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Fellow 30 year olds, do you intend to abandon anime now that you aren't young anymore? :)

Jan 1, 2020 3:10 AM
May 2018
I was on MAL since almost its beginnings, when I was still a teenager, but time flies when one has fun, and now I am in my 30s.

I have a decent job, am responsible as an adult, and I can't really complain about anything about my life, but being 30 IS kind of, well, being 30 - I don't mind my age (in fact, there were times when I felt much worse when I was young), so I kinda wonder about my manchild inner self, I guess...

Like, despite my age, I still think, dunno, that Vegetto from Dragon Ball series is fucking cool, that Omegamon from Digimon franchise is badass, and so on.

In fact, in some way me being at the start of my 30s, and this being the start of a new decade, I am as optimistic as ever about anime, and wonder what will future bring - there MUST be at least something good.

So anyway, what about you guys, are your 30s the end of everything anime related, or something else?

Are you ready to become 100% adult?
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Jan 1, 2020 3:24 AM

Oct 2010
Almost 30 here, I'll never renounce anime, it's just a great way of spending time and it calms me after a hard day's work for ex.
Jan 1, 2020 3:27 AM

Oct 2015
Nope. Maybe at one point but it won't be because of age.
Jan 1, 2020 3:29 AM

May 2018
I am 46 now. I don't intend to stop watching anime yet.
Jan 1, 2020 3:36 AM

Jan 2015
I don't think I will stop watching for another decade at least.
Jan 1, 2020 3:52 AM

Aug 2016
A bit over 30 here. I picked up anime just recently (like 3-4 years ago) and do not intend to stop watching it anytime soon.
I think when I got older I realized that I dont have to be someone society expects me to be. If someone sees me as childish because I watch anime... well good for them I guess.
Getting older just raised my interest in "kids stuff"
edit: but I'm running out of good anime though. It is harder to find something worth my time nowadays. I also got some rl responsibilities.
Jan 1, 2020 4:01 AM

Nov 2010
I'm just 27 now.. but nah don't plan to stop anytime soon..
Jan 1, 2020 4:03 AM
Jul 2018
I am 44 and don't intend to stop watching anime or reading manga, it's my favorite pastime right after games XD

Am I ready to become 100% adult ? Hell, no. Let's wait with that for another decade or 3.
Jan 1, 2020 4:05 AM

Feb 2017
Anime is entertainment and has a wide variety of genres and topics to choose from. So I dont think age really matters here as long as you enjoy what you watch.
Best ending line in anime history = "My name is Saiki Kusuo. I am a psychic."
Jan 1, 2020 4:09 AM

May 2012
No, I turned 30 back in summer and I don't intend to stop watching anime or reading manga anytime soon. If you ask me, a hobby should not be stopped just because you reached a certain age - if you enjoy it, keep doing it. Anime and manga is such a diverse medium that you surely will find something for you, even when your preferences eventually will change.

Also, I've only read, like, 2 - 3% of all manga, I can't stop now! There's still so much more out there to be read!
Jan 1, 2020 4:09 AM

Jan 2018
Thirty is still young. It's too early to start giving up on stuff you like.
Jan 1, 2020 4:12 AM
Jul 2018
I think tastes change but I don't see any reason why anyone should quit because of their age.
Jan 1, 2020 4:13 AM
Jul 2018
Anime is a medium that I enjoy because of the excellent story-telling. I do not plan to give up my interest in stories of any kind so my love for anime will continue until there are stories to consume (we all know there will always be stories to consume). I am 31 and thankfully, fully-functioning.
Jan 1, 2020 4:17 AM

Nov 2016
Not 30 yet but when I see other 30 yr olds and the shit they're doing compared to anime, I'll still be watching anime then.
CPU: i7 6700 | GPU: GTX 1070 | RAM: 16GB | HD: 1TB | Moderators are mean! | D. Gray Man Hallow is UNDERRATED!

Jan 1, 2020 4:22 AM

Jun 2016
27 here. i usually taking break watching anime for 3-4 months every year. but never want to leave it
Jan 1, 2020 4:28 AM
Apr 2016
Wit all seriousness if you consider that this is a website for people who actively view Japanese animation, asking if people are planning to stop sometime is kinda meaningless. Those who would stop did so already, those who did not visit this thread to say "no".

Mod edit: removed bait
BrandonJan 8, 2020 8:34 AM
Jan 1, 2020 4:35 AM

Jan 2018
Animation is a form of entertainment, the same as film or anything else. There are titles that will be relevant to all ages, and that will never change. The only thing stopping someone from continuing to enjoy animation as an art form into their adult years is the misconception that it's "childish" or something that you should "grow out of."

Look at a series like Rakugo. Do you think that's the kind of show that will appeal to children/teenagers? For the most part, no. Of course there are exceptions, and plenty of younger viewers who might enjoy it, but demographically speaking, it's a very adult-oriented drama that caters specifically to an older audience. This is just one example off the top of my head, but this applies to many, many shows out there. And they don't just have to be "adult-oriented" either. There are hundreds of anime series and films that may very well be marketed to a younger audience, but easily transcend their target demographic and hold mass appeal.

These ridiculous stipulations that people should grow out of anime are inherently anti-progressive. As a community, we should acknowledge the merits of the mediums and encourage the continual support of the industry, regardless of age or anything else. Sure, there might be certain shows or genres that you lose interest in as you age or your taste changes, but in any medium of entertainment, there will always be something there for you.
GreyleafJan 1, 2020 4:39 AM

"I am not sure that I exist, actually. I am all the writers that I have read, all the
people that I have met, all the women that I have loved; all the cities I have visited.
― Jorge Luis Borges
[url=]Goodreads[/url] | [url=]Letterboxd[/url]

Jan 1, 2020 4:44 AM
Jul 2018
weebanimeweed said:
its really pathetic when people after they turn 30 still watching cartoons XD
Wait, mom? What are you doing on MAL?
Jan 1, 2020 4:46 AM

Jun 2019
Hmmm, I'm fast approaching 40 & still watching anime. Although to be fair that's only because of personal circumstances that mean I've been off work following surgery this year.

Had lots of time on my hands so I decided to get back into anime (last time I watched seriously was back in 2012 then 2015). It's been fun to dip back into anime again.

Tbh I'm just enjoying it whilst I can. All too soon I know that life will get busy & I won't be able to watch seasonally airing shows any more. So I'm trying to cram in as much anime as I can.

When are you too old to enjoy an adventure or romance story. Never is the answer, for me anyway, so I'll probably still watch anime in some form for a while yet. It's not like you hit a certain age then hate cool shounen fights, or crazy love stories, or ridiculous isekai adventures in another world with sexy goddesses. Stay young at heart & you'll always enjoy anime.
23feanorJan 1, 2020 4:50 AM
Jan 1, 2020 4:48 AM

Jun 2019
operationvalkyri said:
weebanimeweed said:
its really pathetic when people after they turn 30 still watching cartoons XD
Wait, mom? What are you doing on MAL?

It's not mum, it's Grandpa Joe. Caught him shit posting after we bought him his first smart phone. He thought he'd make a wise crack comment at my expense, bloody old timers!!!
Jan 1, 2020 4:48 AM

Jan 2009
im 36 years old already and still watch anime hah

anime is for all ages anyway compared to cartoons
Jan 1, 2020 5:03 AM

Apr 2019
I only discovered anime when I was over fourty, and still love it.

Speaking of which: Don't be stupid, be a smarty, come and join the boomer party!

Jan 1, 2020 5:08 AM

Jun 2015
You know there's anime rated r18 and theres anime rated E right? Stop watching shounen crap and watch adult content.
Read Toriko!
Jan 1, 2020 5:15 AM

May 2018
Daniel_Naumov said:
Watch something rich in meanings

Surprisingly enough I was more into deep and meaningful stuff (not only in anime) when I was much younger, mostly in my teenage years.
Now I enjoy mainly flashy trash.

phantom346 said:
Stop watching shounen crap and watch adult content.

Which can be total trash too - just look at seinens like Salaryman Kintarou.
alshuJan 1, 2020 5:21 AM
Jan 1, 2020 5:20 AM

Oct 2017
Turned 33 last November. Of course I'm not going to abandon the things I love.

Anime (or more accurately, Otaku culture at large) is my passion. I think people that give up their passions when they get older - or worse, those who never find something to dedicate their life to - are kind of sad.

Everyone needs to have their thing. It's funny when people with no passion, nothing interesting about their life, criticize "nerds" for being "obsessive". I'd rather hear someone talk passionately about something I know nothing about than hear them recount some mundane, everyday experience with which I can relate.
“In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule.”
-Friedrich Nietzsche
Aggregate scoring is bad for the anime fandom
Jan 1, 2020 5:31 AM

May 2018
Why should I? Yes, during my 10 years of anime experience my tastes have changed a lot. I've renounced many things, I had some major disappointments as well and have some things to regret. But I still keep finding interesting things I enjoy and still have many things in plan
Nemo_NiemandJan 1, 2020 5:45 AM

Jan 1, 2020 5:40 AM

Nov 2010
People don't change so much mentally after 14 yo.
Jan 1, 2020 5:47 AM

May 2018
I'm in my 30s too. Have a stable job. Don't plan to stop watching anime. Just do whatever I want.
Jan 1, 2020 5:52 AM

Feb 2015
Implying people in their 30's aren't young. What?
Jan 1, 2020 5:59 AM
Apr 2016
inim said:
I only discovered anime when I was over fourty, and still love it.

Speaking of which: Don't be stupid, be a smarty, come and join the boomer party!

Members:404 boomers not found. Classy.
Milennin said:
Implying people in their 30's aren't young. What?

0-18 child-teenager 18-30 youth 30-50 adult 50+ grandpa.
Jan 1, 2020 6:02 AM

Jun 2019
Just stay young at heart and you will still enjoy anime since hobby does not require a certain age.
Jan 1, 2020 6:09 AM
Dec 2011
I am 25 and don't think I will ever stop watching anime completely, it is a hobby I enjoy and helps me relax, although due to work and other hobbies I have been reading a lot more manga and light novels compared to watching anime these days.
Jan 1, 2020 6:12 AM
Jan 2012
Not exactly 30 myself but mid to late 20s.

Doesn't matter how old I am, I'm interested in what I'm interested in. If I stop being interested in anime once I'm in my 30s? Sure, I'll quit watching it. If not, then what's the point of quitting if I still enjoy the medium, all because what it's not for people that age? That's not even really true considering 30s are still in the Seinen purview.
Jan 1, 2020 7:52 AM

Dec 2019
I’m still a couple years off 30, but I definitely won’t pack it in when I get there.

It’s no different from any other hobby. I guess for people outside the fandom it’s “cartoons for kids” but we all know that’s a load of arse so why would we stop after reaching a certain age?
Jan 1, 2020 7:58 AM

Mar 2012
our interests don't magically change just because we age, also, 30 isn't that old lol

im 30 and not only am i still watching anime like i was at 8? during the Pokemon days, but im still prioritizing the same kind of anime i was at 19 (waifu shows), oh and im still watching 20+ a season and have no desire or reason to stop

i know people in their 40s and 50s irl who watch anime, if people that old make it why the hell would people that old not watch it? its not like they just make anime with young people in mind
Jan 1, 2020 8:03 AM
Jul 2018
My taste changed, but I never stopped. I only transitioned from more serious stuff to CGDCT (preferably comedies) and Slice of Life.
Jan 1, 2020 8:08 AM
Jul 2018
No, why would I? Do you stop reading or watching tv when you turn a certain age? What does being an adult have to do with your choice of entertainment?
Jan 1, 2020 8:14 AM

Sep 2018
Been watching anime since I was a kid. I do not plan to drop a hobby I enjoy when I get to 30.
Jan 1, 2020 8:21 AM

Jan 2016
I just don't watch anime or read manga as much as before because i don't have too much freetime but i didn't stop.

I just spend more time to find series that i'm really interested in and that i would like to add to my collection instead of trying of watching everything.
Jan 1, 2020 8:28 AM

Sep 2017
9 mouths away from entering my 30s. In my case my taste has changed quite a lot as I grow up. I rarely get attached to a character because s/he is cool or cute as I did when I was younger. I'm now more interested in stories about coming to term with the inevitable dilemmas in life, rather than stories about a hero forever becoming stronger to overcome whatever comes in his way.

Nowadays I watch anime mostly for its comedy and the more technical/formal aspect of it (ie. sakuga). There are a couple of exceptional shows in every few years that I can relate to more deeply, like 3-gatsu no Lion, but generally I just won't be totally absorbed by an average show as I would when I was a teen.
Jan 1, 2020 8:57 AM

May 2009
Psajdak said:
Are you ready to become 100% adult?
I don't see how becoming 100% adult means not watching entertainment. :)
Avatar character is Gabriel from Gabriel DropOut.
Jan 1, 2020 9:07 AM
Apr 2017
I never understood the "do you plan to stop this because you're older" thing. You may stop doing things because as you get older you have less time, but that's about it. I'm 30 and I play to both keep gaming and watching anime as long as I find them entertaining - which I don't see an end to anytime soon.
"The problem with defining even an aspect of your personality by something that you like, is that criticism of that product appears to you to be criticism of you personally. I find it to be a very harmful attitude, [...] you can't rationally discuss a product because you've started to define yourself by its very existence."

John Bain
Jan 1, 2020 9:12 AM

Jan 2016
Maybe finding a shows I enjoy will be harder but for sure not gonna quit all together lol
Jan 1, 2020 9:23 AM

Mar 2018
Though I'm currently at 20 , I don't intend to stop until my last day in this universe.

Anime is one of the best sources of entertainment to me :)
Jan 1, 2020 9:26 AM
Jul 2018
I'm almost 40 and I'm still watching from time to time, it just more about picking the right ones instead of watching 'em all.
Jan 1, 2020 9:34 AM

Jul 2011
BallistikJuice said:
I'm almost 40 and I'm still watching from time to time, it just more about picking the right ones instead of watching 'em all.

Same here even tho I'm not 30 yet. I personally have no intention to stop doing something I like just because of age.

Jan 1, 2020 10:57 AM

Aug 2011
I'll be 35 this month, and of course I won't be giving up anime. It's been a big part of my life for more than 20 years, so I think I'm pretty much stuck with it at this point. I don't really see it any differently that any other TV or movies, which no one would be expected to give up when they reach some arbitrary age limit. Why would anime be different? The idea that animation is only capable of telling stories that appeal to kids is ridiculous. Animation can be anything, and that's one of the reasons I've always loved it. That's not going to change, no matter how old I am. If being 100% adult means giving up things I love, then no, I will never be 100% adult.

If anything, giving up something you love solely because you want to seem more "grown up" seems really immature and childish to me.
palm-treeJan 1, 2020 12:51 PM
Jan 1, 2020 12:22 PM

Dec 2019
Life is too short to deny yourself the things you like just because you think you're "too old" for them now.
Jan 1, 2020 12:26 PM

Feb 2010
The only thing I thought about renouncing when I turned 30 was my life tbh.
I probably regret this post by now.
Jan 1, 2020 12:33 PM

Feb 2014
I'm near 30 and as long as there is content I'm interested in I will keep watching, it is no one else's business if you like to watch anime, donghua, aeni or whatever. Soap operas, reality shows and a lot of content on mainstream media are ridiculous imo, but I don't judge people that like to watch them.
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