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-Sonal- Jul 18, 8:22 PM
Shopee sounds quite similar to a platform we have, called Shopsy. It's a cheaper version of a more popular platform here, which is a direct competitor of Amazon. Amazon used to be really good in the initial years, but now everything there is expensive, so I've begun using more national platforms to get what I want, esp skincare bc sometimes the schemes are just insane. They don't wait for festivals - sometimes the prices drop suddenly and go back to their original rates within an hour or even a few minutes. If you're lucky, you can buy stuff that's genuinely 80% off from the MRP, like I did a few days ago.

tsumu Jul 18, 2:21 PM
i'm still planning to make two profiles before my summer holidays ends hehehh but i know, i know just one is enough
you are def right !! i felt like an art student this semester /sweats/ when we are not exactly art students :'^)))))) you should have continued drawing after college too ;; who knows you'd be famous digital artist now and don't worry ~ even tho i keep whining and crying i do enjoy my studies /nods
tsumu Jul 18, 2:17 PM
is the haze caused by pollution ? considering you live in a big city it's only natural ig i'd rather be greeted by haze every morning than dealing with annoying neighbors who contribute to my stress level almost daily these days orz oof pls i know what's a bad ventilation ( my old workplace had nonexistent ventilation except for that tiny aircon in my office .... it was hot during summer and cold in winter /facepalms ) so i totally know the pain ; v ;)/ and this says person who should be used to hot weather !! but actually sunbathing is basically just sleeping in the sun, right ? doesn't sound too shady to me heueheuh

what a nice gesture from your boss i wonder why were you even thinking of switching jobs before your son was born as long as it is smth you can do at home as well i see no reason why your boss would have declined tho ( hopefully, your rebellious boy doesn't give you too much trouble when you gotta do both work and look after him /sweats )

i think we are both at the same stage then heh cause rn my layout also is more about adding details izzat so ? since your lists are private i didn't think you were watched anything at all fffff are you catching up with seasonal anime ?
tsumu Jul 17, 10:27 AM
na-nanii ??? does living on 35th floor really make such a huge difference ? ? urayamashii (ノ;◇;)ノ yes, exactly ~ and this summer is def one of the hottest in recent years ( tho i get a feeling i keep saying same thing every summer lmao ) oh, is that so ? i thought you worked strictly only during your working hours but ig with times changed it's not surprising anymore you work also from home /sweats/ wawaahhahH i'm happy to hear that !! i'm gonna savor every single part of your layout especially now that i'm free from academic stress can't wait to see it !!
-Sonal- Jul 15, 10:02 PM
Keeping that aside, I'm curious - do you have any local/national e-retailers like Amazon? We have a few and sometimes the discount you get on them is beyond insane

tsumu Jul 13, 10:05 AM
i would love to say things like 'i'm not procrastinating, i'm just slow' in my defense but look at me now ..... rolling on the sofa cause it's so hot it makes you lazy and without juice gahh ;; bruuh i still find it amazing how you have time to turn on your PC at all !! and your pace still seems faster than mine hahahaha it's def not a surprise /sweats/ or more like i should say it's been a while hey !! your previous two layouts weren't even idol boys themed Σ(゚ロ゚)
Lumi Jul 13, 7:30 AM
biggest oor fan shino be out here dropping a new amazing banger outta nowhere ( ◡̀_◡́)ᕤ.✨
tsumu Jul 13, 4:07 AM
hmmm are idol boy games still popular ?? since none of my friends are into them ahhh !! except for Berry-chan ofc and GFX community has died so it's hard to tell is the hype still there (⌒-⌒; ) but yes, i believe you ~ you are more loyal towards your old faves then me sahldhjaks we weren't familiar with each other back then but i remember you were REALLY into Izaya ages ago /nods/ i know you had Izaya or Shizaya profile too but aaaaahhh my memory fails— i can't recall how it looked anymore T_T_T_T why do i get a feeling that most of the guys do exactly this ?? never take figurines out of the box personally i wanna touch them and rub them against my cheek and drool on them fufu fu

bruuuhh i thought you were gonna raise an idol boy but it turns out he is a little delinquent ?!? m-maybe he experiences rebellious phrase during his childhood rather than teenage years .. ? /sweats/ i'm pretty sure i never had such phrase in my whole life so maybe it depends on the individual ughhh i'm already not good with kids but if somebody were talking back at me i would go bald (ノ;◇;)ノ even if he is your kid he still tests your patience so his rebellious side ... IZZAT SMTH HE INHERITED FROM YOU ?? ARE YOU REBELLING AGAINST EACH OTHER THEN ?!
tsumu Jul 13, 3:30 AM
i don't think bringing Yuji's potential at the very end of the manga will make him seem more like a main character— Gege has been ignoring him for WAAAAYYY TOO LONG i really can't take this series srsly anymore but ig it's still better than TR for now lmao ┐('~`;)┌ yes, yes ~ we are seniors now we should worry more about our mental health heueheuh PLS COMPLETELY EVERYTHING BOTHERS ME IN THAT SIGNATURE ARGHSLKDJSKJ but still it's one of my most precious possessions cause it's my first work /nods/ exactly !! it's been like 15 years since that sig .... quite some time heh

b-but it's our uni's library uhhhhh all they've got are academic books and papers okay there are some interesting books too but heck i can't even find time to read manga what books (ノ;◇;)ノ i also drop by just to say hi to librarians heueheuh is that better ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) and wow, that sure is surprising ??? cause even in my puny town there are at least four libraries i'm aware of ?? tho personally i also prefer owning books so when i have money i def buy some ( and never read them lmao ) AAAAHH !! THAT INDEED IS A PRETTY LIBRARY !! SO MUCH WOOD COMPARED TO MY UNI'S CONCRETE WALLS FFFFF i've heard that fact about number 4 only in Japanese culture context— i wonder do floors with number 4 are completely abandoned if they aren't renamed to 3A or smth in that case ? /sweats/ i'm guessing if you chose 35th floor you are also trying to avoid number 4 huh lmao that's true !! were walls already painted blue when you bought your house ? i think it's perfect and i don't think it's all that minimal, you have blue and wood and grey <33 for example everything in my room is just grey and white lmao ( monochrome even irl fffff ) i wonder what kind of suggestions your husband was trying to recommend you .... hopefully at least smth aesthetic
Snicker Jul 13, 2:50 AM
LMAO OOOOH It's a gift for Shay got it.
Snicker Jul 12, 4:23 PM

-Sonal- Jul 11, 7:00 PM
Yes. It is sad how most women are brainwashed by society into following fucked up rules, which are always harsher on other women. They also have this attitude that "parents are never wrong" and "children are always wrong". It is hardwired into their system and there's nothing we can do about it. I'm betting he must have given a hard time to your mother as well.

> Perhaps that's why when he was diagnosed with Schizophrenia, part of me started to question whether he has been suffering with mental issues for many years.
Idk man. I'm not a medical expert but being ill never equates to a patient being an asshole. That one's entirely on them.

-Sonal- Jul 10, 8:18 PM
I don't think anybody's 100% bad, unless they're a psychopath. Even my grandmother did good things but her bad deeds far overshadowed her good ones, you know. And in the end you always remember the bad things someone did to you. The good get lost in there somewhere. Plus, being a human being with basic human decency isn't something I'd classify as "good". For example, if you're a parent, it's your job to take care of your kids. Doing so isn't something "good" - it's the bare minimum. We just have such low standards for men as fathers that we accept the bare minimum from them and applaud it as something the child should be grateful for. That's fucked up.

-Sonal- Jul 10, 6:54 AM
I mean, one less bad guy from your life doesn't really sound that bad of a deal imo. My grandmother was the same. An evil woman who hated my mother for no apparent reason. She was a bully who sowed seeds of discord between my family and those of my aunts. Till today I do not have a relationship w them because of that cunt. It is what it is. I was relieved when she died. Did not even attend her funeral. Fuck her 10 times over in hell. Hope she enjoys it there.

tsumu Jul 8, 3:20 AM
at least this time poster was done in time so no worries ~ my professor was even surprised how she got email from me without delay hahahhaha WAS I DOING THINGS AT THE VERY LAST MINUTE BACK IN THE DAY TOO ?!? T_T_T_T I DON'T REMEMBER BUT IG I WAS KSAJDFASKF— it's good to hear you are friends with CorelDraw !! it almost makes me feel envious cause my uni friend also is good with it and it makes me question AM I THE ONLY ONE ??? (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ heh you are SO right !! you would have sealed that Yuta profile for sure if that cursed chapter came out before you were done with it !! and same here :33 this is the only way how i can show my love and affection towards my faves— if i could draw them i would totally switch to drawing but unfortunately all i learned to scribble in uni is furniture gahh G-GENERATING PROFILES WITH AI ?!? NOW THAT'S SMTH NEW (」°ロ°)」

NA-NANIII ??? OFC YOU SHOULD TAKE THEM SRSLY (ノ;◇;)ノ and hey, i actually started reading Noda-sensei's new manga and i'm still fine hmhphm even when i'm totes adoring main heroes tho i won't deny i'm really itching to make Dogsred themed profile atm /whistles/ but nope, nope not until my Satsuma Hayato and that other planned profile are finished did you find job with a higher salary or just wanted some changes in your life ? but maa, maa ~ it's not like you can't do these things once your son gets older, right ?
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