All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 268.9
Mean Score:
- Watching10
- Completed1,094
- On-Hold0
- Dropped1
- Plan to Watch425
- Total Entries1,530
- Rewatched7
- Episodes16,658
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 12.0
Mean Score:
- Total Entries45
- Reread0
- Chapters2,020
- Volumes181
All Comments (102) Comments
متشرفين بناس مصر ^^
I'm glad to hear that
Hope they don't if they are gonna force the Boys LOve thing they need to make it more respectable and sensable as possible than just flat out squeezing it for the sake of pandering to its fan.
Here's the LinK:
Feedback would be appreciated
Happy Birthday Miss Niveen_Sleem! I hope your day was fun, crazy, wicked and hopefully a little relaxing :D but seriously I hope you and your loved ones are doing well, staying safe and that you had a very nice and uplifting day ^-^