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Apr 14, 2024 4:44 AM
Initial Post Number: #962☁ ⏳ Challenge Start Date: April 14, 2024 ⌛ Challenge Finish Date: MONTH DAY, YEAR (e.g. December 10, 2024 - the date you finished watching your last anime for the challenge) 📜 Link to your completed anime list: 📜 Link to your Anime+: 🔍 Completed Anime (on sign-up date): 241 🌐 Time Zone: GMT -3 🔎 Anime in Forum Avatar/Signature: N/A ✏️ Legend: Watching - Completed - Inactive/Plan to Watch IMPORTANT To-Do List (remove list before turning in!)
💬 Challenge List:
CHIBI WAIFU FAMILY SHRINE When posting this form I'm confirming that I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Challenge List with Explanations section in its entirety to the best of my abilities. |
AvatarZoeApr 19, 2024 4:07 AM
Apr 14, 2024 12:18 PM
Initial Post Number: #963 ☢ ⏳ Challenge Start Date: January 1, 2024 ⌛ Challenge Finish Date: October 6, 2024 📜 Link to your completed anime list: 📜 Link to your Anime+: 🔍 Completed Anime (on sign-up date): 589 🌐 Time Zone: UTC/GMT +2 hours 🔎 Anime in Forum Avatar/Signature: The Masterful Cat Is Depressed Again Today, Teki wa Kaizoku: Neko-tachi no Kyouen ✏️ Legend: Watching - Completed - Inactive/Plan to Watch 💬 Challenge List:
5-Letter-Words CHIBI 6/6 JAPAN 6/6 ONSEN 6/6 WAIFU 6/6 6-Letter-Words FAMILY 7/7 SENSEI 7/7 SHRINE 7/7 YOUKAI 7/7 7-Letter-Words SEIYUUS 8/8 EXPLORE 8/8 8-Letter-Words FESTIVAL 9/9 HUSBANDO 9/9 TRUCKKUN 9/9 SEASONAL 9/9 DIRECTOR 9/9 9-Letter-Words SUBTITLES 10/10 ANIMATION 10/10 10-Letter-Words SOUNDTRACK 11/11 [ADD BBCODE FOR YOUR WORDS HERE - Make sure they all go ABOVE the four BBCode lines below] When posting this form I'm confirming that I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Challenge List with Explanations section in its entirety to the best of my abilities. |
ShiranuiNov 7, 2024 2:44 AM
Apr 14, 2024 12:24 PM
Initial Post Number: #964 ☂ ⏳ Challenge Start Date: January 4, 2024 (e.g. January 09, 2024 - the earliest date you started an anime for the challenge) ⌛ Challenge Finish Date: MONTH DAY, YEAR (e.g. December 10, 2024 - the date you finished watching your last anime for the challenge) 📜 Link to your completed anime list: 📜 Link to your Anime+: 🔍 Completed Anime (on sign-up date): 196 🌐 Time Zone: UTC/GMT_ZONE 🔎 Anime in Forum Avatar/Signature: Yuji Itadori (Jujutsu Kaisen) ✏️ Legend: Watching - Completed - Inactive/Plan to Watch IMPORTANT To-Do List (remove list before turning in!)
💬 Challenge List:
WAIFU SEIYUUS SENSEI SUBTITLES TRUCKKUN ANIMATION EXPLORE SHRINE SOUNDTRACK [ADD BBCODE FOR YOUR WORDS HERE - Make sure they all go ABOVE the four BBCode lines below] When posting this form I'm confirming that I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Challenge List with Explanations section in its entirety to the best of my abilities. |
EnderGamer33Oct 7, 2024 3:14 PM
Apr 14, 2024 10:13 PM
Initial Post Number: #965☁ ⏳ Challenge Start Date: February 06, 2024 ⌛ Challenge Finish Date: 📜 Link to your completed anime list: Redstar?status=2 📜 Link to your Anime+: Redstar 🔍 Completed Anime (on sign-up date): 177 🌐 Time Zone: IST 🔎 Anime in Forum Avatar/Signature: Metallic Rouge ✏️ Legend: Watching - Completed - Inactive/Plan to Watch IMPORTANT To-Do List (remove list before turning in!)
💬 Challenge List:
CHIBI JAPAN ONSEN WAIFU FAMILY SENSEI SHRINE YOUKAI SEIYUUS HUSBANDO TRUCKKUN When posting this form I'm confirming that I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Challenge List with Explanations section in its entirety to the best of my abilities. |
RougeRedstarApr 16, 2024 8:44 PM
Apr 15, 2024 1:17 AM
Initial Post Number: #966 ⏳ Challenge Start Date: Jan 20. 2023 ⌛ Challenge Finish Date: MONTH DAY, Year 📜 Link to your completed anime list: 📜 Link to your Anime+: 🔍 Completed Anime (on sign-up date): 611 🌐 Time Zone: UTC/GMT_ZONE 🔎 Anime in Forum Avatar/Signature: Steins;Gate ✏️ Legend: Watching - Completed - Inactive/Plan to Watch IMPORTANT To-Do List (remove list before turning in!)
💬 Challenge List:
CHIBI ONSEN WAIFU FAMILY SENSEI SHRINE When posting this form I'm confirming that I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Challenge List with Explanations section in its entirety to the best of my abilities. |
poisonwillApr 26, 2024 7:34 PM
Apr 15, 2024 4:08 AM
Reply to AWC_mod
Sign-Up Code
- Read the Rules, How to Participate, and Challenge List with Explanations from the posts above before working on your challenge
- The box below contains the BBCode you will need to have a "ready to post" challenge list. You will copy everything inside the box and post it as a reply to this thread
[right][b]Initial Post Number: [/b] #000 [/right] ⏳ [b]Challenge Start Date:[/b] MONTH DAY, YEAR (e.g. January 09, 2024 - the earliest date you started an anime for the challenge) ⌛ [b]Challenge Finish Date:[/b] MONTH DAY, YEAR (e.g. December 10, 2024 - the date you finished watching your last anime for the challenge) 📜 [b]Link to your completed anime list:[/b] 📜 [b]Link to your Anime+:[/b] 🔍 [b]Completed Anime (on sign-up date):[/b] COMPLETED_ANIME 🌐 [b]Time Zone:[/b] UTC/GMT_ZONE 🔎 [b]Anime in Forum Avatar/Signature:[/b] ANIME_USED (put N/A if none; refers to the anime series) ✏️ [b]Legend:[/b] [color=MEDIUMPURPLE][b]Watching[/b][/color] - [color=SEAGREEN][b]Completed[/b][/color] - [color=GRAY][b]Inactive/Plan to Watch[/b][/color] [quote][b][color=#65107D]IMPORTANT To-Do List[/color] [color=#C37FBB](remove list before turning in!)[/color][/b] [spoiler=List][list][*]After posting, refresh the page for your Initial Post Number (upper right corner of your post) [*]Read the following posts: [list][*][url=][b]Rules[/b][/url] - challenge guidelines [*][url=][b]How to Participate[/b][/url] - how to participate and fill out the header information [*][url=][b]Challenge List with Explanations[/b][/url] - in-depth explanations about the challenge item requirements[/list] [*]Do not change the provided date format [*][b][i]REMOVE[/i][/b] the example information at the top of the form, such as (e.g. January 09, 2024 - the earliest date you started an anime for the challenge) [*]Put all extra information required for the items into square brackets on a separate line underneath the anime title/url [*]Note that the challenge period ends on [b]December 10[/b]; no turn-ins will be accepted after this date[list][*]Create some sort of alarm or calendar reminder [*]Join the [url=][b]AWC/MRC Discord[/b][/url] or [url=][b]AWC Official Club[/b][/url], as notification reminders will be sent to all members near the end of the challenge period[/list][*]Before turning-in, remove any unused items [*]Update your Challenge Start and Finish Dates on both the Sign-Up and Turn-In posts [*]To show you've read this list, add one of the following symbols to your initial post number (in the top corner of your sign-up post): ☀ ☁ ☂ ☃ ☢ [/list][/spoiler][/quote] 💬 [b]Challenge List:[/b] [spoiler="Challenge List"][list=1] [ADD BBCODE FOR YOUR WORDS HERE - Make sure they all go [b]ABOVE[/b] the four BBCode lines below] [/list][/spoiler] [center][b][size=95]When posting this form I'm confirming that I have read the [url=]Rules[/url], [url=]How to Participate[/url], and the [url=]Challenge List with Explanations[/url] section in its entirety to the best of my abilities.[/size][/b][/center]
Word Codes
- Only copy the code for words you are using in your challenge
- If you are doing Level 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5, you will be deleting one item from each word group
- Example: For "CHIBI" there are 6 items but you will only complete the number of items equalling the number of letters in the word, so you complete 5
- If you are doing Level 6 you will keep all the items
- For extra information and hints, see the Challenge List with Explanations
- 5-Letter Words - Choose FIVE ITEMS from each word group used (unless you're doing Level 6)
[color=#65107D][size=120][b]CHIBI[/b][/size][/color] [spoiler=CHIBI] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (11) Watch an ONA, OVA, or Special that has 10 episodes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (32) Watch an anime that has an episode duration of 16 minutes or more and started airing in May or June [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (53) Watch an anime with more users in the "Plan-to-Watch" stat than the "Completed" stat and that finished airing before you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB]["Plan-to-Watch" Members When Started: | "Completed" Members when Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (117) Watch an anime that is tagged with [url=]Boys Love[/url], [url=]Girls Love[/url], [url=]Magical Sex Shift[/url], or [url=]Crossdressing[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (132) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more and tagged with 1 Genre or less [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (144) Watch an anime adapted from a Music, Other, or Unknown source [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/spoiler]
[color=#65107D][size=120][b]JAPAN[/b][/size][/color] [spoiler=JAPAN] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (16) Watch an anime with 15 or more episodes that are each 15 minutes or less [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (41) Watch an anime with a Japanese honorific in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (48) Watch an anime that has the number 10 in its MAL ID (found in the anime page URL) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (66) Watch an anime that only has one main character listed on MAL [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (84) Watch an anime tagged with your least watched genre by time according to [url=]Anime+[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Least Watched Genre by Time: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (96) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Anthropomorphic[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/spoiler]
[color=#65107D][size=120][b]ONSEN[/b][/size][/color] [spoiler=ONSEN] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (58) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more and a popularity lower than #1500 (#1510, #1625, etc.) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Popularity When Started: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (85) Watch an anime recommended to one of the completed Anime listed in your MAL Favorites [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Favorite Anime: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (89) Watch an anime that finished airing before you started it which has no Opening Theme (OP) and no Ending Theme (ED) listed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (112) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Slice of Life[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (127) Watch an anime that is tagged with [url=]Mahou Shoujo[/url] or [url=]Super Power[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (142) Watch an anime adapted from a 4-koma Manga or Web Manga source [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/spoiler]
[color=#65107D][size=120][b]WAIFU[/b][/size][/color] [spoiler=WAIFU] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (7) Watch an anime a 2024 AWC participant watched at least one episode of then dropped or put on hold in 2023 or earlier [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][AWC Participant: | Post Link: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (13) Watch a TV-type anime with an irregular release schedule (where at least one episode was released less than 7 days after its previous episode or more than 7 days after its previous episode) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (24) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and began airing between 2000 and 2009 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (69) Watch an anime with a main character that has 2 or more Japanese Voice Actors of the same gender listed on the character page [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Main Character: | Character Page Link: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (107) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Romance[/url], [url=]Romantic Subtext[/url], or [url=]Love Polygon[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (114) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Supernatural[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/spoiler]
6-Letter Words - Choose SIX ITEMS from each word group used (unless you're doing Level 6)
[color=#65107D][size=120][b]FAMILY[/b][/size][/color] [spoiler=FAMILY] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (6) Watch an anime that a 2024 AWC participant has already completed for this challenge [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][AWC Participant: | Post Link: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (17) Watch an anime with 20 or more episodes that are each 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (27) Watch an anime that began airing the same year you joined MAL [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (54) Watch an anime with 10 or more episodes that has a synopsis by MAL Rewrite and finished airing before you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (72) Watch an afternoon/evening anime (broadcast between 17:00 and 22:59 JST) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (101) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Gag Humor[/url] or [url=]Parody[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (119) Watch an anime that is tagged with [url=]Childcare[/url], [url=]Medical[/url], [url=]Otaku Culture[/url], or [url=]Pets[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/spoiler]
[color=#65107D][size=120][b]SENSEI[/b][/size][/color] [spoiler=SENSEI] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (9) Watch an anime that is listed on a 2024 AWC participant's 'They hated it, I enjoyed it' or 'They loved it, I didn't' statistics section of their profile and provide a screenshot [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][AWC Participant: | Post Link: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (28) Watch an anime that began airing the same season and year as one of the completed anime in your MAL favorites [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Season/Year: | Favorite Anime: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (43) Watch an anime that has a main character’s name in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (59) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more and a popularity lower than #5000 (#5050, #7005, etc.) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Popularity When Started: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (108) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]School[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (129) Watch an anime that is tagged with [url=]Music[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (143) Watch an anime adapted from a Book, Card Game, or Mixed Media source [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/spoiler]
[color=#65107D][size=120][b]SHRINE[/b][/size][/color] [spoiler=SHRINE] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (5) Watch an anime recommended to you in the [url=]AWC 2024 Participant Recommendations[/url] thread [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Recommendation Link: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (31) Watch an anime that has an episode duration of 16 minutes or more and started airing in April [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (68) Watch an anime that finished airing before you started it and has more main characters than supporting characters [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][# of Main Characters: | # of Supporting Characters: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (79) Watch an anime by a studio with 10 - 30 anime in MAL's database [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Studio: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (99) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Drama[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (116) Watch an anime that is tagged with [url=]Award-Winning[/url], [url=]Gourmet[/url], or [url=]Racing[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (123) Watch an anime that is tagged with [url=]Harem[/url] or [url=]Reverse Harem[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/spoiler]
[color=#65107D][size=120][b]YOUKAI[/b][/size][/color] [spoiler=YOUKAI] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (19) Watch an anime with 60 or more episodes that are each 10 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (35) Watch an anime that has an episode duration of 16 minutes or more and started airing in October [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (52) Watch an anime that finished airing before you started it and has no Recommendations [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (63) Watch either an anime with a character listed on the [url=]Anime Planet[/url] youkai list or an anime listed on the [url=]AniDB[/url] youkai list [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][List Used: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (102) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Historical[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (131) Watch an anime that is tagged with [url=]Samurai[/url] or [url=]Mythology[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (138) Watch an Original anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/spoiler]
7-Letter Words - Choose SEVEN ITEMS from each word group used (unless you're doing Level 6)
[color=#65107D][size=120][b]SEIYUUS[/b][/size][/color] [spoiler=SEIYUUS] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (3) Watch an anime recommended to you in the [url=]AWC 2024 Staff Recommendations[/url] thread by an AWC Staff Member [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Recommendation Link: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (18) Watch an anime with 40 or more episodes that are each 15 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (25) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and began airing between 1990 and 1999 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (37) Watch an anime that began airing the same month you joined MAL [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (70) Watch an anime where the same Voice Actor is credited under at least two different characters (main or supporting) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Voice Actor: | Character 1: | Character 2: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (73) Watch a late night anime (broadcast between 23:00 and 03:59 JST) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (94) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Action[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (121) Watch an anime that is tagged with [url=]Female Idols[/url], [url=]Male Idols[/url], or [url=]Showbiz[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/spoiler]
[color=#65107D][size=120][b]EXPLORE[/b][/size][/color] [spoiler=EXPLORE] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (1) Watch an anime that is listed as a favorite on a [url=]MAL Staff Member's[/url] page [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][MAL Staff Member: | Their Profile Link: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (30) Watch an anime that has an episode duration of 16 minutes or more and started airing in February or March [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (42) Watch an anime that has a one-word main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (65) Watch an anime with 3 or more main characters that are of the same gender [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (81) Watch an anime listed on a 2024 AWC participant's [url=]Anime+[/url] recommendations and provide a screenshot with their username [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][AWC Participant: | Post Link: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (87) Watch an anime that you dropped/put on hold in 2023 or earlier and provide a screenshot (Alternatively: watch an anime from the [url=]provided list[/url]) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Original Anime Start Date: | Last Watched Episode Date: | Episodes Previously Watched: | Screenshot: ][/color] [If you choose an anime from the provided list, remove this line and the one above it; if you watch a dropped/on hold remove this line] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (103) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Kids[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (122) Watch an anime that is tagged with [url=]Gore[/url] or [url=]Horror[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/spoiler]
8-Letter Words - Choose EIGHT ITEMS from each word group used (unless you're doing Level 6)
[color=#65107D][size=120][b]FESTIVAL[/b][/size][/color] [spoiler=FESTIVAL] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (36) Watch an anime that has an episode duration of 16 minutes or more and started airing in November or December [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (60) Watch an anime with a score of 8.00 or above that has finished airing and has an episode duration of 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (64) Watch either an anime listed on the [url=]AniDB[/url] dragon list or an anime with a character listed on the [url=]Anime Planet[/url] dragon list [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][List Used: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (76) Watch a listed [url=]noitaminA[/url], [url=]Animeism[/url], or [url=]+ultra[/url] anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][List Used: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (86) Watch an anime in which one of the People listed in your MAL Favorites participated [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Favorite Person: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (91) Watch an anime with either 5 or more Opening Themes (OP) listed or 5 or more Ending Themes (ED) listed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (106) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Mystery[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (118) Watch an anime that is tagged with [url=]CGDCT[/url] or [url=]Iyashikei[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (133) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more and tagged with 3 Genres or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/spoiler]
[color=#65107D][size=120][b]HUSBANDO[/b][/size][/color] [spoiler=HUSBANDO] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (14) Watch a TV-type anime with a Sequel listed under Related Anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (15) Watch a Sequel to the anime used for Item (14) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (22) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and began airing between 2015 and 2019 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (33) Watch an anime that has an episode duration of 16 minutes or more and started airing in July [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (40) Watch an anime with 6 or more words in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (47) Watch an anime that is tagged with one of your top 2 Favorite Genres by Mean Score according to your MAL statistics and provide a screenshot [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Favorite Genre 1: | Favorite Genre 2: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (104) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Mecha[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (115) Watch an anime that is tagged with [url=]Adult Cast[/url], [url=]Educational[/url], or [url=]Workplace[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (139) Watch an anime adapted from a Manga source [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/spoiler]
[color=#65107D][size=120][b]TRUCKKUN[/b][/size][/color] [spoiler=TRUCKKUN] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (21) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and began airing between 2020 and 2023 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (38) Watch an anime that began airing the same day you joined MAL [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (50) Watch an anime with more Recommended reviews than Not Recommended and Mixed Feelings combined [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Recommended Reviews: | Not Recommended Reviews: | Mixed Feelings Reviews: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (80) Watch an anime by a studio you haven't seen anything from [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Studio: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (82) Watch an anime suggested by [url=]MAL[/url] or by [url=]Anime+[/url] and provide a screenshot [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Screenshot: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (92) Watch an anime in which 2 or more different Opening Theme (OP) and/or Ending Theme (ED) are performed by the same Artist/Group [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Artist/Group: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (98) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Comedy[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (125) Watch an anime that is tagged with [url=]Isekai[/url], [url=]Reincarnation[/url], or [url=]Time Travel[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (141) Watch an anime adapted from a Light Novel or Novel source [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/spoiler]
[color=#65107D][size=120][b]SEASONAL[/b][/size][/color] [spoiler=SEASONAL] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (8) Watch an anime featured in a 2024 AWC participant's forum avatar or signature [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][AWC Participant: | Post Link: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (29) Watch an anime that has an episode duration of 16 minutes or more and started airing in January [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (44) Watch an anime that has "ten" or "10" somewhere in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (55) Watch an anime with 100 or less favorites on MAL and an episode duration of 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (74) Watch a listed [url=]Kouji Morimoto[/url], [url=]Mari Okada[/url], or [url=]Wada Jouji[/url] anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][List Used: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (105) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Military[/url] or [url=]Space[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (128) Watch an anime that is tagged with [url=]Martial Arts[/url], [url=]Performing Arts[/url], or [url=]Visual Arts[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (135) Watch an anime rated PG-13 (Teens 13 or Older) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (140) Watch an anime adapted from a Game or Visual Novel source [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/spoiler]
[color=#65107D][size=120][b]DIRECTOR[/b][/size][/color] [spoiler=DIRECTOR] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (34) Watch an anime that has an episode duration of 16 minutes or more and started airing in August or September [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (45) Watch an anime with at least two different non-alphanumeric characters in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (56) Watch an anime that has a higher score than a listed Adaptation (under Related Anime) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Anime Score When Started: | Adaptation Score When Started: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (62) Watch an anime with a Narrator or Narration character listed on the Characters and Staff page [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (67) Watch an anime with 8 or more main characters listed on MAL [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (77) Watch an anime without a Licensor listed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (97) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Avant Garde[/url] or [url=]Vampire[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (111) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Shounen[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (124) Watch an anime that is tagged with [url=]High Stakes Game[/url], [url=]Strategy Game[/url], or [url=]Video Game[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/spoiler]
9-Letter Words - Choose NINE ITEMS from each word group used (unless you're doing Level 6)
[color=#65107D][size=120][b]SUBTITLES[/b][/size][/color] [spoiler=SUBTITLES] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (2) Watch an anime from an AWC Staff member's [url=]Stack[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][AWC Staff Stack Used: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (26) Watch an anime that began airing between 1960 and 1989 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (39) Watch an anime that has a main title starting with the same letter/number as your MAL username [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (57) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more and a popularity lower than #500 (#501, #610, etc.) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Popularity When Started: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (88) Watch an anime randomly generated from [url=]AniBrain[/url] (see [url=]here[/url] for instructions) and provide a screenshot [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Screenshot: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (90) Watch an anime with 20 or more episodes that has only one Opening Theme (OP) and one Ending Theme (ED) listed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (100) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Fantasy[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (109) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Sci-Fi[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (126) Watch an anime that is tagged with [url=]Josei[/url] or [url=]Shoujo[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (136) Watch an anime rated R - 17+ (violence & profanity) or R+ (Mild Nudity) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/spoiler]
[color=#65107D][size=120][b]ANIMATION[/b][/size][/color] [spoiler=ANIMATION] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (4) Watch an anime that was completed and scored 5 or less by an AWC Staff Member [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][AWC Staff Member: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (49) Watch an anime with an episode duration of 16 minutes or more that was [url=]Reviewed[/url] the day you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Review Link: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (61) Watch an anime with a score of 6.00 or below that has finished airing and has an episode duration of 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (71) Watch a morning anime (broadcast between 6:00 and 11:59 JST) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (78) Watch an anime with one of the following video-on-demand services listed under Licensors/Producers: [url=]Funimation[/url], [url=]Crunchyroll[/url], [url=]Crunchyroll SC Anime Fund[/url], [url=]Netflix[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (83) Watch an anime from your favorite studio by weighted score on [url=]Anime+[/url] that has a MAL rating of less than 8.0 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Favorite Studio by Weighted Score: | Anime Rating: | Anime+ Screenshot: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (93) Watch an anime featuring a Voice Actor who is also credited with a Theme/Insert Song Performance in the anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Voice Actor: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (110) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Seinen[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (120) Watch an anime that is tagged with [url=]Delinquents[/url], [url=]Detective[/url], or [url=]Organized Crime[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (137) Watch an anime tagged as [url=]Hentai[/url] or [url=]Erotica[/url] [[b]ALTERNATIVELY[/b]: Watch an anime that is both rated R+ (Mild Nudity) and is tagged as [url=]Ecchi[/url]] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/spoiler]
10-Letter Words - Choose TEN ITEMS from each word group used (unless you're doing Level 6)
[color=#65107D][size=120][b]SOUNDTRACK[/b][/size][/color] [spoiler=SOUNDTRACK] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (10) Watch a completed anime scored 10 or 9 by a 2024 AWC participant that posted on the first or second page of the [url=]sign-up thread[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][AWC Participant: | Post Link: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (12) Watch a Movie with a total duration of 1 hour 30 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (20) Watch an anime with 2 or more episodes and an episode duration of 30 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (23) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and began airing between 2010 and 2014 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (46) Watch an anime that has at least 3 words in the main title that start with the same letter [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (51) Watch an anime where the difference between ranking and popularity is at least 1,000 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Ranking When Started: | Popularity When Started: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (75) Watch a listed [url=]Toonami[/url] anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (95) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Adventure[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (113) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Sports[/url], [url=]Combat Sports[/url], or [url=]Team Sports[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (130) Watch an anime that is tagged with [url=]Psychological[/url], [url=]Survival[/url], or [url=]Suspense[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (134) Watch an anime rated G (All Ages) or PG (Children) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/spoiler]
@AWC_mod Initial Post Number: #000 ⏳ Challenge Start Date: MONTH DAY, YEAR (e.g. January 09, 2024 - the earliest date you started an anime for the challenge) ⌛ Challenge Finish Date: MONTH DAY, YEAR (e.g. December 10, 2024 - the date you finished watching your last anime for the challenge) 📜 Link to your completed anime list: 📜 Link to your Anime+: 🔍 Completed Anime (on sign-up date): COMPLETED_ANIME 🌐 Time Zone: UTC/GMT_ZONE 🔎 Anime in Forum Avatar/Signature: ANIME_USED (put N/A if none; refers to the anime series) ✏️ Legend: Watching - Completed - Inactive/Plan to Watch IMPORTANT To-Do List (remove list before turning in!)
💬 Challenge List: [ADD BBCODE FOR YOUR WORDS HERE - Make sure they all go ABOVE the four BBCode lines below] When posting this form I'm confirming that I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Challenge List with Explanations section in its entirety to the best of my abilities. |
Apr 15, 2024 4:15 AM
Reply to AWC_mod
Sign-Up Code
- Read the Rules, How to Participate, and Challenge List with Explanations from the posts above before working on your challenge
- The box below contains the BBCode you will need to have a "ready to post" challenge list. You will copy everything inside the box and post it as a reply to this thread
[right][b]Initial Post Number: [/b] #000 [/right] ⏳ [b]Challenge Start Date:[/b] MONTH DAY, YEAR (e.g. January 09, 2024 - the earliest date you started an anime for the challenge) ⌛ [b]Challenge Finish Date:[/b] MONTH DAY, YEAR (e.g. December 10, 2024 - the date you finished watching your last anime for the challenge) 📜 [b]Link to your completed anime list:[/b] 📜 [b]Link to your Anime+:[/b] 🔍 [b]Completed Anime (on sign-up date):[/b] COMPLETED_ANIME 🌐 [b]Time Zone:[/b] UTC/GMT_ZONE 🔎 [b]Anime in Forum Avatar/Signature:[/b] ANIME_USED (put N/A if none; refers to the anime series) ✏️ [b]Legend:[/b] [color=MEDIUMPURPLE][b]Watching[/b][/color] - [color=SEAGREEN][b]Completed[/b][/color] - [color=GRAY][b]Inactive/Plan to Watch[/b][/color] [quote][b][color=#65107D]IMPORTANT To-Do List[/color] [color=#C37FBB](remove list before turning in!)[/color][/b] [spoiler=List][list][*]After posting, refresh the page for your Initial Post Number (upper right corner of your post) [*]Read the following posts: [list][*][url=][b]Rules[/b][/url] - challenge guidelines [*][url=][b]How to Participate[/b][/url] - how to participate and fill out the header information [*][url=][b]Challenge List with Explanations[/b][/url] - in-depth explanations about the challenge item requirements[/list] [*]Do not change the provided date format [*][b][i]REMOVE[/i][/b] the example information at the top of the form, such as (e.g. January 09, 2024 - the earliest date you started an anime for the challenge) [*]Put all extra information required for the items into square brackets on a separate line underneath the anime title/url [*]Note that the challenge period ends on [b]December 10[/b]; no turn-ins will be accepted after this date[list][*]Create some sort of alarm or calendar reminder [*]Join the [url=][b]AWC/MRC Discord[/b][/url] or [url=][b]AWC Official Club[/b][/url], as notification reminders will be sent to all members near the end of the challenge period[/list][*]Before turning-in, remove any unused items [*]Update your Challenge Start and Finish Dates on both the Sign-Up and Turn-In posts [*]To show you've read this list, add one of the following symbols to your initial post number (in the top corner of your sign-up post): ☀ ☁ ☂ ☃ ☢ [/list][/spoiler][/quote] 💬 [b]Challenge List:[/b] [spoiler="Challenge List"][list=1] [ADD BBCODE FOR YOUR WORDS HERE - Make sure they all go [b]ABOVE[/b] the four BBCode lines below] [/list][/spoiler] [center][b][size=95]When posting this form I'm confirming that I have read the [url=]Rules[/url], [url=]How to Participate[/url], and the [url=]Challenge List with Explanations[/url] section in its entirety to the best of my abilities.[/size][/b][/center]
Word Codes
- Only copy the code for words you are using in your challenge
- If you are doing Level 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5, you will be deleting one item from each word group
- Example: For "CHIBI" there are 6 items but you will only complete the number of items equalling the number of letters in the word, so you complete 5
- If you are doing Level 6 you will keep all the items
- For extra information and hints, see the Challenge List with Explanations
- 5-Letter Words - Choose FIVE ITEMS from each word group used (unless you're doing Level 6)
[color=#65107D][size=120][b]CHIBI[/b][/size][/color] [spoiler=CHIBI] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (11) Watch an ONA, OVA, or Special that has 10 episodes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (32) Watch an anime that has an episode duration of 16 minutes or more and started airing in May or June [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (53) Watch an anime with more users in the "Plan-to-Watch" stat than the "Completed" stat and that finished airing before you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB]["Plan-to-Watch" Members When Started: | "Completed" Members when Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (117) Watch an anime that is tagged with [url=]Boys Love[/url], [url=]Girls Love[/url], [url=]Magical Sex Shift[/url], or [url=]Crossdressing[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (132) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more and tagged with 1 Genre or less [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (144) Watch an anime adapted from a Music, Other, or Unknown source [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/spoiler]
[color=#65107D][size=120][b]JAPAN[/b][/size][/color] [spoiler=JAPAN] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (16) Watch an anime with 15 or more episodes that are each 15 minutes or less [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (41) Watch an anime with a Japanese honorific in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (48) Watch an anime that has the number 10 in its MAL ID (found in the anime page URL) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (66) Watch an anime that only has one main character listed on MAL [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (84) Watch an anime tagged with your least watched genre by time according to [url=]Anime+[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Least Watched Genre by Time: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (96) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Anthropomorphic[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/spoiler]
[color=#65107D][size=120][b]ONSEN[/b][/size][/color] [spoiler=ONSEN] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (58) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more and a popularity lower than #1500 (#1510, #1625, etc.) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Popularity When Started: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (85) Watch an anime recommended to one of the completed Anime listed in your MAL Favorites [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Favorite Anime: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (89) Watch an anime that finished airing before you started it which has no Opening Theme (OP) and no Ending Theme (ED) listed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (112) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Slice of Life[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (127) Watch an anime that is tagged with [url=]Mahou Shoujo[/url] or [url=]Super Power[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (142) Watch an anime adapted from a 4-koma Manga or Web Manga source [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/spoiler]
[color=#65107D][size=120][b]WAIFU[/b][/size][/color] [spoiler=WAIFU] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (7) Watch an anime a 2024 AWC participant watched at least one episode of then dropped or put on hold in 2023 or earlier [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][AWC Participant: | Post Link: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (13) Watch a TV-type anime with an irregular release schedule (where at least one episode was released less than 7 days after its previous episode or more than 7 days after its previous episode) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (24) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and began airing between 2000 and 2009 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (69) Watch an anime with a main character that has 2 or more Japanese Voice Actors of the same gender listed on the character page [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Main Character: | Character Page Link: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (107) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Romance[/url], [url=]Romantic Subtext[/url], or [url=]Love Polygon[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (114) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Supernatural[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/spoiler]
6-Letter Words - Choose SIX ITEMS from each word group used (unless you're doing Level 6)
[color=#65107D][size=120][b]FAMILY[/b][/size][/color] [spoiler=FAMILY] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (6) Watch an anime that a 2024 AWC participant has already completed for this challenge [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][AWC Participant: | Post Link: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (17) Watch an anime with 20 or more episodes that are each 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (27) Watch an anime that began airing the same year you joined MAL [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (54) Watch an anime with 10 or more episodes that has a synopsis by MAL Rewrite and finished airing before you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (72) Watch an afternoon/evening anime (broadcast between 17:00 and 22:59 JST) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (101) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Gag Humor[/url] or [url=]Parody[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (119) Watch an anime that is tagged with [url=]Childcare[/url], [url=]Medical[/url], [url=]Otaku Culture[/url], or [url=]Pets[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/spoiler]
[color=#65107D][size=120][b]SENSEI[/b][/size][/color] [spoiler=SENSEI] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (9) Watch an anime that is listed on a 2024 AWC participant's 'They hated it, I enjoyed it' or 'They loved it, I didn't' statistics section of their profile and provide a screenshot [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][AWC Participant: | Post Link: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (28) Watch an anime that began airing the same season and year as one of the completed anime in your MAL favorites [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Season/Year: | Favorite Anime: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (43) Watch an anime that has a main character’s name in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (59) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more and a popularity lower than #5000 (#5050, #7005, etc.) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Popularity When Started: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (108) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]School[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (129) Watch an anime that is tagged with [url=]Music[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (143) Watch an anime adapted from a Book, Card Game, or Mixed Media source [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/spoiler]
[color=#65107D][size=120][b]SHRINE[/b][/size][/color] [spoiler=SHRINE] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (5) Watch an anime recommended to you in the [url=]AWC 2024 Participant Recommendations[/url] thread [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Recommendation Link: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (31) Watch an anime that has an episode duration of 16 minutes or more and started airing in April [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (68) Watch an anime that finished airing before you started it and has more main characters than supporting characters [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][# of Main Characters: | # of Supporting Characters: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (79) Watch an anime by a studio with 10 - 30 anime in MAL's database [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Studio: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (99) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Drama[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (116) Watch an anime that is tagged with [url=]Award-Winning[/url], [url=]Gourmet[/url], or [url=]Racing[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (123) Watch an anime that is tagged with [url=]Harem[/url] or [url=]Reverse Harem[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/spoiler]
[color=#65107D][size=120][b]YOUKAI[/b][/size][/color] [spoiler=YOUKAI] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (19) Watch an anime with 60 or more episodes that are each 10 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (35) Watch an anime that has an episode duration of 16 minutes or more and started airing in October [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (52) Watch an anime that finished airing before you started it and has no Recommendations [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (63) Watch either an anime with a character listed on the [url=]Anime Planet[/url] youkai list or an anime listed on the [url=]AniDB[/url] youkai list [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][List Used: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (102) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Historical[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (131) Watch an anime that is tagged with [url=]Samurai[/url] or [url=]Mythology[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (138) Watch an Original anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/spoiler]
7-Letter Words - Choose SEVEN ITEMS from each word group used (unless you're doing Level 6)
[color=#65107D][size=120][b]SEIYUUS[/b][/size][/color] [spoiler=SEIYUUS] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (3) Watch an anime recommended to you in the [url=]AWC 2024 Staff Recommendations[/url] thread by an AWC Staff Member [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Recommendation Link: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (18) Watch an anime with 40 or more episodes that are each 15 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (25) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and began airing between 1990 and 1999 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (37) Watch an anime that began airing the same month you joined MAL [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (70) Watch an anime where the same Voice Actor is credited under at least two different characters (main or supporting) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Voice Actor: | Character 1: | Character 2: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (73) Watch a late night anime (broadcast between 23:00 and 03:59 JST) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (94) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Action[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (121) Watch an anime that is tagged with [url=]Female Idols[/url], [url=]Male Idols[/url], or [url=]Showbiz[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/spoiler]
[color=#65107D][size=120][b]EXPLORE[/b][/size][/color] [spoiler=EXPLORE] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (1) Watch an anime that is listed as a favorite on a [url=]MAL Staff Member's[/url] page [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][MAL Staff Member: | Their Profile Link: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (30) Watch an anime that has an episode duration of 16 minutes or more and started airing in February or March [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (42) Watch an anime that has a one-word main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (65) Watch an anime with 3 or more main characters that are of the same gender [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (81) Watch an anime listed on a 2024 AWC participant's [url=]Anime+[/url] recommendations and provide a screenshot with their username [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][AWC Participant: | Post Link: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (87) Watch an anime that you dropped/put on hold in 2023 or earlier and provide a screenshot (Alternatively: watch an anime from the [url=]provided list[/url]) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Original Anime Start Date: | Last Watched Episode Date: | Episodes Previously Watched: | Screenshot: ][/color] [If you choose an anime from the provided list, remove this line and the one above it; if you watch a dropped/on hold remove this line] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (103) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Kids[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (122) Watch an anime that is tagged with [url=]Gore[/url] or [url=]Horror[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/spoiler]
8-Letter Words - Choose EIGHT ITEMS from each word group used (unless you're doing Level 6)
[color=#65107D][size=120][b]FESTIVAL[/b][/size][/color] [spoiler=FESTIVAL] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (36) Watch an anime that has an episode duration of 16 minutes or more and started airing in November or December [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (60) Watch an anime with a score of 8.00 or above that has finished airing and has an episode duration of 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (64) Watch either an anime listed on the [url=]AniDB[/url] dragon list or an anime with a character listed on the [url=]Anime Planet[/url] dragon list [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][List Used: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (76) Watch a listed [url=]noitaminA[/url], [url=]Animeism[/url], or [url=]+ultra[/url] anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][List Used: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (86) Watch an anime in which one of the People listed in your MAL Favorites participated [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Favorite Person: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (91) Watch an anime with either 5 or more Opening Themes (OP) listed or 5 or more Ending Themes (ED) listed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (106) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Mystery[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (118) Watch an anime that is tagged with [url=]CGDCT[/url] or [url=]Iyashikei[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (133) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more and tagged with 3 Genres or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/spoiler]
[color=#65107D][size=120][b]HUSBANDO[/b][/size][/color] [spoiler=HUSBANDO] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (14) Watch a TV-type anime with a Sequel listed under Related Anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (15) Watch a Sequel to the anime used for Item (14) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (22) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and began airing between 2015 and 2019 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (33) Watch an anime that has an episode duration of 16 minutes or more and started airing in July [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (40) Watch an anime with 6 or more words in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (47) Watch an anime that is tagged with one of your top 2 Favorite Genres by Mean Score according to your MAL statistics and provide a screenshot [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Favorite Genre 1: | Favorite Genre 2: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (104) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Mecha[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (115) Watch an anime that is tagged with [url=]Adult Cast[/url], [url=]Educational[/url], or [url=]Workplace[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (139) Watch an anime adapted from a Manga source [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/spoiler]
[color=#65107D][size=120][b]TRUCKKUN[/b][/size][/color] [spoiler=TRUCKKUN] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (21) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and began airing between 2020 and 2023 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (38) Watch an anime that began airing the same day you joined MAL [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (50) Watch an anime with more Recommended reviews than Not Recommended and Mixed Feelings combined [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Recommended Reviews: | Not Recommended Reviews: | Mixed Feelings Reviews: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (80) Watch an anime by a studio you haven't seen anything from [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Studio: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (82) Watch an anime suggested by [url=]MAL[/url] or by [url=]Anime+[/url] and provide a screenshot [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Screenshot: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (92) Watch an anime in which 2 or more different Opening Theme (OP) and/or Ending Theme (ED) are performed by the same Artist/Group [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Artist/Group: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (98) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Comedy[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (125) Watch an anime that is tagged with [url=]Isekai[/url], [url=]Reincarnation[/url], or [url=]Time Travel[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (141) Watch an anime adapted from a Light Novel or Novel source [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/spoiler]
[color=#65107D][size=120][b]SEASONAL[/b][/size][/color] [spoiler=SEASONAL] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (8) Watch an anime featured in a 2024 AWC participant's forum avatar or signature [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][AWC Participant: | Post Link: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (29) Watch an anime that has an episode duration of 16 minutes or more and started airing in January [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (44) Watch an anime that has "ten" or "10" somewhere in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (55) Watch an anime with 100 or less favorites on MAL and an episode duration of 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (74) Watch a listed [url=]Kouji Morimoto[/url], [url=]Mari Okada[/url], or [url=]Wada Jouji[/url] anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][List Used: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (105) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Military[/url] or [url=]Space[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (128) Watch an anime that is tagged with [url=]Martial Arts[/url], [url=]Performing Arts[/url], or [url=]Visual Arts[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (135) Watch an anime rated PG-13 (Teens 13 or Older) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (140) Watch an anime adapted from a Game or Visual Novel source [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/spoiler]
[color=#65107D][size=120][b]DIRECTOR[/b][/size][/color] [spoiler=DIRECTOR] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (34) Watch an anime that has an episode duration of 16 minutes or more and started airing in August or September [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (45) Watch an anime with at least two different non-alphanumeric characters in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (56) Watch an anime that has a higher score than a listed Adaptation (under Related Anime) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Anime Score When Started: | Adaptation Score When Started: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (62) Watch an anime with a Narrator or Narration character listed on the Characters and Staff page [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (67) Watch an anime with 8 or more main characters listed on MAL [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (77) Watch an anime without a Licensor listed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (97) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Avant Garde[/url] or [url=]Vampire[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (111) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Shounen[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (124) Watch an anime that is tagged with [url=]High Stakes Game[/url], [url=]Strategy Game[/url], or [url=]Video Game[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/spoiler]
9-Letter Words - Choose NINE ITEMS from each word group used (unless you're doing Level 6)
[color=#65107D][size=120][b]SUBTITLES[/b][/size][/color] [spoiler=SUBTITLES] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (2) Watch an anime from an AWC Staff member's [url=]Stack[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][AWC Staff Stack Used: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (26) Watch an anime that began airing between 1960 and 1989 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (39) Watch an anime that has a main title starting with the same letter/number as your MAL username [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (57) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more and a popularity lower than #500 (#501, #610, etc.) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Popularity When Started: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (88) Watch an anime randomly generated from [url=]AniBrain[/url] (see [url=]here[/url] for instructions) and provide a screenshot [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Screenshot: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (90) Watch an anime with 20 or more episodes that has only one Opening Theme (OP) and one Ending Theme (ED) listed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (100) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Fantasy[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (109) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Sci-Fi[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (126) Watch an anime that is tagged with [url=]Josei[/url] or [url=]Shoujo[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (136) Watch an anime rated R - 17+ (violence & profanity) or R+ (Mild Nudity) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/spoiler]
[color=#65107D][size=120][b]ANIMATION[/b][/size][/color] [spoiler=ANIMATION] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (4) Watch an anime that was completed and scored 5 or less by an AWC Staff Member [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][AWC Staff Member: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (49) Watch an anime with an episode duration of 16 minutes or more that was [url=]Reviewed[/url] the day you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Review Link: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (61) Watch an anime with a score of 6.00 or below that has finished airing and has an episode duration of 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (71) Watch a morning anime (broadcast between 6:00 and 11:59 JST) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (78) Watch an anime with one of the following video-on-demand services listed under Licensors/Producers: [url=]Funimation[/url], [url=]Crunchyroll[/url], [url=]Crunchyroll SC Anime Fund[/url], [url=]Netflix[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (83) Watch an anime from your favorite studio by weighted score on [url=]Anime+[/url] that has a MAL rating of less than 8.0 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Favorite Studio by Weighted Score: | Anime Rating: | Anime+ Screenshot: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (93) Watch an anime featuring a Voice Actor who is also credited with a Theme/Insert Song Performance in the anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Voice Actor: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (110) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Seinen[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (120) Watch an anime that is tagged with [url=]Delinquents[/url], [url=]Detective[/url], or [url=]Organized Crime[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (137) Watch an anime tagged as [url=]Hentai[/url] or [url=]Erotica[/url] [[b]ALTERNATIVELY[/b]: Watch an anime that is both rated R+ (Mild Nudity) and is tagged as [url=]Ecchi[/url]] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/spoiler]
10-Letter Words - Choose TEN ITEMS from each word group used (unless you're doing Level 6)
[color=#65107D][size=120][b]SOUNDTRACK[/b][/size][/color] [spoiler=SOUNDTRACK] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (10) Watch a completed anime scored 10 or 9 by a 2024 AWC participant that posted on the first or second page of the [url=]sign-up thread[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][AWC Participant: | Post Link: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (12) Watch a Movie with a total duration of 1 hour 30 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (20) Watch an anime with 2 or more episodes and an episode duration of 30 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (23) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and began airing between 2010 and 2014 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (46) Watch an anime that has at least 3 words in the main title that start with the same letter [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (51) Watch an anime where the difference between ranking and popularity is at least 1,000 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Ranking When Started: | Popularity When Started: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (75) Watch a listed [url=]Toonami[/url] anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (95) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Adventure[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (113) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Sports[/url], [url=]Combat Sports[/url], or [url=]Team Sports[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (130) Watch an anime that is tagged with [url=]Psychological[/url], [url=]Survival[/url], or [url=]Suspense[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (134) Watch an anime rated G (All Ages) or PG (Children) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/spoiler]
@AWC_mod Initial Post Number: #000 ⏳ Challenge Start Date: April 15, 2024 ⌛ Challenge Finish Date: MONTH DAY, YEAR (e.g. December 10, 2024 - the date you finished watching your last anime for the challenge) 📜 Link to your completed anime list: 📜 Link to your Anime+: 🔍 Completed Anime (on sign-up date): 0 🌐 Time Zone: France 🔎 Anime in Forum Avatar/Signature: N/A ✏️ Legend: Watching - Completed - Inactive/Plan to Watch IMPORTANT To-Do List (remove list before turning in!)
💬 Challenge List:
JAPAN FAMILY FESTIVAL SEASONAL DIRECTOR ANIMATION SOUNDTRACK When posting this form I'm confirming that I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Challenge List with Explanations section in its entirety to the best of my abilities. |
Apr 15, 2024 10:40 AM
Initial Post Number: #969 ⏳ Challenge Start Date: April 12, 2024 ⌛ Challenge Finish Date: - 📜 Link to your completed anime list: Banzai!!! 📜 Link to your Anime+: Long way to go 🔍 Completed Anime (on sign-up date): 329 🌐 Time Zone: UTC + 5:30 🔎 Anime in Forum Avatar/Signature: Tokyo Ghoul ✏️ Legend: Watching - Completed - Inactive/Plan to Watch 👁️🗨️ Level: Level 5 💬 Challenge List: [list=1] |
RomeoXDApr 15, 2024 10:52 AM
Apr 15, 2024 7:27 PM
Initial Post Number: #970 ☂ ⏳ Challenge Start Date: April 13, 2024 ⌛ Challenge Finish Date: MONTH DAY, YEAR (e.g. December 10, 2024 - the date you finished watching your last anime for the challenge) 📜 Link to your completed anime list: 📜 Link to your Anime+: 🔍 Completed Anime (on sign-up date): 249 🌐 Time Zone: GMT-3 🔎 Anime in Forum Avatar/Signature: N/A ✏️ Legend: Watching - Completed - Inactive/Plan to Watch IMPORTANT To-Do List (remove list before turning in!)
💬 Challenge List:
CHIBI JAPAN ONSEN WAIFU FAMILY SENSEI SHRINE YOUKAI EXPLORE FESTIVAL HUSBANDO TRUCKKUN SEASONAL DIRECTOR SUBTITLES ANIMATION SOUNDTRACK When posting this form I'm confirming that I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Challenge List with Explanations section in its entirety to the best of my abilities. |
Yuleo_May 12, 2024 12:01 AM
Apr 15, 2024 9:35 PM
Initial Post Number: #971 ☢ ⏳ Challenge Start Date: February 28, 2024 ⌛ Challenge Finish Date: MONTH DAY, YEAR (e.g. December 10, 2024 - the date you finished watching your last anime for the challenge) 📜 Link to your completed anime list: 📜 Link to your Anime+: 🔍 Completed Anime (on sign-up date): 809 🌐 Time Zone: Central Daylight 🔎 Anime in Forum Avatar/Signature: N/A ✏️ Legend: Watching - Completed - Inactive/Plan to Watch IMPORTANT To-Do List (remove list before turning in!)
Difficulty: Level 6 Words Completed: 4/18 Total Progress: (108/144) Word Progress: Chibi (5/6) Family (4/7) Seiyuus (4/8) Truckkun (6/9) Animation (10/10) Japan (6/6) Sensei (7/7) Explore (7/8) Seasonal (4/9) Soundtrack (8/11) Onsen (6/6) Shrine (5/7) Festival (7/9) Director (5/9) Waifu (2/6) Youkai (4/7) Husbando (6/9) Subtitles (8/10) 💬 Challenge List: Chibi (3/6) [1] [Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (11) Watch an ONA, OVA, or Special that has 10 episodes or more JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 6: Stone Ocean Part 3 [2] [Started: March 12, 2024] [Finished: March 12, 2024] (32) Watch an anime that has an episode duration of 16 minutes or more and started airing in May or June Seishun Buta Yarou wa Odekake Sister no Yume wo Minai [3] [Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (53) Watch an anime with more users in the "Plan-to-Watch" stat than the "Completed" stat and that finished airing before you started it Sonny Boy Plan-to-Watch Members When Started: 125,701 Completed Members when Started: 112,301 Screenshot: [4] [Started: June 20, 2024] [Finished: June 20, 2024] (117) Watch an anime that is tagged with Boys Love, Girls Love, Magical Sex Shift, or Crossdressing Fantasy Bishoujo Juniku Ojisan to [5] [Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (132) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more and tagged with 1 Genre or less Dance Dance Danseur [6] [Started: June 2, 2024] [Finished: June 3, 2024] (144) Watch an anime adapted from a Music, Other, or Unknown source Ayakashi: Japanese Classic Horror Japan (4/6) [1] [Started: March 20, 2024] [Finished: March 30, 2024] (16) Watch an anime with 15 or more episodes that are each 15 minutes or less Tonari no Seki-kun [2] [Started: May 1, 2024] [Finished: May 3, 2024] (41) Watch an anime with a Japanese honorific in the main title Kaichou wa Maid-sama!Minai [3] [Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (48) Watch an anime that has the number 10 in its MAL ID Boku dake ga Inai Machi [4] [Started: March 4, 2024] [Finished: March 4, 2024] (66) Watch an anime that only has one main character listed on MAL Boku no Hero Academia: UA Heroes Battle [5] [Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (84) Watch an anime tagged with your least watched genre by time according to Anime+ Sankaku Mado no Sotogawa wa Yoru Least Watched Genre by Time: Boys Love [6] [Started: March 6, 2024] [Finished: March 6, 2024] (96) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with Anthropomorphic Odd Taxi Movie: In the Woods Onsen (5/6) [1] [Started: March 12, 2024] [Finished: March 12, 2024] (58) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more and a popularity lower than #1500 Free! Take Your Marks [2] [Started: May 13, 2024] [Finished: May 14, 2024] (85) Watch an anime recommended to one of the completed Anime listed in your MAL Favorites Gokusen Favorite Anime: Great Teacher Onizuka [3] [Started: March 13, 2024] [Finished: March 13, 2024] (89) Watch an anime that finished airing before you started it which has no Opening Theme (OP) and no Ending Theme (ED) listed Devilman: Yochou Sirene-hen [4] [Started: March 13, 2024] [Finished:March 13, 2024] (112) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with Slice of Life Ookami Kodomo no Ame to Yuki [5] [Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (127) Watch an anime that is tagged with Mahou Shoujo or Super Power Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica [6] [Started: February 28, 2024] [Finished: February 28, 2024] (142) Watch an anime adapted from a 4-koma Manga or Web Manga source Rikei ga Koi ni Ochita no de Shoumei shitemita. Heart Waifu (1/6) [1] [Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (7) Watch an anime a 2024 AWC participant watched at least one episode of then dropped or put on hold in 2023 or earlier Mononoke AWC Participant: cornflakegod Screenshot: [2] [Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (13) Watch a TV-type anime with an irregular release schedule (where at least one episode was released less than 7 days after its previous episode or more than 7 days after its previous episode) Kaiba [3] [Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (24) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and began airing between 2000 and 2009 Boogiepop wa Warawanai [4] [Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (69) Watch an anime with a main character that has 2 or more Japanese Voice Actors of the same gender listed on the character page Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final Season Main Character: Reiner Braun [5] [Started: July 3, 2024] [Finished: July 4, 2024] (107) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with Romance, Romantic Subtext, or Love Polygon Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu [6] [Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (142) Watch an anime adapted from a 4-koma Manga or Web Manga source JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 6: Stone Ocean Family (3/7) [1] [Started: May 3, 2024] [Finished: May 3, 2024] (6) Watch an anime that a 2024 AWC participant has already completed for this challenge Murder Princess AWC Participant: BLIJF [2] [Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (17) Watch an anime with 20 or more episodes that are each 16 minutes or more Fumetsu no Anata e [3] [Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (27) Watch an anime that began airing the same year you joined MAL Tsuki to Laika to Nosferatu [4] [Started: May 4, 2024] [Finished: May 4, 2024](54) Watch an anime with 10 or more episodes that has a synopsis by MAL Rewrite and finished airing before you started it Afro Samurai [5] [Started: April 30, 2024] [Finished:April 30, 2024] (72) Watch an afternoon/evening anime (broadcast between 17:00 and 22:59 JST) Princess Tutu [6] [Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (101) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with Gag Humor or Parody Gintama: The Semi-Final [7] [Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (119) Watch an anime that is tagged with Childcare, Medical, Otaku Culture, or Pets Barakamon Sensei (6/7) [1] [Started: May 3, 2024] [Finished: May 3, 2024] (9) Watch an anime that is listed on a 2024 AWC participant's 'They hated it, I enjoyed it' or 'They loved it, I didn't' statistics section of their profile and provide a screenshot Yojouhan Shinwa Taikei AWC Participant: Ranacchi Screenshot: [2] [Started:July 4, 2024] [Finished: July 5, 2024](28) Watch an anime that began airing the same season and year as one of the completed anime in your MAL favorites Descending Stories: Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju Season/Year: Winter 2017 Favorite Anime: Youjo Senki [3] [Started: April 16, 2024] [Finished: April 16, 2024] (43) Watch an anime that has a main character’s name in the main title Paripi Koumei [4] [Started: March 13, 2024] [Finished: March 13, 2024](59) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more and a popularity lower than #5000 (#5050, #7005, etc.) Princess Principal: Crown Handler Movie 2 Popularity When Started: #5267 [5] [Started: July 16, 2024] [Finished: July 17, 2024] (108) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with School Sono Bisque Doll wa Koi wo Suru [6] [Started: July 15, 2024] [Finished: July 16, 2024] (129) Watch an anime that is tagged with Music Takt Op. Destiny [7] [Started:] [Finished:] (143) Watch an anime adapted from a Book, Card Game, or Mixed Media source 18if Shrine (4/7) [1] [Started: May 4, 2024] [Finished: May 5, 2024] (5) Watch an anime recommended to you in the AWC 2024 Participant Recommendations thread Kuuchuu Buranko Recomandation [2] [Started: April 17, 2024] [Finished: April 17, 2024](31) Watch an anime that has an episode duration of 16 minutes or more and started airing in April No Game No Life [3] [Started: March 5, 2024] [Finished: March 12, 2024] (68) Watch an anime that finished airing before you started it and has more main characters than supporting characters Toutotsu ni Egypt Shin Number of Main Characters: 8 Number of Supporting Characters: 4 [4] [Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE](79) Watch an anime by a studio with 10 - 30 anime in MAL's database Angolmois: Genkou Kassenki Studio: NAZ [5] [Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (99) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with Drama Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu 2nd Season Part 2 [6] [Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (116) Watch an anime that is tagged with Award-Winning, Gourmet, or Racing Gankutsuou [7] [Started: March 1, 2024] [Finished: March 4, 2024] (123) Watch an anime that is tagged with Harem or Reverse Harem Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou 2nd Season Youkai (3/7) [1] [Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (19) Watch an anime with 60 or more episodes that are each 10 minutes or more Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood [2] [Started: March 6, 2024] [Finished: March 7, 2024](35) Watch an anime that has an episode duration of 16 minutes or more and started airing in October Code:Realize - Sousei no Himegimi [3] [Started: April 9, 2024] [Finished: April 9, 2024](52) Watch an anime that finished airing before you started it and has no Recommendations Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei: Tsuioku-hen [4] [Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE](63) Watch either an anime with a character listed on the Anime Planet youkai list or an anime listed on the AniDB youkai list Claymore List Used: anidb [5] [Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE](102) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with Historical Gintama. [6] [Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE](131) Watch an anime that is tagged with Samurai or Mythology Gintama.: Porori-hen [7] [Started: May 18, 2024] [Finished: May 18, 2024](138) Watch an Original anime Rolling☆Girls Seiyuus (5/7) [1] [Started: June 25, 2024] [Finished: June 26, 2024] (3) Watch an anime recommended to you in the AWC 2024 Staff Recommendations thread by an AWC Staff Member Kanojo ga Flag wo Oraretara Recomandation [2] [Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE](18) Watch an anime with 40 or more episodes that are each 15 minutes or more Fairy Tail: Final Series [3] [Started: March 10, 2024] [Finished: March 10, 2024](25) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and began airing between 1990 and 1999 Petshop of Horrors [4] [Started: May 3, 2024] [Finished: May 3, 2024](37)Watch an anime that began airing the same month you joined MAL Yojouhan Time Machine Blues [5] [Started:May 16, 2024] [Finished: May 17, 2024](70) Watch an anime where the same Voice Actor is credited under at least two different characters (main or supporting) Inu x Boku SS Voice Actor: Murase, Katsuki Character 1: Kawasumi, Joutarou Character 2: Nekozuki, Homare [6] [Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (73) Watch a late night anime (broadcast between 23:00 and 03:59 JST) Gintama.: Shirogane no Tamashii-hen [7] [Started:] [Finished:](94) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with Action Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final Season Part 2 [8] [Started: June 23, 2024] [Finished: June 23, 2024](121) Watch an anime that is tagged with Female Idols, Male Idols, or Showbiz Zombieland Saga Revenge Explore (5/7) [1] [Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (1) Watch an anime that is listed as a favorite on a MAL Staff Member's page Member NHK ni Youkoso! Staff member: Their profile link: Aidan [2] [Started: March 7, 2024] [Finished: March 7, 2024](30) Watch an anime that has an episode duration of 16 minutes or more and started airing in February or March Great Pretender: Razbliuto [3] [Started: March 12, 2024] [Finished: April 10, 2024](42) Watch an anime that has a one-word main title Nana [4] [Started:] [Finished:] (65) Watch an anime with 3 or more main characters that are of the same gender Donten ni Warau [5] [Started: July 8, 2024] [Finished: July 10, 2024](81) Watch an anime listed on a 2024 AWC participant's Anime+ recommendations and provide a screenshot with their username Pumpkin Scissors AWC Participant: Karinara Screenshot: [6] [Started: March 7, 2024] [Finished: March 7, 2024] (87) Watch an anime that you dropped/put on hold in 2023 or earlier and provide a screenshot (Alternatively: watch an anime from the provided list) My Home Hero Original Anime Start Date: 04-02-23 Last Watched Episode Date: 04/24/2023 Episodes Previously Watched: 3 Screenshot: [7] [Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (103) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with Kids Marvel Disk Wars: The Avengers [8] [Started: May 27, 2024] [Finished: May 27, 2024](122) Watch an anime that is tagged with Gore or Horror Itou Junji: Collection Festival (6/7) [1] [Started: June 19, 2024 ] [Finished: June 19, 2024] (36) Watch an anime that has an episode duration of 16 minutes or more and started airing in November or December Slayers Premium [2] [Started: April 11, 2024] [Finished: April 11, 2024](60) Watch an anime with a score of 8.00 or above that has finished airing and has an episode duration of 16 minutes or more JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind [3 [Started: April 11, 2024] [Finished: April 11, 2024](64) Watch either an anime listed on the AniDB dragon list or an anime with a character listed on the Anime Planet dragon list Maou-sama, Retry! List Used: AniDB [4] [Started: March 20, 2024] [Finished: March 20, 2024] (76) Watch a listed noitaminA, Animeism, or +ultra anime Shisha no Teikoku List Used: noitaminA [5] [Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (86) Watch an anime in which one of the People listed in your MAL Favorites participated Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final Season - Kanketsu-hen Favorite Person: Levi Ackerman [6] [Started: May 19,2024] [Finished:May 19,2024] (91) Watch an anime with either 5 or more Opening Themes (OP) listed or 5 or more Ending Themes (ED) listed Yakushiji Ryouko no Kaiki Jikenbo [7] [Started: July 5, 2024] [Finished:July 5, 2024] (106) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with Mystery Pluto [8] [Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (118) Watch an anime that is tagged with CGDCT or Iyashikei Manaria Friends [9] [Started: July 10, 2024] [Finished: July 15, 2024](133) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more and tagged with 3 Genres or more Black Cat (TV) Husbando (0/7) [1] [Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (14) Watch a TV-type anime with a Sequel listed under Related Anime Durarara!!x2 Ten [2] [Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE](15) Watch a Sequel to the anime used for Item (14) Durarara!!x2 Ketsu [3 [Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (22) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and began airing between 2015 and 2019 Kamisama Hajimemashita◎ [4] [Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (33) Watch an anime that has an episode duration of 16 minutes or more and started airing in July Helck [5] [Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE](40) Watch an anime with 6 or more words in the main title Gintama.: Shirogane no Tamashii-hen - Kouhan-sen [6] [Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (47) Watch an anime that is tagged with one of your top 2 Favorite Genres by Mean Score according to your MAL statistics and provide a screenshot Noragami Aragoto Screenshot: [7] [Started:] [Finished:] (104) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with Mecha Samurai 7 [8] [Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (115) Watch an anime that is tagged with Adult Cast, Educational, or Workplace Ristorante Paradiso [9] [Started:] [Finished:] (139) Watch an anime adapted from a Manga source Shadows House 2nd Season Truckkun (0/7) [1] [Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (21) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and began airing between 2020 and 2023 Deep Insanity: The Lost Child [2] [Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE](38) Watch an anime that began airing the same day you joined MAL Yami no Matsuei [3 [Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE](50) Watch an anime with more Recommended reviews than Not Recommended and Mixed Feelings combined Gintama: The Final Recommended Reviews: 71 Not Recommended Reviews: 4 Mixed Feelings Reviews: 2 [4] [Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE](80) Watch an anime by a studio you haven't seen anything from Ima, Soko ni Iru Boku Studio: AIC [5] [Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE](82) Watch an anime suggested by MAL or by Anime+ and provide a screenshot Kimi no Suizou wo Tabetai Screenshot: [6] [Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE](92) Watch an anime in which 2 or more different Opening Theme (OP) and/or Ending Theme (ED) are performed by the same Artist/Group Yofukashi no Uta Artist/Group: Creepy Nuts [7] [Started:] [Finished:](98) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with Comedy xxxHOLiC Shunmuki [8] [Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (125) Watch an anime that is tagged with Isekai, Reincarnation, or Time Travel Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu 2nd Season Part 2 [9] [Started:] [Finished:] (141) Watch an anime adapted from a Light Novel or Novel source Another Seasonal (6/9) [1] [Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (8) Watch an anime featured in a 2024 AWC participant's forum avatar or signature Tengoku Daimakyou AWC Participant: Franchowo [2] [Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (29) Watch an anime that has an episode duration of 16 minutes or more and started airing in January Strange + [3 [Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (44) Watch an anime that has "ten" or "10" somewhere in the main title Heion Sedai no Idaten-tachi [4] [Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (55) Watch an anime with 100 or less favorites on MAL and an episode duration of 16 minutes or more Godzilla 3: Hoshi wo Kuu Mono [5] [Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (74) Watch a listed Kouji Morimoto, Mari Okada, or Wada Jouji anime Vinland Saga List Used: Wada Jouji [6] [Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (105) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with Military or Space Aldnoah.Zero [7] [Started: Finished: March 13, 2024] [Finished: Finished: March 13, 2024](128) Watch an anime that is tagged with Martial Arts, Performing Arts, or Visual Arts Ninja Batman [8] [Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (135) Watch an anime rated PG-13 (Teens 13 or Older) Ping Pong the Animation [9] [Started:] [Finished:](140) Watch an anime adapted from a Game or Visual Novel source Amnesia Director (1/7) [1] [Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (34) Watch an anime that has an episode duration of 16 minutes or more and started airing in August or September JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 6: Stone Ocean Part 2 [2] [Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (45) Watch an anime with at least two different non-alphanumeric characters in the main title A.I.C.O. Incarnation [3 [Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (56) Watch an anime that has a higher score than a listed Adaptation (under Related Anime) Psycho-Pass 2 Anime Score When Started: 7.40 Adaptation Score When Started: 7.37 [4] [Started: March 12, 2024] [Finished: March 14, 2024] (62) Watch an anime with a Narrator or Narration character listed on the Characters and Staff page Toutotsu ni Egypt Shin 2 [5] [Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (67) Watch an anime with 8 or more main characters listed on MAL Trinity Seven [6] [Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (77) Watch an anime without a Licensor listed Vinland Saga Season 2 [7] [Started:] [Finished:] (97) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with Avant Garde or Vampire Dance in the Vampire Bund [8] [Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (111) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with Shounen Deadman Wonderland [9] [Started:] [Finished:] (124) Watch an anime that is tagged with High Stakes Game, Strategy Game or Video Game Btooom! Subtitles (0/7) [1] [Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (2) Watch an anime from an AWC Staff member's Stack Mousou Dairinin AWC Staff Stack Used: BLIJF [2] [Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (26) Watch an anime that began airing between 1960 and 1989 Ginga Nagareboshi Gin [3] [Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (39) Watch an anime that has a main title starting with the same letter/number as your MAL username Death Note [4] [Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] ((57) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more and a popularity lower than #500 (#501, #610, etc.) Fumetsu no Anata e Season 2 Popularity When Started: 513 [5] [Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (88) Watch an anime randomly generated from AniBrain Oban Star-Racers [6] [Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (90) Watch an anime with 20 or more episodes that has only one Opening Theme (OP) and one Ending Theme (ED) listed Trinity Blood [7] [Started:] [Finished:] (100) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with Fantasy Magi: Sinbad no Bouken (TV) [8] [Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (109) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with Sci-Fi Psycho-Pass Movie [9] [Started:] [Finished:] (126) Watch an anime that is tagged with Josei or Shoujo Kamisama Hajimemashita [10] [Started:] [Finished:] (136) Watch an anime rated R - 17+ (violence & profanity) or R+ (Mild Nudity) Zombieland Saga Animation (2/7) [1] [Started: March 13, 2024] [Finished: March 13, 2024] (4) Watch an anime that was completed and scored 5 or less by an AWC Staff Member Corpse Party: Missing Footage Tensho [2] [Started: March 8, 2024] [Finished: March 10, 2024] (49) Watch an anime with an episode duration of 16 minutes or more that was Reviewed the day you started it Dark Gathering [3] [Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (61) Watch an anime with a score of 6.00 or below that has finished airing and has an episode duration of 16 minutes or more Samurai Gun [4] [Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (71) Watch a morning anime (broadcast between 6:00 and 11:59 JST) Planetes [5] [Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (78) Watch an anime with one of the following video-on-demand services listed under Licensors/Producers: Funimation, Crunchyroll, Crunchyroll SC Anime Fund, Netflix Maiko-san Chi no Makanai-san [6] [Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (83) Watch an anime from your favorite studio by weighted score on Anime+ that has a MAL rating of less than 8.0 Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka Gaiden: Sword Oratoria Studio J.C. Staff [7] [Started:] [Finished:] (93) Watch an anime featuring a Voice Actor who is also credited with a Theme/Insert Song Performance in the anime Bocchi the Rock! (TV) Voice Actor: Aoyama, Yoshino [8] [Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (110) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with Seinen xxxHOLiC◆Kei [9] [Started:] [Finished:] (120) Watch an anime that is tagged with Delinquents, Detective or Organized Crime Tokyo Revengers: Seiya Kessen-hen [10] [Started:] [Finished:] (137) Watch an anime tagged as Hentai (ALTERNATIVELY: Watch an anime that is both rated R+ (Mild Nudity) and is tagged as Ecchi) 11eyes Soundtrack (4/7) [1] [Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (10) Watch a completed anime scored 10 or 9 by a 2024 AWC participant that posted on the first or second page of the sign-up thread Kiseijuu: Sei no Kakuritsu BeanChagBear [2] [Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] ((12) Watch a Movie with a total duration of 1 hour 30 minutes or more Natsume Yuujinchou Movie: Utsusemi ni Musubu [3] [Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (20) Watch an anime with 2 or more episodes and an episode duration of 30 minutes or more xxxHOLiC Rou [4] [Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (23) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and began airing between 2010 and 2014 Wolverine [5] [Started: February 29, 2024] [Finished: March 1, 2024] (46) Watch an anime that has at least 3 words in the main title that start with the same letter Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou [6] [Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (51) Watch an anime where the difference between ranking and popularity is at least 1,000 Kyoukai no Kanata [7] [Started:] [Finished:] (75) Watch a listed Toonami anime Batman: Gotham Knight [8] [Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE] (95) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with Adventure Heike Monogatari [9] [Started: March 13, 2024] [Finished: March 13, 2024] (113) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with Sports, Combat Sports or Team Sports Free! Movie 4: The Final Stroke – Zenpen [10] [Started:] [Finished:] (130) Watch an anime that is tagged with Psychological, Survival or Suspense Psycho-Pass [11] [Started: March 20, 2024] [Finished: March 20, 2024](134) Watch an anime rated G (All Ages) or PG (Children) Magic Tree House When posting this form I'm confirming that I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Challenge List with Explanations section in its entirety to the best of my abilities. |
DragonrogueOct 5, 2024 3:35 PM
Apr 17, 2024 8:37 PM
@AWC_mod Words have been searched! ⏳ Challenge Start Date: January 10, 2024 ⌛ Challenge Finish Date: August 11, 2024 📜 Link to your completed anime list: wedsa5 Completed List 🔍 Completed Anime (at sign-up): 320 🔎 Completed Anime (at turn-in): 349 🖊️ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: #124 ✏️ Link to your sign-up form: Sign-up Form post 👁️🗨️ Level: 1 📝 Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes 🔎 Turning-In CHECKLIST (Don't remove once it's done)
When posting this form I'm confirming that I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item Explanations sections in its entirety and that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities. |
wedsa5Aug 11, 2024 8:56 PM
Apr 18, 2024 12:35 AM
Reply to AWC_mod
Word Search
CHIBI (5) | JAPAN (5) | ONSEN (5) | WAIFU (5) | FAMILY (6) | SENSEI (6)
@AWC_mod Initial Post Number: #888 ⏳ Challenge Start Date: MONTH DAY, YEAR (e.g. January 09, 2024 - the earliest date you started an anime for the challenge) ⌛ Challenge Finish Date: MONTH DAY, YEAR (e.g. December 10, 2024 - the date you finished watching your last anime for the challenge) 📜 Link to your completed anime list: 📜 Link to your Anime+: 🔍 Completed Anime (on sign-up date): COMPLETED_ANIME 🌐 Time Zone: UTC/GMT_ZONE 🔎 Anime in Forum Avatar/Signature: ANIME_USED (put N/A if none; refers to the anime series) ✏️ Legend: Watching - Completed - Inactive/Plan to Watch IMPORTANT To-Do List (remove list before turning in!)
💬 Challenge List: [ADD BBCODE FOR YOUR WORDS HERE - Make sure they all go ABOVE the four BBCode lines below] When posting this form I'm confirming that I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Challenge List with Explanations section in its entirety to the best of my abilities. |
Apr 18, 2024 5:27 AM
Initial Post Number: #974☁️ ⏳ Challenge Start Date: January 1, 2024 ⌛ Challenge Finish Date: MONTH DAY, YEAR 📜 Link to your completed anime list: 📜 Link to your Anime+: 🔍 Completed Anime (on sign-up date): 819* 🌐 Time Zone: GMT-6 🔎 Anime in Forum Avatar/Signature: N/A ✏️ Legend: Watching - Completed - Inactive/Plan to Watch 💬 Challenge List:
CHIBI JAPAN ONSEN WAIFU FAMILY SENSEI SHRINE YOUKAI SEIYUUS EXPLORE FESTIVAL HUSBANDO TRUCKKUN SEASONAL DIRECTOR SUBTITLES ANIMATION SOUNDTRACK When posting this form I'm confirming that I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Challenge List with Explanations section in its entirety to the best of my abilities. |
killbethyApr 18, 2024 5:43 AM
Apr 20, 2024 10:01 AM
Reply to AWC_mod
Sign-Up Code
- Read the Rules, How to Participate, and Challenge List with Explanations from the posts above before working on your challenge
- The box below contains the BBCode you will need to have a "ready to post" challenge list. You will copy everything inside the box and post it as a reply to this thread
[right][b]Initial Post Number: [/b] #000 [/right] ⏳ [b]Challenge Start Date:[/b] MONTH DAY, YEAR (e.g. January 09, 2024 - the earliest date you started an anime for the challenge) ⌛ [b]Challenge Finish Date:[/b] MONTH DAY, YEAR (e.g. December 10, 2024 - the date you finished watching your last anime for the challenge) 📜 [b]Link to your completed anime list:[/b] 📜 [b]Link to your Anime+:[/b] 🔍 [b]Completed Anime (on sign-up date):[/b] COMPLETED_ANIME 🌐 [b]Time Zone:[/b] UTC/GMT_ZONE 🔎 [b]Anime in Forum Avatar/Signature:[/b] ANIME_USED (put N/A if none; refers to the anime series) ✏️ [b]Legend:[/b] [color=MEDIUMPURPLE][b]Watching[/b][/color] - [color=SEAGREEN][b]Completed[/b][/color] - [color=GRAY][b]Inactive/Plan to Watch[/b][/color] [quote][b][color=#65107D]IMPORTANT To-Do List[/color] [color=#C37FBB](remove list before turning in!)[/color][/b] [spoiler=List][list][*]After posting, refresh the page for your Initial Post Number (upper right corner of your post) [*]Read the following posts: [list][*][url=][b]Rules[/b][/url] - challenge guidelines [*][url=][b]How to Participate[/b][/url] - how to participate and fill out the header information [*][url=][b]Challenge List with Explanations[/b][/url] - in-depth explanations about the challenge item requirements[/list] [*]Do not change the provided date format [*][b][i]REMOVE[/i][/b] the example information at the top of the form, such as (e.g. January 09, 2024 - the earliest date you started an anime for the challenge) [*]Put all extra information required for the items into square brackets on a separate line underneath the anime title/url [*]Note that the challenge period ends on [b]December 10[/b]; no turn-ins will be accepted after this date[list][*]Create some sort of alarm or calendar reminder [*]Join the [url=][b]AWC/MRC Discord[/b][/url] or [url=][b]AWC Official Club[/b][/url], as notification reminders will be sent to all members near the end of the challenge period[/list][*]Before turning-in, remove any unused items [*]Update your Challenge Start and Finish Dates on both the Sign-Up and Turn-In posts [*]To show you've read this list, add one of the following symbols to your initial post number (in the top corner of your sign-up post): ☀ ☁ ☂ ☃ ☢ [/list][/spoiler][/quote] 💬 [b]Challenge List:[/b] [spoiler="Challenge List"][list=1] [ADD BBCODE FOR YOUR WORDS HERE - Make sure they all go [b]ABOVE[/b] the four BBCode lines below] [/list][/spoiler] [center][b][size=95]When posting this form I'm confirming that I have read the [url=]Rules[/url], [url=]How to Participate[/url], and the [url=]Challenge List with Explanations[/url] section in its entirety to the best of my abilities.[/size][/b][/center]
Word Codes
- Only copy the code for words you are using in your challenge
- If you are doing Level 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5, you will be deleting one item from each word group
- Example: For "CHIBI" there are 6 items but you will only complete the number of items equalling the number of letters in the word, so you complete 5
- If you are doing Level 6 you will keep all the items
- For extra information and hints, see the Challenge List with Explanations
- 5-Letter Words - Choose FIVE ITEMS from each word group used (unless you're doing Level 6)
[color=#65107D][size=120][b]CHIBI[/b][/size][/color] [spoiler=CHIBI] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (11) Watch an ONA, OVA, or Special that has 10 episodes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (32) Watch an anime that has an episode duration of 16 minutes or more and started airing in May or June [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (53) Watch an anime with more users in the "Plan-to-Watch" stat than the "Completed" stat and that finished airing before you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB]["Plan-to-Watch" Members When Started: | "Completed" Members when Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (117) Watch an anime that is tagged with [url=]Boys Love[/url], [url=]Girls Love[/url], [url=]Magical Sex Shift[/url], or [url=]Crossdressing[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (132) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more and tagged with 1 Genre or less [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (144) Watch an anime adapted from a Music, Other, or Unknown source [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/spoiler]
[color=#65107D][size=120][b]JAPAN[/b][/size][/color] [spoiler=JAPAN] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (16) Watch an anime with 15 or more episodes that are each 15 minutes or less [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (41) Watch an anime with a Japanese honorific in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (48) Watch an anime that has the number 10 in its MAL ID (found in the anime page URL) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (66) Watch an anime that only has one main character listed on MAL [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (84) Watch an anime tagged with your least watched genre by time according to [url=]Anime+[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Least Watched Genre by Time: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (96) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Anthropomorphic[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/spoiler]
[color=#65107D][size=120][b]ONSEN[/b][/size][/color] [spoiler=ONSEN] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (58) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more and a popularity lower than #1500 (#1510, #1625, etc.) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Popularity When Started: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (85) Watch an anime recommended to one of the completed Anime listed in your MAL Favorites [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Favorite Anime: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (89) Watch an anime that finished airing before you started it which has no Opening Theme (OP) and no Ending Theme (ED) listed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (112) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Slice of Life[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (127) Watch an anime that is tagged with [url=]Mahou Shoujo[/url] or [url=]Super Power[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (142) Watch an anime adapted from a 4-koma Manga or Web Manga source [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/spoiler]
[color=#65107D][size=120][b]WAIFU[/b][/size][/color] [spoiler=WAIFU] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (7) Watch an anime a 2024 AWC participant watched at least one episode of then dropped or put on hold in 2023 or earlier [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][AWC Participant: | Post Link: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (13) Watch a TV-type anime with an irregular release schedule (where at least one episode was released less than 7 days after its previous episode or more than 7 days after its previous episode) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (24) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and began airing between 2000 and 2009 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (69) Watch an anime with a main character that has 2 or more Japanese Voice Actors of the same gender listed on the character page [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Main Character: | Character Page Link: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (107) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Romance[/url], [url=]Romantic Subtext[/url], or [url=]Love Polygon[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (114) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Supernatural[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/spoiler]
6-Letter Words - Choose SIX ITEMS from each word group used (unless you're doing Level 6)
[color=#65107D][size=120][b]FAMILY[/b][/size][/color] [spoiler=FAMILY] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (6) Watch an anime that a 2024 AWC participant has already completed for this challenge [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][AWC Participant: | Post Link: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (17) Watch an anime with 20 or more episodes that are each 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (27) Watch an anime that began airing the same year you joined MAL [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (54) Watch an anime with 10 or more episodes that has a synopsis by MAL Rewrite and finished airing before you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (72) Watch an afternoon/evening anime (broadcast between 17:00 and 22:59 JST) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (101) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Gag Humor[/url] or [url=]Parody[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (119) Watch an anime that is tagged with [url=]Childcare[/url], [url=]Medical[/url], [url=]Otaku Culture[/url], or [url=]Pets[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/spoiler]
[color=#65107D][size=120][b]SENSEI[/b][/size][/color] [spoiler=SENSEI] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (9) Watch an anime that is listed on a 2024 AWC participant's 'They hated it, I enjoyed it' or 'They loved it, I didn't' statistics section of their profile and provide a screenshot [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][AWC Participant: | Post Link: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (28) Watch an anime that began airing the same season and year as one of the completed anime in your MAL favorites [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Season/Year: | Favorite Anime: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (43) Watch an anime that has a main character’s name in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (59) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more and a popularity lower than #5000 (#5050, #7005, etc.) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Popularity When Started: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (108) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]School[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (129) Watch an anime that is tagged with [url=]Music[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (143) Watch an anime adapted from a Book, Card Game, or Mixed Media source [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/spoiler]
[color=#65107D][size=120][b]SHRINE[/b][/size][/color] [spoiler=SHRINE] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (5) Watch an anime recommended to you in the [url=]AWC 2024 Participant Recommendations[/url] thread [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Recommendation Link: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (31) Watch an anime that has an episode duration of 16 minutes or more and started airing in April [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (68) Watch an anime that finished airing before you started it and has more main characters than supporting characters [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][# of Main Characters: | # of Supporting Characters: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (79) Watch an anime by a studio with 10 - 30 anime in MAL's database [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Studio: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (99) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Drama[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (116) Watch an anime that is tagged with [url=]Award-Winning[/url], [url=]Gourmet[/url], or [url=]Racing[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (123) Watch an anime that is tagged with [url=]Harem[/url] or [url=]Reverse Harem[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/spoiler]
[color=#65107D][size=120][b]YOUKAI[/b][/size][/color] [spoiler=YOUKAI] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (19) Watch an anime with 60 or more episodes that are each 10 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (35) Watch an anime that has an episode duration of 16 minutes or more and started airing in October [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (52) Watch an anime that finished airing before you started it and has no Recommendations [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (63) Watch either an anime with a character listed on the [url=]Anime Planet[/url] youkai list or an anime listed on the [url=]AniDB[/url] youkai list [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][List Used: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (102) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Historical[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (131) Watch an anime that is tagged with [url=]Samurai[/url] or [url=]Mythology[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (138) Watch an Original anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/spoiler]
7-Letter Words - Choose SEVEN ITEMS from each word group used (unless you're doing Level 6)
[color=#65107D][size=120][b]SEIYUUS[/b][/size][/color] [spoiler=SEIYUUS] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (3) Watch an anime recommended to you in the [url=]AWC 2024 Staff Recommendations[/url] thread by an AWC Staff Member [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Recommendation Link: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (18) Watch an anime with 40 or more episodes that are each 15 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (25) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and began airing between 1990 and 1999 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (37) Watch an anime that began airing the same month you joined MAL [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (70) Watch an anime where the same Voice Actor is credited under at least two different characters (main or supporting) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Voice Actor: | Character 1: | Character 2: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (73) Watch a late night anime (broadcast between 23:00 and 03:59 JST) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (94) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Action[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (121) Watch an anime that is tagged with [url=]Female Idols[/url], [url=]Male Idols[/url], or [url=]Showbiz[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/spoiler]
[color=#65107D][size=120][b]EXPLORE[/b][/size][/color] [spoiler=EXPLORE] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (1) Watch an anime that is listed as a favorite on a [url=]MAL Staff Member's[/url] page [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][MAL Staff Member: | Their Profile Link: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (30) Watch an anime that has an episode duration of 16 minutes or more and started airing in February or March [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (42) Watch an anime that has a one-word main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (65) Watch an anime with 3 or more main characters that are of the same gender [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (81) Watch an anime listed on a 2024 AWC participant's [url=]Anime+[/url] recommendations and provide a screenshot with their username [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][AWC Participant: | Post Link: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (87) Watch an anime that you dropped/put on hold in 2023 or earlier and provide a screenshot (Alternatively: watch an anime from the [url=]provided list[/url]) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Original Anime Start Date: | Last Watched Episode Date: | Episodes Previously Watched: | Screenshot: ][/color] [If you choose an anime from the provided list, remove this line and the one above it; if you watch a dropped/on hold remove this line] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (103) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Kids[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (122) Watch an anime that is tagged with [url=]Gore[/url] or [url=]Horror[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/spoiler]
8-Letter Words - Choose EIGHT ITEMS from each word group used (unless you're doing Level 6)
[color=#65107D][size=120][b]FESTIVAL[/b][/size][/color] [spoiler=FESTIVAL] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (36) Watch an anime that has an episode duration of 16 minutes or more and started airing in November or December [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (60) Watch an anime with a score of 8.00 or above that has finished airing and has an episode duration of 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (64) Watch either an anime listed on the [url=]AniDB[/url] dragon list or an anime with a character listed on the [url=]Anime Planet[/url] dragon list [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][List Used: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (76) Watch a listed [url=]noitaminA[/url], [url=]Animeism[/url], or [url=]+ultra[/url] anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][List Used: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (86) Watch an anime in which one of the People listed in your MAL Favorites participated [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Favorite Person: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (91) Watch an anime with either 5 or more Opening Themes (OP) listed or 5 or more Ending Themes (ED) listed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (106) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Mystery[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (118) Watch an anime that is tagged with [url=]CGDCT[/url] or [url=]Iyashikei[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (133) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more and tagged with 3 Genres or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/spoiler]
[color=#65107D][size=120][b]HUSBANDO[/b][/size][/color] [spoiler=HUSBANDO] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (14) Watch a TV-type anime with a Sequel listed under Related Anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (15) Watch a Sequel to the anime used for Item (14) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (22) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and began airing between 2015 and 2019 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (33) Watch an anime that has an episode duration of 16 minutes or more and started airing in July [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (40) Watch an anime with 6 or more words in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (47) Watch an anime that is tagged with one of your top 2 Favorite Genres by Mean Score according to your MAL statistics and provide a screenshot [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Favorite Genre 1: | Favorite Genre 2: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (104) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Mecha[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (115) Watch an anime that is tagged with [url=]Adult Cast[/url], [url=]Educational[/url], or [url=]Workplace[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (139) Watch an anime adapted from a Manga source [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/spoiler]
[color=#65107D][size=120][b]TRUCKKUN[/b][/size][/color] [spoiler=TRUCKKUN] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (21) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and began airing between 2020 and 2023 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (38) Watch an anime that began airing the same day you joined MAL [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (50) Watch an anime with more Recommended reviews than Not Recommended and Mixed Feelings combined [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Recommended Reviews: | Not Recommended Reviews: | Mixed Feelings Reviews: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (80) Watch an anime by a studio you haven't seen anything from [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Studio: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (82) Watch an anime suggested by [url=]MAL[/url] or by [url=]Anime+[/url] and provide a screenshot [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Screenshot: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (92) Watch an anime in which 2 or more different Opening Theme (OP) and/or Ending Theme (ED) are performed by the same Artist/Group [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Artist/Group: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (98) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Comedy[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (125) Watch an anime that is tagged with [url=]Isekai[/url], [url=]Reincarnation[/url], or [url=]Time Travel[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (141) Watch an anime adapted from a Light Novel or Novel source [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/spoiler]
[color=#65107D][size=120][b]SEASONAL[/b][/size][/color] [spoiler=SEASONAL] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (8) Watch an anime featured in a 2024 AWC participant's forum avatar or signature [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][AWC Participant: | Post Link: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (29) Watch an anime that has an episode duration of 16 minutes or more and started airing in January [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (44) Watch an anime that has "ten" or "10" somewhere in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (55) Watch an anime with 100 or less favorites on MAL and an episode duration of 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (74) Watch a listed [url=]Kouji Morimoto[/url], [url=]Mari Okada[/url], or [url=]Wada Jouji[/url] anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][List Used: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (105) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Military[/url] or [url=]Space[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (128) Watch an anime that is tagged with [url=]Martial Arts[/url], [url=]Performing Arts[/url], or [url=]Visual Arts[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (135) Watch an anime rated PG-13 (Teens 13 or Older) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (140) Watch an anime adapted from a Game or Visual Novel source [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/spoiler]
[color=#65107D][size=120][b]DIRECTOR[/b][/size][/color] [spoiler=DIRECTOR] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (34) Watch an anime that has an episode duration of 16 minutes or more and started airing in August or September [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (45) Watch an anime with at least two different non-alphanumeric characters in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (56) Watch an anime that has a higher score than a listed Adaptation (under Related Anime) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Anime Score When Started: | Adaptation Score When Started: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (62) Watch an anime with a Narrator or Narration character listed on the Characters and Staff page [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (67) Watch an anime with 8 or more main characters listed on MAL [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (77) Watch an anime without a Licensor listed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (97) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Avant Garde[/url] or [url=]Vampire[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (111) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Shounen[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (124) Watch an anime that is tagged with [url=]High Stakes Game[/url], [url=]Strategy Game[/url], or [url=]Video Game[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/spoiler]
9-Letter Words - Choose NINE ITEMS from each word group used (unless you're doing Level 6)
[color=#65107D][size=120][b]SUBTITLES[/b][/size][/color] [spoiler=SUBTITLES] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (2) Watch an anime from an AWC Staff member's [url=]Stack[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][AWC Staff Stack Used: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (26) Watch an anime that began airing between 1960 and 1989 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (39) Watch an anime that has a main title starting with the same letter/number as your MAL username [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (57) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more and a popularity lower than #500 (#501, #610, etc.) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Popularity When Started: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (88) Watch an anime randomly generated from [url=]AniBrain[/url] (see [url=]here[/url] for instructions) and provide a screenshot [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Screenshot: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (90) Watch an anime with 20 or more episodes that has only one Opening Theme (OP) and one Ending Theme (ED) listed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (100) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Fantasy[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (109) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Sci-Fi[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (126) Watch an anime that is tagged with [url=]Josei[/url] or [url=]Shoujo[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (136) Watch an anime rated R - 17+ (violence & profanity) or R+ (Mild Nudity) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/spoiler]
[color=#65107D][size=120][b]ANIMATION[/b][/size][/color] [spoiler=ANIMATION] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (4) Watch an anime that was completed and scored 5 or less by an AWC Staff Member [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][AWC Staff Member: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (49) Watch an anime with an episode duration of 16 minutes or more that was [url=]Reviewed[/url] the day you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Review Link: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (61) Watch an anime with a score of 6.00 or below that has finished airing and has an episode duration of 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (71) Watch a morning anime (broadcast between 6:00 and 11:59 JST) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (78) Watch an anime with one of the following video-on-demand services listed under Licensors/Producers: [url=]Funimation[/url], [url=]Crunchyroll[/url], [url=]Crunchyroll SC Anime Fund[/url], [url=]Netflix[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (83) Watch an anime from your favorite studio by weighted score on [url=]Anime+[/url] that has a MAL rating of less than 8.0 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Favorite Studio by Weighted Score: | Anime Rating: | Anime+ Screenshot: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (93) Watch an anime featuring a Voice Actor who is also credited with a Theme/Insert Song Performance in the anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Voice Actor: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (110) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Seinen[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (120) Watch an anime that is tagged with [url=]Delinquents[/url], [url=]Detective[/url], or [url=]Organized Crime[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (137) Watch an anime tagged as [url=]Hentai[/url] or [url=]Erotica[/url] [[b]ALTERNATIVELY[/b]: Watch an anime that is both rated R+ (Mild Nudity) and is tagged as [url=]Ecchi[/url]] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/spoiler]
10-Letter Words - Choose TEN ITEMS from each word group used (unless you're doing Level 6)
[color=#65107D][size=120][b]SOUNDTRACK[/b][/size][/color] [spoiler=SOUNDTRACK] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (10) Watch a completed anime scored 10 or 9 by a 2024 AWC participant that posted on the first or second page of the [url=]sign-up thread[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][AWC Participant: | Post Link: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (12) Watch a Movie with a total duration of 1 hour 30 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (20) Watch an anime with 2 or more episodes and an episode duration of 30 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (23) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and began airing between 2010 and 2014 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (46) Watch an anime that has at least 3 words in the main title that start with the same letter [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (51) Watch an anime where the difference between ranking and popularity is at least 1,000 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Ranking When Started: | Popularity When Started: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (75) Watch a listed [url=]Toonami[/url] anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (95) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Adventure[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (113) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Sports[/url], [url=]Combat Sports[/url], or [url=]Team Sports[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (130) Watch an anime that is tagged with [url=]Psychological[/url], [url=]Survival[/url], or [url=]Suspense[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (134) Watch an anime rated G (All Ages) or PG (Children) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/spoiler]
⏳ Challenge Start Date: April 20, 2024 ⌛ Challenge Finish Date: 📜 Link to your completed anime list: 📜 Link to your Anime+: 🔍 Completed Anime (on sign-up date): 61 🌐 Time Zone: UTC/GMT_ZONE 🔎 Anime in Forum Avatar/Signature: One Piece ✏️ Legend: Watching - Completed - Inactive/Plan to Watch IMPORTANT To-Do List (remove list before turning in!)
💬 Challenge List:
CHIBI JAPAN ONSEN WAIFU FAMILY SOUNDTRACK When posting this form I'm confirming that I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Challenge List with Explanations section in its entirety to the best of my abilities. |
rkwtSep 23, 2024 10:37 PM
Apr 22, 2024 6:05 AM
@AWC_mod Words have been searched! ⏳ Challenge Start Date: January 02, 2024 ⌛ Challenge Finish Date: April 22, 2024 📜 Link to your completed anime list: 🔍 Completed Anime (at sign-up): 8,435 🔎 Completed Anime (at turn-in): 8,664 🖊️ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: #159 ✏️ Link to your sign-up form: 👁️🗨️ Level: Level 6 📝 Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes 🔎 Turning-In CHECKLIST (Don't remove once it's done)
When posting this form I'm confirming that I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item Explanations sections in its entirety and that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities. |
nyankoAug 17, 2024 12:38 AM
Apr 22, 2024 6:32 AM
Initial Post Number: #000 ⏳ Challenge Start Date: April 22, 2024 ⌛ Challenge Finish Date: MONTH DAY, YEAR (e.g. December 10, 2024 - the date you finished watching your last anime for the challenge) 📜 Link to your completed anime list: 📜 Link to your Anime+: 🔍 Completed Anime (on sign-up date): 153 🌐 Time Zone: UTC+08:00 🔎 Anime in Forum Avatar/Signature: N/A ✏️ Legend: Watching - Completed - Inactive/Plan to Watch IMPORTANT To-Do List (remove list before turning in!)
💬 Challenge List:
WAIFU YOUKAI EXPLORE TRUCKKUN SUBTITLES When posting this form I'm confirming that I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Challenge List with Explanations section in its entirety to the best of my abilities. |
mrsjeong123May 8, 2024 12:05 PM
Apr 23, 2024 1:15 PM
Initial Post Number: #000 ⏳ Challenge Start Date: April 23, 2024 ⌛ Challenge Finish Date: MONTH DAY, YEAR (e.g. December 10, 2024 - the date you finished watching your last anime for the challenge) 📜 Link to your completed anime list: 📜 Link to your Anime+: 🔍 Completed Anime (on sign-up date): 28 🌐 Time Zone: ET 🔎 Anime in Forum Avatar/Signature: N/A ✏️ Legend: Watching - Completed - Inactive/Plan to Watch IMPORTANT To-Do List (remove list before turning in!)
💬 Challenge List:
YOUKAI SEASONAL ANIMATION When posting this form I'm confirming that I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Challenge List with Explanations section in its entirety to the best of my abilities. |
Apr 23, 2024 7:09 PM
Initial Post Number: #000 ⏳ Challenge Start Date: April 23, 2024 ⌛ Challenge Finish Date: MONTH DAY, YEAR (e.g. December 10, 2024 - the date you finished watching your last anime for the challenge) 📜 Link to your completed anime list: 📜 Link to your Anime+: 🔍 Completed Anime (on sign-up date): 16 🌐 Time Zone: EST 🔎 Anime in Forum Avatar/Signature: N/A ✏️ Legend: Watching - Completed - Inactive/Plan to Watch IMPORTANT To-Do List (remove list before turning in!)
💬 Challenge List:
ONSEN TRUCKKUN ANIMATION When posting this form I'm confirming that I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Challenge List with Explanations section in its entirety to the best of my abilities. |
Apr 24, 2024 3:06 AM
Initial Post Number: #979 ⏳ Challenge Start Date: APRIL 24, 2024 ⌛ Challenge Finish Date: MONTH DAY, YEAR (e.g. December 10, 2024 - the date you finished watching your last anime for the challenge) 📜 Link to your completed anime list: 📜 Link to your Anime+: 🔍 Completed Anime (on sign-up date): 258 🌐 Time Zone: UTC+2 🔎 Anime in Forum Avatar/Signature: Tanoshii Jinsei ✏️ Legend: Watching - Completed - Inactive/Plan to Watch 💬 Challenge List:
CHIBI ONSEN FAMILY SEIYUUS SEASONAL ANIMATION When posting this form I'm confirming that I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Challenge List with Explanations section in its entirety to the best of my abilities. |
IxtiiliiJun 3, 2024 4:50 AM
Apr 24, 2024 10:30 PM
Initial Post Number: #977☂ ⏳ Challenge Start Date: April 24, 2024 ⌛ Challenge Finish Date: MONTH DAY, YEAR (e.g. December 10, 2024 - the date you finished watching your last anime for the challenge) 📜 Link to your completed anime list: 📜 Link to your Anime+: 🔍 Completed Anime (on sign-up date): 102 🌐 Time Zone: pst 🔎 Anime in Forum Avatar/Signature: n/a ✏️ Legend: Watching - Completed - Inactive/Plan to Watch IMPORTANT To-Do List (remove list before turning in!)
💬 Challenge List:
CHIBI JAPAN ONSEN WAIFU FAMILY SENSEI SHRINE YOUKAI SEIYUUS EXPLORE FESTIVAL HUSBANDO TRUCKKUN SEASONAL DIRECTOR SUBTITLES ANIMATION SOUNDTRACK When posting this form I'm confirming that I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Challenge List with Explanations section in its entirety to the best of my abilities. |
LuxieLuxAug 14, 2024 4:04 AM
Apr 25, 2024 12:25 AM
Initial Post Number: #307 ⏳ Challenge Start Date: April 25, 2024 ⌛ Challenge Finish Date: MONTH DAY, YEAR (e.g. December 10, 2024 - the date you finished watching your last anime for the challenge) 📜 Link to your completed anime list: 📜 Link to your Anime+: 🔍 Completed Anime (on sign-up date): 319 🌐 Time Zone: GMT +5:30 🔎 Anime in Forum Avatar/Signature: N/A ✏️ Legend: Watching - Completed - Inactive/Plan to Watch IMPORTANT To-Do List (remove list before turning in!)
💬 Challenge List: [ADD BBCODE FOR YOUR WORDS HERE - Make sure they all go ABOVE the four BBCode lines below] When posting this form I'm confirming that I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Challenge List with Explanations section in its entirety to the best of my abilities. |
Apr 25, 2024 7:03 AM
Initial Post Number: #981☀ ⏳ Challenge Start Date: April 25, 2024 ⌛ Challenge Finish Date: December 9,2024 📜 Link to your completed anime list: 📜 Link to your Anime+: 🔍 Completed Anime (on sign-up date): 266 🌐 Time Zone: GMT +7 🔎 Anime in Forum Avatar/Signature: Kitagawa Marin ✏️ Legend: Watching - Completed - Inactive/Plan to Watch 💬 Challenge List:
CHIBI (5/5) JAPAN (5/5) ONSEN (5/5) FAMILY (6/6) SENSEI (6/6) FESTIVAL (8/8) HUSBANDO (8/8) TRUCKKUN (8/8) SEASONAL (8/8) When posting this form I'm confirming that I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Challenge List with Explanations section in its entirety to the best of my abilities. |
xaacaaDec 9, 2024 6:18 AM
My Candies: |
Apr 25, 2024 9:50 AM
Initial Post Number: #000 ⏳ Challenge Start Date: April 25, 2024 ⌛ Challenge Finish Date: MONTH DAY, YEAR (e.g. December 10, 2024 - the date you finished watching your last anime for the challenge) 📜 Link to your completed anime list: 📜 Link to your Anime+: 🔍 Completed Anime (on sign-up date): 50 🌐 Time Zone: Eastern Time US 🔎 Anime in Forum Avatar/Signature: Oregairu, A couple of cuckoos ✏️ Legend: Watching - Completed - Inactive/Plan to Watch IMPORTANT To-Do List (remove list before turning in!)
💬 Challenge List:
JAPAN FAMILY SOUNDTRACK When posting this form I'm confirming that I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Challenge List with Explanations section in its entirety to the best of my abilities. |
Apr 26, 2024 7:18 PM
Initial Post Number: #000 ⏳ Challenge Start Date: April 26, 2024 ⌛ Challenge Finish Date: MONTH DAY, YEAR (e.g. December 10, 2024 - the date you finished watching your last anime for the challenge) 📜 Link to your completed anime list: 📜 Link to your Anime+: 🔍 Completed Anime (on sign-up date): 512 🌐 Time Zone: MST 🔎 Anime in Forum Avatar/Signature: N/A ✏️ Legend: Watching - Completed - Inactive/Plan to Watch IMPORTANT To-Do List (remove list before turning in!)
💬 Challenge List:
CHIBI SEIYUUS HUSBANDO When posting this form I'm confirming that I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Challenge List with Explanations section in its entirety to the best of my abilities. |
subahokkeApr 26, 2024 8:13 PM
Apr 27, 2024 10:33 PM
Initial Post Number: #985 ⏳ Challenge Start Date: April 28, 2024 ⌛ Challenge Finish Date: MONTH DAY, YEAR (e.g. December 10, 2024 - the date you finished watching your last anime for the challenge) 📜 Link to your completed anime list: 📜 Link to your Anime+: 🔍 Completed Anime (on sign-up date): 6 🌐 Time Zone: EST 🔎 Anime in Forum Avatar/Signature: N/A ✏️ Legend: Watching - Completed - Inactive/Plan to Watch IMPORTANT To-Do List (remove list before turning in!)
💬 Challenge List:
CHIBI JAPAN ONSEN WAIFU FAMILY SENSEI SHRINE YOUKAI SEIYUUS EXPLORE FESTIVAL HUSBANDO TRUCKKUN SEASONAL DIRECTOR SUBTITLES ANIMATION SOUNDTRACK When posting this form I'm confirming that I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Challenge List with Explanations section in its entirety to the best of my abilities. |
Apr 29, 2024 1:18 AM
Initial Post Number: #987 ⏳ Challenge Start Date: April 29, 2024 ⌛ Challenge Finish Date: MONTH DAY, YEAR (e.g. December 10, 2024 - the date you finished watching your last anime for the challenge) 📜 Link to your completed anime list: 📜 Link to your Anime+: 🔍 Completed Anime (on sign-up date): 179 🌐 Time Zone: PST 🔎 Anime in Forum Avatar/Signature: Kao ni Doro wo nuru (manga) ✏️ Legend: Watching - Completed - Inactive/Plan to Watch IMPORTANT To-Do List (remove list before turning in!)
💬 Challenge List:
YOUKAI SEIYUUS EXPLORE When posting this form I'm confirming that I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Challenge List with Explanations section in its entirety to the best of my abilities. |
RyuHoshinoMay 5, 2024 9:51 PM
Apr 29, 2024 11:30 AM
Initial Post Number: #987☀ ⏳ Challenge Start Date: January 1, 2024 ⌛ Challenge Finish Date: - 📜 Link to your completed anime list: 📜 Link to your Anime+: 🔍 Completed Anime (on sign-up date): COMPLETED_ANIME 🌐 Time Zone: EST 🔎 Anime in Forum Avatar/Signature: Genshin Impact ✏️ Legend: Watching - Completed - Inactive/Plan to Watch 💬 Challenge List:
CHIBI JAPAN ONSEN WAIFU FAMILY SENSEI SHRINE YOUKAI SEIYUUS EXPLORE FESTIVAL HUSBANDO TRUCKKUN SEASONAL DIRECTOR SUBTITLES ANIMATION SOUNDTRACK When posting this form I'm confirming that I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Challenge List with Explanations section in its entirety to the best of my abilities. |
taptothebeatApr 29, 2024 5:45 PM
Apr 30, 2024 9:56 AM
@AWC_mod Words have been searched! ⏳ Challenge Start Date: January 03, 2024 ⌛ Challenge Finish Date: April 30, 2024 📜 Link to your completed anime list: 🔍 Completed Anime (at sign-up): 1467 🔎 Completed Anime (at turn-in): 1620 🖊️ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: #31 ✏️ Link to your sign-up form: 👁️🗨️ Level: 6 📝 Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes 🔎 Turning-In CHECKLIST (Don't remove once it's done)
When posting this form I'm confirming that I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item Explanations sections in its entirety and that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities. |
Apr 30, 2024 12:02 PM
Initial Post Number: #990☀ ⏳ Challenge Start Date: April 30, 2024 ⌛ Challenge Finish Date: MONTH DAY, YEAR 📜 Link to your completed anime list: 📜 Link to your Anime+: 🔍 Completed Anime (on sign-up date): 199 🌐 Time Zone: CEST 🔎 Anime in Forum Avatar/Signature: N/A ✏️ Legend: Watching - Completed - Inactive/Plan to Watch IMPORTANT To-Do List (remove list before turning in!)
💬 Challenge List:
CHIBI JAPAN ONSEN WAIFU FAMILY SENSEI SHRINE YOUKAI SEIYUUS EXPLORE FESTIVAL HUSBANDO TRUCKKUN SEASONAL DIRECTOR SUBTITLES ANIMATION SOUNDTRACK When posting this form I'm confirming that I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Challenge List with Explanations section in its entirety to the best of my abilities. |
oliver2193May 2, 2024 7:31 AM
Apr 30, 2024 5:13 PM
Initial Post Number: #991 ☂ ⏳ Challenge Start Date: May 01, 2024 ⌛ Challenge Finish Date: TBD 📜 Link to your completed anime list: 📜 Link to your Anime+: 🔍 Completed Anime (on sign-up date): 42 🌐 Time Zone: CEST 🔎 Anime in Forum Avatar/Signature: N/A ✏️ Legend: Watching - Completed - Inactive/Plan to Watch IMPORTANT To-Do List (remove list before turning in!)
💬 Challenge List:
CHIBI JAPAN ONSEN WAIFU SENSEI FESTIVAL TRUCKKUN When posting this form I'm confirming that I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Challenge List with Explanations section in its entirety to the best of my abilities. |
BaileyBaeMay 11, 2024 5:03 PM
May 1, 2024 5:07 PM
Initial Post Number: #992 ☀ ⏳ Challenge Start Date: May 02, 2024 ⌛ Challenge Finish Date: MONTH DAY, YEAR (e.g. December 10, 2024 - the date you finished watching your last anime for the challenge) 📜 Link to your completed anime list: 📜 Link to your Anime+: 🔍 Completed Anime (on sign-up date): 210 🌐 Time Zone: UTC+08 🔎 Anime in Forum Avatar/Signature: One Piece ✏️ Legend: Watching - Completed - Inactive/Plan to Watch IMPORTANT To-Do List (remove list before turning in!)
💬 Challenge List:
SHRINE YOUKAI HUSBANDO When posting this form I'm confirming that I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Challenge List with Explanations section in its entirety to the best of my abilities. |
Tamago_Senpai14May 10, 2024 10:41 PM
May 2, 2024 1:18 PM
Initial Post Number: #000 ⏳ Challenge Start Date: May 2, 2024 (e.g. January 09, 2024 - the earliest date you started an anime for the challenge) ⌛ Challenge Finish Date: December 15, 2024 (e.g. December 10, 2024 - the date you finished watching your last anime for the challenge) 📜 Link to your completed anime list: 📜 Link to your Anime+: 🔍 Completed Anime (on sign-up date): 113 🌐 Time Zone: UTC/GMT_ZONE 🔎 Anime in Forum Avatar/Signature: n/a ✏️ Legend: Watching - Completed - Inactive/Plan to Watch IMPORTANT To-Do List (remove list before turning in!)
💬 Challenge List: [ADD BBCODE FOR YOUR WORDS HERE - Make sure they all go ABOVE the four BBCode lines below] When posting this form I'm confirming that I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Challenge List with Explanations section in its entirety to the best of my abilities. |
May 3, 2024 10:29 PM
Initial Post Number: #993 ⏳ Challenge Start Date: MONTH DAY, YEAR (e.g. January 09, 2024 - the earliest date you started an anime for the challenge) ⌛ Challenge Finish Date: MONTH DAY, YEAR (e.g. December 10, 2024 - the date you finished watching your last anime for the challenge) 📜 Link to your completed anime list: 📜 Link to your Anime+: 🔍 Completed Anime (on sign-up date): 990 🌐 Time Zone: UTC/GMT_ZONE 🔎 Anime in Forum Avatar/Signature: Tsuritama ✏️ Legend: Watching - Completed - Inactive/Plan to Watch IMPORTANT To-Do List (remove list before turning in!)
💬 Challenge List:
CHIBI JAPAN FAMILY FESTIVAL [ADD BBCODE FOR YOUR WORDS HERE - Make sure they all go ABOVE the four BBCode lines below] When posting this form I'm confirming that I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Challenge List with Explanations section in its entirety to the best of my abilities. |
skyhei1995Nov 1, 2024 11:41 PM
May 4, 2024 6:27 AM
Initial Post Number: #994 ⏳ Challenge Start Date: May 04, 2024 ⌛ Challenge Finish Date: MONTH DAY, YEAR (e.g. December 10, 2024 - the date you finished watching your last anime for the challenge) 📜 Link to your completed anime list: 📜 Link to your Anime+: 🔍 Completed Anime (on sign-up date): 942 🌐 Time Zone: EST 🔎 Anime in Forum Avatar/Signature: N/A ✏️ Legend: Watching - Completed - Inactive/Plan to Watch 💬 Challenge List:
CHIBI JAPAN ONSEN WAIFU FAMILY SENSEI SHRINE YOUKAI SEIYUUS EXPLORE FESTIVAL HUSBANDO TRUCKKUN SEASONAL DIRECTOR SUBTITLES ANIMATION SOUNDTRACK When posting this form I'm confirming that I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Challenge List with Explanations section in its entirety to the best of my abilities. |
runMay 4, 2024 8:49 AM
May 5, 2024 2:35 AM
Reply to AWC_mod
Sign-Up Code
- Read the Rules, How to Participate, and Challenge List with Explanations from the posts above before working on your challenge
- The box below contains the BBCode you will need to have a "ready to post" challenge list. You will copy everything inside the box and post it as a reply to this thread
[right][b]Initial Post Number: [/b] #000 [/right] ⏳ [b]Challenge Start Date:[/b] MONTH DAY, YEAR (e.g. January 09, 2024 - the earliest date you started an anime for the challenge) ⌛ [b]Challenge Finish Date:[/b] MONTH DAY, YEAR (e.g. December 10, 2024 - the date you finished watching your last anime for the challenge) 📜 [b]Link to your completed anime list:[/b] 📜 [b]Link to your Anime+:[/b] 🔍 [b]Completed Anime (on sign-up date):[/b] COMPLETED_ANIME 🌐 [b]Time Zone:[/b] UTC/GMT_ZONE 🔎 [b]Anime in Forum Avatar/Signature:[/b] ANIME_USED (put N/A if none; refers to the anime series) ✏️ [b]Legend:[/b] [color=MEDIUMPURPLE][b]Watching[/b][/color] - [color=SEAGREEN][b]Completed[/b][/color] - [color=GRAY][b]Inactive/Plan to Watch[/b][/color] [quote][b][color=#65107D]IMPORTANT To-Do List[/color] [color=#C37FBB](remove list before turning in!)[/color][/b] [spoiler=List][list][*]After posting, refresh the page for your Initial Post Number (upper right corner of your post) [*]Read the following posts: [list][*][url=][b]Rules[/b][/url] - challenge guidelines [*][url=][b]How to Participate[/b][/url] - how to participate and fill out the header information [*][url=][b]Challenge List with Explanations[/b][/url] - in-depth explanations about the challenge item requirements[/list] [*]Do not change the provided date format [*][b][i]REMOVE[/i][/b] the example information at the top of the form, such as (e.g. January 09, 2024 - the earliest date you started an anime for the challenge) [*]Put all extra information required for the items into square brackets on a separate line underneath the anime title/url [*]Note that the challenge period ends on [b]December 10[/b]; no turn-ins will be accepted after this date[list][*]Create some sort of alarm or calendar reminder [*]Join the [url=][b]AWC/MRC Discord[/b][/url] or [url=][b]AWC Official Club[/b][/url], as notification reminders will be sent to all members near the end of the challenge period[/list][*]Before turning-in, remove any unused items [*]Update your Challenge Start and Finish Dates on both the Sign-Up and Turn-In posts [*]To show you've read this list, add one of the following symbols to your initial post number (in the top corner of your sign-up post): ☀ ☁ ☂ ☃ ☢ [/list][/spoiler][/quote] 💬 [b]Challenge List:[/b] [spoiler="Challenge List"][list=1] [ADD BBCODE FOR YOUR WORDS HERE - Make sure they all go [b]ABOVE[/b] the four BBCode lines below] [/list][/spoiler] [center][b][size=95]When posting this form I'm confirming that I have read the [url=]Rules[/url], [url=]How to Participate[/url], and the [url=]Challenge List with Explanations[/url] section in its entirety to the best of my abilities.[/size][/b][/center]
Word Codes
- Only copy the code for words you are using in your challenge
- If you are doing Level 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5, you will be deleting one item from each word group
- Example: For "CHIBI" there are 6 items but you will only complete the number of items equalling the number of letters in the word, so you complete 5
- If you are doing Level 6 you will keep all the items
- For extra information and hints, see the Challenge List with Explanations
- 5-Letter Words - Choose FIVE ITEMS from each word group used (unless you're doing Level 6)
[color=#65107D][size=120][b]CHIBI[/b][/size][/color] [spoiler=CHIBI] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (11) Watch an ONA, OVA, or Special that has 10 episodes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (32) Watch an anime that has an episode duration of 16 minutes or more and started airing in May or June [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (53) Watch an anime with more users in the "Plan-to-Watch" stat than the "Completed" stat and that finished airing before you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB]["Plan-to-Watch" Members When Started: | "Completed" Members when Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (117) Watch an anime that is tagged with [url=]Boys Love[/url], [url=]Girls Love[/url], [url=]Magical Sex Shift[/url], or [url=]Crossdressing[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (132) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more and tagged with 1 Genre or less [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (144) Watch an anime adapted from a Music, Other, or Unknown source [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/spoiler]
[color=#65107D][size=120][b]JAPAN[/b][/size][/color] [spoiler=JAPAN] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (16) Watch an anime with 15 or more episodes that are each 15 minutes or less [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (41) Watch an anime with a Japanese honorific in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (48) Watch an anime that has the number 10 in its MAL ID (found in the anime page URL) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (66) Watch an anime that only has one main character listed on MAL [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (84) Watch an anime tagged with your least watched genre by time according to [url=]Anime+[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Least Watched Genre by Time: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (96) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Anthropomorphic[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/spoiler]
[color=#65107D][size=120][b]ONSEN[/b][/size][/color] [spoiler=ONSEN] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (58) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more and a popularity lower than #1500 (#1510, #1625, etc.) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Popularity When Started: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (85) Watch an anime recommended to one of the completed Anime listed in your MAL Favorites [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Favorite Anime: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (89) Watch an anime that finished airing before you started it which has no Opening Theme (OP) and no Ending Theme (ED) listed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (112) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Slice of Life[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (127) Watch an anime that is tagged with [url=]Mahou Shoujo[/url] or [url=]Super Power[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (142) Watch an anime adapted from a 4-koma Manga or Web Manga source [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/spoiler]
[color=#65107D][size=120][b]WAIFU[/b][/size][/color] [spoiler=WAIFU] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (7) Watch an anime a 2024 AWC participant watched at least one episode of then dropped or put on hold in 2023 or earlier [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][AWC Participant: | Post Link: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (13) Watch a TV-type anime with an irregular release schedule (where at least one episode was released less than 7 days after its previous episode or more than 7 days after its previous episode) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (24) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and began airing between 2000 and 2009 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (69) Watch an anime with a main character that has 2 or more Japanese Voice Actors of the same gender listed on the character page [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Main Character: | Character Page Link: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (107) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Romance[/url], [url=]Romantic Subtext[/url], or [url=]Love Polygon[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (114) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Supernatural[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/spoiler]
6-Letter Words - Choose SIX ITEMS from each word group used (unless you're doing Level 6)
[color=#65107D][size=120][b]FAMILY[/b][/size][/color] [spoiler=FAMILY] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (6) Watch an anime that a 2024 AWC participant has already completed for this challenge [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][AWC Participant: | Post Link: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (17) Watch an anime with 20 or more episodes that are each 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (27) Watch an anime that began airing the same year you joined MAL [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (54) Watch an anime with 10 or more episodes that has a synopsis by MAL Rewrite and finished airing before you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (72) Watch an afternoon/evening anime (broadcast between 17:00 and 22:59 JST) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (101) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Gag Humor[/url] or [url=]Parody[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (119) Watch an anime that is tagged with [url=]Childcare[/url], [url=]Medical[/url], [url=]Otaku Culture[/url], or [url=]Pets[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/spoiler]
[color=#65107D][size=120][b]SENSEI[/b][/size][/color] [spoiler=SENSEI] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (9) Watch an anime that is listed on a 2024 AWC participant's 'They hated it, I enjoyed it' or 'They loved it, I didn't' statistics section of their profile and provide a screenshot [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][AWC Participant: | Post Link: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (28) Watch an anime that began airing the same season and year as one of the completed anime in your MAL favorites [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Season/Year: | Favorite Anime: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (43) Watch an anime that has a main character’s name in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (59) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more and a popularity lower than #5000 (#5050, #7005, etc.) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Popularity When Started: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (108) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]School[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (129) Watch an anime that is tagged with [url=]Music[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (143) Watch an anime adapted from a Book, Card Game, or Mixed Media source [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/spoiler]
[color=#65107D][size=120][b]SHRINE[/b][/size][/color] [spoiler=SHRINE] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (5) Watch an anime recommended to you in the [url=]AWC 2024 Participant Recommendations[/url] thread [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Recommendation Link: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (31) Watch an anime that has an episode duration of 16 minutes or more and started airing in April [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (68) Watch an anime that finished airing before you started it and has more main characters than supporting characters [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][# of Main Characters: | # of Supporting Characters: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (79) Watch an anime by a studio with 10 - 30 anime in MAL's database [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Studio: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (99) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Drama[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (116) Watch an anime that is tagged with [url=]Award-Winning[/url], [url=]Gourmet[/url], or [url=]Racing[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (123) Watch an anime that is tagged with [url=]Harem[/url] or [url=]Reverse Harem[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/spoiler]
[color=#65107D][size=120][b]YOUKAI[/b][/size][/color] [spoiler=YOUKAI] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (19) Watch an anime with 60 or more episodes that are each 10 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (35) Watch an anime that has an episode duration of 16 minutes or more and started airing in October [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (52) Watch an anime that finished airing before you started it and has no Recommendations [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (63) Watch either an anime with a character listed on the [url=]Anime Planet[/url] youkai list or an anime listed on the [url=]AniDB[/url] youkai list [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][List Used: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (102) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Historical[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (131) Watch an anime that is tagged with [url=]Samurai[/url] or [url=]Mythology[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (138) Watch an Original anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/spoiler]
7-Letter Words - Choose SEVEN ITEMS from each word group used (unless you're doing Level 6)
[color=#65107D][size=120][b]SEIYUUS[/b][/size][/color] [spoiler=SEIYUUS] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (3) Watch an anime recommended to you in the [url=]AWC 2024 Staff Recommendations[/url] thread by an AWC Staff Member [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Recommendation Link: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (18) Watch an anime with 40 or more episodes that are each 15 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (25) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and began airing between 1990 and 1999 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (37) Watch an anime that began airing the same month you joined MAL [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (70) Watch an anime where the same Voice Actor is credited under at least two different characters (main or supporting) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Voice Actor: | Character 1: | Character 2: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (73) Watch a late night anime (broadcast between 23:00 and 03:59 JST) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (94) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Action[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (121) Watch an anime that is tagged with [url=]Female Idols[/url], [url=]Male Idols[/url], or [url=]Showbiz[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/spoiler]
[color=#65107D][size=120][b]EXPLORE[/b][/size][/color] [spoiler=EXPLORE] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (1) Watch an anime that is listed as a favorite on a [url=]MAL Staff Member's[/url] page [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][MAL Staff Member: | Their Profile Link: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (30) Watch an anime that has an episode duration of 16 minutes or more and started airing in February or March [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (42) Watch an anime that has a one-word main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (65) Watch an anime with 3 or more main characters that are of the same gender [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (81) Watch an anime listed on a 2024 AWC participant's [url=]Anime+[/url] recommendations and provide a screenshot with their username [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][AWC Participant: | Post Link: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (87) Watch an anime that you dropped/put on hold in 2023 or earlier and provide a screenshot (Alternatively: watch an anime from the [url=]provided list[/url]) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Original Anime Start Date: | Last Watched Episode Date: | Episodes Previously Watched: | Screenshot: ][/color] [If you choose an anime from the provided list, remove this line and the one above it; if you watch a dropped/on hold remove this line] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (103) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Kids[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (122) Watch an anime that is tagged with [url=]Gore[/url] or [url=]Horror[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/spoiler]
8-Letter Words - Choose EIGHT ITEMS from each word group used (unless you're doing Level 6)
[color=#65107D][size=120][b]FESTIVAL[/b][/size][/color] [spoiler=FESTIVAL] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (36) Watch an anime that has an episode duration of 16 minutes or more and started airing in November or December [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (60) Watch an anime with a score of 8.00 or above that has finished airing and has an episode duration of 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (64) Watch either an anime listed on the [url=]AniDB[/url] dragon list or an anime with a character listed on the [url=]Anime Planet[/url] dragon list [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][List Used: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (76) Watch a listed [url=]noitaminA[/url], [url=]Animeism[/url], or [url=]+ultra[/url] anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][List Used: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (86) Watch an anime in which one of the People listed in your MAL Favorites participated [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Favorite Person: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (91) Watch an anime with either 5 or more Opening Themes (OP) listed or 5 or more Ending Themes (ED) listed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (106) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Mystery[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (118) Watch an anime that is tagged with [url=]CGDCT[/url] or [url=]Iyashikei[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (133) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more and tagged with 3 Genres or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/spoiler]
[color=#65107D][size=120][b]HUSBANDO[/b][/size][/color] [spoiler=HUSBANDO] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (14) Watch a TV-type anime with a Sequel listed under Related Anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (15) Watch a Sequel to the anime used for Item (14) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (22) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and began airing between 2015 and 2019 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (33) Watch an anime that has an episode duration of 16 minutes or more and started airing in July [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (40) Watch an anime with 6 or more words in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (47) Watch an anime that is tagged with one of your top 2 Favorite Genres by Mean Score according to your MAL statistics and provide a screenshot [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Favorite Genre 1: | Favorite Genre 2: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (104) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Mecha[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (115) Watch an anime that is tagged with [url=]Adult Cast[/url], [url=]Educational[/url], or [url=]Workplace[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (139) Watch an anime adapted from a Manga source [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/spoiler]
[color=#65107D][size=120][b]TRUCKKUN[/b][/size][/color] [spoiler=TRUCKKUN] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (21) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and began airing between 2020 and 2023 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (38) Watch an anime that began airing the same day you joined MAL [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (50) Watch an anime with more Recommended reviews than Not Recommended and Mixed Feelings combined [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Recommended Reviews: | Not Recommended Reviews: | Mixed Feelings Reviews: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (80) Watch an anime by a studio you haven't seen anything from [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Studio: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (82) Watch an anime suggested by [url=]MAL[/url] or by [url=]Anime+[/url] and provide a screenshot [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Screenshot: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (92) Watch an anime in which 2 or more different Opening Theme (OP) and/or Ending Theme (ED) are performed by the same Artist/Group [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Artist/Group: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (98) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Comedy[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (125) Watch an anime that is tagged with [url=]Isekai[/url], [url=]Reincarnation[/url], or [url=]Time Travel[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (141) Watch an anime adapted from a Light Novel or Novel source [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/spoiler]
[color=#65107D][size=120][b]SEASONAL[/b][/size][/color] [spoiler=SEASONAL] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (8) Watch an anime featured in a 2024 AWC participant's forum avatar or signature [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][AWC Participant: | Post Link: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (29) Watch an anime that has an episode duration of 16 minutes or more and started airing in January [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (44) Watch an anime that has "ten" or "10" somewhere in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (55) Watch an anime with 100 or less favorites on MAL and an episode duration of 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (74) Watch a listed [url=]Kouji Morimoto[/url], [url=]Mari Okada[/url], or [url=]Wada Jouji[/url] anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][List Used: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (105) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Military[/url] or [url=]Space[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (128) Watch an anime that is tagged with [url=]Martial Arts[/url], [url=]Performing Arts[/url], or [url=]Visual Arts[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (135) Watch an anime rated PG-13 (Teens 13 or Older) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (140) Watch an anime adapted from a Game or Visual Novel source [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/spoiler]
[color=#65107D][size=120][b]DIRECTOR[/b][/size][/color] [spoiler=DIRECTOR] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (34) Watch an anime that has an episode duration of 16 minutes or more and started airing in August or September [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (45) Watch an anime with at least two different non-alphanumeric characters in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (56) Watch an anime that has a higher score than a listed Adaptation (under Related Anime) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Anime Score When Started: | Adaptation Score When Started: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (62) Watch an anime with a Narrator or Narration character listed on the Characters and Staff page [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (67) Watch an anime with 8 or more main characters listed on MAL [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (77) Watch an anime without a Licensor listed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (97) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Avant Garde[/url] or [url=]Vampire[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (111) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Shounen[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (124) Watch an anime that is tagged with [url=]High Stakes Game[/url], [url=]Strategy Game[/url], or [url=]Video Game[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/spoiler]
9-Letter Words - Choose NINE ITEMS from each word group used (unless you're doing Level 6)
[color=#65107D][size=120][b]SUBTITLES[/b][/size][/color] [spoiler=SUBTITLES] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (2) Watch an anime from an AWC Staff member's [url=]Stack[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][AWC Staff Stack Used: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (26) Watch an anime that began airing between 1960 and 1989 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (39) Watch an anime that has a main title starting with the same letter/number as your MAL username [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (57) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more and a popularity lower than #500 (#501, #610, etc.) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Popularity When Started: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (88) Watch an anime randomly generated from [url=]AniBrain[/url] (see [url=]here[/url] for instructions) and provide a screenshot [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Screenshot: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (90) Watch an anime with 20 or more episodes that has only one Opening Theme (OP) and one Ending Theme (ED) listed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (100) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Fantasy[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (109) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Sci-Fi[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (126) Watch an anime that is tagged with [url=]Josei[/url] or [url=]Shoujo[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (136) Watch an anime rated R - 17+ (violence & profanity) or R+ (Mild Nudity) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/spoiler]
[color=#65107D][size=120][b]ANIMATION[/b][/size][/color] [spoiler=ANIMATION] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (4) Watch an anime that was completed and scored 5 or less by an AWC Staff Member [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][AWC Staff Member: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (49) Watch an anime with an episode duration of 16 minutes or more that was [url=]Reviewed[/url] the day you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Review Link: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (61) Watch an anime with a score of 6.00 or below that has finished airing and has an episode duration of 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (71) Watch a morning anime (broadcast between 6:00 and 11:59 JST) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (78) Watch an anime with one of the following video-on-demand services listed under Licensors/Producers: [url=]Funimation[/url], [url=]Crunchyroll[/url], [url=]Crunchyroll SC Anime Fund[/url], [url=]Netflix[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (83) Watch an anime from your favorite studio by weighted score on [url=]Anime+[/url] that has a MAL rating of less than 8.0 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Favorite Studio by Weighted Score: | Anime Rating: | Anime+ Screenshot: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (93) Watch an anime featuring a Voice Actor who is also credited with a Theme/Insert Song Performance in the anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Voice Actor: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (110) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Seinen[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (120) Watch an anime that is tagged with [url=]Delinquents[/url], [url=]Detective[/url], or [url=]Organized Crime[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (137) Watch an anime tagged as [url=]Hentai[/url] or [url=]Erotica[/url] [[b]ALTERNATIVELY[/b]: Watch an anime that is both rated R+ (Mild Nudity) and is tagged as [url=]Ecchi[/url]] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/spoiler]
10-Letter Words - Choose TEN ITEMS from each word group used (unless you're doing Level 6)
[color=#65107D][size=120][b]SOUNDTRACK[/b][/size][/color] [spoiler=SOUNDTRACK] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (10) Watch a completed anime scored 10 or 9 by a 2024 AWC participant that posted on the first or second page of the [url=]sign-up thread[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][AWC Participant: | Post Link: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (12) Watch a Movie with a total duration of 1 hour 30 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (20) Watch an anime with 2 or more episodes and an episode duration of 30 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (23) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and began airing between 2010 and 2014 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (46) Watch an anime that has at least 3 words in the main title that start with the same letter [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (51) Watch an anime where the difference between ranking and popularity is at least 1,000 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Ranking When Started: | Popularity When Started: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (75) Watch a listed [url=]Toonami[/url] anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (95) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Adventure[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (113) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Sports[/url], [url=]Combat Sports[/url], or [url=]Team Sports[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (130) Watch an anime that is tagged with [url=]Psychological[/url], [url=]Survival[/url], or [url=]Suspense[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (134) Watch an anime rated G (All Ages) or PG (Children) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/spoiler]
@AWC_mod Initial Post Number: #000 ⏳ Challenge Start Date: MONTH DAY, YEAR (e.g. January 09, 2024 - the earliest date you started an anime for the challenge) ⌛ Challenge Finish Date: MONTH DAY, YEAR (e.g. December 10, 2024 - the date you finished watching your last anime for the challenge) 📜 Link to your completed anime list: 📜 Link to your Anime+: 🔍 Completed Anime (on sign-up date): COMPLETED_ANIME 🌐 Time Zone: UTC/GMT_ZONE 🔎 Anime in Forum Avatar/Signature: ANIME_USED (put N/A if none; refers to the anime series) ✏️ Legend: Watching - Completed - Inactive/Plan to Watch IMPORTANT To-Do List (remove list before turning in!)
💬 Challenge List: [ADD BBCODE FOR YOUR WORDS HERE - Make sure they all go ABOVE the four BBCode lines below] When posting this form I'm confirming that I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Challenge List with Explanations section in its entirety to the best of my abilities. |
May 5, 2024 2:44 AM
Reply to AWC_mod
Word Search
CHIBI (5) | JAPAN (5) | ONSEN (5) | WAIFU (5) | FAMILY (6) | SENSEI (6)
@AWC_mod right]Initial Post Number: #000 [/right] ⏳ Challenge Start Date: January 01, 2024 ⌛ Challenge Finish Date: MONTH DAY, YEAR (e.g. December 10, 2024 - the date you finished watching your last anime for the challenge) 📜 Link to your completed anime list: 📜 Link to your Anime+: 🔍 Completed Anime (on sign-up date): 296 🌐 Time Zone: CAT 🔎 Anime in Forum Avatar/Signature: N/A ✏️ Legend: Watching - Completed - Inactive/Plan to Watch IMPORTANT To-Do List (remove list before turning in!)
💬 Challenge List:
JAPAN FAMILY SENSEI SEASONAL When posting this form I'm confirming that I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Challenge List with Explanations section in its entirety to the best of my abilities. |
May 8, 2024 5:54 PM
@AWC_mod Words have been searched! ⏳ Challenge Start Date: January 07, 2024 ⌛ Challenge Finish Date: April 03, 2024 📜 Link to your completed anime list: 🔍 Completed Anime (at sign-up): 1300 🔎 Completed Anime (at turn-in): 1362 🖊️ Sign-up form Initial Post Number: #535 ✏️ Link to your sign-up form: Initial Post Link 👁️🗨️ Level: LEVEL_1 📝 Do you want your challenge inspected? Yes 🔎 Turning-In CHECKLIST (Don't remove once it's done)
When posting this form I'm confirming that I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Item Explanations sections in its entirety and that I have completed the challenges to the best of my abilities. |
May 9, 2024 1:31 AM
Initial Post Number: #1000 ⏳ Challenge Start Date: January 01, 2024 ⌛ Challenge Finish Date: MONTH DAY, YEAR (e.g. December 10, 2024 - the date you finished watching your last anime for the challenge) 📜 Link to your completed anime list: 📜 Link to your Anime+: 🔍 Completed Anime (on sign-up date): 85 🌐 Time Zone: UTC+2 🔎 Anime in Forum Avatar/Signature: N/A ✏️ Legend: Watching - Completed - Inactive/Plan to Watch IMPORTANT To-Do List (remove list before turning in!)
💬 Challenge List:
CHIBI JAPAN ONSEN WAIFU FAMILY SENSEI SHRINE YOUKAI SEIYUUS EXPLORE FESTIVAL HUSBANDO TRUCKKUN SEASONAL DIRECTOR SUBTITLES ANIMATION SOUNDTRACK When posting this form I'm confirming that I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Challenge List with Explanations section in its entirety to the best of my abilities. |
ShearahMay 9, 2024 8:29 AM
Cards ★ Portfolio ★ Best Clubs ★ Set by Nate ★ |
May 9, 2024 3:32 PM
Initial Post Number: #1001 ⏳ Challenge Start Date: May 09, 2024 ⌛ Challenge Finish Date: MONTH DAY, YEAR (e.g. December 10, 2024 - the date you finished watching your last anime for the challenge) 📜 Link to your completed anime list: 📜 Link to your Anime+: 🔍 Completed Anime (on sign-up date): 516 🌐 Time Zone: GTM +0 🔎 Anime in Forum Avatar/Signature: Made In Abyss ✏️ Legend: Watching - Completed - Inactive/Plan to Watch IMPORTANT To-Do List (remove list before turning in!)
💬 Challenge List:
CHIBI JAPAN ONSEN WAIFU FAMILY SENSEI SHRINE YOUKAI SEIYUUS EXPLORE FESTIVAL HUSBANDO TRUCKKUN SEASONAL DIRECTOR SUBTITLES ANIMATION SOUNDTRACK When posting this form I'm confirming that I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Challenge List with Explanations section in its entirety to the best of my abilities. |
IHaveNoLifeYadaMay 9, 2024 9:06 PM
May 10, 2024 2:23 AM
Initial Post Number: #1001 ⏳ Challenge Start Date: February 01, 2024 ⌛ Challenge Finish Date: MONTH DAY, YEAR (e.g. December 10, 2024 - the date you finished watching your last anime for the challenge) 📜 Link to your completed anime list: 📜 Link to your Anime+: 🔍 Completed Anime (on sign-up date): 465 🌐 Time Zone: GMT+1 🔎 Anime in Forum Avatar/Signature: Anira from Granblue Fantasy ✏️ Legend: Watching - Completed - Inactive/Plan to Watch IMPORTANT To-Do List (remove list before turning in!)
💬 Challenge List:
CHIBI JAPAN ONSEN WAIFU FAMILY SENSEI SHRINE YOUKAI SEIYUUS EXPLORE FESTIVAL HUSBANDO TRUCKKUN SEASONAL DIRECTOR SUBTITLES ANIMATION SOUNDTRACK When posting this form I'm confirming that I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Challenge List with Explanations section in its entirety to the best of my abilities. |
ChendorMay 10, 2024 5:45 AM
May 11, 2024 9:28 AM
Initial Post Number: #1002 ☢ ⏳ Challenge Start Date: January 04, 2024 ⌛ Challenge Finish Date: MONTH DAY, YEAR (e.g. December 10, 2024 - the date you finished watching your last anime for the challenge) 📜 Link to your completed anime list: 📜 Link to your Anime+: 🔍 Completed Anime (on sign-up date): 102 🌐 Time Zone: MDT (GMT-6) 🔎 Anime in Forum Avatar/Signature: N/A ✏️ Legend: Watching - Completed - Inactive/Plan to Watch IMPORTANT To-Do List (remove list before turning in!)
💬 Challenge List:
SHRINE (6/6) YOUKAI (2/6) HUSBANDO (6/8) When posting this form I'm confirming that I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Challenge List with Explanations section in its entirety to the best of my abilities. |
splashgalacticOct 7, 2024 9:07 AM
May 11, 2024 9:35 AM
Initial Post Number: #1003 ⏳ Challenge Start Date: January 04, 2024 ⌛ Challenge Finish Date: MONTH DAY, YEAR (e.g. December 10, 2024 - the date you finished watching your last anime for the challenge) 📜 Link to your completed anime list: 📜 Link to your Anime+: 🔍 Completed Anime (on sign-up date): 123 🌐 Time Zone: MDT (GMT-6) 🔎 Anime in Forum Avatar/Signature: N/A ✏️ Legend: Watching - Completed - Inactive/Plan to Watch IMPORTANT To-Do List (remove list before turning in!)
💬 Challenge List:
SHRINE YOUKAI HUSBANDO When posting this form I'm confirming that I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Challenge List with Explanations section in its entirety to the best of my abilities. |
May 11, 2024 12:22 PM
Initial Post Number: #1004☂ ⏳ Challenge Start Date: May 12, 2024 ⌛ Challenge Finish Date: MONTH DAY, YEAR (e.g. December 10, 2024 - the date you finished watching your last anime for the challenge) 📜 Link to your completed anime list: 📜 Link to your Anime+: 🔍 Completed Anime (on sign-up date): 215 🌐 Time Zone: UTC+2 (South African Standard Time) 🔎 Anime in Forum Avatar/Signature: N/A ✏️ Legend: Watching - Completed - Inactive/Plan to Watch IMPORTANT To-Do List (remove list before turning in!)
💬 Challenge List:
WAIFU SEIYUUS FESTIVAL When posting this form I'm confirming that I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Challenge List with Explanations section in its entirety to the best of my abilities. |
seiryuuxxMay 11, 2024 4:33 PM
May 12, 2024 4:27 AM
Initial Post Number: #000 ⏳ Challenge Start Date: MONTH DAY, YEAR (May 12, 2024) ⌛ Challenge Finish Date: MONTH DAY, YEAR (the date you finished watching your last anime for the challenge) 📜 Link to your completed anime list: 📜 Link to your Anime+: 🔍 Completed Anime (on sign-up date): 85 🌐 Time Zone: UTC+3 🔎 Anime in Forum Avatar/Signature: N\A ✏️ Legend: Watching - Completed - Inactive/Plan to Watch IMPORTANT To-Do List (remove list before turning in!)
💬 Challenge List: [ADD BBCODE FOR YOUR WORDS HERE - Make sure they all go ABOVE the four BBCode lines below] When posting this form I'm confirming that I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Challenge List with Explanations section in its entirety to the best of my abilities. |
DandonaaMay 12, 2024 4:36 AM
May 14, 2024 1:15 AM
Initial Post Number: #1006☂ ⏳ Challenge Start Date: April 20, 2024 ⌛ Challenge Finish Date: MONTH DAY, YEAR (e.g. December 10, 2024 - the date you finished watching your last anime for the challenge) 📜 Link to your completed anime list: 📜 Link to your Anime+: 🔍 Completed Anime (on sign-up date): 2 🌐 Time Zone: BST 🔎 Anime in Forum Avatar/Signature: N/A ✏️ Legend: Watching - Completed - Inactive/Plan to Watch IMPORTANT To-Do List (remove list before turning in!)
💬 Challenge List:
CHIBI JAPAN (2/6) SHRINE EXPLORE FESTIVAL SEASONAL DIRECTOR ANIMATION (1/10) SOUNDTRACK When posting this form I'm confirming that I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Challenge List with Explanations section in its entirety to the best of my abilities. |
lopoy20Jun 13, 2024 1:31 AM
May 14, 2024 5:32 PM
Initial Post Number: #1007 ⏳ Challenge Start Date: May 11, 2024 ⌛ Challenge Finish Date: 📜 Link to your completed anime list: 📜 Link to your Anime+: 🔍 Completed Anime (on sign-up date): 2 🌐 Time Zone: CST 🔎 Anime in Forum Avatar/Signature: N/A ✏️ Legend: Watching - Completed - Inactive/Plan to Watch IMPORTANT To-Do List (remove list before turning in!)
💬 Challenge List:
CHIBI (6/6) JAPAN ONSEN (1/6) WAIFU (1/6) FAMILY (1/7) SENSEI SHRINE YOUKAI (2/7) SEIYUUS EXPLORE FESTIVAL HUSBANDO TRUCKKUN SEASONAL (2/9) DIRECTOR SUBTITLES ANIMATION SOUNDTRACK When posting this form I'm confirming that I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Challenge List with Explanations section in its entirety to the best of my abilities. |
FahlynJun 6, 2024 4:27 AM
May 15, 2024 5:47 AM
Initial Post Number: #1008 ⏳ Challenge Start Date: May 15, 2024 ⌛ Challenge Finish Date: MONTH DAY, YEAR (e.g. December 10, 2024 - the date you finished watching your last anime for the challenge) 📜 Link to your completed anime list: 📜 Link to your Anime+: 🔍 Completed Anime (on sign-up date): 403 🌐 Time Zone: UTC+5:30 🔎 Anime in Forum Avatar/Signature: 5-toubun no Hanayome ✏️ Legend: Watching - Completed - Inactive/Plan to Watch IMPORTANT To-Do List (remove list before turning in!)
💬 Challenge List:
CHIBI JAPAN ONSEN WAIFU FAMILY SENSEI SHRINE YOUKAI SEIYUUS EXPLORE FESTIVAL HUSBANDO TRUCKKUN SEASONAL DIRECTOR SUBTITLES ANIMATION SOUNDTRACK When posting this form I'm confirming that I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Challenge List with Explanations section in its entirety to the best of my abilities. |
Im_rnaMay 15, 2024 11:17 PM
May 19, 2024 2:02 AM
Initial Post Number: #000 ⏳ Challenge Start Date: May 19, 2024 ⌛ Challenge Finish Date: MONTH DAY, YEAR (e.g. December 10, 2024 - the date you finished watching your last anime for the challenge) 📜 Link to your completed anime list: 📜 Link to your Anime+: 🔍 Completed Anime (on sign-up date): 175 🌐 Time Zone: (GMT+10) 🔎 Anime in Forum Avatar/Signature: Death Note (L) ✏️ Legend: Watching - Completed - Inactive/Plan to Watch IMPORTANT To-Do List (remove list before turning in!)
💬 Challenge List:
CHIBI YOUKAI EXPLORE HUSBANDO TRUCKKUN ANIMATION When posting this form I'm confirming that I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Challenge List with Explanations section in its entirety to the best of my abilities. |
GoreimmMay 19, 2024 2:16 AM
May 19, 2024 6:49 AM
Initial Post Number: #1003 ☃ ⏳ Challenge Start Date: May 20, 2024 ⌛ Challenge Finish Date: December 7, 2024 📜 Link to your completed anime list: 📜 Link to your Anime+: 🔍 Completed Anime (on sign-up date): 124 🌐 Time Zone: GMT+2 🔎 Anime in Forum Avatar/Signature: Paradise Kiss ✏️ Legend: Watching - Completed - Inactive/Plan to Watch 💬 Challenge List:
JAPAN EXPLORE FESTIVAL When posting this form I'm confirming that I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Challenge List with Explanations section in its entirety to the best of my abilities. |
airotcivDec 26, 2024 10:53 AM
May 19, 2024 11:41 AM
Reply to AWC_mod
Sign-Up Code
- Read the Rules, How to Participate, and Challenge List with Explanations from the posts above before working on your challenge
- The box below contains the BBCode you will need to have a "ready to post" challenge list. You will copy everything inside the box and post it as a reply to this thread
[right][b]Initial Post Number: [/b] #000 [/right] ⏳ [b]Challenge Start Date:[/b] MONTH DAY, YEAR (e.g. January 09, 2024 - the earliest date you started an anime for the challenge) ⌛ [b]Challenge Finish Date:[/b] MONTH DAY, YEAR (e.g. December 10, 2024 - the date you finished watching your last anime for the challenge) 📜 [b]Link to your completed anime list:[/b] 📜 [b]Link to your Anime+:[/b] 🔍 [b]Completed Anime (on sign-up date):[/b] COMPLETED_ANIME 🌐 [b]Time Zone:[/b] UTC/GMT_ZONE 🔎 [b]Anime in Forum Avatar/Signature:[/b] ANIME_USED (put N/A if none; refers to the anime series) ✏️ [b]Legend:[/b] [color=MEDIUMPURPLE][b]Watching[/b][/color] - [color=SEAGREEN][b]Completed[/b][/color] - [color=GRAY][b]Inactive/Plan to Watch[/b][/color] [quote][b][color=#65107D]IMPORTANT To-Do List[/color] [color=#C37FBB](remove list before turning in!)[/color][/b] [spoiler=List][list][*]After posting, refresh the page for your Initial Post Number (upper right corner of your post) [*]Read the following posts: [list][*][url=][b]Rules[/b][/url] - challenge guidelines [*][url=][b]How to Participate[/b][/url] - how to participate and fill out the header information [*][url=][b]Challenge List with Explanations[/b][/url] - in-depth explanations about the challenge item requirements[/list] [*]Do not change the provided date format [*][b][i]REMOVE[/i][/b] the example information at the top of the form, such as (e.g. January 09, 2024 - the earliest date you started an anime for the challenge) [*]Put all extra information required for the items into square brackets on a separate line underneath the anime title/url [*]Note that the challenge period ends on [b]December 10[/b]; no turn-ins will be accepted after this date[list][*]Create some sort of alarm or calendar reminder [*]Join the [url=][b]AWC/MRC Discord[/b][/url] or [url=][b]AWC Official Club[/b][/url], as notification reminders will be sent to all members near the end of the challenge period[/list][*]Before turning-in, remove any unused items [*]Update your Challenge Start and Finish Dates on both the Sign-Up and Turn-In posts [*]To show you've read this list, add one of the following symbols to your initial post number (in the top corner of your sign-up post): ☀ ☁ ☂ ☃ ☢ [/list][/spoiler][/quote] 💬 [b]Challenge List:[/b] [spoiler="Challenge List"][list=1] [ADD BBCODE FOR YOUR WORDS HERE - Make sure they all go [b]ABOVE[/b] the four BBCode lines below] [/list][/spoiler] [center][b][size=95]When posting this form I'm confirming that I have read the [url=]Rules[/url], [url=]How to Participate[/url], and the [url=]Challenge List with Explanations[/url] section in its entirety to the best of my abilities.[/size][/b][/center]
Word Codes
- Only copy the code for words you are using in your challenge
- If you are doing Level 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5, you will be deleting one item from each word group
- Example: For "CHIBI" there are 6 items but you will only complete the number of items equalling the number of letters in the word, so you complete 5
- If you are doing Level 6 you will keep all the items
- For extra information and hints, see the Challenge List with Explanations
- 5-Letter Words - Choose FIVE ITEMS from each word group used (unless you're doing Level 6)
[color=#65107D][size=120][b]CHIBI[/b][/size][/color] [spoiler=CHIBI] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (11) Watch an ONA, OVA, or Special that has 10 episodes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (32) Watch an anime that has an episode duration of 16 minutes or more and started airing in May or June [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (53) Watch an anime with more users in the "Plan-to-Watch" stat than the "Completed" stat and that finished airing before you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB]["Plan-to-Watch" Members When Started: | "Completed" Members when Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (117) Watch an anime that is tagged with [url=]Boys Love[/url], [url=]Girls Love[/url], [url=]Magical Sex Shift[/url], or [url=]Crossdressing[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (132) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more and tagged with 1 Genre or less [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (144) Watch an anime adapted from a Music, Other, or Unknown source [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/spoiler]
[color=#65107D][size=120][b]JAPAN[/b][/size][/color] [spoiler=JAPAN] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (16) Watch an anime with 15 or more episodes that are each 15 minutes or less [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (41) Watch an anime with a Japanese honorific in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (48) Watch an anime that has the number 10 in its MAL ID (found in the anime page URL) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (66) Watch an anime that only has one main character listed on MAL [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (84) Watch an anime tagged with your least watched genre by time according to [url=]Anime+[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Least Watched Genre by Time: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (96) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Anthropomorphic[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/spoiler]
[color=#65107D][size=120][b]ONSEN[/b][/size][/color] [spoiler=ONSEN] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (58) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more and a popularity lower than #1500 (#1510, #1625, etc.) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Popularity When Started: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (85) Watch an anime recommended to one of the completed Anime listed in your MAL Favorites [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Favorite Anime: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (89) Watch an anime that finished airing before you started it which has no Opening Theme (OP) and no Ending Theme (ED) listed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (112) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Slice of Life[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (127) Watch an anime that is tagged with [url=]Mahou Shoujo[/url] or [url=]Super Power[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (142) Watch an anime adapted from a 4-koma Manga or Web Manga source [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/spoiler]
[color=#65107D][size=120][b]WAIFU[/b][/size][/color] [spoiler=WAIFU] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (7) Watch an anime a 2024 AWC participant watched at least one episode of then dropped or put on hold in 2023 or earlier [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][AWC Participant: | Post Link: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (13) Watch a TV-type anime with an irregular release schedule (where at least one episode was released less than 7 days after its previous episode or more than 7 days after its previous episode) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (24) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and began airing between 2000 and 2009 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (69) Watch an anime with a main character that has 2 or more Japanese Voice Actors of the same gender listed on the character page [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Main Character: | Character Page Link: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (107) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Romance[/url], [url=]Romantic Subtext[/url], or [url=]Love Polygon[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (114) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Supernatural[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/spoiler]
6-Letter Words - Choose SIX ITEMS from each word group used (unless you're doing Level 6)
[color=#65107D][size=120][b]FAMILY[/b][/size][/color] [spoiler=FAMILY] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (6) Watch an anime that a 2024 AWC participant has already completed for this challenge [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][AWC Participant: | Post Link: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (17) Watch an anime with 20 or more episodes that are each 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (27) Watch an anime that began airing the same year you joined MAL [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (54) Watch an anime with 10 or more episodes that has a synopsis by MAL Rewrite and finished airing before you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (72) Watch an afternoon/evening anime (broadcast between 17:00 and 22:59 JST) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (101) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Gag Humor[/url] or [url=]Parody[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (119) Watch an anime that is tagged with [url=]Childcare[/url], [url=]Medical[/url], [url=]Otaku Culture[/url], or [url=]Pets[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/spoiler]
[color=#65107D][size=120][b]SENSEI[/b][/size][/color] [spoiler=SENSEI] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (9) Watch an anime that is listed on a 2024 AWC participant's 'They hated it, I enjoyed it' or 'They loved it, I didn't' statistics section of their profile and provide a screenshot [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][AWC Participant: | Post Link: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (28) Watch an anime that began airing the same season and year as one of the completed anime in your MAL favorites [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Season/Year: | Favorite Anime: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (43) Watch an anime that has a main character’s name in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (59) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more and a popularity lower than #5000 (#5050, #7005, etc.) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Popularity When Started: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (108) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]School[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (129) Watch an anime that is tagged with [url=]Music[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (143) Watch an anime adapted from a Book, Card Game, or Mixed Media source [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/spoiler]
[color=#65107D][size=120][b]SHRINE[/b][/size][/color] [spoiler=SHRINE] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (5) Watch an anime recommended to you in the [url=]AWC 2024 Participant Recommendations[/url] thread [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Recommendation Link: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (31) Watch an anime that has an episode duration of 16 minutes or more and started airing in April [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (68) Watch an anime that finished airing before you started it and has more main characters than supporting characters [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][# of Main Characters: | # of Supporting Characters: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (79) Watch an anime by a studio with 10 - 30 anime in MAL's database [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Studio: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (99) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Drama[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (116) Watch an anime that is tagged with [url=]Award-Winning[/url], [url=]Gourmet[/url], or [url=]Racing[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (123) Watch an anime that is tagged with [url=]Harem[/url] or [url=]Reverse Harem[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/spoiler]
[color=#65107D][size=120][b]YOUKAI[/b][/size][/color] [spoiler=YOUKAI] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (19) Watch an anime with 60 or more episodes that are each 10 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (35) Watch an anime that has an episode duration of 16 minutes or more and started airing in October [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (52) Watch an anime that finished airing before you started it and has no Recommendations [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (63) Watch either an anime with a character listed on the [url=]Anime Planet[/url] youkai list or an anime listed on the [url=]AniDB[/url] youkai list [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][List Used: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (102) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Historical[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (131) Watch an anime that is tagged with [url=]Samurai[/url] or [url=]Mythology[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (138) Watch an Original anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/spoiler]
7-Letter Words - Choose SEVEN ITEMS from each word group used (unless you're doing Level 6)
[color=#65107D][size=120][b]SEIYUUS[/b][/size][/color] [spoiler=SEIYUUS] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (3) Watch an anime recommended to you in the [url=]AWC 2024 Staff Recommendations[/url] thread by an AWC Staff Member [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Recommendation Link: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (18) Watch an anime with 40 or more episodes that are each 15 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (25) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and began airing between 1990 and 1999 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (37) Watch an anime that began airing the same month you joined MAL [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (70) Watch an anime where the same Voice Actor is credited under at least two different characters (main or supporting) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Voice Actor: | Character 1: | Character 2: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (73) Watch a late night anime (broadcast between 23:00 and 03:59 JST) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (94) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Action[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (121) Watch an anime that is tagged with [url=]Female Idols[/url], [url=]Male Idols[/url], or [url=]Showbiz[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/spoiler]
[color=#65107D][size=120][b]EXPLORE[/b][/size][/color] [spoiler=EXPLORE] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (1) Watch an anime that is listed as a favorite on a [url=]MAL Staff Member's[/url] page [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][MAL Staff Member: | Their Profile Link: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (30) Watch an anime that has an episode duration of 16 minutes or more and started airing in February or March [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (42) Watch an anime that has a one-word main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (65) Watch an anime with 3 or more main characters that are of the same gender [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (81) Watch an anime listed on a 2024 AWC participant's [url=]Anime+[/url] recommendations and provide a screenshot with their username [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][AWC Participant: | Post Link: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (87) Watch an anime that you dropped/put on hold in 2023 or earlier and provide a screenshot (Alternatively: watch an anime from the [url=]provided list[/url]) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Original Anime Start Date: | Last Watched Episode Date: | Episodes Previously Watched: | Screenshot: ][/color] [If you choose an anime from the provided list, remove this line and the one above it; if you watch a dropped/on hold remove this line] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (103) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Kids[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (122) Watch an anime that is tagged with [url=]Gore[/url] or [url=]Horror[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/spoiler]
8-Letter Words - Choose EIGHT ITEMS from each word group used (unless you're doing Level 6)
[color=#65107D][size=120][b]FESTIVAL[/b][/size][/color] [spoiler=FESTIVAL] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (36) Watch an anime that has an episode duration of 16 minutes or more and started airing in November or December [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (60) Watch an anime with a score of 8.00 or above that has finished airing and has an episode duration of 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (64) Watch either an anime listed on the [url=]AniDB[/url] dragon list or an anime with a character listed on the [url=]Anime Planet[/url] dragon list [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][List Used: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (76) Watch a listed [url=]noitaminA[/url], [url=]Animeism[/url], or [url=]+ultra[/url] anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][List Used: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (86) Watch an anime in which one of the People listed in your MAL Favorites participated [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Favorite Person: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (91) Watch an anime with either 5 or more Opening Themes (OP) listed or 5 or more Ending Themes (ED) listed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (106) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Mystery[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (118) Watch an anime that is tagged with [url=]CGDCT[/url] or [url=]Iyashikei[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (133) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more and tagged with 3 Genres or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/spoiler]
[color=#65107D][size=120][b]HUSBANDO[/b][/size][/color] [spoiler=HUSBANDO] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (14) Watch a TV-type anime with a Sequel listed under Related Anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (15) Watch a Sequel to the anime used for Item (14) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (22) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and began airing between 2015 and 2019 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (33) Watch an anime that has an episode duration of 16 minutes or more and started airing in July [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (40) Watch an anime with 6 or more words in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (47) Watch an anime that is tagged with one of your top 2 Favorite Genres by Mean Score according to your MAL statistics and provide a screenshot [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Favorite Genre 1: | Favorite Genre 2: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (104) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Mecha[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (115) Watch an anime that is tagged with [url=]Adult Cast[/url], [url=]Educational[/url], or [url=]Workplace[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (139) Watch an anime adapted from a Manga source [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/spoiler]
[color=#65107D][size=120][b]TRUCKKUN[/b][/size][/color] [spoiler=TRUCKKUN] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (21) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and began airing between 2020 and 2023 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (38) Watch an anime that began airing the same day you joined MAL [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (50) Watch an anime with more Recommended reviews than Not Recommended and Mixed Feelings combined [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Recommended Reviews: | Not Recommended Reviews: | Mixed Feelings Reviews: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (80) Watch an anime by a studio you haven't seen anything from [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Studio: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (82) Watch an anime suggested by [url=]MAL[/url] or by [url=]Anime+[/url] and provide a screenshot [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Screenshot: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (92) Watch an anime in which 2 or more different Opening Theme (OP) and/or Ending Theme (ED) are performed by the same Artist/Group [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Artist/Group: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (98) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Comedy[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (125) Watch an anime that is tagged with [url=]Isekai[/url], [url=]Reincarnation[/url], or [url=]Time Travel[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (141) Watch an anime adapted from a Light Novel or Novel source [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/spoiler]
[color=#65107D][size=120][b]SEASONAL[/b][/size][/color] [spoiler=SEASONAL] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (8) Watch an anime featured in a 2024 AWC participant's forum avatar or signature [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][AWC Participant: | Post Link: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (29) Watch an anime that has an episode duration of 16 minutes or more and started airing in January [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (44) Watch an anime that has "ten" or "10" somewhere in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (55) Watch an anime with 100 or less favorites on MAL and an episode duration of 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (74) Watch a listed [url=]Kouji Morimoto[/url], [url=]Mari Okada[/url], or [url=]Wada Jouji[/url] anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][List Used: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (105) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Military[/url] or [url=]Space[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (128) Watch an anime that is tagged with [url=]Martial Arts[/url], [url=]Performing Arts[/url], or [url=]Visual Arts[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (135) Watch an anime rated PG-13 (Teens 13 or Older) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (140) Watch an anime adapted from a Game or Visual Novel source [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/spoiler]
[color=#65107D][size=120][b]DIRECTOR[/b][/size][/color] [spoiler=DIRECTOR] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (34) Watch an anime that has an episode duration of 16 minutes or more and started airing in August or September [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (45) Watch an anime with at least two different non-alphanumeric characters in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (56) Watch an anime that has a higher score than a listed Adaptation (under Related Anime) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Anime Score When Started: | Adaptation Score When Started: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (62) Watch an anime with a Narrator or Narration character listed on the Characters and Staff page [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (67) Watch an anime with 8 or more main characters listed on MAL [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (77) Watch an anime without a Licensor listed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (97) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Avant Garde[/url] or [url=]Vampire[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (111) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Shounen[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (124) Watch an anime that is tagged with [url=]High Stakes Game[/url], [url=]Strategy Game[/url], or [url=]Video Game[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/spoiler]
9-Letter Words - Choose NINE ITEMS from each word group used (unless you're doing Level 6)
[color=#65107D][size=120][b]SUBTITLES[/b][/size][/color] [spoiler=SUBTITLES] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (2) Watch an anime from an AWC Staff member's [url=]Stack[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][AWC Staff Stack Used: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (26) Watch an anime that began airing between 1960 and 1989 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (39) Watch an anime that has a main title starting with the same letter/number as your MAL username [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (57) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more and a popularity lower than #500 (#501, #610, etc.) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Popularity When Started: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (88) Watch an anime randomly generated from [url=]AniBrain[/url] (see [url=]here[/url] for instructions) and provide a screenshot [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Screenshot: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (90) Watch an anime with 20 or more episodes that has only one Opening Theme (OP) and one Ending Theme (ED) listed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (100) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Fantasy[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (109) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Sci-Fi[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (126) Watch an anime that is tagged with [url=]Josei[/url] or [url=]Shoujo[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (136) Watch an anime rated R - 17+ (violence & profanity) or R+ (Mild Nudity) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/spoiler]
[color=#65107D][size=120][b]ANIMATION[/b][/size][/color] [spoiler=ANIMATION] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (4) Watch an anime that was completed and scored 5 or less by an AWC Staff Member [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][AWC Staff Member: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (49) Watch an anime with an episode duration of 16 minutes or more that was [url=]Reviewed[/url] the day you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Review Link: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (61) Watch an anime with a score of 6.00 or below that has finished airing and has an episode duration of 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (71) Watch a morning anime (broadcast between 6:00 and 11:59 JST) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (78) Watch an anime with one of the following video-on-demand services listed under Licensors/Producers: [url=]Funimation[/url], [url=]Crunchyroll[/url], [url=]Crunchyroll SC Anime Fund[/url], [url=]Netflix[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (83) Watch an anime from your favorite studio by weighted score on [url=]Anime+[/url] that has a MAL rating of less than 8.0 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Favorite Studio by Weighted Score: | Anime Rating: | Anime+ Screenshot: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (93) Watch an anime featuring a Voice Actor who is also credited with a Theme/Insert Song Performance in the anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Voice Actor: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (110) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Seinen[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (120) Watch an anime that is tagged with [url=]Delinquents[/url], [url=]Detective[/url], or [url=]Organized Crime[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (137) Watch an anime tagged as [url=]Hentai[/url] or [url=]Erotica[/url] [[b]ALTERNATIVELY[/b]: Watch an anime that is both rated R+ (Mild Nudity) and is tagged as [url=]Ecchi[/url]] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/spoiler]
10-Letter Words - Choose TEN ITEMS from each word group used (unless you're doing Level 6)
[color=#65107D][size=120][b]SOUNDTRACK[/b][/size][/color] [spoiler=SOUNDTRACK] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (10) Watch a completed anime scored 10 or 9 by a 2024 AWC participant that posted on the first or second page of the [url=]sign-up thread[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][AWC Participant: | Post Link: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (12) Watch a Movie with a total duration of 1 hour 30 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (20) Watch an anime with 2 or more episodes and an episode duration of 30 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (23) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and began airing between 2010 and 2014 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (46) Watch an anime that has at least 3 words in the main title that start with the same letter [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (51) Watch an anime where the difference between ranking and popularity is at least 1,000 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][Ranking When Started: | Popularity When Started: ][/color] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (75) Watch a listed [url=]Toonami[/url] anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (95) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Adventure[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (113) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Sports[/url], [url=]Combat Sports[/url], or [url=]Team Sports[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (130) Watch an anime that is tagged with [url=]Psychological[/url], [url=]Survival[/url], or [url=]Suspense[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*] [color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (134) Watch an anime rated G (All Ages) or PG (Children) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/spoiler]
@AWC_mod Initial Post Number: #000 ⏳ Challenge Start Date: MONTH DAY, YEAR (e.g. January 09, 2024 - the earliest date you started an anime for the challenge) ⌛ Challenge Finish Date: MONTH DAY, YEAR (e.g. December 10, 2024 - the date you finished watching your last anime for the challenge) 📜 Link to your completed anime list: 📜 Link to your Anime+: 🔍 Completed Anime (on sign-up date): COMPLETED_ANIME 🌐 Time Zone: UTC/GMT_ZONE 🔎 Anime in Forum Avatar/Signature: ANIME_USED (put N/A if none; refers to the anime series) ✏️ Legend: Watching - Completed - Inactive/Plan to Watch IMPORTANT To-Do List (remove list before turning in!)
💬 Challenge List: [ADD BBCODE FOR YOUR WORDS HERE - Make sure they all go ABOVE the four BBCode lines below] When posting this form I'm confirming that I have read the Rules, How to Participate, and the Challenge List with Explanations section in its entirety to the best of my abilities. |
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