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Sep 21, 2019 8:16 AM

Feb 2015
I always see so many people here on MAl that have seen a huge amount of anime and know quite a bit about it. Why don't you use your anime experience to build an anime channel on Youtube and talk about your favorite anime and review the latest thing you watched? If you get enough views you could even earn some money with it. To me, it seems like a waste to watch 2000+ shows or whatever and never do anything with your knowledge.
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Sep 21, 2019 8:33 AM

Jun 2019
Youtube was never really the best platform to ensure you a secure future, even worse if you're gonna start your career right now. People would rather get a real job than just hoping that their channel gets a huge boost/shoutout one day by some big anituber.
Also, considering the fact that a good chunk of users here don't really watch any anitubers all that much, dare I say, dislike them, they wouldn't want to become one.
I personally do watch some of them, but I still can't see myself making a 20 minute video reviewing a mediocre show that no one would care for. If I wanna "review" a show so badly, I would be better off writing my thoughts of it here.


Sep 21, 2019 8:42 AM

Jun 2019
Because you need to be charismatic, you need a decent voice, you need to have editing skills, you need to WANT to do it, etc. It's not as simple as just watching a bunch of anime and then making a YouTube channel that instantly gets you a ton of subscribers.
Sep 21, 2019 8:54 AM

Jun 2016
I like to talk about anime, but i don't have interest in doing that on youtube. The thought of having to speak in a video really makes me anxious because of my social enxiety. So no way in hell i would atempt to do it, earning money or not.
To add to that my english pronunciation isn't good to be able to appeal to more viewers other than those with my mother language.
Sep 21, 2019 8:55 AM

Feb 2019
Because I've got dignity, and also because I can't talk to a camera whilst sitting in an empty room.
Sep 21, 2019 8:56 AM

Dec 2015
It exist two typ of anime youtubers in my view.

One, that just do it for money, love drama, talk shit about another youtubers, asking for donations and love to make drama.

The second one is the one that do videos beacuse he or she loves anime.

Sadly in my view the first typ is the one that rules the youtube.
And I think it will be a bit hard to over come that community that loves to watch anime youtubers that act like idiots.

But I wish we had more anime youtubers that make videos on just pure love and didn't ask for anything in return.
And didn't care what someone else thought about them.

But I woud love to see that too, it sound's like a damn good idé.

Sep 21, 2019 9:30 AM

Oct 2010
I prefer to spend my time watching anime and browsing mal than say my thoughts about some anime on yt. I have a time consuming job too with a steady income. If I really like an anime I'll write stuff on forums or blog posts maybe a review.
Sep 21, 2019 9:33 AM

Sep 2014
Because no one cares about my shit taste and my opinion.
Sep 21, 2019 9:36 AM

Mar 2016
I'm already sorta doing that, but through reactions. Unfortunately my original channel was taken down just a week ago due to some shitty fest of three untimely strikes within one month by Japanese companies due to manual detection takedown requests, two of which involved videos that were blocked from the rest of the world, anyways....smh. So my current new one isn't really able to do much as of right now.
Sep 21, 2019 9:37 AM

Mar 2018
Pragyan1 said:
Because I've got dignity, and also because I can't talk to a camera whilst sitting in an empty room.
Hrybami said:
Because no one cares about my shit taste and my opinion.
You took the words right out of my mouth lol

“The most shameless thing in the world is political power that can be inherited regardless of ability or talent!”
Sep 21, 2019 9:40 AM

Apr 2018
I would if I knew how to write my anime topics in a interesting way, I wouldn't want to end up as another genetic Anituber.
Sep 21, 2019 9:44 AM

Apr 2016
I think to be a youtuber you need to have a bit of passion on do it. I don't have a bit of that passion, so I can't do that and also I don't want to do that. This is my opinion.
Sep 21, 2019 9:44 AM

Aug 2016
I rather not attention whore myself.

Sep 21, 2019 9:46 AM
Review Moderator
Onii Chan

Mar 2018
If you're not a woman, or immensely charismatic man, you have no chance of actually making good income if you started now. I regret not starting back in 2014 since there could have been potential but its far to late to end up successful on youtube today doing anime vids.
Sep 21, 2019 10:00 AM

May 2014
The main thing is i'm just too shy. I'd love to do let's plays and talk about anime, but i don't have the confidence for it.
Sep 21, 2019 10:02 AM

Jun 2014
I don't watch Anime Youtubers, so why would I want to be one?

Sep 21, 2019 10:03 AM

Jul 2015
I guess because i'm not autistic enough
Sep 21, 2019 10:04 AM
Jul 2018
I don't like to communicate my thoughts verbally to a wide audience. I like to write more.
Also, some of their fans and haters are annoying.
Sep 21, 2019 10:05 AM

Jun 2017
too many anime youtubers are utterly fucking boring, not sure if adding to that cesspool would help all that much but we'll see
also my voice isn't all that great but that doesn't mean i won't try lol
Sep 21, 2019 10:07 AM

Feb 2010
Because I don't know anything about editing and I don't really like reviewing individual series and that's the only anituber videos that most people want to watch. Not to mention that I have doubts how entertaining I would be in a visual medium, I feel much more comfy when I write compared to talking, especially in english which is not my main language.

So that's for all the things I'm lacking, but another big reason is also that I like simply being a fan too much. I always felt that if I tried to make 'work' out something like watching anime, it would lose a lot of the enjoyment for me. I like just being able to passively enjoy something, not having to always have a good reason or justification at the ready. Being a fan is so much more fun than being a reviewer, at least for me.

If you look at my posting history I almost never argue about any specific series or scenes because the viewing experience is always a subjective one and for the most part there is no point comparing it to the viewing experience of others, expecting to come to some sort of understanding. I much prefer to talk about more vague and general topics. About debunking prejudices or blind generalizations based on misinformation on ignorance. On moral topics like the lolicon debate. On the history or the industry. On certain directors or animators.

That's where I feel my experience and research make me confident that my opinions are more educated and balanced than a lot of others I see on this site (or on youtube), so I have an easy time getting involved and passionate about them because they go beyond the realm of just pure subjectivity, which is what liking or not liking, praising or trashing a show is all about.

Experience is much less relevant when it comes to having an opinion on any one show be 'better' than that of others, and even if it is more fair (which is the best you can hope for), people won't care because they are only into individual reviews for the echo chamber function. They want their own opinion thrown back at them, but sounding smarter and fancier. Experience and knowledge only help you grasp the bigger picture better and not fall for stupid generalizations because you've seen all the variety out there, all the numerous exceptions to any stupid prejudice that anime fans have about other anime fans or certain genres or decades. Your views will be more balanced and informed, but that is almost irrelevant for reviewing individual shows. It just helps making more reliable top 10 lists for each genre, for example.

So if I wanted to make a youtube channel based on topics like that, first of all it would not interest more than a handful of people since most people watch anitubers for their opinions on individual shows, mostly popular ones and the most recent seasonals. Also editing becomes much more complicated if you don't have to just edit together scenes from one show, but have to actively look for scenes fitting whatever generalized topic you're discussion, being able to pick from the entirety of anime ever produced. And I don't know really know how I'd edit together scenes from one episode so all that additional work would make it take exponentially longer to even finish one video.

What I'd love to do is write for an anime youtube channel that does that kind of things. Balanced, varied top 10 lists (like CineFix does for movies, with every spot in the top 10 being it's own category of sorts). Controversial anime-related topics like lolicon, censorship, fanservice, sexism etc.. Fair and well-informed takes on age-old debates like subs vs dubs, old vs new, cel vs cgi and the likes. Spotlights for certain creators or animators. Going through the historical developments of specific genres, decades or industry-related topics. Basically every kind of anime-related video that people would not just watch to hear some guy either praise or shit on some show.

If someone else does the editing or at least helps me a lot with it, and maybe another person yet does the presenting, then I'd be up for it. But I feel too uncomfortable in front of a camera and know literally nothing about editing to even try anything on my own, plus I'd probably not enjoy it. I love writing, which is why I have so many forum posts, but it's the only part of the process I'd enjoy.
I probably regret this post by now.
Sep 21, 2019 10:09 AM

Jan 2016
Simple. There's a world of difference between being able to type up a vaguely coherent post about anime that would take the average person 5 minutes tops to read (and those are the really long posts) and then finding the time to take that 5 minutes of thought, record it in a way that sounds natural and not awkward, edit video footage that's both engaging and reinforces the point you're making, and put that all together. Not to mention that in order to actually be successful on Youtube and earn anything besides pocket change, you need to make that your job and you're competing with everybody else who's ever wanted to make talking about anime their job. And even successful youtubers tend not to be making bank.

Creating a following on Youtube is not about having knowledge, it's about being able to present that knowledge in a way that an audience finds engaging.
You have shit taste, and then I have taste so shit it makes your taste look good
Sep 21, 2019 10:13 AM

Mar 2019
AshitaNoJonas said:
I always see so many people here on MAl that have seen a huge amount of anime and know quite a bit about it. Why don't you use your anime experience to build an anime channel on Youtube and talk about your favorite anime and review the latest thing you watched? If you get enough views you could even earn some money with it. To me, it seems like a waste to watch 2000+ shows or whatever and never do anything with your knowledge.
Whether such a channel succeed or not is largely just luck; some will and most not.

It is obvious that "obscenity" is not a term capable of exact legal definition; in the practice of the courts, it means "anything that shocks the magistrate".

— Bertrand Russell
Sep 21, 2019 10:28 AM

Dec 2016

1. I have no single clue how to make and edit a video
2. Thinking of the sole idea of learning how to already stresses me
3. I have this belief that doing so must really be a pain in the ass
4. Why would I waste my time on that if the chances of a lot of people watching them (which is the idea in the first place) are few to nonexistent?
5. I hate how my own voice sounds
Sep 21, 2019 10:30 AM

Jul 2017
AshitaNoJonas said:
To me, it seems like a waste to watch 2000+ shows or whatever and never do anything with your knowledge.

on one hand it seems stupid because it's a hobby, they can't realy do things with it (in general, independently of youtube) and especialy youtube. this is very specific. and maybe they have another thing that's a passion and that occupies their lives.
but on the other hand I agree with the fact that you're not doing anything more with your passion that just receive pleasure of it.

I'll just tell you about being a youtuber: it's very specific and there are a lot of reasons why one wouldn't have time, the will, the confidence or even they might not want to do it. why be limited to being a youtuber? this isn't all you can do with such a passion.

I wouldn't say it's a waste and it seems naive of you to say that but again I agree that, when you're so passionate, to do nothing more than watch seems shitty.
but not a waste. the waste is not the time you spend watching, but your whole life instead.
Sep 21, 2019 10:32 AM

Aug 2018
I think we should bring back the old YouTube Anime Community, as in creating video responses instead of just posting huge comments and sometimes point out the stupidity some Anitubers say...
Numbers dont reflect a persons taste or knowledge about anime, but some people here could help others find anime or simply share their experiences with anime
Sep 21, 2019 10:35 AM

Jul 2017
Nillwas said:
It exist two typ of anime youtubers in my view.

One, that just do it for money, love drama, talk shit about another youtubers, asking for donations and love to make drama.

The second one is the one that do videos beacuse he or she loves anime.

Sadly in my view the first typ is the one that rules the youtube.
And I think it will be a bit hard to over come that community that loves to watch anime youtubers that act like idiots.

But I wish we had more anime youtubers that make videos on just pure love and didn't ask for anything in return.
And didn't care what someone else thought about them.

But I woud love to see that too, it sound's like a damn good idé.
I agree!! the most majority of the internet even not just youtube is drama adn not passion and love!

we hav to keep doing content on thing we love so the drama don"t keep take over the internet and the youtube!!
Sep 21, 2019 10:57 AM

Jun 2016
I suck talking at the camera, I suck at editing and I suck at writing scripts. Besides, talking to friends and posting on forums and 4chan is enough for me
Sep 21, 2019 11:08 AM

Oct 2013
Because much like everything eles, that field is already over saturated with people already. Maybe not as much as others but still. Also I'm not so much of an attention whore that I think everyone needs to hear my opinions on certain anime nor do I want to influence the way they think about them.

Now am I say everyone who does it are simply just attention whores? No, but some definitely are.
Sep 21, 2019 11:27 AM

Aug 2012
Because it takes too much work to do so.
Sep 21, 2019 11:50 AM

Apr 2016
Why does watching a lot of shows seem like "a waste" to you? A lot of anime fans just watch anime for leisure. Just watching a lot of anime doesn't make you qualified to be a decent Anituber. You need to be charismatic to maintain a loyal fanbase. You need to be knowledgeable about the industry, the history, and the people in it so you don't put your foot in your mouth. And you have to be entertaining. A lot of things that just watching anime won't teach you.

It's okay for a hobby to be a hobby. The minute you feel as though doing what you like is a waste unless you're profiting, it's no longer going to be fun for you.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Sep 21, 2019 11:52 AM

Jan 2009
being a successful youtuber is usually about luck and talent like being articulate as digibro or being as funny as gigguk
Sep 21, 2019 2:04 PM

Aug 2011
I feel that I don't really have anything to say that hasn't already been covered better by others. I'm not analytical enough to post reviews that would be useful to anyone, and I'm not funny or charismatic enough to be consistently entertaining while talking about other anime related topics. In the last roughly 20 years, I've seen anime, the industry, and the fandom grow and change a lot, but my memory isn't sharp enough to be able to talk about any of that in great detail, or in a way that would be interesting to others.

And honestly, I just don't have the interest in spending hours thinking of topics, writing scripts, recording and editing video, putting clips and music together, and so on, only to possibly have very few viewers, after all of that work and effort. Especially because I'd have to buy some better equipment just to get started, if I wanted even passable production values. It's just too much work and effort for too little reward.
Sep 21, 2019 2:27 PM

Jul 2013
Because there's a world of difference between watching what I like whenever I want, and watching the most popular things in search for something I can rambling about for 10 minutes.
Sep 21, 2019 2:29 PM

May 2014
Because I can't live up to the only good one, Demo.
Sep 21, 2019 2:47 PM

Jun 2019
because I'm very bad for explain my thoughts
I mean, I will repeat myself, for the animes I would recommend, I will always said the same things like "the story is good" "characters are interestings" so it will be boring
and I suck with editing

“You’ll always have me.”

Sep 21, 2019 2:48 PM
Jul 2018
It’s defined an investment. You have to get a decent mic, soundproof your room, learn how to edit, probably need an artist to help with thumbnails, all just to compete with every big anituber sponsored by Crunchyroll. I would try it if I had the stuff but I’m ok just writing stuff on here for now
Sep 21, 2019 2:50 PM

Apr 2019
Luchse said:
Pragyan1 said:
Because I've got dignity, and also because I can't talk to a camera whilst sitting in an empty room.
Hrybami said:
Because no one cares about my shit taste and my opinion.
You took the words right out of my mouth lol

No, You took the words right out of my mouth.

Sep 21, 2019 2:53 PM

Dec 2012
Because I have better things to do than record and edit videos all day like actually watching anime and working, I'm not the greatest orator, and reviewing anything is pointless given everyone has their own individual taste. Plus it's much more enjoyable and rewarding to just discover things for yourself anyway.
KruszerSep 21, 2019 2:56 PM
"The name's Gambit. Remember it."
-Gambit "X-Men '97"

Sep 21, 2019 3:06 PM

Aug 2018
In my case (I don't know if my amount is enough tho) mainly is, I don't get obssesed with anime so I usually don't go that deep into it. Also, I don't have time for it and I feel that my tastes aren't for the general public (especially in the anime community of my "area", it's among the shitiest of the west).
Sep 21, 2019 3:11 PM

May 2009
Because I don't know how to become a YouTuber. I haven't yet figured out how to do stuff like fancy video editing.

Also I kinda hate monetization. It's led to a bunch of problems, from an increased sensitivity to takedowns to the practice of making everything clickbait.

If I did become a YouTuber I'd probably just post videos of me ranting on various topics while doing random stuff on the internet.

I mean, you wanna watch that?

Also I like talking about anime music, anisong, and J-pop, but posting any music to YouTube these days seems like walking into a minefield.
Avatar character is Gabriel from Gabriel DropOut.
Sep 21, 2019 3:16 PM

May 2018
"Why aren't you an anime Youtuber?"
1. Because it's hard work and very seldom paid. A bit expensive and time consuming for a hobby.
2. It takes years to become a good amateur journalist from scratch.
3. People don't watch the most well informed videos but:
- Those which talk about popular stuff.
- Those which confirm watcher's opinions and views.
- Those which entertain.
alshuSep 21, 2019 3:20 PM
Sep 21, 2019 4:36 PM
Jul 2018
If by "Anime YouTuber" you mean exclusively video essays, it's that I don't have anything interesting to say. If by "Anime YouTuber" you also mean AMVs and fandubs and such, I already do that, but I don't monetize any of it.

I have been considering hosting a panel about denpa song at an anime convention, however.
removed-userSep 21, 2019 8:04 PM
Sep 21, 2019 4:41 PM

Aug 2016
Too lazy. I prefer shitposting on this site.
Sep 21, 2019 4:41 PM

May 2009
alshu said:
"Why aren't you an anime Youtuber?"
1. Because it's hard work and very seldom paid. A bit expensive and time consuming for a hobby.
2. It takes years to become a good amateur journalist from scratch.
3. People don't watch the most well informed videos but:
- Those which talk about popular stuff.
- Those which confirm watcher's opinions and views.
- Those which entertain.
I'd add an addenum to 3(b) -- there's also "Those which cover watcher's specific interests, in the case of rare/unusual interests".

For example, since I'm interested in Beatless, I found myself looking for Beatless reviews specifically. They're kinda rare, actually.

Similarly, I found a YouTuber named Vathek because he posted a review of Heavy Object. I don't think he was the only one, but I felt that the stuff he said was interesting (even though I didn't agree with all of it, if I recall correctly), so I left a comment. To my surprise, he actually replied! You can actually get more personal interactions like this with lesser-known YouTubers -- don't expect Digibro to reply to your comment, for example.
Avatar character is Gabriel from Gabriel DropOut.
Sep 21, 2019 5:16 PM
Oct 2016
Main reasons why?

1) Less time for anime! :3

2) Not many good free editing programs, so it's hard to find that right one.
- Also it takes awhile to edit videos, so less time for anime :P

3) You need to re-watch anime sometimes to do reviews of the older good shows you haven't watched in awhile.

4) Thinking of what to say in the review
- Can't just say I liked it because of this or that. Needs to be constructive, what was good and bad about it. Plus I don't know what's bad animation at times really. I think it's a good idea to learn about animation, good and bad if your doing reviews since you don't wanna recommend something that has bad animation if someone hates bad animation. Although I know great animation like everyone else, it's obvious after all :D

5)Less time for my games and manga that I'm already behind on! D:
- Can't have that now can I??? Unless there was a video editor...then maybe I'd consider it XD

In the end, you need to have a passion for anime and wanna do reviews I think. If not, what's the point right? Well for fun of course I suppose :) You just gotta have the free time or make time to make videos. If you don't have that then you can't even make a start. That right there is a big issue I think for many.

Many just don't have the time to do it when they could be working to make money to buy anime, watch anime or things like that. Well that's just what I think anyway. I mean, you could also do manga reviews too if your into both. You'll get more people to watch if you do so as well. Plus I think it goes hand and hand since manga become anime usually. That gives more to talk about as well if your reading and watching it after all. I'm sure some do that though already, if not then feel free to do that Anime Youtubers :D Your free to pay me later XP
Sep 21, 2019 5:19 PM
Sep 2018
Well because I wouldn't know how to review anime as a pro...
Sep 21, 2019 5:25 PM
Mar 2019
I think the Youtube community is pretty shit.
I have no intrest in watching youtube anime videos because i really dont get why someone would ever do it. I dont see any value or entertainment in anime youtubers. If I want to watch something its the movie itself and not a guy talking about the movie.
Sep 21, 2019 6:25 PM
Jul 2018
Because I only use YouTube to listen to and download music(sometimes), other than that I don't care about any YouTubers and their pointless content (other than music) in general.
Sep 21, 2019 6:28 PM

Nov 2008
Because I'd be roasted to oblivion over light novels and adaptations (YT treats bad LNs and their adaptations like a sacred cow unlike MAL and ANN, I also watch very little shounen not helping matters)

Sep 21, 2019 6:38 PM

Oct 2017
I'm not someone with all that many anime watched yet. But as someone with a blog who likes to share his thoughts, I've considered it.

However, it's a lot of work.

I could write a blog post and post it. Or, I could write the post, and...

-alter it so it sounds natural spoken out loud and just generally works as a script;

-practise speaking it out loud, which involves getting good at speaking out loud (I'm not too bad at that right now, but it would still take practise);

-decide whether I'm going to use a single picture / slideshow background and just upload the spoken stuff, or edit together actual visual content and have to worry about copyright issues and getting good at editing;

-either way I'll be buying a mic, and good ones are expensive but so so important to a successful YT channel

Throw in many many other good arguments against the idea that others have presented and it's like... I'll just stick to posting my articles.

At least that's my current thoughts, I might give it a go one day. But one of the biggest issues is - as others have pointed out - the kind of content that gets big on YouTube isn't... how to say? Well, it's cancer. Unless you get so big that people care about what you think and you can post "what I'm going to watch this season" videos or just you playing dumb games with your friends and you get tons of views because people give a shit about you already.

But if people don't give a shit already, you need to be controversial and give outrageous takes on stuff. The only successful anime YouTuber I know of that has got big purely on having watched an insane amount of anime and isn't a controvery-seeking sensationalist is Misty Chronexia.
“In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule.”
-Friedrich Nietzsche
Aggregate scoring is bad for the anime fandom
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