERS State the character(s) used; can be main or supporting unless otherwise stated; must appear listed on MAL; if 2 or more tags are provided, state which is used.
For the following items about hair color: it must be a single solid color. Mixed colors won't count (highlights, half/half and so on).
[X][May] Watch an anime with a female main character: Series
[X][Jun] Watch an anime with a green haired main character: Series — Useful links: AniDB, Anime-Planet.
[X][Jan] Watch an anime with a non-humanoid character: Series — Non-humanoid characters resemble animals, monsters, or anything else that isn't just a distorted or slightly changed human form. Examples would be Pikachu, Madara, or Kyuubey.
[X][Aug] Watch an anime with a redhead protagonist: Series — The color must be stated somewhere; link it
[X][Mar] Watch an anime with a white-haired or black-haired main character: Series — White hair useful links: AniDB, Anime-Planet
[X][Apr] Watch an anime with a character whose name contains "shi" in it: Series
[X][Nov] Watch an anime with a character who has a color in their name: Series — Must be their listed name. Use only English or Japanese for the colors. State the character and bold or note the color used.
[X][Apr] Watch an anime with four main characters: Series
[✓][Nov] Watch an anime with no more than 10 characters listed: Cyclops Shoujo Saipuu — Characters listed under the "Characters & Voice Actors" section must be 10 or less.
SEASONS & DATES Any day/month/year unless otherwise stated.
[✓][Apr] Watch an anime that began airing on the 4th day: Golden Time
[✓][Jan] Watch an anime that aired during any Spring Season or on any 15th day: Zashiki Warashi no Tatami-chan — Spring will cover anime aired during April, May and June.
[✓][Feb] Watch an anime that started airing in either February or October: Teekyuu
[X][Jan] Watch an anime that started and/or finished airing during 2010 OR 2019: Series
TITLES Use either English, Japanese or Chinese only; can be in the official or alternative titles unless otherwise stated.
[X][Jun] Watch an anime with a color in its main title: Series — Color language only in English or Japanese.
[X][Jul] Watch an anime with a Roman Numeral in the title: Series — It can't be part of a word; Roman numbers are I, II, III and so on.
[X][Oct] Watch an anime with an English main title: Series
NUMBERS & STATS For any stats related item, include a screenshot as evidence, otherwise if the stats changes it will be an instant-invalidation. Whenever possible, they should show your username and your completed status for the anime.
[✓][Jan] Watch an anime that includes the number 10 somewhere: Idoly Pride — Written in numerical form. Can be on the main title, synopsis, episodes in total, episode duration, aired dates, popularity, rank or total members. [Appears on: Aired date]
[X][May] Watch an anime with five (5) somewhere: Series — Can be on the main title, score, rank, popularity, main characters in total and/or cover pictures available.
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that has the number 30 in its rank or popularity: Series — For example: 2,030, 3,057 and so on.
[X][Feb] Watch an anime that another club member has completed and rated a 1 or a 10: Series — State their username and link their completed anime list.
[X][Jun] Watch an anime more popular than #500: Series — Popularity is #499, #498, #497, etc.
[X][Oct] Watch an anime with a popularity of 500 or more: Series — Popularity of 500 or more meaning 501, 502, 503, etc.
[X][Jan] Watch an anime with RED somewhere: Series — RED can only be used in English; can be in titles, synopsis, anime pictures, characters eyes or hair color.
[X][Jun] Watch an anime with a flower on any of its pictures: Series — Can be the cover picture or any of the others added (if any).
[X][Aug] Watch an anime generated randomly using Series — You will need a screenshot (no screenshot = instant invalid). Detailed instructions on how it works can be found under item B.28 of the MAL AWC (Bronze items post).
[X][Aug] Watch an anime from one of the club studios based challenges: Series — Use any of the studios listed under the "Studios Based Challenges" category, or check the HoF.
[X][Aug] Watch an anime from one of the staff related collections: Series — Specify which one was used. This refers to one of the followings: Staff, AG Staff, MAC or MAL AWC Collections.
[✓][Oct] Watch an anime in which any of the Top 50 most popular people participated: Gekidol — State the person used; must be listed on the anime's Characters and Staff page; can be a voice actor or any staff position. [Person: Kana Hanazawa]
[X][Nov] Watch an anime with a predominantly light blue or red cover: Series — Specify which one was used; include a screenshot if the cover is different on MAL.
Medium Challenge: 40/40
Starting Date: April 10, 2021 Ending Date: August 15, 2021
GENRE TAGS & ADAPTATIONS The anime is tagged with the genre / listed with the source.
[✓][Jan] Watch an anime with no Sequels, Parent Stories or Full Stories listed under Related Anime: Tenkuu Danzai Skelter+Heaven
[✓][Jan] Watch an anime directly related to one you've already completed: Alice in Deadly School — State which anime was previously completed. [Anime: Gekidol]
[X][Aug] Watch an anime where the characters watch or play with Fireworks: Series
[X][Jan] Watch an anime featuring Gods or Monsters: Series — From the Theme Tags challenge: Deities (God/Goddess) — aniDB or A-P.
From Halloween Bingo '19: Monsters can be a Centaur, Cerberus, Chimera, Cryptids, Cyclopes, Dragon, Hydra, Minotaur, Ogre, Troll, Undeads, and/or Werewolf.
CHARACTERS State the character(s) used; can be main or supporting unless otherwise stated; must appear listed on MAL; if 2 or more tags are provided, state which is used.
[X][Jan] Watch an anime with a non-humanoid character: Series — Non-humanoid characters resemble animals, monsters, or anything else that isn't just a distorted or slightly changed human form. Examples would be Pikachu, Madara, or Kyuubey.
[X][Aug] Watch an anime with a redhead protagonist: Series — The color must be stated somewhere; link it
[✓][Mar] Watch an anime with a white-haired or black-haired main character: Shakunetsu Kabaddi — White hair useful links: AniDB, Anime-Planet
[✓][Apr] Watch an anime with a character whose name contains "shi" in it: Sayonara Watashi no Cramer [Character: Aya Shiratori]
[X][Nov] Watch an anime with a character who has a color in their name: Series — Must be their listed name. Use only English or Japanese for the colors. State the character and bold or note the color used.
[✓][Apr] Watch an anime with four main characters: Yeon-ae Halujeon
[✓][Nov] Watch an anime with no more than 10 characters listed: Yeon-ae Halujeon 2 — Characters listed under the "Characters & Voice Actors" section must be 10 or less.
SEASONS & DATES Any day/month/year unless otherwise stated.
[✓][Jan] Watch an anime that aired during any Spring Season or on any 15th day: Mashiro no Oto — Spring will cover anime aired during April, May and June.
[✓][Feb] Watch an anime that started airing in either February or October: Release the Spyce
[✓][Jan] Watch an anime that started and/or finished airing during 2010 OR 2019: A Day Before Us
NUMBERS & STATS For any stats related item, include a screenshot as evidence, otherwise if the stats changes it will be an instant-invalidation. Whenever possible, they should show your username and your completed status for the anime.
[✓][Jan] Watch an anime that includes the number 10 somewhere: Dokyuu Hentai HxEros OVA — Written in numerical form. Can be on the main title, synopsis, episodes in total, episode duration, aired dates, popularity, rank or total members. [Found on: Total Members | Proof:Image]
[✓][May] Watch an anime with five (5) somewhere: Dogeza de Tanondemita — Can be on the main title, score, rank, popularity, main characters in total and/or cover pictures available. [Found on: Popularity | Proof:Image]
[✓][Sep] Watch an anime that has the number 30 in its rank or popularity: Yami Shibai 2 — For example: 2,030, 3,057 and so on. [Proof:Image]
[X][Feb] Watch an anime that another club member has completed and rated a 1 or a 10: Series — State their username and link their completed anime list.
[✓][Oct] Watch an anime with a popularity of 500 or more: Love Kome: We Love Rice — Popularity of 500 or more meaning 501, 502, 503, etc. [Proof:Image]
[X][Jan] Watch an anime with RED somewhere: Series — RED can only be used in English; can be in titles, synopsis, anime pictures, characters eyes or hair color.
[X][Jun] Watch an anime with a flower on any of its pictures: Series — Can be the cover picture or any of the others added (if any).
[X][Aug] Watch an anime generated randomly using Series — You will need a screenshot (no screenshot = instant invalid). Detailed instructions on how it works can be found under item B.28 of the MAL AWC (Bronze items post).
[✓[Aug] Watch an anime from one of the club studios based challenges: D-Frag! — Use any of the studios listed under the "Studios Based Challenges" category, or check the HoF. [Studio: Brain's Base]
[X][Aug] Watch an anime from one of the staff related collections: Series — Specify which one was used. This refers to one of the followings: Staff, AG Staff, MAC or MAL AWC Collections.
[X][Nov] Watch an anime with a predominantly light blue or red cover: Series — Specify which one was used; include a screenshot if the cover is different on MAL.
[💥][Aug] Watch an anime where the characters watch or play with Fireworks: One Room
[💥][Jan] Watch an anime featuring Gods or Monsters: Kamigami no Ki — From the Theme Tags challenge: Deities (God/Goddess) — aniDB or A-P.
From Halloween Bingo '19: Monsters can be a Centaur, Cerberus, Chimera, Cryptids, Cyclopes, Dragon, Hydra, Minotaur, Ogre, Troll, Undeads, and/or Werewolf.
CHARACTERSState the character(s) used; can be main or supporting unless otherwise stated; must appear listed on MAL; if 2 or more tags are provided, state which is used.
[💥][Jan] Watch an anime with a non-humanoid character: Omishi Mahou Gekijou: Risky★Safety (Lani) — Non-humanoid characters resemble animals, monsters, or anything else that isn't just a distorted or slightly changed human form. Examples would be Pikachu, Madara, or Kyuubey.
[💥][Apr] Watch an anime with four main characters: Natsu-iro Kiseki
[💥][Nov] Watch an anime with no more than 10 characters listed: Eun-sil-i — Characters listed under the "Characters & Voice Actors" section must be 10 or less.
[💥][Jan] Watch an anime that aired during any Spring Season or on any 15th day: Onegai☆Twins: Natsu wa Owaranai (Apr 28, 2004) — Spring will cover anime aired during April, May and June.
[💥][Dec] Watch an anime that began airing in a year ending with 0: Isekai Quartet 2
TITLESUse either English, Japanese or Chinese only; can be in the official or alternative titles unless otherwise stated.
[💥][Jun] Watch an anime with a color in its main title: Pinky Street — Color language only in English or Japanese.
[💥][Jul] Watch an anime with a Roman Numeral in the title: Lupin III: The Last Job — It can't be part of a word; Roman numbers are I, II, III and so on.
[💥][Oct] Watch an anime with an English main title: Gunsmith Cats
NUMBERS & STATSFor any stats related item, include a screenshot as evidence, otherwise if the stats changes it will be an instant-invalidation; Whenever possible, they should show your username and your completed status for the anime.
[💥][Jan] Watch an anime that includes the number 10 somewhere: Detective Conan OVA 10: Kid in Trap Island — Written in numerical form; Can be on the main title, synopsis, episodes in total, episode duration, aired dates, popularity, rank or total members.
[💥][Feb] Watch an anime that another club member has completed and rated a 1 or a 10: Pants no Ana: Mambo de Ganbo! (Imyreld, screenshot) — State their username and link their completed anime list.
[💥][Oct] Watch an anime with a popularity of 500 or more: Dark Cat — Popularity of 500 or more meaning 501, 502, 503, etc.
[💥][Jan] Watch an anime with RED somewhere: Kuroshitsuji II Specials (Angelina Durless) — RED can only be used in English; can be in titles, synopsis, anime pictures, characters eyes or hair color.
[💥][Jan] Watch an anime featuring Gods or Monsters: Toutotsu ni Egypt Shin — From the Theme Tags challenge: Deities (God/Goddess) — aniDB or A-P.
From Halloween Bingo '19: Monsters can be a Centaur, Cerberus, Chimera, Cryptids, Cyclopes, Dragon, Hydra, Minotaur, Ogre, Troll, Undeads, and/or Werewolf.
[💥][Aug] Watch an anime that fits the Theme Tags Challenge: Claymore (swordplay, tragedy)
CHARACTERSState the character(s) used; can be main or supporting unless otherwise stated; must appear listed on MAL; if 2 or more tags are provided, state which is used.
[💥][Jan] Watch an anime with a non-humanoid character: Rilakkuma to Kaoru-san (Rilakkuma) — Non-humanoid characters resemble animals, monsters, or anything else that isn't just a distorted or slightly changed human form. Examples would be Pikachu, Madara, or Kyuubey.
[💥][Aug] Watch an anime with a redhead protagonist: Akatsuki no Yona OVA (Yona, wikia) — The color must be stated somewhere, link it
[💥][Nov] Watch an anime with no more than 10 characters listed: Shadow Skill (1996) — Characters listed under the "Characters & Voice Actors" section must be 10 or less.
[💥][Apr] Watch an anime that began airing on the 4th day: Null Peta (Oct 4, 2019)
[💥][Jan] Watch an anime that aired during any Spring Season or on any 15th day: Idol Fight Suchie-Pai 2 (Apr 20, 1996) — Spring will cover anime aired during April, May and June.
[💥][Feb] Watch an anime that started airing in either February or October: UFO Gakuen no Himitsu (Oct 10, 2015)
[💥][Jan] Watch an anime that started and/or finished airing during 2010 OR 2019: Kyochuu Rettou (Jun 20, 2019)
[💥][Jul] Watch an anime with a Roman Numeral in the title: Lupin III: Twilight Gemini no Himitsu — It can't be part of a word; Roman numbers are I, II, III and so on.
[💥][Oct] Watch an anime with an English main title: Idolls!
NUMBERS & STATSFor any stats related item, include a screenshot as evidence, otherwise if the stats changes it will be an instant-invalidation; Whenever possible, they should show your username and your completed status for the anime.
[💥][Jan] Watch an anime that includes the number 10 somewhere: Itsudatte Bokura no Koi wa 10 cm Datta. (title) — Written in numerical form; Can be on the main title, synopsis, episodes in total, episode duration, aired dates, popularity, rank or total members.
[💥][Jun] Watch an anime more popular than #500: Overlord — Popularity is #499, #498, #497, etc.
[💥][Oct] Watch an anime with a popularity of 500 or more: Koneko no Studio — Popularity of 500 or more meaning 501, 502, 503, etc.
[💥][Jan] Watch an anime with RED somewhere: Kuroshitsuji: Book of Circus (Angelina Durless) — RED can only be used in English; can be in titles, synopsis, anime pictures, characters eyes or hair color.
[💥][Jun] Watch an anime with a flower on any of its pictures: Sakura Kakumei: Hanasaku Otome-tachi — Can be the cover picture or any of the others added (if any).
[💥][Aug] Watch an anime from one of the club studios based challenges: Tomie (Studio Deen) — Use any of the studios listed under the "Studios Based Challenges" category, or check the HoF.
[💥][Nov] Watch an anime with a predominantly light blue or red cover: Pingu in the City — Specify which one was used; include a screenshot if the cover is different on MAL.
[Dec] Watch an anime with a love triangle - Fruits Basket
CHARACTERS — State the character(s) used; can be main or supporting unless otherwise stated; must appear listed on MAL; if 2 or more
tags are provided, state which is used
[Mar] Watch an anime that has a character tagged with animal ears or cats - Nekopara OVA; Character: Vanilla
For the following items about hair color: it must be a single solid color. Mixed colors won't count
SEASONS & DATES — Any day/month/year unless otherwise stated
[Jan] Watch an anime that aired during any Spring Season or on any 15th day - Summertime Render — Spring will cover anime aired during April, May and June
NUMBERS & STATS —For any stats related item, include a screenshot as evidence, otherwise if the stats changes it will be an instant-invalidation;
Whenever possible, they should show your username and your completed status for the anime
[May] Watch an anime with five (5) somewhere - Boku no Hero Academia 5th Season — Can be on the main title, score, rank, popularity, main characters in total and/or cover pictures available
[Jan] Watch an anime with RED somewhere - Jujutsu Kaisen — RED can only be used in English; can be in titles, synopsis, anime pictures, characters eyes or hair color
[Jun] Watch an anime with a flower on any of its pictures - Kimi no Suizou wo Tabetai — Can be the cover picture or any of the others added (if any)
[Aug] Watch an anime from one of the club studios based challenges - Chainsaw ManStudio: MAPPA — Use any of the studios listed under the "Studios Based Challenges" category, or check the HoF
progress; 20/20
MEDIUM Starting Date - February 28th, 2023
Ending Date - April 2nd, 2023
GENRE TAGS & ADAPTATIONS — The anime is tagged with the genre / listed with the source
[Apr] Watch a Psychological and/or Thriller anime - Inaka Isha
[Jan] Watch an anime directly related to one you've already completed - Tezuka Osamu no Buddha: Owarinaki Tabi — State which anime was previously completed
CHARACTERS — State the character(s) used; can be main or supporting unless otherwise stated; must appear listed on MAL; if 2 or more
tags are provided, state which is used
[Jan] Watch an anime with a non-humanoid character - Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Eternal Movie 2; Character: Artemis — Non-humanoid characters resemble animals, monsters, or anything else that isn't just a distorted or slightly changed
human form
[Mar] Watch an anime with a white-haired or black-haired main character - Jujutsu Kaisen 0 Movie; Character: Yuuta Okkotsu — White hair useful links: AniDB, Anime-Planet
[Apr] Watch an anime with a character whose name contains "shi" in it - Beastars 2nd Season; Character: Legoshi
[Nov] Watch an anime with no more than 10 characters listed - Kujira no Chouyaku — Characters listed under the "Characters & Voice Actors" section must be 10 or less
SEASONS & DATES — Any day/month/year unless otherwise stated
[Feb] Watch an anime that started airing in either February or October - Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun
[Jan] Watch an anime that started and/or finished airing during 2010 or 2019 - Stand By Me Doraemon{ 2014 }
[Dec] Watch an anime that began airing in a year ending with 0 - Violet Evergarden Movie{ 2020 }
TITLES —Use either English, Japanese or Chinese only; can be in the official or alternative titles unless otherwise stated
NUMBERS & STATS —For any stats related item, include a screenshot as evidence, otherwise if the stats changes it will be an instant-invalidation;
Whenever possible, they should show your username and your completed status for the anime
[May] Watch an anime with five (5) somewhere - One Piece Movie 05: Norowareta Seiken — Can be on the main title, score, rank, popularity, main characters in total and/or cover pictures available
[Aug] Watch an anime from one of the staff related collections - Ajin; Staff Collections > Rinarin's ❤ Collection — Specify which one was used; This refers to one of the followings: Staff, AG Staff, MAC or MAL AWC Collections
[Oct] Watch an anime in which any of the Top 50 most popular people participated - B: The Beginning; Character: Yuuki Kaji — State the person used; must be listed on the anime's Characters and Staff page; can be a voice actor or any staff position
[Nov] Watch an anime with a predominantly light blue or red cover - Ani*Kuri15 — Specify which one was used; include a screenshot if the cover is different on MAL
progress; 40/40
HARD Starting Date - March 24th, 2023
Ending Date - tba
GENRE TAGS & ADAPTATIONS — The anime is tagged with the genre / listed with the source
[Nov] Watch an anime tagged with Countryside or Mountain Trip - Name
[Oct] Watch an anime where a character has a Creepy Laugh or Evil Laugh - Name
[Aug] Watch an anime that features a desert - Name
[Jul] Watch an anime with a Disaster - Name — Can be listed under any of the tags
[Nov] Watch an anime tagged with drastic change of life, plot twists or tone changes - Name
[Aug] Watch an anime where the characters watch or play with Fireworks - Name
[Jan] Watch an anime featuring Gods or Monsters - Name — From the Theme Tags challenge: Deities (God/Goddess) — aniDB or A-P
From Halloween Bingo '19: Monsters can be a Centaur, Cerberus, Chimera, Cryptids, Cyclopes, Dragon, Hydra, Minotaur,
Ogre, Troll, Undeads, and/or Werewolf
[Mar] Watch an anime from the Gourmet Challenge - Name
[Jan] Watch an anime that lets you take it slow or watch the stars - Name
[Jul] Watch an anime where Tanabata is referenced or celebrated - Name
[Aug] Watch an anime that fits the Theme Tags Challenge - Name
CHARACTERS — State the character(s) used; can be main or supporting unless otherwise stated; must appear listed on MAL; if 2 or more
tags are provided, state which is used
[Dec] Watch an anime where Angels and/or Demons appear - Name
[Mar] Watch an anime that has a character tagged with animal ears or cats - Nekopara; Character: Vanilla
[May] Watch anime where a character wears a hat - Name
For the following items about hair color: it must be a single solid color. Mixed colors won't count
[May] Watch an anime with a female main character - Name
[Jun] Watch an anime with a green haired main character -
[Jan] Watch an anime with a non-humanoid character - Name — Non-humanoid characters resemble animals, monsters, or anything else that isn't just a distorted or slightly changed
human form
[Aug] Watch an anime with a redhead protagonist - Name — The color must be stated somewhere, link it
[Mar] Watch an anime with a white-haired or black-haired main character - Name — White hair useful links: AniDB, Anime-Planet
[Apr] Watch an anime with a character whose name contains "shi" in it - Name
[Nov] Watch an anime with a character who has a color in their name - Name — Must be their listed name. Use only English or Japanese for the colors. State the character and bold or note the color used
[Apr] Watch an anime with four main characters - Name
SEASONS & DATES — Any day/month/year unless otherwise stated
[Apr] Watch an anime that began airing on the 4th day - Name
[Jan] Watch an anime that aired during any Spring Season or on any 15th day - Name — Spring will cover anime aired during April, May and June
[Feb] Watch an anime that started airing in either February or October - Name
[Jan] Watch an anime that started and/or finished airing during 2010 or 2019 - Name
[Jun] Watch a TV anime that started airing between Winter 2016 and Winter 2020 - Yami Shibai 3
[Dec] Watch an anime that began airing in a year ending with 0 - Name
TITLES —Use either English, Japanese or Chinese only; can be in the official or alternative titles unless otherwise stated
[Jun] Watch an anime with a color in its main title - Name — Color language only in English or Japanese
[Jul] Watch an anime with a Roman Numeral in the title - Name — It can't be part of a word; Roman numbers are I, II, III and so on
[Oct] Watch an anime with an English main title - Name
NUMBERS & STATS —For any stats related item, include a screenshot as evidence, otherwise if the stats changes it will be an instant-invalidation;
Whenever possible, they should show your username and your completed status for the anime
[Jan] Watch an anime that includes the number 10 somewhere - Name — Written in numerical form; Can be on the main title, synopsis, episodes in total, episode duration, aired dates, popularity,
rank or total members
[May] Watch an anime with five (5) somewhere - Name — Can be on the main title, score, rank, popularity, main characters in total and/or cover pictures available
[Sep] Watch an anime that has the number 30 in its rank or popularity - Name — For example: 2,030, 3,057 and so on
[Feb] Watch an anime that another club member has completed and rated a 1 or a 10 - Name — State their username and link their completed anime list
[Jun] Watch an anime more popular than #500 - Name — Popularity is #499, #498, #497, etc.
[Oct] Watch an anime with a popularity of 500 or more - Name — Popularity of 500 or more meaning 501, 502, 503, etc.
[Jan] Watch an anime with RED somewhere - Name — RED can only be used in English; can be in titles, synopsis, anime pictures, characters eyes or hair color
[Jun] Watch an anime with a flower on any of its pictures - Name — Can be the cover picture or any of the others added (if any)
[Aug] Watch an anime generated randomly using - Name — You will need a screenshot (no screenshot = instant invalid). Detailed instructions on how it works can be found under item
B.28 of the MAL AWC (Bronze items post)
[Aug] Watch an anime from one of the club studios based challenges - Name — Use any of the studios listed under the "Studios Based Challenges" category, or check the HoF
[Aug] Watch an anime from one of the staff related collections - Name — Specify which one was used; This refers to one of the followings: Staff, AG Staff, MAC or MAL AWC Collections
[Oct] Watch an anime in which any of the Top 50 most popular people participated - Name — State the person used; must be listed on the anime's Characters and Staff page; can be a voice actor or any staff position
[Nov] Watch an anime with a predominantly light blue or red cover - Name — Specify which one was used; include a screenshot if the cover is different on MAL
[X][Aug] Watch an anime where the characters watch or play with Fireworks: Series
[X][Jan] Watch an anime featuring Gods or Monsters: Series — From the Theme Tags challenge: Deities (God/Goddess) — aniDB or A-P.
From Halloween Bingo '19: Monsters can be a Centaur, Cerberus, Chimera, Cryptids, Cyclopes, Dragon, Hydra, Minotaur, Ogre, Troll, Undeads, and/or Werewolf.
[X][Mar] Watch an anime from the Gourmet Challenge: Series
[X][Jul] Watch an anime where Tanabata is referenced or celebrated: Series
[X][Aug] Watch an anime that fits the Theme Tags Challenge: Series
CHARACTERSState the character(s) used; can be main or supporting unless otherwise stated; must appear listed on MAL; if 2 or more tags are provided, state which is used.
For the following items about hair color: it must be a single solid color. Mixed colors won't count (highlights, half/half and so on).
[X][May] Watch an anime with a female main character: Series
[X][Jun] Watch an anime with a green haired main character: Series — Useful links: AniDB, Anime-Planet.
[X][Jan] Watch an anime with a non-humanoid character: Series — Non-humanoid characters resemble animals, monsters, or anything else that isn't just a distorted or slightly changed human form. Examples would be Pikachu, Madara, or Kyuubey.
[X][Aug] Watch an anime with a redhead protagonist: Series — The color must be stated somewhere, link it
[X][Mar] Watch an anime with a white-haired or black-haired main character: Series — White hair useful links: AniDB, Anime-Planet
[X][Apr] Watch an anime with a character whose name contains "shi" in it: Series
[X][Nov] Watch an anime with a character who has a color in their name: Series — Must be their listed name. Use only English or Japanese for the colors. State the character and bold or note the color used.
[X][Apr] Watch an anime with four main characters: Series
[X][Nov] Watch an anime with no more than 10 characters listed: Series — Characters listed under the "Characters & Voice Actors" section must be 10 or less.
[X][Dec] Watch an anime that began airing in a year ending with 0: Series
TITLESUse either English, Japanese or Chinese only; can be in the official or alternative titles unless otherwise stated.
[X][Jun] Watch an anime with a color in its main title: Series — Color language only in English or Japanese.
[X][Jul] Watch an anime with a Roman Numeral in the title: Series — It can't be part of a word; Roman numbers are I, II, III and so on.
[X][Oct] Watch an anime with an English main title: Series
NUMBERS & STATSFor any stats related item, include a screenshot as evidence, otherwise if the stats changes it will be an instant-invalidation; Whenever possible, they should show your username and your completed status for the anime.
[X][Jan] Watch an anime that includes the number 10 somewhere: Series — Written in numerical form; Can be on the main title, synopsis, episodes in total, episode duration, aired dates, popularity, rank or total members.
[X][May] Watch an anime with five (5) somewhere: Series — Can be on the main title, score, rank, popularity, main characters in total and/or cover pictures available.
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that has the number 30 in its rank or popularity: Series — For example: 2,030, 3,057 and so on.
[X][Feb] Watch an anime that another club member has completed and rated a 1 or a 10: Series — State their username and link their completed anime list.
[X][Jun] Watch an anime more popular than #500: Series — Popularity is #499, #498, #497, etc.
[X][Oct] Watch an anime with a popularity of 500 or more: Series — Popularity of 500 or more meaning 501, 502, 503, etc.
[X][Jan] Watch an anime with RED somewhere: Series — RED can only be used in English; can be in titles, synopsis, anime pictures, characters eyes or hair color.
[X][Jun] Watch an anime with a flower on any of its pictures: Series — Can be the cover picture or any of the others added (if any).
[X][Aug] Watch an anime generated randomly using Series — You will need a screenshot (no screenshot = instant invalid). Detailed instructions on how it works can be found under item B.28 of the MAL AWC (Bronze items post).
[X][Aug] Watch an anime from one of the club studios based challenges: Series — Use any of the studios listed under the "Studios Based Challenges" category, or check the HoF.
[X][Aug] Watch an anime from one of the staff related collections: Series — Specify which one was used; This refers to one of the followings: Staff, AG Staff, MAC or MAL AWC Collections
[X][Oct] Watch an anime in which any of the Top 50 most popular people participated: Series — State the person used; must be listed on the anime's Characters and Staff page; can be a voice actor or any staff position
[X][Nov] Watch an anime with a predominantly light blue or red cover: Series — Specify which one was used; include a screenshot if the cover is different on MAL.
[X][Jan] Watch an anime with no Sequels, Parent Stories or Full Stories listed under Related Anime: Aiura
[X][Jan] Watch an anime directly related to one you've already completed: Girls & Panzer: Saishuushou Part 2 [Girls & Panzer: Saishuushou Part 1] — State which anime was previously completed.
CHARACTERSState the character(s) used; can be main or supporting unless otherwise stated; must appear listed on MAL; if 2 or more tags are provided, state which is used.
[X][Apr] Watch an anime that began airing on the 4th day: Robot Girls Z
[X][Jan] Watch an anime that aired during any Spring Season or on any 15th day: Gokushufudou — Spring will cover anime aired during April, May and June.
[X][Jan] Watch an anime that started and/or finished airing during 2010 OR 2019: Weiß Survive R [finished 2010]
TITLESUse either English, Japanese or Chinese only; can be in the official or alternative titles unless otherwise stated.
[X][Aug] Watch an anime where the characters watch or play with Fireworks: Series
[X][Jan] Watch an anime featuring Gods or Monsters: Series — From the Theme Tags challenge: Deities (God/Goddess) — aniDB or A-P.
From Halloween Bingo '19: Monsters can be a Centaur, Cerberus, Chimera, Cryptids, Cyclopes, Dragon, Hydra, Minotaur, Ogre, Troll, Undeads, and/or Werewolf.
[X][Mar] Watch an anime from the Gourmet Challenge: Series
[X][Jul] Watch an anime where Tanabata is referenced or celebrated: Series
[X][Aug] Watch an anime that fits the Theme Tags Challenge: Series
CHARACTERSState the character(s) used; can be main or supporting unless otherwise stated; must appear listed on MAL; if 2 or more tags are provided, state which is used.
For the following items about hair color: it must be a single solid color. Mixed colors won't count (highlights, half/half and so on).
[X][May] Watch an anime with a female main character: Detatoko Princess
[X][Jun] Watch an anime with a green haired main character: Series — Useful links: AniDB, Anime-Planet.
[X][Jan] Watch an anime with a non-humanoid character: Series — Non-humanoid characters resemble animals, monsters, or anything else that isn't just a distorted or slightly changed human form. Examples would be Pikachu, Madara, or Kyuubey.
[X][Aug] Watch an anime with a redhead protagonist: Series — The color must be stated somewhere, link it
[X][Mar] Watch an anime with a white-haired or black-haired main character: Series — White hair useful links: AniDB, Anime-Planet
[X][Apr] Watch an anime with a character whose name contains "shi" in it: Series
[X][Nov] Watch an anime with a character who has a color in their name: Series — Must be their listed name. Use only English or Japanese for the colors. State the character and bold or note the color used.
[X][Apr] Watch an anime with four main characters: Series
[X][Nov] Watch an anime with no more than 10 characters listed: Series — Characters listed under the "Characters & Voice Actors" section must be 10 or less.
[X][Dec] Watch an anime that began airing in a year ending with 0: Series
TITLESUse either English, Japanese or Chinese only; can be in the official or alternative titles unless otherwise stated.
[X][Jun] Watch an anime with a color in its main title: Series — Color language only in English or Japanese.
[X][Jul] Watch an anime with a Roman Numeral in the title: Series — It can't be part of a word; Roman numbers are I, II, III and so on.
[X][Oct] Watch an anime with an English main title: Series
NUMBERS & STATSFor any stats related item, include a screenshot as evidence, otherwise if the stats changes it will be an instant-invalidation; Whenever possible, they should show your username and your completed status for the anime.
[X][Jan] Watch an anime that includes the number 10 somewhere: Series — Written in numerical form; Can be on the main title, synopsis, episodes in total, episode duration, aired dates, popularity, rank or total members.
[X][May] Watch an anime with five (5) somewhere: Yami Shibai 5 — Can be on the main title, score, rank, popularity, main characters in total and/or cover pictures available.
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that has the number 30 in its rank or popularity: Series — For example: 2,030, 3,057 and so on.
[X][Feb] Watch an anime that another club member has completed and rated a 1 or a 10: Series — State their username and link their completed anime list.
[X][Jun] Watch an anime more popular than #500: Series — Popularity is #499, #498, #497, etc.
[X][Oct] Watch an anime with a popularity of 500 or more: Kyuuketsuhime Miyu — Popularity of 500 or more meaning 501, 502, 503, etc.
[X][Jan] Watch an anime with RED somewhere: Series — RED can only be used in English; can be in titles, synopsis, anime pictures, characters eyes or hair color.
[X][Jun] Watch an anime with a flower on any of its pictures: Series — Can be the cover picture or any of the others added (if any).
[X][Aug] Watch an anime generated randomly using Series — You will need a screenshot (no screenshot = instant invalid). Detailed instructions on how it works can be found under item B.28 of the MAL AWC (Bronze items post).
[X][Aug] Watch an anime from one of the club studios based challenges: 86 — Use any of the studios listed under the "Studios Based Challenges" category, or check the HoF.
[X][Aug] Watch an anime from one of the staff related collections: Series — Specify which one was used; This refers to one of the followings: Staff, AG Staff, MAC or MAL AWC Collections
[X][Oct] Watch an anime in which any of the Top 50 most popular people participated: Series — State the person used; must be listed on the anime's Characters and Staff page; can be a voice actor or any staff position
[X][Nov] Watch an anime with a predominantly light blue or red cover: Series — Specify which one was used; include a screenshot if the cover is different on MAL.
Second Chances 2020 Challenge
Easy 20/20 | Med 40/40 | Hard 60/60 | Conquered 80/80
Due the character limit on a single post on MAL, I had to post a part 2 of my Second Chances 2020 Challenge. You can find the part 1 of the challenge with the starting date of Jan 03, 2021 here.
Starting Date: Jan 03, 2021 Ending Date: Mar 30, 2023
GENRE TAGS & ADAPTATIONSThe anime is tagged with the genre / listed with the source.
[X][Jan] Watch an anime with no Sequels, Parent Stories or Full Stories listed under Related Anime: Shiroi Suna no Aquatope
[X][Jan] Watch an anime directly related to one you've already completed: Dr. Stone: Stone Wars — State which anime was previously completed.
Previously completed: Dr. Stone
CHARACTERSState the character(s) used; can be main or supporting unless otherwise stated; must appear listed on MAL; if 2 or more tags are provided, state which is used.
[X][Jan] Watch an anime with a non-humanoid character: Senyuu. — Non-humanoid characters resemble animals, monsters, or anything else that isn't just a distorted or slightly changed human form. Examples would be Pikachu, Madara, or Kyuubey.
Character: Nisepanda
[X][Aug] Watch an anime with a redhead protagonist: Dorohedoro — The color must be stated somewhere, link it
Character: En | Source: AniDB
[X][Mar] Watch an anime with a white-haired or black-haired main character: Oneechan ga Kita — White hair useful links: AniDB, Anime-Planet
Character: Mizuhara, Ichika
[X][Apr] Watch an anime with a character whose name contains "shi" in it: Odd Taxi
Character: Odokawa, Hiroshi
[X][Nov] Watch an anime with a character who has a color in their name: Boogiepop wa Warawanai — Must be their listed name. Use only English or Japanese for the colors. State the character and bold or note the color used.
Character: Kisaragi, Manaka
[X][Apr] Watch an anime with four main characters: Sparrow's Hotel
[X][Nov] Watch an anime with no more than 10 characters listed: Summer Ghost — Characters listed under the "Characters & Voice Actors" section must be 10 or less.
[X][Jan] Watch an anime that aired during any Spring Season or on any 15th day: Joshikausei — Spring will cover anime aired during April, May and June.
NUMBERS & STATSFor any stats related item, include a screenshot as evidence, otherwise if the stats changes it will be an instant-invalidation; Whenever possible, they should show your username and your completed status for the anime.
[X][Jan] Watch an anime that includes the number 10 somewhere: World Trigger 2nd Season — Written in numerical form; Can be on the main title, synopsis, episodes in total, episode duration, aired dates, popularity, rank or total members.
Number 10 in: Start date
[X][May] Watch an anime with five (5) somewhere: Miru Tights — Can be on the main title, score, rank, popularity, main characters in total and/or cover pictures available.
5 in Score
[X][Jan] Watch an anime with RED somewhere: Dragon Ball Specials — RED can only be used in English; can be in titles, synopsis, anime pictures, characters eyes or hair color.
RED in anime pictures
[X][Jun] Watch an anime with a flower on any of its pictures: Jaku-Chara Tomozaki-kun (Flowers in the right of the image) — Can be the cover picture or any of the others added (if any).
[X][Aug] Watch an anime from one of the club studios based challenges: Ginga Tetsudou 999: Niji no Michishirube — Use any of the studios listed under the "Studios Based Challenges" category, or check the HoF.
Challenge: Toei Animation
[X][Aug] Watch an anime from one of the staff related collections: Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita — Specify which one was used; This refers to one of the followings: Staff, AG Staff, MAC or MAL AWC Collections
Collection used: MAC - Forgotten_Memo's Two Dimensions of Introspection
[X][Oct] Watch an anime in which any of the Top 50 most popular people participated: Spy x Family — State the person used; must be listed on the anime's Characters and Staff page; can be a voice actor or any staff position
[Person: Hayami, Saori | Role: Voice Actress ]
[X][Sep] Watch a two-cour anime: Chobits — Two cours will refer to 20 episodes or more.
CHARACTERSState the character(s) used; can be main or supporting unless otherwise stated; must appear listed on MAL; if 2 or more tags are provided, state which is used.
[X][Jan] Watch an anime that aired during any Spring Season or on any 15th day: Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san — Spring will cover anime aired during April, May and June.
TITLESUse either English, Japanese or Chinese only; can be in the official or alternative titles unless otherwise stated.
— Color language only in English or Japanese.
[X][Jul] Watch an anime with a Roman Numeral in the title: Sword Art Online II: Debriefing — It can't be part of a word; Roman numbers are I, II, III and so on.
[X][Oct] Watch an anime with an English main title: Pale Cocoon
[X][Jan] Watch an anime with RED somewhere: Yuukoku no Moriarty — RED can only be used in English; can be in titles, synopsis, anime pictures, characters eyes or hair color.
RED in: anime pictures
[X][Jun] Watch an anime with a flower on any of its pictures: Tsuki ga Kirei Special — Can be the cover picture or any of the others added (if any).
Flowers in: Cover picture
Coolest/Funniest quotes from animes:
People die when they are killed - Shirou Emiya, Fate/Stay Night
Did you really think killing me would be enough to make me die - Anos Voldigoad, Maou Gakuin
My orders are absolute / Boku no meirei wa zettai da - Seijuro Akashi, Kuroko no Basket
D-D-D-DISGUSTING!!! - Erina Nakiri, Shokugeki no Souma
KISS KISS FALL IN LOVE - Ouran High School Host Club OP
CHARACTERSState the character(s) used; can be main or supporting unless otherwise stated; must appear listed on MAL; if 2 or more tags are provided, state which is used.
NUMBERS & STATSFor any stats related item, include a screenshot as evidence, otherwise if the stats changes it will be an instant-invalidation; Whenever possible, they should show your username and your completed status for the anime.
[✔][Jan] Watch an anime that includes the number 10 somewhere: Akiba-chan(Episodes in total)
[✔][May] Watch an anime with five (5) somewhere: Kowabon(Score) — Can be on the main title, score, rank, popularity, main characters in total and/or cover pictures available.
CHARACTERSState the character(s) used; can be main or supporting unless otherwise stated; must appear listed on MAL; if 2 or more tags are provided, state which is used.
CHARACTERSState the character(s) used; can be main or supporting unless otherwise stated; must appear listed on MAL; if 2 or more tags are provided, state which is used.
[X][Aug] Watch an anime where the characters watch or play with Fireworks: Series
[X][Jan] Watch an anime featuring Gods or Monsters: Series — From the Theme Tags challenge: Deities (God/Goddess) — aniDB or A-P.
From Halloween Bingo '19: Monsters can be a Centaur, Cerberus, Chimera, Cryptids, Cyclopes, Dragon, Hydra, Minotaur, Ogre, Troll, Undeads, and/or Werewolf.
[X][Mar] Watch an anime from the Gourmet Challenge: Series
[X][Jul] Watch an anime where Tanabata is referenced or celebrated: Series
[X][Aug] Watch an anime that fits the Theme Tags Challenge: Series
CHARACTERSState the character(s) used; can be main or supporting unless otherwise stated; must appear listed on MAL; if 2 or more tags are provided, state which is used.
For the following items about hair color: it must be a single solid color. Mixed colors won't count (highlights, half/half and so on).
[X][May] Watch an anime with a female main character: Series
[X][Jun] Watch an anime with a green haired main character: Series — Useful links: AniDB, Anime-Planet.
[X][Jan] Watch an anime with a non-humanoid character: Series — Non-humanoid characters resemble animals, monsters, or anything else that isn't just a distorted or slightly changed human form. Examples would be Pikachu, Madara, or Kyuubey.
[X][Aug] Watch an anime with a redhead protagonist: Series — The color must be stated somewhere, link it
[X][Mar] Watch an anime with a white-haired or black-haired main character: Series — White hair useful links: AniDB, Anime-Planet
[X][Apr] Watch an anime with a character whose name contains "shi" in it: Series
[X][Nov] Watch an anime with a character who has a color in their name: Series — Must be their listed name. Use only English or Japanese for the colors. State the character and bold or note the color used.
[X][Apr] Watch an anime with four main characters: Series
[X][Nov] Watch an anime with no more than 10 characters listed: Series — Characters listed under the "Characters & Voice Actors" section must be 10 or less.
[X][Dec] Watch an anime that began airing in a year ending with 0: Series
TITLESUse either English, Japanese or Chinese only; can be in the official or alternative titles unless otherwise stated.
[X][Jun] Watch an anime with a color in its main title: Series — Color language only in English or Japanese.
[X][Jul] Watch an anime with a Roman Numeral in the title: Series — It can't be part of a word; Roman numbers are I, II, III and so on.
[X][Oct] Watch an anime with an English main title: Series
NUMBERS & STATSFor any stats related item, include a screenshot as evidence, otherwise if the stats changes it will be an instant-invalidation; Whenever possible, they should show your username and your completed status for the anime.
[X][Jan] Watch an anime that includes the number 10 somewhere: Series — Written in numerical form; Can be on the main title, synopsis, episodes in total, episode duration, aired dates, popularity, rank or total members.
[X][May] Watch an anime with five (5) somewhere: Series — Can be on the main title, score, rank, popularity, main characters in total and/or cover pictures available.
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that has the number 30 in its rank or popularity: Series — For example: 2,030, 3,057 and so on.
[X][Feb] Watch an anime that another club member has completed and rated a 1 or a 10: Series — State their username and link their completed anime list.
[X][Jun] Watch an anime more popular than #500: Series — Popularity is #499, #498, #497, etc.
[X][Oct] Watch an anime with a popularity of 500 or more: Series — Popularity of 500 or more meaning 501, 502, 503, etc.
[X][Jan] Watch an anime with RED somewhere: Series — RED can only be used in English; can be in titles, synopsis, anime pictures, characters eyes or hair color.
[X][Jun] Watch an anime with a flower on any of its pictures: Series — Can be the cover picture or any of the others added (if any).
[X][Aug] Watch an anime generated randomly using Series — You will need a screenshot (no screenshot = instant invalid). Detailed instructions on how it works can be found under item B.28 of the MAL AWC (Bronze items post).
[X][Aug] Watch an anime from one of the club studios based challenges: Series — Use any of the studios listed under the "Studios Based Challenges" category, or check the HoF.
[X][Aug] Watch an anime from one of the staff related collections: Series — Specify which one was used; This refers to one of the followings: Staff, AG Staff, MAC or MAL AWC Collections
[X][Oct] Watch an anime in which any of the Top 50 most popular people participated: Series — State the person used; must be listed on the anime's Characters and Staff page; can be a voice actor or any staff position
[X][Nov] Watch an anime with a predominantly light blue or red cover: Series — Specify which one was used; include a screenshot if the cover is different on MAL.
[X][Aug] Watch an anime where the characters watch or play with Fireworks: Series
[X][Jan] Watch an anime featuring Gods or Monsters: Series — From the Theme Tags challenge: Deities (God/Goddess) — aniDB or A-P.
From Halloween Bingo '19: Monsters can be a Centaur, Cerberus, Chimera, Cryptids, Cyclopes, Dragon, Hydra, Minotaur, Ogre, Troll, Undeads, and/or Werewolf.
[X][Mar] Watch an anime from the Gourmet Challenge: Series
[X][Jul] Watch an anime where Tanabata is referenced or celebrated: Series
[X][Aug] Watch an anime that fits the Theme Tags Challenge: Series
CHARACTERSState the character(s) used; can be main or supporting unless otherwise stated; must appear listed on MAL; if 2 or more tags are provided, state which is used.
For the following items about hair color: it must be a single solid color. Mixed colors won't count (highlights, half/half and so on).
[X][May] Watch an anime with a female main character: Series
[X][Jun] Watch an anime with a green haired main character: Series — Useful links: AniDB, Anime-Planet.
[X][Jan] Watch an anime with a non-humanoid character: Series — Non-humanoid characters resemble animals, monsters, or anything else that isn't just a distorted or slightly changed human form. Examples would be Pikachu, Madara, or Kyuubey.
[X][Aug] Watch an anime with a redhead protagonist: Series — The color must be stated somewhere, link it
[X][Mar] Watch an anime with a white-haired or black-haired main character: Series — White hair useful links: AniDB, Anime-Planet
[X][Apr] Watch an anime with a character whose name contains "shi" in it: Series
[X][Nov] Watch an anime with a character who has a color in their name: Series — Must be their listed name. Use only English or Japanese for the colors. State the character and bold or note the color used.
[X][Apr] Watch an anime with four main characters: Series
[X][Nov] Watch an anime with no more than 10 characters listed: Series — Characters listed under the "Characters & Voice Actors" section must be 10 or less.
[X][Dec] Watch an anime that began airing in a year ending with 0: Series
TITLESUse either English, Japanese or Chinese only; can be in the official or alternative titles unless otherwise stated.
[X][Jun] Watch an anime with a color in its main title: Series — Color language only in English or Japanese.
[X][Jul] Watch an anime with a Roman Numeral in the title: Series — It can't be part of a word; Roman numbers are I, II, III and so on.
[X][Oct] Watch an anime with an English main title: Series
NUMBERS & STATSFor any stats related item, include a screenshot as evidence, otherwise if the stats changes it will be an instant-invalidation; Whenever possible, they should show your username and your completed status for the anime.
[X][Jan] Watch an anime that includes the number 10 somewhere: Series — Written in numerical form; Can be on the main title, synopsis, episodes in total, episode duration, aired dates, popularity, rank or total members.
[X][May] Watch an anime with five (5) somewhere: Series — Can be on the main title, score, rank, popularity, main characters in total and/or cover pictures available.
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that has the number 30 in its rank or popularity: Series — For example: 2,030, 3,057 and so on.
[X][Feb] Watch an anime that another club member has completed and rated a 1 or a 10: Series — State their username and link their completed anime list.
[X][Jun] Watch an anime more popular than #500: Series — Popularity is #499, #498, #497, etc.
[X][Oct] Watch an anime with a popularity of 500 or more: Series — Popularity of 500 or more meaning 501, 502, 503, etc.
[X][Jan] Watch an anime with RED somewhere: Series — RED can only be used in English; can be in titles, synopsis, anime pictures, characters eyes or hair color.
[X][Jun] Watch an anime with a flower on any of its pictures: Series — Can be the cover picture or any of the others added (if any).
[X][Aug] Watch an anime generated randomly using Series — You will need a screenshot (no screenshot = instant invalid). Detailed instructions on how it works can be found under item B.28 of the MAL AWC (Bronze items post).
[X][Aug] Watch an anime from one of the club studios based challenges: Series — Use any of the studios listed under the "Studios Based Challenges" category, or check the HoF.
[X][Aug] Watch an anime from one of the staff related collections: Series — Specify which one was used; This refers to one of the followings: Staff, AG Staff, MAC or MAL AWC Collections
[X][Oct] Watch an anime in which any of the Top 50 most popular people participated: Series — State the person used; must be listed on the anime's Characters and Staff page; can be a voice actor or any staff position
[X][Nov] Watch an anime with a predominantly light blue or red cover: Series — Specify which one was used; include a screenshot if the cover is different on MAL.
CHARACTERSState the character(s) used; can be main or supporting unless otherwise stated; must appear listed on MAL; if 2 or more tags are provided, state which is used.
[X][Dec] Watch an anime that began airing in a year ending with 0: Uchuu Show e Youkoso
TITLESUse either English, Japanese or Chinese only; can be in the official or alternative titles unless otherwise stated.
[X][Jun] Watch an anime with a color in its main title: Aoi Taiken
[X][Jul] Watch an anime with a Roman Numeral in the title: Piercing I
[X][Oct] Watch an anime with an English main title: Sin: The Movie
NUMBERS & STATSFor any stats related item, include a screenshot as evidence, otherwise if the stats changes it will be an instant-invalidation; Whenever possible, they should show your username and your completed status for the anime.
[X][Jan] Watch an anime that includes the number 10 somewhere: Hakuouki | screenshot
[X][Aug] Watch an anime where the characters watch or play with Fireworks: Series
[X][Jan] Watch an anime featuring Gods or Monsters: Series — From the Theme Tags challenge: Deities (God/Goddess) — aniDB or A-P.
From Halloween Bingo '19: Monsters can be a Centaur, Cerberus, Chimera, Cryptids, Cyclopes, Dragon, Hydra, Minotaur, Ogre, Troll, Undeads, and/or Werewolf.
[X][Mar] Watch an anime from the Gourmet Challenge: Series
[X][Jul] Watch an anime where Tanabata is referenced or celebrated: Series
[X][Aug] Watch an anime that fits the Theme Tags Challenge: Series
CHARACTERSState the character(s) used; can be main or supporting unless otherwise stated; must appear listed on MAL; if 2 or more tags are provided, state which is used.
For the following items about hair color: it must be a single solid color. Mixed colors won't count (highlights, half/half and so on).
[X][May] Watch an anime with a female main character: Series
[X][Jun] Watch an anime with a green haired main character: Series — Useful links: AniDB, Anime-Planet.
[X][Jan] Watch an anime with a non-humanoid character: Series — Non-humanoid characters resemble animals, monsters, or anything else that isn't just a distorted or slightly changed human form. Examples would be Pikachu, Madara, or Kyuubey.
[X][Aug] Watch an anime with a redhead protagonist: Series — The color must be stated somewhere, link it
[X][Mar] Watch an anime with a white-haired or black-haired main character: Series — White hair useful links: AniDB, Anime-Planet
[X][Apr] Watch an anime with a character whose name contains "shi" in it: Series
[X][Nov] Watch an anime with a character who has a color in their name: Series — Must be their listed name. Use only English or Japanese for the colors. State the character and bold or note the color used.
[X][Apr] Watch an anime with four main characters: Series
[X][Nov] Watch an anime with no more than 10 characters listed: Series — Characters listed under the "Characters & Voice Actors" section must be 10 or less.
[X][Dec] Watch an anime that began airing in a year ending with 0: Series
TITLESUse either English, Japanese or Chinese only; can be in the official or alternative titles unless otherwise stated.
[X][Jun] Watch an anime with a color in its main title: Series — Color language only in English or Japanese.
[X][Jul] Watch an anime with a Roman Numeral in the title: Series — It can't be part of a word; Roman numbers are I, II, III and so on.
[X][Oct] Watch an anime with an English main title: Series
NUMBERS & STATSFor any stats related item, include a screenshot as evidence, otherwise if the stats changes it will be an instant-invalidation; Whenever possible, they should show your username and your completed status for the anime.
[X][Jan] Watch an anime that includes the number 10 somewhere: Series — Written in numerical form; Can be on the main title, synopsis, episodes in total, episode duration, aired dates, popularity, rank or total members.
[X][May] Watch an anime with five (5) somewhere: Series — Can be on the main title, score, rank, popularity, main characters in total and/or cover pictures available.
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that has the number 30 in its rank or popularity: Series — For example: 2,030, 3,057 and so on.
[X][Feb] Watch an anime that another club member has completed and rated a 1 or a 10: Series — State their username and link their completed anime list.
[X][Jun] Watch an anime more popular than #500: Series — Popularity is #499, #498, #497, etc.
[X][Oct] Watch an anime with a popularity of 500 or more: Series — Popularity of 500 or more meaning 501, 502, 503, etc.
[X][Jan] Watch an anime with RED somewhere: Series — RED can only be used in English; can be in titles, synopsis, anime pictures, characters eyes or hair color.
[X][Jun] Watch an anime with a flower on any of its pictures: Series — Can be the cover picture or any of the others added (if any).
[X][Aug] Watch an anime generated randomly using Series — You will need a screenshot (no screenshot = instant invalid). Detailed instructions on how it works can be found under item B.28 of the MAL AWC (Bronze items post).
[X][Aug] Watch an anime from one of the club studios based challenges: Series — Use any of the studios listed under the "Studios Based Challenges" category, or check the HoF.
[X][Aug] Watch an anime from one of the staff related collections: Series — Specify which one was used; This refers to one of the followings: Staff, AG Staff, MAC or MAL AWC Collections
[X][Oct] Watch an anime in which any of the Top 50 most popular people participated: Series — State the person used; must be listed on the anime's Characters and Staff page; can be a voice actor or any staff position
[X][Nov] Watch an anime with a predominantly light blue or red cover: Series — Specify which one was used; include a screenshot if the cover is different on MAL.
"No matter what painful things happens, even when it looks like you'll lose... when no one else in the world believes in you... when you don't even believe in yourself... I will believe in you!"
CHARACTERSState the character(s) used; can be main or supporting unless otherwise stated; must appear listed on MAL; if 2 or more tags are provided, state which is used.
For the following items about hair color: it must be a single solid color. Mixed colors won't count (highlights, half/half and so on).
[✔][Nov] Watch an anime with no more than 10 characters listed: Yurumates — Characters listed under the "Characters & Voice Actors" section must be 10 or less.
TITLESUse either English, Japanese or Chinese only; can be in the official or alternative titles unless otherwise stated.
[✔][Jun] Watch an anime with a color in its main title: Akame ga Kill! Recap Akame ga Kill! Recap
NUMBERS & STATSFor any stats related item, include a screenshot as evidence, otherwise if the stats changes it will be an instant-invalidation; Whenever possible, they should show your username and your completed status for the anime.
[✔][Aug] Watch an anime that fits the Theme Tags Challenge: Afro Samurai Fits Androids, Gore, Gunfights, Swordplay
CHARACTERSState the character(s) used; can be main or supporting unless otherwise stated; must appear listed on MAL; if 2 or more tags are provided, state which is used.
[✔][Nov] Watch an anime with a character who has a color in their name: Santa Company — Must be their listed name. Use only English or Japanese for the colors. State the character and bold or note the color used. Noel White
[✔][Nov] Watch an anime with no more than 10 characters listed: Roku no Sekai — Characters listed under the "Characters & Voice Actors" section must be 10 or less.
[✔][Apr] Watch an anime that began airing on the 4th day: Haikyuu!! (OVA)
[✔][Jan] Watch an anime that aired during any Spring Season or on any 15th day: Kyochuu Rettou — Spring will cover anime aired during April, May and June.
[✔][Feb] Watch an anime that started airing in either February or October: Houkago no Pleiades
NUMBERS & STATSFor any stats related item, include a screenshot as evidence, otherwise if the stats changes it will be an instant-invalidation; Whenever possible, they should show your username and your completed status for the anime.
[✔][Jan] Watch an anime with RED somewhere: Shakunetsu Kabaddi — RED can only be used in English; can be in titles, synopsis, anime pictures, characters eyes or hair color. Tatsuya Yoigoshi - Red Eyes
[✔][Aug] Watch an anime from one of the club studios based challenges: Kuroko no Basket Movie 1: Winter Cup - Kage to Hikari — Use any of the studios listed under the "Studios Based Challenges" category, or check the HoF.
- Production I.G
[✔][Aug] Watch an anime from one of the staff related collections: Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan — Specify which one was used; This refers to one of the followings: Staff, AG Staff, MAC or MAL AWC Collections
- ShockZz's Superb Collection of Grandiosity, Staff Collections
Starting Date: 22/06/2021 Ending Date: 24/07/2021
GENRE TAGS & ADAPTATIONSThe anime is tagged with the genre / listed with the source.
CHARACTERSState the character(s) used; can be main or supporting unless otherwise stated; must appear listed on MAL; if 2 or more tags are provided, state which is used.
[✔][Oct] Watch an anime with an English main title: Shadows House
NUMBERS & STATSFor any stats related item, include a screenshot as evidence, otherwise if the stats changes it will be an instant-invalidation; Whenever possible, they should show your username and your completed status for the anime.
[✔][Jan] Watch an anime that includes the number 10 somewhere: Hakuouki Aired: Apr 4, 2010 to Jun 20, 2010
[✔][Sep] Watch an anime that has the number 30 in its rank or popularity: Hiyokoi Ranked #2301
[✔][Oct] Watch an anime with a popularity of 500 or more: Kimera — Popularity of 500 or more meaning 501, 502, 503, etc.
CHARACTERSState the character(s) used; can be main or supporting unless otherwise stated; must appear listed on MAL; if 2 or more tags are provided, state which is used.
[O][Jan] Watch an anime with a non-humanoid character: Kuma Miko Specials | Natsu Kumai — Non-humanoid characters resemble animals, monsters, or anything else that isn't just a distorted or slightly changed human form. Examples would be Pikachu, Madara, or Kyuubey. — The color must be stated somewhere, link it
TITLESUse either English, Japanese or Chinese only; can be in the official or alternative titles unless otherwise stated.
[O][Jul] Watch an anime with a Roman Numeral in the title: Usavich V — It can't be part of a word; Roman numbers are I, II, III and so on.
NUMBERS & STATSFor any stats related item, include a screenshot as evidence, otherwise if the stats changes it will be an instant-invalidation; Whenever possible, they should show your username and your completed status for the anime.
CHARACTERSState the character(s) used; can be main or supporting unless otherwise stated; must appear listed on MAL; if 2 or more tags are provided, state which is used.
For the following items about hair color: it must be a single solid color. Mixed colors won't count (highlights, half/half and so on).
[O][May] Watch an anime with a female main character: Strange+ | Miwa
NUMBERS & STATSFor any stats related item, include a screenshot as evidence, otherwise if the stats changes it will be an instant-invalidation; Whenever possible, they should show your username and your completed status for the anime.
[O][Oct] Watch an anime with a popularity of 500 or more: Sono Kinisasete yo: My My Mai — Popularity of 500 or more meaning 501, 502, 503, etc.
[X][Aug] Watch an anime where the characters watch or play with Fireworks: Series
[X][Jan] Watch an anime featuring Gods or Monsters: Series — From the Theme Tags challenge: Deities (God/Goddess) — aniDB or A-P.
From Halloween Bingo '19: Monsters can be a Centaur, Cerberus, Chimera, Cryptids, Cyclopes, Dragon, Hydra, Minotaur, Ogre, Troll, Undeads, and/or Werewolf.
[X][Mar] Watch an anime from the Gourmet Challenge: Series
[X][Jul] Watch an anime where Tanabata is referenced or celebrated: Series
[X][Aug] Watch an anime that fits the Theme Tags Challenge: Series
CHARACTERSState the character(s) used; can be main or supporting unless otherwise stated; must appear listed on MAL; if 2 or more tags are provided, state which is used.
For the following items about hair color: it must be a single solid color. Mixed colors won't count (highlights, half/half and so on).
[✔][May] Watch an anime with a female main character: Plastic Neesan
[X][Jun] Watch an anime with a green haired main character: Series — Useful links: AniDB, Anime-Planet.
[X][Jan] Watch an anime with a non-humanoid character: Series — Non-humanoid characters resemble animals, monsters, or anything else that isn't just a distorted or slightly changed human form. Examples would be Pikachu, Madara, or Kyuubey.
[X][Aug] Watch an anime with a redhead protagonist: Series — The color must be stated somewhere, link it
[✔][Apr] Watch an anime with a character whose name contains "shi" in it: Let's Nupu Nupu (Sagara Shitara)
[X][Nov] Watch an anime with a character who has a color in their name: Series — Must be their listed name. Use only English or Japanese for the colors. State the character and bold or note the color used.
[X][Apr] Watch an anime with four main characters: Series
[✔][Nov] Watch an anime with no more than 10 characters listed: Nanatsu no Bitoku — Characters listed under the "Characters & Voice Actors" section must be 10 or less.
NUMBERS & STATSFor any stats related item, include a screenshot as evidence, otherwise if the stats changes it will be an instant-invalidation; Whenever possible, they should show your username and your completed status for the anime.
[X][Jan] Watch an anime that includes the number 10 somewhere: Series — Written in numerical form; Can be on the main title, synopsis, episodes in total, episode duration, aired dates, popularity, rank or total members.
[X][May] Watch an anime with five (5) somewhere: Series — Can be on the main title, score, rank, popularity, main characters in total and/or cover pictures available.
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that has the number 30 in its rank or popularity: Series — For example: 2,030, 3,057 and so on.
[X][Feb] Watch an anime that another club member has completed and rated a 1 or a 10: Series — State their username and link their completed anime list.
[✔][Jun] Watch an anime more popular than #500: Jujutsu Kaisen (TV) — Popularity is #499, #498, #497, etc.
[X][Jan] Watch an anime with RED somewhere: Series — RED can only be used in English; can be in titles, synopsis, anime pictures, characters eyes or hair color.
[X][Jun] Watch an anime with a flower on any of its pictures: Series — Can be the cover picture or any of the others added (if any).
[X][Aug] Watch an anime generated randomly using Series — You will need a screenshot (no screenshot = instant invalid). Detailed instructions on how it works can be found under item B.28 of the MAL AWC (Bronze items post).
[X][Aug] Watch an anime from one of the club studios based challenges: Series — Use any of the studios listed under the "Studios Based Challenges" category, or check the HoF.
[X][Aug] Watch an anime from one of the staff related collections: Series — Specify which one was used; This refers to one of the followings: Staff, AG Staff, MAC or MAL AWC Collections
[✔][Oct] Watch an anime in which any of the Top 50 most popular people participated: Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! (Jun Fukuyama) — State the person used; must be listed on the anime's Characters and Staff page; can be a voice actor or any staff position
[X][Nov] Watch an anime with a predominantly light blue or red cover: Series — Specify which one was used; include a screenshot if the cover is different on MAL.
[X][Jan] Watch an anime featuring Gods or Monsters: Noragami OVA — From the Theme Tags challenge: Deities (God/Goddess) — aniDB or A-P.
From Halloween Bingo '19: Monsters can be a Centaur, Cerberus, Chimera, Cryptids, Cyclopes, Dragon, Hydra, Minotaur, Ogre, Troll, Undeads, and/or Werewolf.
CHARACTERSState the character(s) used; can be main or supporting unless otherwise stated; must appear listed on MAL; if 2 or more tags are provided, state which is used.
[X][Jan] Watch an anime with a non-humanoid character: Pokemon Movie 04: Celebi Toki wo Koeta Deai (Pikachu) — Non-humanoid characters resemble animals, monsters, or anything else that isn't just a distorted or slightly changed human form. Examples would be Pikachu, Madara, or Kyuubey.
[X][Nov] Watch an anime with no more than 10 characters listed: Kimera — Characters listed under the "Characters & Voice Actors" section must be 10 or less.
[X][Jan] Watch an anime that aired during any Spring Season or on any 15th day: Love Kome: We Love Rice — Spring will cover anime aired during April, May and June.
[X][Dec] Watch an anime that began airing in a year ending with 0: The God of High School (2020)
TITLESUse either English, Japanese or Chinese only; can be in the official or alternative titles unless otherwise stated.
[X][Jun] Watch an anime with a color in its main title: Red Ash: Gearworld (Red) — Color language only in English or Japanese.
[X][Jul] Watch an anime with a Roman Numeral in the title: Growlanser IV: Wayfarer of the Time — It can't be part of a word; Roman numbers are I, II, III and so on.
NUMBERS & STATSFor any stats related item, include a screenshot as evidence, otherwise if the stats changes it will be an instant-invalidation; Whenever possible, they should show your username and your completed status for the anime.
[X][May] Watch an anime with five (5) somewhere: Sangokushi (1985) — Can be on the main title, score, rank, popularity, main characters in total and/or cover pictures available.
[X][Jun] Watch an anime more popular than #500: Zankyou no Terror — 110.
[X][Oct] Watch an anime with a popularity of 500 or more: Gakuen Tokusou Hikaruon — Popularity of 500 or more meaning 501, 502, 503, etc.
[X][Aug] Watch an anime from one of the club studios based challenges: Alexander Senki (Madhouse) — Use any of the studios listed under the "Studios Based Challenges" category, or check the HoF.
Starting Date: 02/08/2021 Ending Date: 31/11/2021
GENRE TAGS & ADAPTATIONSThe anime is tagged with the genre / listed with the source.
CHARACTERSState the character(s) used; can be main or supporting unless otherwise stated; must appear listed on MAL; if 2 or more tags are provided, state which is used.
[X][Apr] Watch an anime with a character whose name contains "shi" in it: Summer Wars (Shinohara, Natsuki)
[X][Apr] Watch an anime with four main characters: Nyanko Days
[X][Nov] Watch an anime with no more than 10 characters listed: Love Kome: We Love Rice Nikisaku — Characters listed under the "Characters & Voice Actors" section must be 10 or less.