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Sep 15, 2016 3:35 AM

Apr 2016
Hi. I’m looking for animes that have an actual ending (either an original or a full-adaptation of its source). I’ll put here 4 lists; one for completed animes, another is for the ones whose sources are still on-going/hiatus/whatever their status is but they have a good enough closure, a 3rd list of titles that I’m not sure about them and the last list is for titles with only one episode. (No Cars/Josei/Kids/Shoujo/Shoujo Ai/Shounen Ai/Sports/Yaoi/Yuri tags. There are some suggestions in the following posts related to these tags, like some Shoujo in post #12):

1. Complete:

And here's a link to the originals:
I didn't want to add them all to the list without confirming their ending, but since @SeijiSensei suggested it too, then here it is. If any one can confirm any of those titles' closure, then be sure to post here, thanks for your help. :)
Another I forgot to add:

2. Good closure/ending to not fully adapted series (whether their sources are complete/on-going/hiatus) OR near full adapted series:

3. Not sure (If someone already watched one of these and knows if they have a closure or not):

4. Complete single episodes (or movies):

Throw in your titles to have as much titles as possible with a closure in one place. Doesn't matter if it's too old.
Raccoon_CitizenSep 30, 2022 3:44 PM
Pages (2) [1] 2 »
Sep 15, 2016 8:03 AM

Apr 2016

Okay, thanks! I added everything to the first list except for HxH in the second.
If anyone has anything to add, go ahead. Old/new, doesn't matter. And check on the "Not sure" list to confirm those if they have/don't have an ending.
Sep 15, 2016 8:25 AM

Mar 2016
Bounen no Xamdou (it's in the not sure list) does have a complete ending. It's an original anime too.

Baccano has a complete ending

Assassination Classroom + Assassination Classroom season 2 - together these 2 seasons cover the whole manga
Sep 15, 2016 8:25 AM

Apr 2016

If only there was a some sort of "Conclusion" tag on MAL lol
Sep 15, 2016 10:14 AM
Jun 2015
Chrono crusade does have a definite ending...but something was....i guess you could say left open....

The manga has a different ending then the anime. I haven't read the manga but I've heard somethings are resolved that weren't in the show.
Sep 15, 2016 10:54 AM

May 2012
Both seasons of Gatchaman Crowds end fairly conclusively though the end of the first season does leave open the opportunity for the second. In both seasons, though, the main dramatic issue is resolved.

You should also take a look at
Sep 15, 2016 10:51 PM

Apr 2016
magicalprincess said:
Chrono crusade does have a definite ending...but something was....i guess you could say left open....

The manga has a different ending then the anime. I haven't read the manga but I've heard somethings are resolved that weren't in the show.
SeijiSensei said:
Both seasons of Gatchaman Crowds end fairly conclusively though the end of the first season does leave open the opportunity for the second. In both seasons, though, the main dramatic issue is resolved.

You should also take a look at

Okay, both added. Thanks! (Chrono Crusade in the first list as an alternate ending)

@SeijiSensei I already know about this link, but I'm not sure it's safe to assume that all original animes have a conclusion or if some of them were left open for a sequel but didn't make it (or a sequel will happen but not yet).
Raccoon_CitizenSep 15, 2016 10:54 PM
Sep 26, 2016 11:43 PM

Apr 2016
Corpse Party added.
Sep 27, 2016 1:15 AM

Sep 2014
Inuyasha anime is complete, the ending is called Inuyasha the Final Act(it baffles me how so few people know of this).

Maison Ikkoku

Ranma 1/2(only the manga has the real ending)

The Mysterous Cities of Gold(the original series was a completed story, but now they are trying to extend such)

Hanasakeru Seishounen

Deltora quest(the original anime run has a proper closure, but the manga goes further with even more closure. However ignore the Japanese only episodes, as they don't belong to the anime/manga story at all, they were just tacked on at the end as a means to keep a anime that finished, on the TV longer).

Fushigi Yuugi: The Mysterious Play(technically not 100% sure about this, but I can't imagine how the anime could not be the completed story)

Record of Lodoss War: Chronicles of the Heroic Knight
Sep 27, 2016 1:43 AM

Apr 2016
Zoltor said:
Inuyasha anime is complete, the ending is called Inuyasha the Final Act(it baffles me how so few people know of this).

Maison Ikkoku

Ranma 1/2(only the manga has the real ending)

The Mysterous Cities of Gold(the original series was a completed story, but now they are trying to extend such)

Hanasakeru Seishounen

Deltora quest(the original anime run has a proper closure, but the manga goes further with even more closure. However ignore the Japanese only episodes, as they don't belong to the anime/manga story at all, they were just tacked on at the end as a means to keep a anime that finished, on the TV longer).

Fushigi Yuugi: The Mysterious Play(technically not 100% sure about this, but I can't imagine how the anime could not be the completed story)

Record of Lodoss War: Chronicles of the Heroic Knight

Don't worry, both Inuyasha and Maison Ikkoku were there. (Just confirm me if Inuyusha's epilogue from Manga was adapted or not)

I added Ranma 1/2 to the second list.

Deltora Quest and The Mysterous Cities of Gold to the first.

Even though I said no to certain tags in the main post, I added a reference to yours for some shoujo.

Record of Lodoss War: (apparently, there are 2 versions) This one?
Raccoon_CitizenSep 27, 2016 2:35 AM
Sep 27, 2016 2:44 AM

Sep 2014
Raccoon_Citizen said:
Zoltor said:
Inuyasha anime is complete, the ending is called Inuyasha the Final Act(it baffles me how so few people know of this).

Maison Ikkoku

Ranma 1/2(only the manga has the real ending)

The Mysterous Cities of Gold(the original series was a completed story, but now they are trying to extend such)

Hanasakeru Seishounen

Deltora quest(the original anime run has a proper closure, but the manga goes further with even more closure. However ignore the Japanese only episodes, as they don't belong to the anime/manga story at all, they were just tacked on at the end as a means to keep a anime that finished, on the TV longer).

Fushigi Yuugi: The Mysterious Play(technically not 100% sure about this, but I can't imagine how the anime could not be the completed story)

Record of Lodoss War: Chronicles of the Heroic Knight

Don't worry, both Inuyasha and Maison Ikkoku were there. (Just confirm me if Inuyusha's epilogue from Manga was adapted or not)

I added Ranma 1/2 to the second list.

Deltora Quest and The Mysterous Cities of Gold to the first.

Even though I said no to certain tags in the main post, I added a reference to yours for some shoujo.

Record of Lodoss War: This one?

Yes, the Inuyasha anime, and manga are both finished, the anime ending is literally called "Inuyasha the Final Act", also a unique twist in the industry, is the ending of the manga, was created to be used for created the script for the anime, so yea(the anime was definitely not a passing thought in this situation) the anime has real closure.

Cool I appreciate that, I really couldn't help but list Hanasakeru Seishounen, it doesn't use any of the staples that would define such as a shoujo, and It's a very serious Drama/Romance anime, which also has some of the best character building out there.

Yea, that's the one :)
Oct 4, 2016 3:41 PM

Apr 2016
Hell Girl added. (Read the note that I left in case you decide to watch it and didn't see it)

91 Days added. *
Oct 7, 2016 4:48 PM
Jul 2016

Nice list. Think i saw a few titles listed I haven't seen yet, so this list is much appreciated. I would like to add Requiem for the Phantom, and RIN ~Daughters of Mnemosyne.

I'd give both a B+ or A-, guess everyone's grading scale is a bit different, as well as what they personally like. Warning about RIN ~Daughters of Mnemosyne, though, if you didnt like the amount of gore/violence in Higurashi no Naku, stay away from this one.

Oh, "Working"? Why's that listed as complete? I really don't think it had enuff story to be listed as complete or INCOMPLETE. Don't get me wrong, I'd deff recommend a watch for that series, but if you're looking for something less "episodic" and more story driven (I would think you are if you're reading this thread), I'd watch something else instead.
ironysteethOct 7, 2016 4:53 PM
Oct 8, 2016 1:16 AM

Apr 2016
Thanks! Phantom was added to the first list. (I already know about Mnemosyne but I already said no to certain tags in the main post lol)

Working!! (I'm talking about the original, not WWW Working!!) did end with this one while resolving some characters' problems. And it is a slice of life, so yeah.
Oct 8, 2016 1:45 AM

Apr 2010
Both Sengouku Musou and durarara are closed. I don't know about the games, but it has absolute ending. About Durarara, it gets to the end of the novels (though technically you can stop on season one).

Tewrs to Tiara
Ace attorney
Chrono Crusade
Dramatical murder (I know it's shoujo, but that's probably because it's fron yaoi games, though there's nothing like that in the anime)

Oct 8, 2016 2:50 AM

Apr 2016
EfiChan said:
Both Sengouku Musou and durarara are closed. I don't know about the games, but it has absolute ending. About Durarara, it gets to the end of the novels (though technically you can stop on season one).

Tewrs to Tiara
Ace attorney
Chrono Crusade
Dramatical murder (I know it's shoujo, but that's probably because it's fron yaoi games, though there's nothing like that in the anime)

I remember reading and seeing some stuff from Dramatical Murder that makes it fall under some tags from the main post. (Plus it being from a yaoi VN). I'll leave that one out.

I added the rest with your comment on Durarara. (Removed both Durarara and Sengouku Musou from the Not Sure/3rd list)

Chrono Crusade was already added btw.

Thanks for your help ^^
Raccoon_CitizenOct 8, 2016 5:28 AM
Oct 21, 2016 2:44 PM
Apr 2014
Let's see:

"Hanasaku Iroha" is completed and an original anime with some closure

Same for "Paranoia Agent"

"Tamako Market" (again original anime) doesn't really have much of a plot, but has a movie sequel that adds a lot of closure to it

I'm not entirely sure, but I think "Golden Time" adapts all the light novels up to the end (which is slightly different, I think)

Finally if I'm not wrong, while "Baccano!" does have a good closure, it's not even near to adapting all the light novels.

From the "not sure" list, "Karin" diverges a lot from the manga, and has a bit of an inconclusive ending, while the manga goes a lot farther

Hope I helped!
Oct 21, 2016 3:16 PM

Apr 2016
thelumpur said:
Let's see:

"Hanasaku Iroha" is completed and an original anime with some closure

Same for "Paranoia Agent"

"Tamako Market" (again original anime) doesn't really have much of a plot, but has a movie sequel that adds a lot of closure to it

I'm not entirely sure, but I think "Golden Time" adapts all the light novels up to the end (which is slightly different, I think)

Finally if I'm not wrong, while "Baccano!" does have a good closure, it's not even near to adapting all the light novels.

From the "not sure" list, "Karin" diverges a lot from the manga, and has a bit of an inconclusive ending, while the manga goes a lot farther

Hope I helped!

Alright, thanks!

I've read about Golden Time before and I think it ended, so I added it to the first.

Moved Baccano! from the 1st to the 2nd list.

Since Karin's ending is inconclusive, I removed it.

Thanks again!
Oct 21, 2016 10:24 PM

Oct 2014

Welcome to the nhk was rushed imo, they should have shown more, it felt empty and like just keep trying your best and we'll be happy one day sort of thing going on type of a message, don't get me wrong i did love it though.
Oct 21, 2016 10:24 PM

Oct 2014
Zoltor said:
Inuyasha anime is complete, the ending is called Inuyasha the Final Act(it baffles me how so few people know of this).

Maison Ikkoku

Ranma 1/2(only the manga has the real ending)

The Mysterous Cities of Gold(the original series was a completed story, but now they are trying to extend such)

Hanasakeru Seishounen

Deltora quest(the original anime run has a proper closure, but the manga goes further with even more closure. However ignore the Japanese only episodes, as they don't belong to the anime/manga story at all, they were just tacked on at the end as a means to keep a anime that finished, on the TV longer).

Fushigi Yuugi: The Mysterious Play(technically not 100% sure about this, but I can't imagine how the anime could not be the completed story)

Record of Lodoss War: Chronicles of the Heroic Knight

inuyahsa 167 nearly all filler and crap ending
Oct 22, 2016 10:10 PM

Sep 2014
chrisedmonds said:
Zoltor said:
Inuyasha anime is complete, the ending is called Inuyasha the Final Act(it baffles me how so few people know of this).

Maison Ikkoku

Ranma 1/2(only the manga has the real ending)

The Mysterous Cities of Gold(the original series was a completed story, but now they are trying to extend such)

Hanasakeru Seishounen

Deltora quest(the original anime run has a proper closure, but the manga goes further with even more closure. However ignore the Japanese only episodes, as they don't belong to the anime/manga story at all, they were just tacked on at the end as a means to keep a anime that finished, on the TV longer).

Fushigi Yuugi: The Mysterious Play(technically not 100% sure about this, but I can't imagine how the anime could not be the completed story)

Record of Lodoss War: Chronicles of the Heroic Knight

inuyahsa 167 nearly all filler and crap ending

Um no, next to none of it is fillers at all, and the few episodes that are, are not only good, but are needed to have cooling down time between all the heavy drama/tragedy going on, andyou're a fool, ast the 167 episodes, is not the complete series, there's 1 more season, which is listes as Inuyasha the Final Act.

If you read the post you quoted, you would know the 167 episode entry, doesn't count the ending.

You need to be way more mature to appreciate such a series, there's so much more going on, then just the main plot, so to only focus on such, is missing the major point of the entire series. The main plot is a end goal, not the entire point of the series.
ZoltorOct 22, 2016 10:13 PM
Jan 18, 2017 10:47 AM

May 2016
I think these fit: (Complete – Visual Novel) (Complete – Visual Novel) (Complete – Light Novel)

(also, Big Order that is put in the list isn't complete, I think it has an alternative ending but its not a full adaptation of the manga)
Jan 18, 2017 12:15 PM

Apr 2016
SuzuMine-chan said:
I think these fit: (Complete – Visual Novel) (Complete – Visual Novel) (Complete – Light Novel)

(also, Big Order that is put in the list isn't complete, I think it has an alternative ending but its not a full adaptation of the manga)
Thanks! I've added all 3 of them.

I've read that Big Order didn't fully adapt the manga but the anime's ending was similar to the manga's planned ending with some changes (Like Omamori Himari, for example). Unless it's completely different, I'll change it to 'Alternate Ending'.
Jan 18, 2017 2:28 PM

May 2016
Raccoon_Citizen said:
SuzuMine-chan said:
I think these fit: (Complete – Visual Novel) (Complete – Visual Novel) (Complete – Light Novel)

(also, Big Order that is put in the list isn't complete, I think it has an alternative ending but its not a full adaptation of the manga)
Thanks! I've added all 3 of them.

I've read that Big Order didn't fully adapt the manga but the anime's ending was similar to the manga's planned ending with some changes (Like Omamori Himari, for example). Unless it's completely different, I'll change it to 'Alternate Ending'.
I don't know how it is because I haven't seen the anime neither the manga, I just heard about it so.

P.D: This post is very useful!
Jan 18, 2017 2:38 PM

May 2016
Ah! Also in Steins;Gate I think it's important to remark that it will have a sequel, Steins;Gate 0. Having read both original sources (Visual Novel), I can say that it should remark it because S;G 0 is really important.
Jan 18, 2017 2:55 PM

Apr 2016
SuzuMine-chan said:
I don't know how it is because I haven't seen the anime neither the manga, I just heard about it so.

P.D: This post is very useful!
Ah okay. I'll leave it the same then until someone else confirms it.

Glad it helped :)
SuzuMine-chan said:
Ah! Also in Steins;Gate I think it's important to remark that it will have a sequel, Steins;Gate 0. Having read both original sources (Visual Novel), I can say that it should remark it because S;G 0 is really important.
I prefer not to since S;G 0 continues from an alternate ending and putting it as a sequel in a note may confuse someone never mind, I added it.
Jan 18, 2017 3:15 PM

May 2016
Raccoon_Citizen said:
I prefer not to since S;G 0 continues from an alternate ending and putting it as a sequel in a note may confuse someone never mind, I added it.
Lol I have done something like this a lot of times before XD
Sep 18, 2017 9:11 AM

Dec 2008
Raccoon_Citizen said:

- B'T X (Same thing. Old series I've watched but not sure about the ending)

I'm currently reading the manga. After I finished it, I could compare it to the anime and tell you about it.

Raccoon_Citizen said:
- Yu Yu Hakusho (needs confirmation)

The anime completely adapted all manga material including the rushed and sudden ending.

The anime adaption is kinda complete but very loose. Some manga stuff inbetween is missing or only partly adapted and the anime has a considerabily amount of anime original material. The series didn't touch the latter volumes, but the three sequel OVAs loosely adapted some stuff from the these. They also gave the anime series a closure, but the climax was anime original and all the "x years later" stuff is missing too.
I would put it in the second section.
Sep 18, 2017 9:33 AM

Apr 2016
@Narutofreak1412, thanks!

I'll add both of Yu Yu Hakusho and Love Hina (as an Alternate Ending) to the 1st list.

The 2nd list is for stuff like, for example, an adaptation 8 volumes out of 12 and has a good stopping point. But if it had an anime original alternate ending then it'll go to the first list as "Alternate Ending". (But I'll put it as "Complete" if the ending is similar/the same as the manga's ending even if it skipped some content. Like I explained a few posts ago for Omamori Himari and Big Order)
Sep 19, 2017 4:15 AM

Dec 2008
Raccoon_Citizen said:
But I'll put it as "Complete" if the ending is similar/the same as the manga's ending even if it skipped some content.

It's a different scenario but the outcome is the same, yes.

Btw. You could add Saint Seiya to the first list. The anime + the OVAs adapted the complete manga from beginning to end.
Sep 19, 2017 4:22 AM

Apr 2016
Narutofreak1412 said:
Raccoon_Citizen said:
But I'll put it as "Complete" if the ending is similar/the same as the manga's ending even if it skipped some content.

It's a different scenario but the outcome is the same, yes.

Btw. You could add Saint Seiya to the first list. The anime + the OVAs adapted the complete manga from beginning to end.
Alright, I changed it back to "complete" and added the other. Thanks again!
Mar 12, 2018 2:46 PM

Dec 2008
I recently completed reading "Soul Eater Not". I checked the anime and it adapts all 5 volumes.
Mar 12, 2018 3:44 PM

Apr 2016
Narutofreak1412 said:
I recently completed reading "Soul Eater Not". I checked the anime and it adapts all 5 volumes.
Thanks. I added a note next to the original, which I added just now too.
May 14, 2018 3:35 PM

Jul 2013
can I ask why no shoujo/josei/etc in this list? Shouldn't it be a list to help EVERYONE find what anime is fully adapted and what not, regardless of the genre?

If you don't like certain genres, that's fine, but they shouldn't be downright excluded from a helpful list such as this one.
May 15, 2018 2:58 AM

Apr 2016
@isahbellah: no, because originally, it was a request of mine. I just extended it for everyone else to see while keeping it as my request. (I already have them tagged with "Fin" in my list)

And except for shoujo, I don't think you'll have much of a problem with the other tags since they don't have a lot of titles. Even shoujo doesn't have that much compared to others. (check the numbers)
May 15, 2018 2:12 PM

Jul 2013
Raccoon_Citizen said:
@isahbellah: no, because originally, it was a request of mine. I just extended it for everyone else to see while keeping it as my request. (I already have them tagged with "Fin" in my list)

And except for shoujo, I don't think you'll have much of a problem with the other tags since they don't have a lot of titles. Even shoujo doesn't have that much compared to others. (check the numbers)

Ah, I see! Even so, I think it would be nice to clarify that in your main post. I thought this was initially intended to be a list for everyone all along lmao

I got some titles that have closure/ending that fit into these categories you don't like. Is it okay for me to say them?
May 16, 2018 4:11 AM

Apr 2016
isahbellah said:
Raccoon_Citizen said:
@isahbellah: no, because originally, it was a request of mine. I just extended it for everyone else to see while keeping it as my request. (I already have them tagged with "Fin" in my list)

And except for shoujo, I don't think you'll have much of a problem with the other tags since they don't have a lot of titles. Even shoujo doesn't have that much compared to others. (check the numbers)

Ah, I see! Even so, I think it would be nice to clarify that in your main post. I thought this was initially intended to be a list for everyone all along lmao

I got some titles that have closure/ending that fit into these categories you don't like. Is it okay for me to say them?
I thought it was obvious since I restricted those tags? (I even put them in bold)

Anyway, yes, you're free to mention your titles here if you want to since I said: "There are some suggestions in the following posts related to these tags" in the original post.
May 16, 2018 9:00 AM

Jul 2013
In that case, here's some anime with ending/closure that I can remember of:

Kaleido Star (Complete - Original) *shoujo
Dragon Ball + Dragon Ball Z (Complete - Manga) [DBZ Kai too but tbh I prefer the original DBZ, even with all the filler haha]
Sailor Moon + Sailor Moon R + Sailor Moon S + Sailor Moon SS + Sailor Moon Stars (Complete - Manga) *Shoujo [Like DBZ, you can watch Sailor Moon Crystal instead if you want. But I'm not sure if the Crystal version is complete yet]
Nodame Cantabile + Finale + OVAs + Special + Paris-hen (Complete - Manga) *josei
Hachimitsu to Clover (Complete - Manga) *josei
Card Captor Sakura (Complete - Manga) *shoujo
Versailles no Bara (Complete - Manga) *shoujo
Urusei Yatsura (Complete - Manga) [This one I was told it's a complete adaptation, but I'm not so sure...? I'll check it one day]
To Love-Ru + OVAs + Darkness (Complete - Manga)
Saiunkoku Monogatari (Complete - Light Novel) *josei
Oniisama E... (Not sure? I'll check it out and then come back here - Manga) *josei *GL
Yu-Gi-Oh (Complete - Manga)
No. 6 (Complete - Novel) ["No. 6 condenses but largely remains faithful to the original nine-part light novel series. Changes were made to tone down the amount of violence in the series, in addition to creating an alternate ending." Source: No. 6 MAL page]
Digimon Adventure + Digimon Adventure 2 + Digimon Movie (Complete - Original)
Dance with Devils (Complete - Original) *shoujo
Princess Tutu (Complete - Original) *shoujo
Tokyo Mew Mew (Complete - Manga) *shoujo [it changes some things here and there but it's still the same story. It just doesn't adapt the epilogue.]
Rurouni Kenshin + OVAs (more importantly Seisou-hen) (Complete/Closure - Manga) [This one's a bit tricky... the original anime adapts the manga but the last few episodes are filler. Then years later they animated the rest of the manga into 2 OVAs to finish the story, but apparently it was rushed and not as good as the original material.]
Sakura Quest (Complete - Original)
Samurai Flamenco (Complete - Original)
Psycho-Pass (Complete - Original)
Ookami Shoujo to Kuro Ouji (Complete - Manga) *shoujo [not that sure if it's a complete adaptation, but that's what I was told]
Orange + Orange Mirai (Complete - Manga) *shoujo
Tenchi Muyo (all of them) (Complete - Original)
Chobits (Closure - Manga) [Yet another one that changes things here and there but it's still somewhat the same story as the manga]
Magic Knight Rayearth (Complete - Manga) *shoujo [I was told the manga is better, though]
Flip Flappers (Complete - Original)
Bubblegum Crisis (Complete - Original)
Ashita no Nadja (Complete - Original) *shoujo

Please note that some of these have a lot of fillers haha. But even so, they adapt the full story. There's also plenty more that I'm not sure, but I'm gonna check them before I come back to confirm or not.
May 17, 2018 5:33 AM

Apr 2016
@isahbellah, I don't think To Love-Ru ended? Maybe for the original but not for the sequel. According to the comments, it adapted only the special chapter (after the ending). Anyway thanks for your additions.

(Oh, and "Oniisama e.." was confirmed by aikaflip (post #5))
May 17, 2018 11:12 AM

Jul 2013
Raccoon_Citizen said:
@isahbellah, I don't think To Love-Ru ended? Maybe for the original but not for the sequel. According to the comments, it adapted only the special chapter (after the ending). Anyway thanks for your additions.

(Oh, and "Oniisama e.." was confirmed by aikaflip (post #5))

Oh, I was told that To Love-Ru Darkness was complete as well. My bad! And you're welcome :)

here's a few others:
Cross Game (Complete - Manga)
Hikaru no Go (Complete - Manga) [The TV show covers most of it except one volume, which is in an OVA]
Hitsugi no Chaika (Complete - Light Novel)
Mermaid Saga (Complete? - Manga) ["all of the tales, except one, were later produced as an anime television series." (source: wikipedia)]
Mononoke (complete - original)
Niea Under 7 (complete - original)
Ayashi no Ceres (Complete - Manga) *shoujo
Revolutionary Girl Utena (Complete - Original) *shoujo
The Vision of Escaflowne (Complete - Original)
X (CLAMP) (Closure - Manga) [The manga is in hiatus since forever, but the anime decided to have an alternative ending.] *shoujo?
Uchuu Patrol Luluco (Complete - Original)
Azumanga Daioh (Complete - Manga)
Daa Daa Daa (Complete - Manga) *shoujo
Devilman Crybaby (Closure/Complete - Manga) [haven't read the manga nor do I plan on doing so, so I'm not sure where this falls in. But I can confirm that it has an ending)
Fushigi Yuugi + OVAs (Complete - Manga) [probably has some minor changes here and there but it's mostly still the same story] *Shoujo
Doukyuusei (Complete - Manga) *shounen-ai
Gravitation (Complete - Manga) ["Gravitation follows the manga adaptation closely with only minor differences and is less explicit than the original manga." Source: MAL's gravitation page] *shounen-ai
K-ON! (Complete - Manga)
Mermaid Melody (Complete - Manga) *shoujo
Full Moon Wo Sagashite (Complete - Manga) *shoujo
Natsuyuki Rendezvous (Complete? - Manga) [according to baka-updates, it's fully adapted] *josei
Paradise Kiss (Complete - Manga) *josei
Paprika (Complete - Novel) [movie]
Rumic World (Closure - Manga) [it only adapts some selective stories]
Shugo Chara (Closure - Manga) [adapts up till Vol 10 Ch 41, the rest of the anime is filler] *shoujo
Usagi Drop (Closure - Manga) [it is said that the ending of the anime is better than the ending of the manga] *josei

whew, I think that's it. At least for now. Hope I was helpful! :)
May 17, 2018 1:45 PM

Apr 2016
Thanks again, @isahbellah !
Totally forgot to add Hitsugi no Chaika. And no for Mermaid Saga, there are 2 more stories left in the manga which I have yet to read. (The other 2 OVAs are apparently previous adaptations of stories that are in this one)
May 22, 2018 2:12 PM

May 2013
I cannot thank you enough for this. Good work ! :)
Sep 6, 2018 10:33 AM

Dec 2008
I dont think Kenshin really works in category 1. Out of the 95 episodes, like 40 episodes were filler, everything past episode 63.
The main series misses the material of the last 11 volumes out of 28 and that OVA adapts those missing volumes very loosely, out of a different perspective and with many things completely changed. Also the outcome and ending is completely different.
In my opinion it would be better in category 2.
Sep 6, 2018 11:17 AM

Apr 2016
@Narutofreak1412: Done. Thanks!
Sep 6, 2018 11:19 AM

Mar 2018
probably one piece
Oct 21, 2018 3:05 AM
Jan 2016
Hanada Shounen-shi (Complete - Manga)
Oct 21, 2018 6:20 AM

Apr 2016
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