Forum Settings
Oct 31, 2022 6:17 PM
a lil bean ✨

Feb 2011
Banner: Shey


Welcome to our newest event, the Haunted Casino.

 「 After wasting your time escaping the Mansion
and pigging away at the free candy you got here and there,
you decided to spend some leisure time
gambling away the riches you stole earned after much hard work. 」

 「 Ideally, you would have liked to have a look at the Auction House first,
but due to the plague and raids it's been some time since it managed to open.
While grumbling about how such a waste it was, you heard the rumors of a new fun place. 」

『 What could go wrong. I have nothing better to do. 』

Foolish creatures. Always muttering the same words.

 The idea was to have it earlier on during October, but better late than never.
Depending on how it plays out and what users think, it might become a recurrent seasonal event.
Any feedback, please don't hesitate to share it. It helps doing more things for everyone to enjoy.
(It's also as a celebration of sorts due to having more than 7,777 club members)
     ♣ You must purge Phantoms, to collect their Essentia, in order to play.

     ♣ You must meet with an Eidola in order to learn how to purge the Phantoms.

     ♠ Note that:
      — The Eidola are the staffers that will take part in the hosting side.
      — Purging Phantoms means completing the tasks given by that staff.
      — Essentia is the currency used in the casino, you may think of it as gems or tokens. It's earned by completing the received tasks.

  • HOW-TO: Visit the different Casino games we have prepared. Complete them according the provided instructions.
     — Games Section : these are about gambling, not watching anime. You do different things in order to earn points, Essentia and/or items to complete.

     — VIP Area : these rooms are ruled by different laws. You might gamble, you might be required to watch anime, maybe it's either or maybe it's both.

     — The Challenge Section : you have to pay Essentia in order to be able to do the items you wish to complete. This will work like any other regular challenges, in the sense that you must find anime that fits the requirements and earn points at the end. You will be allowed to start completing stuff before they are unlocked, if you are confident in your gambling skills. Otherwise you will incur debt.

  • Once the event is over, there's a small chance of triggering a Hidden Room.
     — Depending on the gains the Casino manages to make, there's a possibility of exchanging unused Essentia for Club Points.

     — It has been decided to add more winners to lottery, instead of this.
Request the Casino role on our AWCC discord. Go to the #roles-claiming-area channel and post the following with the link to your post:
@SheyCroix#6328  I understand that gambling is bad and addicting. I won't blame you for any afflictions.
post: <LINK>

Any question, please use the event channel on discord or just mention me on this thread.
Suggested by SheyCroix


Note that this section is for gambling. With gambling you might win or you might lose.
Under no circumstance must you take your anger on us if you lose big time. It is your responsibility and also your choice to participate.
Also, gambling is bad.

  1. Lottery Drawing 💰

     Earn the prestigious chance to win a grand total of 2 points just by adding your name to the pool.
     An incredible opportunity to earn points by not having to watch anime!

     How to enter your name, you ask? It's easy!
     You have but one chance to request to buy as many lottery tickets as you want.

     Once you are done in our Casino and before leaving, you may fill the provided form. You must submit it with your turn in.
     Each lottery ticket will only cost 10 Essentia🔮. Each ticket will add your name once to the pool.

     The Lottery will be held live after the Casino closes.
     The amount of winners will be decided after we know how many participants we have.

  2. Spin the Ouija 🧿 | Results

     Some of the Eidola have been gracious enough to prepare a wheel that will allow you a chance to earn a prize or receive a punishment.

     Think carefully before summoning them, as some aren't as compassionate as the others.

     Your first two summons are free. You will be allowed to buy one THREE more for only 5 Essentia each 🔮. All of them must be different Eidola.

     Note: You will summon a staffer listing to have a random roll from the options there.
     The random roll will occur on the discord channel, with a bot, so it serves as evidence.

     That list can award you with Essentia, deduct your Essentia, be a bust (nothing earned),
      a teleport circle (sends you to a different list) -OR- it will give you an item for The Challenge.

     Items received can be used on The Challenge, instead of having to buy one. It is up to you if you wish to do them or not, but you must include them on your post.

     Available Eidola: Shey, Ricky, Scarlet, Hub, Rage, Rage_Brat06, Bibi Dong, Beep


  3. The Conjuring 🎲 (Discord only ; limited) | Results

     Guess the correct number to earn a random amount of Essentia 🔮.
     It will happen occasionally, with the amount awarded varying per round.
     Visit our discord, request the role for this event and join the games at #🎰-the-conjuring channel.

  4. Wraith's Roulette 🎣 (Will occur around mid month)

     It will be your one chance to torture others.

     Join for the chance to earn challenge items for free, from a pool of items offered by others.

     To participate, you must submit two items. They can be new creations or from any of our challenges.
      ♦ Items refers to the requirements you usually see on our challenges. For example "Watch a TV series".
     After joining, you will be randomly placed in a group from which you will have a small amount of items to pick from.

     You will be required to complete an item from your assigned team that isn't your own.
     You will be allowed to select an extra item from the whole list (same group; other than your own).
     This required item will count as one item on your Challenge.

     The roulette will happen twice, around mid month (once in Nov / once in Dec).
     You can join only one or both.

     Note: earning a Wraith's Roulette Pass will allow you to select an item for free, for The Challenge.
     Available with the Ouija.

     Listing from : first round | second round

  5. Ross Disciple 🎨

     Creating is your passion, so it manifested itself as a skill that helps you in purging the Phantoms.

     Create and donate (on this thread) participant and completed badges for this event.
     They can be general or made for each part. Mention SheyCroix for the donation.

     Badges that follow the donation requirements will be added and awarded with 3 Essentia 🔮 each.
     At most, 6 badges per user will be counted for Essentia (total of 18 Essentia 🔮). You may still donate more if you would like to help us out.

  6. BONUS GAME: BeanJack 👻 (requires The Challenge ; pairs will be revealed later)
     It's another incredible chance to earn 1 point easily!

     To be able to earn this bonus, you must complete The Challenge.
      ♦ You can sign up ahead of time, but if you don't manage to turn in before the challenge period is over, your partner wins by default.
      ♦ If you wait until too late to sign up, there's a chance that there won't be any pairings left.

     How does it work?
      You will be randomly assigned to a partner. You win if you watched more anime than them during the duration of this event.
      "Anime" will be counted as the individual entries here on MAL and it won't be restricted to the anime watched for this event.
      Meaning that all anime the user watched after this event starts will count.
      It will be required that your anime has the dates added on your list, otherwise they won't be added to your final count.
      Personally, I would save this link with the name of your partner, for easier stalking.

     For you to be able to join, there must be at least five others interested.
     So after the initial pairing is released, there must be a minimum of six participants for this to activate.

     Brackets: Team Kame | Team Usagi | Results


  • Challenge Difficulties:
    Easy: 4 series | 0.50 points
    Medium: 8 series | 1 point
    Hard: 12 series | 1.50 points
    Conquered: 16 series | 2 points
     — There are extra requirements, you only need to do those required by your difficulty.
     — No second run (x2) available.

  • Previously completed series aren't allowed. Neither is re-watching.
     — Series previously started, but not finished, may be used.
     — Airing can be used, but you must complete the series, so you can only turn-in the challenge after the series has finished airing.

  • Any type is allowed, but must be equal to or longer than 15 minutes (total).

  • Start date is the same for everyone, so if you join late but have completed anime during this period, you can use it.
     — Remember that it's required to add the start and end dates to any anime you use for our challenges.

  • You cannot use the same entry more than once.
     — Applies across the different parts.
     — The series used for The Challenge, Poker and Tarot can't overlap.

  • Remove any unused items.

SheyCroixFeb 24, 2023 9:07 AM




This topic has been locked and is no longer available for discussion.
Pages (9) [1] 2 3 » ... Last »
Oct 31, 2022 6:17 PM
a lil bean ✨

Feb 2011


🎰 Slots Machines | Hosted by AatihoNora

🃏 Amalgam Poker | Hosted by MegaManBK7 | Game

  • Overview:
     This game has challengers play poker in groups of four, with everybody competing for the strongest hand that they can make. Almost Every genre has been assigned to a card, and you will need to watch a series for each card that you would like to use that has the same genre. The game will have two phases, the dealing/watching phases and the showdown/turn-in phase, with sign-ups available until the end of the first phase.

  • The Poker Table has been moved to its own thread here.

Tarot Corner | Hosted by Myelin_sr

SheyCroixNov 5, 2022 2:06 PM




Oct 31, 2022 6:17 PM
a lil bean ✨

Feb 2011

Please make sure to fill all fields.


Please make sure to read.
Turn in just once, when you complete everything you wanted to attempt.

SheyCroixOct 31, 2022 7:43 PM




Oct 31, 2022 6:17 PM
a lil bean ✨

Feb 2011

The use of badges is for those that are participating on this event.

To use it, you may copy the provided link or save/rehost it. They can be used on your signature, profile, blog or tracking thread.

SheyCroixMar 6, 2023 6:02 PM




Oct 31, 2022 6:17 PM
a lil bean ✨

Feb 2011

Users that Completed THE CHALLENGE Successfully
— & Slots Jackpot 🎰 —

Thanks for participating!

Other Turn Ins:

Amalgam Poker
Tarot Corner

SheyCroixMay 30, 2023 7:00 PM




Oct 31, 2022 6:17 PM
a lil bean ✨

Feb 2011

👻 BeanJack Winners 👻
— Team Kame | Team Usagi

Thanks for participating!

Special thanks to Wyvern22 for helping with the inspections

SheyCroixMay 30, 2023 7:01 PM




Oct 31, 2022 6:18 PM
a lil bean ✨

Feb 2011

💰 Lottery Winners 💰

Thanks for participating!

SheyCroixMay 29, 2023 4:21 PM




Oct 31, 2022 6:18 PM
a lil bean ✨

Feb 2011
🎲 Haunted Casino 📌
completed 🍒 watching 🍒 planning
can use prev started but not prev completed ; 15+ mins ; any type

Cmpl casino tagCAL.s

👻 BeanJack Partner: Yterbium [Team Usagi]
  [85 vs 92 — between Nov 01, 2022 to Dec 31, 2022]

THE CHALLENGE Starting Date: November 01, 2022
THE CHALLENGE Ending Date: January 31, 2023
🔒 Challenge Difficulty: Conquered (16 series)

🎰 Slots Machines

Tarot Corner — site

Tarot Cards Starting Date: Nov 01, 2022
Tarot Cards Ending Date: Jan 16, 2023

(by HimeCrycho)
SheyCroixMay 27, 2023 6:08 PM




Oct 31, 2022 6:48 PM
Space Brother

Mar 2015

🎲 Haunted Casino 🎲

Starting Date: November 01, 2022
Ending Date: January 16, 2023

Challenge Difficulty: Conquered
    🔮 Essentia from The Ouija: 25
    • 5 (2nd summon)
    • 20 (5th summon)
    🔮 Essentia from The Conjuring: 46
    • 5 (round 1)
    • 5 (round 6)
    • 8 (round 54)
    • 10 (round 62)
    • 18 (round 79)
    🔮 Essentia from Donations: 0

    🔮 Essentia from Slots: 125
    🔮 Essentia from Poker: 0
     — Poker Turn-In: 🔗
    🔮 Essentia from Tarot: 60

    🔮 Total Essentia Earned: 256
    • Total Lost/Spent: 36
      • Spent on challenge items
        • 6 (Dates - 2 items)
        • 10 (Relations/Ratings - full unlock)
      • Oujia summons
        • 15 (total spent to receive 3rd, 4th, and 5th summons)
        • 5 (lost on 4th summon)

    🔮 Essentia Leftover: 220


🎰 Slots Machines

Tarot Corner

(by Jeon_Asuna)
SheyCroixMar 6, 2023 5:59 PM

"An earnest failure has meaning."

"Nothing is definite in this world. But it's okay.
Some things within me are definite."
Oct 31, 2022 6:51 PM

Jan 2013
🎲 Haunted Casino 🎲
Starting Date: November 01, 2022
Ending Date: January 03, 2023

Challenge Difficulty: Conquered
🔮 Essentia from The Ouija: #0
🔮 Essentia from The Conjuring: #0
🔮 Essentia from Donations: #0
 — Donation Post: ✘

🔮 Essentia from Slots: #125 115
🔮 Essentia from Poker: #0
 — Poker Turn-In: ✘
🔮 Essentia from Tarot: #60

🔮 Total Essentia Earned: #185 175
 — Total Lost/Spent: #24

🔮 Essentia Leftover: #161 151
🎰 Slots Machines
Tarot Corner


set 4 edited, didn't fix. See here
SheyCroixMay 27, 2023 6:44 PM
Oct 31, 2022 6:51 PM
King of Justice

Mar 2017

🎲 Haunted Casino 🎲

Starting Date: November 09, 2022
Ending Date: January 31, 2023

Challenge Difficulty: Conquered

🔮 Essentia from The Ouija: 0
🔮 Essentia from The Conjuring: 44
🔮 Essentia from Donations: 18
 — Donation Post: Link

🔮 Essentia from Slots: 125
🔮 Essentia from Poker: 0
 — Poker Turn-In: Link
🔮 Essentia from Tarot: 60

🔮 Total Essentia Earned: 247
 — Total Lost/Spent: 16

🔮 Essentia Leftover: 231

🎰 Slots Machines

Tarot Corner

SheyCroixMay 27, 2023 4:31 PM
Oct 31, 2022 6:53 PM

Dec 2018

🎲 Haunted Casino 🎲

Starting Date: November 01, 2022
Ending Date: January 28, 2022

Challenge Difficulty: Hard

🔮 Essentia from The Ouija: #-14
🔮 Essentia from The Conjuring: #0
🔮 Essentia from Donations: #0
 — Donation Post: n/A

🔮 Essentia from Slots: #0
🔮 Essentia from Poker: #0
 — Poker Turn-In: n/A
🔮 Essentia from Tarot: #30

🔮 Total Essentia Earned: #16
 — Total Lost/Spent: #10

🔮 Essentia Leftover: #6

Tarot Corner

  1. [X]Watch an anime that is at least 30 minutes and has the Action Genre, does not have the Fantasy Genre, and has either the Samurai Theme, Iyashikei Theme, or Androids Theme Tag : Frame Arms Girl Movie: Kyakkya Ufufu na Wonderland
  2. [X]Watch an anime that is at least 30 minutes and has the Supernatural Genre, does not have the Action Genre, and has either the Space Theme, Video Game Theme, or Maids Theme Tag : Vanitas no Karte: Le Chemin Parcouru Depuis la Rencontre
  3. [X]Watch an anime that is at least 30 minutes and has the Supernatural Genre, does not have the Slice of Life Genre, and has either the Super Power Theme, Detective Theme, or Detectives Theme Tag: Towa no Quon 1: Utakata no Kaben

SheyCroixMay 25, 2023 5:16 PM
Coolest/Funniest quotes from animes:
People die when they are killed - Shirou Emiya, Fate/Stay Night
Did you really think killing me would be enough to make me die - Anos Voldigoad, Maou Gakuin
My orders are absolute / Boku no meirei wa zettai da - Seijuro Akashi, Kuroko no Basket
D-D-D-DISGUSTING!!! - Erina Nakiri, Shokugeki no Souma
KISS KISS FALL IN LOVE - Ouran High School Host Club OP
Oct 31, 2022 6:54 PM
Phantom Thief

Jan 2012

🎲 Haunted Casino 🎲

Starting Date: November 01, 2022
Ending Date: January 30, 2023

Challenge Difficulty: Conquered

🔮 Essentia from The Ouija: # -15
🔮 Essentia from The Conjuring: #22
🔮 Essentia from Donations: # 0
 — Donation Post:

🔮 Essentia from Slots: #125 [[(#25 Essentia) x 5 Sets]]
🔮 Essentia from Poker: -dropout-
 — Poker Turn-In: n/a
🔮 Essentia from Tarot: ##60

🔮 Total Essentia Earned: #207
 — Total Lost/Spent: -52 (37 for challenge, 15 for eidola)

🔮 Essentia Leftover: #155

🎰 Slots Machines
🎰 Slots Machines

Tarot Corner

SheyCroixMay 28, 2023 9:31 AM
Oct 31, 2022 6:54 PM

Jul 2019

🎲 Haunted Casino 🎲

Starting Date: November 01, 2022
Ending Date: January 28, 2022

Challenge Difficulty: Conquered

🔮 Essentia from The Ouija: #0
🔮 Essentia from The Conjuring: #0
🔮 Essentia from Donations: #0
 — Donation Post:

🔮 Essentia from Slots: #75
🔮 Essentia from Poker: #0
 — Poker Turn-In:
🔮 Essentia from Tarot: #60

🔮 Total Essentia Earned: #135
 — Total Lost/Spent: #37

🔮 Essentia Leftover: #98

BeanJack Partner Ariies_

🎰 Slots Machines

🎰 Slots Machines

Tarot Corner

Tarot Corner

(by Shey / lostnyanko)
SheyCroixMay 29, 2023 9:50 AM
Oct 31, 2022 6:57 PM

Jan 2015

🎲 Haunted Casino 🎲

Starting Date: November 01, 2022
Ending Date: January 07, 2023

Challenge Difficulty: Conquered

🔮 Essentia from The Ouija: #
🔮 Essentia from The Conjuring: #
🔮 Essentia from Donations: #
 — Donation Post:

🔮 Essentia from Slots: #
🔮 Essentia from Poker: #
 — Poker Turn-In:
🔮 Essentia from Tarot: #6

🔮 Total Essentia Earned: #60
 — Total Lost/Spent: #50

🔮 Essentia Leftover: #10

🎰 Slots Machines

(add here)

Tarot Corner

SheyCroixMay 27, 2023 10:47 AM
"No matter what painful things happens, even when it looks like you'll lose... when no one else in the world believes in you... when you don't even believe in yourself... I will believe in you!"

Oct 31, 2022 6:59 PM

Oct 2013

🎲 Haunted Casino 🎲

Starting Date: November 01, 2022
Ending Date: November 26, 2022

Challenge Difficulty: Conquered

🔮 Essentia from The Ouija: --
🔮 Essentia from The Conjuring: #2
🔮 Essentia from Donations: --
 — Donation Post:

🔮 Essentia from Slots: #80
🔮 Essentia from Poker: --
 — Poker Turn-In:
🔮 Essentia from Tarot: --

🔮 Total Essentia Earned: #82
 — Total Lost/Spent: #30

🔮 Essentia Leftover: # 52

🎰 Slots Machines

SheyCroixFeb 24, 2023 11:17 AM
Oct 31, 2022 7:02 PM
bow chicka wow

Jan 2021
 /ᐠ‥ᐟ\ ptcrulesawchc tagart credit

SheyCroixMay 26, 2023 4:32 PM
Oct 31, 2022 7:04 PM

May 2021

🎲 Haunted Casino 🎲

Starting Date: November 01 2022
Ending Date: January 30 2023
Challenge Difficulty: Medium

🔮 Essentia from The Ouija: #
🔮 Essentia from The Conjuring: #
🔮 Essentia from Donations: #
 — Donation Post:

🔮 Essentia from Slots: #
🔮 Essentia from Poker: #
 — Poker Turn-In:
🔮 Essentia from Tarot: 30

🔮 Total Essentia Earned: 30
 — Total Lost/Spent: 19

🔮 Essentia Leftover: 11

🎰 Slots Machines

(add here)

Tarot Corner

Links to casino games for easy access:
Roulette -
Stalking -

SheyCroixMay 26, 2023 7:08 PM
DigiCat is on Vacation!
Oct 31, 2022 7:08 PM
Probably a Maso

Dec 2014


Starting Date: November 01, 2022
Ending Date: January 31, 2023

Challenge Difficulty: Conquered

🔮 Essentia from The Ouija: 10
🔮 Essentia from The Conjuring: 14
🔮 Essentia from Donations: 18
 — Donation Post:

🔮 Essentia from Slots: 125
🔮 Essentia from Poker: 0
 — Poker Turn-In:
🔮 Essentia from Tarot: 60

🔮 Total Essentia Earned: 227
 — Total Lost/Spent: 19

🔮 Essentia Leftover: 208

🎰 Slots Machines

Tarot Corner

SheyCroixMay 27, 2023 1:33 PM
Oct 31, 2022 7:08 PM
Dragon Idol

May 2017

🎲 Haunted Casino 🎲

Starting Date: November 01, 2022
Ending Date: January 31, 2023

Challenge Difficulty: Hard

🔮 Essentia from The Ouija: #10
🔮 Essentia from The Conjuring: #6
🔮 Essentia from Donations: #0
 — Donation Post: N/A

🔮 Essentia from Slots: #25
🔮 Essentia from Poker: #????
 — Poker Turn-In:
🔮 Essentia from Tarot: #60?

🔮 Total Essentia Earned: #101?
 — Total Lost/Spent: #10

🔮 Essentia Leftover: # 91?

🎰 Slots Machines

🎰 Slots Machines

Tarot Corner

Tarot Corner

Wraith Roulette Sign-Up
Wraith Roulette Sign-Up x2
Poker Turn-In

Top of Thread

(by lostnyanko)
SheyCroixMay 27, 2023 10:32 AM
Oct 31, 2022 7:17 PM

Apr 2015

🎲 Haunted Casino 🎲

Starting Date: November 01, 2022
Ending Date: DATE (example: December 10, 2022)

Challenge Difficulty: Easy / Medium / Hard / Conquered (pick one)

🔮 Essentia from The Ouija: #
🔮 Essentia from The Conjuring: #
🔮 Essentia from Donations: #
 — Donation Post:

🔮 Essentia from Slots: #
🔮 Essentia from Poker: #
 — Poker Turn-In:
🔮 Essentia from Tarot: #

🔮 Total Essentia Earned: #
 — Total Lost/Spent: #

🔮 Essentia Leftover: # (at turn-in)

🎰 Slots Machines

(add here)

Tarot Corner

Tarot Corner

LucNov 3, 2022 5:28 PM
Candy Collection:
Oct 31, 2022 7:21 PM

Nov 2018
🎲Haunted Casino🎲

Starting Date: November 01, 2022
Ending Date: January 29, 2023
Challenge Difficulty: Conquered

🔮 Essentia from The Ouija: 0
🔮 Essentia from The Conjuring: 12
🔮 Essentia from Donations: 18
 — Donation Post:

🔮 Essentia from Slots: 125
🔮 Essentia from Poker: 20
 — Poker Turn-In:
🔮 Essentia from Tarot: 60

🔮 Total Essentia Earned: 235
 — Total Lost/Spent: 22

🔮 Essentia Leftover: 213 (at turn-in)

🎰 Slots Machines [16/16]

Tarot Corner [06/06]

🃏 Poker Reminder [05/05]

(by lostnyanko)
SheyCroixMay 30, 2023 7:02 PM
Oct 31, 2022 7:22 PM

Dec 2015
Oct 31, 2022 7:24 PM

Jul 2008
Challenge Rules
• Time Zone: Spain
• Starting Date: November 1, 2022
• Ending Date: January 31, 2023
• Progress: [✔] Conquered: 16/16
• Leyend: Completed: [✔] || Incompleted: [✘]

🎰 Slots Machines

🃏 Amalgam Poker

Tarot Corner

SheyCroixMay 27, 2023 11:19 AM

Oct 31, 2022 7:30 PM

Nov 2018

🎲 Haunted Casino 🎲

Starting Date: November 01, 2022
Ending Date: January 31, 2023

Challenge Difficulty: Conquered

🔮 Essentia from The Ouija: 0
🔮 Essentia from The Conjuring: 0
🔮 Essentia from Donations: 0
 — Donation Post:

🔮 Essentia from Slots: 125 120
🔮 Essentia from Poker: 0
 — Poker Turn-In:
🔮 Essentia from Tarot: 30

🔮 Total Essentia Earned: 155 150
 — Total Lost/Spent: 19

🔮 Essentia Leftover: 136 131

🎰 Slots Machines

Tarot Corner


Set 3 is invalid for 4 genres. The Drama tag was removed from
"Otome Game no Hametsu Flag shika Nai Akuyaku Reijou ni Tensei shiteshimatta..."
"Otome Game no Hametsu Flag shika Nai Akuyaku Reijou ni Tensei shiteshimatta... X"
before one of them was watched and before the challenge was completed.

Since it's the only invalid thing, I lowered the chain and edited the essentia
It doesn't affect the requested tickets for lottery
SheyCroixMay 26, 2023 7:42 PM
Oct 31, 2022 7:34 PM

Aug 2017

🎲 Haunted Casino 🎲

Starting Date: Nov 01, 2022
Ending Date: Jan 29, 2023

Challenge Difficulty: Conquered

🔮 Essentia from The Ouija: -
🔮 Essentia from The Conjuring: -
🔮 Essentia from Donations: -

🔮 Essentia from Slots: 75
🔮 Essentia from Poker: -
 — Poker Turn-In:
🔮 Essentia from Tarot: 60

🔮 Total Essentia Earned: 135
 — Total Lost/Spent: 20 + 20 + 6 = 46

🔮 Essentia Leftover: 89 (at turn-in)

🎰 Slots Machines

Tarot Corner

(by lostnyanko)
SheyCroixMay 27, 2023 7:05 PM
Oct 31, 2022 7:41 PM

Aug 2015

🎲 Haunted Casino 🎲

Starting Date: November 01, 2022
Ending Date: January 27, 2023

Challenge Difficulty: Conquered

🔮 Essentia from Tarot: 60

🔮 Total Essentia Earned: 60
 — Total Lost/Spent: 49

🔮 Essentia Leftover: 11

🎰 Slots Machines

(add here)

Tarot Corner

( by Jeon_Asuna )
SheyCroixMay 25, 2023 2:01 PM
Oct 31, 2022 7:50 PM
King of Justice

Mar 2017

Name: bigdud24
Anime List: List

Oct 31, 2022 7:53 PM
King of Justice

Mar 2017
👻 BeanJack Request 👻

Name: bigdud24

Last Anime Completed by October 31, 2022: Hyouka

Stalking Link:
SheyCroixNov 1, 2022 4:32 PM
Oct 31, 2022 8:01 PM

Feb 2010
🎲 Haunted Casino 🎲
Starting Date: November 01, 2022
Ending Date: December 26, 2022
Challenge Difficulty: Conquered

👻BeanJack Partner/Stalker: Target

🎰 Slots Machines

Tarot Corner

SheyCroixMay 27, 2023 7:44 PM

Oct 31, 2022 8:25 PM

Dec 2018
👻 BeanJack Request 👻

Name: JmePenseBonne

Last Anime Completed by October 31, 2022: Hakuouki: Reimeiroku

Stalking Link:
SheyCroixNov 1, 2022 4:32 PM
Coolest/Funniest quotes from animes:
People die when they are killed - Shirou Emiya, Fate/Stay Night
Did you really think killing me would be enough to make me die - Anos Voldigoad, Maou Gakuin
My orders are absolute / Boku no meirei wa zettai da - Seijuro Akashi, Kuroko no Basket
D-D-D-DISGUSTING!!! - Erina Nakiri, Shokugeki no Souma
KISS KISS FALL IN LOVE - Ouran High School Host Club OP
Oct 31, 2022 8:31 PM
Space Brother

Mar 2015
👻 BeanJack Request 👻

Name: dierubikdie

Last Anime Completed by October 31, 2022: Fushigi na Somera-chan

Stalking Link:
SheyCroixNov 1, 2022 4:32 PM

"An earnest failure has meaning."

"Nothing is definite in this world. But it's okay.
Some things within me are definite."
Oct 31, 2022 8:31 PM

Nov 2018
👻 BeanJack Request 👻

Name: ShockZz

Last Anime Completed by October 31, 2022: Saraiya Goyou

Stalking Link:
SheyCroixNov 1, 2022 4:31 PM
Oct 31, 2022 8:32 PM
Space Brother

Mar 2015

Name: dierubikdie
Anime List: List

Comment: can't read my can't read my

"An earnest failure has meaning."

"Nothing is definite in this world. But it's okay.
Some things within me are definite."
Oct 31, 2022 8:34 PM

Jul 2015

🎲 Haunted Casino 🎲

Starting Date: November 01, 2022
Ending Date: January 20, 2023
Challenge Difficulty: Conquered

🔮 Essentia from The Ouija: 0
🔮 Essentia from The Conjuring: 22
🔮 Essentia from Donations: 6
 — Donation Post: #185

🔮 Essentia from Slots: 75
🔮 Essentia from Poker: 20
 — Poker Turn-In: #50
🔮 Essentia from Tarot: 40

🔮 Total Essentia Earned: 163
 — Total Lost/Spent: 19

🔮 Essentia Leftover: 144

🎰 Slots Machines

Tarot Corner

SheyCroixMar 6, 2023 7:07 PM
Oct 31, 2022 8:37 PM

Jul 2008

🎲 Haunted Casino 🎲

Starting Date: November 01, 2022
Ending Date: January 20, 2023

Challenge Difficulty: Conquered

🔮 Essentia from The Ouija: -10
🔮 Essentia from The Conjuring: 26 (won on 11/11 and 11/?? and 1/29)
🔮 Essentia from Donations: 18
 — Donation Post:

🔮 Essentia from Slots: 100
🔮 Essentia from Poker: #
 — Poker Turn-In:
🔮 Essentia from Tarot: 60

🔮 Total Essentia Earned: 194
 — Total Lost/Spent: Lost 5 on 11/2/22, Spent 5 for 3rd Ouija pull on 11/2/22, 10 to unlock all of Relations/Ratings, 6 to unlock some of dates section

🔮 Essentia Leftover: 178

🎰 Slots Machines

🎰 Slots Machines

Tarot Corner

Tarot Corner

(by Jeon_Asuna)
SheyCroixMay 28, 2023 2:20 PM
Oct 31, 2022 9:15 PM

Oct 2020

🎲 Haunted Casino 🎲

Starting Date: November 01, 2022
Ending Date: January 30, 2023

Challenge Difficulty: Conquered

🔮 Essentia from The Ouija: 0
🔮 Essentia from The Conjuring: 0
🔮 Essentia from Donations: 0
 — Donation Post:

🔮 Essentia from Slots: 125
🔮 Essentia from Poker: 0
 — Poker Turn-In:
🔮 Essentia from Tarot: 60

🔮 Total Essentia Earned: 185
 — Total Lost/Spent: 16 (10 from Relations/Ratings, 6 from Dates)

🔮 Essentia Leftover: 169

🎰 Slots Machines

Tarot Corner

SheyCroixMay 26, 2023 6:45 PM
Oct 31, 2022 9:21 PM
Phantom Thief

Jan 2012
👻 BeanJack Request 👻

Name: Rage_Beat06

Last Anime Completed by October 31, 2022: Sakasama no Patema

Stalking Link:
SheyCroixNov 1, 2022 4:30 PM
Oct 31, 2022 9:24 PM
Phantom Thief

Jan 2012
🎣 Wraith's Roulette Request — pt.1 🎣

Items Submitted:

[*][X] Watch a series from the Hidden Gems of Anime Club
Must appear listed under "Anime Relations".

[*][X] Watch a series related to a previously watched series
Can be a Side Story, Alternative Version/Setting, Summary, Sequels/Prequels, etc.

--- Added to Pool ---
SheyCroixNov 7, 2022 7:51 AM
Oct 31, 2022 9:25 PM
Phantom Thief

Jan 2012

Name: Rage_Beat06
Anime List: List

Comment: this will be interesting
Oct 31, 2022 9:40 PM

Nov 2018

Name: ShockZz
Anime List: List
Oct 31, 2022 9:47 PM

Jul 2008
🎣 Wraith's Roulette Request — pt.1 🎣

Items Submitted:

[*][X] Watch an anime where a main character has pink hair
State the character used.

[*][X] Watch a movie that aired the year your joined MAL

--- Added to Pool ---
SheyCroixNov 7, 2022 8:03 AM
Oct 31, 2022 9:49 PM

Jul 2015
👻 BeanJack Request 👻

Name: Jaikeis

Last Anime Completed by October 31, 2022: Ayakashi: Japanese Classic Horror

Stalking Link:
SheyCroixNov 1, 2022 4:29 PM
Oct 31, 2022 9:52 PM

Jul 2008
👻 BeanJack Request 👻

Name: HimeCrycho

Last Anime Completed by October 31, 2022: Sonic X Pilot

Stalking Link:
SheyCroixNov 1, 2022 4:34 PM
Oct 31, 2022 9:54 PM

Jul 2015

Name: Jaikeis
Anime List: List

Comment: saving trying to understand what this is for when it happens
Oct 31, 2022 10:03 PM

Jul 2008

Name: Himecrycho
Anime List: List

Comment: Ill probably bug you if I get confused, but I am excited to play it!
Oct 31, 2022 10:12 PM
King of Justice

Mar 2017
🎣 Wraith's Roulette Request — pt.1 🎣

Items Submitted:

[*][X] Watch an OVA

[*][X] Watch a Theme Tags: Detectives anime
Must appear listed.

--- Added to Pool ---
SheyCroixNov 7, 2022 8:26 AM
Oct 31, 2022 10:28 PM
bow chicka wow

Jan 2021
👻 BeanJack Request 👻

Name: coziitsu

Last Anime Completed by October 31, 2022: Isekai Yakkyoku

Stalking Link:
SheyCroixNov 1, 2022 4:35 PM
Oct 31, 2022 10:30 PM
bow chicka wow

Jan 2021
🎨 Ross Disciple Donation 🎨

[img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img]

[img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img]

Edit: Anime Source: Bungou Stray Dogs

--- Added ---
coziitsuNov 11, 2022 6:26 PM
Oct 31, 2022 10:56 PM
bow chicka wow

Jan 2021
🎣 Wraith's Roulette Request — pt.1 🎣

Items Submitted:

[*][X] Watch a Seinen anime

[*][X] Watch a CGDCT anime

--- Added to Pool ---
SheyCroixNov 7, 2022 8:27 AM
This topic has been locked and is no longer available for discussion.
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