Cards are sorted by your username / shortened name.Use CTRL + F to
find your cards. Save and rehost cards within 30 days.
If there's any issue don't hesitate to PM me. ♥ Thank you for requesting ♥
• entirely 'load' the page
by scrolling to the bottom
• ctrl + f to find your username
• make sure you search it properly
• re-host and/or save within 1 month
• if you have any problems with cards
(wrong name, wrong card, missing card), hmu here!
. . ----------------------------------------- Greetings! Evil Club's Easter Egg Hunt Event is finally here! The
event will start at April 4th, 12:00 AM EST and to join the event simply click the banner above only during the designated time to
get to the thread and see the goodies we have prepared.
We truly apologize for this sudden unwanted newsletter. Our staff ran into an unexpected problem which led to us not being able to use the "Share with Members" feature, but we absolutely will not
let our dear members miss this special event after all.
Again, we apologize for the inconveniences this may have caused.
See you all at the thread! Have a great day and Happy Easter! ----------------------------------------- .
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you.
I hope this year has treated you well and was a wonderful experience.
Despite the chaos it has been a great opportunity for me
to be an active part of the community again.
And for that I'm grateful <3
Well I watched all of Noragami S1 and S2 and I have to say I really enjoyed it.
Hiyori is probably one of the most adorable characters I have ever seen in an anime.
Yato is also just a genuinely entertaining protagonist.
I'm glad I got your recommendation so thank you :)
All Comments (48) Comments
Let me know if there's an issue with your card.
Cards by RachelPanda
So sorry for the extremely late delivery, life has been hectic these past few months.
AWCC Staff Birthdays: May Edition 2021
► Pick up your card(s) HERE ◄
Thank you for requesting ♡
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Greetings! Evil Club's Easter Egg Hunt Event is finally here! The
event will start at April 4th, 12:00 AM EST and to join the event
simply click the banner above only during the designated time to
get to the thread and see the goodies we have prepared.
We truly apologize for this sudden unwanted newsletter. Our staff
ran into an unexpected problem which led to us not being able to
use the "Share with Members" feature, but we absolutely will not
let our dear members miss this special event after all.
Again, we apologize for the inconveniences this may have caused.
See you all at the thread! Have a great day and Happy Easter!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Happy new year too~
Hiyori is probably one of the most adorable characters I have ever seen in an anime.
Yato is also just a genuinely entertaining protagonist.
I'm glad I got your recommendation so thank you :)