This is a show that really didn't deserve to be as forgotten as it is, even if I understand why it is. It has the same problem that all BONES originals have: a ton of different ideas are thrown at the wall to see what sticks, with little regard to unity or value to the overall work. That being said, the unique ideas here put it far above most anime out there. Putting aside the terrible first two episodes, which are the closest Rahxephon comes to just being a poor man's Eva, the ideas of disillusionment with the social structures that define you is fantastic. The plot is an absolute mess, but the dialogue writing is genuinely fantastic throughout. It draws from a similar well to similarly clever shows, where every word has a double meaning and a hint of nuance to it that makes you examine the characters further. Add onto this directing that almost near reaches the upper echelons of the anime greats, and the soundtrack which gets better and better as the series goes on, and you have a real winner for people who can appreciate psychological anime which perhaps shouldn't be taken too literally. Simply put, underrated.