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Jun 9, 2016 10:39 AM

Nov 2015
*Click* Projectors are on;
*BAM* Drums beats *TS*;
Audience whistles and claps; *YEAH BOI* someone yells from the audience;
GesuYarou: Ladies and gentlemen today I happy to introduce our new guest!
Curtains open;
GesuYarou: ExTemplar!

*Cricket noise intensifies*

ExTamplier: *OkayFace.jpeg*

Tell us more about yourself
As many people might know, or found out from my new welcome banner (shout out to @Shino for such an awesome work) I am Russian. My real name is Григорий (Gregory/Grigory/ w/e) and I am 22 years old. I was born in USSR/Russia and lived there for 16 years. I lived in a small town in the European part of Russia (it would take about a day on a car to get to my town from Moscow), where I went to kindergarten, middle school, and high school.

I guess you could say that I am a 90’s child, playing SNES with friends, watching Disney cartoons (Chip and Dale, Darkwing Duck etc.), collecting stickers and cards with Pokemons, so on and so forth. I got fond of video games, granted that my parents could afford to buy a decent computer that actually was able to run something other than Solitaire.
I remember the times when I had to use MSDOS to play video games like Dune II, Doom, Sorcerer (oh good times..). Time went by, ps1, ps2 were released. At that time I was amazed by the possibilities that were not available in PC games.
The place where I lived at had a normal weather (for Russian standard I guess). 3 months of freezing winter, 3 months of warm spring, 3 months of hot summer, 3 months of cold fall.

Going to the South region allowed to me to be open for many other cool things. Besides my fond for gaming I used to watch a little of Asian cartoons. My friend who was a big fan of those let me his DVD (I remember how rare those were at a time) collection of shows like Full Metal Panic, Trigun, Naruto, Trinity Blood, Transformers and few others. I was amazed how the Asian cartoons did not just follow an episodic format, but had plot arcs or full shows dedicated to the subject. Around the year 2007 I started to find more anime myself, not just what my friends had, and you can see how much I was able to watch since. I used to binge watch absolutely everything I could get my hands on with an awesome 0.064 mb/sec internet that was available for me. I watched Naruto full season one in 144p with buffering every 5 mins (!!!). Also I am very good at binge watching long running shows, I finished One Piece in 2 months (1-600 + movies), Detective Conan (1-400 + movies) in 1 month. Now I don’t hesitate to download 3-7 GB episodes of the shows in GLORIOUS upscaled 1080p. There is much more to my life I could talk about, but in short I now live in the United States central region. I am a big Sony-boy and the biggest Gintama hater you will ever find. P.s. Mecha is my favorite genre and I do not “Rush B.”

Give us a brief history of your time on MAL.
At the time when I started watching anime I did not keep a track of what anime I watched and what manga I read. I was on MyAnimeList since 2009, mostly using in for looking up shows by their English title. I decided to register in 2014, because by that time I had a difficulty remembering what I already watched and what I should go ahead and watch later. What would happen is I would download a show, switch it on and watch few episodes, then I would be like: “FAQ! I saw this already! It is that show where a guy with nakama-power gets shit on by some dude.” So I made a list, by now I don’t remember 1/3 of what most shows on the list are about, I might remember them as soon as I start watching them again. I do skip fillers, and do mark shows like Bleach completed even thought I did not watch all of the 366 episodes, but I am not some kind of masochist who never drops and got to have everything right to a number. Actually I look down upon those who are completionists, because they watch something they don’t like for a stupid reason.
Editor note: I'm so trigurred right now

Which sections of MAL are you the most active on?
Anime Discussion section. Most people might have witnessed my glorious threads that serve no purpose what so ever. Most of the time I just look at the “Help” threads to be the savior of the unworthy and “Suggestion” threads to spread my superior good tastes. I don’t usually post in episode discussions, because I don’t get any replies. Sometimes I get triggered when I see a new thread “Is Gintama worth watching?” or “Is Gintama good?” but get shut down fast by biased moderators.

How do you think the MAL community sees you?
I would assume that majority considers me as a fat troll; I don’t get compliments so I would not know otherwise. In addition to being troll people probably consider me to be an uneducated elitist. I don’t think this way about myself, most of the time I wonder if they are wrong or am I right. I am a sarcastic person by nature, most of the time I don’t mean any harm. @Mayuka, please forgive me. Most of the time I hear people calling me Gintama Tsundere.. I-it’s NNot! Like I l-like it B-baka!! I hope there are some people who see me as a nice and kind person :’-/.

How do you feel about that?
Most of the time I could not care less, there is no point in arguing with some strangers. It amuses me how sometimes a guy who only watched Naruto and Sword Art Online gets into an argument with me about taste, than calls me a piece of shit in a process. I see no point in getting upset over some plebs. I do however get upset when a person I talk for a while dumps me. Oh well, I could always find another harem.

Tell us about your relationship with Gintama.
I started watching Gintama in the middle of my anime “career,” by that time I already watched a lot of shows of the same genres, so I was looking for something innovative. My friends (not my friends anymore) suggested me to watch this show called Silver Soul. “It is good” they said, “You will like it” they said. So I gave it a try, I watched first 13 episodes, and I was like “wtf is this garbage?” My friends insisted on me keep on watching it, and so I did (trusting in their similar tastes of mine). By the time I got to episode 24-ish I was done with it, I could not bear to see more of this so called “Gold Comedy.” I grew up watching better anime shows, better parody, and much better (obviously subjective, duh) comedy like those starting Charlie Chaplin, Pierre Richard, Louis de Funès, Rowan Atkinson, Jim Carrey, Leslie Nielsen, etc. Not only Gintama wasn’t good, it was not even creative. Fine, w/e I moved forward. Time skip to 2014. I find out that Gintama is placed at the top 10 on MAL, at that point I strated to doubt myself. “Maybe I was too young? Maybe it does get better?” So I went ahead and watched all of it. Actually no, I did not watch it, I CRAMMED IT ALL IN OUT OF SPITE (funny how previously I mentioned that I despite that). Well guess what?! It does not get better, it is shit! It is objectively shit, starting from outdated visuals, forgettable OST, plain wood characters and on, and on, and on. The only 1/10 I ever gave.

What do you feel about the board you use the most?
Anime discussion board, even though it is full of weirdos/stalkers/and straight up imbeciles (hey, count me in), is not so bad. There are always new threads to talk about, and people who make it bearable to comeback. What rustles my jimmies is that people never use the goddam search, how many loli threads do we get a week (my glorious thread does not count)?

What do you feel about the community in general?
The community is changing all the time. When I first started posting here, there was a much better atmosphere. Sadly many people that drew me into posting here already left/stopped posting. I think the biggest problem is the admin team that digs a grave for the forum.

How do you feel about how the site is run?
How convenient, I was just talking about that. Everything is bad, nothing positive is done for the website. The biggest problem of the website is that admins do not care about the community, or chose not to show that.

The features that were great are now removed, now you can’t see online users list on the website or who has a character/person in his favorites. You can no longer down vote bad/troll reviews, I understand that something had to be done regarding the problem with down voting good reviews that object the majority’s opinion, but this is not the way to do it.

The current scheme of the website is this: Do people ask us to implement this? Nah.
Do people use this feature? Screw it, removed.
Do people want their old design back? Sucks to be them.
Do people want to see better articles? Nope, here is top 10 list about fart jokes in Naruto.

Any users you like? Why?
Oh my god, I did think that we would get to a positive side of this interview. Sorry about the rant in the previous questions. Well then, this is probably the best place to level up my Social Link (Yay, Persona reference. On a side note: Are you excited about new Persona 5? It looks amazing if you ask me. So is just what we need to save the new generation of gaming.)

Editor note: Yee boi. I’ve only been around since Persona 4 though..

re I get banned, I would like to give props to the following people (in no particular order of course).
@Mikasa, he is my inspiration for to start making threads of my own. 
@devinder, every second post is worth of a “Post of the Day” award. 
@Comic_Sans, thank you for proved me wrong every time, i would never learned inglish with out you. [note: do not grammar here]
@Nashetania, bunny girls are the best.
@Paul, the only reason I got better at making gifs. 
@Tyrel, I know you ban me just so that we could talk privately with in IRC. 
“It’s n-not like I-I ban you, just to talk t-to y-you in IRC ExTamplier senpai.”
@Z-Dante, the guy forgive me for blocking him for 1 year.
@Shocked, has a good waifu taste. 
@hoopla123, on a contrary does not have a good waifu taste, Yukinon is love <3.
@AudioTsunami, the guy went ahead and made a manga reading guide for this year for me. What an mvp! 
@HaXXspetten, thank you for teaching me your ways master.
@Ardanaz, pervy bastard.
@Mayuka, I am still waiting on a selfie I asked a year ago.
@Malarkey, my slave (?). It’s complicated.
@JkayW, she abuses me. I like it.
@CG-Silver, #NoHomo
@Mkim, dude! This guy has a potato for a signature, POTATO!
@Jayden, team Onodera <3.
@perfect10, would rate 10/10.
@PantsuuGod, I like the way you think.
@PantsuPillow, I swear, I just wrote about you.
@AllenVonStein, my Witcher 3 boi. 
@Holybaptiser, let’s keep those videos a secret.
@JewellTH, Judy is love, Judy is life. 
@Protaku, I bet you thought you would be on the top of this list. Don’t worry, you are at the top of my list. 
@TheGeniusBaka, at least he does not deny this. 
@JTricks, keep up a great work with your videos. 
@Kuma, always nice to talk with him about shows.
@DJAnime, I totally fapped to Shinobu.
@Exhalant, bae. 
@Sylinchen,@Sacred, @Griff-ith, @Shino, thanks for your cool photoshop works and improving my profile. 
@GesuYarou, and finally my loyal servant a person without whom this interview would not be possible.
[note:] Did not make it to the list? I still like you. I bet you never write to me

Any users you dislike?
None that are worth mentioning.

What are some MAL members you consider the most influential? You're not allowed to include yourself.
I wish I could call someone in particular influential, the forum is going to die regardless of their input. I would say that everyone is doing a little, and together we make a big change.

Is there a MAL member you would want to take on a date or get to know better? Who and why?
I imagine most of the MAL members to be 300 pounds with a bag of chips in one hand, and a loli body pillow in the other hand. This kind of makes me not want to know anyone to be honest. If I were to pick, I would go with:
@Protaku , just to make sure he is not my long lost brother from another mother.
@Comic_Sans , I want to see if she can become my future waifu4lifu.
@HaXXspetten , I want to see his loli dungeon, maybe he will teach me the way of loli pandering.

Do you see yourself leaving MAL in the near future? Why?
Absolutely, the forum is not as interesting as it used to be, the users come and go. Now it is a time for me to leave the throne for someone new to take a place and shine. There are a lot of bad things that are happening on the website that drive me away. In the end I would probably just stick to using the website as a list. Most modern programs don’t even require you to visit the website to keep a track of the titles you watched.

Can you recommend us 3 members who we can choose from to interview next and briefly explain why you would love to read their interviews?
You already interviewed some of the users that I wanted to see, here are some of those that I think would have a great interview:
@Nashetania , I am curious to see some more about the guy, too bad he left the forum. RIP.
@JTricks , I want to see why the guy decided to do video reviews, and what his plans for the future are.
@JkayW , we need to shine a light on this troll. She lingers in the shadows for too long.

Any feedback on the interview format?
I was promised rough anal for this interview. We are still doing that, right?

Editor note: Yep, I'll be waiting right by the Alcatraz with my homies

Any shameless self-promotions? Perhaps you want more publicity for your club, or a suggestion for the community to see?
Since I have a chance, I would like to thank these people whose works make my life easier every day. Please support them.
@G-Lodan , for creating an Android application Pocket MAL that helps to update your anime and manga from the toilet.
@erengy , for creating Taiga, to keep track and sort of anime.
@Kotori , for creatingMAL Updater and consistent fixes.
@fri for creating MAL Graph and @Deividas for taking it over.
Thank you for your work.

@hoopla123 asks:
Who's dong do you think is bigger? Yours or @Holybaptiser s ?
Mine definitely looks bigger on camera, it got a perfect curvature and a pointy end.

@Gesu- asks:
How was the wait?
DuckonatorDec 23, 2016 12:49 PM
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members
Pages (2) [1] 2 »
Jun 9, 2016 10:44 AM

Mar 2014
@Comic_Sans , I want to see if she can become my future waifu4lifu.
Aw <3

I know we've argued with each other a few times in the past but it's nice to see that you've forgiven me
Nico- said:
@Comic_Sans oh no y arnt ppl dieing i need more ppl dieing rly gud plot avansement jus liek tokyo ghoul if erbudy dies amirite
Conversations with people pinging/quoting me to argue about some old post I wrote years ago will not be entertained
Jun 9, 2016 11:10 AM
*hug noises*

May 2013
I don't have a dungeon. I keep them in my bedroom
Jun 9, 2016 11:15 AM

Aug 2014
Gesu- said:
How convenient, I was just talking about that. Everything is bad, nothing positive is done for the website. The biggest problem of the website is that admins do not care about the community, or chose not to show that.

Gesu- said:
I can’t blame them. The four and a half new rookies (@Ardanaz , @Shocked , @shawnofthedeadz , @Tensho ,@Tyrel ) are doing the best they can. Props to them for making a MAL a better place.

Yaaaaaay! Compliments!!

Gesu- said:
P.S. However! You gotta start removing those god damn oversized signature on your own, I can’t babysit you all month.

Oiiiii! I remove tons of signatures that weren't reported!

Jun 9, 2016 11:18 AM

Nov 2015
Ardanaz said:
Gesu- said:
How convenient, I was just talking about that. Everything is bad, nothing positive is done for the website. The biggest problem of the website is that admins do not care about the community, or chose not to show that.

Gesu- said:
I can’t blame them. The four and a half new rookies (@Ardanaz , @Shocked , @shawnofthedeadz , @Tensho ,@Tyrel ) are doing the best they can. Props to them for making a MAL a better place.

Yaaaaaay! Compliments!!

Gesu- said:
P.S. However! You gotta start removing those god damn oversized signature on your own, I can’t babysit you all month.

Oiiiii! I remove tons of signatures that weren't reported!

How about we stop quoting me pls?
But either way nice to see a mod not being butthurt about this..
Jun 9, 2016 11:20 AM

Aug 2014
Gesu- said:
How about we stop quoting me pls?
But either way nice to see a mod not being butthurt about this..

Sorry :P

Eh... I don't get butthurt easily. I like it when people make fun of me and give me a hard time. It makes me tough (ง •̀_•́)ง

Jun 9, 2016 11:23 AM

Apr 2015
Ffs why you'd mention me 4 an interview. No one cares!

Every interview I see is people just fist fucking the mods....

@Ardanaz feels bad man

Very frequently asked questions were finally answered like the size of your dick which was greatly appreciated.

Anyway, best interview ever. I was actually entertained.
Jun 9, 2016 11:28 AM

Aug 2014
JkayW said:
Every interview I see is people just fist fucking the mods....

I think it's pretty funny tbh.
Jun 9, 2016 12:13 PM

Sep 2011
Biased Moderator reporting in
Jun 9, 2016 12:43 PM

Apr 2015
Ardanaz said:
JkayW said:
Every interview I see is people just fist fucking the mods....

I think it's pretty funny tbh.

Jun 9, 2016 1:17 PM

Nov 2014
@Gesu-, didn'yt I have a huge ass list of people I liked?

Jun 9, 2016 1:19 PM

Nov 2015
ExTamplier said:
@Gesu-, didn'yt I have a huge ass list of people I liked?

You wanted me to include that?
I'm on it..
Jun 9, 2016 1:19 PM

Nov 2014
Gesu- said:
ExTamplier said:
@Gesu-, didn'yt I have a huge ass list of people I liked?

You wanted me to include that?
I'm on it..
That's why I made it though..

Jun 9, 2016 1:21 PM

Nov 2015
ExTamplier said:
Gesu- said:

You wanted me to include that?
I'm on it..
That's why I made it though..

You didn't include it in the final edit though.
Jun 9, 2016 1:22 PM

Nov 2014
Gesu- said:
ExTamplier said:
That's why I made it though..

You didn't include it in the final edit though.
It is in the spoiler silly.

Jun 9, 2016 1:26 PM

Nov 2014
HaXXspetten said:
I don't have a dungeon. I keep them in my bedroom
Big brother knows.
Ardanaz said:
Gesu- said:
How about we stop quoting me pls?
But either way nice to see a mod not being butthurt about this..

Sorry :P

Eh... I don't get butthurt easily. I like it when people make fun of me and give me a hard time. It makes me tough (ง •̀_•́)ง

I should abuse you more often.
ExTemplarJun 9, 2016 1:36 PM

Jun 9, 2016 1:50 PM

Aug 2014
Jun 9, 2016 1:53 PM

Nov 2014
Ardanaz said:
ExTamplier said:
I should abuse you more often.

Please do <3

What do you think of that, Mr. Pajama-Wearing, Basket-Face, Slipper-Wielding, Clype-Dreep-Bachle, Gether-Uping-Blate-Maw, Bleathering, Gomeril, Jessie, Oaf-Looking, Scooner, Nyaff, Plookie, Shan, Milk-Drinking, Soy-Faced Shilpit, Mim-Moothed, Sniveling, Worm-Eyed, Hotten-Blaugh, Vile-Stoochie, Cally-Breek-Tattie?

Jun 9, 2016 1:53 PM

May 2014
"so why do u like ZA_WAYD ?"
The answer is always "ZA WAYD!!"
XT knows what he's talking about.

This was a very fun read and thanks for the mention fam <3 , i feel so special and fuzzy inside.

Tyrel said:
Biased Moderator reporting in

He admits it !!! He admits IT !!!!!!11111
Jun 9, 2016 1:57 PM

Aug 2014
ExTamplier said:
What do you think of that, Mr. Pajama-Wearing, Basket-Face, Slipper-Wielding, Clype-Dreep-Bachle, Gether-Uping-Blate-Maw, Bleathering, Gomeril, Jessie, Oaf-Looking, Scooner, Nyaff, Plookie, Shan, Milk-Drinking, Soy-Faced Shilpit, Mim-Moothed, Sniveling, Worm-Eyed, Hotten-Blaugh, Vile-Stoochie, Cally-Breek-Tattie?

Jun 9, 2016 2:06 PM

Nov 2014
JkayW said:
Very frequently asked questions were finally answered like the size of your dick which was greatly appreciated.
I bet you quickly looked an interview just to find that part.
ZA_WAYD said:
This was a very fun read and thanks for the mention fam <3 , i feel so special and fuzzy inside.
Don't fight it, that is love.

Jun 9, 2016 2:47 PM

Aug 2015
ExTamplier said:
@Z-Dante , the guy forgive me for blocking him for 1 year.
Nuuuuuu >:3
Not until you tell me the reason first!!

@ZA_WAYD !!!!!

@hoopla123 , on a contrary does not have a good waifu taste, Yukinon is love <3.
I second this.
Get better taste you pleb, @hoopla123 :3

@Comic_Sans , I want to see if she can become my future waifu4lifu.

@HaXXspetten , I want to see his loli dungeon, maybe he will teach me the way of loli pandering.
Every man's dream!

@DJAnime , I totally fapped to Shinobu
Roricon detected!!
Z-DanteJun 9, 2016 2:55 PM
Jun 9, 2016 2:51 PM

Nov 2014
[quote=Z-Dante message=46398338]
ExTamplier said:
@Z-Dante , the guy forgive me for blocking him for 1 year.
Nuuuuuu >:3
Not until you tell me the reason first!!

[quote] @ZA_WAYD , ZA WAYD!
@ZA_WADE !!!!!

@hoopla123 , on a contrary does not have a good waifu taste, Yukinon is love <3.
I second this.
Get better taste you pleb, @hoopla123 :3

@Comic_Sans , I want to see if she can become my future waifu4lifu.

@HaXXspetten , I want to see his loli dungeon, maybe he will teach me the way of loli pandering.
Every man's dream!

@DJAnime , I totally fapped to Shinobu
Roricon detected!!
Hey, only to her adult form!!1!

Jun 9, 2016 3:07 PM

Aug 2015
ExTamplier said:
@DJAnime , I totally fapped to Shinobu
Roricon detected!!
Hey, only to her adult form!!1![/quote] Liarrr!
I guess we're even then.
And don't worry. There's no shame in fapping to 500 years old lolis :3

Ardanaz said:
ExTamplier said:
What do you think of that, Mr. Pajama-Wearing, Basket-Face, Slipper-Wielding, Clype-Dreep-Bachle, Gether-Uping-Blate-Maw, Bleathering, Gomeril, Jessie, Oaf-Looking, Scooner, Nyaff, Plookie, Shan, Milk-Drinking, Soy-Faced Shilpit, Mim-Moothed, Sniveling, Worm-Eyed, Hotten-Blaugh, Vile-Stoochie, Cally-Breek-Tattie?

He's s masochist who takes pleasure from insults. The only way to break him is to either threaten his waifu or threaten all his nekos (>T.T)>
Jun 9, 2016 3:30 PM

Aug 2014
Z-Dante said:
He's s masochist who takes pleasure from insults. The only way to break him is to either threaten his waifu or threaten all his nekos (>T.T)>

Jun 9, 2016 4:40 PM

Nov 2014
hoopla123 said:
Never knew the man was a Yukinofag... Smh fam.
A man has many waifu.

Jun 9, 2016 5:19 PM

Jan 2010

Jun 9, 2016 5:25 PM

Nov 2014
Shocked said:

I punched a wall to feel manly again.

Jun 9, 2016 6:08 PM

May 2015
I laughed, I cried, I found new respect for the man behind the screen; what a great review

this is actually the only review thus far that Ive had the initiative to read all the way through and Ive also learned that you often put away your differences and that youre extremely genuine and meta. for that, Ive found lots of respect for you

I do however disagree about what you said about the mods
it's true that there are many features here on mal that serve little to no purpose, or are unnecessary, or have been removed for no reason but that doesnt mean that the mods dont care for the site. they do a lot to be active (rip Rodac) and help the community cool its head all the time even if they do do too much sometimes are go outta their way to make unnecessary judgments
the mods here know what theyre doing and it's important for them to keep doing their job, even if it means having hiccups along the way

ot: nice shoutout for G-Lodan and deivi; I love those guys too
Freddy Nicholas said:
have control, be yourself, god is dead
Jun 9, 2016 8:01 PM

Apr 2013
ExTamplier said:
hoopla123 said:
Never knew the man was a Yukinofag... Smh fam.
A man has many waifu.

But Yukino being one of them ruins whatever decency your harem had.
Jun 9, 2016 8:18 PM

Nov 2014
hoopla123 said:
ExTamplier said:
A man has many waifu.
But Yukino being one of them ruins whatever decency your harem had.

Jun 9, 2016 9:19 PM

Feb 2016

I'm your one and only, and you know that... Now get over here so I can rape you ( ͡ ͜ʖ ͡ )
Jun 9, 2016 9:25 PM

May 2015
senpai,what is the thing I do not deny ?

Best Shitty Reviews
“Like is like a blank canvas you paint it with whatever you want (colors,blood,sweat,shit etc)”
Current Season rec : Layton Mystery Tanteisha: Katri no Nazotoki File
I am an anime OST Maniac and they play a huge role in my rating for a anime.
interested ?
click the GIF>>>>>
Jun 9, 2016 9:32 PM

Nov 2014
TheGeniusBaka said:
senpai,what is the thing I do not deny ?
That you are genius baka.

Jun 9, 2016 9:32 PM

Nov 2014
Exhalant said:

I'm your one and only, and you know that... Now get over here so I can rape you ( ͡ ͜ʖ ͡ )
Please, no..

Jun 9, 2016 9:41 PM

Feb 2016
ExTamplier said:
Exhalant said:

I'm your one and only, and you know that... Now get over here so I can rape you ( ͡ ͜ʖ ͡ )
Please, no..

But why? I thought we had something going... ExTamplier-sama ( ͡ ͜ʖ ͡ )( ͡ ͜ʖ ͡ )
Jun 9, 2016 10:33 PM

Nov 2014
Exhalant said:
ExTamplier said:
Please, no..

But why? I thought we had something going... ExTamplier-sama ( ͡ ͜ʖ ͡ )( ͡ ͜ʖ ͡ )
I am still a blooming flower, and I don't want to get violated..

Jun 10, 2016 5:03 AM
Jun 2015
Based ExTamplier is based <3
Jun 10, 2016 8:24 AM

Mar 2015
ExTamplier said:
hoopla123 said:
But Yukino being one of them ruins whatever decency your harem had.
don't worry @hoopla123 just has shit taste. go drown in your shit taste hoops, we yukinofags have already won :V
Jun 11, 2016 8:12 AM

Jul 2012
Nice read and thanks for the mention LOL

No selfie for you yet
Jun 11, 2016 8:19 PM

Nov 2014
Mayuka said:
No selfie for you yet

Jun 14, 2016 2:37 PM

Jan 2012
Malarkey said:

this is actually the only review thus far that Ive had the initiative to read all the way through

same here even tough i didn't read everything but that say something .

@ExTamplier keep up ur creativity and good luck on ur journey fellow witcher.

Jun 14, 2016 9:55 PM

Nov 2014
AllenVonStein said:
Malarkey said:

this is actually the only review thus far that Ive had the initiative to read all the way through

same here even tough i didn't read everything but that say something .

@ExTamplier keep up ur creativity and good luck on ur journey fellow witcher.

Jun 18, 2016 1:33 PM
Jul 2018
Even I told you how to bbcodes image, I still don't deserve to be in your list D:
Jun 18, 2016 7:47 PM

Nov 2014
Onii-chan said:
Even I told you how to bbcodes image, I still don't deserve to be in your list D:
You change names too often, I can't track that.

Jun 19, 2016 3:10 AM
Jul 2018
ExTemplar said:
Onii-chan said:
Even I told you how to bbcodes image, I still don't deserve to be in your list D:
You change names too often, I can't track that.
Oh, okay. It's already ~6 months I keep using this username though.
Jun 20, 2016 1:39 PM

Apr 2014

Yassssssssss I've been asking for this interview since my own a while ago. Shame I was away when it went up but definitely a good read. You are now the bonafide Gintama Tsundere, @Extemplar. Also, we're like the same age so all the bonding and relating is even moar real.

Is there a MAL member you would want to take on a date or get to know better? Who and why?
@Protaku , just to make sure he is not my long lost brother from another mother.

Incest is wincest so ...
Jun 20, 2016 2:40 PM

Nov 2014
You are now the bonafide Gintama Tsundere, @Extemplar.
@Protaku, oh stop it you..

Jun 22, 2016 11:14 AM

Nov 2014
Lol, I just noticed a D.Va cosplay. <3

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