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Is it offensive?
It depends
I don't know
153 votes
May 10, 9:38 AM

Jul 2017
It seems like there are a lot of anime fans who self-identify as weebs and call their friends weebs as well, but there also appears to be a lot of people who consider the term to be an insult. But what about you guys? Do you find the term “weeb” offensive?
May 10, 9:39 AM
Jul 2018
I would say yes. It is a derogatory term.
May 10, 9:40 AM

Jan 2009
it depends on context you will know if its meant to be offensive to you anyway by how they word it
May 10, 9:41 AM

Sep 2016
Nah, I never considered "weeb" as offensive and same goes for "simp" and some other supposed slurs.
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
May 10, 9:41 AM

Mar 2023
The word "weeb" is this century equivalent of the N-word.
May 10, 9:51 AM

Jul 2010
Nope, I've no problem with someone calling me weeb. lol
May 10, 9:53 AM

Aug 2018
It's up there with the F-word and the N-word.
May 10, 9:55 AM
Jul 2018
Weeb comes from the word Weeaboo; which used to be an insult by people for anime fans. Anime fans appropriated the word and made it mean a fellow degenerate in the mid 10s.
May 10, 9:58 AM

Mar 2008
I hate the term regardless of if it is used as an insult or not. Can we just return to being anime otaku? Though I feel like a failure of an otaku. I can't even remember names of the seiyuus and directors i like or character names and stuff ;_;
May 10, 10:05 AM
Apr 2013
It used to be, not anymore. At this point, thought, the word 'weeb' is just completely meaningless. Just don't use it anymore.
May 10, 10:06 AM

Mar 2021
Weeb is just a mutated slang term derived from Japanophilia. It's a derogatory term in itself. It's like calling someone an incel, neckbeard, normie, Karen, cuck, etc...
May 10, 10:07 AM

Oct 2019
Depends on who says it, and why they say it.

It could be a neutral or an insult depending on the context.
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May 10, 10:16 AM

Oct 2017
People equating it to slurs against actual minority groups are genuinely stupid. No this is not the equivalent of the N T D or F slurs anime fans aren't an oppressed group.
LSSJ_GamingMay 10, 2:26 PM
This post is brought to you by your local transfem gamer goblin. Will not tolerate bigotry and will fight against "anti-woke" sentiment to make the anime community a safer place.
May 10, 10:46 AM

Jul 2013
No, I do not find it offensive whatsoever, bro...
May 10, 1:42 PM

Jan 2022
Actually just making fun of me in any way is offensive to me and I might lose control and punch you for it.
May 10, 1:57 PM

Jan 2013
Anime is a lot more mainstream now, so being a weeb isn't really that special.
If you reply back to me and I never respond, I lost interest and don't care. Sorry about that.
May 10, 2:00 PM

Oct 2013
It's offensive to my ears, because I hate how it sounds. I never felt it applied to me in the first place. I like Japanese animation, Japanese games, Japanese women, and some Japanese mythology, but I don't have some fetishized view of the country and culture as a whole.
May 10, 2:02 PM

Dec 2021
I guess, sorta. Technically, weeb is a defensive word, but as the old saying goes, "the best offense is a good defense" (or something like that), so by being defensive weeb is, by extension, offensive.
May 10, 2:08 PM

May 2021
Someone called me this during an instagram argument and I realized this so called insult didn't make me feel anything. So I don't consider it offensive, but I can see it has the potential to offend someone.
May 10, 2:12 PM

Sep 2018
It may offend some casuals, but I accept it as a badge of pride.
May 10, 3:05 PM

Mar 2008
FanofAction said:
It's offensive to my ears, because I hate how it sounds. I never felt it applied to me in the first place. I like Japanese animation, Japanese games, Japanese women, and some Japanese mythology, but I don't have some fetishized view of the country and culture as a whole.

Same. There is a lot I like about Japan and a lot I don't.

LSSJ_Gaming said:
People equating it to slurs against actual minority groups are genuinely stupid. No this is not the equivalent of the N T D or F slurs anime fans aren't an oppressed group.

It's not on same kind of scale but it would be naive to suggest there is not oppression or persecution of people with certain interests or views. For one thing it's sometimes an extension of xenophobia against Asians by giving negative stigma to anything to do with their cultures. On top of that people get thrown in prison for owning eromanga in some countries for example some of which can include yaoi and yuri. There was at least one case in the UK of a goth couple murdered for their appearance which I remind you can be androgynous or gender norm defying. People into BDSM also can face criminal sentencing for consensual acts. Likewise all these groups were previously quite welcoming of LGBT. People of certain religious views can be oppressed and people of certain political views. Some of these are in favour of specific minority groups. So you're just throwing fellow people under the bus by claiming exclusivity on what is and is not an oppressed or persecuted group, and in the process shooting yourself in the foot by continuously affirming how different you are from everyone else and helping give a space for claim to justification on why you should be treated different.
May 10, 3:24 PM

Oct 2017
Reply to traed
FanofAction said:
It's offensive to my ears, because I hate how it sounds. I never felt it applied to me in the first place. I like Japanese animation, Japanese games, Japanese women, and some Japanese mythology, but I don't have some fetishized view of the country and culture as a whole.

Same. There is a lot I like about Japan and a lot I don't.

LSSJ_Gaming said:
People equating it to slurs against actual minority groups are genuinely stupid. No this is not the equivalent of the N T D or F slurs anime fans aren't an oppressed group.

It's not on same kind of scale but it would be naive to suggest there is not oppression or persecution of people with certain interests or views. For one thing it's sometimes an extension of xenophobia against Asians by giving negative stigma to anything to do with their cultures. On top of that people get thrown in prison for owning eromanga in some countries for example some of which can include yaoi and yuri. There was at least one case in the UK of a goth couple murdered for their appearance which I remind you can be androgynous or gender norm defying. People into BDSM also can face criminal sentencing for consensual acts. Likewise all these groups were previously quite welcoming of LGBT. People of certain religious views can be oppressed and people of certain political views. Some of these are in favour of specific minority groups. So you're just throwing fellow people under the bus by claiming exclusivity on what is and is not an oppressed or persecuted group, and in the process shooting yourself in the foot by continuously affirming how different you are from everyone else and helping give a space for claim to justification on why you should be treated different.

The thing is though that Japanese anime is becoming more widely accepted by the general public compared to other subcultures like BDSM, goth, etc (which they also should be accepted and I hope things get better soon). Years ago, you'd be bullied in school for watching Japanese anime, but that has started to shift with so many shows becoming mainstream. I see lots of people between the ages of 12-16 in my local area being pretty open about enjoying shows like Naruto, Attack on Titan, Demon Slayer, Dragon Ball, and MHA, and while yes these may be the "normie" shows, it's almost EXPECTED that people in this age range have seen at least one of these shows in my area these days. Besides that, it's not really the fairest thing to say that anime fans were historically oppressed like minority groups were, as legislation was never really pushed in many Western countries to outright make watching Japanese anime illegal, try and actively put anime viewers in jail, etc. Sure some countries do that, but they generally tend to be countries that are overly notorious for heavy handed censorship laws. You can't really compare that to say people actively being discriminated against due to race, religion, gender, sexuality, or national background where there have been widespread institutional restrictions all around the world. Most of the hobbies you listed that are hated by many tend to be commonly linked with intersectional identities such as the queer community by those who push the hate, which is actively why a lot of people try and oppress people who like those hobbies. When most people these days watch Japanese anime and its mostly culturally accepted with no legislative pushback is it really fair to say that anime fans are a marginalized and oppressed group? I thought saying stuff like "gamers and anime fans are opressed" was an ironic joke people actually believe this!?
This post is brought to you by your local transfem gamer goblin. Will not tolerate bigotry and will fight against "anti-woke" sentiment to make the anime community a safer place.
May 10, 3:35 PM

Jun 2022
Maybe 10-15 years ago when the hobby was nicher it would've been.
May 10, 3:45 PM

Jan 2008
Weeaaboo was an insult term to describe someone so obsessed with Japan, that they wish they were Japanese themselves. Often the worst offenders would speak very broken Japanese phrases they picked up from anime, swing around ornamental Katana's and were typically very out of shape and poorly groomed.

Weeb, its shortened name, doesn't carry the same weight because in modern times many successful anitubers eg: Garnt, self identify as weebs and have completely normalized the word to practically mean "anybody who enjoys anime, even you filthy casuals".
May 10, 4:28 PM

Jul 2016
If it's someone who also watches anime, aight. But if you aint watching anime don't call me it lol.
May 10, 5:45 PM
Jul 2018
Not really, it's just become the term for anime enjoyer. I know it comes from weeaboo, but whatever. It is what it is.

May 10, 7:14 PM

Apr 2012
Actually, it depends on the context. But in recent years, I've often seen people arrogantly use it to separate themselves from anime fans.
May 10, 7:22 PM

Apr 2020
No it’s not like it’s a slur lmao. Although I hate being called a nerd.
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May 10, 7:32 PM

Mar 2022
I personally don't find it to be offensive. Even with context and history of the term.
May 11, 3:12 AM

Mar 2008
LSSJ_Gaming said:
The thing is though that Japanese anime is becoming more widely accepted by the general public compared to other subcultures like BDSM, goth, etc (which they also should be accepted and I hope things get better soon). Years ago, you'd be bullied in school for watching Japanese anime, but that has started to shift with so many shows becoming mainstream. I see lots of people between the ages of 12-16 in my local area being pretty open about enjoying shows like Naruto, Attack on Titan, Demon Slayer, Dragon Ball, and MHA, and while yes these may be the "normie" shows, it's almost EXPECTED that people in this age range have seen at least one of these shows in my area these days. Besides that, it's not really the fairest thing to say that anime fans were historically oppressed like minority groups were, as legislation was never really pushed in many Western countries to outright make watching Japanese anime illegal, try and actively put anime viewers in jail, etc. Sure some countries do that, but they generally tend to be countries that are overly notorious for heavy handed censorship laws. You can't really compare that to say people actively being discriminated against due to race, religion, gender, sexuality, or national background where there have been widespread institutional restrictions all around the world. Most of the hobbies you listed that are hated by many tend to be commonly linked with intersectional identities such as the queer community by those who push the hate, which is actively why a lot of people try and oppress people who like those hobbies. When most people these days watch Japanese anime and its mostly culturally accepted with no legislative pushback is it really fair to say that anime fans are a marginalized and oppressed group? I thought saying stuff like "gamers and anime fans are opressed" was an ironic joke people actually believe this!?

But it shifted from anime in general due to it being perceived as foreign thus weird and bad to targeting people over specific genres and themes which is far malicious than when it was just the medium as a whole. Going from just considered dorky or weird to seeing someone as immoral or dangerous is not an improvement. Fact politicians jump on the opportunity isnt making it any better. It is Western countries that do exactly what you claim they dont though it isnt entirely from it being Japanese in origin it is just the usual cyclical wave of hysteria it goes through every few decades now for example the 90s Satanic Panic. Australia is one of the worst and specifically targeting nearly all anime, manga and light novels it thinks it can get away banning and has even made ISPs block sites with subtitle files for anime.
And US incident from 2008 (these cases you dont hear of often but they indeed happen because old laws still on the books)

You're still not getting what I am getting at. The same kind of mindsets and blueprints are used. When you say this is okay or doesn't matter you're emboldening those with these kind of mindsets they can get away with more extremeness or higher risk targets.
traedMay 11, 3:25 AM
May 11, 3:16 AM

Jan 2011
Well I certainly despise the type of people that immediately go "lol weeb" whenever someone dares to express an interest in anything Japanese.
May 11, 3:59 AM

May 2020
Well, I think moreso than an insult, weeb is just not synonymus with "anime fan" or "otaku" as many people think it is. Weeb stands for japanese wannabe, it's meant to describe people who idolize japan and japanese culture even while not really knowing much about it, in a delusional and/or overbearing sort of way.

I think it's in the same boat as the word Otaku. It can very much be taken as an insult but for a person that is self aware and at peace with themselves it can conversely become a point of pride, like for one person otaku might mean you are spending too much time on things that don't matter, for another it might mean that they are dedicated to the art form and enjoy investigating all the intricacies and details about it.

Weeb is moreso an insult than otaku but its still subject to interpretation. I guess the bottom line for me is that I just wish people knew what the word actually means, whether it's thrown as an insult or not is up to the speaker.
May 11, 5:27 AM

Nov 2019
I don't think so by itself but in some circumstances it can come of as offensive. Especially from someone who does not watch anime.
May 11, 5:43 AM

Nov 2019
I'm just a fan who gives a shit. Don't drag me underneath that shitty umbrella. Arigathank gozaimuch.

A weeb is a derisive term for a non-Japanese person who is so obsessed with Japanese culture that they wish they were actually Japanese.
SgtBateManMay 11, 5:59 AM
Help! I need somebody. Help! Not just anybody. Help! You know I need someone. Helpppppp!

May 11, 5:52 AM
Jun 2021
"Weeb" hasn't been an insult since the "wapanese to weeaboo filter" days, back when that was a thing over on 4chan. Don't see the point why I'd be offended, it always was kinda ironic anyways.
Now otaku, that I do consider an insult. It implies that you don't have a life outside of anime.
Hot Blood saves lives.
May 11, 6:03 AM

Nov 2019
Reply to TheMechaManiac
"Weeb" hasn't been an insult since the "wapanese to weeaboo filter" days, back when that was a thing over on 4chan. Don't see the point why I'd be offended, it always was kinda ironic anyways.
Now otaku, that I do consider an insult. It implies that you don't have a life outside of anime.
TheMechaManiac said:
It implies that you don't have a life outside of anime.

The term 'otaku' isn't exactly exclusive to anime fandom.
Help! I need somebody. Help! Not just anybody. Help! You know I need someone. Helpppppp!

May 11, 6:05 AM

Feb 2020
"Is the term “weeb” offensive?"

It sounds a bit negative imo, so yes.
May 11, 6:09 AM

Nov 2015
@animegamer245 well when it’s being used as an insult it’s often directed at anime fans, not just these guys exclusively.

Cold-hearted orb that rules the night

Removes the colours from our sight

Red is grey and yellow white

But we decide which is right

And which is an illusion.
May 11, 7:42 AM
Jun 2021
Reply to SgtBateMan
TheMechaManiac said:
It implies that you don't have a life outside of anime.

The term 'otaku' isn't exactly exclusive to anime fandom.
@SgtBateMan Yeah, it isn't, but I'm applying it to an anime context here.
Otaku generally means something along the lines of "no-lifer".
Hot Blood saves lives.
May 11, 9:50 AM

Aug 2018
it's supposed to be. I'd probably get mad if someone called me that in real life. but on the internet... it's so overused. All you have to do to attain weeb status nowadays is watch a single anime or use a katana in Elden Ring.
May 11, 4:26 PM

Jul 2017
Reply to traed
I hate the term regardless of if it is used as an insult or not. Can we just return to being anime otaku? Though I feel like a failure of an otaku. I can't even remember names of the seiyuus and directors i like or character names and stuff ;_;
traed said:
I hate the term regardless of if it is used as an insult or not. Can we just return to being anime otaku? Though I feel like a failure of an otaku. I can't even remember names of the seiyuus and directors i like or character names and stuff ;_;

I'm not sure if this is an unpopular opinion of mine or not, but I always kind of had the impression that “otaku” has a negative connotation to it as well lol

Zedlin said:
If it's someone who also watches anime, aight. But if you aint watching anime don't call me it lol.

Ah yeah, that's a pretty good way to put it :p

epidemia78 said:
it's supposed to be. I'd probably get mad if someone called me that in real life. but on the internet... it's so overused. All you have to do to attain weeb status nowadays is watch a single anime or use a katana in Elden Ring.

It's kind of funny to me how that all works lol. It could be a positive thing when said by people who also love anime, but at the same time, it's often used as an insult by people who don't watch anime.

May 11, 4:56 PM

Mar 2009
Honestly I don´t know anymore everything that used to be offensive is not offensive and everything that did not use to be offensive is offensive. And honestly I don´t give a crap anymore im old soon to be dead and if I hurt your feelings my only response is. Well boohoo. Im so sorry your feelings are hurt, princess.
May 11, 6:18 PM

Mar 2008
kusairo said:
I'm not sure if this is an unpopular opinion of mine or not, but I always kind of had the impression that “otaku” has a negative connotation to it as well lol

Yes, despite what Westerners say and I mentioned this elsewhere "otaku" just means and enthusiast of a specific subject and presumably most young Japanese identify as otaku. It isn't inherently good or bad.
May 11, 7:06 PM

Feb 2021
Does anyone actually get offended from getting called a weeb? That's like insult for 5 year old children.

Wait, I feel like I've said a similar thing a couple years ago.
"Nobody could laugh at someone who's trying their hardest" -Machio-

May 11, 9:23 PM

Jan 2013
@animegamer245 It's used any time you want to insult someone for being a big anime fan.

Mod Edit: Removed baiting.
-DxP-May 12, 2:52 AM
If you reply back to me and I never respond, I lost interest and don't care. Sorry about that.
May 11, 9:45 PM

May 2019
It always comes with the term being looked lowly by others or seen as a not functioning people in this society. Despite enjoying animanga as a hobby, this term kind of ticks me off as something so low.

May 12, 1:53 AM

May 2022
Yes, but actually, No. Why? Because I understand it's 'supposed' to be offensive but in the end it's only hurtful if I take it as so, which I don't since I know what it really means and can't be applied to me, and, even if it were true, I don't give a single flying fʉck what anyone's opinions or thoughts are about something they probably haven't and even won't experience since they've already decided it's wrong or shameful. If it were as easy to be a weeb my mom would one since we grew up watching Heidi & Astroboy. Long has been since I engaged in this medium, and longer will it be when I hear anything from someone that isn't even a filthy casual.
That's my take although perhaps biased by my story which was quite good compared to most veterans, my friends were already weebs before meeting me and they showed me some anime sites and some series they liked, I even had the privilege of watching the SnK Finalest Season II on a 50" tv while eating pizza with all my friends. Also English isn't my first tongue so even the strongest of insults don't really bother me and reading it over the internet makes it more funny than hurting.
(Sorry for this rant ^_^)

TLDR: No because, Technically I'm not + Don't care + Not even a real slur + Thanks for noticing
CoconutPizzaMay 12, 2:00 AM
May 12, 3:34 AM

Feb 2014
It does for me as it's inaccurate, I do love anime I've got merchandise, watch anime and play the games (not visual novels or light novels though). But have no interest other then the landscape and of course the anime stuff in Japan. So when someone calls me a "weeb" I know they're a dick and have no respect towards other people.

May 12, 1:41 PM

Aug 2020
No, the word to me just means an anime fan. It may have had some negative connotation in the past but it has evolved and changed overtime. It's similar to the word "gamer", back in the day it was looked down upon to be a gamer but as the market evolved gaming has become more mainstream and acceptable. The anime community has always been a decade before the gaming community. Eventually anime will be mainstream and I personally wouldn't mind if the term weeb became normalized.
"Bro, if you set your mind to it. You can jack off to anything."
May 12, 5:33 PM

Jul 2013
No it is not in my honest opinion...just saying...

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