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Dec 19, 2014 2:54 AM

Jan 2011
I expected more of a solid Van and Hitomi ending :/ I liked how they approached romance realistically but I wanted it to have a better ending...

Series was still good but awwww we got no kiss
Dec 19, 2014 3:56 AM

Apr 2013
Kaioshin_Sama said:
I don't know what's up with the people in this thread and where their priorities are or why the fuck it matters if there was a kiss or not but I don't know how it's possible to see this ending and not find it memorable. Guess it's just the age of some people

The problem is modern anime with too much moe and SAO fanboys who can't appreciate a solid ending without bullshit sequels.
Feb 26, 2015 7:46 PM

Jan 2012
Hmm just looking at this ending, it is pretty lame and terrible. I loved this anime, but those last several minutes just ruined so much at first thought. However I can't help but have hope and faith that Hitome will eventually return, she said that the she wants to see Gaea and Fanelia with Van, Van agreed, and that she loves him. Van said that they can see each other anytime they want as long as their thoughts are strong enough. I think that she is merely returning to earth for now, but will return to Gaea soon enough, not to mention she has already taken a few trips there and back. Thinking like this, which I believe, it saves the ending.
Apr 13, 2015 11:58 AM

Aug 2013
Despite a slow ass start and some "questionable" decisions by the writers, not to mention a lot of WTF moment's, but despite all that I still had a fun ride with the series.
linkjokerApr 13, 2015 9:37 PM
Apr 27, 2015 8:42 PM

Feb 2013
(finished rewatching again)

"Was it all just a dream?" - The starting line of the early episodes. Did it really happen or not? It's up to each individual viewer to decide for themselves (though, there are some really big hints that it was all in her head).

Things to keep in mind:
-What was the topic when we saw Hitomi in class? Newton.
-Amano -> Allen, Yukari -> Milerna (obvious)
-This is shoujo. I didn't know this the first few times I watched it, but now that I know, the themes are obvious: Love and the power of dreams plus the knight (Allen) and the ruffian king (Van) with the wings of an angel to make up the members of the reverse-harem.

Dilandau lost fast, but the Van vs Allen fight was great. (notice the OP scene)

I really love the way this anime ends, and it remains one of my favorites.

hitomi-kanzaki said:
It was only recently I realized how the ending mirrored the beginning of the series. In the first episode, she is upset because her crush is moving to another country.
I can't believe I didn't see this connection before, it's so obvious now that you mention it.
BurntJellyApr 27, 2015 9:12 PM
Aug 7, 2015 11:27 AM

Jul 2013
Man did these last few episodes felt rushed and boy did this anime fall flat.
Sep 10, 2015 2:49 PM

Feb 2015
the ending did'nt really do the series justice, still a very enjoyable series despite the second half of it feeling a little rushed.
Oct 1, 2015 6:07 PM

Jul 2010
Didn't really care much about the romance between Hitomi and Van if I'm gonna be honest, pretty bland characters imo. It's too bad because this anime had such a great start for me and absolutely loved the ost (produced by Yoko Kanno so ofc), I was almost certain to give this anime a 9/10 but now I feel more like giving it a 6/10...disappointing to say the least.
Oct 18, 2015 2:20 AM

Aug 2012
the ending was completely awful but realistic. There are a lot of self centered, egotistical and fickle women out there and Hitomi is one of them. He fkin breaks the power of fate to save her because she loves her but she cannot move in with him? I mean compared to overpowering fate is not much is it? About having the whole life ahead so what? It is recommended that people be married before 20 so that they not fell prey to depravity. This was a common practice before modernism in the last 30-50 years and standed for millenia. About having friends and family back home bullshit. There are exactly two persons waiting for her: the female friend which actually is more happy without her there and her mother which knows she is fine. I never said relocating to Fanelia before finishing school and letting her mother know but still "I love you but we cannot be togheter coz I am too selfish!" is not too good of an ending and made me hate Hitomi. She always was fickle jumping between men, but the end really made me hate her. Especially her saying "I am doing fine Van". It is not only about you you selfish btch . Maybe you should think about the other person too. That is why I liked the ending in Inuyasha. It is how this show should have ended.
Feb 14, 2016 1:38 PM

Feb 2014
So the power of love conquers all, even destiny! Call that cliche but I'm a sucker for happy endings :)

The ending was mostly good, although I wasn't happy to see Van and Allen fight. Like, was that really necessary? Yeah Van and Dilandau had been fierce rivals since the beginning but why would he and Allen engage in a fight to the death with each other? Couldn't Van have been like: "whoa slow down bro, Dilandau is actually your sister, Celena, a victim of Donkirk's human experimentation? That dirty mofo! He abused your sister and killed my brother! Ima go stab him and save Hitomi!" At least the fight didn't go to the death and Hitomi was saved!

lol at the part when Van was like: "ESCAFLOWNE LET'S GO SAVE HITOMI!!!!! lmao wait I don't need no dragon to fly in and save the day! Heck, I'm a frickin' angel!" *drops escaflowne* xD

Overall not a bad series. The battles were fun but sometimes the pacing got slow and the beginning was very repetitive (which is bad in a show that isn't meant to have filler). Characters were overall good, although Merle was super annoying, and some characters such as the kitty twins and Jajuka seemed unnecessary to add. The OST was FANTASTIC, and probably the best part about this show. 6-7/10
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Mar 21, 2016 9:59 AM

Nov 2011
what the fuck did i just spend 10.83 hours of my life on

you know that ending was actually dramatic
it was actually GOOD
now if only they fucking fixed EVERYTHING THAT CAME IN BETWEEN EPISODE 2 AND THE ENDING OF EPISODE 26 you know, such that it would actually MAKE the ending appropriate and have MORE of an impact ya catch??

Noein's ending was MUCH stronger because everything in between made sense

Nadia wasn't AS bad not just because of the monstrous amount of filler but because if you take them out, the story is understandable and the characters' objectives are defined (and it's also a better choice for an Atlantis story)


Uninteresting characters and a garbage story, with even MORE rotten writing.
Apr 3, 2016 1:48 AM

Oct 2012
wow, that was actually really lame.
and I was so into this anime for about 80% of it.
not even a kiss... AND they don't end up together
this sucks
Jun 7, 2016 10:21 PM

Dec 2015
The "villain" succeeding in his masterplan for greater good, only for it to be immediately perverted by humanity belligerent nature (or Allen/Van's lust for competition). A good thing, because it isn't the big bad guy who corrupts his vision himself for once (despite his road full of bad actions).

I loved how Millerna learned to be by herself rather than staying the woman of a man.
I don't understand the frustration above about Hitomi's return to her homeland or about her three "loves":
- there are differences between high-school crushes, admiration-triggered infatuation and progressive relationship leading to an actual love.
- through her adventure, among other things, Hitomi learned what love really is (romantic, not friendship*) and it is part of what makes her more mature now. It is a positive experience for her life, not a terrible tragedy.


A fantastic heroic-fantasy coming-of-age tale about crafting one's future, starting with the overused "lost in another world" idea. The themes are well treated, and the story is almost constantly progressing. Beautiful drawings & music.
It should satisfy anyone, despite not being the case. (can't understand how it can divide like EVA)
Interesting to see some people taking the series as the dream it tries to make it.

Score: 9/10

Noodle070 said:

The ending was mostly good, although I wasn't happy to see Van and Allen fight. Like, was that really necessary? Yeah Van and Dilandau had been fierce rivals since the beginning but why would he and Allen engage in a fight to the death with each other? Couldn't Van have been like: "whoa slow down bro, Dilandau is actually your sister, Celena, a victim of Donkirk's human experimentation? That dirty mofo! He abused your sister and killed my brother! Ima go stab him and save Hitomi!" At least the fight didn't go to the death and Hitomi was saved!

It was not necessary, but the conditions were reunited for them to have the rematch duel they always wished for. Their competition lust took form in the reality because of the main thing happening at this moment: the "absolute happiness territory"/"zone of absolute fortune" (sorry, I don't know how your translation adapted the name) was activated.


TheMoeHater said:
the last five episodes were full of bullshit thanks to the shojo elements.

Wich ones? How?

@TheMoeHater Thanks !
I see. I guess I didn't see that because I considered the story to be Hitomi's summer (or spring?) toward adulthood with the fantasy world intrigue as (a great) background.
For the "asspulls", are you refering to Hitomi's "powers"? Because they actually guided/moved the story/resolved or triggered events during the whole show. Didn't you have problem with it earlier like most people?

I should really focus my attention a lot more than usual the next time I'll watch this series, I really don't understand what's unexplainable. XD (my fault, I know, that's why I'll be more attentive next year)

October 18, 2018

My God, people here are obsessed with this and yet this is something you see in many fictions, no matter what the format or country of origin is ! I don't know what the english expression for it is but I would write something like "formative/educative love", "first real love", "first mature love", or "to mature through one's first real love". The object of affection is totally unimportant here, on both sides ! What is important is what they both learned/gathered through this experience.

Falling in love was probably less important than growing up thanks to living this love (among other actions).
Also, why would a teenager's "romantic" life be considered as a barometer in taking a decisive final decision and part ways with her native world ? You know, there are other things apart from "love".

Something funny: this is almost presented like a "summer/vacation love", and that's what is usually used in such stories when they're focused on teenagers.

June 4, 2019 remake of the above paragraph.
@Maszu Don't you know about all those numerous "formative" love stories (often taking place over a summer or vacations in a foreign country rather than during a stay in another dimension)? It's not a kind of shit, it's an actual kind of story.
She "will never forget it all" because it was something really "important": she learned what (real) love is, by opposition to her early teenager crush and her Allen infatuation. Thus, this experience will stay with her, participating in her growth to adulthood (that was partly executed through this whole travel).

Maszu said:
Hitomi is the most retarded character i've ever seen, she feels so out of place near all those awesome characters.

Despite her gift, she's a "normal person" in parts because it kind of makes her more "closer" to us, I suppose.

Wel, I guess the potential wasn't that spoiled after all, based on your note.

July 31, 2020
@Ekyam_Drakon People here crying for a "cliché happy ending" made the mistake to think this wasn't happy... As for the "cliché" part, this kind of end had already been often used in stories where fantasy/supernatural intrigues invade a character's life before the people making this series thought about it : it was "cliché". Especially when you consider it's:
- an adolescent coming of age story,
- a teenagers first love,
- over a limited time.
Just like all those summer first love coming of age stories we know very well. I'm pretty sure that the hero, boy or girl, goes away with the family at the end of the day, more grown-up or not he/she might be.

I'm not sure why you tried to talk about long distance relationships (something I think is inherently idiotic), but I don't see how the year could be a counterargument to that idea: we've all seen or read long range relationships written before the contemporary times.

(No problem with all the other things noticed, obviously, and my excuses for the constant repetitions.)

June 22, 2021
@fatbastard69 But it's normal... today's anime consumers are obsessed with those things. It wasn't the case back then. (I had to hop back on the internet in the 2010s to see this kind of obsessive flooding about such minor "problems".

TitanInsane said:
I was intrigued by the idea of a mecha with a heavy focus on romance

The original series following this recipe (imaginary world in war, grand intrigue, romance tied with it) is Macross. Check Ai oboete imasuka? to see how it can better blend together. Though, you might also be disappointed since it ends up looking like the perfect crowd-pleasing blockbuster in anime form (but it works very well).
Rei_IIIJun 22, 2021 2:22 AM
Jun 9, 2016 9:57 AM

Mar 2016
Okay I'm going to address something that isn't really important.. Amano never left the country. Hikari and Amano ended up together at the end (as mentioned by the girls). Amano leaving was what started this whole series, and then he never even leaves at the end!!

But it doesn't matter because the whole ending is just kinda messed up. Hitomi got the war to stop, she found her perfect man, she has a way to control her wishes using the pendant from her grandmother (so she can travel between worlds if she wishes it) and what does she do? After watching 26 episodes of her battle this love triangle and her feelings and her past, what does she do? THROW IT AWAY. Even the pendant!! As much as I want to like this ending, I just can't. And whats even worse is that I can't really think of an ending that would have completely satisfied me.

And another question: What the hell happened with Isaac Newton? When Folken killed his body, he turned into a weird ghost-like form. And then he conveniently disappears when Van rescues Hitomi. It's like Isaac said "Well Hitomi proved that my plans wouldn't work, time to go to Heaven now." What the hell?
Jun 27, 2016 4:05 AM
Mar 2013
Xxxxxxxxxxcvss said:
Jallie58 said:
Seriously, f@ck this shiz. I watched the entire series only to have it end with them being all "I love you! Let's live on different worlds and never see each other again". I mean seriously, they couldn't pull a Red River and just have her stay with him? bulllllllllllll >.<

I know, right? Like Red River please. But no. The ending... they just had to choose to end it like that...

Actually i am okay with that ending.
Aug 8, 2016 8:17 PM

May 2016
All in all, this was an above average series for me. I really enjoyed the finale and got what I wanted from watching an old classic like this.

But I wish there was an episode explaining Isaac's motives. And maybe it's just me but if I ever truly loved someone, I would never want to leave them. The way Hitomi and Van separated felt like it was final. It was like one of them passed away because they said they'd always be in each other's thoughts.

But anyway, I'm gonna go and watch the movie now :3

"Everyone is equal in death." - Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"You know what, if you're talking about living or dying, I died once two years ago... But the day I met you... After I met you, I've come back to life!" - Enmadou Rokuro (Twin Star Exorcist)

"'What is gone, is gone!!! So ask yourself this!! What is there, that still remains to you?!!!' (Jinbei)
'I STILL HAVE MY FRIENDS!!!' (Monkey D Luffy)" -One Piece

"Everything... will be ok." - Kinomoto Sakura (Sakura Card Captor)
Nov 28, 2016 9:46 AM

Oct 2016
Wow the ending ruined this anime for me. It was so terrible.

She realizes she loves him after she spends most of her time fawning over 2 other guys, doesn't even kiss him (kisses Allen McDouchebag though) and then just leaves him. Oh, and gives him the one way she could possiblely come back. So they will probably never see each other again. I liked Hitomi, but she was fickle. I totally see her eventually moving on even if she still loves Van while I could totally see Van never marry because of how much he loved Hitomi. Considering all they went through and it showed her going back to Earth to basically have closure, there's no real reason she should have left.
JakNov 28, 2016 10:25 AM
Dec 11, 2016 3:14 PM
Jul 2016
This is why I hate fantasy romance anime it always ends like this long live shounen romance they atleast stay together and a king needs kids so next time she visits gae van would be having kids with the kitty. Lmao I love how his brother was with the two pussies hahaha
Jan 1, 2017 4:44 AM

Feb 2013
[quote=Oni_Squirrel message=14214559]I actually liked the ending. Not initially, but when I thought about it the ending was appropriate. It showed how much Hitomi had grown that she was now able to recognize that her feelings for Van shouldn't overshadow her life. She willingly leaves him because she knows to do otherwise would hurt the people who care about her on Earth. Plus it leaves open the possibility of her returning later in life.

It's a bittersweet ending, and kind of an unexpected downer. But I think it both suits the series and really shows the depth of their relationship and growth of both Van and Hitomi as people.

Jan 1, 2017 4:46 AM

Feb 2013
hitomi-kanzaki said:
When I first watched this I was 13. I didn't like how Hitomi left either. I'm now 24 and this series is still my favorite. I also appreciate the ending a lot more than I did.

It was only recently I realized how the ending mirrored the beginning of the series. In the first episode, she is upset because her crush is moving to another country. The last episode, she figures out that she LOVES Van but accepts that he will be apart from her because they both have their duties and ties to their home. It shows how she matured throughout the whole series. For her to stay, it destroys that character. If she stayed, do you think Van would be happy to let her give up her family? Especially her little brother? Van hated Folken and did not give him a chance..and then he died. I'm sure Van regrets that with all his have Hitomi sacrifice her family is very out of character, since he no longer has family (Only Merle now, and no longer has Balgus)

As for no kiss..Miyazaki has never shown the leading lovers kiss, for example. I think it adds to the purity of their relationship and being based more on emotions than physical. It would have been nice if they kissed but I also appreciate that they didn't.

Hitomi is a very real person..she constantly said how she missed her family (Mom in particular) and her friends. So why wouldn't she go back? She had a great time on Gaea (and also some pretty bad times) but her home is Earth. Also, someone said she seemed closer with the people on Gaea than on Earth..that's only because we the audience have only seen one episode of her life on Earth. Try to imagine leaving everyone you love behind, never to talk to again.
Also, if you think about her staying on Gaea, she is sacrificing her lifespan if she were to ever return to Earth. Its kind of freaky.

yes.. so true ; a;. the char development of their feelings truly is wonderful.ty for writing this as I was a little concerned about the ending at first (I am around ur age too!) so I knew I was missing "something". this perfectly encapsulates it so ty for that! I really do love this anime, considering how freakin old it is there are still some great scenes.... ; A ; ////

just finished it for the first time because I remember watching this as akid on tv thinking it was the coolest shit evr. White mecha with red cape..... and I'm absolutely in love with some of the words they use! Escaflowne.......fanelia.....van......allen - etc!
Jan 22, 2017 3:57 PM

Oct 2014

I get that it was a fantasy that had a bit of realism to it but I didn't like that it felt like there was no place for the main character, like what was she even doing there? The thing that made her relevant wasnt even to do with her, it was literally just her pendant. They would have been better off just taking it from her lol.

Romance-wise she was pretty much a third wheel the entire time and it was all pretty awkward and they made her a bit too realistic in that she was a typical teenage girl.

It's rare for me to give a good rating to an anime where I didnt even like the main character but this was pretty decent. Though the story went a bit kooky at the end.
May 7, 2017 5:39 PM

Dec 2012
What are you guys saying in my mind she can travel on holidays (when she has more free time) to see Van. Or the other way around.

Being more serious... I was going to recommend this series to my mom, but as she likes happy-and-together endings I'm not sure about it now.
Jun 3, 2017 5:00 PM
Jun 2017
Actually I thought the ending had to do with saving Gaea. That moment when Van comes crashing down to save her it was explained that the moment they shared was the perfect moment of pure love. If you think about it, when you are in a relationship things get more muddled. Yes, you love each other but it wouldn't be that pure moment. So in order to preserve the peace their love bestowed on Gaea, they had to be separated. Their love would forever be imprinted as this ultimate sacrifice.
Oct 18, 2017 2:30 PM
Jun 2014
What an shitty ending to such a fun series. The series was like a jrpg story in a way. The absurdity of it all.

The romance however can take a hike. What was the point? She was constantly alternating who she was in love with. She completely fell in love with Allen, but for some bewildering reason she fell just as fast out of love, only to realize she loved Van near the very end of th show. That's pretty terrible tbh. I'm not sure what was worse between what i just mentioned or the fact that she left Van permanently an episode or so after figuring out she loved him. What kind of idiot writes this stuff?
Nov 7, 2017 8:51 AM

Nov 2013
Waaaaayyyy too much miracles. The ending is questionable, but more importantly the pacing sucks That I need more than a year to finish the series. But music is epic

After finishing I didn't feel it is a complete waste of time since I liked the story on paper when you look at it as a whole, but sadly, gah the execution is pretty bad. Should have been better
I'm too weird to live but much too rare to die.

Dec 30, 2017 11:35 PM
Jun 2017
It wasn't half bad it's just that it could've been so much better.
Feb 4, 2018 3:16 PM

Feb 2013

If you look closely, you can see all the holes the liquid metal comes out of.
They should go back to doing anime on film. It's so much better this way.

But the real fight was between Allen and Van, and it delivers.

Still one of my favorites.
Mar 20, 2018 6:23 PM

Oct 2016
I didn't mind the concept of the ending even if the lack of a happily ever after was bittersweet. What I did mind was that it seemed pretty poorly written with little explanation about the character's decisions and actions, especially after the rest of the series was excellent. Ah, well, it was still an amazing ride.
Mar 23, 2018 9:28 PM
Apr 2017
The ending felt abrupt and clumsy, like the second half of the show. I don't think I've ever seen a show with such a stark drop from the first to the second half. Still, the first half, plus the great music and animation, put this show at a solid 6/10 for me.
May 1, 2018 11:40 AM

Nov 2016
Had high hopes for this show,but they were shattered in the end.

On the bright side, art,animation and soundtrack were gorgeous.Directing was top notch too imo,this anime has some really memorable moments. The very last scene where Hitomi was sent off left me even a bit melancholic.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Aug 9, 2018 9:52 PM

Nov 2012
Okay... the whole thing was poorly written. it feels like the writer of the script just decided to sit down, write some random events just to do his job and get it done with. no build-up, no foreshadowing, no subtle hints, lots of deus ex machina, the writing is completely lazy.
Each and every episode had me thinking "what's the point of the entire story?" and there isn't any point where the whole thing just click in your head and the plot points get tied together. nope, it's all random from the beginning till the end.

On the other hand, the production value is great. i was immersed watching each episode due to the production value. the background/environment art, character/mecha design, the soundtrack. the staff did a great job at turning a boring plot into an enjoyable experience. i've totally enjoyed the show despite its poor, below average writing and pointless plot.
Drastic-MeasureAug 9, 2018 10:02 PM
Aug 11, 2018 10:40 PM
Apr 2013
First half of this series was fantastic. Second half? Not so much.

Still. Good enough overall to get a 7 from me.
Aug 14, 2018 3:24 PM

Oct 2016
Although it had issues since the beginning it wasn't until the very end when the series fell flat on its face. 21 episodes worth of world building, good characterization and character development, cool lore and themes and excellent production values completely dumped down by the toilet due to the last five episodes which were full of bullshit, and all thanks to the shojo elements. Still worth checking out as a whole but very disappointing.
Aug 16, 2018 5:54 AM

Oct 2016
Rei366 said:
The "villain" succeeding in his masterplan for greater good, only for it to be immediately perverted by humanity belligerent nature (or Allen/Van's lust for competition). A good thing, because it isn't the big bad guy who corrupts his vision himself for once (despite his road full of bad actions).

I loved how Millerna learned to be by herself rather than staying the woman of a man.
I don't understand the frustration above about Hitomi's return to her homeland or about her three "loves":
- there are differences between high-school crushes, admiration-triggered infatuation and progressive relationship leading to an actual love.
- through her adventure, along other things, Hitomi learned what love really is (romantic, not friendship*) and it is part of what make her more mature now. It is a positive experience for her life, not a terrible tragedy.


Noodle070 said:

The ending was mostly good, although I wasn't happy to see Van and Allen fight. Like, was that really necessary? Yeah Van and Dilandau had been fierce rivals since the beginning but why would he and Allen engage in a fight to the death with each other? Couldn't Van have been like: "whoa slow down bro, Dilandau is actually your sister, Celena, a victim of Donkirk's human experimentation? That dirty mofo! He abused your sister and killed my brother! Ima go stab him and save Hitomi!" At least the fight didn't go to the death and Hitomi was saved!

It was not necessary, but the conditions were reunited for them to have the rematch duel they always wished for. Their competition lust took form in the reality because of the main thing happening at this moment: the "absolute happiness territory"/"zone of absolute fortune" (sorry, I don't know how your translation adapted the name) was activated.


A fantastic heroic-fantasy coming-of-age tale about crafting one's future, starting with the overused "lost in another world" idea. The themes are well treated, and the story is almost constantly progressing. Beautiful drawings & music.
It should satisfy anyone, despite not being the case. (can't understand how it can divide like EVA)
Interesting to see some people taking the series as the dream it tries to make it.

Score: 9/10


TheMoeHater said:
the last five episodes were full of bullshit thanks to the shojo elements.

Wich ones? How?

Sorry for the late response

Too much focus on romance dragged on the final showdown unnecessarily and forced asspulls and cheap plot devices to reach an unexplainable conclusion.
Aug 16, 2018 6:59 AM

Oct 2016
Rei366 said:
The "villain" succeeding in his masterplan for greater good, only for it to be immediately perverted by humanity belligerent nature (or Allen/Van's lust for competition). A good thing, because it isn't the big bad guy who corrupts his vision himself for once (despite his road full of bad actions).

I loved how Millerna learned to be by herself rather than staying the woman of a man.
I don't understand the frustration above about Hitomi's return to her homeland or about her three "loves":
- there are differences between high-school crushes, admiration-triggered infatuation and progressive relationship leading to an actual love.
- through her adventure, along other things, Hitomi learned what love really is (romantic, not friendship*) and it is part of what make her more mature now. It is a positive experience for her life, not a terrible tragedy.


Noodle070 said:

The ending was mostly good, although I wasn't happy to see Van and Allen fight. Like, was that really necessary? Yeah Van and Dilandau had been fierce rivals since the beginning but why would he and Allen engage in a fight to the death with each other? Couldn't Van have been like: "whoa slow down bro, Dilandau is actually your sister, Celena, a victim of Donkirk's human experimentation? That dirty mofo! He abused your sister and killed my brother! Ima go stab him and save Hitomi!" At least the fight didn't go to the death and Hitomi was saved!

It was not necessary, but the conditions were reunited for them to have the rematch duel they always wished for. Their competition lust took form in the reality because of the main thing happening at this moment: the "absolute happiness territory"/"zone of absolute fortune" (sorry, I don't know how your translation adapted the name) was activated.


A fantastic heroic-fantasy coming-of-age tale about crafting one's future, starting with the overused "lost in another world" idea. The themes are well treated, and the story is almost constantly progressing. Beautiful drawings & music.
It should satisfy anyone, despite not being the case. (can't understand how it can divide like EVA)
Interesting to see some people taking the series as the dream it tries to make it.

Score: 9/10


TheMoeHater said:
the last five episodes were full of bullshit thanks to the shojo elements.

Wich ones? How?

@TheMoeHater Thanks !
I see. I guess I didn't see that because I considered the story to be Hitomi's summer (or spring?) toward adulthood with the fantasy world intrigue as (a great) background.
For the "asspulls", are you refering to Hitomi's "powers"? Because they actually guided/moved the story/resolved or triggered events during the whole show. Didn't you have problem with it earlier like most people?

I should really focus my attention a lot more than usual the next time I'll watch this series, I really don't understand what's unexplainable. XD (my fault, I know, that's why I'll be more attentive next year)

I didn't have problem with Hitomi's powers because they were well established, consistent and didn't give her side an absurd advantage over Zaibach's tropes. My main issue during the last episodes were the plot twists regarding certain identity and the characters' sudden change of mind.

Why did Hitomi come back to Japan like that? It wasn't explained. I know her pendant works kinda like a portal between worlds, but it felt like "hey, the story is gone but you can't stay in that world, go back and finish highschool like a good girl".

Seeing it as a coming of age story about a highschool girl transported to another world it's interesting, I personally think the series focused more on the mecha battles during the whole series rather than the political and mythical aspects of it, so I see it as an epic action/adventure with cool lore and unneeded romance elements which damaged its ending in the finale. Still a good show.
Oct 2, 2018 5:02 PM

Aug 2018
It was a great ending and anyone who has ever read or watched a story similar to this shouldn't be surprised that she returned home. I think one of the core messages of the show was letting go of your uncertainty and following your heart. Hitomi chose Van over Allen (who wanted to keep her in a cage BTW) and she chose earth over Gaea. Also, who's to say Van could have went to earth with her but decided not to?

And lets not forget Merle. She's obviously head over heels for Van, how unfair would it be if some girl from another world stole her man?
Oct 17, 2018 2:49 PM

May 2018
I hate this ending! What's the point of falling in love, if you have to leave?

Did Hitomi really have to leave Gaea? It's not like space and time would fold itself into oblivion is she stayed there. What was left for her back on Earth anyway? Amano and Yukari hooked up. Hitomi'd just be that annoying third wheel.

If it were me, I would've stayed on Gaea, raised Jajuka from the dead and made him my main squeeze. LOL!! I'm just sayin'.

"Are you intoxicated, or just insane?"
Oct 31, 2018 9:01 PM

Aug 2016
So dissapointing. Can´t believe some people consider this to be the best isekai.
Feb 17, 2019 8:41 AM

Jul 2015
I was doubting to keep the 7/10 for a long time since I wasn't fully hooked, but I think that this final stretch was great enough to get it, pretty good anime despite not being a fan of fantasy settings.
May 9, 2019 2:09 PM

Oct 2012
So neither she, nor Van, nor Allen, nor LITERALLY ANYONE (but Yukari and Amano lol) reached their true happiness. I'm glad Millerna learnt to be by herself, but since she and Allen liked each other what was wrong with them being together lol?

It's sad because I didn't feel sad for them or anything because I wasn't able to connect with the characters (at least not with Van or with Hitomi). I was expecting people to be happy at least, so I could be happy for them even if I don't like them all that much, but no... I didn't feel Van x Hitomi's love either. And they separated in the end, so...????www I find Escaflowne very similar to Fushigi Yuugi/InuYasha, but I think those two make a better job with their romance, heroine and overall story. Maybe because they had more time to tell it.

Mehhh, that's it, I expected way more. Maybe with 39 episodes they could have developed things better. Idk.

The "ESCA----FLOWNEEEE" music and other OST will be forever epic though. I had given it a 5, but I guess it's a 6 for me.
MaahHeimMay 9, 2019 2:14 PM
May 11, 2019 10:13 AM
May 2019
Finished Vision of Escaflowne and I had a little heartache regarding its ending. But I do hope Van and Hitomi will have their happy ending, just as what we expect.
Jun 2, 2019 6:32 AM

Aug 2014
5 minutes before the ending - "their love is so strong it stopped other people's desire for war"
the ending - "ye i kinda love you but i gotta go but i'll remember u" what the fuck? Hitomi is the most retarded character i've ever seen, she feels so out of place near all those awesome characters. Either make Hitomi commit to the love that is supposed to be special or don't imply the love ever existed if she just gives away the necklace and goes back home like she wants to forget it all....
Aug 18, 2020 1:13 PM
Dec 2019
zetsu_shoren said:
what the fuck did i just spend 10.83 hours of my life on

you know that ending was actually dramatic
it was actually GOOD
now if only they fucking fixed EVERYTHING THAT CAME IN BETWEEN EPISODE 2 AND THE ENDING OF EPISODE 26 you know, such that it would actually MAKE the ending appropriate and have MORE of an impact ya catch??

Noein's ending was MUCH stronger because everything in between made sense

Nadia wasn't AS bad not just because of the monstrous amount of filler but because if you take them out, the story is understandable and the characters' objectives are defined (and it's also a better choice for an Atlantis story)


Uninteresting characters and a garbage story, with even MORE rotten writing.

I, also came here to say: Give me back 8 hours of my life.

I watched 3 episodes and predicted that the story was going to be a generic fantasy relying on tropes for drama and putting a flimsy shoujo romance first. But I kept reading 8/10 reviews and thought maybe I should be more open minded. Turns out, Beatnik was totally right and I'm surprised no one else complained as much about the sheer number of plot contrivances and forced drama.
Sep 7, 2020 4:17 AM
Jul 2019
Some decent concepts, some good visuals, interesting world building and the explanation of Atlantis fall was interesting, they actually corrupted it by the in-fighting, not just some fantasy explosion, didnt care for the drama much, wouldnt mind the ending if there was a more clear reason for her to leave, seems more like it happened because its the kind of ending this kind of story tends to have, shes being hilariously fickle also hurts the ending since it makes it confusing with her whole arc, maybe have some quick exposition on how she couldnt phisically stay there for some reason.

Recynon said:

I, also came here to say: Give me back 8 hours of my life.
I watched 3 episodes

Please dont quote your alt's years old, all caps, cringe indulcing, youtuber wannabe attempt at being quirky and funny and calling it a review just to agree when no one in the world agreed with it: reading that badly formatted and agressive post once in a page is bad enough of a punishment to every poor soul that reads this thread now... and with an anime you clearly speed-watched at best, saw some episodes at worse: That first quoted post is not funny, blindly insulting a work with avgn speak (but without his wit) is not witty, its disrespectful to the concept of having normal discussions of these things. Like this anime or not, it has high production value and held a cult following for a reason, no wonder a troll literally screaming in caps that it is "garbage" and "rotten" like a kid who doesnt know english and making watched time joles like a bad youtuber wont have anyone agreing, maybe you should just do you instead of wanting people to agree so you can "approve" your choices.

The giant letters by itself proved it was a desperate attempt at clout and not a real opinion as its a forced, artifical way to give more attention to the text since the one writing knows the content is bad, which may be why no one else agreed with that horrid shtpost of that... either a crazy capslock obsessed person or your supposed alt there.
MGemergencyfilesSep 7, 2020 4:29 AM
Sep 7, 2020 8:09 AM
Dec 2019
MGemergencyfiles said:

Please dont quote your alt's years old, all caps, cringe indulcing, youtuber wannabe attempt at being quirky and funny and calling it a review just to agree when no one in the world agreed with it: reading that badly formatted and agressive post once in a page is bad enough of a punishment to every poor soul that reads this thread now... and with an anime you clearly speed-watched at best, saw some episodes at worse: That first quoted post is not funny, blindly insulting a work with avgn speak (but without his wit) is not witty, its disrespectful to the concept of having normal discussions of these things. Like this anime or not, it has high production value and held a cult following for a reason, no wonder a troll literally screaming in caps that it is "garbage" and "rotten" like a kid who doesnt know english and making watched time joles like a bad youtuber wont have anyone agreing, maybe you should just do you instead of wanting people to agree so you can "approve" your choices.

The giant letters by itself proved it was a desperate attempt at clout and not a real opinion as its a forced, artifical way to give more attention to the text since the one writing knows the content is bad, which may be why no one else agreed with that horrid shtpost of that... either a crazy capslock obsessed person or your supposed alt there.

I don't know where you got the idea that this is my alt account and that no one agrees with it. Sure, it is a very bold, offensive way of expressing his opinion, and I can see why a lot of people may be offput by it, but I don't see this as a desperate attempt at clout or attention. I agree with the core of what he's saying and it's not unwarranted criticism, even if the way he says it is unwarranted. I also never called it a review.

Now as for me, I went through all of MAL's reviews and all of Anidb's reviews, as well this this final episode's comments to try to find out why it's a cult classic. The most I can say is that it's a fast-paced action adventure with good tension and mixes in a good dose of shoujo romance drama to keep your emotions engaged, while having imaginative designs in a wondrous fantasy setting. Furthermore, it uses fate and destiny to intensify the drama, so that these petty teenage love triangles are amplified to world-changing stakes. A lot of people just like how well the show combines so many disparate elements and genres.

Having said that, I still stand by what I said: too many plot contrivances, fantasy world isn't all that interesting (the only outstanding concept was the mech and its race of builders and the Atlantis storyline about falling because due to its own abuse of power is cliche), and forced drama. The characters are also uninteresting. Most people may not care too much about these things and are interested in the fantasy world and do get invested in the romance and that's fine. I think these things weigh too heavily on the anime for me to give it a good score. Feel free to discuss this further by commenting on my page or messaging me if you want to make the argument that the anime doesn't suffer from these flaws or that the anime succeeds in doing great things in spite of them.
RecynonSep 7, 2020 8:25 AM
Dec 11, 2020 1:44 PM

Feb 2012
Everyone had their wishes granted...and everyone wished to fight.

I don't know what's more disappointing, that we didn't get to see Hitomi leading an army of Escaflownes (like in Dornkirk's visions) or that Hitomi and Van not conclusively getting together, like she can go back, right? Since Gaea's another planet not another time...

Novels I have read/am reading pending approval: since November 10 2022
Feb 19, 2021 12:42 AM

Mar 2015
zetsu_shoren said:
what the fuck did i just spend 10.83 hours of my life on

you know that ending was actually dramatic
it was actually GOOD
now if only they fucking fixed EVERYTHING THAT CAME IN BETWEEN EPISODE 2 AND THE ENDING OF EPISODE 26 you know, such that it would actually MAKE the ending appropriate and have MORE of an impact ya catch??

Noein's ending was MUCH stronger because everything in between made sense

Nadia wasn't AS bad not just because of the monstrous amount of filler but because if you take them out, the story is understandable and the characters' objectives are defined (and it's also a better choice for an Atlantis story)


Uninteresting characters and a garbage story, with even MORE rotten writing.

Honestly man, I think you explained how I feel as well
Jun 21, 2021 1:12 AM

May 2020
I'm surprised people even liked the Van x Hitomi ship enough to be disappointed. This entire episode hinges on their love but honestly ? They are not good together at all. I wish they just kept Van's and Hitomi's relationship platonic and have the ending just be Van fulfilling his promise to send her home. That would've made this ending much better.

All in all, this was a disappointing series. It has a nice world and concepts but the characters are uninteresting and barely entertaining which ruins the experience for me. I was intrigued by the idea of a mecha with a heavy focus on romance but all this series has to offer is just absolute bottom of the barrel tropes executed in the most bland fashion possible.

Oct 16, 2021 12:58 AM

Sep 2017
The anime is overall good but the shipper in me wished Hitomi ended up with Allen. I don't see the chemistry between her and Van when she was crushing on Allen for most of the series.
Oct 26, 2021 6:56 PM
Jun 2014
Fortress_Maximus said:
Everyone had their wishes granted...and everyone wished to fight.

I don't know what's more disappointing, that we didn't get to see Hitomi leading an army of Escaflownes (like in Dornkirk's visions) or that Hitomi and Van not conclusively getting together, like she can go back, right? Since Gaea's another planet not another time...

That slut would probably end up cheating anyway. She did Van a solid
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