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Favourite genres:

1. Mystery
2. Thriller
3. Sci-fi
4. Psychological

Extended favourites in no particular order:

The Original Top 10 + 1.Gamers, 2.Beastars, 3.Dragon Maid S, 4.Nichijou, 5.a Silent Voice, 6.Princess Principal,, 8.ACCA 13, 9.Attack on Titan (season 3 part 2), 10.Assassination Classroom, 11.Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai, 12.Fruits Basket, 13.Highschool of The Dead, 14. Perfect Blue , 15. Jojo's bizzare adventure (stone ocean was my favourite part), 16. Mob Psycho 100, 17. Konosuba, 18. Monster, 19. The Promised Neverland (Season 1), 20. Mars red, 21. Boccchi the Rock, 22. The First Slam Dunk, 23. Frieren, 24. Delicious in Dungeon, 25. Fullmetal alchemist 2003, 26. Pluto, 27. Jujutsu kaisen (season 2), 28. Date a Live, 29. [Oshi No Ko], 30. Look Back,

The Original Top 10 + 1.Izumi, Shinichi(parasyte), 2. Swindler (Akudama Drive), 3.Kyon(the melancholy of haruhi suzumiya), 4.Sakurajima, Mai (bunny girl senpai), 5.Megumin(konosuba), 6.Legoshi(beastars), 7.Otus, Jean(ACCA13), 8.Akemi, Homura (madoka magica), 9. Maomao (The Apothecary Diaries) , 10.Odokawa, Hiroshi(Odd Taxi), 11.Isabella (the promised neverland), 12.Decim(death parade), 13.Ishida, Shouya(a silent voice), 14.Light yagami (Death note), 15. Bondrewd (made in abyss), 16. wolfgang grimmer (Monster), 17. Rebecca (Cyberpunk edge runners), 18. Endeavor (My hero academia), 19. Chihaya (chihayafuru) 20. Koro-Sensei (Assassination Classroom) , 21. Bocchi (Bocchi the rock), 22. Roy Mustang (Both FMA 2003 and FMAB),

1. MIAVI, ‎ 2. Jonah Scott, ‎ 3. PorZD, ‎ 4. Zeno Robinson, ‎ 5. TK, ‎ 6. Patrick Seitz, ‎ 7. Kenjirou Tsuda, 8. Masayuki Kojima, 9. Tatsuki Fujimoto, 10. Naoki Urasawa, 11. Akiyuki Shinbou, 12. Tomoyuki Itamura, 13. Strait Sonny, 14. Trina Nishimura, 15. Jad Saxton, 16. Tyson Rinehart, 17. Cherami Leigh, 18. Tomohisa Taguchi, 19. Keiichirou Saitou, 20. Brina Palencia, 21. Aka Akasaka, 22. Toshimasa Ishii, 23. Evan Call, 24. Alexis Tipton, 25. BRADIO, 26. Kenichiro Suehiro 27. Keigo Hoashi,


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A few cents is not anything really, but free money is free money, it doesn't hurt to have.


Random meaningless 6 digit numbers:

274494 343243 247775 404223 341805 267352 350537

Guilty Reflection || a short horror story that I wrote:


Watching this season

Last completed anime

My favorite waifus

I can talk philosophical and try to analyze writing all I want. I'm still a freaking weeb and I am not denying it.

My favorite video games

I think 13 Sentinals is mostly a visual novel, but I've played like 3 VNs so I don't think it makes sense to put it in a different category for now.


All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 97.9
Mean Score: 6.66
  • Total Entries1,262
  • Rewatched108
  • Episodes5,744
Anime History Last Anime Updates
Cardcaptor Sakura
Cardcaptor Sakura
Mar 19, 8:45 PM
Plan to Watch · Scored -
UFO Princess Valkyrie
UFO Princess Valkyrie
Mar 19, 8:43 PM
Plan to Watch · Scored -
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Gou
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Gou
Mar 19, 8:38 PM
Plan to Watch · Scored -
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 1.5
Mean Score: 7.29
  • Total Entries116
  • Reread0
  • Chapters225
  • Volumes18
Manga History Last Manga Updates
Nov 29, 2024 11:01 PM
Plan to Read · Scored -
Oct 18, 2024 4:31 AM
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Devil May Cry
Devil May Cry
Sep 19, 2024 9:01 PM
Plan to Read · Scored -

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All Comments (737) Comments

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k0rvus Jan 21, 2:25 PM
I've been playing a lot more games than watching stuff these past few months so I'm behind on some of my all time favourite shows (Beastars and Arcane are the 2 big ones).
Same honestly, I've been playing through the whole Dark Souls series recently, outside of a couple shows I found time to watch.

I have seen the new Beastars final season part 1 though and it was great! I thought it was a bit better than season 2, maybe not quiiite as good as season 1 just because season 1 had its own thematic conclusion and the final season is still waiting on that 2nd part. But I'm extremely excited for the 2nd part, without spoiling anything I'll just say there are a couple of new characters that I absolutely love and I can't wait to see Legoshi's ideals clash with theirs.

Haven't been very active on mal either.
We should probably just add each other on discord tbh
k0rvus Jan 20, 8:50 AM
Have you seen the TV show Severance? I just watched and got caught up since S2 began airing, and I have to say it is one of the most intriguing mysteries I have ever seen.

It's one of those shows where every single character, the setting (in multiple senses), the premise - literally everything - is shrouded in layers and layers of mystery concerning what's really going on. I think the finale of S1 is also one of my favorite season finales ever. You should definitely give it a watch if you haven't already, the mystery elements are perfectly up your alley.
k0rvus Nov 29, 2024 4:10 PM
I just got the Sonny Boy soundtrack on vinyl, this is the greatest day of my life
k0rvus Nov 15, 2024 1:07 PM
Welp, Dandadan just locked in my episode of the year!

I was enjoying the show well enough, but holy shit that masterpiece was so above and beyond anything else from the rest of the show, or my expectations. I did not expect to cry today, what the hell.
I actually had a very similar reaction! Prior to this episode, my score had been hovering around a mid-to-high 6, but now I'm gonna have lots to question lol. I was not expecting this show to have an episode with that kind of direction AT ALL. I hope it keeps carrying this momentum, it could be really good.

I'm not 100% sure if I would call it my favorite episode of the year, but it's definitely on that level and it's at least in my top 3.
k0rvus Nov 13, 2024 10:18 AM
Bad shows and good shows are plenty, but the kind of trash that leaves a real impression and is entertaining for all the wrong reasons is exceptionally rare imo.
No exactly, that's why I stuck it out with that series until the end. I remember it wayyyy more than some random drama or romance that I've given a 5 like shikimori's not just a cutie.

That's why I created an additional end-of-year award for the "best" so bad that it's good anime for my yearly list. Sadly, last year didn't have any and this year hasn't had any either... I do still need to watch the 2nd season of Tomozaki for that, but I have a feeling it won't be as cringe and ironically funny as the first season.
k0rvus Nov 11, 2024 7:54 PM
I think the ending is always the most important section when it comes to the quality of a story. Not that it's a make or break, but it holds more weight than other sections.
Yeah, that's the hard part for me. Obviously the ending is the most important aspect to hit on (well, for most series, not as much for comedies or shows that aren't story-centric) and I'm definitely going to dock my score for an exceptionally bad ending.

But at the same time, it is SO HARD for me to suddenly score a series that I have held in such a high regard for so long, below or even with something that is consistently a step worse. It just feels wrong... even if it isn't.

Long series that have drastic shifts in quality are just so hard lol. Domestic Girlfriend's manga was the first one I ever really struggled with.
  • The first quarter (what's covered in the anime) was pretty bad and I viewed it as 4/10.
  • Then, the middle half of the series was surprisingly really good, or at least I perceived it as such at the time when I was younger and rated it as 8/10. I thought it was playing out as a much more realistic, down-to-earth romance and drama that actually explored its themes and characters in depth.
  • Finally, the last quarter and ESPECIALLY the ending are famously an absolute trainwreck, with some of the worst content I have ever consumed and maybe the worst ending I've ever seen as the cherry on top.
That one was difficult for me, lol, I ended up just scoring it as 4/10.

I thought the reveal of what was going on paprika was incredibly generic. It wasn't even "bad" but just from being mid alone, it took away so much.
Honestly, that right there is why I had such difficulty scoring Paprika... I was torn between the same ratings as you - high 7 and low 8 - and didn't know which one to actually select for MAL. I still haven't scored it, I've been planning on a re-watch to score it similarly to what I'm doing for Tatami Galaxy.
k0rvus Nov 9, 2024 6:10 PM
Facing a dilemma... What would you rate a long series that is very consistently a high 7 - low 8 for its first ~80-85%, closer to a 6 for the last ~15-20%, then has a 2/10 ending?
k0rvus Oct 21, 2024 3:22 PM
Honestly, beyond the poster i don't even know what this one is. I've only played 13 sentinals, and persona 4 from them. I also watched a let's play of the original Cathrene on YouTube like 6 years ago, but that's about it.
Ohhh okay. It is basically another Persona game honestly, it has slightly different battle/archetype mechanics but that's it. It's set in a high fantasy setting where a noble puts the prince under a coma spell and 8 years later kills the king and attempts to take the throne while you work to thwart him. I have found it extremely good so far; the setting is awesome, the characters are just as good as any Persona game's, and it even has more iconic music composed by Shogi Meguro (the composer of Persona 3-5 and Catherine).

Until Metaphor, Catherine was actually the only non-Persona Atlus game I had played, and it's one of my favorite games ever. I still play it here and there to this day, I'm a speedrunner of its randomized stages and I used to hold a couple of world records in it.
k0rvus Oct 20, 2024 7:29 AM
as weird as this probably is, for some reason I basically never recognize Japanese VAs. But there are exceptions, and Mamoru Miyano is actually one of them lol
Oh I am absolutely the same. I do not know any of the other VAs for the project by name, I just looked at their past work and they all seemed incredibly talented - virtually every single one has at least one very high-profile role. We're the same though where like Mamoru Miyano is one of my few exceptions, and he is by far my favorite voice actor for his roles as Light and Okabe (I really loved him in Uramichi-oniisan too! And a couple of his songs are super randomly bangers, he is so ridiculously talented).

I'm at the "this will probably slap so I'm not going to watch trailers anymore" point with this one.
I should probably do the same at this point honestly. I just keep getting further blown away every time new details relating to people working on the project are released because it just seems so tailored towards me. It's my most anticipated upcoming anime by a pretty wide margin. Beastars final season, the Madoka Magica movie, and maybe To Be Hero X (just because its trailer slapped) are the only other ones that might come close for me

Side note, since I know we were talking about Atlus, have you been playing Metaphor: ReFantazio?
k0rvus Oct 19, 2024 8:31 AM
Did you see the new VAs that just got revealed for Lazarus? It's so insanely stacked - including my favorite Mamoru Miyano as the MC. Every time something new gets announced about this series I somehow get even more hyped.
k0rvus Oct 12, 2024 8:06 AM
second Atlus game (the first was 13 sentinals, which is one of my all time favourite things).
I bought that game a long time ago and it's been one of the top games on my backlog this entire time. You should pitch me on why I should play it soon.

It's a really, REALLY weird movie. I think it's best to watch it completely blind because of how absolutely unhinged and bonkers it is, but the basic premise is:
Hmmmm if you think it's best to watch blind then I'll avoid reading your premise and just do that. Hopefully I'll actually remember to lmao, I'll try to this week
literaturenerd Oct 9, 2024 7:45 PM
The Substance looks amazing! I need to watch that and Rebellion soon! Also I’ll let you know my final thoughts on Sea of Stars once I finish it. It’s definitely worth getting at its current price though. I’ll spoil that right now.
literaturenerd Oct 9, 2024 2:37 PM
Persona 4 is spectacular! I've played 4 and 5 and love both of them. I also REALLY enjoyed 13 Sentinels. I found a list of all the science fiction the writer listed as inspirations and it's wild. A mishmash of old and new, Japanese, American, Soviet, Highbrow and lowbrow. There's an arthouse film like Solaris and then Sukeban Decca. The fact a story with that level of narrative convolution and 13 POV characters shifting back and forth in perspective across time and space made ANY sense was honestly a miracle. I'm currently playing Sea of Stars, which is a cozy little game but NOT as well written as 13 Sentinels.

I'll have to check out S2 of Oshi. I've heard good things. Lately I've been wrapping up Apothecary Diary and starting Cutey Honey F with my girlfriend. I also rewatched Madoka Magica the other week, which I liked a lot better the second time.

I've not heard of "the Substance". Is it related to "The Stuff"?
k0rvus Oct 8, 2024 12:57 PM
They haven't put it in cinemas here in Australia. At least not yet.
Damn, that's really unlucky. It seems like the movie has had a super limited international release for some reason, even in the US. In my state, it was only being shown at AMC theaters once a day for 4 days (Friday release through yesterday). All the theaters played it at the same time too. It's so insane lol, I wanted to go with one of my friends but he couldn't make any of their super limited times. I'm really glad I was able to make it out for the last showing.

basically burnt 2-3 weeks playing persona 4 golden 24/7.
That's just real. When I first played p5 royal I played I think 205 hours in an 18 day span.

For some reason, I've never played more than the first dungeon of persona 4 golden though... I think I got really burnt out at the time because 1. I played right after P5R, and 2. more annoyingly, I bought a PS Vita just to play, then found out I had to get a memory card too which took 2 weeks to ship... 3 days before my memory card arrived it randomly got leaked that it was spontaneously releasing on steam in a few days and I just felt so defeated before even playing lmao

Holy moly did this season of oshi no ko COOK. The directing was godly, probably the best we're going to get all year
I really gotta watch the rest of it then, just so I can make a fully educated pick for my best director of the year award (although, I'm not sure if I even want to pick out my anime awards for this year because I'm really not a fan of the year like I told you). As of now my pick for best director would be for Jellyfish Can't Swim in the Night, Look Back, or maybeeee the Haikyuu movie just for that Kenma POV shot at the end.

I think Look Back would be my anime of the year now if you wanna count it.

I need to watch some trashy dumpster fire before becoming completely spoiled lol
Watch Thankskilling

Also what's The Substance about?
k0rvus Oct 8, 2024 10:32 AM
Did you get a chance to see Look Back in theaters? I saw it last night and it was seriously so good; every single box I was hoping for was checked and they even did some cute comedic things like animating the little 4-panel comics the girls drew as kids. I think what blew me away the most was how closely the art resembled Fujimoto's style (like how his faces look different than any other mangaka's), in particular the main character Fujino. It was like seeing the manga come to life.
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