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is it offensive for whites to use other ethnicities in fiction?

Jun 29, 2016 10:02 AM
Mar 2016
what the title says, what do you think?
user5265111Sep 13, 2016 8:54 PM
Pages (2) [1] 2 »
Jun 29, 2016 10:06 AM

Jan 2012
if u are talking about Hollywood , i had rather seeing it closed , those people behind it have evil intentions .

Jun 29, 2016 10:14 AM

Nov 2008
When it comes to Hollywood, it's best they don't approve movie projects that require a certain race of actors other than white, black, or Latino. Games can have whatever as long as their race isn't their only defining factor.

Jun 29, 2016 10:15 AM

Jan 2015
Seriously what makes you think it's going to work? The stupid shitty arguments given for cultural appropriation and whatever bullshit racist accusations they make are inherently illogical in the first place. You can't argue or prevent it.

All this is going to do is cause people to call them racist for white washing.
Jun 29, 2016 10:22 AM

May 2013
just don't make the black guy a coward who dies first, and you're fine

give ethnicities parts that are unexpected and don't always make the hero a white guy
And what I assume you shall assume,
For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you.
Jun 29, 2016 10:30 AM

Sep 2015
i would prefer to watch movies with only white actors anyway.

why not something like that:
captain america - normal version
captain america - black version
captain america - asian version
كابتن أمريكا - other version

Jun 29, 2016 10:34 AM

Jul 2013
That would be racist and it implies only white people are the only race that matters in media.
Jun 29, 2016 10:43 AM

Mar 2014
Probably, We can even bypass the bigot accusations by creating Latino awards, asia. awards, transsexual awards. Hell, we might even get a black Hollywood with all black actors and directors. In fact, I think we should start segregating people by race again too. The UC system is doing a fantastic job of this, creating black only, or Asian only dorms, in the name of diversity and tolerance. Who needs to interact with people of different ethnicities and cultures anyway? Listening to the ideas of somebody whose upbringing, environment, sex, and ethnicity might give them a different perspective is how cultural appropriation happens.
Jun 29, 2016 10:45 AM

Jan 2013
Other ethnicities deserve opportunities and attention in the media as well, you know. It would be more racist if you don't represent them at all because of their race.

As long as the project isn't encouraging any violence to an specific race (or many of them) or protraying any harmful stereotypes then I don't see the problem.

weetI guess, as long as I have life, all I can do is fight with all my might.
Jun 29, 2016 1:18 PM

Sep 2013
ThisNameSucks said:
That would be racist.

Only white people can be racist and evil.
Jun 29, 2016 1:39 PM

Jan 2013
Zeus- said:
I didn't say only white people in media. I just said white people using only their own ethnicity in writing. not stopping a black writer from using black characters

would satisfy the cultural appropriation crowd, since white creators can't understand the black perspective and always whitewashes them according to the appropriation people

The thing is that most of Hollywood's directors/writers are white. That would leave other ethnicities with little to no representation at all in the media.

Creating a character of another race (I don't really believe in races but oh well) isn't even cultural appropriation. I know that there are a lot of people out there who think that everything is racist and such but it's not the director's fault.

If you can't understand the perspective of a person of different ethnicity, they can always ask to those people about it. Like in some movies they actually do a little bit of research before filming it to make it a little bit more realistic, relatable, etc.

I don't know about you but I prefer diversity. I don't understand why you should exclude people from your story just because their skin color and origins are different.
SweetJun 29, 2016 1:43 PM

weetI guess, as long as I have life, all I can do is fight with all my might.
Jun 29, 2016 1:46 PM

Dec 2007
While there is indeed a degree of truth to the notion that it's very difficult for a person to see things from the perspective of a member of another race, there's nothing wrong with an attempt. Even just attempting is recognition of the differences and should be lauded, just as most locals (except maybe the French) are very appreciative of foreign tourists even just trying to speak the local language.

Negative stereotypes should of course be avoided unless integral to the story or being made fun of, but that holds true even for one's own race, and for other things like gender, sexual orientation, religion, and the like. Stereotyping in general is just lazy, but nonetheless holds value simply because stereotypes usually need some degree of truth to both arise and continue.

"Cultural appropriation" is not an issue. Like "micro aggressions," it's a buzzword and nothing more. The entire concept for those is inane to the level of being downright ludicrous. They're largely used by people who benefit from being or defending certain "victims," or just have extreme prejudice and hatred toward certain groups, but feel a need to rationalize their hatred by vilifying those groups as bigoted themselves. Since they can't find enough overt activity to support victim claims or paint their targets as sufficiently vile, they just lower the bar to the point that it's physically impossible to not commit infractions.
The invalidity of these claims in any honest, rational discourse is immediately evident as soon as proponents try to argue how they should only be applied selectively. Selective application is always prejudicial, always bigoted, and never appropriate.
Jun 29, 2016 1:48 PM

Dec 2015
Of course, how else are they going to stop all the white women from being carried off by black, asian, and/or mexican people. Is this even a real question? People are people read a book sometime.
Jun 29, 2016 1:51 PM

Jan 2013
Zeus- said:
because like I mentioned, people get offended. just fire a bunch of white directors and writers and put black ones in there

It wouldn't be easy to do that... and I don't think that white people should lose their job either.

also, saying you don't believe in race disregards the identity politics of racial minorities and is oppressive. Black Lives Matter exists to protect black lives, not white lives

Oh shit so I've been oppressing minorities without even knowing even though I'm always the first one to defend them when someone is actually being racist. Aaaaalright.
SweetJun 29, 2016 3:23 PM

weetI guess, as long as I have life, all I can do is fight with all my might.
Jun 29, 2016 2:05 PM

Sep 2015
i just hope one day whites are also represented in african cinema

at the moment this looks pretty racist to me...

Jun 29, 2016 2:19 PM

Nov 2009
Just pretend you didn't notice you had an all-white cast, it's a lose-lose.

If the cast has diversity - "Of course white writer made [insert minority] do this, racist! Cultural Appropriator!"

If the cast doesn't - "Racist! All-White!"

If you must add diversity, add Indians / Asians, rare to see them kick up a fuss over "cultural appropriation".

PS: Maybe that last part was actually racist 0_0
Jun 29, 2016 2:31 PM

Sep 2015
It's offensive to be born a white male.
It's an entirely different kind of flying, altogether!
It's an entirely different kind of flying.
Jun 29, 2016 2:41 PM
Feb 2014
>It's the latest episode of muh yellow-washing meme

Yeah no
Jun 29, 2016 3:02 PM

Jan 2013
Zeus- said:
Sweet said:

Oh shit so I've been oppressing minorities without even knowing even though I'm always the first one to defend them when someone is actually being racist. Aaaaalright.
if you don't believe in race, then black pride means nothing to you since you don't believe in it

It's funny how you make assumptions about what I believe in and what actually means something to me.

I never said you shouldn't be proud of your origins and such, especially if your ethnicity has been discriminated, humiliated and killed for centuries just because of your skin color, religion, habits, language, etc, etc.

And for your infomation I was talking about biological races, not social races.

weetI guess, as long as I have life, all I can do is fight with all my might.
Jun 29, 2016 3:06 PM

Dec 2015
Zeus- said:
it seems like whites can't portray anything other than whites without some kind of backlash

That's bullshit, you know it's bullshit and you know a simple google search would prove you wrong.
Do you really need me to break out the list of stuff whites have created portraying other cultures without anyone getting offended?
Jun 29, 2016 5:04 PM

Feb 2005
The kind of worthless filth that whines and cries incessantly about cultural appropriation and racist portrayals in fiction is whining solely for the sake of whining and attracting attention. It is impossible to appease these SJW drama queens, and the more you try to do so the harder they will dig to find something, anything, to be offended about.
Any creator with an ounce of self respect will make what he himself wants, and ignore the cries of millennial plebs.
Sweet said:
The thing is that most of Hollywood's directors/writers are (((white))).
Jun 29, 2016 7:50 PM

Aug 2015
I was praying to Lord Hitler about it, and he told me to only use white people.
idk about you but the closer a girl gets to looking like ronald mcdonald, the more aroused i become. CAV

where can we cast our eyes to @PoruMairu who thinks of himself a member of the true church. Helion.
Jun 29, 2016 7:53 PM

Jun 2015
It's not that whites can't make good depiction, it is just that the internet age spoiled us all. Pleasing everyone has become harder and no matter what happens, the easy accessibility will make the vocal minority more visible.
Jun 29, 2016 8:16 PM

Dec 2008
If I'm writing a story I'll make my characters whatever nationality/religion/race/sex wtv I want to.

Screw you, guys. I'll make every character Dutch in my upcoming story if I feel like it.
Jun 29, 2016 8:55 PM

Oct 2015
I don't even fucking care. No one wins with this shit.
Jun 29, 2016 9:15 PM

Nov 2015
Zeus- said:
it seems like whites can't portray anything other than whites without some kind of backlash

Yeah, I'm gonna need an example to go with this before I can answer.

But if I were to answer I'd say, as long as they don't manage to make major changes that are detrimental to freedom of expression, I'd hardly give a guck about the offended lot..
Jun 29, 2016 9:22 PM
Nov 2011
The media is run by Jews.
Jews do not consider themselves "whites".

Jun 29, 2016 9:56 PM
Jul 2018
Mvsk said:
The media is run by Jews.
Jews do not consider themselves "whites".

there are plenty of European jewish people if you're looking at them from an ethnic standpoint, although most people consider it to be a religion and not an ethnicity, the jury is still out on whether it could be both
either way there are plenty of jewish people who consider themselves to be white so, again, what?

ot: I write fiction loosely based off my fav anime with mostly japanese characters and I don't give a fuck.
Everyone can write about anything if they put their mind to it and do some level of research, people of all ethnicities can be portrayed in multiple ways by multiple people, there are at least a couple shows in the west with a multicultural cast written by white people that've been successful without relying on what people would consider to be 'offensive' stereotype (parks and rec being my fav example), so who gives a damn, as long as it's well done?
Jun 29, 2016 10:20 PM

Nov 2014
Another one of these stupid troll threads...

Zeus- said:
it seems like whites can't portray anything other than whites without some kind of backlash

The backlash comes from a minority within a minority. Most non-whites don't care about so-called cultural appropriation. They mainly care about equal opportunity.

should white writers, producers, etc only make stories about white people from now on to avoid causing offense?

also should they avoid non-white cultures for fear of accusation of cultural appropriation?

in order to prevent this from becoming a majority white industry, should most writers/directors in Hollywood should be fired and replaced with black writers?

No, no, and no.
Jun 29, 2016 10:46 PM

Dec 2012
Made by white people:

Made by black people:

What has changed in 50 years?
Jun 30, 2016 1:16 AM

May 2015
If whites only put white people in their fiction, it's exclusion!

No. People of all ethnicities should be portrayed. The authors simply need to make them whole characters, not walking stereotypes. It's not that hard, is it?
WEAPONS - My blog, for reviews of music, anime, books, and other things
Jun 30, 2016 2:05 AM
Jul 2018
Definitely racist, since the majority staff is white people.
Jun 30, 2016 10:22 AM

Jun 2016
A white actor should play a white character. Have you ever seen the film "Breakfast at Tiffany's"? In the film, Mickey Roonie (a white actor) plays a Japanese character, The only purpose of the character was to mock and insult Asians.

There is also the film "Soul Man". And we all know about Black Face.

"The sun is my enemy, but the moon has been good to me."
Jun 30, 2016 12:31 PM
Jan 2016
If you write a story about a person who is Korean and you're not Korean yourself, then you're the racist. But if you continue to write all white characters then you're the racist and promoting only white people matter. Either way you can't win. That's how some people are. They always label you the icky racist.

I like the idea of white writers using different ethnicity to spice things up and make it more diverse. As long as they're not stereotypical.
Jun 30, 2016 12:41 PM

Nov 2014
Ratohnhaketon said:
Made by white people:

Made by black people:

What has changed in 50 years?

A lot. The one made by black people is funny, not as malicious, and instead of feeding into that stereotype, it's making a mockery of it.
Jun 30, 2016 3:10 PM

Dec 2012
aikaflip said:
Ratohnhaketon said:
Made by white people:

Made by black people:

What has changed in 50 years?

A lot. The one made by black people is funny, not as malicious, and instead of feeding into that stereotype, it's making a mockery of it.
Well considering how movements like BLM are starting to undermine everything Martin Luther King Jr. stood for, one would have to wonder in the near future.

The great irony is how most of what minstrel shows made whimsical tomfoolery of are still prominent features in today's stereotypical black America.

Ah but alas, my main answer to this absurd topic is that unless someone goes out of their way to make a political statement, it's best not to overthink it. Most people who toss around the word racism don't even know what it means. Just over privileged morons who haven't paid enough attention to history.
Jun 30, 2016 3:52 PM

Apr 2013
I feel like the media makes anything whites do offensive. So......

......yeah it's offensive.
Just need to find out how to quote this every time so I can dodge the stupid 30-character limit.
Jun 30, 2016 5:30 PM

Mar 2014
Everything is racist
Everything's offensive to people like me
Everything is racist
It's all white supremacy
Nico- said:
@Comic_Sans oh no y arnt ppl dieing i need more ppl dieing rly gud plot avansement jus liek tokyo ghoul if erbudy dies amirite
Conversations with people pinging/quoting me to argue about some old post I wrote years ago will not be entertained
Jul 1, 2016 12:03 AM
Jun 2016
I understand this is supposed to be satirical, but this thread can only be effective if you provide relevant and specific examples of white writers attempting to include minorities in their work and receiving hate for it.

I see where you are coming from, but *most* of the time, white writers will not get negative feedback unless there is something wrong about how they went about creating the character (i.e. making him/her a walking stereotype). Another example I can think of is black people getting upset at Marvel for having Miles Morales,a black boy, replacing Peter as Spider Man. It's not that they were mad that a white writer wrote about a minority, but rather that instead of making the character it's own hero, they had to make him the replacement of one that already existed and was originally white.
Another example is Kamala Khan, a Muslim girl who took the old title of Carol Danvers (originally white), Ms. Marvel.

My point is, usually there are valid arguments to back up why people are upset at these writers. Of course, this is just an example and you may be talking about different types of occurences.
SmolMutieJul 1, 2016 12:08 AM
Jul 1, 2016 12:11 AM
Feb 2014
Comic_Sans said:
Everything is racist
Everything's offensive to people like me
Everything is racist
It's all white supremacy

You tell 'em! Hollywood is the embodiment of The Patriarchy and Brexit. Dismantle it immediately, it offends me with ample amounts of hate speech! #ResistCapitalism #EUWeLoveYou

Jul 1, 2016 12:22 AM

Jun 2013
Biggest bait of 2016
gg no re
see you next year
Jul 1, 2016 12:26 AM

Apr 2014
I'm offensive and I find this American.
Jul 1, 2016 1:58 AM

Oct 2015
Why would it be offensive? If they want to portray other ethnies, I don't see any problem at all, as long as there are some researches made if the culture is different.
Jul 1, 2016 2:12 AM

Feb 2008
This hatred (often self-hatred) of white people in the west is truly one of the most obnoxious, regressive developments of the past few years. It is incredibly ironic how these sorts of people demonise any sort of criticism against blacks, Muslims and other "minorities", but it's A-OK to bitch and moan about white people all the time.

PS. I'm white.
Jul 1, 2016 2:18 AM

Mar 2014
Nico- said:
Comic_Sans said:
Everything is racist
Everything's offensive to people like me
Everything is racist
It's all white supremacy

You tell 'em! Hollywood is the embodiment of The Patriarchy and Brexit. Dismantle it immediately, it offends me with ample amounts of hate speech! #ResistCapitalism #EUWeLoveYou


#HailAnita #Ghostbusters2016
Nico- said:
@Comic_Sans oh no y arnt ppl dieing i need more ppl dieing rly gud plot avansement jus liek tokyo ghoul if erbudy dies amirite
Conversations with people pinging/quoting me to argue about some old post I wrote years ago will not be entertained
Jul 1, 2016 4:22 AM

Apr 2013
Veronin said:
This hatred (often self-hatred) of white people in the west is truly one of the most obnoxious, regressive developments of the past few years. It is incredibly ironic how these sorts of people demonise any sort of criticism against blacks, Muslims and other "minorities", but it's A-OK to bitch and moan about white people all the time.

PS. I'm white.

Man no offense but that's pretty fucking racist.

OT: Everyone bitches about the stupidest shit these days.
Jul 2, 2016 11:20 AM

Dec 2007
hoopla123 said:
Veronin said:
This hatred (often self-hatred) of white people in the west is truly one of the most obnoxious, regressive developments of the past few years. It is incredibly ironic how these sorts of people demonise any sort of criticism against blacks, Muslims and other "minorities", but it's A-OK to bitch and moan about white people all the time.

PS. I'm white.

Man no offense but that's pretty fucking racist.

OT: Everyone bitches about the stupidest shit these days.
No offense, but your comment is far more racist. Of course, that's not necessarily saying much.

At no point did hoopla123's comment even remotely suggest a feeling that white people are superior, or that any other people are inferior to whites. Instead, the comment was directed against what is literally the mirror image of racism. Call it reverse racism: acting on a feeling of one's own racial inferiority rather than superiority.

It cannot be racist itself, since it is bemoaning a form of discrimination and inequality. It's not like there was a complaint that whites don't get special privileges, and asking for equal treatment can never be racist. It also cannot be rationally and honestly construed to be of racist origins, as a simple (and generally believed to be laudable) belief in equality generates the exact same sentiments for the exact same reasons.

This doesn't mean hoopla123 can't be or isn't racist, but there is simply no valid method of reaching that conclusion from that comment. There are no overt signs, and even the underlying sentiment cannot be reasonably construed as such unless you assume that being white alone means there's an underlying hostility toward other groups. And frankly, such an assumption is pretty dang racist.
Jul 2, 2016 11:28 AM

Jun 2016
It depends on the story. If it's set in Europe in the 1800's then there's obviously going to be only white people. If it's set in Asia, then there better be Asian main characters. If it's set in America, there should be diversity, but it also depends on the area. I'm fine with white people portraying other ethnicities, as long as they have their cultural facts straight.

And also as long as they don't give the only Asian character two last names for their name like hmmmm I don't know CHO CHANG.

behind these hills
i'm reaching for the heights

Jul 2, 2016 3:52 PM

Apr 2013
ErwinJA said:
hoopla123 said:

Man no offense but that's pretty fucking racist.

OT: Everyone bitches about the stupidest shit these days.
No offense, but your comment is far more racist. Of course, that's not necessarily saying much.

At no point did hoopla123's comment even remotely suggest a feeling that white people are superior, or that any other people are inferior to whites. Instead, the comment was directed against what is literally the mirror image of racism. Call it reverse racism: acting on a feeling of one's own racial inferiority rather than superiority.

It cannot be racist itself, since it is bemoaning a form of discrimination and inequality. It's not like there was a complaint that whites don't get special privileges, and asking for equal treatment can never be racist. It also cannot be rationally and honestly construed to be of racist origins, as a simple (and generally believed to be laudable) belief in equality generates the exact same sentiments for the exact same reasons.

This doesn't mean hoopla123 can't be or isn't racist, but there is simply no valid method of reaching that conclusion from that comment. There are no overt signs, and even the underlying sentiment cannot be reasonably construed as such unless you assume that being white alone means there's an underlying hostility toward other groups. And frankly, such an assumption is pretty dang racist.

You guys realize that I was joking right? And me saying people bitch about the stupidest thing Was directed at those who impose white guilt for no reason other than the fact that the person they are imposing it on is simply white.
Jul 2, 2016 4:01 PM

Mar 2015
I have no problem with movies with an all-white cast. I prefer them tbh.

It isn't neccessary to add 'actors of colour' just to appease leftist audiences.

(I hated John Boyega in The Force Awakens. A Nigerian Jar Jar Binks.)
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