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Preliminary Spoiler
Oct 27, 2024
it was a good movie but maybe a little over hyped but maybe I just couldn't connect much because I've never like for real quited art even when I get demotivated I still find my way back to art and I still feel kinda weird that the only main strong feeling look back gave me was I need to draw something not like damn that movie changed my life type of thing :/ kyomoto was so me but I don't think I have the courage to actually go to art university or do anything really right now but that didn't really help me connect to ...
Oct 27, 2024
This is a masterpiece(almost). I can’t fully explain what’s going on, but I thoroughly enjoyed it.

This is a masterpiece—well, almost. I can’t fully explain what’s going on, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. The absurdity woven throughout gives it a unique charm, and the chemistry between Koshi and Nokotan keeps things engaging. The humor feels light and fresh, and each interaction seems to spark new memes. Even in the first episode, there are countless gags and fun references that keep you entertained.

And, for interesting you have references to dance from Spider-Man with Tobey Maguire. What do you need to watch?

I recommended it how quality brain ...
Oct 27, 2024
Mixed Feelings
I found this so stressful to watch. The underlying paranormal stuff pulls the relationships in a much harder direction than your typical romance.

I think the story is fairly straight forward and predictable. Its nice to have romance where the characters get into their relationship quicker and we get to see them actually in it and building that relationship together rather than it just happening at the end.

Animation and audio is all pretty on point, no complaints there.

I sort of feel like this fits more in line with Steins Gate type of genre than most other romance anime. There's just too much of a scientific/paranormal ...
Oct 27, 2024
Just recommended for those who want more actions and less yappings!

Asterius carried the whole show. It made me remember Jujutsu Kaisen peak battle and fight animation.. I would have rank this anime lower because of the yapping!

Art style is aight and fitting to the story at least it is much improved than before.

Characters are okay but with al the yapping about history shit i cant take it anymore

Yes, characters who have good will, will always have a big burden and promises they want to fulfill

I think so if they want more action and to see this MC to be better also many of ...
Oct 27, 2024
Mixed Feelings
I have very mixed feelings about this one. For sure it has too many characters and is too heavy handed on the drama. But it’s definitely competent enough to hold your attention for 12 episodes. The focus on the lead character is actually well done because it made the character interesting and a solid focus for her character development over the course of the season. This also showed the reality of the fact that children’s education takes a backseat to balancing budgets and trying to save money.

(Some of this review is just rambling random thoughts because MAL is annoying by requesting that I add more ...
Oct 27, 2024
Preliminary (5/12 eps)
To summarize this review: This show is Isekai trash, it can be the fun popcorn kind of trash though.

To start off, the main premise of the show is a lie.

Premise:- Class loner got the left over garbage skills when the whole class got Isekaied. He is doomed to be forever alone and survive with his odd skills.

Reality:- the sarcastic prick got all the basic 101 isekai skills starting with identify and fire magic, the "loner" skill only comes into play to remove any male competition from the show as from episode 2 this is a harem now.

The isekai aspect is very basic to where they ...
Oct 27, 2024
Adressing an obvious thing first : I gave this movie a 5, yet I don't recommend it. I have only very few anime that I rated under 5, as usually if they don't reach that threshold, it's a drop for me. I never force myself to watch anything that is at least not mid. So unless an anime was mid just until the very few last episodes that makes it go under 5, 5 is really my lower limit, so usually not something I would recommend.

Blue Thermal had a lot of potential due to it's background theme. It's like Super Cub, Slow Loop, etc. in ...
Oct 27, 2024
I really enjoyed No Doubt In Us! From Xu Yu and Xiao Jinyun's reviving romance, to the court conspiracy slowly unfolding around them, to the fantastical magic element- almost every aspect of the plot lands well, with lively and entertaining characters to carry it. Xu Yu and Jinming are my favourites of the cast; the energy and positivity around both of them really lightens things up, and they're both very endearing to me. Everyone is very colourful and three-dimensional, and while it's slow to show you the depths behind each character, you come out with at least some positive feeling for even the antagonists (or ...
Uzumaki (Anime) add (All reviews)
Oct 27, 2024
Mixed Feelings
TL;DR - Inconsistent animation quality coupled with a strange affect from the characters is jarring. Weird and horrible things are happening all around these folks, and they are just going on with their lives as if they are powerless to stop it or unable to just leave the town. "Oh, we just saw this horrible thing happen. Wow. Hey, come over for dinner!" Should you watch this? Yes, it's a very unique anime, I'd recommend it to anyone who enjoyed Salad Fingers, Gantz, or any other bizarre horror inspired animated series. You're not expecting the best anime ever, but you certainly appreciate the weird and ...
Oct 26, 2024
The dang Cup Noodles are back! But this with a “Bump of Chicken”!

In 2017: Nissin's "Cup Noodle" made a series of ads called “Hungry Days” with the theme of "Youth" & using characters from classic anime depicted in a modern High School setting.
In 2019: Another set of das focus on the characters of "One Piece" as a part of its 20th anniversary. With this Music Video rounding out the collaboration.

Even someone like me, a person that never read or watched the One Piece series when I 1st saw this MV can still enjoy the characters in this high school setting. Each one is ...
Oct 26, 2024
Preliminary (3/12 eps)
Usually I don't like writing so early about an anime unless I have something that I think it is important to say at the moment, and so is the case of "Maou 2099" (only 3 episodes in).
This is not a review, I haven't watched everything after all, but just some things that I thought that may sway some of the people here to watch (or don't, if you don't like what I liked):

- The MC is really refreshing for this kind of story. Usually the demon king archetype in a isekai story was associated with comedies in the past 10 years. This is good every ...
Oct 26, 2024
Preliminary (4/? eps)
This is peak. The art style, the animation, the sound design, the pacing, the comedy, the conflicts... All of it is peak.

I highly recommend giving the first episode a try. The premise is not, like I mistakenly thought, a weird fetish thing. It's unusual, but that only lets the author's creativity shine. And the premise is not the only interesting aspect of Ranma 1/2, all of the characters are unique and there are many fun and intriguing aspects to many of them.

I have not watched the original nor read the manga, an I find myself captivated by this anime every moment (it's a remake ...
Oct 26, 2024
Preliminary (4/14 eps)
This show is an absolute trainwreck. What a colossal waste of time! The story had so much potential, and they’ve gone and destroyed every last bit of it. The animation is garbage, the pacing is garbage, the entire season is GARBAGE! Seriously, don't waste a single second on this trash when there are amazing shows out there like AoAshi. This whole season deserves to be dropped and remade from scratch by a studio that actually cares.

Oct 26, 2024
Preliminary (3/? eps)
......... I'm sorry but WTF.
There is some really weird stuff in this anime, and for that reason I could not continue.
No other reason to watch it ANYWAYS, because its your average isekai. Not only that, it involves... milking... fetishes.... not only with grown adults, but also children! Anyways, every character in this isn't very interesting and there is no reason to not stop watching this anime after EP 3. All I'm saying is that the only reason you should be watching this is if you are actively looking to be disturbed. People in the story act really natural about all of these things, too. ...
Oct 26, 2024
Mixed Feelings
Do you like to be and feel confused for 11 episodes?
Do you like to skip boring useless parts and stick to the main story?
If your answer is yes, this anime is for you.

It's rare that a rom-com gets a second season in this day and age so might as well enjoy this one.
I don't know if I can actually recommend this anime or not, I guess it's there to be watched so do it you won't really regret it.

This anime didn't invent anything or add anything new of course, we just avoided a school festival and a useless summer episode which is good.
The pace ...
Oct 26, 2024

Alas, my excitement did not quite reach its peak while watching that film. Instead, I found myself drawn to some rather unconventional content from Mr. Beast to satisfy my curiosity. His videos have a certain flair that keeps one entertained, even if they veer into unexpected territory.

I couldn’t help but wonder why he chose to interact with them one at a time. Surely, the experience would have been far more enjoyable if he had embraced the company of both simultaneously! Just imagine the delightful chaos and camaraderie it could have created. It would have been quite the entertaining scenario—perhaps even a lively gathering with Mr. ...
Oct 26, 2024
Good heavens, my good fellow! I must express my utmost frustration! My physician had assured me that by indulging in this motion picture, I would find enhancement in my manhood. Instead, I found myself in such a fervor that I, alas, suffered a rather unfortunate incident!

Thou art a sorceress, I declare! I shall have my revenge upon thee one day!

The film was of the most peculiar sort—a most curious Skibidi Water Closet. The artistry was quite enchanting, and the elephant, I daresay, was most beguiling. Such was its effect that I quite lost consciousness!. I quite lost consciousness, fortunately while under the influence of codeine. ...
Oct 26, 2024
Preliminary (4/12 eps)
This anime introduces us to a stunning heroine meido who seems flawless in every way. She’s not only intelligent and tall but also incredibly skilled, making her the epitome of perfection. However, she has one amusing quirk: she’s hopeless when it comes to household chores. This small imperfection makes her character feel more relatable, adding a charming twist to her otherwise immaculate persona.

cheerful and loving younger sister brings a fresh, lively energy to the story. Her presence is a welcome relief during intense moments, lightening the mood and breaking any tension between the heroine and the main character. This sister character balances the anime's tone ...
Oct 26, 2024
Mixed Feelings
Preliminary (4/12 eps)
This anime is another in a long line of "Strongest [Insert Category] Kicked out of Party" animes. Which is fine, I don't generally mind the incredible amounts of repetitiveness within today's RPG anime genre.

What I DO mind is how incredibly bad this anime's story and characters are. We start with the biggest flaw: despite the series title, the MC, Laust, is not the strongest. He is the weakest healer. He was kicked out of the party for being a bad healer when, in fact...he is a bad healer. He's a strong melee fighter, but he was fulfilling the role of ...
Oct 26, 2024
Ao Oni is a film that thinks it’s far more intelligent than it actually is. Based on a free little RPGmaker game (which the film makes sure you are aware of), it spins its own tale completely unrelated to the game (which the film also decides you need to be aware of). Made with some of the ugliest CGI ever released to the market, it ends up being an hour of sheer boredom. Just kidding, it’s only forty-five minutes of sheer boredom.


The last fifteen minutes made me laugh so hard I got a headache. This may be the funniest twist ...
Oct 26, 2024
Preliminary (4/12 eps)
Three paired romance that is wholesome, cute, and funny with no love triangles or drama around "losing heroines"? Just pure fluff and enjoyment? That’s exactly what you get with this amazing series in this day and age when the genre is packed with losing heroine trope serving harems and love polygons. And, three handsome tomboys in that. No less! Tomboys are not the losing heroine here! Not in this household! Well, they can’t lose because it’s paired romance—solving the problem at its roots!

The comedy is wonderfully wholesome and genuinely funny. A true feel-good series. The manga’s art direction and quality are already top-notch. Although the ...
Oct 26, 2024
Preliminary (3/12 eps)
"Demon Lord 2099" caught my attention right away - mainly because who wouldn’t be intrigued by a demon lord in a neon-drenched cyberpunk city? A fantasy cyberpunk fusion? That’s a setup you don’t see every day.

The story starts out in classic fashion. We’ve got a demon lord, he gets taken down, time passes, and bam! Reincarnation in the year 2099. Veltol, our illustrious demon lord, returns to a future where magic and technology have fused, creating an entirely new world. Once the terrifying ruler of a medieval landscape, he’s now just a relic in history—at least until he decides that this high-tech metropolis will be ...
Uzumaki (Anime) add (All reviews)
Oct 26, 2024
Haha... yikes. This was a trainwreck of an anime, to say the least. Watching Uzumaki:Spiral Into Horror, the adaptation to Junji Ito's critically acclaimed manga, is like watching Domestic Girlfriend because of the opening. The first episode is really well done despite pacing issues, but ends up being a catfish for the next 3 episodes as if the team working on it was ready to point and laugh straight at your face for actually thinking a Junji Ito work could be adapted well.

Before diving into the absolute horrifyingly bad parts of the show, let's "spiral" into the good! Haha... see what I did there? My ...
Oct 26, 2024
Q: This is an AD not an Anime right?
A: Yes.
Q: Why is this on MyAnimeList?
A: I have literally no idea.
Q: Was it worth watching?
A: For the 30 seconds it took? Yes.

It's not even worth writing a full review for this because it's so obvious on how good it will be just by looking at it so long story short. It's takes 30 seconds to watch fully, if you've watched Dr. Stone you might get a good laugh out of it. The animation was the same as Dr. Stone so that means it's good. If you felt the need to read my review you could've watched ...
Oct 26, 2024
Preliminary (4/14 eps)
PLEASE pay your animators proper wages and give them the time they need to make good-looking scenes. The story is great as always and I love the Blue Lock manga but oh my god, can studios please pay their people more and let their animators do their jobs? Basically, an animator came forward and told everyone what he had to deal with while trying to work on the show until he eventually had to quit. He got hired for Season 2 -> Worked for minimum wage -> His entire team barely had any time to work on it -> After he finished his work the ...
Oct 26, 2024
Neon genesis starts off with a mentally ill child (with father issues) getting dragged to pilot a giant robot called eva 001, with her two chicks asuka and rei.

Shinji ikari is one of the best protagonist i have ever seen. Many people misunderstand him, because of some questionable actions and his constant crying. But people just don't understand him at all. Shinji is still a delicate child who is only 14, who is getting guilt tripped by gendo (his father) to pilot a damn ass robot. This shows how realistic the character actually is and people still dare to call shinji "annoying". We also ...
Oct 26, 2024
Mixed Feelings
Preliminary (4/12 eps)
The animation and both the ending and opening is beautiful. I loved the creativity in the way the opening and ending music was created and the art in it. The initial concept isn't bad too. Its a concept of two young students where one believes in ghosts and one believes in aliens. They both have a special power and use these powers to fight against those spirits and aliens. However, the anime fails to make this initial concept interesting and creative. It has the typical pervy jokes and the characters have no substance whatsoever. Ken/Okarun is our typical basic main character who is also a ...
Oct 26, 2024
U must watch this with english dub! Its like watching ghost Story all over again!! Its hilerious!!!

So let me just break it down to you:
Intro and outtro was nice. Catchy and I enjoyed it!

Animasjon and drawing style was good. I liked it all! Specially the way they added all the effects!

I watched it with dub, which made al their songs and singing and duet horrible translates. Which made it ten times more fun. It was like watchung ghost Story eng dubed all over again haha

Story here is where it get a little bumpy. I really enjoyed the concept and the story of the anime..and to ...
Oct 26, 2024
Preliminary (4/12 eps)
This anime was so bad, I had to reset my password for MAL so I could login and leave a bad review. It is badly animated, poor written, and treats its audience like idiots. The story is so incredibly contrived, that not one, not two, not even 3 of the 4 party members have to be stupid for the party to have existed the way it does. All four of the party members including the main character are just so stupid and poorly written, it hurts my brain to watch it.

I think the only question is, if I hate it ...
Oct 26, 2024
Preliminary (4/14 eps)
The first season of this anime was had to very bad animations. The animations of the 2nd season are much worse than those of the first season. Although the manga's artwork is amazing, its anime is extremely bad. It's like they edited the manga, it's too bad. In the first season, I thought maybe they would improve the animations of the second season, after all, there needs to be a budget for this. Although the first season was quite popular, despite the bad quality animations, the second season has even worse animations. Why is mangaka collaborating with anime studios that make such bad animations? These ...
Oct 26, 2024
Mixed Feelings
Preliminary (4/12 eps)
The narrative is a total mess and a I wonder why because is a basic mecha shonnen. Buy it's the character designs that made me lose it, most of the times MC's allies are worse for him and it's not even funny. Characters have unfounded very shitty actitudes, I suppose the idea is to make some character development eventually but has made the experience obnoxious.
The designs os the mecha-udes and premise are cool. I wanted to see a show like these, for a me that crave something cool like how I remember Medabots buy I don't know if I can continue with it.
Oct 26, 2024
I will just say one thing this shit was so bad I was considering suicide because of this piece of shit show, at the first few episodes when Train was wearing black I was interested and I was like "Maybe this show isn't that bad" and I finished watching it and I was just like finally it's done and I don't have to kill myself, and if you think I'm exaggerating on how bad this show is I dropped it more than 8 times, but some of the fights were amazingly animated like the fight between train and zoolander or whatever his name is, and ...
Oct 26, 2024
I wasn't expecting this at first.

A 32 year old guy protagonist, yeah right!
Even though he's not cool, he never gives up!
I mean, he can't work that hard after he's over 30, so it's really amazing!
My 23 year old brother knows exactly how that feels!

It's so funny!
It's grotesque, it's serious, and most of all, it's hilarious!
And most of all, it's hilarious!
Clannad (Anime) add (All reviews)
Oct 26, 2024
Preliminary (12/23 eps)
I’m a romance connoisseur, and I’ve been recommended this show many times throughout the years — thing is it’s shit.
I’ve attempted to watch this show every year, on this exact month, and for some reason I don’t find the strength to just watch the show past 12 episodes.
First of all, it’s boring as fuck. Of course, I love slice of life, but I can’t put my finger on why this show is boring. You can say that I didn’t make it past the few episodes, but from my vivid imagination I have made it past 12 ep and it’s unbearable; I loved steins;gate, and ...
Oct 26, 2024
Preliminary (118/157 eps)
I sprint watching from S1 to current season since last year. Each episode seems important as we see the growth of Xiao Yan from the beginning. Being considered as a genius and praised by the whole clan, Xiao Yan's cultivation falls to Dou Zhi Qi, 3rd stage. Xiao Yan is faced with struggles when hiis clan members took distance from him, mocked and insulted him, but the only light in this young man's life was a girl named Xiao Xun Er. He was always supported by her, despite her strong background and peerless talent.

Troubles never come alone as Xiao Yan faces with his fiancée, ...
Oct 26, 2024
It's an enjoyable show with good values and themes about what is truly important in a person's life and the idea that one should not be bound by expectations.

The greatest strength of this show is the relationships between characters. Unfortunately the last few episodes besides the very last one have bad pacing, not very well executed, and somewhat contradictory of previously established character development and motivations. Theodora is the weakest character due to the fact that at the near end her actions contradict her statements about free will from blessings from a previous episode. At times some plot details aren't elaborated at all and ...
Oct 26, 2024
Plot and Themes

At its core, Mushoku Tensei follows the journey of Rudeus Greyrat, a man reborn in a fantasy world after a tragic life filled with regret. What makes this plot so compelling is its exploration of redemption and personal growth. Rudeus, armed with the memories of his past life, navigates the complexities of his new existence with an earnest desire to change. This theme of self-improvement resonates deeply, inviting viewers to reflect on their own lives while cheering for Rudeus's transformation from a socially awkward recluse to a capable and compassionate individual. The narrative is rich with emotional highs and lows, making it a ...
Oct 26, 2024
Mirai was by far one of the worst movies I think I've ever seen in my life. Nothing about this film was appealing at all and how it was nominated for best animated film of the year is beyond me.

The film Mirai just had so many things wrong with it that I can't even begin to describe. I'll start with Kun: I understand that with being a child you can expect a level of immaturity. At some point in their life, all kids have been immature / brats at some point and that's normal. However, Kun takes it a step further to the point ...
Oct 26, 2024
Preliminary (1089/? eps)
Recently I started to notice that the One Piece fandom has become really toxic and likes to compare/attack other anime, claiming that "One Piece is the best anime" and I honestly don't understand it.

The pacing alone disqualifies this anime from competing for the title of "best" not to mention the rest of the problems this anime has.
I don't read the manga, it probably doesn't have such big problems with pacing as the anime but never mind... I haven't read it, I won't comment, I mean the ANIME which is far from what One Piece fans think about it...

Let's start with the ultra awful pacing... it's ...
Oct 26, 2024
I have much to say about this anime. As I usually don't bury the lede, my conclusion is that it is an utterly unique anime with many good things to say for it, but a few things that prevent it from being a truly great anime.

Let's start with this: this is a very unique genre, one I haven't seen before. While it could easily be mistaken at first glance for any of isekai, fantasy, gaming, or any such genre, it isn't. It is a straight up story of medieval warfare and politics, played for comedy. There is no OP isekai'd ...
Oct 26, 2024
Mixed Feelings
Forgive me for I had to get some background information before finishing the OVA. I initially started watched the TV, but then switched over to the OVA, and then after that I gave the song Black Rock Shooter a quick listen two episodes in upon realizing it was released first. I had first heard about Black Rock Shooter from its title alone, mostly because it could have been a cool nickname for Trump’s would-be assassin. The art was what drew me in, mostly because there’s just something so undeniably cool about a girl wearing little clothing wielding a massive bazooka. So, the art was great, ...
Oct 26, 2024
Mixed Feelings
I'm not quite sure who the audience for this show was meant to be.

If you like cute stories about girls adorably bumbling through life and growing up along the way, you will find parts of it excessively dark and unsettling. If you prefer darker themes, for the most part, you will find the story boring and the characters annoying.

I do not think all of the episodes are in chronological order, either, so sometimes the main character will say she is eighteen, and then later in the series say that she is seventeen. But it isn't too confusing aside from that, as most of the episodes ...
Izumo (Anime) add (All reviews)
Oct 26, 2024
Somebody please add the actual main characters. For your info, the ratings are not well balanced since there's not much people that has yet to watch this. But I could guarantee you that you won't regret wasting your time on this! The visuals were stunning and soothing to the eyes, it resembles more of a ghibli movie style. The characters are quite interesting and makes sense.The storyline makes sense and it also keeps me interested until the end! Of course, compared to a ghibli movie, it lacks of execution on production and detail, but there is something I like most from this anime. The music ...
Oct 26, 2024
This is a pretty fun anime. The concept is really interesting, and there weren't any times when I felt that the story was just dragging along for the sake of increasing the amount of episodes. The subsequent movie really adds to the lore if you want a bigger picture, but it isn't necessary to watch it if you're just looking for a short, simple anime to fit in between longer shows or if the world doesn't really interest you much.

I like the two main characters. I think they're really relatable and likeable. I like many of the side characters. I think the villain is a ...
Oct 26, 2024
Mixed Feelings
Not nearly as good as Season 1. Several of the arcs are simply boring, let alone not being funny. And among these, a few depart far from any notion of character development or story advancement. Some arcs leave seemingly important situations unresolved and not are concluded in subsequent arcs. I kept watching because I hoped the season would recover.

With that said, there are a few arcs that are funny and have the same feel as Season 1. In fact, one of the arcs in Season 2 may have been the best of both seasons for me.

There is very little character ...
Oct 26, 2024
Now,some of you may not like it.But watching it made me realize,how much I want a life like her.✨

Many people tend to say, Elaina is a selfish protagonist.But I understood her reasoning,maybe that's why I like her so much.

Her life is a series of introductions and goodbyes,so she can't her pour her heart to only one person or one place.That way, she can ignore lingering feelings and move on.
Some people may find it selfish but in this cruel world,it's the only way to save yourself..especially those of us who are traveling alone in this journey called 'Life'.

Whether they make a season 2 or not..it depends ...
Oct 26, 2024
Of course, I recommend it, because what's the other option? Not complete “Gintama”? However, we've been on the concluding section for quite a long time. Almost every character had both completed their characters arcs and time to shine. This finish is starting to drag a lot, and it is made even worse by the inclusion of so many flashbacks: I get it, long series + a lot of minor characters that appeared not that much, but honestly it went on for too much time. Add to that the factor that this isn't even the actual last chapter.

Simply put, this is almost the definition of overstaying ...
Oct 26, 2024
Mixed Feelings
Overall Impression
This anime is a quick, casual watch, great for a short break but unlikely to leave a lasting impact. It offers a fun, silly escape for a few minutes at a time, but the humour may only resonate with some. Rating: 5/10

This anime is not funny, but it makes you smirk twice or thrice throughout the series. It lasts only three minutes per episode and has only 12 episodes. So, people with 30 minutes of free time and nothing to watch can watch this anime. It's neither a great anime nor a complete waste of time, but the jokes could be better.
Nana (Anime) add (All reviews)
Oct 26, 2024
I really don't understand the hype for this anime apart from the amazing music. The art is very mediocre. Honestly I wouldn't even call the anime average. It's just bad.

Starting out 'Punk Nana' seems interesting, a girl with certain aspirations and struggles, someone you can root for. 'Dumb Nana' is twenty years old but she acts like she's five which would be fine if she later took accountability for her actions but she doesn't. She's all about men. Cry all you want about her growing up later but she has nothing she wants to do, no dreams, no hobbies. Blast's dream is her dream & ...
Oct 26, 2024
A profound journey.

This was the only sentence I have been staring at for a long while while writing this review. I couldn't think of anything else to write, because it encapsulates the essence of Sousou no Frieren perfectly without the need for any additional information. It is hard to write about something that has so much depth.

However you may look at it, the high fantasy that Sousou no Frieren offers is by no means an action show that aims to entertain you with its flashy fighting scenes or overarching plot with twists that will make your eyes go wide with surprise. It is a ...

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