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Dec 10, 2016 10:25 PM

Dec 2012
I was not expecting that Ryota was possessed, I though she was acting foolishly to hide his real personality.
Awesome episode with all these explanations. The story became clearer.
I wonder how Nishizono retrieved her body
Dec 10, 2016 11:49 PM
Feb 2016
Looolll (o^▽^o) I don't know whether I should cry or laugh for almost not seeming to understand anything. Just like what I said last week when every character give out new information it seems that I understand but I don't understand at the same time. Does re-watching helps us understand better? I think not only does the character speak in difficult term even the subs are written in difficult words as well (IMO). Then there's the whole Nikola Tesla thingy. I'm not a science person so I don't understand well nor do I really remember what he did.

The ones that I do understand from this week episode is that Ryo-tas is not exactly Ryo-tas because it's a mix of Nikola Tesla's daughter soul + the real Ryoka physcial body joining together. The devil, which *crossing fingers* I hope, is possbily Ria's passed away brother that's currently in a "soul" form. I do hope the devil is her brother which means they can finally reunite with each other<3 The third would be the key that Gamon has is actually to be used for the gun that Ryo-tas always carry with her in which the secret organization is currently looking.

Some of the things that are still mystery to me would be the doujinshi mangaka Ririka. Can she see the future and draw it in her sketch book or is she like some sort of "God" that is able to control the world Gamon and the rest in and what's with her body going missing?. Blue Moon's owner, where did he disappear to? And is he one of the "ghost" as well based on the conversation that the female detective and the taxi driver has? And we have that new creepy mask person who let's people disappear and killed the 2 guys who accidentally to its picture while in action. Is the creepy mask the Blue Moon owner? Or is it someone entirely new to replace the creepiness of the Albino kid?

I hope by next week I can finally understand and keep up with what the characters are talking about ;u;
Dec 11, 2016 2:42 AM
Jul 2016
Those fukin camera angles ffs.
Dec 11, 2016 2:47 AM

Dec 2014
ok I don't even get... what's going on anymore... the episode became more confusing the more I watched it
Dec 11, 2016 2:58 AM

Oct 2016
dammet ryotas u mysterious as fak .. well atleast we know what's going with her and fak gamo is still annoying ..
Dec 11, 2016 3:05 AM
Jan 2013
Nikola Tesla without a moustache ;o
Dec 11, 2016 4:51 AM

Apr 2011
I might not be smart enough, but even with all the "revalations" I have long stopped tryping to care enough to even try to understand what is going on.

I have no idea what is happening anymore lol

Well, in these cases where it gets so confusing paired with me not caring enough it doesn't help that English is not my native language.
So to add to the confusion there is translating the subtiles too, which is normally no problem but in this situation...

I have been wondering for a long time:
Is the text of Sarai sped up? Does he just talk that fast? It's incredibly annoying in my opinion...
Dec 11, 2016 5:47 AM

Aug 2015
Kili Kili Vajra is useless, it's just bad plagiarism.
The director decided to abandon the system with a narrator also (plagiarism leads to nothing) but prefers yucky shots. Sorry but this is a bad imitation of Monogatari series.
TuyNOMDec 11, 2016 5:55 AM
Dec 11, 2016 9:06 AM

Feb 2014
What was with those huge amount of camera angles? I know a few used here and there is absolutely fine, but it was used to death in this episode though. =/

Still, at least we now know that Ryo-Tas was, in a way, responsible for communicating to Gamon on the radio as Zonko, with the spirit that controlled her, Aveline, who did the talking to him. By the looks of it, she was using the Wardenclyffe gun that was mentioned by that weird occult.

That ghost with the creepy mask is eliminating the other ghosts. Hopefully it doesn't go after Gamon and co...

At the end though, we see that the doujinshi manga author's body not in the coffin. I'm curious as to how her body disappeared. Maybe the answer is staring at my face, but I'm drawing a blank right now. -_-
Dec 11, 2016 10:02 AM

Jan 2015
Well...the dialogue was so fast...

What? Ririka's corpse isn't in her coffin???
Dec 11, 2016 2:55 PM

Nov 2013
those stupid camera rotations and fast talk... geez

nice one with the hospitals and "compatible with SC" thing ... looks like everything was well planned...
even going through the work of translating everything to different binary codes...that would give way too much work lmao
favorite "new girls" from fall <3 (lol i only watched these) ... click sig for older seasons
Dec 11, 2016 3:07 PM
Nov 2015
Damn, so Ryo-tas is Zonko then. But Ryo-tas is Aveline.

I'm confused?

I think it's time to rewatch the episode again.
Dec 11, 2016 5:42 PM

Dec 2015
I really don't know why this have so many dumb camera angles,it seems that it tries to be different,conceptual,but fails miserably (I remember a scene from the past episodes that the camera just passed all the scene rotating,i really coudn't pay attention to the characters' conversation)
Dec 11, 2016 6:01 PM

Sep 2014
The camera angles were so stupid and completely unneeded.
Dec 11, 2016 6:45 PM

Jun 2014
Nice episode.

Some things are brought to light, though there seems to be a lot of mystery left.
Hope it will be answered in the last two episodes.
Dec 11, 2016 8:15 PM

Oct 2013
For Nishizono, maybe she's doing something like Ryotas/Aveline and possessing her own body?
Dec 11, 2016 10:45 PM

Dec 2009
If there is one thing this show earns my respect for, it's being able to, for once, able to put me on the side of the characters who don't understand what the nerds are talking about.

There's so much bloody trivia, references, and jargon about crap i know nothing about, that even i'm clueless. I'm used to being the one that knows everything that's going on when nobody else does. There's just soooo much dense technobabble.

What an incoherent mess lol!

. . .
Ryo-tits is confirmed Zonko, but lots of people knew that, plus the Tesla gun clues. Aveline's spirit is housed in her body, okay.

Handheld Tesla gun is justified to zapping and "charging" Gamon, causing induced pain because of signal noise reception in what would normally be nerves. I can roll with that, it makes sense if you stretch a bit. Better than somehow full-body tazing someone with a regular micro-coil.
GenesisAriaDec 11, 2016 11:45 PM
❀桜舞う空〜                   Cute is Power.           🔗CosmoGenesis Project
“You cannot know what you do not know.”
“Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.”
“A truth seeker has no patience for BS.”

I seek only to improve myself and others.
Dec 11, 2016 11:43 PM

Dec 2013
This show is so confusing at times.

Did she come back to life or did someone steal her corpse.
Dec 12, 2016 12:03 AM
Jul 2014
OK I'm following the plot (barely) but I can't believe they'll be able to resolve everything next episode....the pacing feels scatterbrained and they're resorting to excessive infodumps to fill in the gaps caused by poor story pacing and bad directing.

The Monogatari series had the same sort of frustrating fast paced motormouth feel but managed to make sense and you felt like there were frequent payoffs to reward you for sticking through it. Tatami Galaxy ramped that feel by 100 and it was so hard to keep up with it but did it so well.

There's nothing positive I can say about Occultic;Nine however 11/12 episodes in and it's just a hot mess....I wasn't expecting a classic after the first few ep's but I was hoping the people making this would bring it together in the end.
Dec 12, 2016 1:21 AM

Jan 2009
Ooooooh so now it's all clear where the key goes LOL

Many answers. Ought to be interesting to see how the two episodes turn out.
Dec 12, 2016 1:22 AM

Jun 2015
What an episode
and one that was full of revelations
To think that Ryoka is the grandchild of the main villain of the series
and that she is possessed by the astral form of Aveline Tesla the
daughter of Nicola Tesla. The main plot has come together nicely and its nice
to see that the main cast has finally determined the culprit.
Im curious to see whether Asuna and the police have the same thought as well.

Damm thats one creepy mask
hmm and thats some gimmick he has on him as well
did he just cause that girl to turn into a ghost

hmm Ryoka looks very different
its like she has a entirely different personality than before
so Ryoka is actually Zonko though eh
that's pretty surprising
whats more is that she is both Ryoka and Zonko wow

Miyu's impressions of Gamon were pretty good lol
man thats a lot of names
so back to using tarots cards to help people eh

being invisible sure is useful for detective work though
sarai is still adamant that they are not ghosts then eh
Toko looks convinced so far though
so Tesla has a fictional daughter eh

so Ryoka is a firstborn daughter of a large medical family eh
and she's Aveline herself
making her Tesla's daughter even though shes dead

lol Gamon being surprised by Ryoka's revelation
Right so Aveline's ghost is using Ryoka's body eh

lol Gamon finding out how Sarai feels asking for evidence
hmm so Aveline was that voice over the radio eh
well she convinced me with her brief but fast orders

man the stress that Gamon is under sure is immense
its no wonder he will just vent that all out right now
after being confronted by another strange thing

now thats a rather simplified diagram of a gun lol
that gun looks exactly like the one that Ryoka/Aveline uses
so that gun can replenish the ghosts then because without it
the ghosts will eventually vanish

hmm eternal life eh
that was their goal all along it seems

man for that council to have power over the police as well
these guys are really like the local branch of the Illuminati
or in this case a syndicate

its nice to see that Asuna and her fellow detectives are still investigating
the case though and it looks like they are on the same track as Gamon and his

hmm so Ryoko is the granddaughter of the evil head of the corporation eh
quite the knowledgeable taxi driver eh
and the masked guy is still at it eh
and i guess he doesn't like witnesses

lol seeing Miyu angry for once
and it seems that Sarai has figured the key out
after listening to Toko and Miyu

Aria seems rather irritated though lol
so the devil is actually Aria's brother's ghost eh interesting

hmm so Sarai converted the code to another format and deciphered it then
smart move indeed

The pieces of the plot are coming together rather nicely and its becoming
clear on whats going on to the main cast. To think that code contained
people names as well as hospital information and treatments

and now they have their main culprit behind this turn of mysterious events

That last scene though was creepy
did Ririka's body just vanish
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Dec 12, 2016 1:55 AM
Jun 2016
That masked person is wearing a pink pants, and there's one other person in the show that's always wearing pink...Master Izumi! He's also conveniently not at the cafe when the masked person is out there "exorcising" ghosts. Hmmmm, coincident?

Also in earlier episode when Ryotas received a call and became serious for the first time, could it be that call was from her family, maybe even from one of the conspirators, that "head of MMG"? That could be how Professor Hashigami was able to get his hand on the key, via Ryotas (transferred the key on June 2012), but then how was that conspiracy group not able to notice the key missing all this while?

Edit: Forgot to add, that "devil" guy having memory about Aria could very well be because he received organ transplant from Aria's brother after his accident with Scandium, as that detective guy's phone shows what appears to be Aria's brother consent to donate his organs if his heart stopped working.
urishinoDec 12, 2016 1:59 AM
Dec 12, 2016 5:01 AM

Jan 2011
So that was the deal with the ray gun, and I suppose the boot key is the key Gamon has.
Dec 12, 2016 5:05 AM
Oct 2013
Things that I suspect and realize:

1) The manager of Blue Moon was also part of the organization and the one wearing the white mask. Just my gut feeling.

2) Nishizono was able to return back to her body using an unknown method. We know that people with shadow are alive and Nishizono has her own shadow. This can make sense since Scandium (SC) ejects the "soul" out of the person's body. If there's a way out, there's a way in, right?

3) Damage to the physical body will reflect to the soul. This is exactly what happened to Myupom when her hair was cut short. To be specific, the soul's or ghost's "remnants" can be used to "control" it. Pretty much how you the ghost in ghost stories can be beaten by obtaining its remnant item to exorcise it.

4)They can still be resurrected. With the previous numbers as the starting point, everyone can still be revived as long as their body was left in tact. I'm starting to think that drowning them was a way to preserve their bodies. It's pretty much similar to Egyptian's pharoah.

5) That the "boot-key" is either Narusawa herself plus the Tesla Gun or the golden key in Yuta's possession. Without it, the immortalization program cannot be realized. The Tesla Gun revitalizes the soul because for some reason, the soul weakens at some point.

6) Nikola Tesla who happens to be on his death bed is the "father" of the hidden association. He is also Narusawa's grandfather.

7) That the 256 people who died at the lake are all patients of various ailments. All of them came from the same hospital run by the same "evil" organization. Now it makes sense how all of them were coaxed to take the Scandium.

8) Apparently, MC is an ESP. Possibly.

More and more mystery are getting answered.
ExplodingGirlDec 12, 2016 5:20 AM
Dec 12, 2016 7:12 AM

May 2016
I knew it that Ryo-tas will be imprtant in this anime ! So as i said she is a holy moly daughter of Nicola Tesla :/
Dec 12, 2016 8:00 AM

Jun 2016
the ending... RIRIKA N is back to life... jeng jeng jeng...

in that case the chance to get the real body again is still possible right ?
to all the MC
Dec 12, 2016 2:07 PM

May 2015
Damn, I shouldn't watch this show when I'm tired. The constant movement of the camera angles was killing me.

Dec 12, 2016 9:15 PM

Jan 2008
TFW you just want to punch the director or whoever decided to use camera angles like that. They added like nothing to the scenes.
Dec 14, 2016 7:26 PM

Aug 2015
Maybe they can get back to their bodies If their souls were not taken by that white monster!
and Riya's Onii-san?? :D the akuma? :D OMG :D
Ara Ara~
Dec 15, 2016 12:41 AM

Sep 2015
Dam that shock gun is actually very important. We find out Ryo's true identity this episode :3 but dam feels like Steins:Gate more and more each episode. But wtf the Blue Moon might have been a haunted place the whole times does that mean the owner is a ghost too? Sarai has solved the puzzle it seems at the same time the mc and Ryo come back.Ririka is somehow alive which is a creepy.

Btw last week it aired i watched half then had to do something. Two days ago I barely watched a min before doing something else. Today feels like this is Episode 11 lel.
Dec 15, 2016 7:46 PM

Apr 2014
Its a good show but I still can't get used to all the odd camera angles and how they just talk so dang fast. I do really like the opening and closing themes thou. I was wondering when we were going to find out about the radio voice very interesting and I honestly just thought that Zap Gun was just a toy, like wow everything has a purpose in this show.
Dec 16, 2016 11:20 AM

Sep 2013
japaniMay said:
Damn, so Ryo-tas is Zonko then. But Ryo-tas is Aveline.

I'm confused?

Aveline is tesla's daughter who possessed ryotas.
Dec 17, 2016 5:21 PM

Feb 2013
Wow, Ria actually had a scene this episode.

Ok, so I guess we know who the girl in the ED is now.
... and what the ray-gun is for.
Dec 22, 2016 2:24 AM

Jun 2013
Godzilla tits is Zonko! I love her even more now, forget that otaku detective. I am in love with her. <3 She's my fave now. <3

I knew it, I knew it from the beginning. She WAS Zonko! :D She was more than Godzilla tits. She's my ultimate favorite now. Nikola Tesla's daughter.

Gamotan is fucking annoying and should be shanked, oops, he's already dead, isn't he? He should be bitched slapped by every ghost in the country.

Black Angel dude's design looks different from before. Kinda confusing tbh.
Dec 22, 2016 10:09 PM

Jun 2013
Good episode, but what the hell was up with camera angles? They were so distracting.
Dec 24, 2016 11:16 PM
Mar 2012
Ryotas episode, good focus, reveals alot we've been waiting for.
90-180 degree cameras, lol making viewers go shafty.
Ryotas=Zonko=Avelin ghost = body of granddaughter of Tokuo.
Avelin: Tesla's unknown daughter, that Dr. Hashigami met.
Wardenclyffe gun: recharges astral bodies for real immortality. She lost the key, but when is Gamotan gonna notice his key goes into the keyhole, supposedly to boost its effect? Maybe Ryotas knows specifically what is does. Nice reading the history on the abandoned tesla tower.

Tokuo: Narukawa Medical MMG leader, "lord emperor"?
Creepy exorcist: banishes 1sts gen ghosts.
Cold/hot fortune reading lol.
Sarai: the deductions were to decipher the remaining CODE, which used more complex cipher than binary counting & 5 bit Baudot code. He found binary based signs (yin yang) from Miyuu's inspiration: Hakke trigram, I Ching 64 hexagram.
Deciphered CODE: basically medical conditions & compatibility with scandium, probably data MMG keeps.

Devil/Takaharu: getting oniisama memories? Detectiveboy sees oniisama's organ donor card. Like Ryotas prolly, soul from the organs coexist with the receiving body.

Gamotan! let's 180!

Nishizono: revived from the dead! Big plot twist?
Dec 25, 2016 3:29 AM

May 2014
I knew Ryo-tas was some key character or something! Another great episode... weird guy in the costume was weird. That last part tho... 4/5
BaptizEDDec 25, 2016 3:32 AM
Dec 31, 2016 5:04 AM

Dec 2010
Those poor guys that got offed.. I guess this is what you get for being one of those people going around taking pictures of people without permission.
Dec 31, 2016 4:37 PM

Apr 2014
I got some questions answered this ep. Only complaint was the angles.
---------My Profile------------
Jan 7, 2017 6:43 AM

Mar 2015
Okay the MC officially annoys me to no end now. Such a whiny little bitch!! Talking your mouth off just to sound smart has always been one of the stupidest things ever
I'm Bruneian and I like anime. And Manchester United. And fat cats.
Jan 7, 2017 7:53 PM

May 2012
Very interesting development, things sure are getting weird and more mysterious and with two more episodes I really do wonder what the ending will be like!
Jan 29, 2017 5:46 AM

Jan 2014
shit just got serious, so much puzzle that I can't keep up with the story.

so much plot twist that it confused me.

My head ache alot just thinking about the plot.

the talk getting faster.

fuck I don't care what's going on anymore.
Jan 31, 2017 9:25 AM

Jul 2009
So now we have Tesla's daughter here...really...
Feb 26, 2017 12:27 AM

Aug 2013
I love the use of camera positioning and angles..
Not sure about others but I'd probably be bored at listening to all the dialogue looking at a still image.
Is the story is finally reaching the climax ? Wowsy that post ED is creeeepy.
Apr 16, 2017 9:06 AM

Apr 2015
Imaginative camera work was good. Added to the atmosphere.

Gosh Sarai, what a boring cunt, definitely would have had girls galore with him eh

Kinda got most of the episode, interesting
LanzApr 16, 2017 9:13 AM
Oct 8, 2020 10:19 AM
Absolute Zenith

Mar 2016
This ep is an insane got a shit ton of info-dump.

Zonko was actually Ryouka all along, but not the one we all know instead, it's the soul/ghost of Aveline, the 'daughter' of Nikola Tesla himself, ok... Ryouka is a big shot herself, being the daughter and heir of the Narusawa conglomerate, so basically, despite her looks and acts, she's an important figure in this current situation we have our characters in, along with Aveline.

The Narusawa conglomerate which has the authority of one of its branch, the MMG, know that they have control over the vast majority of hospitals and medical centres in Japan, allowing them to pre-selected those who they deem are substantial to be used int heir experiment. Their experiment which includes injecting Alpha Scandium.

And finally, The aline-blaster Tazer gun was actually a miniaturized gun that mimics the Wardenclyffe tower and it was actually able to replenish the electromagnetic force forever allowing the ghosts to actually live forever without dissipating. With the amount of replenishment Gamon got, he's basically immortal.

Hmmmn Ririka's body is not in its coffin...
Jul 30, 2021 8:03 PM
Dec 2017
another fine episode.

Jan 24, 2023 9:24 AM

Jan 2014
I rewatch this episode again and now I'm wondering as to why Ririka able to escape from that state?
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