Jan 1, 2021 11:34 AM
2021 Bingo Bonanza! Challenge Period: January 01, 2021 to November 30, 2021 (PST) Rules (How to participate will be explained in the next post) General
Sign-Up Forms
About Forms
Turn-In Forms
🍂🌲 2021 Manga Reading Challenge 🌲🍂 Thanks for the interest! Join the discussion on our Discord server and help others, ask questions and/or give suggestions related to the challenge. Thanks to those that provided item suggestions. Thanks to the Anime Watching Challenge Club for providing challenge ideas. Thanks to @KuraikoDesu for the challenge's banners, forum set and profile pictures!!! |
anime-primeJan 1, 2022 12:12 PM
This topic has been locked and is no longer available for discussion.
Jan 1, 2021 11:35 AM
How to Participate in the 2021 Bingo Bonanza! This year, there are 122 possible challenge items, spread across 11 different Staff cards. Depending on the difficulty you choose, you will complete up to 64 total items. Each difficulty level will require you to choose a different number of items. ☆ [Level] = [Total Items Needed] ★ Bingo Rookie: 2 "8-in-a-row" lines (15 items minimum) ★★ Bingo Enthusiast: 4 "8-in-a-row" lines (27 items minimum) ★★★ Bingo Addict: 8 "8-in-a-row" lines (43 items minimum) ★★★★ Bingo Pro: 11 "8-in-a-row" lines (52 items minimum) ★★★★★ Bingo Legend: Complete the entire card (64 items) Introduction This year it's B-I-N-G-O!
Signing Up & Completing Challenge Items
Extra Titles: "Master of..." (optional) and Jackpot!
Turning In & Tips
Tips for Checking Challenge before Turning-in
Invalids What happens if I have an invalid item after turning in? — If during the inspection of your challenge we find an invalid (an anime that doesn't fit the item requirements), you will be asked to either: * Use the same item and replace the invalid anime with a valid one watched during your challenge period. * Use the same anime and replace the invalid item with a previously unused item from the "Extra Items for Card" spoiler. — In case you don't have a valid anime to use or any unused items during your challenge period, you will be allowed to watch a new anime as a replacement after your Challenge Finish Date (date of the last watched anime for the challenge). * Keep in mind that the replacement is for the same item where you had the invalid. — Please keep in mind that if you have an invalid, shifting titles around with previously used items will make all of the changes invalid. You need to either replace them with unused items or new anime (ones not previously used or ones that were recently watched). — Please make sure to let us know what changes were made or we will not be able to validate the corrections. Withdrawing from the Challenge
Changes |
AWC_modJan 9, 2021 10:01 AM
Jan 1, 2021 11:36 AM
Bingo Challenge List with Explanations
AWC_modFeb 20, 2021 6:03 PM
Jan 1, 2021 11:36 AM
Card #1: Aera's Assortment Do not copy this into your post
Copy the entire BBCode into your post [right][b]Initial Post Number: [/b] #000 [/right] 🔷 [b]Challenge Start Date:[/b] MONTH DAY, YEAR (the date your first anime was watched) 🔶 [b]Challenge Finish Date:[/b] MONTH DAY, YEAR (example: November 30, 2021) 📣 [b]Link to your completed anime list:[/b] 📣 [b]Link to your Anime+:[/b] ⏰ [b]Completed Anime (at sign-up):[/b] COMPLETED_ANIME (the day you make your post) ⏰ [b]Time Zone:[/b] UTC/GMT_ZONE 🚩 [b]Card Number:[/b] #01 🚩 [b]Card Level:[/b] CARD_LEVEL_NAME 🚩 [b]Restriction:[/b] RESTRICTION(S)_USED (put N/A if none) 📚 [b]Anime in Forum Set:[/b] ANIME_USED (put N/A if none; refers to your forum avatar and signature) 📚 [b]Legend:[/b] [color=MEDIUMPURPLE][b]Watching[/b][/color] - [color=SEAGREEN][b]Completed[/b][/color] - [color=SLATEGRAY][b]Inactive/Plan to Watch[/b][/color] [quote][b][color=#60AFFE]Starting up TO-DO list[/color] (remove list before turning in!)[/b] [spoiler="TO-DO"][list][*]After posting, refresh the page for your Initial Post Number (upper right corner of your post). [*]Fill in the header with your information. It can be edited, but check the rules/how to play. [*]Read the [url=]Rules[/url] section to learn about the challenge guidelines. [*]Read the [url=]How to Participate[/url] section to learn how to play this version of Bingo. [*]Read the [url=]Challenge List with Explanations[/url] section for in depth explanations about the challenge item requirements. [*]If you get stuck check out [url=]Rubik's How-To Guide[/url] for a detailed explanation of how to edit your sign-up post. [*]Use and keep the provided format for the dates. [*]Add all extra information required for the items on a separate line underneath the anime title/url. [*]Before turning-in, remove any items that are not required for your difficulty level. [*]Update your Challenge Start and Finish Dates on both the Sign-Up and Turn-In posts. [*]To show that you've read this entire list, please add one of the following symbols to your initial post number (in the top corner of your sign-up post): ♬ ✩ ☩ ღ ° [/list][/spoiler][/quote] ⚔️ [b]Challenge list:[/b] [quote][list=1][color=#531289][center][size=140][b]Card #1: Aera's Assortment[/b][/size][/center] [center][spoiler=Card][img][/img][/spoiler][/center] ⚔️ [size=90][b]DATE FORMAT:[/b] MMM DD (example: Jan 01)[/size][/color][spoiler=items] [color=#531289][b][size=90]Items (10), (14), (57), and (114) are located at the [u]bottom[/u] of the challenge list[/size][/b][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (02) Watch an [url=]ONA[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (04) Watch a Sequel to an anime you've previously completed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Related Anime: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (05) Watch a Spin-Off of an anime you've previously completed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Related Anime: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (07) Watch a Movie with a total duration of 2 hours or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (11) Watch an anime with 35 or more episodes that are each 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (17) Watch an anime in which one of your Favorite People participated [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Favorite Person: | Role: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (21) Watch an anime with two or more studios listed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (22) Watch an anime from your least favorite studio by weighted score on [url=]Anime+[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Least Favorite Studio: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (24) Watch an anime where the same Voice Actor is credited under at least two different characters [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Voice Actor/Actress: | Character 1: | Character 2: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (25) Watch an anime featuring a Voice Actor who is also credited with a Theme/Insert Song Performance in the anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Voice Actor/Actress: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (26) Watch an anime that began airing the same year you joined MAL [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (33) Watch an anime that began airing between 2000 and 2009 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (34) Watch an anime that began airing between 1990 and 1999 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (35) Watch an anime that began airing between 1980 and 1989 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (36) Watch an anime that began airing between 1960 and 1979 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (37) Watch an anime adapted from a [url=]Visual Novel[/url] or [url=]Light Novel[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (40) Watch an anime adapted from a [url=]Card Game[/url] or [url=]Game[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (41) Watch an anime adapted from a [url=]Book[/url], [url=]Picture Book[/url] or [url=]Novel[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (45) Watch an anime with a popularity lower than #2,000 and a total duration of 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Popularity When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (46) Watch an anime with a popularity lower than #5,000 and a total duration of 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Popularity When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (50) Watch an anime with an episode duration of 6 minutes or more and less than 5,000 completed members that finished airing before you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Completed Members When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (51) Watch an anime with an episode duration of 6 minutes or more and less than 10,000 completed members that finished airing before you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Completed Members When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (52) Watch an anime with a score of 8.00 or above and an episode duration of 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Score When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (56) Watch an anime with 2 or more episodes and an episode duration of 30 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (58) Watch an anime with 50 or less favorites on MAL and an episode duration of 16 minutes or more that finished airing before you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (60) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that is rated G (All Ages) or PG (Children) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (61) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that is rated R - 17+ (violence & profanity) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (64) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that's tagged with one or more of the following: [url=]Demons[/url], [url=]Josei[/url], or [url=]Vampire[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (65) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that's tagged with one or more of the following: [url=]Dementia[/url], [url=]Magic[/url], or [url=]Mystery[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (66) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that's tagged with one or more of the following: [url=]Game[/url], [url=]Sports[/url], or [url=]Thriller[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (67) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that's tagged with one or more of the following: [url=]Cars[/url], [url=]Police[/url], or [url=]Seinen[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (68) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that's tagged with one or more of the following: [url=]Military[/url] or [url=]Shoujo[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (69) Watch a listed themed anime: [url=]Idol[/url] or [url=]Mahou Shoujo[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Theme: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (70) Watch a listed themed anime: [url=]Iyashikei[/url] or [url=]Mythology[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Theme: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (71) Watch a listed themed anime: [url=]CGI[/url] or [url=]Isekai[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Theme: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (72) Watch a listed themed anime: [url=]Gourmet[/url], [url=]Mafia[/url], or [url=]Steampunk[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Theme: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (73) Watch a listed themed anime: [url=]Battle Royale[/url], [url=]Cyberpunk[/url], or [url=]TV Scum[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Theme: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (74) Watch an anime rated 6.00 or less that is tagged with your favorite genre by weighted score according to [url=]Anime+[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Favorite Genre By Weighted Score: | Anime Score: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (79) Watch an anime that has a one-word main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (83) Watch an anime with a non-alphanumeric character in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (86) Watch an anime without any Recommendations [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (87) Watch an anime recommended to you in the [url=]AWC 2021 Anime Recommendations [From Participants][/url] thread [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Recommendation Link: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (88) Watch an anime with 4 episodes or more recommended to you in the [url=]AWC 2021 Anime Recommendations [From Staff][/url] thread by an AWC Staff Member (listed on the @ AWC_mod profile) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Recommendation Link: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (89) Watch an anime suggested by [url=]MAL[/url] or by [url=]Anime+[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (90) Watch any anime recommended to one of your Favorite Anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Favorite Anime: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (91) Watch an anime that an active participant has completed for this challenge [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Active Participant: | Their Item #: | Post Link: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (93) Watch a completed anime scored 10 or 9 by an active participant that posted on the first or second page [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Active Participant: | Initial Post Link: | Their Completed List Link: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (95) Watch an anime from one of the [url=]MAL AWC Staff Collections[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Collection Name: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (97) Watch an anime that is listed as a favorite on a [url=]MAL Staff Member's[/url] page [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][MAL Staff Member: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (99) Watch an anime with a year in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (100) Finish an anime you put on-hold or dropped on or before July 1, 2020 that has two or more episodes and an episode duration of 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Original Start Date: | Last Watched Episode Date: | # of Episodes Previously Watched: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (102) Watch a TV type anime with an irregular release schedule (where at least one episode was released less than 7 days after its previous episode or more than 7 days after its previous episode) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (107) Watch an anime where a main character wears [url=]glasses[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Main Character: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (108) Watch an anime that only has one main character listed on MAL [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (109) Watch an anime with 8 or more main characters listed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (115) Watch a listed anime featuring a character with two different eye colors (also known as [url=]heterochromia[/url]) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Character: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (116) Watch an anime generated randomly using [url=][/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (117) Watch an anime that finished airing before you started it and has no Opening Theme (OP) or Ending Theme (ED) listed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (118) Watch an anime with 20 or more episodes that has only one Opening Theme (OP) and one Ending Theme (ED) listed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (122) Watch an anime that has two or more adaptations listed under Related Anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#531289][b][Middle Square Items] - see [url=]How to Participate[/url] for rules on how/when to switch. Please add any switched items in the space below.[/b][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (10) Watch an anime with 60 or more episodes that are each 15 minutes or less [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (14) Watch an anime with 75 or more episodes that are each 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (57) Watch an anime with 2 or more episodes and an episode duration of 50 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (114) Watch an anime where a female character is voiced by a male voice actor [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Female Character: | Voice Actor: ][/color] [/spoiler][/list][/quote] [center][b][size=95]When posting this form I am confirming that I have read the [url=]Rules[/url], [url=]How to Participate[/url], and the [url=]Challenge List with Explanations[/url] posts in their entirety to the best of my ability. I am also confirming that I will not delete my post if I decide later on that I do not wish to complete the challenge.[/size][/b][/center] Copy the item's entire BBCode (everything in the rectangle, including the [*]) into the space provided at the bottom of your card - Do not copy the entire list, only the items you are switching for [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (01) Watch an [url=]award-winning[/url] anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (03) Watch a [url=]Special[/url] that has a total duration of 20 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (06) Watch a Movie with a total duration of 1 hour 30 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (08) Watch an anime with 10 or more episodes that are each 15 minutes or less [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (09) Watch an anime with 30 or more episodes that are each 15 minutes or less [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (12) Watch an anime with 40 or more episodes that are each 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (13) Watch an anime with 50 or more episodes that are each 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (15) Watch a listed [url=]noitaminA[/url], [url=]YATP[/url], or [url=]Ghibli Founders[/url] anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][List Used: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (16) Watch an anime without a Licensor listed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (18) Watch an anime with a Director that also directed one of your Favorite Anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Favorite Anime: | Director: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (19) Watch an anime by a studio with 5 - 50 anime in MAL's database [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Studio: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (20) Watch an anime by a studio you haven't seen anything from [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Studio: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (23) Watch an anime with a main character that has 2 or more Japanese Voice Actors listed on the character page [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Main Character: | Character Page Link: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (27) Watch an anime that began airing the same month you joined MAL [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (28) Watch an anime that began airing the same day you joined MAL [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (29) Watch an anime that began airing the same season and year as one of your Favorite Anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Favorite Anime: | Season/Year: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (30) Watch a directly related anime that aired at least 10 years before/after a previously completed anime from the same series [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Previously Watched Related Anime: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (31) Watch an anime that began airing between 2016 and 2020 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (32) Watch an anime that began airing between 2010 and 2015 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (38) Watch an anime adapted from a [url=]4-koma Manga[/url], [url=]Web Manga[/url] or [url=]Digital Manga[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (39) Watch an [url=]Original[/url] anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (42) Watch an anime adapted from an [url=]Unknown[/url] or [url=]Other[/url] source [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (43) Watch an anime adapted from a [url=]Radio[/url] or [url=]Music[/url] source [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (44) Watch an anime with a popularity lower than #700 and a total duration of 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Popularity When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (47) Watch an anime where the difference between ranking and popularity is at least 1,000 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Ranking When Started: | Popularity When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (48) Watch an anime with an episode duration of 6 minutes or more and less than 500 completed members that finished airing before you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Completed Members When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (49) Watch an anime with an episode duration of 6 minutes or more and less than 2,500 completed members that finished airing before you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Completed Members When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (53) Watch an anime with a score of 5.00 or below and an episode duration of 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Score When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (54) Watch an anime with more users in the "Plan-to-Watch" stat than the "Completed" stat that finished airing before you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN]["Plan-to-Watch" Members When Started: | "Completed" Members when Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (55) Watch an anime that was completed and scored 5 or less by an AWC Staff Member [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][AWC Staff Member: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (59) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that is rated PG-13 (Teens 13 or Older) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (62) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that is rated R+ (Mild Nudity) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (63) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that is rated Rx — Hentai [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (75) Watch an anime tagged with your least watched genre by time according to [url=]Anime+[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Least Watched Genre by Time: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (76) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that's tagged with 2 Genres or less [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (77) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that's tagged with 6 Genres or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (78) Watch an anime with no Japanese words or phrases in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (80) Watch an anime that has a main character’s name in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (81) Watch an anime with the word "Season" in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (82) Watch an anime with the word "Animation" in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (84) Watch an anime with 6 or more words in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (85) Watch an anime with an honorific in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (92) Watch an anime featured in an active participant's forum set [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Active Participant: | Initial Post #: | Post Link: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (94) Watch an anime Featured in an article from 2020 onward [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Article Link: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (96) Watch an anime with 11 or more episodes that has a synopsis by MAL Rewrite and finished airing before you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (98) Watch an anime with the "More Info" section provided [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (101) Watch an anime with an episode duration of 16 minutes or more that was [url=]reviewed[/url] the day you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Review Link: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (103) Watch an anime with an active streaming service listed under Licensors/Producers (Crunchyroll, Funimation, Hulu, Netflix) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (104) Watch an anime with a main character that is a professional in their field [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Main Character: | Profession: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (105) Watch an anime with a human main character that is not Japanese [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Main Character: | Nationality: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (106) Watch an anime with a non-humanoid main character [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Main Character: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (110) Watch an anime with more main characters than supporting characters [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Main Characters: | Supporting Characters: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (111) Watch an anime with at least 3 human adults as main characters [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][MC 1: | MC 2: | MC 3: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (112) Watch an anime with at least 2 human children as main characters [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][MC 1: | MC 2: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (113) Watch an anime in which one of the characters has at least 500 more favorites than the anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Character: | Character Favorites when Started: | Anime Favorites when Started: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (119) Watch an anime with either 5 or more Opening Themes (OP) listed or 5 or more Ending Themes (ED) listed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][OPs: | EDs: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (120) Watch an anime in which 2 or more of the Opening Theme (OP) and/or Ending Theme (ED) are performed by the same Artist/Group [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Artist/Group: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (121) Watch an anime that has a higher score than a listed adaptation (under Related Anime) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Anime Score Started: | Adaptation Score when Started: ][/color] .......................... |
AWC_modJan 8, 2021 10:58 AM
Jan 1, 2021 11:37 AM
Card #2: BigDud's Deathmatch Do not copy this into your post
Copy the entire BBCode into your post [right][b]Initial Post Number: [/b] #000 [/right] 🔷 [b]Challenge Start Date:[/b] MONTH DAY, YEAR (the date your first anime was watched) 🔶 [b]Challenge Finish Date:[/b] MONTH DAY, YEAR (example: November 30, 2021) 📣 [b]Link to your completed anime list:[/b] 📣 [b]Link to your Anime+:[/b] ⏰ [b]Completed Anime (at sign-up):[/b] COMPLETED_ANIME (the day you make your post) ⏰ [b]Time Zone:[/b] UTC/GMT_ZONE 🚩 [b]Card Number:[/b] #02 🚩 [b]Card Level:[/b] CARD_LEVEL_NAME 🚩 [b]Restriction:[/b] RESTRICTION(S)_USED (put N/A if none) 📚 [b]Anime in Forum Set:[/b] ANIME_USED (put N/A if none; refers to your forum avatar and signature) 📚 [b]Legend:[/b] [color=MEDIUMPURPLE][b]Watching[/b][/color] - [color=SEAGREEN][b]Completed[/b][/color] - [color=SLATEGRAY][b]Inactive/Plan to Watch[/b][/color] [quote][b][color=#60AFFE]Starting up TO-DO list[/color] (remove list before turning in!)[/b] [spoiler="TO-DO"][list][*]After posting, refresh the page for your Initial Post Number (upper right corner of your post). [*]Fill in the header with your information. It can be edited, but check the rules/how to play. [*]Read the [url=]Rules[/url] section to learn about the challenge guidelines. [*]Read the [url=]How to Participate[/url] section to learn how to play this version of Bingo. [*]Read the [url=]Challenge List with Explanations[/url] section for in depth explanations about the challenge item requirements. [*]If you get stuck check out [url=]Rubik's How-To Guide[/url] for a detailed explanation of how to edit your sign-up post. [*]Use and keep the provided format for the dates. [*]Add all extra information required for the items on a separate line underneath the anime title/url. [*]Before turning-in, remove any items that are not required for your difficulty level. [*]Update your Challenge Start and Finish Dates on both the Sign-Up and Turn-In posts. [*]To show that you've read this entire list, please add one of the following symbols to your initial post number (in the top corner of your sign-up post): ♬ ✩ ☩ ღ ° [/list][/spoiler][/quote] ⚔️ [b]Challenge list:[/b] [quote][list=1][color=#8C180F][center][size=140][b]Card #2: BigDud's Deathmatch[/b][/size][/center] [center][spoiler=Card][img][/img][/spoiler][/center] ⚔️ [size=90][b]DATE FORMAT:[/b] MMM DD (example: Jan 01)[/size][/color][spoiler=items] [color=#8C180F][b][size=90]Items (14), (42), (43), and (57) are located at the [u]bottom[/u] of the challenge list[/size][/b][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (01) Watch an [url=]award-winning[/url] anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (02) Watch an [url=]ONA[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (04) Watch a Sequel to an anime you've previously completed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Related Anime: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (07) Watch a Movie with a total duration of 2 hours or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (08) Watch an anime with 10 or more episodes that are each 15 minutes or less [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (11) Watch an anime with 35 or more episodes that are each 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (15) Watch a listed [url=]noitaminA[/url], [url=]YATP[/url], or [url=]Ghibli Founders[/url] anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][List Used: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (16) Watch an anime without a Licensor listed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (17) Watch an anime in which one of your Favorite People participated [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Favorite Person: | Role: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (18) Watch an anime with a Director that also directed one of your Favorite Anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Favorite Anime: | Director: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (19) Watch an anime by a studio with 5 - 50 anime in MAL's database [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Studio: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (22) Watch an anime from your least favorite studio by weighted score on [url=]Anime+[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Least Favorite Studio: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (23) Watch an anime with a main character that has 2 or more Japanese Voice Actors listed on the character page [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Main Character: | Character Page Link: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (25) Watch an anime featuring a Voice Actor who is also credited with a Theme/Insert Song Performance in the anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Voice Actor/Actress: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (26) Watch an anime that began airing the same year you joined MAL [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (27) Watch an anime that began airing the same month you joined MAL [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (29) Watch an anime that began airing the same season and year as one of your Favorite Anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Favorite Anime: | Season/Year: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (30) Watch a directly related anime that aired at least 10 years before/after a previously completed anime from the same series [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Previously Watched Related Anime: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (31) Watch an anime that began airing between 2016 and 2020 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (32) Watch an anime that began airing between 2010 and 2015 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (34) Watch an anime that began airing between 1990 and 1999 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (39) Watch an [url=]Original[/url] anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (44) Watch an anime with a popularity lower than #700 and a total duration of 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Popularity When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (47) Watch an anime where the difference between ranking and popularity is at least 1,000 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Ranking When Started: | Popularity When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (51) Watch an anime with an episode duration of 6 minutes or more and less than 10,000 completed members that finished airing before you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Completed Members When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (52) Watch an anime with a score of 8.00 or above and an episode duration of 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Score When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (54) Watch an anime with more users in the "Plan-to-Watch" stat than the "Completed" stat that finished airing before you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN]["Plan-to-Watch" Members When Started: | "Completed" Members when Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (55) Watch an anime that was completed and scored 5 or less by an AWC Staff Member [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][AWC Staff Member: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (61) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that is rated R - 17+ (violence & profanity) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (64) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that's tagged with one or more of the following: [url=]Martial Arts[/url], [url=]Samurai[/url], or [url=]Super Power[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (65) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that's tagged with one or more of the following: [url=]Mystery[/url], [url=]Psychological[/url], or [url=]Thriller[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (66) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that's tagged with one or more of the following: [url=]Space[/url] or [url=]Sports[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (69) Watch a listed themed anime: [url=]GAR[/url], [url=]Mafia[/url], or [url=]Superhero[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Theme: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (70) Watch a listed themed anime: [url=]CGI[/url] or [url=]Unpopular[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Theme: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (71) Watch a listed themed anime: [url=]Cyberpunk[/url], [url=]Steampunk[/url], or [url=]Time Travel[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Theme: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (75) Watch an anime tagged with your least watched genre by time according to [url=]Anime+[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Least Watched Genre by Time: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (77) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that's tagged with 6 Genres or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (78) Watch an anime with no Japanese words or phrases in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (81) Watch an anime with the word "Season" in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (84) Watch an anime with 6 or more words in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (86) Watch an anime without any Recommendations [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (88) Watch an anime with 4 episodes or more recommended to you in the [url=]AWC 2021 Anime Recommendations [From Staff][/url] thread by an AWC Staff Member (listed on the @ AWC_mod profile) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Recommendation Link: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (92) Watch an anime featured in an active participant's forum set [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Active Participant: | Initial Post #: | Post Link: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (93) Watch a completed anime scored 10 or 9 by an active participant that posted on the first or second page [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Active Participant: | Initial Post Link: | Their Completed List Link: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (95) Watch an anime from one of the [url=]MAL AWC Staff Collections[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Collection Name: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (96) Watch an anime with 11 or more episodes that has a synopsis by MAL Rewrite and finished airing before you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (97) Watch an anime that is listed as a favorite on a [url=]MAL Staff Member's[/url] page [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][MAL Staff Member: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (98) Watch an anime with the "More Info" section provided [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (100) Finish an anime you put on-hold or dropped on or before July 1, 2020 that has two or more episodes and an episode duration of 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Original Start Date: | Last Watched Episode Date: | # of Episodes Previously Watched: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (101) Watch an anime with an episode duration of 16 minutes or more that was [url=]reviewed[/url] the day you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Review Link: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (102) Watch a TV type anime with an irregular release schedule (where at least one episode was released less than 7 days after its previous episode or more than 7 days after its previous episode) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (103) Watch an anime with an active streaming service listed under Licensors/Producers (Crunchyroll, Funimation, Hulu, Netflix) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (105) Watch an anime with a human main character that is not Japanese [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Main Character: | Nationality: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (111) Watch an anime with at least 3 human adults as main characters [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][MC 1: | MC 2: | MC 3: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (112) Watch an anime with at least 2 human children as main characters [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][MC 1: | MC 2: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (113) Watch an anime in which one of the characters has at least 500 more favorites than the anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Character: | Character Favorites when Started: | Anime Favorites when Started: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (118) Watch an anime with 20 or more episodes that has only one Opening Theme (OP) and one Ending Theme (ED) listed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (119) Watch an anime with either 5 or more Opening Themes (OP) listed or 5 or more Ending Themes (ED) listed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][OPs: | EDs: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (120) Watch an anime in which 2 or more of the Opening Theme (OP) and/or Ending Theme (ED) are performed by the same Artist/Group [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Artist/Group: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (122) Watch an anime that has two or more adaptations listed under Related Anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#8C180F][b][Middle Square Items] - see [url=]How to Participate[/url] for rules on how/when to switch. Please add any switched items in the space below.[/b][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (14) Watch an anime with 75 or more episodes that are each 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (42) Watch an anime adapted from an [url=]Unknown[/url] or [url=]Other[/url] source [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (43) Watch an anime adapted from a [url=]Radio[/url] or [url=]Music[/url] source [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (57) Watch an anime with 2 or more episodes and an episode duration of 50 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/spoiler][/list][/quote] [center][b][size=95]When posting this form I am confirming that I have read the [url=]Rules[/url], [url=]How to Participate[/url], and the [url=]Challenge List with Explanations[/url] posts in their entirety to the best of my ability. I am also confirming that I will not delete my post if I decide later on that I do not wish to complete the challenge.[/size][/b][/center] Copy the item's entire BBCode (everything in the rectangle, including the [*]) into the space provided at the bottom of your card - Do not copy the entire list, only the items you are switching for [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (03) Watch a [url=]Special[/url] that has a total duration of 20 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (05) Watch a Spin-Off of an anime you've previously completed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Related Anime: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (06) Watch a Movie with a total duration of 1 hour 30 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (09) Watch an anime with 30 or more episodes that are each 15 minutes or less [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (10) Watch an anime with 60 or more episodes that are each 15 minutes or less [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (12) Watch an anime with 40 or more episodes that are each 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (13) Watch an anime with 50 or more episodes that are each 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (20) Watch an anime by a studio you haven't seen anything from [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Studio: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (21) Watch an anime with two or more studios listed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (24) Watch an anime where the same Voice Actor is credited under at least two different characters [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Voice Actor/Actress: | Character 1: | Character 2: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (28) Watch an anime that began airing the same day you joined MAL [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (33) Watch an anime that began airing between 2000 and 2009 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (35) Watch an anime that began airing between 1980 and 1989 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (36) Watch an anime that began airing between 1960 and 1979 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (37) Watch an anime adapted from a [url=]Visual Novel[/url] or [url=]Light Novel[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (38) Watch an anime adapted from a [url=]4-koma Manga[/url], [url=]Web Manga[/url] or [url=]Digital Manga[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (40) Watch an anime adapted from a [url=]Card Game[/url] or [url=]Game[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (41) Watch an anime adapted from a [url=]Book[/url], [url=]Picture Book[/url] or [url=]Novel[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (45) Watch an anime with a popularity lower than #2,000 and a total duration of 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Popularity When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (46) Watch an anime with a popularity lower than #5,000 and a total duration of 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Popularity When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (48) Watch an anime with an episode duration of 6 minutes or more and less than 500 completed members that finished airing before you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Completed Members When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (49) Watch an anime with an episode duration of 6 minutes or more and less than 2,500 completed members that finished airing before you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Completed Members When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (50) Watch an anime with an episode duration of 6 minutes or more and less than 5,000 completed members that finished airing before you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Completed Members When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (53) Watch an anime with a score of 5.00 or below and an episode duration of 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Score When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (56) Watch an anime with 2 or more episodes and an episode duration of 30 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (58) Watch an anime with 50 or less favorites on MAL and an episode duration of 16 minutes or more that finished airing before you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (59) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that is rated PG-13 (Teens 13 or Older) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (60) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that is rated G (All Ages) or PG (Children) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (62) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that is rated R+ (Mild Nudity) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (63) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that is rated Rx — Hentai [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (74) Watch an anime rated 6.00 or less that is tagged with your favorite genre by weighted score according to [url=]Anime+[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Favorite Genre By Weighted Score: | Anime Score: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (76) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that's tagged with 2 Genres or less [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (79) Watch an anime that has a one-word main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (80) Watch an anime that has a main character’s name in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (82) Watch an anime with the word "Animation" in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (83) Watch an anime with a non-alphanumeric character in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (85) Watch an anime with an honorific in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (87) Watch an anime recommended to you in the [url=]AWC 2021 Anime Recommendations [From Participants][/url] thread [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Recommendation Link: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (89) Watch an anime suggested by [url=]MAL[/url] or by [url=]Anime+[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (90) Watch any anime recommended to one of your Favorite Anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Favorite Anime: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (91) Watch an anime that an active participant has completed for this challenge [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Active Participant: | Their Item #: | Post Link: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (94) Watch an anime Featured in an article from 2020 onward [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Article Link: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (99) Watch an anime with a year in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (104) Watch an anime with a main character that is a professional in their field [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Main Character: | Profession: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (106) Watch an anime with a non-humanoid main character [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Main Character: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (107) Watch an anime where a main character wears [url=]glasses[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Main Character: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (108) Watch an anime that only has one main character listed on MAL [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (109) Watch an anime with 8 or more main characters listed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (110) Watch an anime with more main characters than supporting characters [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Main Characters: | Supporting Characters: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (114) Watch an anime where a female character is voiced by a male voice actor [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Female Character: | Voice Actor: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (115) Watch a listed anime featuring a character with two different eye colors (also known as [url=]heterochromia[/url]) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Character: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (116) Watch an anime generated randomly using [url=][/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (117) Watch an anime that finished airing before you started it and has no Opening Theme (OP) or Ending Theme (ED) listed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (121) Watch an anime that has a higher score than a listed adaptation (under Related Anime) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Anime Score Started: | Adaptation Score when Started: ][/color] .......................... |
AWC_modJan 7, 2021 1:18 PM
Jan 1, 2021 11:37 AM
Card #3: Strained Shey Do not copy this into your post
Copy the entire BBCode into your post [right][b]Initial Post Number: [/b] #000 [/right] 🔷 [b]Challenge Start Date:[/b] MONTH DAY, YEAR (the date your first anime was watched) 🔶 [b]Challenge Finish Date:[/b] MONTH DAY, YEAR (example: November 30, 2021) 📣 [b]Link to your completed anime list:[/b] 📣 [b]Link to your Anime+:[/b] ⏰ [b]Completed Anime (at sign-up):[/b] COMPLETED_ANIME (the day you make your post) ⏰ [b]Time Zone:[/b] UTC/GMT_ZONE 🚩 [b]Card Number:[/b] #03 🚩 [b]Card Level:[/b] CARD_LEVEL_NAME 🚩 [b]Restriction:[/b] RESTRICTION(S)_USED (put N/A if none) 📚 [b]Anime in Forum Set:[/b] ANIME_USED (put N/A if none; refers to your forum avatar and signature) 📚 [b]Legend:[/b] [color=MEDIUMPURPLE][b]Watching[/b][/color] - [color=SEAGREEN][b]Completed[/b][/color] - [color=SLATEGRAY][b]Inactive/Plan to Watch[/b][/color] [quote][b][color=#60AFFE]Starting up TO-DO list[/color] (remove list before turning in!)[/b] [spoiler="TO-DO"][list][*]After posting, refresh the page for your Initial Post Number (upper right corner of your post). [*]Fill in the header with your information. It can be edited, but check the rules/how to play. [*]Read the [url=]Rules[/url] section to learn about the challenge guidelines. [*]Read the [url=]How to Participate[/url] section to learn how to play this version of Bingo. [*]Read the [url=]Challenge List with Explanations[/url] section for in depth explanations about the challenge item requirements. [*]If you get stuck check out [url=]Rubik's How-To Guide[/url] for a detailed explanation of how to edit your sign-up post. [*]Use and keep the provided format for the dates. [*]Add all extra information required for the items on a separate line underneath the anime title/url. [*]Before turning-in, remove any items that are not required for your difficulty level. [*]Update your Challenge Start and Finish Dates on both the Sign-Up and Turn-In posts. [*]To show that you've read this entire list, please add one of the following symbols to your initial post number (in the top corner of your sign-up post): ♬ ✩ ☩ ღ ° [/list][/spoiler][/quote] ⚔️ [b]Challenge list:[/b] [quote][list=1][color=#0B9591][center][size=140][b]Card #3: Strained Shey[/b][/size][/center] [center][spoiler=Card][img][/img][/spoiler][/center] ⚔️ [size=90][b]DATE FORMAT:[/b] MMM DD (example: Jan 01)[/size][/color][spoiler=items] [color=#0B9591][b][size=90]Items (43), (48), (113), and (121) are located at the [u]bottom[/u] of the challenge list[/size][/b][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (01) Watch an [url=]award-winning[/url] anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (02) Watch an [url=]ONA[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (03) Watch a [url=]Special[/url] that has a total duration of 20 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (07) Watch a Movie with a total duration of 2 hours or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (08) Watch an anime with 10 or more episodes that are each 15 minutes or less [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (12) Watch an anime with 40 or more episodes that are each 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (16) Watch an anime without a Licensor listed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (17) Watch an anime in which one of your Favorite People participated [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Favorite Person: | Role: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (19) Watch an anime by a studio with 5 - 50 anime in MAL's database [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Studio: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (20) Watch an anime by a studio you haven't seen anything from [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Studio: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (21) Watch an anime with two or more studios listed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (28) Watch an anime that began airing the same day you joined MAL [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (31) Watch an anime that began airing between 2016 and 2020 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (32) Watch an anime that began airing between 2010 and 2015 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (33) Watch an anime that began airing between 2000 and 2009 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (35) Watch an anime that began airing between 1980 and 1989 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (36) Watch an anime that began airing between 1960 and 1979 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (38) Watch an anime adapted from a [url=]4-koma Manga[/url], [url=]Web Manga[/url] or [url=]Digital Manga[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (40) Watch an anime adapted from a [url=]Card Game[/url] or [url=]Game[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (41) Watch an anime adapted from a [url=]Book[/url], [url=]Picture Book[/url] or [url=]Novel[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (44) Watch an anime with a popularity lower than #700 and a total duration of 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Popularity When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (46) Watch an anime with a popularity lower than #5,000 and a total duration of 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Popularity When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (51) Watch an anime with an episode duration of 6 minutes or more and less than 10,000 completed members that finished airing before you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Completed Members When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (53) Watch an anime with a score of 5.00 or below and an episode duration of 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Score When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (54) Watch an anime with more users in the "Plan-to-Watch" stat than the "Completed" stat that finished airing before you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN]["Plan-to-Watch" Members When Started: | "Completed" Members when Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (56) Watch an anime with 2 or more episodes and an episode duration of 30 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (58) Watch an anime with 50 or less favorites on MAL and an episode duration of 16 minutes or more that finished airing before you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (59) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that is rated PG-13 (Teens 13 or Older) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (60) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that is rated G (All Ages) or PG (Children) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (62) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that is rated R+ (Mild Nudity) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (64) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that's tagged with one or more of the following: [url=]Horror[/url] or [url=]Thriller[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (65) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that's tagged with one or more of the following: [url=]Demons[/url] or [url=]Samurai[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (66) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that's tagged with one or more of the following: [url=]Cars[/url] or [url=]Space[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (67) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that's tagged with one or more of the following: [url=]Dementia[/url], [url=]Game[/url], or [url=]Harem[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (68) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that's tagged with one or more of the following: [url=]Josei[/url] or [url=]Martial Arts[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (69) Watch a listed themed anime: [url=]Gourmet[/url] or [url=]Mafia[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Theme: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (70) Watch a listed themed anime: [url=]CGI[/url] or [url=]Isekai[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Theme: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (71) Watch a listed themed anime: [url=]GAR[/url] or [url=]Post-Apocalyptic[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Theme: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (72) Watch a listed themed anime: [url=]Mythology[/url] or [url=]TV Scum[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Theme: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (73) Watch a listed themed anime: [url=]Critics[/url] or [url=]Idol[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Theme: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (74) Watch an anime rated 6.00 or less that is tagged with your favorite genre by weighted score according to [url=]Anime+[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Favorite Genre By Weighted Score: | Anime Score: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (76) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that's tagged with 2 Genres or less [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (78) Watch an anime with no Japanese words or phrases in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (81) Watch an anime with the word "Season" in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (82) Watch an anime with the word "Animation" in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (83) Watch an anime with a non-alphanumeric character in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (85) Watch an anime with an honorific in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (90) Watch any anime recommended to one of your Favorite Anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Favorite Anime: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (92) Watch an anime featured in an active participant's forum set [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Active Participant: | Initial Post #: | Post Link: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (94) Watch an anime Featured in an article from 2020 onward [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Article Link: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (96) Watch an anime with 11 or more episodes that has a synopsis by MAL Rewrite and finished airing before you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (98) Watch an anime with the "More Info" section provided [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (99) Watch an anime with a year in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (104) Watch an anime with a main character that is a professional in their field [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Main Character: | Profession: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (106) Watch an anime with a non-humanoid main character [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Main Character: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (107) Watch an anime where a main character wears [url=]glasses[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Main Character: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (109) Watch an anime with 8 or more main characters listed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (110) Watch an anime with more main characters than supporting characters [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Main Characters: | Supporting Characters: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (117) Watch an anime that finished airing before you started it and has no Opening Theme (OP) or Ending Theme (ED) listed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (119) Watch an anime with either 5 or more Opening Themes (OP) listed or 5 or more Ending Themes (ED) listed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][OPs: | EDs: ][/color] [color=#0B9591][b][Middle Square Items] - see [url=]How to Participate[/url] for rules on how/when to switch. Please add any switched items in the space below.[/b][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (43) Watch an anime adapted from a [url=]Radio[/url] or [url=]Music[/url] source [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (48) Watch an anime with an episode duration of 6 minutes or more and less than 500 completed members that finished airing before you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Completed Members When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (113) Watch an anime in which one of the characters has at least 500 more favorites than the anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Character: | Character Favorites when Started: | Anime Favorites when Started: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (121) Watch an anime that has a higher score than a listed adaptation (under Related Anime) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Anime Score Started: | Adaptation Score when Started: ][/color] [/spoiler][/list][/quote] [center][b][size=95]When posting this form I am confirming that I have read the [url=]Rules[/url], [url=]How to Participate[/url], and the [url=]Challenge List with Explanations[/url] posts in their entirety to the best of my ability. I am also confirming that I will not delete my post if I decide later on that I do not wish to complete the challenge.[/size][/b][/center] Copy the item's entire BBCode (everything in the rectangle, including the [*]) into the space provided at the bottom of your card - Do not copy the entire list, only the items you are switching for [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (04) Watch a Sequel to an anime you've previously completed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Related Anime: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (05) Watch a Spin-Off of an anime you've previously completed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Related Anime: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (06) Watch a Movie with a total duration of 1 hour 30 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (09) Watch an anime with 30 or more episodes that are each 15 minutes or less [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (10) Watch an anime with 60 or more episodes that are each 15 minutes or less [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (11) Watch an anime with 35 or more episodes that are each 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (13) Watch an anime with 50 or more episodes that are each 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (14) Watch an anime with 75 or more episodes that are each 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (15) Watch a listed [url=]noitaminA[/url], [url=]YATP[/url], or [url=]Ghibli Founders[/url] anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][List Used: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (18) Watch an anime with a Director that also directed one of your Favorite Anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Favorite Anime: | Director: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (22) Watch an anime from your least favorite studio by weighted score on [url=]Anime+[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Least Favorite Studio: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (23) Watch an anime with a main character that has 2 or more Japanese Voice Actors listed on the character page [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Main Character: | Character Page Link: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (24) Watch an anime where the same Voice Actor is credited under at least two different characters [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Voice Actor/Actress: | Character 1: | Character 2: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (25) Watch an anime featuring a Voice Actor who is also credited with a Theme/Insert Song Performance in the anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Voice Actor/Actress: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (26) Watch an anime that began airing the same year you joined MAL [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (27) Watch an anime that began airing the same month you joined MAL [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (29) Watch an anime that began airing the same season and year as one of your Favorite Anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Favorite Anime: | Season/Year: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (30) Watch a directly related anime that aired at least 10 years before/after a previously completed anime from the same series [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Previously Watched Related Anime: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (34) Watch an anime that began airing between 1990 and 1999 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (37) Watch an anime adapted from a [url=]Visual Novel[/url] or [url=]Light Novel[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (39) Watch an [url=]Original[/url] anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (42) Watch an anime adapted from an [url=]Unknown[/url] or [url=]Other[/url] source [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (45) Watch an anime with a popularity lower than #2,000 and a total duration of 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Popularity When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (47) Watch an anime where the difference between ranking and popularity is at least 1,000 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Ranking When Started: | Popularity When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (49) Watch an anime with an episode duration of 6 minutes or more and less than 2,500 completed members that finished airing before you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Completed Members When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (50) Watch an anime with an episode duration of 6 minutes or more and less than 5,000 completed members that finished airing before you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Completed Members When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (52) Watch an anime with a score of 8.00 or above and an episode duration of 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Score When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (55) Watch an anime that was completed and scored 5 or less by an AWC Staff Member [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][AWC Staff Member: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (57) Watch an anime with 2 or more episodes and an episode duration of 50 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (61) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that is rated R - 17+ (violence & profanity) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (63) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that is rated Rx — Hentai [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (75) Watch an anime tagged with your least watched genre by time according to [url=]Anime+[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Least Watched Genre by Time: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (77) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that's tagged with 6 Genres or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (79) Watch an anime that has a one-word main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (80) Watch an anime that has a main character’s name in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (84) Watch an anime with 6 or more words in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (86) Watch an anime without any Recommendations [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (87) Watch an anime recommended to you in the [url=]AWC 2021 Anime Recommendations [From Participants][/url] thread [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Recommendation Link: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (88) Watch an anime with 4 episodes or more recommended to you in the [url=]AWC 2021 Anime Recommendations [From Staff][/url] thread by an AWC Staff Member (listed on the @ AWC_mod profile) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Recommendation Link: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (89) Watch an anime suggested by [url=]MAL[/url] or by [url=]Anime+[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (91) Watch an anime that an active participant has completed for this challenge [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Active Participant: | Their Item #: | Post Link: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (93) Watch a completed anime scored 10 or 9 by an active participant that posted on the first or second page [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Active Participant: | Initial Post Link: | Their Completed List Link: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (95) Watch an anime from one of the [url=]MAL AWC Staff Collections[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Collection Name: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (97) Watch an anime that is listed as a favorite on a [url=]MAL Staff Member's[/url] page [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][MAL Staff Member: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (100) Finish an anime you put on-hold or dropped on or before July 1, 2020 that has two or more episodes and an episode duration of 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Original Start Date: | Last Watched Episode Date: | # of Episodes Previously Watched: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (101) Watch an anime with an episode duration of 16 minutes or more that was [url=]reviewed[/url] the day you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Review Link: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (102) Watch a TV type anime with an irregular release schedule (where at least one episode was released less than 7 days after its previous episode or more than 7 days after its previous episode) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (103) Watch an anime with an active streaming service listed under Licensors/Producers (Crunchyroll, Funimation, Hulu, Netflix) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (105) Watch an anime with a human main character that is not Japanese [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Main Character: | Nationality: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (108) Watch an anime that only has one main character listed on MAL [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (111) Watch an anime with at least 3 human adults as main characters [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][MC 1: | MC 2: | MC 3: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (112) Watch an anime with at least 2 human children as main characters [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][MC 1: | MC 2: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (114) Watch an anime where a female character is voiced by a male voice actor [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Female Character: | Voice Actor: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (115) Watch a listed anime featuring a character with two different eye colors (also known as [url=]heterochromia[/url]) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Character: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (116) Watch an anime generated randomly using [url=][/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (118) Watch an anime with 20 or more episodes that has only one Opening Theme (OP) and one Ending Theme (ED) listed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (120) Watch an anime in which 2 or more of the Opening Theme (OP) and/or Ending Theme (ED) are performed by the same Artist/Group [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Artist/Group: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (122) Watch an anime that has two or more adaptations listed under Related Anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] .......................... |
AWC_modJan 7, 2021 2:31 PM
Jan 1, 2021 11:38 AM
Card #4: Beango Card Do not copy this into your post
Copy the entire BBCode into your post [right][b]Initial Post Number: [/b] #000 [/right] 🔷 [b]Challenge Start Date:[/b] MONTH DAY, YEAR (the date your first anime was watched) 🔶 [b]Challenge Finish Date:[/b] MONTH DAY, YEAR (example: November 30, 2021) 📣 [b]Link to your completed anime list:[/b] 📣 [b]Link to your Anime+:[/b] ⏰ [b]Completed Anime (at sign-up):[/b] COMPLETED_ANIME (the day you make your post) ⏰ [b]Time Zone:[/b] UTC/GMT_ZONE 🚩 [b]Card Number:[/b] #04 🚩 [b]Card Level:[/b] CARD_LEVEL_NAME 🚩 [b]Restriction:[/b] RESTRICTION(S)_USED (put N/A if none) 📚 [b]Anime in Forum Set:[/b] ANIME_USED (put N/A if none; refers to your forum avatar and signature) 📚 [b]Legend:[/b] [color=MEDIUMPURPLE][b]Watching[/b][/color] - [color=SEAGREEN][b]Completed[/b][/color] - [color=SLATEGRAY][b]Inactive/Plan to Watch[/b][/color] [quote][b][color=#60AFFE]Starting up TO-DO list[/color] (remove list before turning in!)[/b] [spoiler="TO-DO"][list][*]After posting, refresh the page for your Initial Post Number (upper right corner of your post). [*]Fill in the header with your information. It can be edited, but check the rules/how to play. [*]Read the [url=]Rules[/url] section to learn about the challenge guidelines. [*]Read the [url=]How to Participate[/url] section to learn how to play this version of Bingo. [*]Read the [url=]Challenge List with Explanations[/url] section for in depth explanations about the challenge item requirements. [*]If you get stuck check out [url=]Rubik's How-To Guide[/url] for a detailed explanation of how to edit your sign-up post. [*]Use and keep the provided format for the dates. [*]Add all extra information required for the items on a separate line underneath the anime title/url. [*]Before turning-in, remove any items that are not required for your difficulty level. [*]Update your Challenge Start and Finish Dates on both the Sign-Up and Turn-In posts. [*]To show that you've read this entire list, please add one of the following symbols to your initial post number (in the top corner of your sign-up post): ♬ ✩ ☩ ღ ° [/list][/spoiler][/quote] ⚔️ [b]Challenge list:[/b] [quote][list=1][color=#B96E0A][center][size=140][b]Card #4: Beango Card[/b][/size][/center] [center][spoiler=Card][img][/img][/spoiler][/center] ⚔️ [size=90][b]DATE FORMAT:[/b] MMM DD (example: Jan 01)[/size][/color][spoiler=items] [color=#B96E0A][b][size=90]Items (10), (14), (63), and (102) are located at the [u]bottom[/u] of the challenge list[/size][/b][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (01) Watch an [url=]award-winning[/url] anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (03) Watch a [url=]Special[/url] that has a total duration of 20 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (07) Watch a Movie with a total duration of 2 hours or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (13) Watch an anime with 50 or more episodes that are each 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (17) Watch an anime in which one of your Favorite People participated [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Favorite Person: | Role: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (18) Watch an anime with a Director that also directed one of your Favorite Anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Favorite Anime: | Director: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (20) Watch an anime by a studio you haven't seen anything from [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Studio: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (26) Watch an anime that began airing the same year you joined MAL [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (27) Watch an anime that began airing the same month you joined MAL [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (28) Watch an anime that began airing the same day you joined MAL [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (29) Watch an anime that began airing the same season and year as one of your Favorite Anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Favorite Anime: | Season/Year: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (31) Watch an anime that began airing between 2016 and 2020 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (32) Watch an anime that began airing between 2010 and 2015 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (33) Watch an anime that began airing between 2000 and 2009 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (34) Watch an anime that began airing between 1990 and 1999 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (37) Watch an anime adapted from a [url=]Visual Novel[/url] or [url=]Light Novel[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (38) Watch an anime adapted from a [url=]4-koma Manga[/url], [url=]Web Manga[/url] or [url=]Digital Manga[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (39) Watch an [url=]Original[/url] anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (41) Watch an anime adapted from a [url=]Book[/url], [url=]Picture Book[/url] or [url=]Novel[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (44) Watch an anime with a popularity lower than #700 and a total duration of 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Popularity When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (52) Watch an anime with a score of 8.00 or above and an episode duration of 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Score When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (55) Watch an anime that was completed and scored 5 or less by an AWC Staff Member [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][AWC Staff Member: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (59) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that is rated PG-13 (Teens 13 or Older) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (61) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that is rated R - 17+ (violence & profanity) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (62) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that is rated R+ (Mild Nudity) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (64) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that's tagged with one or more of the following: [url=]Ecchi[/url] or [url=]Harem[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (65) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that's tagged with one or more of the following: [url=]Parody[/url] or [url=]Sports[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (66) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that's tagged with one or more of the following: [url=]Demons[/url], [url=]Horror[/url] or [url=]Vampire[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (67) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that's tagged with one or more of the following: [url=]Dementia[/url], [url=]Magic[/url] or [url=]Super Power[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (68) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that's tagged with one or more of the following: [url=]Military[/url] or [url=]Space[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (69) Watch a listed themed anime: [url=]Iyashikei[/url] or [url=]Mythology[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Theme: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (70) Watch a listed themed anime: [url=]Critics[/url] or [url=]Unpopular[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Theme: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (71) Watch a listed themed anime: [url=]Battle Royale[/url] or [url=]GAR[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Theme: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (72) Watch a listed themed anime: [url=]Cyberpunk[/url] or [url=]Post-Apocalyptic[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Theme: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (73) Watch a listed themed anime: [url=]Isekai[/url] or [url=]Superhero[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Theme: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (75) Watch an anime tagged with your least watched genre by time according to [url=]Anime+[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Least Watched Genre by Time: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (78) Watch an anime with no Japanese words or phrases in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (82) Watch an anime with the word "Animation" in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (85) Watch an anime with an honorific in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (87) Watch an anime recommended to you in the [url=]AWC 2021 Anime Recommendations [From Participants][/url] thread [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Recommendation Link: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (88) Watch an anime with 4 episodes or more recommended to you in the [url=]AWC 2021 Anime Recommendations [From Staff][/url] thread by an AWC Staff Member (listed on the @ AWC_mod profile) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Recommendation Link: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (89) Watch an anime suggested by [url=]MAL[/url] or by [url=]Anime+[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (90) Watch any anime recommended to one of your Favorite Anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Favorite Anime: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (91) Watch an anime that an active participant has completed for this challenge [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Active Participant: | Their Item #: | Post Link: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (93) Watch a completed anime scored 10 or 9 by an active participant that posted on the first or second page [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Active Participant: | Initial Post Link: | Their Completed List Link: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (94) Watch an anime Featured in an article from 2020 onward [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Article Link: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (95) Watch an anime from one of the [url=]MAL AWC Staff Collections[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Collection Name: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (97) Watch an anime that is listed as a favorite on a [url=]MAL Staff Member's[/url] page [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][MAL Staff Member: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (98) Watch an anime with the "More Info" section provided [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (103) Watch an anime with an active streaming service listed under Licensors/Producers (Crunchyroll, Funimation, Hulu, Netflix) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (104) Watch an anime with a main character that is a professional in their field [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Main Character: | Profession: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (105) Watch an anime with a human main character that is not Japanese [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Main Character: | Nationality: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (106) Watch an anime with a non-humanoid main character [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Main Character: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (107) Watch an anime where a main character wears [url=]glasses[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Main Character: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (108) Watch an anime that only has one main character listed on MAL [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (111) Watch an anime with at least 3 human adults as main characters [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][MC 1: | MC 2: | MC 3: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (112) Watch an anime with at least 2 human children as main characters [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][MC 1: | MC 2: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (116) Watch an anime generated randomly using [url=][/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (118) Watch an anime with 20 or more episodes that has only one Opening Theme (OP) and one Ending Theme (ED) listed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (122) Watch an anime that has two or more adaptations listed under Related Anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#B96E0A][b][Middle Square Items] - see [url=]How to Participate[/url] for rules on how/when to switch. Please add any switched items in the space below.[/b][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (10) Watch an anime with 60 or more episodes that are each 15 minutes or less [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (14) Watch an anime with 75 or more episodes that are each 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (63) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that is rated Rx — Hentai [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (102) Watch a TV type anime with an irregular release schedule (where at least one episode was released less than 7 days after its previous episode or more than 7 days after its previous episode) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/spoiler][/list][/quote] [center][b][size=95]When posting this form I am confirming that I have read the [url=]Rules[/url], [url=]How to Participate[/url], and the [url=]Challenge List with Explanations[/url] posts in their entirety to the best of my ability. I am also confirming that I will not delete my post if I decide later on that I do not wish to complete the challenge.[/size][/b][/center] Copy the item's entire BBCode (everything in the rectangle, including the [*]) into the space provided at the bottom of your card - Do not copy the entire list, only the items you are switching for [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (02) Watch an [url=]ONA[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (04) Watch a Sequel to an anime you've previously completed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Related Anime: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (05) Watch a Spin-Off of an anime you've previously completed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Related Anime: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (06) Watch a Movie with a total duration of 1 hour 30 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (08) Watch an anime with 10 or more episodes that are each 15 minutes or less [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (09) Watch an anime with 30 or more episodes that are each 15 minutes or less [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (11) Watch an anime with 35 or more episodes that are each 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (12) Watch an anime with 40 or more episodes that are each 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (15) Watch a listed [url=]noitaminA[/url], [url=]YATP[/url], or [url=]Ghibli Founders[/url] anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][List Used: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (16) Watch an anime without a Licensor listed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (19) Watch an anime by a studio with 5 - 50 anime in MAL's database [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Studio: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (21) Watch an anime with two or more studios listed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (22) Watch an anime from your least favorite studio by weighted score on [url=]Anime+[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Least Favorite Studio: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (23) Watch an anime with a main character that has 2 or more Japanese Voice Actors listed on the character page [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Main Character: | Character Page Link: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (24) Watch an anime where the same Voice Actor is credited under at least two different characters [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Voice Actor/Actress: | Character 1: | Character 2: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (25) Watch an anime featuring a Voice Actor who is also credited with a Theme/Insert Song Performance in the anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Voice Actor/Actress: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (30) Watch a directly related anime that aired at least 10 years before/after a previously completed anime from the same series [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Previously Watched Related Anime: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (35) Watch an anime that began airing between 1980 and 1989 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (36) Watch an anime that began airing between 1960 and 1979 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (40) Watch an anime adapted from a [url=]Card Game[/url] or [url=]Game[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (42) Watch an anime adapted from an [url=]Unknown[/url] or [url=]Other[/url] source [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (43) Watch an anime adapted from a [url=]Radio[/url] or [url=]Music[/url] source [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (45) Watch an anime with a popularity lower than #2,000 and a total duration of 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Popularity When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (46) Watch an anime with a popularity lower than #5,000 and a total duration of 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Popularity When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (47) Watch an anime where the difference between ranking and popularity is at least 1,000 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Ranking When Started: | Popularity When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (48) Watch an anime with an episode duration of 6 minutes or more and less than 500 completed members that finished airing before you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Completed Members When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (49) Watch an anime with an episode duration of 6 minutes or more and less than 2,500 completed members that finished airing before you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Completed Members When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (50) Watch an anime with an episode duration of 6 minutes or more and less than 5,000 completed members that finished airing before you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Completed Members When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (51) Watch an anime with an episode duration of 6 minutes or more and less than 10,000 completed members that finished airing before you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Completed Members When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (53) Watch an anime with a score of 5.00 or below and an episode duration of 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Score When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (54) Watch an anime with more users in the "Plan-to-Watch" stat than the "Completed" stat that finished airing before you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN]["Plan-to-Watch" Members When Started: | "Completed" Members when Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (56) Watch an anime with 2 or more episodes and an episode duration of 30 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (57) Watch an anime with 2 or more episodes and an episode duration of 50 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (58) Watch an anime with 50 or less favorites on MAL and an episode duration of 16 minutes or more that finished airing before you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (60) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that is rated G (All Ages) or PG (Children) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (74) Watch an anime rated 6.00 or less that is tagged with your favorite genre by weighted score according to [url=]Anime+[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Favorite Genre By Weighted Score: | Anime Score: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (76) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that's tagged with 2 Genres or less [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (77) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that's tagged with 6 Genres or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (79) Watch an anime that has a one-word main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (80) Watch an anime that has a main character’s name in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (81) Watch an anime with the word "Season" in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (83) Watch an anime with a non-alphanumeric character in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (84) Watch an anime with 6 or more words in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (86) Watch an anime without any Recommendations [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (92) Watch an anime featured in an active participant's forum set [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Active Participant: | Initial Post #: | Post Link: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (96) Watch an anime with 11 or more episodes that has a synopsis by MAL Rewrite and finished airing before you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (99) Watch an anime with a year in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (100) Finish an anime you put on-hold or dropped on or before July 1, 2020 that has two or more episodes and an episode duration of 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Original Start Date: | Last Watched Episode Date: | # of Episodes Previously Watched: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (101) Watch an anime with an episode duration of 16 minutes or more that was [url=]reviewed[/url] the day you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Review Link: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (109) Watch an anime with 8 or more main characters listed [url=]ANIME_TITLE [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (110) Watch an anime with more main characters than supporting characters [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Main Characters: | Supporting Characters: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (113) Watch an anime in which one of the characters has at least 500 more favorites than the anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Character: | Character Favorites when Started: | Anime Favorites when Started: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (114) Watch an anime where a female character is voiced by a male voice actor [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Female Character: | Voice Actor: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (115) Watch a listed anime featuring a character with two different eye colors (also known as [url=]heterochromia[/url]) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Character: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (117) Watch an anime that finished airing before you started it and has no Opening Theme (OP) or Ending Theme (ED) listed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (119) Watch an anime with either 5 or more Opening Themes (OP) listed or 5 or more Ending Themes (ED) listed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][OPs: | EDs: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (120) Watch an anime in which 2 or more of the Opening Theme (OP) and/or Ending Theme (ED) are performed by the same Artist/Group [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Artist/Group: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (121) Watch an anime that has a higher score than a listed adaptation (under Related Anime) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Anime Score Started: | Adaptation Score when Started: ][/color] .......................... |
AWC_modJan 7, 2021 1:18 PM
Jan 1, 2021 11:39 AM
Card #5: Étude's Aviary Do not copy this into your post
Copy the entire BBCode into your post [right][b]Initial Post Number: [/b] #000 [/right] 🔷 [b]Challenge Start Date:[/b] MONTH DAY, YEAR (the date your first anime was watched) 🔶 [b]Challenge Finish Date:[/b] MONTH DAY, YEAR (example: November 30, 2021) 📣 [b]Link to your completed anime list:[/b] 📣 [b]Link to your Anime+:[/b] ⏰ [b]Completed Anime (at sign-up):[/b] COMPLETED_ANIME (the day you make your post) ⏰ [b]Time Zone:[/b] UTC/GMT_ZONE 🚩 [b]Card Number:[/b] #05 🚩 [b]Card Level:[/b] CARD_LEVEL_NAME 🚩 [b]Restriction:[/b] RESTRICTION(S)_USED (put N/A if none) 📚 [b]Anime in Forum Set:[/b] ANIME_USED (put N/A if none; refers to your forum avatar and signature) 📚 [b]Legend:[/b] [color=MEDIUMPURPLE][b]Watching[/b][/color] - [color=SEAGREEN][b]Completed[/b][/color] - [color=SLATEGRAY][b]Inactive/Plan to Watch[/b][/color] [quote][b][color=#60AFFE]Starting up TO-DO list[/color] (remove list before turning in!)[/b] [spoiler="TO-DO"][list][*]After posting, refresh the page for your Initial Post Number (upper right corner of your post). [*]Fill in the header with your information. It can be edited, but check the rules/how to play. [*]Read the [url=]Rules[/url] section to learn about the challenge guidelines. [*]Read the [url=]How to Participate[/url] section to learn how to play this version of Bingo. [*]Read the [url=]Challenge List with Explanations[/url] section for in depth explanations about the challenge item requirements. [*]If you get stuck check out [url=]Rubik's How-To Guide[/url] for a detailed explanation of how to edit your sign-up post. [*]Use and keep the provided format for the dates. [*]Add all extra information required for the items on a separate line underneath the anime title/url. [*]Before turning-in, remove any items that are not required for your difficulty level. [*]Update your Challenge Start and Finish Dates on both the Sign-Up and Turn-In posts. [*]To show that you've read this entire list, please add one of the following symbols to your initial post number (in the top corner of your sign-up post): ♬ ✩ ☩ ღ ° [/list][/spoiler][/quote] ⚔️ [b]Challenge list:[/b] [quote][list=1][color=#00B60E][center][size=140][b]Card #5: Étude's Aviary[/b][/size][/center] [center][spoiler=Card][img][/img][/spoiler][/center] ⚔️ [size=90][b]DATE FORMAT:[/b] MMM DD (example: Jan 01)[/size][/color][spoiler=items] [color=#00B60E][b][size=90]Items (43), (48), (86), and (122) are located at the [u]bottom[/u] of the challenge list[/size][/b][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (02) Watch an [url=]ONA[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (04) Watch a Sequel to an anime you've previously completed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Related Anime: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (06) Watch a Movie with a total duration of 1 hour 30 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (08) Watch an anime with 10 or more episodes that are each 15 minutes or less [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (10) Watch an anime with 60 or more episodes that are each 15 minutes or less [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (12) Watch an anime with 40 or more episodes that are each 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (16) Watch an anime without a Licensor listed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (18) Watch an anime with a Director that also directed one of your Favorite Anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Favorite Anime: | Director: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (19) Watch an anime by a studio with 5 - 50 anime in MAL's database [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Studio: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (22) Watch an anime from your least favorite studio by weighted score on [url=]Anime+[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Least Favorite Studio: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (24) Watch an anime where the same Voice Actor is credited under at least two different characters [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Voice Actor/Actress: | Character 1: | Character 2: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (25) Watch an anime featuring a Voice Actor who is also credited with a Theme/Insert Song Performance in the anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Voice Actor/Actress: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (27) Watch an anime that began airing the same month you joined MAL [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (28) Watch an anime that began airing the same day you joined MAL [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (29) Watch an anime that began airing the same season and year as one of your Favorite Anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Favorite Anime: | Season/Year: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (33) Watch an anime that began airing between 2000 and 2009 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (34) Watch an anime that began airing between 1990 and 1999 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (35) Watch an anime that began airing between 1980 and 1989 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (38) Watch an anime adapted from a [url=]4-koma Manga[/url], [url=]Web Manga[/url] or [url=]Digital Manga[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (40) Watch an anime adapted from a [url=]Card Game[/url] or [url=]Game[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (41) Watch an anime adapted from a [url=]Book[/url], [url=]Picture Book[/url] or [url=]Novel[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (46) Watch an anime with a popularity lower than #5,000 and a total duration of 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Popularity When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (47) Watch an anime where the difference between ranking and popularity is at least 1,000 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Ranking When Started: | Popularity When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (49) Watch an anime with an episode duration of 6 minutes or more and less than 2,500 completed members that finished airing before you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Completed Members When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (50) Watch an anime with an episode duration of 6 minutes or more and less than 5,000 completed members that finished airing before you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Completed Members When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (53) Watch an anime with a score of 5.00 or below and an episode duration of 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Score When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (54) Watch an anime with more users in the "Plan-to-Watch" stat than the "Completed" stat that finished airing before you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN]["Plan-to-Watch" Members When Started: | "Completed" Members when Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (55) Watch an anime that was completed and scored 5 or less by an AWC Staff Member [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][AWC Staff Member: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (58) Watch an anime with 50 or less favorites on MAL and an episode duration of 16 minutes or more that finished airing before you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (59) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that is rated PG-13 (Teens 13 or Older) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (60) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that is rated G (All Ages) or PG (Children) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (64) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that's tagged with one or more of the following: [url=]Ecchi[/url] or [url=]Josei[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (65) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that's tagged with one or more of the following: [url=]Parody[/url] or [url=]Shoujo[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (66) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that's tagged with one or more of the following: [url=]Cars[/url], [url=]Magic[/url] or [url=]Sports[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (69) Watch a listed themed anime: [url=]Mahou Shoujo[/url] or [url=]TV Scum[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Theme: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (70) Watch a listed themed anime: [url=]CGI[/url] or [url=]Iyashikei[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Theme: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (71) Watch a listed themed anime: [url=]Gourmet[/url] or [url=]Unpopular[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Theme: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (72) Watch a listed themed anime: [url=]Idol[/url] or [url=]Steampunk[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Theme: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (73) Watch a listed themed anime: [url=]Critics[/url] or [url=]Cyberpunk[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Theme: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (74) Watch an anime rated 6.00 or less that is tagged with your favorite genre by weighted score according to [url=]Anime+[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Favorite Genre By Weighted Score: | Anime Score: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (75) Watch an anime tagged with your least watched genre by time according to [url=]Anime+[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Least Watched Genre by Time: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (79) Watch an anime that has a one-word main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (80) Watch an anime that has a main character’s name in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (82) Watch an anime with the word "Animation" in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (83) Watch an anime with a non-alphanumeric character in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (92) Watch an anime featured in an active participant's forum set [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Active Participant: | Initial Post #: | Post Link: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (93) Watch a completed anime scored 10 or 9 by an active participant that posted on the first or second page [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Active Participant: | Initial Post Link: | Their Completed List Link: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (98) Watch an anime with the "More Info" section provided [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (99) Watch an anime with a year in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (101) Watch an anime with an episode duration of 16 minutes or more that was [url=]reviewed[/url] the day you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Review Link: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (106) Watch an anime with a non-humanoid main character [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Main Character: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (107) Watch an anime where a main character wears [url=]glasses[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Main Character: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (108) Watch an anime that only has one main character listed on MAL [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (110) Watch an anime with more main characters than supporting characters [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Main Characters: | Supporting Characters: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (112) Watch an anime with at least 2 human children as main characters [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][MC 1: | MC 2: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (115) Watch a listed anime featuring a character with two different eye colors (also known as [url=]heterochromia[/url]) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Character: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (116) Watch an anime generated randomly using [url=][/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (117) Watch an anime that finished airing before you started it and has no Opening Theme (OP) or Ending Theme (ED) listed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (119) Watch an anime with either 5 or more Opening Themes (OP) listed or 5 or more Ending Themes (ED) listed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][OPs: | EDs: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (120) Watch an anime in which 2 or more of the Opening Theme (OP) and/or Ending Theme (ED) are performed by the same Artist/Group [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Artist/Group: ][/color] [color=#00B60E][b][Middle Square Items] - see [url=]How to Participate[/url] for rules on how/when to switch. Please add any switched items in the space below.[/b][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (43) Watch an anime adapted from a [url=]Radio[/url] or [url=]Music[/url] source [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (48) Watch an anime with an episode duration of 6 minutes or more and less than 500 completed members that finished airing before you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Completed Members When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (86) Watch an anime without any Recommendations [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (122) Watch an anime that has two or more adaptations listed under Related Anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/spoiler][/list][/quote] [center][b][size=95]When posting this form I am confirming that I have read the [url=]Rules[/url], [url=]How to Participate[/url], and the [url=]Challenge List with Explanations[/url] posts in their entirety to the best of my ability. I am also confirming that I will not delete my post if I decide later on that I do not wish to complete the challenge.[/size][/b][/center] Copy the item's entire BBCode (everything in the rectangle, including the [*]) into the space provided at the bottom of your card - Do not copy the entire list, only the items you are switching for [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (01) Watch an [url=]award-winning[/url] anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (03) Watch a [url=]Special[/url] that has a total duration of 20 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (05) Watch a Spin-Off of an anime you've previously completed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Related Anime: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (07) Watch a Movie with a total duration of 2 hours or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (09) Watch an anime with 30 or more episodes that are each 15 minutes or less [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (11) Watch an anime with 35 or more episodes that are each 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (13) Watch an anime with 50 or more episodes that are each 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (14) Watch an anime with 75 or more episodes that are each 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (15) Watch a listed [url=]noitaminA[/url], [url=]YATP[/url], or [url=]Ghibli Founders[/url] anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][List Used: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (17) Watch an anime in which one of your Favorite People participated [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Favorite Person: | Role: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (20) Watch an anime by a studio you haven't seen anything from [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Studio: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (21) Watch an anime with two or more studios listed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (23) Watch an anime with a main character that has 2 or more Japanese Voice Actors listed on the character page [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Main Character: | Character Page Link: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (26) Watch an anime that began airing the same year you joined MAL [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (30) Watch a directly related anime that aired at least 10 years before/after a previously completed anime from the same series [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Previously Watched Related Anime: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (31) Watch an anime that began airing between 2016 and 2020 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (32) Watch an anime that began airing between 2010 and 2015 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (36) Watch an anime that began airing between 1960 and 1979 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (37) Watch an anime adapted from a [url=]Visual Novel[/url] or [url=]Light Novel[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (39) Watch an [url=]Original[/url] anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (42) Watch an anime adapted from an [url=]Unknown[/url] or [url=]Other[/url] source [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (44) Watch an anime with a popularity lower than #700 and a total duration of 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Popularity When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (45) Watch an anime with a popularity lower than #2,000 and a total duration of 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Popularity When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (51) Watch an anime with an episode duration of 6 minutes or more and less than 10,000 completed members that finished airing before you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Completed Members When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (52) Watch an anime with a score of 8.00 or above and an episode duration of 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Score When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (56) Watch an anime with 2 or more episodes and an episode duration of 30 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (57) Watch an anime with 2 or more episodes and an episode duration of 50 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (61) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that is rated R - 17+ (violence & profanity) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (62) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that is rated R+ (Mild Nudity) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (63) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that is rated Rx — Hentai [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (76) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that's tagged with 2 Genres or less [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (77) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that's tagged with 6 Genres or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (78) Watch an anime with no Japanese words or phrases in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (81) Watch an anime with the word "Season" in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (84) Watch an anime with 6 or more words in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (85) Watch an anime with an honorific in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (87) Watch an anime recommended to you in the [url=]AWC 2021 Anime Recommendations [From Participants][/url] thread [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Recommendation Link: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (88) Watch an anime with 4 episodes or more recommended to you in the [url=]AWC 2021 Anime Recommendations [From Staff][/url] thread by an AWC Staff Member (listed on the @ AWC_mod profile) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Recommendation Link: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (89) Watch an anime suggested by [url=]MAL[/url] or by [url=]Anime+[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (90) Watch any anime recommended to one of your Favorite Anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Favorite Anime: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (91) Watch an anime that an active participant has completed for this challenge [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Active Participant: | Their Item #: | Post Link: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (94) Watch an anime Featured in an article from 2020 onward [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Article Link: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (95) Watch an anime from one of the [url=]MAL AWC Staff Collections[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Collection Name: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (96) Watch an anime with 11 or more episodes that has a synopsis by MAL Rewrite and finished airing before you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (97) Watch an anime that is listed as a favorite on a [url=]MAL Staff Member's[/url] page [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][MAL Staff Member: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (100) Finish an anime you put on-hold or dropped on or before July 1, 2020 that has two or more episodes and an episode duration of 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Original Start Date: | Last Watched Episode Date: | # of Episodes Previously Watched: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (102) Watch a TV type anime with an irregular release schedule (where at least one episode was released less than 7 days after its previous episode or more than 7 days after its previous episode) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (103) Watch an anime with an active streaming service listed under Licensors/Producers (Crunchyroll, Funimation, Hulu, Netflix) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (104) Watch an anime with a main character that is a professional in their field [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Main Character: | Profession: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (105) Watch an anime with a human main character that is not Japanese [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Main Character: | Nationality: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (109) Watch an anime with 8 or more main characters listed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (111) Watch an anime with at least 3 human adults as main characters [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][MC 1: | MC 2: | MC 3: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (113) Watch an anime in which one of the characters has at least 500 more favorites than the anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Character: | Character Favorites when Started: | Anime Favorites when Started: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (114) Watch an anime where a female character is voiced by a male voice actor [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Female Character: | Voice Actor: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (118) Watch an anime with 20 or more episodes that has only one Opening Theme (OP) and one Ending Theme (ED) listed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (121) Watch an anime that has a higher score than a listed adaptation (under Related Anime) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Anime Score Started: | Adaptation Score when Started: ][/color] .......................... |
AWC_modJan 7, 2021 1:19 PM
Jan 1, 2021 11:39 AM
Card #6: Rubik's Rubric Do not copy this into your post
Copy the entire BBCode into your post [right][b]Initial Post Number: [/b] #000 [/right] 🔷 [b]Challenge Start Date:[/b] MONTH DAY, YEAR (the date your first anime was watched) 🔶 [b]Challenge Finish Date:[/b] MONTH DAY, YEAR (example: November 30, 2021) 📣 [b]Link to your completed anime list:[/b] 📣 [b]Link to your Anime+:[/b] ⏰ [b]Completed Anime (at sign-up):[/b] COMPLETED_ANIME (the day you make your post) ⏰ [b]Time Zone:[/b] UTC/GMT_ZONE 🚩 [b]Card Number:[/b] #06 🚩 [b]Card Level:[/b] CARD_LEVEL_NAME 🚩 [b]Restriction:[/b] RESTRICTION(S)_USED (put N/A if none) 📚 [b]Anime in Forum Set:[/b] ANIME_USED (put N/A if none; refers to your forum avatar and signature) 📚 [b]Legend:[/b] [color=MEDIUMPURPLE][b]Watching[/b][/color] - [color=SEAGREEN][b]Completed[/b][/color] - [color=SLATEGRAY][b]Inactive/Plan to Watch[/b][/color] [quote][b][color=#60AFFE]Starting up TO-DO list[/color] (remove list before turning in!)[/b] [spoiler="TO-DO"][list][*]After posting, refresh the page for your Initial Post Number (upper right corner of your post). [*]Fill in the header with your information. It can be edited, but check the rules/how to play. [*]Read the [url=]Rules[/url] section to learn about the challenge guidelines. [*]Read the [url=]How to Participate[/url] section to learn how to play this version of Bingo. [*]Read the [url=]Challenge List with Explanations[/url] section for in depth explanations about the challenge item requirements. [*]If you get stuck check out [url=]Rubik's How-To Guide[/url] for a detailed explanation of how to edit your sign-up post. [*]Use and keep the provided format for the dates. [*]Add all extra information required for the items on a separate line underneath the anime title/url. [*]Before turning-in, remove any items that are not required for your difficulty level. [*]Update your Challenge Start and Finish Dates on both the Sign-Up and Turn-In posts. [*]To show that you've read this entire list, please add one of the following symbols to your initial post number (in the top corner of your sign-up post): ♬ ✩ ☩ ღ ° [/list][/spoiler][/quote] ⚔️ [b]Challenge list:[/b] [quote][list=1][color=#B6A200][center][size=140][b]Card #6: Rubik's Rubric[/b][/size][/center] [center][spoiler=Card][img][/img][/spoiler][/center] ⚔️ [size=90][b]DATE FORMAT:[/b] MMM DD (example: Jan 01)[/size][/color][spoiler=items] [color=#B6A200][b][size=90]Items (42), (43), (113), and (114) are located at the [u]bottom[/u] of the challenge list[/size][/b][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (03) Watch a [url=]Special[/url] that has a total duration of 20 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (06) Watch a Movie with a total duration of 1 hour 30 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (09) Watch an anime with 30 or more episodes that are each 15 minutes or less [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (11) Watch an anime with 35 or more episodes that are each 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (15) Watch a listed [url=]noitaminA[/url], [url=]YATP[/url], or [url=]Ghibli Founders[/url] anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][List Used: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (17) Watch an anime in which one of your Favorite People participated [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Favorite Person: | Role: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (18) Watch an anime with a Director that also directed one of your Favorite Anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Favorite Anime: | Director: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (24) Watch an anime where the same Voice Actor is credited under at least two different characters [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Voice Actor/Actress: | Character 1: | Character 2: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (25) Watch an anime featuring a Voice Actor who is also credited with a Theme/Insert Song Performance in the anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Voice Actor/Actress: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (26) Watch an anime that began airing the same year you joined MAL [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (27) Watch an anime that began airing the same month you joined MAL [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (28) Watch an anime that began airing the same day you joined MAL [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (29) Watch an anime that began airing the same season and year as one of your Favorite Anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Favorite Anime: | Season/Year: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (31) Watch an anime that began airing between 2016 and 2020 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (32) Watch an anime that began airing between 2010 and 2015 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (37) Watch an anime adapted from a [url=]Visual Novel[/url] or [url=]Light Novel[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (38) Watch an anime adapted from a [url=]4-koma Manga[/url], [url=]Web Manga[/url] or [url=]Digital Manga[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (40) Watch an anime adapted from a [url=]Card Game[/url] or [url=]Game[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (47) Watch an anime where the difference between ranking and popularity is at least 1,000 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Ranking When Started: | Popularity When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (49) Watch an anime with an episode duration of 6 minutes or more and less than 2,500 completed members that finished airing before you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Completed Members When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (51) Watch an anime with an episode duration of 6 minutes or more and less than 10,000 completed members that finished airing before you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Completed Members When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (52) Watch an anime with a score of 8.00 or above and an episode duration of 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Score When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (55) Watch an anime that was completed and scored 5 or less by an AWC Staff Member [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][AWC Staff Member: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (56) Watch an anime with 2 or more episodes and an episode duration of 30 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (58) Watch an anime with 50 or less favorites on MAL and an episode duration of 16 minutes or more that finished airing before you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (59) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that is rated PG-13 (Teens 13 or Older) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (60) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that is rated G (All Ages) or PG (Children) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (61) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that is rated R - 17+ (violence & profanity) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (64) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that's tagged with one or more of the following: [url=]Game[/url] or [url=]Space[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (65) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that's tagged with one or more of the following: [url=]Psychological[/url] or [url=]Seinen[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (66) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that's tagged with one or more of the following: [url=]Mystery[/url] or [url=]Police[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (67) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that's tagged with one or more of the following: [url=]Ecchi[/url], [url=]Harem[/url] or [url=]Parody[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (69) Watch a listed themed anime: [url=]Gourmet[/url] or [url=]Iyashikei[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Theme: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (70) Watch a listed themed anime: [url=]Mahou Shoujo[/url] or [url=]Superhero[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Theme: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (71) Watch a listed themed anime: [url=]Post Apocalyptic[/url], [url=]Time Travel[/url] or [url=]TV Scum[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Theme: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (76) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that's tagged with 2 Genres or less [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (77) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that's tagged with 6 Genres or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (79) Watch an anime that has a one-word main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (80) Watch an anime that has a main character’s name in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (82) Watch an anime with the word "Animation" in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (84) Watch an anime with 6 or more words in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (85) Watch an anime with an honorific in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (87) Watch an anime recommended to you in the [url=]AWC 2021 Anime Recommendations [From Participants][/url] thread [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Recommendation Link: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (88) Watch an anime with 4 episodes or more recommended to you in the [url=]AWC 2021 Anime Recommendations [From Staff][/url] thread by an AWC Staff Member (listed on the @ AWC_mod profile) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Recommendation Link: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (90) Watch any anime recommended to one of your Favorite Anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Favorite Anime: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (91) Watch an anime that an active participant has completed for this challenge [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Active Participant: | Their Item #: | Post Link: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (92) Watch an anime featured in an active participant's forum set [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Active Participant: | Initial Post #: | Post Link: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (93) Watch a completed anime scored 10 or 9 by an active participant that posted on the first or second page [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Active Participant: | Initial Post Link: | Their Completed List Link: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (95) Watch an anime from one of the [url=]MAL AWC Staff Collections[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Collection Name: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (98) Watch an anime with the "More Info" section provided [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (103) Watch an anime with an active streaming service listed under Licensors/Producers (Crunchyroll, Funimation, Hulu, Netflix) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (105) Watch an anime with a human main character that is not Japanese [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Main Character: | Nationality: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (109) Watch an anime with 8 or more main characters listed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (110) Watch an anime with more main characters than supporting characters [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Main Characters: | Supporting Characters: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (112) Watch an anime with at least 2 human children as main characters [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][MC 1: | MC 2: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (116) Watch an anime generated randomly using [url=][/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (118) Watch an anime with 20 or more episodes that has only one Opening Theme (OP) and one Ending Theme (ED) listed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (120) Watch an anime in which 2 or more of the Opening Theme (OP) and/or Ending Theme (ED) are performed by the same Artist/Group [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Artist/Group: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (121) Watch an anime that has a higher score than a listed adaptation (under Related Anime) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Anime Score Started: | Adaptation Score when Started: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (122) Watch an anime that has two or more adaptations listed under Related Anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#B6A200][b][Middle Square Items] - see [url=]How to Participate[/url] for rules on how/when to switch. Please add any switched items in the space below.[/b][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (42) Watch an anime adapted from an [url=]Unknown[/url] or [url=]Other[/url] source [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (43) Watch an anime adapted from a [url=]Radio[/url] or [url=]Music[/url] source [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (113) Watch an anime in which one of the characters has at least 500 more favorites than the anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Character: | Character Favorites when Started: | Anime Favorites when Started: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (114) Watch an anime where a female character is voiced by a male voice actor [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Female Character: | Voice Actor: ][/color] [/spoiler][/list][/quote] [center][b][size=95]When posting this form I am confirming that I have read the [url=]Rules[/url], [url=]How to Participate[/url], and the [url=]Challenge List with Explanations[/url] posts in their entirety to the best of my ability. I am also confirming that I will not delete my post if I decide later on that I do not wish to complete the challenge.[/size][/b][/center] Copy the item's entire BBCode (everything in the rectangle, including the [*]) into the space provided at the bottom of your card - Do not copy the entire list, only the items you are switching for [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (01) Watch an [url=]award-winning[/url] anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (02) Watch an [url=]ONA[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (04) Watch a Sequel to an anime you've previously completed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Related Anime: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (05) Watch a Spin-Off of an anime you've previously completed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Related Anime: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (07) Watch a Movie with a total duration of 2 hours or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (08) Watch an anime with 10 or more episodes that are each 15 minutes or less [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (10) Watch an anime with 60 or more episodes that are each 15 minutes or less [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (12) Watch an anime with 40 or more episodes that are each 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (13) Watch an anime with 50 or more episodes that are each 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (14) Watch an anime with 75 or more episodes that are each 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (16) Watch an anime without a Licensor listed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (19) Watch an anime by a studio with 5 - 50 anime in MAL's database [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Studio: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (20) Watch an anime by a studio you haven't seen anything from [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Studio: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (21) Watch an anime with two or more studios listed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (22) Watch an anime from your least favorite studio by weighted score on [url=]Anime+[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Least Favorite Studio: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (23) Watch an anime with a main character that has 2 or more Japanese Voice Actors listed on the character page [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Main Character: | Character Page Link: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (30) Watch a directly related anime that aired at least 10 years before/after a previously completed anime from the same series [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Previously Watched Related Anime: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (33) Watch an anime that began airing between 2000 and 2009 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (34) Watch an anime that began airing between 1990 and 1999 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (35) Watch an anime that began airing between 1980 and 1989 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (36) Watch an anime that began airing between 1960 and 1979 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (39) Watch an [url=]Original[/url] anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (41) Watch an anime adapted from a [url=]Book[/url], [url=]Picture Book[/url] or [url=]Novel[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (44) Watch an anime with a popularity lower than #700 and a total duration of 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Popularity When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (45) Watch an anime with a popularity lower than #2,000 and a total duration of 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Popularity When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (46) Watch an anime with a popularity lower than #5,000 and a total duration of 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Popularity When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (48) Watch an anime with an episode duration of 6 minutes or more and less than 500 completed members that finished airing before you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Completed Members When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (50) Watch an anime with an episode duration of 6 minutes or more and less than 5,000 completed members that finished airing before you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Completed Members When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (53) Watch an anime with a score of 5.00 or below and an episode duration of 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Score When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (54) Watch an anime with more users in the "Plan-to-Watch" stat than the "Completed" stat that finished airing before you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN]["Plan-to-Watch" Members When Started: | "Completed" Members when Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (57) Watch an anime with 2 or more episodes and an episode duration of 50 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (62) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that is rated R+ (Mild Nudity) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (63) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that is rated Rx — Hentai [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (74) Watch an anime rated 6.00 or less that is tagged with your favorite genre by weighted score according to [url=]Anime+[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Favorite Genre By Weighted Score: | Anime Score: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (75) Watch an anime tagged with your least watched genre by time according to [url=]Anime+[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Least Watched Genre by Time: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (78) Watch an anime with no Japanese words or phrases in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (81) Watch an anime with the word "Season" in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (83) Watch an anime with a non-alphanumeric character in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (86) Watch an anime without any Recommendations [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (89) Watch an anime suggested by [url=]MAL[/url] or by [url=]Anime+[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (94) Watch an anime Featured in an article from 2020 onward [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Article Link: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (96) Watch an anime with 11 or more episodes that has a synopsis by MAL Rewrite and finished airing before you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (97) Watch an anime that is listed as a favorite on a [url=]MAL Staff Member's[/url] page [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][MAL Staff Member: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (99) Watch an anime with a year in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (100) Finish an anime you put on-hold or dropped on or before July 1, 2020 that has two or more episodes and an episode duration of 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Original Start Date: | Last Watched Episode Date: | # of Episodes Previously Watched: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (101) Watch an anime with an episode duration of 16 minutes or more that was [url=]reviewed[/url] the day you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Review Link: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (102) Watch a TV type anime with an irregular release schedule (where at least one episode was released less than 7 days after its previous episode or more than 7 days after its previous episode) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (104) Watch an anime with a main character that is a professional in their field [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Main Character: | Profession: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (106) Watch an anime with a non-humanoid main character [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Main Character: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (107) Watch an anime where a main character wears [url=]glasses[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Main Character: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (108) Watch an anime that only has one main character listed on MAL [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (111) Watch an anime with at least 3 human adults as main characters [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][MC 1: | MC 2: | MC 3: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (115) Watch a listed anime featuring a character with two different eye colors (also known as [url=]heterochromia[/url]) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Character: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (117) Watch an anime that finished airing before you started it and has no Opening Theme (OP) or Ending Theme (ED) listed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (119) Watch an anime with either 5 or more Opening Themes (OP) listed or 5 or more Ending Themes (ED) listed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][OPs: | EDs: ][/color] .......................... |
AWC_modJan 7, 2021 1:19 PM
Jan 1, 2021 11:40 AM
Card #7: Moz's Madness Do not copy this into your post
Copy the entire BBCode into your post [right][b]Initial Post Number: [/b] #000 [/right] 🔷 [b]Challenge Start Date:[/b] MONTH DAY, YEAR (the date your first anime was watched) 🔶 [b]Challenge Finish Date:[/b] MONTH DAY, YEAR (example: November 30, 2021) 📣 [b]Link to your completed anime list:[/b] 📣 [b]Link to your Anime+:[/b] ⏰ [b]Completed Anime (at sign-up):[/b] COMPLETED_ANIME (the day you make your post) ⏰ [b]Time Zone:[/b] UTC/GMT_ZONE 🚩 [b]Card Number:[/b] #07 🚩 [b]Card Level:[/b] CARD_LEVEL_NAME 🚩 [b]Restriction:[/b] RESTRICTION(S)_USED (put N/A if none) 📚 [b]Anime in Forum Set:[/b] ANIME_USED (put N/A if none; refers to your forum avatar and signature) 📚 [b]Legend:[/b] [color=MEDIUMPURPLE][b]Watching[/b][/color] - [color=SEAGREEN][b]Completed[/b][/color] - [color=SLATEGRAY][b]Inactive/Plan to Watch[/b][/color] [quote][b][color=#60AFFE]Starting up TO-DO list[/color] (remove list before turning in!)[/b] [spoiler="TO-DO"][list][*]After posting, refresh the page for your Initial Post Number (upper right corner of your post). [*]Fill in the header with your information. It can be edited, but check the rules/how to play. [*]Read the [url=]Rules[/url] section to learn about the challenge guidelines. [*]Read the [url=]How to Participate[/url] section to learn how to play this version of Bingo. [*]Read the [url=]Challenge List with Explanations[/url] section for in depth explanations about the challenge item requirements. [*]If you get stuck check out [url=]Rubik's How-To Guide[/url] for a detailed explanation of how to edit your sign-up post. [*]Use and keep the provided format for the dates. [*]Add all extra information required for the items on a separate line underneath the anime title/url. [*]Before turning-in, remove any items that are not required for your difficulty level. [*]Update your Challenge Start and Finish Dates on both the Sign-Up and Turn-In posts. [*]To show that you've read this entire list, please add one of the following symbols to your initial post number (in the top corner of your sign-up post): ♬ ✩ ☩ ღ ° [/list][/spoiler][/quote] ⚔️ [b]Challenge list:[/b] [quote][list=1][color=#7FBF35][center][size=140][b]Card #7: Moz's Madness[/b][/size][/center] [center][spoiler=Card][img][/img][/spoiler][/center] ⚔️ [size=90][b]DATE FORMAT:[/b] MMM DD (example: Jan 01)[/size][/color][spoiler=items] [color=#7FBF35][b][size=90]Items (14), (57), (63), and (114) are located at the [u]bottom[/u] of the challenge list[/size][/b][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (05) Watch a Spin-Off of an anime you've previously completed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Related Anime: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (06) Watch a Movie with a total duration of 1 hour 30 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (09) Watch an anime with 30 or more episodes that are each 15 minutes or less [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (13) Watch an anime with 50 or more episodes that are each 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (15) Watch a listed [url=]noitaminA[/url], [url=]YATP[/url], or [url=]Ghibli Founders[/url] anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][List Used: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (19) Watch an anime by a studio with 5 - 50 anime in MAL's database [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Studio: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (20) Watch an anime by a studio you haven't seen anything from [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Studio: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (21) Watch an anime with two or more studios listed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (23) Watch an anime with a main character that has 2 or more Japanese Voice Actors listed on the character page [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Main Character: | Character Page Link: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (24) Watch an anime where the same Voice Actor is credited under at least two different characters [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Voice Actor/Actress: | Character 1: | Character 2: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (28) Watch an anime that began airing the same day you joined MAL [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (30) Watch a directly related anime that aired at least 10 years before/after a previously completed anime from the same series [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Previously Watched Related Anime: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (34) Watch an anime that began airing between 1990 and 1999 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (35) Watch an anime that began airing between 1980 and 1989 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (36) Watch an anime that began airing between 1960 and 1979 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (37) Watch an anime adapted from a [url=]Visual Novel[/url] or [url=]Light Novel[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (39) Watch an [url=]Original[/url] anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (44) Watch an anime with a popularity lower than #700 and a total duration of 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Popularity When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (45) Watch an anime with a popularity lower than #2,000 and a total duration of 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Popularity When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (46) Watch an anime with a popularity lower than #5,000 and a total duration of 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Popularity When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (47) Watch an anime where the difference between ranking and popularity is at least 1,000 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Ranking When Started: | Popularity When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (48) Watch an anime with an episode duration of 6 minutes or more and less than 500 completed members that finished airing before you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Completed Members When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (49) Watch an anime with an episode duration of 6 minutes or more and less than 2,500 completed members that finished airing before you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Completed Members When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (50) Watch an anime with an episode duration of 6 minutes or more and less than 5,000 completed members that finished airing before you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Completed Members When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (51) Watch an anime with an episode duration of 6 minutes or more and less than 10,000 completed members that finished airing before you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Completed Members When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (54) Watch an anime with more users in the "Plan-to-Watch" stat than the "Completed" stat that finished airing before you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN]["Plan-to-Watch" Members When Started: | "Completed" Members when Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (60) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that is rated G (All Ages) or PG (Children) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (62) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that is rated R+ (Mild Nudity) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (64) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that's tagged with one or more of the following: [url=]Shoujo[/url] or [url=]Super Power[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (65) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that's tagged with one or more of the following: [url=]Ecchi[/url], [url=]Horror[/url] or [url=]Parody[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (66) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that's tagged with one or more of the following: [url=]Martial Arts[/url] or [url=]Police[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (67) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that's tagged with one or more of the following: [url=]Magic[/url], [url=]Psychological[/url] or [url=]Samurai[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (68) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that's tagged with one or more of the following: [url=]Cars[/url] or [url=]Sports[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (69) Watch a listed themed anime: [url=]Mahou Shoujou[/url] or [url=]Post Apocalyptic[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Theme: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (70) Watch a listed themed anime: [url=]Iyashikei[/url] or [url=]Unpopular[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Theme: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (71) Watch a listed themed anime: [url=]Critics[/url], [url=]Mafia[/url] or [url=]Mythology[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Theme: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (72) Watch a listed themed anime: [url=]Cyberpunk[/url] or [url=]Idol[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Theme: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (73) Watch a listed themed anime: [url=]Battle Royale[/url], [url=]Steampunk[/url] or [url=]Time Travel[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Theme: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (75) Watch an anime tagged with your least watched genre by time according to [url=]Anime+[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Least Watched Genre by Time: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (77) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that's tagged with 6 Genres or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (79) Watch an anime that has a one-word main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (81) Watch an anime with the word "Season" in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (83) Watch an anime with a non-alphanumeric character in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (85) Watch an anime with an honorific in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (86) Watch an anime without any Recommendations [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (87) Watch an anime recommended to you in the [url=]AWC 2021 Anime Recommendations [From Participants][/url] thread [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Recommendation Link: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (88) Watch an anime with 4 episodes or more recommended to you in the [url=]AWC 2021 Anime Recommendations [From Staff][/url] thread by an AWC Staff Member (listed on the @ AWC_mod profile) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Recommendation Link: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (89) Watch an anime suggested by [url=]MAL[/url] or by [url=]Anime+[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (94) Watch an anime Featured in an article from 2020 onward [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Article Link: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (99) Watch an anime with a year in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (101) Watch an anime with an episode duration of 16 minutes or more that was [url=]reviewed[/url] the day you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Review Link: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (103) Watch an anime with an active streaming service listed under Licensors/Producers (Crunchyroll, Funimation, Hulu, Netflix) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (104) Watch an anime with a main character that is a professional in their field [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Main Character: | Profession: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (106) Watch an anime with a non-humanoid main character [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Main Character: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (110) Watch an anime with more main characters than supporting characters [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Main Characters: | Supporting Characters: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (113) Watch an anime in which one of the characters has at least 500 more favorites than the anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Character: | Character Favorites when Started: | Anime Favorites when Started: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (115) Watch a listed anime featuring a character with two different eye colors (also known as [url=]heterochromia[/url]) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Character: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (117) Watch an anime that finished airing before you started it and has no Opening Theme (OP) or Ending Theme (ED) listed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (119) Watch an anime with either 5 or more Opening Themes (OP) listed or 5 or more Ending Themes (ED) listed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][OPs: | EDs: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (120) Watch an anime in which 2 or more of the Opening Theme (OP) and/or Ending Theme (ED) are performed by the same Artist/Group [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Artist/Group: ][/color] [color=#7FBF35][b][Middle Square Items] - see [url=]How to Participate[/url] for rules on how/when to switch. Please add any switched items in the space below.[/b][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (14) Watch an anime with 75 or more episodes that are each 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (57) Watch an anime with 2 or more episodes and an episode duration of 50 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (63) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that is rated Rx — Hentai [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (114) Watch an anime where a female character is voiced by a male voice actor [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Female Character: | Voice Actor: ][/color] [/spoiler][/list][/quote] [center][b][size=95]When posting this form I am confirming that I have read the [url=]Rules[/url], [url=]How to Participate[/url], and the [url=]Challenge List with Explanations[/url] posts in their entirety to the best of my ability. I am also confirming that I will not delete my post if I decide later on that I do not wish to complete the challenge.[/size][/b][/center] Copy the item's entire BBCode (everything in the rectangle, including the [*]) into the space provided at the bottom of your card - Do not copy the entire list, only the items you are switching for [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (01) Watch an [url=]award-winning[/url] anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (02) Watch an [url=]ONA[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (03) Watch a [url=]Special[/url] that has a total duration of 20 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (04) Watch a Sequel to an anime you've previously completed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Related Anime: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (07) Watch a Movie with a total duration of 2 hours or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (08) Watch an anime with 10 or more episodes that are each 15 minutes or less [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (10) Watch an anime with 60 or more episodes that are each 15 minutes or less [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (11) Watch an anime with 35 or more episodes that are each 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (12) Watch an anime with 40 or more episodes that are each 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (16) Watch an anime without a Licensor listed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (17) Watch an anime in which one of your Favorite People participated [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Favorite Person: | Role: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (18) Watch an anime with a Director that also directed one of your Favorite Anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Favorite Anime: | Director: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (22) Watch an anime from your least favorite studio by weighted score on [url=]Anime+[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Least Favorite Studio: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (25) Watch an anime featuring a Voice Actor who is also credited with a Theme/Insert Song Performance in the anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Voice Actor/Actress: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (26) Watch an anime that began airing the same year you joined MAL [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (27) Watch an anime that began airing the same month you joined MAL [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (29) Watch an anime that began airing the same season and year as one of your Favorite Anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Favorite Anime: | Season/Year: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (31) Watch an anime that began airing between 2016 and 2020 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (32) Watch an anime that began airing between 2010 and 2015 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (33) Watch an anime that began airing between 2000 and 2009 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (38) Watch an anime adapted from a [url=]4-koma Manga[/url], [url=]Web Manga[/url] or [url=]Digital Manga[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (40) Watch an anime adapted from a [url=]Card Game[/url] or [url=]Game[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (41) Watch an anime adapted from a [url=]Book[/url], [url=]Picture Book[/url] or [url=]Novel[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (42) Watch an anime adapted from an [url=]Unknown[/url] or [url=]Other[/url] source [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (43) Watch an anime adapted from a [url=]Radio[/url] or [url=]Music[/url] source [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (52) Watch an anime with a score of 8.00 or above and an episode duration of 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Score When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (53) Watch an anime with a score of 5.00 or below and an episode duration of 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Score When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (55) Watch an anime that was completed and scored 5 or less by an AWC Staff Member [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][AWC Staff Member: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (56) Watch an anime with 2 or more episodes and an episode duration of 30 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (58) Watch an anime with 50 or less favorites on MAL and an episode duration of 16 minutes or more that finished airing before you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (59) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that is rated PG-13 (Teens 13 or Older) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (61) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that is rated R - 17+ (violence & profanity) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (74) Watch an anime rated 6.00 or less that is tagged with your favorite genre by weighted score according to [url=]Anime+[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Favorite Genre By Weighted Score: | Anime Score: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (76) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that's tagged with 2 Genres or less [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (78) Watch an anime with no Japanese words or phrases in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (80) Watch an anime that has a main character’s name in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (82) Watch an anime with the word "Animation" in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (84) Watch an anime with 6 or more words in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (90) Watch any anime recommended to one of your Favorite Anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Favorite Anime: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (91) Watch an anime that an active participant has completed for this challenge [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Active Participant: | Their Item #: | Post Link: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (92) Watch an anime featured in an active participant's forum set [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Active Participant: | Initial Post #: | Post Link: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (93) Watch a completed anime scored 10 or 9 by an active participant that posted on the first or second page [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Active Participant: | Initial Post Link: | Their Completed List Link: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (95) Watch an anime from one of the [url=]MAL AWC Staff Collections[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Collection Name: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (96) Watch an anime with 11 or more episodes that has a synopsis by MAL Rewrite and finished airing before you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (97) Watch an anime that is listed as a favorite on a [url=]MAL Staff Member's[/url] page [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][MAL Staff Member: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (98) Watch an anime with the "More Info" section provided [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (100) Finish an anime you put on-hold or dropped on or before July 1, 2020 that has two or more episodes and an episode duration of 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Original Start Date: | Last Watched Episode Date: | # of Episodes Previously Watched: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (102) Watch a TV type anime with an irregular release schedule (where at least one episode was released less than 7 days after its previous episode or more than 7 days after its previous episode) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (105) Watch an anime with a human main character that is not Japanese [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Main Character: | Nationality: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (107) Watch an anime where a main character wears [url=]glasses[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Main Character: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (108) Watch an anime that only has one main character listed on MAL [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (109) Watch an anime with 8 or more main characters listed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (111) Watch an anime with at least 3 human adults as main characters [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][MC 1: | MC 2: | MC 3: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (112) Watch an anime with at least 2 human children as main characters [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][MC 1: | MC 2: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (116) Watch an anime generated randomly using [url=][/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (118) Watch an anime with 20 or more episodes that has only one Opening Theme (OP) and one Ending Theme (ED) listed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (121) Watch an anime that has a higher score than a listed adaptation (under Related Anime) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Anime Score Started: | Adaptation Score when Started: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (122) Watch an anime that has two or more adaptations listed under Related Anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] .......................... |
AWC_modJan 7, 2021 1:19 PM
Jan 1, 2021 11:40 AM
Card #8: Ran's Russian Roulette Do not copy this into your post
Copy the entire BBCode into your post [right][b]Initial Post Number: [/b] #000 [/right] 🔷 [b]Challenge Start Date:[/b] MONTH DAY, YEAR (the date your first anime was watched) 🔶 [b]Challenge Finish Date:[/b] MONTH DAY, YEAR (example: November 30, 2021) 📣 [b]Link to your completed anime list:[/b] 📣 [b]Link to your Anime+:[/b] ⏰ [b]Completed Anime (at sign-up):[/b] COMPLETED_ANIME (the day you make your post) ⏰ [b]Time Zone:[/b] UTC/GMT_ZONE 🚩 [b]Card Number:[/b] #08 🚩 [b]Card Level:[/b] CARD_LEVEL_NAME 🚩 [b]Restriction:[/b] RESTRICTION(S)_USED (put N/A if none) 📚 [b]Anime in Forum Set:[/b] ANIME_USED (put N/A if none; refers to your forum avatar and signature) 📚 [b]Legend:[/b] [color=MEDIUMPURPLE][b]Watching[/b][/color] - [color=SEAGREEN][b]Completed[/b][/color] - [color=SLATEGRAY][b]Inactive/Plan to Watch[/b][/color] [quote][b][color=#60AFFE]Starting up TO-DO list[/color] (remove list before turning in!)[/b] [spoiler="TO-DO"][list][*]After posting, refresh the page for your Initial Post Number (upper right corner of your post). [*]Fill in the header with your information. It can be edited, but check the rules/how to play. [*]Read the [url=]Rules[/url] section to learn about the challenge guidelines. [*]Read the [url=]How to Participate[/url] section to learn how to play this version of Bingo. [*]Read the [url=]Challenge List with Explanations[/url] section for in depth explanations about the challenge item requirements. [*]If you get stuck check out [url=]Rubik's How-To Guide[/url] for a detailed explanation of how to edit your sign-up post. [*]Use and keep the provided format for the dates. [*]Add all extra information required for the items on a separate line underneath the anime title/url. [*]Before turning-in, remove any items that are not required for your difficulty level. [*]Update your Challenge Start and Finish Dates on both the Sign-Up and Turn-In posts. [*]To show that you've read this entire list, please add one of the following symbols to your initial post number (in the top corner of your sign-up post): ♬ ✩ ☩ ღ ° [/list][/spoiler][/quote] ⚔️ [b]Challenge list:[/b] [quote][list=1][color=#13ADD1][center][size=140][b]Card #8: Ran's Russian Roulette[/b][/size][/center] [center][spoiler=Card][img][/img][/spoiler][/center] ⚔️ [size=90][b]DATE FORMAT:[/b] MMM DD (example: Jan 01)[/size][/color][spoiler=items] [color=#13ADD1][b][size=90]Items (42), (43), (113), and (121) are located at the [u]bottom[/u] of the challenge list[/size][/b][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (01) Watch an [url=]award-winning[/url] anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (02) Watch an [url=]ONA[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (05) Watch a Spin-Off of an anime you've previously completed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Related Anime: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (06) Watch a Movie with a total duration of 1 hour 30 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (08) Watch an anime with 10 or more episodes that are each 15 minutes or less [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (13) Watch an anime with 50 or more episodes that are each 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (15) Watch a listed [url=]noitaminA[/url], [url=]YATP[/url], or [url=]Ghibli Founders[/url] anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][List Used: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (17) Watch an anime in which one of your Favorite People participated [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Favorite Person: | Role: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (18) Watch an anime with a Director that also directed one of your Favorite Anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Favorite Anime: | Director: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (20) Watch an anime by a studio you haven't seen anything from [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Studio: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (22) Watch an anime from your least favorite studio by weighted score on [url=]Anime+[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Least Favorite Studio: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (23) Watch an anime with a main character that has 2 or more Japanese Voice Actors listed on the character page [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Main Character: | Character Page Link: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (26) Watch an anime that began airing the same year you joined MAL [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (29) Watch an anime that began airing the same season and year as one of your Favorite Anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Favorite Anime: | Season/Year: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (30) Watch a directly related anime that aired at least 10 years before/after a previously completed anime from the same series [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Previously Watched Related Anime: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (31) Watch an anime that began airing between 2016 and 2020 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (32) Watch an anime that began airing between 2010 and 2015 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (33) Watch an anime that began airing between 2000 and 2009 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (38) Watch an anime adapted from a [url=]4-koma Manga[/url], [url=]Web Manga[/url] or [url=]Digital Manga[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (39) Watch an [url=]Original[/url] anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (45) Watch an anime with a popularity lower than #2,000 and a total duration of 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Popularity When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (47) Watch an anime where the difference between ranking and popularity is at least 1,000 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Ranking When Started: | Popularity When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (49) Watch an anime with an episode duration of 6 minutes or more and less than 2,500 completed members that finished airing before you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Completed Members When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (50) Watch an anime with an episode duration of 6 minutes or more and less than 5,000 completed members that finished airing before you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Completed Members When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (52) Watch an anime with a score of 8.00 or above and an episode duration of 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Score When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (53) Watch an anime with a score of 5.00 or below and an episode duration of 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Score When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (55) Watch an anime that was completed and scored 5 or less by an AWC Staff Member [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][AWC Staff Member: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (56) Watch an anime with 2 or more episodes and an episode duration of 30 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (59) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that is rated PG-13 (Teens 13 or Older) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (61) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that is rated R - 17+ (violence & profanity) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (64) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that's tagged with one or more of the following: [url=]Police[/url] or [url=]Vampire[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (65) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that's tagged with one or more of the following: [url=]Ecchi[/url], [url=]Game[/url] or [url=]Thriller[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (66) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that's tagged with one or more of the following: [url=]Harem[/url] or [url=]Horror[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (67) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that's tagged with one or more of the following: [url=]Magic[/url], [url=]Mystery[/url] or [url=]Seinen[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (69) Watch a listed themed anime: [url=]Idol[/url], [url=]Iyashikei[/url] or [url=]Mahou Shoujo[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Theme: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (70) Watch a listed themed anime: [url=]Critics[/url] or [url=]Isekai[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Theme: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (71) Watch a listed themed anime: [url=]Superhero[/url] or [url=]Unpopular[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Theme: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (72) Watch a listed themed anime: [url=]Battle Royale[/url], [url=]Mythology[/url] or [url=]Post Apocalyptic[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Theme: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (74) Watch an anime rated 6.00 or less that is tagged with your favorite genre by weighted score according to [url=]Anime+[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Favorite Genre By Weighted Score: | Anime Score: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (77) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that's tagged with 6 Genres or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (80) Watch an anime that has a main character’s name in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (81) Watch an anime with the word "Season" in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (84) Watch an anime with 6 or more words in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (87) Watch an anime recommended to you in the [url=]AWC 2021 Anime Recommendations [From Participants][/url] thread [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Recommendation Link: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (88) Watch an anime with 4 episodes or more recommended to you in the [url=]AWC 2021 Anime Recommendations [From Staff][/url] thread by an AWC Staff Member (listed on the @ AWC_mod profile) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Recommendation Link: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (89) Watch an anime suggested by [url=]MAL[/url] or by [url=]Anime+[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (90) Watch any anime recommended to one of your Favorite Anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Favorite Anime: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (91) Watch an anime that an active participant has completed for this challenge [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Active Participant: | Their Item #: | Post Link: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (92) Watch an anime featured in an active participant's forum set [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Active Participant: | Initial Post #: | Post Link: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (93) Watch a completed anime scored 10 or 9 by an active participant that posted on the first or second page [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Active Participant: | Initial Post #: | Their Completed List Link: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (94) Watch an anime Featured in an article from 2020 onward [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Article Link: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (95) Watch an anime from one of the [url=]MAL AWC Staff Collections[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Collection Name: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (96) Watch an anime with 11 or more episodes that has a synopsis by MAL Rewrite and finished airing before you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (97) Watch an anime that is listed as a favorite on a [url=]MAL Staff Member's[/url] page [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][MAL Staff Member: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (100) Finish an anime you put on-hold or dropped on or before July 1, 2020 that has two or more episodes and an episode duration of 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Original Start Date: | Last Watched Episode Date: | # of Episodes Previously Watched: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (101) Watch an anime with an episode duration of 16 minutes or more that was [url=]reviewed[/url] the day you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Review Link: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (108) Watch an anime that only has one main character listed on MAL [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (110) Watch an anime with more main characters than supporting characters [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Main Characters: | Supporting Characters: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (116) Watch an anime generated randomly using [url=][/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (119) Watch an anime with either 5 or more Opening Themes (OP) listed or 5 or more Ending Themes (ED) listed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][OPs: | EDs: ][/color] [color=#13ADD1][b][Middle Square Items] - see [url=]How to Participate[/url] for rules on how/when to switch. Please add any switched items in the space below.[/b][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (42) Watch an anime adapted from an [url=]Unknown[/url] or [url=]Other[/url] source [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (43) Watch an anime adapted from a [url=]Radio[/url] or [url=]Music[/url] source [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (113) Watch an anime in which one of the characters has at least 500 more favorites than the anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Character: | Character Favorites when Started: | Anime Favorites when Started: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (121) Watch an anime that has a higher score than a listed adaptation (under Related Anime) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Anime Score Started: | Adaptation Score when Started: ][/color] [/spoiler][/list][/quote] [center][b][size=95]When posting this form I am confirming that I have read the [url=]Rules[/url], [url=]How to Participate[/url], and the [url=]Challenge List with Explanations[/url] posts in their entirety to the best of my ability. I am also confirming that I will not delete my post if I decide later on that I do not wish to complete the challenge.[/size][/b][/center] Copy the item's entire BBCode (everything in the rectangle, including the [*]) into the space provided at the bottom of your card - Do not copy the entire list, only the items you are switching for [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (03) Watch a [url=]Special[/url] that has a total duration of 20 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (04) Watch a Sequel to an anime you've previously completed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Related Anime: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (07) Watch a Movie with a total duration of 2 hours or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (09) Watch an anime with 30 or more episodes that are each 15 minutes or less [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (10) Watch an anime with 60 or more episodes that are each 15 minutes or less [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (11) Watch an anime with 35 or more episodes that are each 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (12) Watch an anime with 40 or more episodes that are each 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (14) Watch an anime with 75 or more episodes that are each 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (16) Watch an anime without a Licensor listed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (19) Watch an anime by a studio with 5 - 50 anime in MAL's database [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Studio: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (21) Watch an anime with two or more studios listed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (24) Watch an anime where the same Voice Actor is credited under at least two different characters [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Voice Actor/Actress: | Character 1: | Character 2: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (25) Watch an anime featuring a Voice Actor who is also credited with a Theme/Insert Song Performance in the anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Voice Actor/Actress: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (27) Watch an anime that began airing the same month you joined MAL [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (28) Watch an anime that began airing the same day you joined MAL [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (34) Watch an anime that began airing between 1990 and 1999 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (35) Watch an anime that began airing between 1980 and 1989 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (36) Watch an anime that began airing between 1960 and 1979 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (37) Watch an anime adapted from a [url=]Visual Novel[/url] or [url=]Light Novel[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (40) Watch an anime adapted from a [url=]Card Game[/url] or [url=]Game[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (41) Watch an anime adapted from a [url=]Book[/url], [url=]Picture Book[/url] or [url=]Novel[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (44) Watch an anime with a popularity lower than #700 and a total duration of 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Popularity When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (46) Watch an anime with a popularity lower than #5,000 and a total duration of 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Popularity When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (48) Watch an anime with an episode duration of 6 minutes or more and less than 500 completed members that finished airing before you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Completed Members When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (51) Watch an anime with an episode duration of 6 minutes or more and less than 10,000 completed members that finished airing before you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Completed Members When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (54) Watch an anime with more users in the "Plan-to-Watch" stat than the "Completed" stat that finished airing before you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN]["Plan-to-Watch" Members When Started: | "Completed" Members when Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (57) Watch an anime with 2 or more episodes and an episode duration of 50 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (58) Watch an anime with 50 or less favorites on MAL and an episode duration of 16 minutes or more that finished airing before you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (60) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that is rated G (All Ages) or PG (Children) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (62) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that is rated R+ (Mild Nudity) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (63) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that is rated Rx — Hentai [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (75) Watch an anime tagged with your least watched genre by time according to [url=]Anime+[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Least Watched Genre by Time: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (76) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that's tagged with 2 Genres or less [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (78) Watch an anime with no Japanese words or phrases in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (79) Watch an anime that has a one-word main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (82) Watch an anime with the word "Animation" in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (83) Watch an anime with a non-alphanumeric character in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (85) Watch an anime with an honorific in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (86) Watch an anime without any Recommendations [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (98) Watch an anime with the "More Info" section provided [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (99) Watch an anime with a year in the title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (102) Watch a TV type anime with an irregular release schedule (where at least one episode was released less than 7 days after its previous episode or more than 7 days after its previous episode) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (103) Watch an anime with an active streaming service listed under Licensors/Producers (Crunchyroll, Funimation, Hulu, Netflix) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (104) Watch an anime with a main character that is a professional in their field [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Main Character: | Profession: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (105) Watch an anime with a human main character that is not Japanese [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Main Character: | Nationality: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (106) Watch an anime with a non-humanoid main character [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Main Character: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (107) Watch an anime where a main character wears [url=]glasses[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Main Character: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (109) Watch an anime with 8 or more main characters listed [url=]ANIME_TITLE [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (111) Watch an anime with at least 3 human adults as main characters [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][MC 1: | MC 2: | MC 3: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (112) Watch an anime with at least 2 human children as main characters [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][MC 1: | MC 2: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (114) Watch an anime where a female character is voiced by a male voice actor [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Female Character: | Voice Actor: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (115) Watch a listed anime featuring a character with two different eye colors (also known as [url=]heterochromia[/url]) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Character: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (117) Watch an anime that finished airing before you started it and has no Opening Theme (OP) or Ending Theme (ED) listed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (118) Watch an anime with 20 or more episodes that has only one Opening Theme (OP) and one Ending Theme (ED) listed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (120) Watch an anime in which 2 or more of the Opening Theme (OP) and/or Ending Theme (ED) are performed by the same Artist/Group [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Artist/Group: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (122) Watch an anime that has two or more adaptations listed under Related Anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] .......................... |
AWC_modJan 7, 2021 12:57 PM
Jan 1, 2021 11:40 AM
Card #9: Yuki's Yearlong Do not copy this into your post
Copy the entire BBCode into your post [right][b]Initial Post Number: [/b] #000 [/right] 🔷 [b]Challenge Start Date:[/b] MONTH DAY, YEAR (the date your first anime was watched) 🔶 [b]Challenge Finish Date:[/b] MONTH DAY, YEAR (example: November 30, 2021) 📣 [b]Link to your completed anime list:[/b] 📣 [b]Link to your Anime+:[/b] ⏰ [b]Completed Anime (at sign-up):[/b] COMPLETED_ANIME (the day you make your post) ⏰ [b]Time Zone:[/b] UTC/GMT_ZONE 🚩 [b]Card Number:[/b] #09 🚩 [b]Card Level:[/b] CARD_LEVEL_NAME 🚩 [b]Restriction:[/b] RESTRICTION(S)_USED (put N/A if none) 📚 [b]Anime in Forum Set:[/b] ANIME_USED (put N/A if none; refers to your forum avatar and signature) 📚 [b]Legend:[/b] [color=MEDIUMPURPLE][b]Watching[/b][/color] - [color=SEAGREEN][b]Completed[/b][/color] - [color=SLATEGRAY][b]Inactive/Plan to Watch[/b][/color] [quote][b][color=#60AFFE]Starting up TO-DO list[/color] (remove list before turning in!)[/b] [spoiler="TO-DO"][list][*]After posting, refresh the page for your Initial Post Number (upper right corner of your post). [*]Fill in the header with your information. It can be edited, but check the rules/how to play. [*]Read the [url=]Rules[/url] section to learn about the challenge guidelines. [*]Read the [url=]How to Participate[/url] section to learn how to play this version of Bingo. [*]Read the [url=]Challenge List with Explanations[/url] section for in depth explanations about the challenge item requirements. [*]If you get stuck check out [url=]Rubik's How-To Guide[/url] for a detailed explanation of how to edit your sign-up post. [*]Use and keep the provided format for the dates. [*]Add all extra information required for the items on a separate line underneath the anime title/url. [*]Before turning-in, remove any items that are not required for your difficulty level. [*]Update your Challenge Start and Finish Dates on both the Sign-Up and Turn-In posts. [*]To show that you've read this entire list, please add one of the following symbols to your initial post number (in the top corner of your sign-up post): ♬ ✩ ☩ ღ ° [/list][/spoiler][/quote] ⚔️ [b]Challenge list:[/b] [quote][list=1][color=#CD6500][center][size=140][b]Card #9: Yuki's Yearlong[/b][/size][/center] [center][spoiler=Card][img][/img][/spoiler][/center] ⚔️ [size=90][b]DATE FORMAT:[/b] MMM DD (example: Jan 01)[/size][/color][spoiler=items] [color=#CD6500][b][size=90]Items (30), (57), (114), and (121) are located at the [u]bottom[/u] of the challenge list[/size][/b][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (03) Watch a [url=]Special[/url] that has a total duration of 20 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (04) Watch a Sequel to an anime you've previously completed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Related Anime: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (06) Watch a Movie with a total duration of 1 hour 30 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (10) Watch an anime with 60 or more episodes that are each 15 minutes or less [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (12) Watch an anime with 40 or more episodes that are each 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (15) Watch a listed [url=]noitaminA[/url], [url=]YATP[/url], or [url=]Ghibli Founders[/url] anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][List Used: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (16) Watch an anime without a Licensor listed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (17) Watch an anime in which one of your Favorite People participated [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Favorite Person: | Role: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (19) Watch an anime by a studio with 5 - 50 anime in MAL's database [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Studio: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (21) Watch an anime with two or more studios listed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (23) Watch an anime with a main character that has 2 or more Japanese Voice Actors listed on the character page [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Main Character: | Character Page Link: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (25) Watch an anime featuring a Voice Actor who is also credited with a Theme/Insert Song Performance in the anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Voice Actor/Actress: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (26) Watch an anime that began airing the same year you joined MAL [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (29) Watch an anime that began airing the same season and year as one of your Favorite Anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Favorite Anime: | Season/Year: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (31) Watch an anime that began airing between 2016 and 2020 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (32) Watch an anime that began airing between 2010 and 2015 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (33) Watch an anime that began airing between 2000 and 2009 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (37) Watch an anime adapted from a [url=]Visual Novel[/url] or [url=]Light Novel[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (38) Watch an anime adapted from a [url=]4-koma Manga[/url], [url=]Web Manga[/url] or [url=]Digital Manga[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (39) Watch an [url=]Original[/url] anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (44) Watch an anime with a popularity lower than #700 and a total duration of 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Popularity When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (45) Watch an anime with a popularity lower than #2,000 and a total duration of 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Popularity When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (51) Watch an anime with an episode duration of 6 minutes or more and less than 10,000 completed members that finished airing before you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Completed Members When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (52) Watch an anime with a score of 8.00 or above and an episode duration of 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Score When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (54) Watch an anime with more users in the "Plan-to-Watch" stat than the "Completed" stat that finished airing before you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN]["Plan-to-Watch" Members When Started: | "Completed" Members when Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (59) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that is rated PG-13 (Teens 13 or Older) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (61) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that is rated R - 17+ (violence & profanity) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (62) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that is rated R+ (Mild Nudity) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (64) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that's tagged with one or more of the following: [url=]Military[/url] or [url=]Vampire[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (65) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that's tagged with one or more of the following: [url=]Josei[/url] or [url=]Magic[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (66) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that's tagged with one or more of the following: [url=]Mystery[/url], [url=]Psychological[/url] or [url=]Thriller[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (67) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that's tagged with one or more of the following: [url=]Seinen[/url] or [url=]Shoujo[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (69) Watch a listed themed anime: [url=]Battle Royale[/url] or [url=]Iyashikei[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Theme: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (70) Watch a listed themed anime: [url=]Gourmet[/url], [url=]Mythology[/url], or [url=]Time Travel[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Theme: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (71) Watch a listed themed anime: [url=]Cyberpunk[/url], [url=]Steampunk[/url], or [url=]TV Scum[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Theme: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (76) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that's tagged with 2 Genres or less [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (78) Watch an anime with no Japanese words or phrases in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (80) Watch an anime that has a main character’s name in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (83) Watch an anime with a non-alphanumeric character in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (85) Watch an anime with an honorific in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (87) Watch an anime recommended to you in the [url=]AWC 2021 Anime Recommendations [From Participants][/url] thread [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Recommendation Link: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (88) Watch an anime with 4 episodes or more recommended to you in the [url=]AWC 2021 Anime Recommendations [From Staff][/url] thread by an AWC Staff Member (listed on the @ AWC_mod profile) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Recommendation Link: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (89) Watch an anime suggested by [url=]MAL[/url] or by [url=]Anime+[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (93) Watch a completed anime scored 10 or 9 by an active participant that posted on the first or second page [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Active Participant: | Initial Post Link: | Their Completed List Link: ][/color][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (95) Watch an anime from one of the [url=]MAL AWC Staff Collections[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Collection Name: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (96) Watch an anime with 11 or more episodes that has a synopsis by MAL Rewrite and finished airing before you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (97) Watch an anime that is listed as a favorite on a [url=]MAL Staff Member's[/url] page [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][MAL Staff Member: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (100) Finish an anime you put on-hold or dropped on or before July 1, 2020 that has two or more episodes and an episode duration of 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Original Start Date: | Last Watched Episode Date: | # of Episodes Previously Watched: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (102) Watch a TV type anime with an irregular release schedule (where at least one episode was released less than 7 days after its previous episode or more than 7 days after its previous episode) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (103) Watch an anime with an active streaming service listed under Licensors/Producers (Crunchyroll, Funimation, Hulu, Netflix) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (104) Watch an anime with a main character that is a professional in their field [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Main Character: | Profession: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (105) Watch an anime with a human main character that is not Japanese [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Main Character: | Nationality: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (107) Watch an anime where a main character wears [url=]glasses[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Main Character: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (108) Watch an anime that only has one main character listed on MAL [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (109) Watch an anime with 8 or more main characters listed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (111) Watch an anime with at least 3 human adults as main characters [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][MC 1: | MC 2: | MC 3: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (115) Watch a listed anime featuring a character with two different eye colors (also known as [url=]heterochromia[/url]) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Character: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (119) Watch an anime with either 5 or more Opening Themes (OP) listed or 5 or more Ending Themes (ED) listed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][OPs: | EDs: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (120) Watch an anime in which 2 or more of the Opening Theme (OP) and/or Ending Theme (ED) are performed by the same Artist/Group [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Artist/Group: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (122) Watch an anime that has two or more adaptations listed under Related Anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#CD6500][b][Middle Square Items] - see [url=]How to Participate[/url] for rules on how/when to switch. Please add any switched items in the space below.[/b][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (30) Watch a directly related anime that aired at least 10 years before/after a previously completed anime from the same series [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Previously Watched Related Anime: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (57) Watch an anime with 2 or more episodes and an episode duration of 50 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (114) Watch an anime where a female character is voiced by a male voice actor [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Female Character: | Voice Actor: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (121) Watch an anime that has a higher score than a listed adaptation (under Related Anime) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Anime Score Started: | Adaptation Score when Started: ][/color] [/spoiler][/list][/quote] [center][b][size=95]When posting this form I am confirming that I have read the [url=]Rules[/url], [url=]How to Participate[/url], and the [url=]Challenge List with Explanations[/url] posts in their entirety to the best of my ability. I am also confirming that I will not delete my post if I decide later on that I do not wish to complete the challenge.[/size][/b][/center] Copy the item's entire BBCode (everything in the rectangle, including the [*]) into the space provided at the bottom of your card - Do not copy the entire list, only the items you are switching for [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (01) Watch an [url=]award-winning[/url] anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (02) Watch an [url=]ONA[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (05) Watch a Spin-Off of an anime you've previously completed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Related Anime: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (07) Watch a Movie with a total duration of 2 hours or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (08) Watch an anime with 10 or more episodes that are each 15 minutes or less [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (09) Watch an anime with 30 or more episodes that are each 15 minutes or less [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (11) Watch an anime with 35 or more episodes that are each 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (13) Watch an anime with 50 or more episodes that are each 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (14) Watch an anime with 75 or more episodes that are each 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (18) Watch an anime with a Director that also directed one of your Favorite Anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Favorite Anime: | Director: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (20) Watch an anime by a studio you haven't seen anything from [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Studio: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (22) Watch an anime from your least favorite studio by weighted score on [url=]Anime+[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Least Favorite Studio: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (24) Watch an anime where the same Voice Actor is credited under at least two different characters [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Voice Actor/Actress: | Character 1: | Character 2: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (27) Watch an anime that began airing the same month you joined MAL [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (28) Watch an anime that began airing the same day you joined MAL [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (34) Watch an anime that began airing between 1990 and 1999 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (35) Watch an anime that began airing between 1980 and 1989 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (36) Watch an anime that began airing between 1960 and 1979 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (40) Watch an anime adapted from a [url=]Card Game[/url] or [url=]Game[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (41) Watch an anime adapted from a [url=]Book[/url], [url=]Picture Book[/url] or [url=]Novel[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (42) Watch an anime adapted from an [url=]Unknown[/url] or [url=]Other[/url] source [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (43) Watch an anime adapted from a [url=]Radio[/url] or [url=]Music[/url] source [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (46) Watch an anime with a popularity lower than #5,000 and a total duration of 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Popularity When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (47) Watch an anime where the difference between ranking and popularity is at least 1,000 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Ranking When Started: | Popularity When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (48) Watch an anime with an episode duration of 6 minutes or more and less than 500 completed members that finished airing before you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Completed Members When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (49) Watch an anime with an episode duration of 6 minutes or more and less than 2,500 completed members that finished airing before you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Completed Members When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (50) Watch an anime with an episode duration of 6 minutes or more and less than 5,000 completed members that finished airing before you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Completed Members When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (53) Watch an anime with a score of 5.00 or below and an episode duration of 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Score When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (55) Watch an anime that was completed and scored 5 or less by an AWC Staff Member [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][AWC Staff Member: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (56) Watch an anime with 2 or more episodes and an episode duration of 30 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (58) Watch an anime with 50 or less favorites on MAL and an episode duration of 16 minutes or more that finished airing before you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (60) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that is rated G (All Ages) or PG (Children) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (63) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that is rated Rx — Hentai [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (74) Watch an anime rated 6.00 or less that is tagged with your favorite genre by weighted score according to [url=]Anime+[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Favorite Genre By Weighted Score: | Anime Score: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (75) Watch an anime tagged with your least watched genre by time according to [url=]Anime+[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Least Watched Genre by Time: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (77) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that's tagged with 6 Genres or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (79) Watch an anime that has a one-word main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (81) Watch an anime with the word "Season" in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (82) Watch an anime with the word "Animation" in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (84) Watch an anime with 6 or more words in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (86) Watch an anime without any Recommendations [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (90) Watch any anime recommended to one of your Favorite Anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Favorite Anime: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (91) Watch an anime that an active participant has completed for this challenge [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Active Participant: | Their Item #: | Post Link: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (92) Watch an anime featured in an active participant's forum set [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Active Participant: | Initial Post #: | Post Link: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (94) Watch an anime Featured in an article from 2020 onward [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Article Link: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (98) Watch an anime with the "More Info" section provided [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (99) Watch an anime with a year in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (101) Watch an anime with an episode duration of 16 minutes or more that was [url=]reviewed[/url] the day you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Review Link: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (106) Watch an anime with a non-humanoid main character [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Main Character: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (110) Watch an anime with more main characters than supporting characters [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Main Characters: | Supporting Characters: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (112) Watch an anime with at least 2 human children as main characters [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][MC 1: | MC 2: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (113) Watch an anime in which one of the characters has at least 500 more favorites than the anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Character: | Character Favorites when Started: | Anime Favorites when Started: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (116) Watch an anime generated randomly using [url=][/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (117) Watch an anime that finished airing before you started it and has no Opening Theme (OP) or Ending Theme (ED) listed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (118) Watch an anime with 20 or more episodes that has only one Opening Theme (OP) and one Ending Theme (ED) listed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] .......................... |
AWC_modJan 7, 2021 1:19 PM
Jan 1, 2021 11:41 AM
Card #10: Lestat's Luxuries Do not copy this into your post
Copy the entire BBCode into your post [right][b]Initial Post Number: [/b] #000 [/right] 🔷 [b]Challenge Start Date:[/b] MONTH DAY, YEAR (the date your first anime was watched) 🔶 [b]Challenge Finish Date:[/b] MONTH DAY, YEAR (example: November 30, 2021) 📣 [b]Link to your completed anime list:[/b] 📣 [b]Link to your Anime+:[/b] ⏰ [b]Completed Anime (at sign-up):[/b] COMPLETED_ANIME (the day you make your post) ⏰ [b]Time Zone:[/b] UTC/GMT_ZONE 🚩 [b]Card Number:[/b] #10 🚩 [b]Card Level:[/b] CARD_LEVEL_NAME 🚩 [b]Restriction:[/b] RESTRICTION(S)_USED (put N/A if none) 📚 [b]Anime in Forum Set:[/b] ANIME_USED (put N/A if none; refers to your forum avatar and signature) 📚 [b]Legend:[/b] [color=MEDIUMPURPLE][b]Watching[/b][/color] - [color=SEAGREEN][b]Completed[/b][/color] - [color=SLATEGRAY][b]Inactive/Plan to Watch[/b][/color] [quote][b][color=#60AFFE]Starting up TO-DO list[/color] (remove list before turning in!)[/b] [spoiler="TO-DO"][list][*]After posting, refresh the page for your Initial Post Number (upper right corner of your post). [*]Fill in the header with your information. It can be edited, but check the rules/how to play. [*]Read the [url=]Rules[/url] section to learn about the challenge guidelines. [*]Read the [url=]How to Participate[/url] section to learn how to play this version of Bingo. [*]Read the [url=]Challenge List with Explanations[/url] section for in depth explanations about the challenge item requirements. [*]If you get stuck check out [url=]Rubik's How-To Guide[/url] for a detailed explanation of how to edit your sign-up post. [*]Use and keep the provided format for the dates. [*]Add all extra information required for the items on a separate line underneath the anime title/url. [*]Before turning-in, remove any items that are not required for your difficulty level. [*]Update your Challenge Start and Finish Dates on both the Sign-Up and Turn-In posts. [*]To show that you've read this entire list, please add one of the following symbols to your initial post number (in the top corner of your sign-up post): ♬ ✩ ☩ ღ ° [/list][/spoiler][/quote] ⚔️ [b]Challenge list:[/b] [quote][list=1][color=#5E3CFF][center][size=140][b]Card #10: Lestat's Luxuries[/b][/size][/center] [center][spoiler=Card][img][/img][/spoiler][/center] ⚔️ [size=90][b]DATE FORMAT:[/b] MMM DD (example: Jan 01)[/size][/color][spoiler=items] [color=#5E3CFF][b][size=90]Items (42), (48), (57), and (121) are located at the [u]bottom[/u] of the challenge list[/size][/b][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (03) Watch a [url=]Special[/url] that has a total duration of 20 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (05) Watch a Spin-Off of an anime you've previously completed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Related Anime: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (07) Watch a Movie with a total duration of 2 hours or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (09) Watch an anime with 30 or more episodes that are each 15 minutes or less [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (11) Watch an anime with 35 or more episodes that are each 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (13) Watch an anime with 50 or more episodes that are each 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (18) Watch an anime with a Director that also directed one of your Favorite Anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Favorite Anime: | Director: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (21) Watch an anime with two or more studios listed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (22) Watch an anime from your least favorite studio by weighted score on [url=]Anime+[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Least Favorite Studio: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (27) Watch an anime that began airing the same month you joined MAL [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (29) Watch an anime that began airing the same season and year as one of your Favorite Anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Favorite Anime: | Season/Year: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (33) Watch an anime that began airing between 2000 and 2009 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (34) Watch an anime that began airing between 1990 and 1999 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (35) Watch an anime that began airing between 1980 and 1989 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (36) Watch an anime that began airing between 1960 and 1979 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (39) Watch an [url=]Original[/url] anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (44) Watch an anime with a popularity lower than #700 and a total duration of 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Popularity When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (45) Watch an anime with a popularity lower than #2,000 and a total duration of 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Popularity When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (46) Watch an anime with a popularity lower than #5,000 and a total duration of 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Popularity When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (50) Watch an anime with an episode duration of 6 minutes or more and less than 5,000 completed members that finished airing before you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Completed Members When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (53) Watch an anime with a score of 5.00 or below and an episode duration of 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Score When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (55) Watch an anime that was completed and scored 5 or less by an AWC Staff Member [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][AWC Staff Member: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (56) Watch an anime with 2 or more episodes and an episode duration of 30 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (61) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that is rated R - 17+ (violence & profanity) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (62) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that is rated R+ (Mild Nudity) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (64) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that's tagged with one or more of the following: [url=]Samurai[/url] or [url=]Sports[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (65) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that's tagged with one or more of the following: [url=]Magic[/url] or [url=]Military[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (66) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that's tagged with one or more of the following: [url=]Police[/url] or [url=]Vampire[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (67) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that's tagged with one or more of the following: [url=]Psychological[/url] or [url=]Seinen[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (68) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that's tagged with one or more of the following: [url=]Horror[/url] or [url=]Mystery[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (69) Watch a listed themed anime: [url=]Cyberpunk[/url] or [url=]Mafia[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Theme: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (70) Watch a listed themed anime: [url=]GAR[/url] or [url=]Mythology[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Theme: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (71) Watch a listed themed anime: [url=]Critics[/url] or [url=]Unpopular[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Theme: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (72) Watch a listed themed anime: [url=]CGI[/url] or [url=]Steampunk[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Theme: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (73) Watch a listed themed anime: [url=]Superhero[/url] or [url=]Time Travel[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Theme: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (74) Watch an anime rated 6.00 or less that is tagged with your favorite genre by weighted score according to [url=]Anime+[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Favorite Genre By Weighted Score: | Anime Score: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (76) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that's tagged with 2 Genres or less [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (77) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that's tagged with 6 Genres or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (80) Watch an anime that has a main character’s name in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (81) Watch an anime with the word "Season" in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (84) Watch an anime with 6 or more words in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (86) Watch an anime without any Recommendations [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (88) Watch an anime with 4 episodes or more recommended to you in the [url=]AWC 2021 Anime Recommendations [From Staff][/url] thread by an AWC Staff Member (listed on the @ AWC_mod profile) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Recommendation Link: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (89) Watch an anime suggested by [url=]MAL[/url] or by [url=]Anime+[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (90) Watch any anime recommended to one of your Favorite Anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Favorite Anime: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (91) Watch an anime that an active participant has completed for this challenge [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Active Participant: | Their Item #: | Post Link: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (95) Watch an anime from one of the [url=]MAL AWC Staff Collections[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Collection Name: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (96) Watch an anime with 11 or more episodes that has a synopsis by MAL Rewrite and finished airing before you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (97) Watch an anime that is listed as a favorite on a [url=]MAL Staff Member's[/url] page [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][MAL Staff Member: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (99) Watch an anime with a year in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (102) Watch a TV type anime with an irregular release schedule (where at least one episode was released less than 7 days after its previous episode or more than 7 days after its previous episode) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (103) Watch an anime with an active streaming service listed under Licensors/Producers (Crunchyroll, Funimation, Hulu, Netflix) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (104) Watch an anime with a main character that is a professional in their field [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Main Character: | Profession: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (106) Watch an anime with a non-humanoid main character [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Main Character: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (107) Watch an anime where a main character wears [url=]glasses[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Main Character: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (108) Watch an anime that only has one main character listed on MAL [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (111) Watch an anime with at least 3 human adults as main characters [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][MC 1: | MC 2: | MC 3: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (115) Watch a listed anime featuring a character with two different eye colors (also known as [url=]heterochromia[/url]) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Character: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (116) Watch an anime generated randomly using [url=][/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (117) Watch an anime that finished airing before you started it and has no Opening Theme (OP) or Ending Theme (ED) listed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#5E3CFF][b][Middle Square Items] - see [url=]How to Participate[/url] for rules on how/when to switch. Please add any switched items in the space below.[/b][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (42) Watch an anime adapted from an [url=]Unknown[/url] or [url=]Other[/url] source [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (48) Watch an anime with an episode duration of 6 minutes or more and less than 500 completed members that finished airing before you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Completed Members When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (57) Watch an anime with 2 or more episodes and an episode duration of 50 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (121) Watch an anime that has a higher score than a listed adaptation (under Related Anime) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Anime Score Started: | Adaptation Score when Started: ][/color] [/spoiler][/list][/quote] [center][b][size=95]When posting this form I am confirming that I have read the [url=]Rules[/url], [url=]How to Participate[/url], and the [url=]Challenge List with Explanations[/url] posts in their entirety to the best of my ability. I am also confirming that I will not delete my post if I decide later on that I do not wish to complete the challenge.[/size][/b][/center] Copy the item's entire BBCode (everything in the rectangle, including the [*]) into the space provided at the bottom of your card - Do not copy the entire list, only the items you are switching for [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (01) Watch an [url=]award-winning[/url] anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (02) Watch an [url=]ONA[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (04) Watch a Sequel to an anime you've previously completed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Related Anime: ][/color] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (06) Watch a Movie with a total duration of 1 hour 30 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (08) Watch an anime with 10 or more episodes that are each 15 minutes or less [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (10) Watch an anime with 60 or more episodes that are each 15 minutes or less [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (12) Watch an anime with 40 or more episodes that are each 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (14) Watch an anime with 75 or more episodes that are each 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (15) Watch a listed [url=]noitaminA[/url], [url=]YATP[/url], or [url=]Ghibli Founders[/url] anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][List Used: ][/color] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (16) Watch an anime without a Licensor listed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (17) Watch an anime in which one of your Favorite People participated [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Favorite Person: | Role: ][/color] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (19) Watch an anime by a studio with 5 - 50 anime in MAL's database [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Studio: ][/color] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (20) Watch an anime by a studio you haven't seen anything from [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Studio: ][/color] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (23) Watch an anime with a main character that has 2 or more Japanese Voice Actors listed on the character page [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Main Character: | Character Page Link: ][/color] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (24) Watch an anime where the same Voice Actor is credited under at least two different characters [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Voice Actor/Actress: | Character 1: | Character 2: ][/color] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (25) Watch an anime featuring a Voice Actor who is also credited with a Theme/Insert Song Performance in the anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Voice Actor/Actress: ][/color] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (26) Watch an anime that began airing the same year you joined MAL [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (28) Watch an anime that began airing the same day you joined MAL [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (30) Watch a directly related anime that aired at least 10 years before/after a previously completed anime from the same series [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Previously Watched Related Anime: ][/color] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (31) Watch an anime that began airing between 2016 and 2020 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (32) Watch an anime that began airing between 2010 and 2015 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (37) Watch an anime adapted from a [url=]Visual Novel[/url] or [url=]Light Novel[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (38) Watch an anime adapted from a [url=]4-koma Manga[/url], [url=]Web Manga[/url] or [url=]Digital Manga[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (40) Watch an anime adapted from a [url=]Card Game[/url] or [url=]Game[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (41) Watch an anime adapted from a [url=]Book[/url], [url=]Picture Book[/url] or [url=]Novel[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (43) Watch an anime adapted from a [url=]Radio[/url] or [url=]Music[/url] source [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (47) Watch an anime where the difference between ranking and popularity is at least 1,000 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Ranking When Started: | Popularity When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (49) Watch an anime with an episode duration of 6 minutes or more and less than 2,500 completed members that finished airing before you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Completed Members When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (51) Watch an anime with an episode duration of 6 minutes or more and less than 10,000 completed members that finished airing before you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Completed Members When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (52) Watch an anime with a score of 8.00 or above and an episode duration of 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Score When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (54) Watch an anime with more users in the "Plan-to-Watch" stat than the "Completed" stat that finished airing before you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN]["Plan-to-Watch" Members When Started: | "Completed" Members when Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (58) Watch an anime with 50 or less favorites on MAL and an episode duration of 16 minutes or more that finished airing before you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (59) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that is rated PG-13 (Teens 13 or Older) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (60) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that is rated G (All Ages) or PG (Children) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (63) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that is rated Rx — Hentai [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (75) Watch an anime tagged with your least watched genre by time according to [url=]Anime+[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Least Watched Genre by Time: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (78) Watch an anime with no Japanese words or phrases in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (79) Watch an anime that has a one-word main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (82) Watch an anime with the word "Animation" in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (83) Watch an anime with a non-alphanumeric character in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (85) Watch an anime with an honorific in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (87) Watch an anime recommended to you in the [url=]AWC 2021 Anime Recommendations [From Participants][/url] thread [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Recommendation Link: ][/color] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (92) Watch an anime featured in an active participant's forum set [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Active Participant: | Initial Post #: | Post Link: ][/color] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (93) Watch a completed anime scored 10 or 9 by an active participant that posted on the first or second page [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Active Participant: | Initial Post Link: | Their Completed List Link: ][/color] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (94) Watch an anime Featured in an article from 2020 onward [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Article Link: ][/color] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (98) Watch an anime with the "More Info" section provided [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (100) Finish an anime you put on-hold or dropped on or before July 1, 2020 that has two or more episodes and an episode duration of 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Original Start Date: | Last Watched Episode Date: | # of Episodes Previously Watched: ][/color] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (101) Watch an anime with an episode duration of 16 minutes or more that was [url=]reviewed[/url] the day you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Review Link: ][/color] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (105) Watch an anime with a human main character that is not Japanese [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Main Character: | Nationality: ][/color] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (109) Watch an anime with 8 or more main characters listed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (110) Watch an anime with more main characters than supporting characters [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Main Characters: | Supporting Characters: ][/color] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (112) Watch an anime with at least 2 human children as main characters [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][MC 1: | MC 2: ][/color] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (113) Watch an anime in which one of the characters has at least 500 more favorites than the anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Character: | Character Favorites when Started: | Anime Favorites when Started: ][/color] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (114) Watch an anime where a female character is voiced by a male voice actor [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Female Character: | Voice Actor: ][/color] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (118) Watch an anime with 20 or more episodes that has only one Opening Theme (OP) and one Ending Theme (ED) listed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (119) Watch an anime with either 5 or more Opening Themes (OP) listed or 5 or more Ending Themes (ED) listed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][OPs: | EDs: ][/color] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (120) Watch an anime in which 2 or more of the Opening Theme (OP) and/or Ending Theme (ED) are performed by the same Artist/Group [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Artist/Group: ][/color] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (122) Watch an anime that has two or more adaptations listed under Related Anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] .......................... |
AWC_modJan 7, 2021 1:19 PM
Jan 1, 2021 11:41 AM
Card #11: Kay's Kaleidoscope Do not copy this into your post
Copy the entire BBCode into your post [right][b]Initial Post Number: [/b] #000 [/right] 🔷 [b]Challenge Start Date:[/b] MONTH DAY, YEAR (the date your first anime was watched) 🔶 [b]Challenge Finish Date:[/b] MONTH DAY, YEAR (example: November 30, 2021) 📣 [b]Link to your completed anime list:[/b] 📣 [b]Link to your Anime+:[/b] ⏰ [b]Completed Anime (at sign-up):[/b] COMPLETED_ANIME (the day you make your post) ⏰ [b]Time Zone:[/b] UTC/GMT_ZONE 🚩 [b]Card Number:[/b] #11 🚩 [b]Card Level:[/b] CARD_LEVEL_NAME 🚩 [b]Restriction:[/b] RESTRICTION(S)_USED (put N/A if none) 📚 [b]Anime in Forum Set:[/b] ANIME_USED (put N/A if none; refers to your forum avatar and signature) 📚 [b]Legend:[/b] [color=MEDIUMPURPLE][b]Watching[/b][/color] - [color=SEAGREEN][b]Completed[/b][/color] - [color=SLATEGRAY][b]Inactive/Plan to Watch[/b][/color] [quote][b][color=#60AFFE]Starting up TO-DO list[/color] (remove list before turning in!)[/b] [spoiler="TO-DO"][list][*]After posting, refresh the page for your Initial Post Number (upper right corner of your post). [*]Fill in the header with your information. It can be edited, but check the rules/how to play. [*]Read the [url=]Rules[/url] section to learn about the challenge guidelines. [*]Read the [url=]How to Participate[/url] section to learn how to play this version of Bingo. [*]Read the [url=]Challenge List with Explanations[/url] section for in depth explanations about the challenge item requirements. [*]If you get stuck check out [url=]Rubik's How-To Guide[/url] for a detailed explanation of how to edit your sign-up post. [*]Use and keep the provided format for the dates. [*]Add all extra information required for the items on a separate line underneath the anime title/url. [*]Before turning-in, remove any items that are not required for your difficulty level. [*]Update your Challenge Start and Finish Dates on both the Sign-Up and Turn-In posts. [*]To show that you've read this entire list, please add one of the following symbols to your initial post number (in the top corner of your sign-up post): ♬ ✩ ☩ ღ ° [/list][/spoiler][/quote] ⚔️ [b]Challenge list:[/b] [quote][list=1][color=#FF00FF][center][size=140][b]Card #11: Kay's Kaleidoscope[/b][/size][/center] [center][spoiler=Card][img][/img][/spoiler][/center] ⚔️ [size=90][b]DATE FORMAT:[/b] MMM DD (example: Jan 01)[/size][/color][spoiler=items] [color=#ff00ff][b][size=90]Items (30), (42), (48), and (53) are located at the [u]bottom[/u] of the challenge list[/size][/b][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (01) Watch an [url=]award-winning[/url] anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (04) Watch a Sequel to an anime you've previously completed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Related Anime: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (05) Watch a Spin-Off of an anime you've previously completed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Related Anime: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (06) Watch a Movie with a total duration of 1 hour 30 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (09) Watch an anime with 30 or more episodes that are each 15 minutes or less [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (12) Watch an anime with 40 or more episodes that are each 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (16) Watch an anime without a Licensor listed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (18) Watch an anime with a Director that also directed one of your Favorite Anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Favorite Anime: | Director: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (20) Watch an anime by a studio you haven't seen anything from [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Studio: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (21) Watch an anime with two or more studios listed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (23) Watch an anime with a main character that has 2 or more Japanese Voice Actors listed on the character page [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Main Character: | Character Page Link: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (24) Watch an anime where the same Voice Actor is credited under at least two different characters [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Voice Actor/Actress: | Character 1: | Character 2: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (27) Watch an anime that began airing the same month you joined MAL [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (34) Watch an anime that began airing between 1990 and 1999 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (35) Watch an anime that began airing between 1980 and 1989 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (36) Watch an anime that began airing between 1960 and 1979 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (37) Watch an anime adapted from a [url=]Visual Novel[/url] or [url=]Light Novel[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (40) Watch an anime adapted from a [url=]Card Game[/url] or [url=]Game[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (41) Watch an anime adapted from a [url=]Book[/url], [url=]Picture Book[/url] or [url=]Novel[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (45) Watch an anime with a popularity lower than #2,000 and a total duration of 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Popularity When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (46) Watch an anime with a popularity lower than #5,000 and a total duration of 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Popularity When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (47) Watch an anime where the difference between ranking and popularity is at least 1,000 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Ranking When Started: | Popularity When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (49) Watch an anime with an episode duration of 6 minutes or more and less than 2,500 completed members that finished airing before you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Completed Members When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (55) Watch an anime that was completed and scored 5 or less by an AWC Staff Member [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][AWC Staff Member: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (58) Watch an anime with 50 or less favorites on MAL and an episode duration of 16 minutes or more that finished airing before you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (60) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that is rated G (All Ages) or PG (Children) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (62) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that is rated R+ (Mild Nudity) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (64) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that's tagged with one or more of the following: [url=]Cars[/url], [url=]Horror[/url] or [url=]Police[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (65) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that's tagged with one or more of the following: [url=]Martial Arts[/url], [url=]Military[/url] or [url=]Space[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (66) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that's tagged with one or more of the following: [url=]Mystery[/url] or [url=]Super Power[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (67) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that's tagged with one or more of the following: [url=]Dementia[/url] or [url=]Vampire[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (68) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that's tagged with one or more of the following: [url=]Demons[/url], [url=]Josei[/url] or [url=]Magic[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (69) Watch a listed themed anime: [url=]Mahou Shoujo[/url] or [url=]Unpopular[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Theme: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (70) Watch a listed themed anime: [url=]Battle Royale[/url] or [url=]Steampunk[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Theme: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (71) Watch a listed themed anime: [url=]Isekai[/url] or [url=]TV Scum[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Theme: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (72) Watch a listed themed anime: [url=]GAR[/url] or [url=]Idol[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Theme: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (75) Watch an anime tagged with your least watched genre by time according to [url=]Anime+[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Least Watched Genre by Time: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (76) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that's tagged with 2 Genres or less [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (78) Watch an anime with no Japanese words or phrases in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (79) Watch an anime that has a one-word main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (80) Watch an anime that has a main character’s name in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (82) Watch an anime with the word "Animation" in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (83) Watch an anime with a non-alphanumeric character in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (84) Watch an anime with 6 or more words in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (88) Watch an anime with 4 episodes or more recommended to you in the [url=]AWC 2021 Anime Recommendations [From Staff][/url] thread by an AWC Staff Member (listed on the @ AWC_mod profile) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Recommendation Link: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (89) Watch an anime suggested by [url=]MAL[/url] or by [url=]Anime+[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (91) Watch an anime that an active participant has completed for this challenge [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Active Participant: | Their Item #: | Post Link: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (94) Watch an anime Featured in an article from 2020 onward [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Article Link: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (96) Watch an anime with 11 or more episodes that has a synopsis by MAL Rewrite and finished airing before you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (98) Watch an anime with the "More Info" section provided [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (100) Finish an anime you put on-hold or dropped on or before July 1, 2020 that has two or more episodes and an episode duration of 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Original Start Date: | Last Watched Episode Date: | # of Episodes Previously Watched: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (101) Watch an anime with an episode duration of 16 minutes or more that was [url=]reviewed[/url] the day you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Review Link: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (103) Watch an anime with an active streaming service listed under Licensors/Producers (Crunchyroll, Funimation, Hulu, Netflix) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (105) Watch an anime with a human main character that is not Japanese [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Main Character: | Nationality: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (107) Watch an anime where a main character wears [url=]glasses[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Main Character: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (109) Watch an anime with 8 or more main characters listed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (111) Watch an anime with at least 3 human adults as main characters [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][MC 1: | MC 2: | MC 3: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (112) Watch an anime with at least 2 human children as main characters [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][MC 1: | MC 2: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (118) Watch an anime with 20 or more episodes that has only one Opening Theme (OP) and one Ending Theme (ED) listed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (120) Watch an anime in which 2 or more of the Opening Theme (OP) and/or Ending Theme (ED) are performed by the same Artist/Group [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Artist/Group: ][/color] [color=#ff00ff][b][Middle Square Items] - see [url=]How to Participate[/url] for rules on how/when to switch. Please add any switched items in the space below.[/b][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (30) Watch a directly related anime that aired at least 10 years before/after a previously completed anime from the same series [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Previously Watched Related Anime: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (42) Watch an anime adapted from an [url=]Unknown[/url] or [url=]Other[/url] source [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (48) Watch an anime with an episode duration of 6 minutes or more and less than 500 completed members that finished airing before you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Completed Members When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (53) Watch an anime with a score of 5.00 or below and an episode duration of 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Score When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [/spoiler][/list][/quote] [center][b][size=95]When posting this form I am confirming that I have read the [url=]Rules[/url], [url=]How to Participate[/url], and the [url=]Challenge List with Explanations[/url] posts in their entirety to the best of my ability. I am also confirming that I will not delete my post if I decide later on that I do not wish to complete the challenge.[/size][/b][/center] Copy the item's entire BBCode (everything in the rectangle, including the [*]) into the space provided at the bottom of your card - Do not copy the entire list, only the items you are switching for [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (02) Watch an [url=]ONA[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (03) Watch a [url=]Special[/url] that has a total duration of 20 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (07) Watch a Movie with a total duration of 2 hours or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (08) Watch an anime with 10 or more episodes that are each 15 minutes or less [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (10) Watch an anime with 60 or more episodes that are each 15 minutes or less [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (11) Watch an anime with 35 or more episodes that are each 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (13) Watch an anime with 50 or more episodes that are each 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (14) Watch an anime with 75 or more episodes that are each 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (15) Watch a listed [url=]noitaminA[/url], [url=]YATP[/url], or [url=]Ghibli Founders[/url] anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][List Used: ][/color] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (17) Watch an anime in which one of your Favorite People participated [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Favorite Person: | Role: ][/color] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (19) Watch an anime by a studio with 5 - 50 anime in MAL's database [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Studio: ][/color] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (22) Watch an anime from your least favorite studio by weighted score on [url=]Anime+[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Least Favorite Studio: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (25) Watch an anime featuring a Voice Actor who is also credited with a Theme/Insert Song Performance in the anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Voice Actor/Actress: ][/color] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (26) Watch an anime that began airing the same year you joined MAL [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (28) Watch an anime that began airing the same day you joined MAL [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (29) Watch an anime that began airing the same season and year as one of your Favorite Anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Favorite Anime: | Season/Year: ][/color] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (31) Watch an anime that began airing between 2016 and 2020 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (32) Watch an anime that began airing between 2010 and 2015 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (33) Watch an anime that began airing between 2000 and 2009 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (38) Watch an anime adapted from a [url=]4-koma Manga[/url], [url=]Web Manga[/url] or [url=]Digital Manga[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (39) Watch an [url=]Original[/url] anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (43) Watch an anime adapted from a [url=]Radio[/url] or [url=]Music[/url] source [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (44) Watch an anime with a popularity lower than #700 and a total duration of 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Popularity When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (50) Watch an anime with an episode duration of 6 minutes or more and less than 5,000 completed members that finished airing before you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Completed Members When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (51) Watch an anime with an episode duration of 6 minutes or more and less than 10,000 completed members that finished airing before you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Completed Members When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (52) Watch an anime with a score of 8.00 or above and an episode duration of 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Score When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (54) Watch an anime with more users in the "Plan-to-Watch" stat than the "Completed" stat that finished airing before you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN]["Plan-to-Watch" Members When Started: | "Completed" Members when Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (56) Watch an anime with 2 or more episodes and an episode duration of 30 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (57) Watch an anime with 2 or more episodes and an episode duration of 50 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (59) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that is rated PG-13 (Teens 13 or Older) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (61) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that is rated R - 17+ (violence & profanity) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (63) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that is rated Rx — Hentai [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (74) Watch an anime rated 6.00 or less that is tagged with your favorite genre by weighted score according to [url=]Anime+[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Favorite Genre By Weighted Score: | Anime Score: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (77) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that's tagged with 6 Genres or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (81) Watch an anime with the word "Season" in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (85) Watch an anime with an honorific in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (86) Watch an anime without any Recommendations [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (87) Watch an anime recommended to you in the [url=]AWC 2021 Anime Recommendations [From Participants][/url] thread [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Recommendation Link: ][/color] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (90) Watch any anime recommended to one of your Favorite Anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Favorite Anime: ][/color] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (92) Watch an anime featured in an active participant's forum set [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Active Participant: | Initial Post #: | Post Link: ][/color] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (93) Watch a completed anime scored 10 or 9 by an active participant that posted on the first or second page [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Active Participant: | Initial Post Link: | Their Completed List Link: ][/color] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (95) Watch an anime from one of the [url=]MAL AWC Staff Collections[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Collection Name: ][/color] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (97) Watch an anime that is listed as a favorite on a [url=]MAL Staff Member's[/url] page [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][MAL Staff Member: ][/color] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (99) Watch an anime with a year in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (102) Watch a TV type anime with an irregular release schedule (where at least one episode was released less than 7 days after its previous episode or more than 7 days after its previous episode) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (104) Watch an anime with a main character that is a professional in their field [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Main Character: | Profession: ][/color] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (106) Watch an anime with a non-humanoid main character [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Main Character: ][/color] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (108) Watch an anime that only has one main character listed on MAL [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (110) Watch an anime with more main characters than supporting characters [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Main Characters: | Supporting Characters: ][/color] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (113) Watch an anime in which one of the characters has at least 500 more favorites than the anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Character: | Character Favorites when Started: | Anime Favorites when Started: ][/color] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (114) Watch an anime where a female character is voiced by a male voice actor [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Female Character: | Voice Actor: ][/color] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (115) Watch a listed anime featuring a character with two different eye colors (also known as [url=]heterochromia[/url]) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Character: ][/color] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (116) Watch an anime generated randomly using [url=][/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Screenshot: ][/color] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (117) Watch an anime that finished airing before you started it and has no Opening Theme (OP) or Ending Theme (ED) listed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (119) Watch an anime with either 5 or more Opening Themes (OP) listed or 5 or more Ending Themes (ED) listed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][OPs: | EDs: ][/color] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (121) Watch an anime that has a higher score than a listed adaptation (under Related Anime) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=LIGHTSEAGREEN][Anime Score Started: | Adaptation Score when Started: ][/color] [*][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (122) Watch an anime that has two or more adaptations listed under Related Anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] .......................... |
AWC_modJan 7, 2021 1:20 PM
Jan 1, 2021 11:42 AM
....................................... |
AWC_modJan 7, 2021 8:32 AM
Jan 1, 2021 11:47 AM
Initial Post Number: #16ღ 🔷 Challenge Start Date: January 01, 2021 🔶 Challenge Finish Date: November 14, 2021 📣 Link to your completed anime list: Completed List | AWC21 Tag | Turn-in 📣 Link to your Anime+: Anime+ ⏰ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 1,016 ⏰ Time Zone: America/Vancouver 🚩 Card Number: #01 🚩 Card Level: Bingo Legend 🚩 Restriction: TV, Endurance 📚 Anime in Forum Set: Magic Kaito 🥇 Legend: Inactive (0) - Plan-to-Watch (0) - Watching (0) - Items Completed (64) ⚔️ Challenge list:
Card #1: Aera's Assortment ⚔️ DATE FORMAT: MMM DD Items (10), (14), (57) and (114) are located at the bottom of the challenge list When posting this form I am confirming that I have readthe Rules, How to Participate, and the Challenge List with Explanations posts in their entirety to the best of my ability. I am also confirming that I will not delete my post if I decide later on that I do not wish to complete the challenge. |
AeradaeNov 20, 2021 1:51 PM
Jan 1, 2021 11:49 AM
Initial Post Number: #17♬ 🔷 Challenge Start Date: January 1, 2021 🔶 Challenge Finish Date: November 1, 2021 📣 Link to your completed anime list: 📣 Link to your Anime+: ⏰ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 751 ⏰ Time Zone: US/Central 🚩 Card Number: #02 🚩 Card Level: Bingo Legend 🚩 Restriction: TV, Endurance 📚 Anime in Forum Set: Domon Kasshu from Mobile Fighter G Gundam 📚 Legend: Watching - Completed - Inactive/Plan to Watch ⚔️ Challenge list:
Card #2: BigDud's Deathmatch ⚔️ DATE FORMAT: MMM DD (example: Jan 01) Items (14), (42), (43), and (57) are located at the bottom of the challenge list When posting this form I am confirming that I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Challenge List with Explanations posts in their entirety to the best of my ability. I am also confirming that I will not delete my post if I decide later on that I do not wish to complete the challenge. |
bigdud24Nov 1, 2021 5:12 PM
Jan 1, 2021 11:49 AM
Initial Post Number: #18✩ ⍏ Challenge Finish Date: September 24, 2021 || Turn-in ⍏ Link to your completed anime list: My Anime List || AWC 2021 ⍏ Link to your Anime+: My MalGraph ⍏ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 1095 || (at turn-in: 1209) ⍏ Time Zone: UTC+1 ⍏ Card Number: #09 ⍏ Card Level: Bingo Legend ⍏ Restriction: TV, Endurance ⍏ Anime in Forum Set: Youjo Senki || Maoujou de Oyasumi ⍏ Progress: 64/64 Watching | Completed | Plan to Watch ⍏ Challenge list: Card #9: Yuki's Yearlong
When posting this form I am confirming that I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Challenge List with Explanations posts in their entirety to the best of my ability. I am also confirming that I will not delete my post if I decide later on that I do not wish to complete the challenge. yayayayayyayaya |
Yuki-Sep 26, 2021 7:04 AM
Jan 1, 2021 11:49 AM
Initial Post Number: #19♬ ☵ Challenge Start Date: January 01, 2021 ☵ Challenge Finish Date: November 24, 2021 ☵ Link to your completed anime list: Link ☵ Link to your Anime+: Link ☵ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 1295 ☵ Time Zone: America/New_York ☵ Card Number: #06 ☵ Card Level: Bingo Legend ☵ Restriction: Slice of Life, TV, Endurance ☵ Anime in Forum Set: Dragon Maid, Space Brothers ☵ Legend: Completed | Info/Links | Planned ⚔️ Challenge list:
Card #6: Rubik's Rubric 64/64 completed Items (42), (43), (113), and (114) are located at the bottom of the challenge list When posting this form I am confirming that I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Challenge List with Explanations posts in their entirety to the best of my ability. I am also confirming that I will not delete my post if I decide later on that I do not wish to complete the challenge. |
dierubikdieNov 25, 2021 4:22 PM
"An earnest failure has meaning." "Nothing is definite in this world. But it's okay. Some things within me are definite." |
Jan 1, 2021 11:49 AM
Initial Post Number: #20 ✩ 🔷 Challenge Start Date: January 01, 2021 🔶 Challenge Finish Date: November 30, 2021 📣 Link to your completed anime list: 📣 Link to your Anime+: ⏰ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 774 ⏰ Time Zone: CET 🚩 Card Number: #11 🚩 Card Level: Bingo Legend 🚩 Restriction: Endurance 📚 Anime in Forum Set: Seikai no Senki (and sequel) 📚 Legend: Watching - Completed - Inactive/Plan to Watch ⚔️ Challenge list:
Card #11: Kay's Kaleidoscope ⚔️ Items (30), (42), (48), and (53) are located at the bottom of the challenge list When posting this form I am confirming that I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Challenge List with Explanations posts in their entirety to the best of my ability. I am also confirming that I will not delete my post if I decide later on that I do not wish to complete the challenge. |
KayleeNov 30, 2021 2:35 PM
Jan 1, 2021 11:50 AM
Initial Post Number: #21☩ ⍏ Challenge Finish Date: November 17, 2021 ⍏ Link to your completed anime list: ⛧⛧⛧ ⍏ Link to your Anime+: ⛧⛧⛧ ⍏ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 801 ⍏ Time Zone: GMT+1 ⍏ Card Number: #10 ⍏ Card Level: Bingo Legend ⍏ Restriction: TV ⍏ Anime in Forum Set: Eyeshield 21 ⍏ Legend: Watching - Completed - Inactive/Plan to Watch ⍏ Challenge list:
Card #10: Lestat's Luxuries Items (42), (48), (57), and (121) are located at the bottom of the challenge list When posting this form I am confirming that I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Challenge List with Explanations posts in their entirety to the best of my ability. I am also confirming that I will not delete my post if I decide later on that I do not wish to complete the challenge. |
Lestat-Nov 17, 2021 10:21 AM
» "Mercy is for losers..." « ⍏⍏⍏⍏⍏ inspector @ MAL's anime watching challenge |
Jan 1, 2021 11:50 AM
Initial Post Number: #22☩ 🔷 Challenge Start Date: January 6th, 2021 🔶 Challenge Finish Date: November 30th, 2021 📣 Link to your completed anime list: mozgow's list 📣 Link to your Anime+: mozgow's anime+ ⏰ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 1,100 ⏰ Time Zone: CET/CEST (UTC+1/UTC+2) 🚩 Card Number: #07 🚩 Card Level: Bingo Legend 🚩 Restriction: Endurance 📚 Anime in Forum Set: Estelle Bright from Eiyuu Densetsu: Sora no Kiseki The Animation. Kei and Yuri from Dirty Pair. 📚 Legend: Watching - Completed - Inactive/Plan to Watch ⚔️ Challenge list:
Card #7: Moz's Madness ⚔️ DATE FORMAT: MMM DD Items (14), (57), (63), and (114) are located at the bottom of the challenge list When posting this form I am confirming that I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Challenge List with Explanations posts in their entirety to the best of my ability. I am also confirming that I will not delete my post if I decide later on that I do not wish to complete the challenge. |
mozgowNov 30, 2021 1:39 PM
Jan 1, 2021 11:50 AM
Initial Post Number: #023✩ 🔷 Challenge Start Date: January 1, 2021 🔶 Challenge Finish Date: July 25, 2021 | Turn-in 📣 Link to your completed anime list: 📣 Link to your Anime+: ⏰ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 565 ⏰ Time Zone: U.S. Eastern Time (UTC-05:00) 🚩 Card Number: #04 🚩 Card Level: Beango Legend 🚩 Restriction: N/A 📚 Anime in Forum Set: Avatar - Kamina's glasses from Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann | Signature - Akatsuki from Log Horizon 📚 Legend: Watching - Completed - Inactive/Plan to Watch 📚 Progress: 64/64 ⚔️ Challenge list:
Card #4: Beango Card When posting this form I am confirming that I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Challenge List with Explanations posts in their entirety to the best of my ability. I am also confirming that I will not delete my post if I decide later on that I do not wish to complete the challenge. |
BeanChagBearJan 25, 2024 4:16 AM
Good Lord, BeanChagBear just walked through the clubhouse walking perfectly normally. He said he had “no time” to talk. Too busy watching anime, evidently. |
Jan 1, 2021 11:51 AM
Initial Post Number: #✩24 🔷 Challenge Start Date: January 18, 2021 🔶 Challenge Finish Date: November 14, 2021 📣 Link to your completed anime list: 📣 Link to your Anime+: ⏰ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 617 ⏰ Time Zone: GMT+1 🚩 Card Number: #08 🚩 Card Level: Bingo Legend 🚩 Restriction: Adventure 📚 Anime in Forum Set: Love Live! Nijigasaki Gakuen School Idol Doukoukai 📚 Legend: Watching - Completed - Inactive/Plan to Watch ⚔️ Challenge list:
Card #8: Ran's Russian Roulette ⚔️ DATE FORMAT: MMM DD (example: Jan 01) Items (42), (43), (113), and (121) are located at the bottom of the challenge list When posting this form I am confirming that I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Challenge List with Explanations posts in their entirety to the best of my ability. I am also confirming that I will not delete my post if I decide later on that I do not wish to complete the challenge. |
RanacchiNov 14, 2021 12:01 PM
Jan 1, 2021 11:53 AM
Initial Pos☩ Number: #25 When posting this form I am confirming that I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Challenge List with Explanations posts in their entirety to the best of my ability. I am also confirming that I will not delete my post if I decide later on that I do not wish to complete the challenge. 🔷 Challenge Start Date: January 1, 2021 🔶 Challenge Finish Date: August 6, 2021 || Turn-In 📣 Link to your completed anime list: || CALs.d || '21 AWC 📣 Link to your Anime+: ⏰ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 3,524 || (at turn-in : 3,719) ⏰ Time Zone: UTC-4 🚩 Card Number: #03 🚩 Card Level: Bingo Legend 🚩 Restriction: N/A 📚 Anime in Forum Set: Not Anime (Hypnosis Mic: Division Rap Battle - Rhyme Anima in both until Jul 12) 📚 Legend: completed 🍒 watching 🍒 planning 📚 Progress: 64 / 64 ⚔️ Challenge list:
⚔️ DATE FORMAT: MMM DD (example: Jan 01) ⚔️ Items (43), (48), (113), and (121) are located at the bottom of the challenge list. |
SheyCroixAug 6, 2021 7:13 PM
Jan 1, 2021 3:12 PM
Initial Post Number: #26♬ 🔷 Challenge Start Date: January 01, 2021 🔶 Challenge Finish Date: September 04, 2021 📣 Link to your completed anime list: 📣 Link to your Anime+: ⏰ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 655 ⏰ Time Zone: CST 🚩 Card Number: #05 🚩 Card Level: Bingo Legend 🚩 Restriction: N/A 📚 Anime in Forum Set: Pripara 📚 Legend: Completed (64/64) - Watching - Inactive/Plan to Watch ⚔️ Challenge list:
Card #5: Étude's Aviary ⚔️ DATE FORMAT: MMM DD (example: Jan 01) Items (43), (48), (86), and (122) are located at the bottom of the challenge list When posting this form I am confirming that I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Challenge List with Explanations posts in their entirety to the best of my ability. I am also confirming that I will not delete my post if I decide later on that I do not wish to complete the challenge. |
CureEtudeNov 1, 2021 5:17 AM
Jan 7, 2021 8:40 AM
Initial Post Number: #27ღ 🔷 Challenge Start Date: January 05, 2021 🔶 Challenge Finish Date: November 29, 2021 📣 Link to your completed anime list: MyAnimeList 📣 Link to your Anime+: My Anime+ ⏰ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 749 ⏰ Time Zone: GMT 🗓️ Date Format: DD MMM YYYY 🚩 Card Number: #09 🚩 Card Level: Bingo Legend 🚩 Restriction: Type: TV | Duration: Endurance 📚 Anime in Forum Set: Mikoto Misaka From Toaru Kagaku no Railgun 📚 Legend: Completed ツ (64) - In Progress 進捗 (0) - Inactive/Plan to Watch ✘(0) ⚔️ Challenge list:
Card #9: Yuki's Yearlong ⚔️ Items (30), (57), (114), and (121) are located at the bottom of the challenge list When posting this form I am confirming that I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Challenge List with Explanations posts in their entirety to the best of my ability. I am also confirming that I will not delete my post if I decide later on that I do not wish to complete the challenge. |
CanaanNov 29, 2021 4:23 PM
"By Depending on others and letting them Depend on you, people can Exceed what they can do as Individuals." - Mikoto Misaka "Rokkon Shojo!" |
Jan 7, 2021 8:40 AM
Initial Post Number: #28✩ Challenge Start Date: January 1, 2021 Challenge Finish Date: August 15, 2021 Link to your completed anime list: List Link to your Anime+: Anime+ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 853 Time Zone: GMT+1 Card Number: #05 Card Level: Bingo Legend Restriction: Endurance; Exceptions (06)-(14) | TV; Exceptions (56), (57), (63) and (117) Anime in Forum Set: Sonic X Watching - Completed - Inactive Challenge list:
Card #5: Étude's Aviary [64/64] When posting this form I am confirming that I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Challenge List with Explanations posts in their entirety to the best of my ability. I am also confirming that I will not delete my post if I decide later on that I do not wish to complete the challenge. |
KuraikoDesuSep 25, 2021 12:59 PM
Jan 7, 2021 8:40 AM
Initial Post Number: #29✩ 🔷 Challenge Start Date: January 2, 2021 🔶 Challenge Finish Date: November 10, 2021 📣 Link to your completed anime list: 📣 Link to your Anime+: ⏰ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 290 ⏰ Time Zone: GMT+1 🚩 Card Number: #06 🚩 Card Level: Bingo Legend 🚩 Restriction: TV 📚 Anime in Forum Set: Monogatari Series (Senjougahara, Hitagi) 📚 Legend: Watching - Completed - Inactive/Plan to Watch ⚔️ Challenge list:
Card #6: Rubik's Rubric 64 / 64 ⚔️ DATE FORMAT: MMM DD (example: Jan 01) Items (42), (43), (113), and (114) are located at the bottom of the challenge list When posting this form I am confirming that I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Challenge List with Explanations posts in their entirety to the best of my ability. I am also confirming that I will not delete my post if I decide later on that I do not wish to complete the challenge. |
TieboRiriNov 11, 2021 7:46 AM
╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮ "The fake is of far greater value. In its deliberate attempt to be real, it's more real than the real thing." ╰── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╯ |
Jan 7, 2021 8:40 AM
Initial Post Number: #30 Watching - Completed 29/27 - ☆ Enthusiast ☆
Note: My form is modified because I'm not submitting the challenge for the inspection. |
fuyukiSep 4, 2023 6:22 AM
Jan 7, 2021 8:40 AM
Initial Post Number: #031ღ 🔷 Challenge Start Date: January 01, 2021 (the date your first anime was watched) 🔶 Challenge Finish Date: February 24, 2021 📣 Link to your completed anime list: 📣 Link to your Anime+: ⏰ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 3,908 ⏰ Time Zone: UTC/GMT-5 🚩 Card Number: #03 🚩 Card Level: Bingo Legend 🚩 Restriction: TV/Endurance 📚 Anime in Forum Set: Qing Chi Hong Xiaodou Ba! 📚 Legend: Watching - Completed - Inactive/Plan to Watch ⚔️ Challenge list:
Card #3: Strained Shey ⚔️ DATE FORMAT: MMM DD (example: Jan 01) Items (43), (48), (113), and (121) are located at the bottom of the challenge list When posting this form I am confirming that I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Challenge List with Explanations posts in their entirety to the best of my ability. I am also confirming that I will not delete my post if I decide later on that I do not wish to complete the challenge. |
AngelShivaFeb 24, 2021 4:43 AM
Jan 7, 2021 8:41 AM
Initial Post Number: #032☩ 🔷 Challenge Start Date: January 3, 2021 🔶 Challenge Finish Date: April 3, 2021 📣 Link to your completed anime list: | AWC2021 Tag 📣 Link to your Anime+: ⏰ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 1720 ⏰ Time Zone: UTC-5 🚩 Card Number: #02 🚩 Card Level: Bingo Legend 🚩 Restriction: Endurance, Drama, TV 📚 Anime in Forum Set: Ougi Oshino and Mayoi Hachikuji from the Monogatari series 📚 Legend: Watching - Completed - Inactive/Plan to Watch ⚔️ Challenge list:
Card #2: BigDud's Deathmatch ⚔️ DATE FORMAT: MMM DD (example: Jan 01) Items (14), (42), (43), and (57) are located at the bottom of the challenge list When posting this form I am confirming that I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Challenge List with Explanations posts in their entirety to the best of my ability. I am also confirming that I will not delete my post if I decide later on that I do not wish to complete the challenge. |
BriApr 3, 2021 3:25 PM
Jan 7, 2021 8:42 AM
Initial Post Number: #33☩ 🔷 Challenge Start Date: January 01, 2021 🔶 Challenge Finish Date: July 18, 2021 📣 Link to your completed anime list: Completed 📣 Link to your Anime+: Anime+ ⏰ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 773 ⏰ Time Zone: Europe/London 🚩 Card Number: #05 🚩 Card Level: Bingo Legend 🚩 Restriction: TV Endurance 📚 Anime in Forum Set: One Piece 📚 Legend: Completed - Watching - Inactive ⚔️ Challenge list:
Card #5: Étude's Aviary [64/64] When posting this form I am confirming that I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Challenge List with Explanations posts in their entirety to the best of my ability. I am also confirming that I will not delete my post if I decide later on that I do not wish to complete the challenge. |
MetalFalconJul 21, 2021 8:57 AM
Jan 7, 2021 8:42 AM
!!!! It’s here !!!! And it’s bingo again!!! |
Jan 7, 2021 8:42 AM
Initial Post Number: #35✩ Challenge Start Date: January 06, 2021 Challenge Finish Date: ... Link to your completed anime list: ✩ Link to your Anime+: ✩ Completed Anime at sign-up: 132 Time Zone: Brasília (GMT-3) Card Number: #03 Card Level: Bingo Enthusiast (16/29) Restriction: N/A Anime in Forum Set: Jojo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 4: Diamond wa Kudakenai ★ Legend: WATCHING | COMPLETED | PLAN TO WATCH
Card #3: Strained Shey ✩ Challenge List When posting this form I am confirming that I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Challenge List with Explanations posts in their entirety to the best of my ability. I am also confirming that I will not delete my post if I decide later on that I do not wish to complete the challenge. |
nnnicolasSep 16, 2021 7:10 AM
Jan 7, 2021 8:42 AM
Initial Post Number: #36✩ 白龍の2021AWC 白 Challenge Finish Date: tba 白 Link to your completed anime list: 白龍 白 Link to your Anime+: 白龍+ 白 Completed Anime (at sign-up): 188 白 Time Zone: GMT-3 白 Card Number: #09 白 Card Level: Bingo Legend 白 Restriction: N/A 白 Anime in Forum Set: Inuyasha and Kimetsu no Yaiba Completed \\ Plan to Watch Progress: 6/64
Card #9: Yuki's Yearlong When posting this form I am confirming that I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Challenge List with Explanations posts in their entirety to the best of my ability. I am also confirming that I will not delete my post if I decide later on that I do not wish to complete the challenge. |
hirodakeJan 15, 2021 5:44 PM
Jan 7, 2021 8:42 AM
Initial Post Number: #037 ° 🔷 Challenge Start Date: January 01, 2021 🔶 Challenge Finish Date: July 03, 2021 📣 Link to your completed anime list: 📣 Link to your Anime+: ⏰ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 3,559 ⏰ Time Zone: UTC+1/CET 🚩 Card Number: #08 🚩 Card Level: Bingo Legend 🚩 Restriction: Master of TV 📚 Anime in Forum Set: Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon S 📚 Legend: Watching (0) - Completed (64) - Plan to Watch (0) - Inactive (0) ⚔️ Challenge list:
Card #8: Ran's Russian Roulette ⚔️ DATE FORMAT: MMM DD (example: Jan 01) Items (42), (43), (113), and (121) are located at the bottom of the challenge list When posting this form I am confirming that I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Challenge List with Explanations posts in their entirety to the best of my ability. I am also confirming that I will not delete my post if I decide later on that I do not wish to complete the challenge. |
JhidayJul 18, 2021 6:24 AM
Jan 7, 2021 8:42 AM
Initial Post Number: #38 ღ 🔷 Challenge Start Date: January 03, 2021 🔶 Challenge Finish Date: May 30, 2021 📣 Link to your completed anime list: 📣 Link to your Anime+: ⏰ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 1,549 ⏰ Time Zone: UTC+01 (CET) | UTC+02 (CEST) 🚩 Card Number: #02 🚩 Card Level: Bingo Legend 🚩 Restriction: Endurance 📚 Anime in Forum Set: N/A 📚 Legend: Watching - Completed - Inactive/Plan to Watch ⚔️ Challenge list:
Card #2: BigDud's Deathmatch ⚔️ DATE FORMAT: MMM DD (example: Jan 01) Items (14), (42), (43), and (57) are located at the bottom of the challenge list When posting this form I am confirming that I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Challenge List with Explanations posts in their entirety to the best of my ability. I am also confirming that I will not delete my post if I decide later on that I do not wish to complete the challenge. |
hinagatariMay 30, 2021 6:53 AM
Don't look at me, don't catch me. I'm a butterfly who got lost. I sing freely with these wings no one can see. They're hiding in your heart. Challenges ▲ Deliveries |
Jan 7, 2021 8:42 AM
Initial Post Number: #39☩ 🔷 Challenge Start Date: January 3rd, 2021 🔶 Challenge Finish Date: October 24th, 2021 📣 Link to your completed anime list: SolidBlade 📣 Link to your Anime+: SolidBlade+ ⏰ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 322 ⏰ Time Zone: UTC−05:00 (EST) 🚩 Card Number: #03 🚩 Card Level: Bingo Legend 🚩 Restriction: N/A 📚 Anime in Forum Set: Vinland Saga 📚 Legend: Watching - Completed - Inactive/Plan to Watch ⚔️ Challenge list:
Card #3: Strained Shey ⚔️ DATE FORMAT: MMM DD (example: Jan 01) Items (43), (48), (113), and (121) are located at the bottom of the challenge list When posting this form I am confirming that I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Challenge List with Explanations posts in their entirety to the best of my ability. I am also confirming that I will not delete my post if I decide later on that I do not wish to complete the challenge. |
SolidBladeNov 25, 2021 8:50 AM
Jan 7, 2021 8:42 AM
Initial Post Number: #40☩ 🔷 Challenge Start Date: January 1st, 2021 🔶 Challenge Finish Date: September 25th, 2021 📣 Link to your completed anime list: Link 📣 Link to your Anime+: Link ⏰ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 560 ⏰ Time Zone: UTC/GMT_ZONE 🚩 Card Number: #02 🚩 Card Level: Bingo Legend 🚩 Restriction: N/A 📚 Anime in Forum Set: My Little Monster, Haikyuu!!, SSSS.Gridman, Yu-Gi-Oh!, My Hero Academia, Haven't You Heard? I'm Sakamoto 📚 Legend: Completed - Watching - Plan to Watch ⚔️ Challenge list:
Card #2: BigDud's Deathmatch 64 / 64 Items (14), (42), (43), and (57) are located at the bottom of the challenge list When posting this form I am confirming that I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Challenge List with Explanations posts in their entirety to the best of my ability. I am also confirming that I will not delete my post if I decide later on that I do not wish to complete the challenge. |
DistructiveNickSep 26, 2021 10:12 AM
If I had a nickel for every anime that began airing on October 9th 2022 that started with a B and ended in "ock", I would have two nickels. That's not a lot, but it's funny that it happened twice. |
Jan 7, 2021 8:42 AM
Initial Post Number: #41ღ 🔷 Challenge Start Date: January 02, 2021 🔶 Challenge Finish Date: December 19, 2021 📣 Link to your completed anime list: 📣 Link to your Anime+: ⏰ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 1420 ⏰ Time Zone: GMT +1 🚩 Card Number: #05 🚩 Card Level: Bingo Legend 🚩 Restriction: TV, Endurance 📚 Anime in Forum Set: Tokyo Ghoul 📚 Legend: Watching - Completed - Inactive/Plan to Watch ⚔️ Challenge list:
Card #5: Étude's Aviary ⚔️ DATE FORMAT: MMM DD (example: Jan 01) Items (43), (48), (86), and (122) are located at the bottom of the challenge list When posting this form I am confirming that I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Challenge List with Explanations posts in their entirety to the best of my ability. I am also confirming that I will not delete my post if I decide later on that I do not wish to complete the challenge. |
ShockZzDec 23, 2021 1:18 PM
Jan 7, 2021 8:42 AM
Initial Post Number: #42 ✩ 🔷 Challenge Start Date: JANUARY 01, 2021 🔶 Challenge Finish Date: SEPTEMBER 11, 2021 📣 Link to your completed anime list: 📣 Link to your Anime+: ⏰ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 438 ⏰ Time Zone: GMT -4 🚩 Card Number: #7 🚩 Card Level: Bingo Legend 🚩 Restriction: N/A 📚 Anime in Forum Set: (Characters) Rintarou Okabe | Mai Sakurajima | Saber | Hitagi Senjougahara 📚 Legend: Watching - Completed - Plan to Watch - Inactive ⚔️ Challenge list:
Card #7: Moz's Madness ⚔️ DATE FORMAT: MMM DD (example: Jan 01) Items (14), (57), (63), and (114) are located at the bottom of the challenge list When posting this form I am confirming that I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Challenge List with Explanations posts in their entirety to the best of my ability. I am also confirming that I will not delete my post if I decide later on that I do not wish to complete the challenge. |
FrandroSep 11, 2021 8:22 AM
Jan 7, 2021 8:42 AM
Initial Post Number: #43 ✩ 🔷 Challenge Start Date: January 10, 2021 🔶 Challenge Finish Date: November 30, 2021 📣 Link to your completed anime list: Boop! 📣 Link to your Anime+: Anime+ ⏰ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 428 ⏰ Time Zone: CET (UTC+1) 🚩 Card Number: #06 🚩 Card Level: Bingo Legend 🚩 Restriction: N/A 📚 Anime in Forum Set: Shirobako 📚 Legend: Watching - Completed - Inactive/Plan to Watch ⚔️ Challenge list:
Card #6: Rubik's Rubric ⚔️ DATE FORMAT: MMM DD (example: Jan 01) Items (42), (43), (113), and (114) are located at the bottom of the challenge list When posting this form I am confirming that I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Challenge List with Explanations posts in their entirety to the best of my ability. I am also confirming that I will not delete my post if I decide later on that I do not wish to complete the challenge. |
nyomdaleeDec 24, 2021 2:27 PM
Jan 7, 2021 8:42 AM
Initial Post Number: #44✩ 🔷 Challenge Start Date: January 2, 2021 🔶 Challenge Finish Date: November 27, 2021 📣 Link to your completed anime list: 📣 Link to your Anime+: ⏰ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 1350 ⏰ Time Zone: UTC-6 🚩 Card Number: #04 🚩 Card Level: Bingo Legend 🚩 Restriction: N/A 📚 Anime in Forum Set: Boku no Hero Academia 📚 Legend: Watching - Completed - Inactive/Plan to Watch ⚔️ Challenge list:
Card #4: Beango Card ⚔️ DATE FORMAT: MMM DD (example: Jan 01) Items (10), (14), (63), and (102) are located at the bottom of the challenge list When posting this form I am confirming that I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Challenge List with Explanations posts in their entirety to the best of my ability. I am also confirming that I will not delete my post if I decide later on that I do not wish to complete the challenge. |
tbeans10Dec 17, 2021 4:39 PM
Jan 7, 2021 8:42 AM
Initial Post Number: #45✩ 🔷 Challenge Start Date: January 07, 2021 🔶 Challenge Finish Date: --- 📣 Link to your completed anime list: 📣 Link to your Anime+: ⏰ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 299 ⏰ Time Zone: GMT-3 🚩 Card Number: #06 🚩 Card Level: Bingo Legend 🚩 Restriction: N/A 📚 Anime in Forum Set: Hyouka 📚 Legend: Watching - Completed - Inactive/Plan to Watch ⚔️ Challenge list:
Card #6: Rubik's Rubric Items (42), (43), (113), and (114) are located at the bottom of the challenge list When posting this form I am confirming that I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Challenge List with Explanations posts in their entirety to the best of my ability. I am also confirming that I will not delete my post if I decide later on that I do not wish to complete the challenge. |
ThoxyOct 18, 2021 3:50 PM
Jan 7, 2021 8:43 AM
Initial Post Number: #046° Challenge Start Date: January 03, 2021 Challenge Finish Date: November 26, 2021 Link to your completed anime list: dumpster on 🔥 FIRE 🔥 ; AWC '21 Link to your Anime+: trashcan on 🔥 FIRE 🔥 Completed Anime (at sign-up): 835 Time Zone: GMT +4 Card Number: #03 Card Level: Bingo Legend | 64/64 Restriction: N/A Anime in Forum Set: Jujutsu Kaisen // JJK [Suguru Geto] Watching/Plan to Watch - Completed Anime - Inactive - 📷 Card #3: Strained Shey
When posting this form I am confirming that I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Challenge List with Explanations posts in their entirety to the best of my ability. I am also confirming that I will not delete my post if I decide later on that I do not wish to complete the challenge. |
tamochinnnNov 26, 2021 10:49 AM
Jan 7, 2021 8:43 AM
Initial Post Number: ✩47 ❣ Challenge Finish Date: TO BE ANNOUNCED ❣ Link to my list・Tag:【AWC 2021】 ❣ Link to my Anime+ ❣ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 249 ❣ Time Zone: UTC+01:00 ❣ Card Number: Card #3: Strained Shey ❣ Restriction: Not Applicable ❣ Anime in Forum Set: ・Mawaru Penguindrum・ Black Lady (Sailor Moon) ・Houseki no Kuni (TV)・Rimuru (TenSura) ❣ Legend: Watching - Completed - Inactive/Plan to Watch - Links
Card #3: Strained Shey ❣ Challenge list: When posting this form I am confirming that I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Challenge List with Explanations posts in their entirety to the best of my ability. I am also confirming that I will not delete my post if I decide later on that I do not wish to complete the challenge. |
OtaakuuAug 27, 2021 8:28 PM
Jan 7, 2021 8:43 AM
Initial Post Number: #048☩ Anime Watching Challenge 🔷 Challenge Start Date: January 04, 2021 🔶 Challenge Finish Date: November 02, 2021 📣 Link to your completed anime list: Click Here 📣 Link to your Anime+: Click Here ⏰ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 380 ⏰ Time Zone: GMT +5 🚩 Card Number: #02 🚩 Card Level: Bingo Legend 🚩 Restriction: N/A 📚 Anime in Forum Set: Monster (Johan Liebert) 📚 Legend: Watching - Completed - Inactive/Plan to Watch ⚔️ Challenge list:
Card #2: BigDud's Deathmatch [64/64] ⚔️ DATE FORMAT: MMM DD (example: Jan 01) Items (14), (42), (43), and (57) are located at the bottom of the challenge list When posting this form I am confirming that I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Challenge List with Explanations posts in their entirety to the best of my ability. I am also confirming that I will not delete my post if I decide later on that I do not wish to complete the challenge. |
FateXBloodNov 1, 2021 10:26 PM
Jan 7, 2021 8:43 AM
Initial Post Number: #49✩ 🔷 Challenge Start Date: 05 January 2021 🔶 Challenge Finish Date: 30 November 2021 📣 Link to your completed anime list: 📣 Link to your completed anime list: ⏰ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 1.029 ⏰ Time Zone: UTC+01 (CET) | UTC+02 (CEST) 🚩 Card NUMBER: #03 🚩 Card Level: Bingo Legend 🚩 Restriction: N/A 📚 Anime in Forum Set: Tanaka-kun wa Itsumo Kedaruge 📚 Legend: Watching - Completed - Inactive/Plan to Watch ⚔️ Challenge list:
Card #3: Strained Shey ⚔️ DATE FORMAT: DD MMM (example: 01 Jan) Items (43), (48), (113), and (121) are located at the bottom of the challenge list When posting this form I am confirming that I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Challenge List with Explanations posts in their entirety to the best of my ability. I am also confirming that I will not delete my post if I decide later on that I do not wish to complete the challenge. |
Doddy97Dec 22, 2021 5:44 PM
Jan 7, 2021 8:43 AM
Initial Post Number: #050° 🔷 Challenge Start Date: January 01, 2021 🔶 Challenge Finish Date: February 14, 2021 📣 Link to your completed anime list: 📣 Link to your Anime+: ⏰ Completed Anime (at sign-up): 1,705 ⏰ Time Zone: UTC/GMT +1 🚩 Card Number: #08 🚩 Card Level: Bingo Legend 🚩 Restriction: N/A 📚 Anime in Forum Set: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure/Mushishi 📚 Legend: Watching - Completed - Inactive/Plan to Watch ⚔️ Challenge list:
Card #8: Ran's Russian Roulette Items (42), (43), (113), and (121) are located at the bottom of the challenge list When posting this form I am confirming that I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Challenge List with Explanations posts in their entirety to the best of my ability. I am also confirming that I will not delete my post if I decide later on that I do not wish to complete the challenge. |
YterbiumFeb 14, 2021 10:08 AM
This topic has been locked and is no longer available for discussion.
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