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Jul 5, 2013 2:38 PM
THIS IS AN ANIME ONLY DISCUSSION POST. DO NOT DISCUSS THE MANGA BEYOND THIS EPISODE. ---------------------------------------- I am typing this while still in the AX2013 premiere. It was pretty good- short, to the point, and colorful. Certainly had a similar theme to Yuasa's other works. Also, Tiger Mask, inspiration from pain and pleasure, etc. Edit because I can: More articulated thoughts are in the review that I posted. |
opernliedJul 15, 2013 12:52 PM
"I may be liberal arts to the core, but I am capable of thinking logically." |
Jul 5, 2013 10:22 PM
I love how it was only 12 minutes but felt like a movie! Masaaki Yuasa just being his usual godly self. I got to be one the very very few who got to ask him a question, shook his hand, took a picture with him, got a "priority" autograph ticket (thanks Naruleach! I owe you one~), and got him to sign me a board with a portrait of Kaiba. Definitely the most memorable experiences I've ever had at AX. :) |
Jul 5, 2013 10:27 PM
holy shit upload it to the interwebz already please |
Jul 5, 2013 10:37 PM
#5 I will cherish this more than my own photos. lol <3 |
Jul 6, 2013 2:22 AM
Definitely very happy I went to the screening at AX. It was very funny and I really hope Masaaki Yuasa makes more anime! @Alipio I'm glad you put my winning ticket to good use. I am so happy I shook his hand too :) Edit: Omg that signed poster is awesome! |
NaruleachJul 6, 2013 2:29 AM
p r o f i l e 👀 |
Jul 7, 2013 9:17 PM
Removed all the quote +1 posts. Carry on. |
Jul 8, 2013 9:31 AM
I was there too, the short was a visual masterpiece. Only at a Masaaki Yuasa short premiere would a sizable group of people cheer when he mentioned Tiger Mask ;). He's one of the most visual people I have ever met, when I pointed at my dvd and at the autograph where he signed his name, I drew a circle around it with my hand, he consequently drew a circle around his name on the DVD. (I was fortunate enough to also get a priority autograph and while waiting for that). I also got to meet him in person at the breakfast on Sunday, he was telling us about a short that was a big inspiration for him, as well as other creators like Hideaki Anno, Hayao Miyazaki etc, and I pointed to a napkin to write down the name of the show, he instead drew a picture from it. I want to know what this short is, I didn't catch the name - he said it was about a kid struggling to get out of a t-shirt, does anyone have any ideas? |
Jul 15, 2013 1:31 AM
Just watched the download I got from backing this. I'm very pleased and satisfied. Very colorful and quite funny. The animation was far more fluid than I expected too which was a nice bonus. Way to go, Yuasa-san! |
My first novel, Kardia has been published! Click here to read! |
Jul 15, 2013 4:15 AM
I loved it. It's really a shame it's not realistically possible to crowdfund a movie or series of Yuasa, I definitely believe he could've fleshed out an full-length movie out of this idea. But this short movie it was interesting, hilarious and beautifully animated. I would certainly pledge again for this kind of project. Here's hoping we don't need to wait forever for the next Yuasa project. |
Jul 15, 2013 4:37 AM
I just finished watching it. It was rather nice for what it was and I had lots of fun watching it. In a sense I wish it could've been longer because it was so playful and fun, but I'm perfectly happy with what we have. Good job, Yuasa! |
I have my own anime blog. It's called Anime Viking. Hope you'll you read it! |
Jul 15, 2013 6:21 AM
j0x said: holy shit upload it to the interwebz already please Why didn't you back it? why do you now demand a link to steal it? Show some respect to Yuasa and the people who paid for him to carry out his vision. |
Jul 15, 2013 7:50 AM
Jul 15, 2013 10:38 AM
It was wonderful! Definitely the best thing I watched this year. I'm super-glad I backed this. |
Jul 15, 2013 12:40 PM
fanty said: I'm super-glad I backed this. So am I! It was both beautiful and funny. A very nice watch! |
Jul 16, 2013 2:52 PM
Pretty good show. Thought it will be the story of the lame cliche of Romeo and Jullet crap, but surprisingly i t didn't happen I was suspect it to be. Good art just like Redline. 7/10 |
Jul 20, 2013 1:07 PM
Money well spent! |
In 9/10 cases, the worst thing about an anime is its fandom. |
Jul 22, 2013 5:19 AM
Jul 22, 2013 9:39 AM
This was disappointing to say the least, coming from an esteemed director. Had way more fun watching Inferno Cop ( I know his is a strange comparison, but both anime are supposed to be fun, both are short, and both are low budget). |
"There is a road in the hearts of all of us, hidden and seldom traveled, which leads to an unknown, secret place." |
Jul 28, 2013 8:45 PM
ANYWAY this was great. gorgeous + insane. i hope masaaki's next project is something much much longer |
Aug 11, 2013 6:59 AM
Oh man, this was great, but it really diserved to be at least 26 minutes long, it's a shame the project ended up so short. I know he would have done a feature film if he could, but I still think he should have gone for 26 minutes right from the start, it might have been doable. |
EratiKAug 24, 2013 8:51 AM
Aug 22, 2013 6:39 PM
Aug 22, 2013 7:01 PM
Well, at least his other stuff still exists. |
LoneWolf said: @Josh makes me sad to call myself Canadian. |
Aug 22, 2013 11:35 PM
Aug 22, 2013 11:45 PM
Not all anime has to have the typical art-style, it was different and I sure enjoyed it. Reminded me of Nacho Libre. |
![]() ![]() |
Aug 23, 2013 2:26 AM
So much creativity condensed in 12 minutes, that was a blast. The slightly unrefined yet distinctive artstyle really appealed to me and the animation, while being rough and sketchy, was incredibly dynamique and expressive, something I prefer to polished but static animation in regular tv anime. Props to the director, the cinematography and the usage of colours was brilliant. The sheer intensity of the final battle was simply mindblowing. Too bad we don't get to see this kind of stuff more often. |
Aug 23, 2013 3:12 AM
I really don't see the appeal or the entertainment value in this at all. I thought this was just bland, terribly boring and just horrid. 1/10 |
Aug 23, 2013 3:28 AM
As a backer I am glad I rewatched this again, Yuasa's directing and artistic vision is always a wonderful thing to watch. Raito said: I really don't see the appeal or the entertainment value in this at all. I thought this was just bland, terribly boring and just horrid. 1/10 That's because you like Fate, Bleach, Naruto and Shingeki. |
Steel Ball Run anime when? |
Aug 23, 2013 9:16 AM
Don't know what to think of it, Unique animation and art style, quite confused whether I liked it or not, its really on a borderline :/ |
Aug 23, 2013 9:34 AM
*tags me in!* *tags* >Oh fuck. Lmao @ the referee. When it came to Lady S's pin, I blinked and it was over. Anyways yeah. Btw, anyone want to explain to me why some of the eyes of the characters are censored? |
Aug 23, 2013 4:47 PM
originally decided to watch it only cause its 12 mins. Ended up wishing it was just a tad bit longer. |
Aug 23, 2013 9:25 PM
This was wonderful! I'm shocked, to say the least, to see people who didn't like it on here! What the heck people! Is is because of Yuasa's style? |
Aug 24, 2013 8:47 AM
That was strangely sweet although I totally laughed when she knocked herself out. xD |
![]() |
Aug 24, 2013 10:12 AM
Raito said: I really don't see the appeal or the entertainment value in this at all. I thought this was just bland, terribly boring and just horrid. 1/10 One of your favorite animes is Fate/kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya, what an hypocrisy... |
Aug 24, 2013 12:00 PM
Definitely good, but not a masterpiece at all. 7/10 The art was unique, the concept too. The last fight was genuinely mindblowing and impressive. I wish it was a longer series. 15 mins are not enough. |
Aug 24, 2013 5:34 PM
Woah. Not sure what to think about this, but it was worth 12 minutes. |
Aug 24, 2013 5:34 PM
Mr_DaftPunk said: Reminded me of Nacho Libre. Lol same here, definitely with the orphanage part. Stark700 said: *tags me in!* *tags* >Oh fuck. That was a pretty funny scene, probably the one I laughed at most. But he got what he wanted in the end at least! Overall this was entertaining and I loved all the colors. |
Aug 24, 2013 5:39 PM
Akanezora said: Definitely good, but not a masterpiece at all. 7/10 The art was unique, the concept too. The last fight was genuinely mindblowing and impressive. I wish it was a longer series. 15 mins are not enough. Agreed. I enjoyed watching it, the art was great, and the characters were likeable for how little they were able to be fleshed out. It was good 7/10, a little disappointed, but what can you do with 15min. It wasn't something where I felt like I wasted my time, but I doubt I'll ever rewatch it despite it being so short. |
Aug 25, 2013 9:51 AM
Meh, I didn't really like it all that much. 5/10 |
Aug 25, 2013 3:33 PM
Style over substance and childish humor. Not for me. |
Aug 26, 2013 12:29 AM
It's a shame more people didn't back this project on Kickstarter so it could have been a 90 minute film. I could have easily watched this as a 90 minute film. I was too late to donate before I found out about this project. :( I don't care what the story is, I just love Masaaki Yuasa's direction style! Great work once again! Keep pursuing your dreams! ~ Wynn |
My brother and I compose classical and modern music, please click the link below if you're interested. Please check out my profile to see what anime I recommend. Keep pursuing your dreams! ~ Wynn |
Aug 27, 2013 9:10 PM
Sep 1, 2013 2:31 AM
This came on Toonami. The Surprise after Evangellion 2.22 You Can [Not] Advance. Something I did not expect to see on Toonami : 0. It was unique. I think the reason why they censored the eyes was because it represented them being rich/famous. In the beginning Juliet's eyes were seen but at the end it was censored. Masked Man M recognized her as Lady S. |
Sep 1, 2013 2:44 AM
My type of humor, I lol'd more than I thought I would. 8/10! |
Sep 1, 2013 4:00 PM
200k they got to make that? Aren't normal series, like 50k an episode or something? |
Sep 5, 2013 5:07 PM
What the hell did I just watch?! Thank the goddesses that it was only 12 minutes. |