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Shangri-La Frontier: Kusoge Hunter, Kamige ni Idoman to su 2nd Season
Yesterday, 7:57 AM
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Days: 102.6
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All Comments (107) Comments
What tool/app do you use in making those?
Hello there! Thank you for the compliments! I've pretty much slowed down on making graphics these days due to a busy life schedule but I still try to make something whenever I can ><
I usually use Adobe Photoshop to create my designs and extract some assets using Adobe Illustrator ><
Have a wonderful day 💖
I mainly use Photoshop to edit my Profile, and the Images came from Google and The Graphic Design came from Blue Archive Website
Colorful Cards:
Bunkasai Signatures:
If anyone needs help with installing signatures and adding a link to the image (you can link it to a page with your Bunkasai collection!), I have a recorded guide here. More designing info and help in our club stickies.
Thanks for participating in the Bunkasai, you helped make it a big success 🙏