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English Titles Added to Desktop; Moving Towards a Romanized/English Toggle

Feb 12, 2020 12:56 AM
Lead Admin
Faerie Queen

Aug 2007
A small modification has been made to Anime and Manga Database entries on the Desktop Site. The h1/top header on the page will now display both the Romanized/Main MAL title and the official English title. This brings the Desktop site in line with the Mobile site.

Note that if the English title is too close to the Main MAL title, it will not display to prevent unnecessary vertical stretching of the page.

When we first began discussing this change, the development team also began actively planning the Main MAL Title/English Title toggle (that the community and moderation team has wanted for nearly 10 years), which would allow logged in users to change the titles they see across the entire site (e.g. Anime/Manga lists, Reviews, Recommendations, etc). For the moment, we are planning on only allowing these two options, but I think we can envision a future where official titles in multiple languages are tracked in the database and are also able to be used.

1. Even after the toggle is implemented, would you prefer both titles in the h1/top header of Anime/Manga entries while being signed in?
2, For not signed in users, what are your thoughts on switching the main title displayed to English?
 ^ Very curious what our international community (outside of North America) thinks about this.
3. ... maybe more to come if I remember what I've forgotten

We are aware that with the bar added above the synopsis a few years back and now this change, there is a lot of duplicate information at the top of Anime/Manga entries. The moderation team is hoping to see some design improvements made to this page in the future to remove unnecessary duplication, but our current priority is development changes to improve the efficiency and thus speed of our Database Submissions queue.
Pages (3) [1] 2 3 »
Feb 12, 2020 2:00 AM
Nov 2017
1. If I could choose, I would only want to see the romanized title.
2. (I'm not from NA) I guess it would be fair since the site is in English, but I think it's best the way it is now, though the "Edit information" link now looks off, you should propbably put it at the top of the title bar or move it somewhere else. But personally, I'd prefer the romanized title to be present in the header, be it alongside the English title or just by itself.
Feb 12, 2020 3:05 AM

Jun 2017
Awesome, now that would certainly make things easier for many, I'm sure.

Q1) Personally, I use the Japanese titles more often though so it doesn't really bother me either way. I'll just keep them both, because why not if possible?

Q2) Romanized title is the better option, I reckon. It's more likely that people would remember the Japanese titles outside English-speaking countries, or so that's what I think. I'm outside NA too, by the way.

Q3) Well, I'm looking forward to it.

Keep up the great work, and thanks!

I'm sorry for deleting and rewriting this post in case it inconvenienced anyone, I happened to misread extraordinarily and get a completely different idea of this little change.

Edit: More to add to my answers.
_MushiRock11_Feb 12, 2020 3:44 AM
#Anime4Life be my Life Motto! #PrayForKyoAni

Feb 12, 2020 3:07 AM

Nov 2016
1. Only romanized title
2. Also from outside NA, preferably no as I mainly use the romanized title instead of the English one.
Feb 12, 2020 3:14 AM

Apr 2012
Oh wow, this is huge. And like you said Kineta this can go beyond English, the obvious "third" language to be tracked being the Japanese/kanji titles.

To answers the questions, as someone in Europe and to reduce the clutter
1. when signed in, only one title, romanised
2. when not signed in, I'd prefer if it remained romanised: in terms of worldwide accessibility it makes more sense (since most people know anime by their J-title not the English one), but if I were an admin, it's probably a decision I'd make in terms of traffic. Are most of the non-signed in users from NA? I'd switch to English titles. But I guess site development strategy is also at work. If I want to expand the worldwide userbase, keep romanised, if I want to expand the English speaking userbase, switch to English. I imagine owners will want to decide on this one.
EratiKFeb 12, 2020 5:23 AM
Feb 12, 2020 3:14 AM

Aug 2015
1. I would prefer only the japanese title, but I don't really care if it shows both.
2. No thanks. (I'm outside NA)
It's only a passing thing, this shadow. Even darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer.
Feb 12, 2020 4:14 AM

Apr 2013
1. I would prefer only the Japanese name in the top header, in the rare case that I really wanna know the English name I can just look it up below.
2. EU citizen here, I don't really have a strong opinion on this since I'm signed in always anyway. If I had to choose, I would once again rather see the Japanese names.
Feb 12, 2020 4:15 AM

Jan 2009
i prefer the english titles since this is a english website anyway

will you add english names of characters too?

for example
she has a lot of alternative names Jinzouningen 18-gou "Artificial Human 18, Android 18, Lazuli"
and i like to choose either Lazuli or Android 18 as her name

also there is a visual bug/error on the "Edit Character Information" stuff

Feb 12, 2020 4:32 AM

Jan 2016
1.) For the first one, I'd like it to see both of them on top. That way I wouldn't need to scroll down/look down to check for the translation of the anime.

2.) Keep it in the Romanized name. My friends and I usually use the Romanized titles if it's easy to remember.

Also, I've been checking the new headers out, and something seems... off? I don't know how to explain it. I don't know if it's the spacing, or the font size, or the font color, but something about it feels weird to me.
Feb 12, 2020 4:34 AM

Jun 2015
Kineta said:
A small modification has been made to Anime and Manga Database entries on the Desktop Site. The h1/top header on the page will now display both the Romanized/Main MAL title and the official English title. This brings the Desktop site in line with the Mobile site.

Note that if the English title is too close to the Main MAL title, it will not display to prevent unnecessary vertical stretching of the page.

When we first began discussing this change, the development team also began actively planning the Main MAL Title/English Title toggle (that the community and moderation team has wanted for nearly 10 years), which would allow logged in users to change the titles they see across the entire site (e.g. Anime/Manga lists, Reviews, Recommendations, etc). For the moment, we are planning on only allowing these two options, but I think we can envision a future where official titles in multiple languages are tracked in the database and are also able to be used.

1. Even after the toggle is implemented, would you prefer both titles in the h1/top header of Anime/Manga entries while being signed in?
2, For not signed in users, what are your thoughts on switching the main title displayed to English?
 ^ Very curious what our international community (outside of North America) thinks about this.
3. ... maybe more to come if I remember what I've forgotten

We are aware that with the bar added above the synopsis a few years back and now this change, there is a lot of duplicate information at the top of Anime/Manga entries. The moderation team is hoping to see some design improvements made to this page in the future to remove unnecessary duplication, but our current priority is development changes to improve the efficiency and thus speed of our Database Submissions queue.

Is there a way to see only kanji?
I am learning Japanese and this would be really helpful. I can read most kanji but this would be even more helpful.

Note: If anyone knows a site like MAL in full Japanese it would be good too
In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful. | You know what I hate the most? People who aren't free. They're no more than cattle.
Feb 12, 2020 4:48 AM

Nov 2010
I'm maybe weird in that, but I use English titles with some animes that MAL has in japanese like Erased or Spirited Away, but with some animes I still use japanese titles like with Jinrui wa suitai shimashita instead of Humanity has Declined. But I guess I overall would prefer to use English titles more. I'm definitely for the toggle, but I'm not against displaying both names either.

Feb 12, 2020 5:14 AM
Dragon Idol

May 2017
If both is an option it'd be nice to have both. If not then I suppose romanized is perfectly ok with me.

Though seeing how most manga and anime released outside of Japan tend to carry their English names I'd definitely advise to use those for users that aren't signed in even if it's just to make it easier for them to find what they're looking for.

Not everyone has read and seen 3000 titles. For people new to anime(and manga) it'd be good to go with what they're used to, I'd say.

Location: Europe
Feb 12, 2020 5:35 AM

Jul 2008
This is a really good addition. Personally, I've never been a fan of romanised titles. It's convenient to have both (especially for non-logged in people), but given the choice I would choose English only.
I write about manga →
and movies →
Feb 12, 2020 5:39 AM

Nov 2010
Takamura-sama said:
Kineta said:
A small modification has been made to Anime and Manga Database entries on the Desktop Site. The h1/top header on the page will now display both the Romanized/Main MAL title and the official English title. This brings the Desktop site in line with the Mobile site.

Note that if the English title is too close to the Main MAL title, it will not display to prevent unnecessary vertical stretching of the page.

When we first began discussing this change, the development team also began actively planning the Main MAL Title/English Title toggle (that the community and moderation team has wanted for nearly 10 years), which would allow logged in users to change the titles they see across the entire site (e.g. Anime/Manga lists, Reviews, Recommendations, etc). For the moment, we are planning on only allowing these two options, but I think we can envision a future where official titles in multiple languages are tracked in the database and are also able to be used.

1. Even after the toggle is implemented, would you prefer both titles in the h1/top header of Anime/Manga entries while being signed in?
2, For not signed in users, what are your thoughts on switching the main title displayed to English?
 ^ Very curious what our international community (outside of North America) thinks about this.
3. ... maybe more to come if I remember what I've forgotten

We are aware that with the bar added above the synopsis a few years back and now this change, there is a lot of duplicate information at the top of Anime/Manga entries. The moderation team is hoping to see some design improvements made to this page in the future to remove unnecessary duplication, but our current priority is development changes to improve the efficiency and thus speed of our Database Submissions queue.

Is there a way to see only kanji?
I am learning Japanese and this would be really helpful. I can read most kanji but this would be even more helpful.

Note: If anyone knows a site like MAL in full Japanese it would be good too

Even now you can see the titles in Kanji/kana in the "Alternative titles" section, and I don't really know any sites that are close to MAL in functionality in Japanese unfortunately.

As for the language used in the main title, I would personally prefer the current romanized Japanese to English (as a non-NA user). I think adding the English titles to the header is a great addition though, because the use of English titles by some users on these forums has confused me a few times in the past as I didn't instantly know what anime they were talking about (Demon Slayer, Erased, Land of the Lustrous as examples here).
Feb 12, 2020 5:41 AM
*hug noises*

May 2013
Takamura-sama said:
Kineta said:
A small modification has been made to Anime and Manga Database entries on the Desktop Site. The h1/top header on the page will now display both the Romanized/Main MAL title and the official English title. This brings the Desktop site in line with the Mobile site.

Note that if the English title is too close to the Main MAL title, it will not display to prevent unnecessary vertical stretching of the page.

When we first began discussing this change, the development team also began actively planning the Main MAL Title/English Title toggle (that the community and moderation team has wanted for nearly 10 years), which would allow logged in users to change the titles they see across the entire site (e.g. Anime/Manga lists, Reviews, Recommendations, etc). For the moment, we are planning on only allowing these two options, but I think we can envision a future where official titles in multiple languages are tracked in the database and are also able to be used.

1. Even after the toggle is implemented, would you prefer both titles in the h1/top header of Anime/Manga entries while being signed in?
2, For not signed in users, what are your thoughts on switching the main title displayed to English?
 ^ Very curious what our international community (outside of North America) thinks about this.
3. ... maybe more to come if I remember what I've forgotten

We are aware that with the bar added above the synopsis a few years back and now this change, there is a lot of duplicate information at the top of Anime/Manga entries. The moderation team is hoping to see some design improvements made to this page in the future to remove unnecessary duplication, but our current priority is development changes to improve the efficiency and thus speed of our Database Submissions queue.

Is there a way to see only kanji?
I am learning Japanese and this would be really helpful. I can read most kanji but this would be even more helpful.

Note: If anyone knows a site like MAL in full Japanese it would be good too
Well you have the kanji titles in the alternative description on the left side at least. As far as "Japanese MAL" goes, then is generally considered the closest comparison that I know of
Feb 12, 2020 5:47 AM

May 2011
1. I would love both names to appear. This is mostly a problem I have searching for old OVAs titles.

2. I think romanize titles should be proper to show. I am a few of those that prefer saying Shingeki no Kyojin than Attack on Titan. (Not from NA)
Feb 12, 2020 5:58 AM

Apr 2018
1. I prefer one title in the h1/top header of Anime/Manga entries.

2. I have no problem with both languages, but if I have to choose, I would choose English.

* I see that the idea of puting two titles has already been applied ?
Hachii13Feb 12, 2020 6:22 AM
Feb 12, 2020 6:55 AM
Community Mod

Jan 2017
As an English Speaker, I would rather see the official English title first and then as a bonus maybe see the official Japanese title under it in a smaller print. But preferably English.
Feb 12, 2020 7:03 AM
~Watching Anime

Oct 2018
Thank you for this. It will make searches a little easier.
Have suspicions, not faith.
Feb 12, 2020 7:23 AM
Space Brother

Mar 2015
1) I would personally prefer to choose which title to see as opposed to seeing both; the new change is neat but the title bar feels a bit crowded now.

2) For users not logged in, I'd probably go with English titles as the default for that, with the Romanized title underneath it.

I'd also love to see character pages get a similar overhaul to the anime pages. That is, a way to toggle their names back and forth as well. Like 2B and Android 18, for example.

On a somewhat related note, it appears the Edit Character Information button has now been shoved up against the character name. It looks kind of weird:
dierubikdieFeb 12, 2020 7:26 AM

"An earnest failure has meaning."

"Nothing is definite in this world. But it's okay.
Some things within me are definite."
Feb 12, 2020 8:40 AM

May 2017
1] While it is kind of neat to see both I'd prefer to see the Romanized title only, as that's what I'm used to.

2] I'm in NA but for users that aren't signed in, I'd also go with Romanized title.
Feb 12, 2020 8:56 AM

Dec 2009
1. Only Romanized title. No one uses the English one.

If you really want to use a second row, you could use the short Romanized title. Like KonoSuba, BokuBen, etc.
Feb 12, 2020 9:11 AM

Feb 2017
1. I would be fine with either. I just think the way both titles are displayed currently doesn't look that nice, or maybe I'm just not used to it yet. I guess I'm bit more inclined to say with both displayed but with it looking bit nicer or if both can't be in the top then for the other title to be somewhere easily viewable.

2. I am not NA user nor native English speaker but I think it would be better to display English names for non-signed in users. Mainly due to recognizability, I am sure that most people, even outside English speaking countries are more familiar with "Ghost in the Shell" rather than "Koukaku Kidoutai", "Spirited Away" rather than "Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi", "Fullmetal Alchemist" rather than "Hagane no Renkinjutsushi" or "Neon Genesis Evangelion" rather than "Shinseiki Evangelion", etc.
Feb 12, 2020 9:44 AM

Mar 2017
A change I'd like to see... All anime that have an English title as their primary title should also have the Romanized Japanese title as one of the alternative titles. Currently there are many that have only the English title and the Kanji Japanese title.
A møøse once bit my sister...
Feb 12, 2020 11:01 AM

Jul 2014
Kineta said:
1. Even after the toggle is implemented, would you prefer both titles in the h1/top header of Anime/Manga entries while being signed in?
I would prefer to see only the romanized version.

Kineta said:
2, For not signed in users, what are your thoughts on switching the main title displayed to English?
 ^ Very curious what our international community (outside of North America) thinks about this.
I'm always logged in, so this won't affect me, but for the general community this might be a good change.
Feb 12, 2020 11:13 AM

Oct 2017
1. I'm in America but I prefer the romanized titles.

2. The English titles will confuse non-American people more than help.
''Enemies' gifts are no gifts and do no good.''
Feb 12, 2020 12:17 PM
a lil bean ✨

Feb 2011
Kineta said:
When we first began discussing this change, the development team also began actively planning the Main MAL Title/English Title toggle (that the community and moderation team has wanted for nearly 10 years), which would allow logged in users to change the titles they see across the entire site (e.g. Anime/Manga lists, Reviews, Recommendations, etc). For the moment, we are planning on only allowing these two options, but I think we can envision a future where official titles in multiple languages are tracked in the database and are also able to be used.

1. Even after the toggle is implemented, would you prefer both titles in the h1/top header of Anime/Manga entries while being signed in?
2, For not signed in users, what are your thoughts on switching the main title displayed to English?
 ^ Very curious what our international community (outside of North America) thinks about this.
3. ... maybe more to come if I remember what I've forgotten

We are aware that with the bar added above the synopsis a few years back and now this change, there is a lot of duplicate information at the top of Anime/Manga entries. The moderation team is hoping to see some design improvements made to this page in the future to remove unnecessary duplication, but our current priority is development changes to improve the efficiency and thus speed of our Database Submissions queue.

1. Why would you have that only for signed in users? I think it would be more inviting for new users to create an account if the default was both titles, then toggling between them while logged. But yes, I would rather have both titles there.

2. Since the database will be inconsistent like that, considering not all titles have an official English title available, it will be better to leave it Romanized.

I didn't know this was one of the most wanted suggestions.... and it's a tad annoying for multiple reasons that don't really need to be listed. If in the future the site is planning to allow other languages for the title, you guys will have to reconsider about those reviews, etc in other languages as well. It will be inviting those more and many will complain in the likes of "but the title is x language, let us make reviews/recs as well". Etc, etc .....

I strongly disagree about the duplicated info (which I'm unsure what it is). I think the way it is atm is quite good. Rather, there's less now.... (removing the rating user count for unranked entries T_T that was rather useful....).




Feb 12, 2020 12:53 PM
꧁ marr

Sep 2014
1. Even after the toggle is implemented, would you prefer both titles in the h1/top header of Anime/Manga entries while being signed in?

YES!!! I would prefer both titles to be present on the MAL pages, maybe even the way it currently is. Just so it makes it easier for everyone with the Official Anime/Manga Challenges. ("copy the title in big font/romaji title")

I think showing both titles is quite neat. Saves me from scrolling. I like having as much info as possible right at the top of the screen (maybe add genres just to the right of the anime type (TV/OVA/Movie/ONA/Special) ^^ high on my wishlist, haha)

2, For not signed in users, what are your thoughts on switching the main title displayed to English?
 ^ Very curious what our international community (outside of North America) thinks about this.

I'm from Europe, Netherlands. I think I would definitely switch the English main titles, because that way the anime are way more recognisable to me. I only remember JP (romaji) titles if they're short/easy to write (Kimi no Na wa., K-On! or Baccano!) or English to begin with (Angel Beats!, Psycho-Pass, Perfect Blue).

I couldn't for the life of me tell you the title of the first anime I saw (anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day), of Ghost in the Shell or the anime I'm currently picking up again: Outburst Dreamer Boys.

// EDIT: I agree with Shey though, I don't think it's needed to make every language available (if it's just for database purposes, anidb already has that, and if we include that, then why not also their tagging system~ haha). Unless there'd be like separate servers where I don't need to see stuff that isn't in English because I can't decipher it anyway but I don't like _that_ idea...

// EDIT2: I just realize I misunderstood Question 2.
I thought it was about toggling titles in like recent reviews etc to English or romanized at will with the switch and the h1 still showing both titles. But I guess that's also covered in Question 1?! I toggled English titles on anidb, but I'm glad that on anime pages, I still can see the romaji and English titles in one glance, without navigating to alternative titles.

For not signed in users, I recommend just using the romanized titles. If they want English titles, they can sign in and hit the toggle.
lifeiscrazyFeb 12, 2020 2:43 PM


Feb 12, 2020 1:00 PM
Fantasy lover

Aug 2017
1. I prefer in general the romanized title, but I think it is good like it is now.

2. Same as above. People that doesn´t know the romanized title can search with the english title anyway.
Feb 12, 2020 1:03 PM

Dec 2015
1. It's somewhat irrelevant, at least for me. So yeah, no problem with using both titles.
2. Well, I suppose that people who don't live in the US or in Canada prefer the Japanese romanized title over the English one, as it's more faithful to the original title. -.- Honestly, I don't see why a non-english speaker would prefer the english ones
Feb 12, 2020 1:07 PM

Jun 2017
1. No, I'd rather just see one of them (I prefer the romanised version)
2. I'm always logged in but again would prefer the romanised version (European user here - Romania)
Feb 12, 2020 1:08 PM
Jul 2018
Show the English only title please ... I get confused when watching eng dubs and have to put in a jap title to add anime or even sub only shows with English titles
Feb 12, 2020 1:37 PM

Oct 2008
Love seeing you guys making positive changes to MAL. Keep up the great work!
Feb 12, 2020 1:39 PM

Jul 2019
Please add the option to toggle non-romanized Japanese titles too. They already exist on all entries, it shouldn't be too difficult to just be able to toggle them for the default listing.
Feb 12, 2020 2:05 PM

Jan 2015

1. I don't use english titles at most cases, just when i see the title off mal and then use to search.

2. For not signed in users might be easier to find some popular animes that uses english title but noting much.

(As i'm from brazil i mostly just use japanese titles, english title just some times to make pronunciation easy haha)
Feb 12, 2020 2:11 PM

Mar 2016
1. Both titles seems awful to me, I want it back as it was.
2. No, please dont, romanized titles are better.

Feb 12, 2020 2:43 PM

Nov 2012
1) Romanized title preferred, but a toggle can be good.
2) PLS NO!(Both, both, both is good.) (from EU)
Good Luck ; Have Fun
Feb 12, 2020 3:31 PM

Sep 2007
1) Romanized title is preferred, a toggle would be a nice option for signed in users, but not both at the same time.
2) Only Romanized. English titles are mostly always horrible.

Edit: 1) Actually, instead of a toggle it should be a dropdown, so logged in users can pick their preferred language. All non-selected languages should go under the Alternative Titles heading.
KingPinFeb 12, 2020 3:41 PM

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges.

MALoween 2023 Candies

MALoween 2022 Candies

Feb 12, 2020 5:41 PM

Jul 2015
1. If I could choose, i would prefer the Japanese titles only, romanized version, to stay true to the nature of the content. I know MAL is an english-site, but we are talking about Anime, wich is, majorie, Japanese.

2. (Outside NS) Nah, I think it's better to maintain the original Japanese romanized style. Reasons above.

Just the ORIGINAL NAME I think it is good. Of course, if the original name of the anime is an English one (Free, Sword Art Online, Fruits Basket), let it be. But for the original tittles in japanese (Shingeki no Kyojin, Haikyuu, Ore Monogatari), it's better to stay with just it. I can't even imagine those names in english, would be awful.
BloomingJASFeb 13, 2020 8:29 AM

Feb 12, 2020 6:59 PM

Oct 2015
Hmm.. very interesting.

Latest Blog: BLARE FEST 2023
Latest Review: Hyouka

Feb 12, 2020 7:05 PM

Apr 2019
1) Don't care, with a tendency to no. Rationale: Screen real estate.
2) Strong no (EU citizen). Japanese titles are a globally valid keys on all sites dealing with anime (includign Wikipedia, imdb, ...). Any site in any country will produce hits with the original Japanese titles. But why should a, say, German language video streaming site support English titles? Given 75% of MAL users, and 90% of the world's population will use localized, non-English systems dealing with anime. Thus stick with the primary key. Japanese.

Feb 12, 2020 7:15 PM

Dec 2017
Q1: still prefer the romaji only. It looks fine with both on mobile but on the desktop site it looks off for some reason. The toggle solution sounds great for people that want one or the other but not both unless I am misreading.

Q2 (NA-US): same as 1, but maybe we can add accessibility options (via cookies) for people that are not logged in?
"Welcome to the new generation, where fanboys are easy to gain and will defend devs no matter what they possibly do."
Feb 12, 2020 7:28 PM
Feb 12, 2020 8:33 PM

Sep 2019
1. Two titles on one page look unaesthetic. It is better to use either Romanized or English. Better yet, give users a choice in their profile settings.
2. I think Romanized names are more common outside of NA.
Feb 12, 2020 10:14 PM

Oct 2010
1. Two titles is irritating, tbh. I think it should default to one and people can toggle to turn English titles ON.

2. Same thing, but also what other people said. While most users here (all?) speak english, many are not from the US so "English titles" is entirely meaningless to them. Not to mention the hundreds+ shows that only have a Japanese title to begin with.

For consistency, I've always kept using Japanese/romanized titles instead of English. For that same reason, I think Romanized titles when logged out makes more sense as well.

Side note: I actually came to this thread because I was annoyed that shows were showing two titles. I went to the Bofuri page to post on this week's episode thread and got distracted by the double title. Two titles is just really distracting.
KougeruFeb 12, 2020 10:21 PM
Feb 12, 2020 10:20 PM

Jul 2015
1. I preffer how it is, the actual one, showing the Romanized one at top with a bigger font and the "english official" name below in a smaller one. Should of course allow for a switch, but showing both always

2. For non-signed up people i believe showing both names with the romanized at the top is better, cuz its the "original" one
Feb 12, 2020 10:27 PM

Dec 2015
1. Both titles are too much and unpleasant to look at. I really like the clean/minimalist look that MAL has so I'm against this "feature" and will turn it off as soon as it's possible.
2. As a german I don't feel connected to english titles at all. The romanized Titles are optimal, but an option to change languages (including kanji/kana) would also be cool!
BrolaubFeb 12, 2020 10:49 PM
Feb 12, 2020 11:16 PM

Apr 2015
Very happy to hear that MAL is going to finally be embracing English titles after so long.
Excited to start using the toggle once it is made available.

Personally, I think that having both the English and Romanji titles in the header causes it to be a bit cluttered; only displaying one or the other would make more sense unless there is a larger visual difference between the two (never been a fan of where the alternative titles are currently anyways, maybe a more prominent title section at the top would work better?).

I am a huge advocate of international, primarily English websites displaying English titles as default. Romanji titles are, in many cases, very awkward to both say and read accurately for the majority of the Western audience, and even without any studies on the topic I would fairly confidently argue that the majority of viewers watching through official channels use English titles more often than the alternatives.

Feb 13, 2020 2:16 AM

Aug 2013
1. No. I don't want to see translated titles to be honest. If anything, I'd prefer kanji title below the romaji.
And I think romaji should still be site default and English switch should be only an option in profile settings.
2. Definitely not. Leave it as romaji. This is international site and for many people English titles would tell absolutely NOTHING. I know many NA people, and most of them don't use English titles anyway.
rsc-plFeb 13, 2020 2:41 AM
Dub = fake crap. Always.
Feb 13, 2020 3:43 AM

Mar 2016
1. I'd prefer to have the romanized title only in the header, the english title can still be seen in the left section.

@Kineta How would the toggle actually work? If user A uses the toggle for english titles, but user B doesn't - how will it be shown in manga lists?
Totally not asking because of the Manga Reading Challenge, which could end up in chaos in regards of checking forms and such if user A uses a different name than user B, etc...

2. I don't see any reason why this change should be made at all tbh. (German speaking here, if I search for a manga/anime I will go by the original title and only secondary by the english one - if at all.) The english title should still be listed the way it is in the left section next to synonyms and other titles so it can still be found (and truth be told, as a non-japanese speaker it is nice to have a translation of the title there).
As a database that gets accessed by people all over the world, a change like that wouldn't benefit all imo.
SchlopsiFeb 13, 2020 4:17 AM
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Kineta - May 23

120 by jkim »»
Yesterday, 5:35 AM

» [Challenge] You Should Read This Manga 2024 ( 1 2 3 4 5 )

Kineta - Feb 23

248 by nanajp »»
Jul 20, 2:48 AM

» Forum Conversation View: Now available ( 1 2 3 4 )

Kineta - Aug 29, 2023

180 by Thyriad-oPPailov »»
Jul 19, 6:04 PM

» Favorites Boosting Accounts: Ranking Recalculations ( 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page )

Kineta - May 6, 2021

409 by clane34 »»
Jul 18, 4:24 AM

» Clubs Have a Brand-New Look—In-App!

Kineta - May 15, 2022

46 by YourFriendHolly »»
Jul 9, 9:47 AM
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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