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Jul 2, 2017 1:59 PM

Nov 2011
Welp the show is back again.

This episode? Wrong number and tried to get me scared. I think it the fear part was just mild..
Jul 2, 2017 2:39 PM

Sep 2008
Oh! First Storyteller is back!
Cool, I like his voice :)
Nice episode, lastest season wasn't really good.
I got small hopes that Yami Shibai return to be good.
Jul 2, 2017 3:11 PM

Jun 2014
Not scary at all. I'm very disappointed.
Jul 2, 2017 3:11 PM

Apr 2011
It wasn't bad imo.
Jul 2, 2017 4:01 PM

Nov 2015
Better than latest season at least.
Jul 2, 2017 4:21 PM
Jul 2017
I like the new episode. The first story teller is back and did the kids grow up??
Jul 2, 2017 4:59 PM

Jul 2016
Based on this first episode, doesn't look that bad comparing to the previous season. I still have a small amount of hope this can be decent, but will probably end up sucking like the 4th season.

I'll try to keep positive and give it a few more episodes...
Futari wa Milky Holmes was a mistake
Yoshii did nothing wrong

Jul 2, 2017 5:07 PM

Nov 2012
My heart rate was a definitely a bit higher, but it still didn't scare the sh!t out of me. For a first episode it was surprisingly good. The whole thing wasn't narrated to death what was a good point and the ending theme isn't as bad as the previous one.

But I must still get the best ending theme to third season:
Jul 2, 2017 5:28 PM

Mar 2014
It was a bit.. vague? It's a lot closer to the first season and the ending song isn't bad.
Jul 2, 2017 6:04 PM

Jun 2013
It's starting good at least. More questions than answers as usual but it was a really good first episode. At least compared to what we got last season.
My signature is lame...
Jul 2, 2017 7:26 PM

Jun 2014
I was a bit creeped out but it didn't scare the shit out of me. It's already better than the 4th season though.
People on MAL refuse to actually enjoy watching anime.

Your taste in anime isn't a personality trait.

Jul 2, 2017 7:29 PM

Mar 2013
"There's no way this could possible be any worse than last season" I said, "It could be interesting" I said, "Surely they've learned what not to do" I said, I hate it when I'm wrong, but I was also right so yay.

This Bitch deserved to die she married for looks and money hates her kid and just wanted a carefree life. the episode was meh... because the build up was poorly executed the wrong number part was ok but once she started flashbacking none of it made sense because suddenly she remembered her son drawing a creepy picture of a woman so it has to be her who's calling. I like that they removed the RL aspects but then again this is only the first episode so they could make a return (god I hope not). will continue watching but will keep my expectations low, very low, very very low so that every episode looks somewhat presentable.
Jul 2, 2017 8:08 PM
Dec 2015
This series will never die. and i'm loving it.
Jul 3, 2017 1:51 AM

Sep 2012
What a bad first episode, it didn't have a point at all and wasn't really scary. Good thing Junji Ito will get an anime soon
Trying to watch all available anime series so you won't have to anymore, the list of anime I can recommend is still in progress, tho
Jul 3, 2017 3:31 AM

Feb 2013
I liked this episode.
It seems that she killed that woman and she came back for her kid and for revenge.
Jul 3, 2017 4:48 AM
May 2011
Shuichi2 said:
It was a bit.. vague? It's a lot closer to the first season and the ending song isn't bad.

It would have worked better if it were longer and had more time to establish a backstory.
Jul 3, 2017 7:02 AM

Aug 2016
Pretty decent episode, I think it could end up being as good as season 2..... But then again I should've learned to never get my hopes up with this show.
Jul 3, 2017 8:39 AM

Aug 2012
Few things to note compared to the previous season:
1- The original narrator is back. His voice has always been creepy so I have no idea why they changed him in season 4. It made sense in season 3 since it was related to the story, but didnt make sense at all when they used various narrators in season 4.
2- Letting the narrator talk too much in season 4 took away the creepy atmosphere of the show that was famous for so I am glad they didnt do that in season 5.
3- The ending song is a far cry better than season 4 although its not as great as season 3.

As for the episode it self it was alright. Far much better than all of season 4 episodes combined. Though the first episode of season 4 was promising but the rest sucked as we know, so I am kinda skeptical but hope it turns out to be a good season
Jul 3, 2017 9:52 AM

Sep 2013
That kid and woman are realistically annoying, some ghost at the end come to take the child I guess.
Jul 3, 2017 11:03 AM

Jun 2015
Thank god they dropped the narration throughout the whole episode.
If you are going to disagree with me, don't bother talking to me. I will seriously hurt you!
Jul 3, 2017 11:35 AM

Dec 2014
What is this fucking story about? At first I though it is a ghost of the telephone but after some research, people said it is the ghost of the dead first wife of elite salaryman. WHAT?!

Whole episode didn't even mention anything about the 'first wife'. How the fuck people get to this conclusion?
There is no hint at all.

And WTF is this cliffhanger? Starting season 3, it keep using this kind of cliffhanger and that is the reason why I dropped season 4 after first episode, and hoping season 5 would be better.
Signature removed. Check your inbox
Jul 3, 2017 2:51 PM

Jun 2009
nice seems like the old hype is back and the real guys voice as well
hope it keeps getting better from now on up :D
Jul 3, 2017 3:24 PM
Oct 2013
A pretty decent start. Hope it follows through.
Jul 3, 2017 4:58 PM
Jun 2016
Ooh like the old narrator being back, like the new ed a lot more than last seasons and while it wasnt scary it did keep my attention so kudos. Yami Shibai is back!
Jul 3, 2017 8:23 PM
Jun 2016
I've been binge watching this series, still half way through season 3, but thought to check on new season, I like this series. Is it scary? No, but I'm not sure thats the goal nescarily, it's creapy, spooky and various things not nescarily jump scares.

I will say one funny thing about this series...whats with all the upbeat endings? :> Least 1-3 were much more upbeat then the series would would hint at.
Jul 4, 2017 1:20 AM
Jun 2013
I wasn't very impressed with this first one (the random flashback killed it), but that doesn't mean anything. I didn't like every single episode of the previous seasons either, so I'm cool. No narration and no random RL scenes, either. I'm content.
Jul 4, 2017 1:16 PM

Jun 2016
I'm happy that we got the first storyteller back. His voice works best here and I'm glad that there's no narration during the actual stories like last season.

So from my understanding, the current wife is the former mistress of her husband who probably left his wife for her. Or the current wife did something, since she was saying that this can't be happening and stuff. Either way, the husband left his wife for this lady. She's now getting stressed because her husband is never home, but he's probably cheating with some other girl now just like before.

She's not happy, even though she caused pain in the first wife's life, and now the ghost of her past is coming back for the son.

If I think about it like that, then it's karma really. I almost thought that she'd end up killing her husband in the end, but we didn't see anything.

It's still not scary (none of the stories ever were) but this felt like season 1/2 so I'm happy. Plus the narrator is back and the ED is nice.
Jul 7, 2017 3:57 AM

Jan 2012
I did liked the 1st episode. This one had a mystery to it and wasn't entirely senseless or boring like the 4th season. I'm looking forward for new episodes.
Jul 7, 2017 7:50 AM

Jan 2013
Yeah! Good Yami shibai is back. This episode is better then ANY from previous season. I was well scared watching this after midnight.
Jul 7, 2017 12:38 PM

Feb 2017
WE BACK!! thank god already in the right direction of having the narrartor introduce and step back from the story, letting the characters themselves flesh it out. new art style looks very promising and i'm so excited to see how this season plays out.

one thing hat concern me:
the ending of episode one hopefully doesn't elude to the rest of the season leaving off the frightening possibilities the new art style has that Season 1 wasn't afraid to use

MonoJuMal said:
I'm happy that we got the first storyteller back. His voice works best here and I'm glad that there's no narration during the actual stories like last season.

So from my understanding, the current wife is the former mistress of her husband who probably left his wife for her. Or the current wife did something, since she was saying that this can't be happening and stuff. Either way, the husband left his wife for this lady. She's now getting stressed because her husband is never home, but he's probably cheating with some other girl now just like before.

She's not happy, even though she caused pain in the first wife's life, and now the ghost of her past is coming back for the son.

If I think about it like that, then it's karma really. I almost thought that she'd end up killing her husband in the end, but we didn't see anything.

It's still not scary (none of the stories ever were) but this felt like season 1/2 so I'm happy. Plus the narrator is back and the ED is nice.

no doubt this was the intent of the episode, but i would have liked to play around with it being a psychological manifestation of her paranoia. that's taken away the very last word the character speaks, but would have been a cool way to leave it.

*bolded portion because i don't think she ever would have intended to murder her husband, seeing as she seemed so relieved to hear his voice on the line. sure, because she's getting mysterious calls, but it also seems like she does care about him and only talks shit out of frustration that her life didn't play out how she thought. i've no doubt about her feelings for him and highly doubt she would murder him.

aLotQuestion said:
What is this fucking story about?

Whole episode didn't even mention anything about the 'first wife'. How the fuck people get to this conclusion?
There is no hint at all.

And WTF is this cliffhanger? Starting season 3, it keep using this kind of cliffhanger and that is the reason why I dropped season 4 after first episode, and hoping season 5 would be better.

just think about it. she talks about how she though she was getting into an easy life style, her resentment to the kid, and once you do learn about who the caller is at the ending, it all comes together. mistress murders wife, wife comes back to haunt and enact revenge. if there was a hint at the beginning it wouldn't have the grand reveal.
bighatpaulJul 7, 2017 12:45 PM
Jul 11, 2017 2:40 PM

Jul 2014
I am so glad I didn't skip this season like I was going to. From the very beginning seeing and hearing the old narrator brought back a lot of nostalgic feelings. This first episode wasn't great but it was decent and was way better than the previous two seasons. I hope it stays at least this decent through the rest of the season.
Jul 12, 2017 5:08 AM

Apr 2016
nice base, but the episode was a fragment of some bigger.... to understand this short we have to kinow what happened in truth, and how will end easy to supose, or not? xD

Weak first short to start this season.....
Jul 15, 2017 10:04 AM

Aug 2014

This time however...

Alright, for a first episode it wasn't bad. I felt the fear & creep factor was lacking, however the tension was good. Lack of context left more for the viewer to figure out, so I'm guessing the low-life mother did something to ghost mom at the end in the past that warranted her getting haunted by said ghost mom.
Either way, decent episode. Good to see the art and animation is back on point.
ALSO that ending song is great. Probably my favorite since season 3's

Jul 19, 2017 2:28 PM
Mob Character C

Oct 2009
Home girl got the knife. :U

Uh, I guess this kinda plays on the fears of wives. Kids draw some disturbing stuff and sometimes even say stuff like, "He's there in the corner so I drew him. ouo" Spooky as heck. So I'm guessing they're playing on that but had to make sure it seemed like the lady deserved what was happening to her.

BUT, they should have put more emphasis on the fact that her son pretty much summoned this lady, and that's freaking terrifying to a mom for sure. Like it makes you ask, "Oh crap. What if the crap Tanya over there is drawing really does come to life?"
Like, I used to draw naked ladies about to get stabbed in the shower-- it was supposed to be humorous though because they'd always be like, "*gasp* RUDE! I'm naked!" and the killer would be like, "Oh kjdsfhsk sorry". I was like 5. My parents were really freaked out though and told me to stop drawing stuff like that (it probably would have raised some flags with the after school program I dew these things in too). This type of episode plays on that same fear my parents had. They just didn't push that, and that's terrible.
Or even if it was his real mom and the woman was the stepmom the whole time, everything above still applies.

Enjoy your anime! | Witch Cafe Wisteria
Oct 15, 2017 6:09 AM

May 2016
The theory that the woman might be the salaryman's new wife after the previous one died seems very plausible now that I think of it. No wonder she's annoyed with the kid lol. She probably just found out about him after they got hitched xD

Or kid could have had the boy's ability back in Season 3 as well. Pretty okay start since it fixed the stuff the last season fell short of~

Nov 15, 2017 6:05 PM

May 2012
Ah another season of Yami Shibai :D always some good (yet hilarious) "horror" stories. That ED was pretty good!
Jan 20, 2019 1:01 AM
Aug 2017
very disappointed with this season so far. Wasn't even scary
Jul 11, 2019 9:12 PM

Sep 2008
I'm glad they removed the constant narration. I also like this ED more than the one from last season. Good start so far.
Dec 27, 2021 10:53 AM

Feb 2020
It was an okay episode.

I'm glad the original narrator is back.
Jun 18, 2022 3:58 AM

Feb 2021
Hmm seems like she was the stepmother of Hirofumi. Maybe she and her husband killed her after she had potentially found out about their affair

So glad that they aren't including those live-action clips in between and the narration isn't trash anymore. Looks like the og narrator is back

Pretty good start for the season. Let's see how much longer it can maintain that

ED is pretty good

Aug 13, 2022 9:34 AM
Apr 2018
For people who are having trouble understanding what happened in the episode

The current wife we see is Stepmom of that child, she married the guy because of money and hates kids, she prolly killed the last wife(the real mother of the kid) so that she could marry the rich guy and live a carefree life

The woman who keeps calling her is the ghost/spirit of the real mother of the child
Sep 7, 2022 11:33 PM

May 2016
it seems that this girl is not the child's mother but his stepmother, probably before she was the child's nanny and killed the previous wife of her husband (who has money because he works a lot) and now the mother comes from death for her boy and his revenge!!!
it's a good episode
Jul 19, 2023 6:08 PM

May 2021
At least looks better than the previous season, the old filter is back, and the narration is brief, but nevertheless still doesn't hit as high as season 1.

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