Probably missing some things because I didn't update this from September 2016 to December 2019 and don't remember everything (although I didn't watch as much in that time span as I did prior to September 2016.)
Also, neither my anime list nor my manga list includes series that I watched or read as a child. Doing so would add over 85 days to my anime watch time.
Anime Examples: Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh, Beyblade, etc.
Manga Examples: Pokemon Adventures and Legend of Zelda
I've chosen to omit OVAs and one shots, as well as anime and manga that are primarily focused on battles, from ratings.
Anime of the Year - Attack on Titan Season 3 Part 2
Continuing Anime of the Year - Attack on Titan Season 3 Part 2
New Anime of the Year - The Promised Neverland
Best Film - Rascal Does Not Dream of a Dreaming Girl
Best Director - Tetsuro Araki and Masashi Koizuka (Attack on Titan Season 3 Part 2)
Best VA Performance - Daisuke Ono (Erwin Smith - Attack on Titan Season 3 Part 2)
Best Protagonist - Emma (The Promised Neverland)
Best Antagonist - Askeladd (Vinland Saga)
Best Supporting - Bertholdt Hoover (Attack on Titan Season 3 Part 2)
Best Cast - Attack on Titan Season 3 Part 2
Best Girl - Chika Fujiwara (Kaguya-sama: Love is War)
Best Character Design - BEASTARS
Best Animation - Attack on Titan Season 3 Part 2
Best World Building - The Promised Neverland
Best Drama - BEASTARS
Best Comedy - Kaguya-sama: Love is War
Best Romance - Kaguya-sama: Love is War
Best Action - Attack on Titan Season 3 Part 2
Best Mystery - The Promised Neverland
Best First Episode - 121045 (The Promised Neverland)
Best Episode -
Best Ending - Vinland Saga
Best Scene - Erwin’s Final Charge (Attack on Titan Season 3 Part 2)
Best Fight Scene - Levi vs Beast Titan (Attack on Titan Season 3 Part 2)
Best OP Sequence - BEASTARS
Best OP Song - Wild Side by ALI (BEASTARS)
Best ED Sequence - Kaguya-sama: Love is War ED2
Best ED Song - Stand By Me by the peggies (Sarazanmai)
Best Insert Song - Apple Seed by Hiroyuki Sawano (Attack on Titan Season 3 Part 2)
Best Score - Attack on Titan Season 3 Part 2
Best Group Watch - Attack on Titan Season 3 Part 2
Best Memes - Domestic Girlfriend
So Bad That It’s Good - Domestic Girlfriend
Most Disappointing - Babylon
Worst Anime of the Year - Babylon
Anime of the Year - Sonny Boy
Continuing Anime of the Year - Attack on Titan: The Final Season
New Anime of the Year - Sonny Boy
Best Film - N/A
Best Director - Shingo Natsume (Sonny Boy)
Best VA Performance - Kanata Aikawa (Ai Ohto - Wonder Egg Priority)
Best Protagonist - Legoshi (Beastars 2)
Best Antagonist - Reiner Braun (Attack on Titan: The Final Season)
Best Supporting - Ruijerd Superdia (Mushoku Tensei)
Best Cast - Sonny Boy
Best Girl - Kyouko Hori (Horimiya)
Best Character Design - Ranking of Kings
Best Animation - Wonder Egg Priority
Best World Building - Sonny Boy
Best Drama - Odd Taxi
Best Comedy - Horimiya
Best Romance - Horimiya
Best Action - Attack on Titan: The Final Season
Best Mystery - Odd Taxi
Best First Episode - The Island at the Far End of Summer (Sonny Boy)
Best Episode - A Two-Year Recess (Sonny Boy E12)
Best Ending - Sonny Boy
Best Scene - Psychedelic Escape (Sonny Boy)
Best Fight Scene - Eren vs Warhammer (Attack on Titan: The Final Season)
Best OP Sequence - Blue Period
Best OP Song - EVERBLUE by Omoinotake (Blue Period)
Best ED Sequence - Uramichi Oniisan
Best ED Song - Dream on by Mamoru Miyano (Uramichi Oniisan)
Best Insert Song - Sonny Boy Rhapsody by toe (Sonny Boy)
Best Score - Sonny Boy
Best Group Watch - Bottom-Tier Character Tomozaki-kun
Best Memes - JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean
So Bad That It’s Good - Bottom-Tier Character Tomozaki-kun
Most Disappointing - The Promised Neverland Season 2
Worst Anime of the Year - Can I Make Your Ears Happy in 180 Seconds?
Anime of the Year - Kaguya-sama: Love is War - Ultra Romantic
Continuing Anime of the Year - Kaguya-sama: Love is War - Ultra Romantic
New Anime of the Year - Cyberpunk: Edgerunners
Best Film - The First Slam Dunk
Best Director - Ryuu Nakama (Chainsaw Man)
Best VA Performance - Yuuki Kaji (Eren Jaeger - Attack on Titan: The Final Season Part 2)
Best Protagonist - Bocchi (Bocchi The Rock)
Best Antagonist - Eren Jaeger (Attack on Titan: The Final Season Part 2)
Best Supporting - Floch Forster (Attack on Titan: The Final Season Part 2)
Best Cast - Attack on Titan: The Final Season Part 2
Best Girl - Chika Fujiwara (Kaguya-sama: Love is War - Ultra Romantic)
Best Character Design - Chainsaw Man
Best Animation - Bubble
Best World Building - Cyberpunk: Edgerunners
Best Drama - Tomodachi Game
Best Comedy - Kaguya-sama: Love is War - Ultra Romantic
Best Romance - Kaguya-sama: Love is War - Ultra Romantic
Best Action - Attack on Titan: The Final Season Part 2
Best Mystery - Summer Time Rendering (well, the 1st cour...)
Best First Episode - Goodbye, Summer Days (Summer Time Rendering)
Best Episode -
Best Ending - Cyberpunk: Edgerunners
Best Scene - David and Lucy's Final Moments Together (Cyberpunk: Edgerunners)
Best Fight Scene - The Alliance vs The Jaegerists (Attack on Titan: The Final Season Part 2)
Best OP Sequence - Chainsaw Man
Best OP Song - Naked Hero by Vaundy (Ousama Ranking 2nd Cour)
Best ED Sequence - Chainsaw Man ED3
Best ED Song - CHAINSAW BLOOD by Vaundy (Chainsaw Man ED1)
Best Insert Song - Footsteps of Doom by Kohta Yamamoto (Attack on Titan: The Final Season Part 2)
Best Score - Attack on Titan: The Final Season Part 2
Best Group Watch - Platinum End (2nd Cour)
Best Memes - Bocchi the Rock
So Bad That It’s Good - Platinum End (2nd Cour)
Most Disappointing - Ranking of Kings (2nd Cour)
Worst Anime of the Year - Platinum End (2nd Cour)
Anime of the Year - Attack on Titan: The Final Season - The Final Chapters
Continuing Anime of the Year - Attack on Titan: The Final Season - The Final Chapters
New Anime of the Year - Pluto
Best Film - Blue Giant
Best Director - Toshio Kawaguchi (Pluto)
Best VA Performance - Yuuki Kaji (Eren Jaeger - Attack on Titan: The Final Season - The Final Chapters)
Best Protagonist - Thorfinn Karlsefni (Vinland Saga Season 2)
Best Antagonist - Eren Jaeger (Attack on Titan: The Final Season - The Final Chapters)
Best Supporting - Hange Zoe (Attack on Titan: The Final Season - The Final Chapters)
Best Cast - Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End
Best Girl - Fern (Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End)
Best Character Design - Heavenly Delusion
Best Animation - Attack on Titan: The Final Season - The Final Chapters
Best World Building - Heavenly Delusion
Best Drama - Vinland Saga Season 2
Best Comedy - Kaguya-sama: Love is War - The First Kiss That Never Ends
Best Romance - Insomniacs After School
Best Action - Attack on Titan: The Final Season - The Final Chapters
Best Mystery - Heavenly Delusion
Best First Episode - Pluto
Best Episode - Attack on Titan: The Final Season - The Final Chapters Special 1
Best Ending - Heavenly Delusion
Best Scene - Hange's Blaze of Glory (Attack on Titan: The Final Season - The Final Chapters)
Best Fight Scene - Armin, Levi, and Mikasa vs Eren (Attack on Titan: The Final Season - The Final Chapters)
Best OP Sequence - Link Click Season 2
Best OP Song - SOULSOUP by OFFICIAL HIGE DANDISM (Spy x Family Code: White)
Best ED Sequence - Heavenly Delusion
Best ED Song - トドメの一撃 by Vaundy (Spy x Family Season 2)
Best Insert Song - Buddy Daddies Theme (Vocal Ver.) by Round Table (Buddy Daddies)
Best Score - Buddy Daddies
Best Group Watch - Attack on Titan: The Final Season - The Final Chapters
Best Memes - Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End
So Bad That It’s Good - N/A Sadly
Most Disappointing - My Home Hero
Worst Anime of the Year - My Life as Inukai-san’s Dog
Same honestly, I've been playing through the whole Dark Souls series recently, outside of a couple shows I found time to watch.
From the from soft titles I've only played Dark souls 3 and bloodborne, both were fantastic, bloodborne is actually one of my all time favorite games. I never played the DLC for DS 3 though, so I do have a very good excuse to replay it one day.
I have seen the new Beastars final season part 1 though and it was great!
I'm pretty hyped to watch, I'm debating rewatching s1 and 2 before seeing it which is why I haven't gotten around to it yet.
We should probably just add each other on discord tbh
Not a bad idea, I'm just apolygons2 on there. Same as here. Though I might edit this part out a few days later since my discord isn't really public, so add me when you can.
I haven't seen it but I know of it. Its high on my list already.
I've been playing a lot more games than watching stuff these past few months so I'm behind on some of my all time favourite shows (Beastars and Arcane are the 2 big ones). Haven't been very active on mal either.
With s2 coming out its probably a good time to catch up though. Tell me if s2 finishes the story. I'll probably watch it soon if thats the case.
Welp, Dandadan just locked in my episode of the year!
I was enjoying the show well enough, but holy shit that masterpiece was so above and beyond anything else from the rest of the show, or my expectations. I did not expect to cry today, what the hell.
It's impossible to put a 100% certain number on something anyway, the difference between high 7 and low 8 is small enough that it doesn't really matter.
ESPECIALLY the ending are famously an absolute trainwreck,
I haven't seen or read domestic girlfriend, but honestly, I think I would actually enjoy that more when it comes to stuff like this. If people told me domestic girlfriend is good drama with a solid ending, I would be less interested, compared to it being known as the step incest, dumpster fire.
Bad shows and good shows are plenty, but the kind of trash that leaves a real impression and is entertaining for all the wrong reasons is exceptionally rare imo.
It honestly depends on the context, but generally I think the ending is always the most important section when it comes to the quality of a story. Not that it's a make or break, but it holds more weight than other sections.
Like darling in the franxx wasn't a masterpiece or anything but if it did have an ending that tied it together instead of.... well, that, I could see myself giving it a high 7 instead of the 4 it has now. But that ending is exceptionally shit.
For me I generally take away or add 1 score or less if the ending is a really good or bad.
But again, it really depends on the context. You have to ask yourself how much of the series was relying on that ending to be good. Like I'll be honest, the reason for paprika is a low 8 high 7 for me, but perfect blue is a 10, above everything else is because I thought the reveal of what was going on paprika was incredibly generic. It wasn't even "bad" but just from being mid alone, it took away so much.
The entire movie had the question "what is going on" and "who's doing this" hanging around it, so a weak answer, weakens that entire process.
Side note, since I know we were talking about Atlus, have you been playing Metaphor: ReFantazio?
Honestly, beyond the poster i don't even know what this one is. I've only played 13 sentinals, and persona 4 from them. I also watched a let's play of the original Cathrene on YouTube like 6 years ago, but that's about it.
Believe it or not I have actually never bought a single game on release. I don't even think I have ever bought a game on the year it came out!
It's not because I'm against doing so or anything, but I've pretty much always bought games on deals my whole life with very few exceptions. I'm also kind of broke so there is that too lol
Right now I'm playing salt and sanctuary, It's not a bad game, but I kind of hate it lol
It just has so many small annoying elements. Like being the only metrodivania I know of that doesn't have a map, or tying fast travel to having to place down limited statues in limited slots, in limited locations.
as weird as this probably is, for some reason I basically never recognize Japanese VAs. But there are exceptions, and Mamoru Miyano is actually one of them lol
Idk, I just never seem to fully appreciate voice acting when it comes to foreign languages. Like it's weird to say this, but when I don't actually understand them word by word, most VAs start sounding same-y to me.
but again Mamoru Miyano is definitely one of the exceptions, so that is definitely hype.
I'm at the "this will probably slap so I'm not going to watch trailers anymore" point with this one.
That's just real. When I first played p5 royal I played I think 205 hours in an 18 day span.
For some reason, I've never played more than the first dungeon of persona 4 golden though... I think I got really burnt out at the time because 1. I played right after P5R, and 2. more annoyingly, I bought a PS Vita just to play, then found out I had to get a memory card too which took 2 weeks to ship... 3 days before my memory card arrived it randomly got leaked that it was spontaneously releasing on steam in a few days and I just felt so defeated before even playing lmao
This was my first persona game, and second Atlus game (the first was 13 sentinals, which is one of my all time favourite things).
I own p5royal too, but I'm probably going to hold on playing that one for a while. I can imagine it being not the best idea to take on another 100 hour plus game right afterwards lol
I played it on playstation 4, and it was really fun. My cousin loved the game when he played it last year, and he had been telling me to play it since then, and I'm glad I did. I've heard the anime adaptation for p4 is also REALLY good, so I have that to look forward to as well!
I think Look Back would be my anime of the year now if you wanna count it.
Even from the trailer alone, if we count movies, this is probably one of, if not the strongest direction all year. I have yet to see a lot of the critical hits this year, so me saying oshi no ko is the best directed. isn't saying as much as you might think, but it DOES have extremely great directing, I'm sure of that much.
Watch Thankskilling
Oh my god, this looks incredible lmao
Will definitely watch this one soon.
Also what's The Substance about?
It's a really, REALLY weird movie. I think it's best to watch it completely blind because of how absolutely unhinged and bonkers it is, but the basic premise is:
About a substance that can create a younger version of yourself which you can swap with. But for every week that the younger one goes on, you have to spend a week as the original, or, things will go wrong.
The interesting part or the catch is that, it's not a 1 brain and 2 body situation. the younger version, is a separate entity. It is a literal younger you. The story follow an old actor who has had her age get the better of her, and in her desperation to return to her glory, she decides to use this substance.
It has STRONG, body horror. so whatever you do, do not eat while watching.
They haven't put it in cinemas here in Australia. At least not yet. I really hope they do, but I also wouldn't be surprised if they didn't, mainly due to the one hour long length.
The trailer looked incredible though, and I've been hearing nothing but praise on it, I'm really sad that I might not be able to see it on the big screen. I mean they are having sessions for the bocchi the rock recap movies but not this, like what the hell lol
This past 2 or so months I've been mainly just playing games in my free time. I basically burnt 2-3 weeks playing persona 4 golden 24/7. And I still gotta do a New game+ for a certain secret boss.
I finished spice and wolf and oshi no ko today.
Holy moly did this season of oshi no ko COOK. The directing was godly, probably the best we're going to get all year, and the man clearly had the budget to do whatever the hell he wanted! I really liked season 1, but for me this was a whole level above it.
Spice and wolf also probably gets the award for "dialogue of the year" if that's a category lol. The animation leaves a lot to desire, but the dialogue and music are just so fucking good you almost don't even care.
I also watched "the substance" in cinema the other day, which was also really good. Honestly, I've been getting too much great media recently. I need to watch some trashy dumpster fire before becoming completely spoiled lol
Did you see the listing/announcement for a new anime film that has the same original creator AND director duo as Odd Taxi? It's called Housenka. I can't believe those two are already going to work together again, this will be peak.
holy moly I had no idea this was a thing that existed. I'm hyped!
On a note of Shingo Natsume, I also randomly realized a new bit of symbolism in the final episode of Sonny Boy that, in hindsight, I really should have caught onto sooner. I'll still mention it just in case you didn't fully connect the dots on it.
I saw that shot where Nagara and Nozomi are both standing on the roof with Nagara's side having storm clouds while her skies are sunny and instantly connected it to the rain in the last episode. As you'll recall, the last episode opens with everyone back in the real world but clouded by constant rain. I realized that this is because, while they are back in the real world, the Nozomi that's alive is no longer the same unique and free Nozomi from the beginning of the story. Now, the sunnyness she brought is gone and only Nagara's clouds remain. It isn't until leading into the final scene, where Nagara goes to the train station, rescues the birds, and receives some closure with Nozomi / his future to complete his arc, that the rain finally calms. Of course, I had picked up on the rain before, but I had mostly just connected it to Nagara's mental state without linking it back to this shot with Nozomi.
sorry I must have missed this message before, so I'll response to it now.
This just goes to show how good of an interpretive piece sonny boy is, cause I had a completely different interpretation for it. I think the clouds represented the dullness and mundaneness of the real world. They went through a multi-life time of an adventure and now that they're back it's just... normal.
as if nothing had even happened.
The world isn't reflecting Nagara's thoughts, the world is just what it used to be. Nozomi never changed the world, she just had a different viewpoint. One that lead her to believe there is a light, which.. there is. in the final episode, there is still a shot where she reaches into the sky to get the light.
A literal interpretation would be that her reaching to the sky, is using the symbol of her seeing the sun from behind the clouds, to show that she still sees the light. While from our or Nagara's pov... it's just cloudy. there is no sun to reach for.
so in a way, the light is just as present in the finale, but we have to look passed the clouds to see it. As Nozomi has been doing during the entire series. I mean she first saw said light in a setting that had a literally pitch black sky. Nothing has changed in that sense. Nozomi has just always been better than us at finding the light.
but again, sonny boy is partly interpretive by design, so there isn't really a "correct" answer here.
There is a good chance that I wouldn't have read it anyway, at least not anytime soon. I still haven't finished a single manga that is more than like 25 chapters long lol
It is true that you can never grasp the feel of a long story with a youtube video, but Tale Foundry is probably the closest thing to making that happen.
Both his analysis and retelling (with analysis) videos are really great. As a self proclaimed creative, his videos are actually some of my favourites.
So while I obviously didn't get the full picture of the story, or got the entire emotional weight, I think you would be surprised by how much of it I did get.
I was about to tell you about a 2025 fantasy seinen series I learned of called Witch Hat Atelier, only to find out you already added this series to your plan to watch almost 2 years ago.
I had heard great things about the manga, and from the poster alone I already love the aesthetic.
It's honestly tempting to read it simply because I have never experienced watching a new anime while having already read the manga,
and I'll definitely make sure I check out Dungeon Meshi and Girls Band Cry if you're speaking that highly of them; for some reason those two series were completely off of my radar.
I haven't finished girls band cry so don't quote me on it being AMAZING, but given how it's score only went higher as it went on, it probably stuck the landing. Dungeon meshi I do genuinely fully recommend though. probably more than everything else that I named.
I'm definitely interested in how the 3D play will be adapted in this season though, the director could potentially come up with a really unique way to present it. So I am excited to see a part of it now that I think about it lol.
Oh you will be extremely but pleasantly surprised with episode 1. It had so many cool directing choices that it has already surpassed s1 in terms of production imo
from minute 1 the director is going all out with making this season something special, for more reasons than just the story.
All Comments (77) Comments
From the from soft titles I've only played Dark souls 3 and bloodborne, both were fantastic, bloodborne is actually one of my all time favorite games. I never played the DLC for DS 3 though, so I do have a very good excuse to replay it one day.
I'm pretty hyped to watch, I'm debating rewatching s1 and 2 before seeing it which is why I haven't gotten around to it yet.
Not a bad idea, I'm just apolygons2 on there. Same as here. Though I might edit this part out a few days later since my discord isn't really public, so add me when you can.
I've been playing a lot more games than watching stuff these past few months so I'm behind on some of my all time favourite shows (Beastars and Arcane are the 2 big ones). Haven't been very active on mal either.
With s2 coming out its probably a good time to catch up though. Tell me if s2 finishes the story. I'll probably watch it soon if thats the case.
I was enjoying the show well enough, but holy shit that masterpiece was so above and beyond anything else from the rest of the show, or my expectations. I did not expect to cry today, what the hell.
It's impossible to put a 100% certain number on something anyway, the difference between high 7 and low 8 is small enough that it doesn't really matter.
I haven't seen or read domestic girlfriend, but honestly, I think I would actually enjoy that more when it comes to stuff like this. If people told me domestic girlfriend is good drama with a solid ending, I would be less interested, compared to it being known as the step incest, dumpster fire.
Bad shows and good shows are plenty, but the kind of trash that leaves a real impression and is entertaining for all the wrong reasons is exceptionally rare imo.
Like darling in the franxx wasn't a masterpiece or anything but if it did have an ending that tied it together instead of.... well, that, I could see myself giving it a high 7 instead of the 4 it has now. But that ending is exceptionally shit.
For me I generally take away or add 1 score or less if the ending is a really good or bad.
But again, it really depends on the context. You have to ask yourself how much of the series was relying on that ending to be good. Like I'll be honest, the reason for paprika is a low 8 high 7 for me, but perfect blue is a 10, above everything else is because I thought the reveal of what was going on paprika was incredibly generic. It wasn't even "bad" but just from being mid alone, it took away so much.
The entire movie had the question "what is going on" and "who's doing this" hanging around it, so a weak answer, weakens that entire process.
Honestly, beyond the poster i don't even know what this one is. I've only played 13 sentinals, and persona 4 from them. I also watched a let's play of the original Cathrene on YouTube like 6 years ago, but that's about it.
Believe it or not I have actually never bought a single game on release. I don't even think I have ever bought a game on the year it came out!
It's not because I'm against doing so or anything, but I've pretty much always bought games on deals my whole life with very few exceptions. I'm also kind of broke so there is that too lol
Right now I'm playing salt and sanctuary, It's not a bad game, but I kind of hate it lol
It just has so many small annoying elements. Like being the only metrodivania I know of that doesn't have a map, or tying fast travel to having to place down limited statues in limited slots, in limited locations.
Idk, I just never seem to fully appreciate voice acting when it comes to foreign languages. Like it's weird to say this, but when I don't actually understand them word by word, most VAs start sounding same-y to me.
but again Mamoru Miyano is definitely one of the exceptions, so that is definitely hype.
I'm at the "this will probably slap so I'm not going to watch trailers anymore" point with this one.
For some reason, I've never played more than the first dungeon of persona 4 golden though... I think I got really burnt out at the time because 1. I played right after P5R, and 2. more annoyingly, I bought a PS Vita just to play, then found out I had to get a memory card too which took 2 weeks to ship... 3 days before my memory card arrived it randomly got leaked that it was spontaneously releasing on steam in a few days and I just felt so defeated before even playing lmao
This was my first persona game, and second Atlus game (the first was 13 sentinals, which is one of my all time favourite things).
I own p5royal too, but I'm probably going to hold on playing that one for a while. I can imagine it being not the best idea to take on another 100 hour plus game right afterwards lol
I played it on playstation 4, and it was really fun. My cousin loved the game when he played it last year, and he had been telling me to play it since then, and I'm glad I did. I've heard the anime adaptation for p4 is also REALLY good, so I have that to look forward to as well!
Even from the trailer alone, if we count movies, this is probably one of, if not the strongest direction all year. I have yet to see a lot of the critical hits this year, so me saying oshi no ko is the best directed. isn't saying as much as you might think, but it DOES have extremely great directing, I'm sure of that much.
Oh my god, this looks incredible lmao
Will definitely watch this one soon.
It's a really, REALLY weird movie. I think it's best to watch it completely blind because of how absolutely unhinged and bonkers it is, but the basic premise is:
The trailer looked incredible though, and I've been hearing nothing but praise on it, I'm really sad that I might not be able to see it on the big screen. I mean they are having sessions for the bocchi the rock recap movies but not this, like what the hell lol
This past 2 or so months I've been mainly just playing games in my free time. I basically burnt 2-3 weeks playing persona 4 golden 24/7. And I still gotta do a New game+ for a certain secret boss.
I finished spice and wolf and oshi no ko today.
Holy moly did this season of oshi no ko COOK. The directing was godly, probably the best we're going to get all year, and the man clearly had the budget to do whatever the hell he wanted! I really liked season 1, but for me this was a whole level above it.
Spice and wolf also probably gets the award for "dialogue of the year" if that's a category lol. The animation leaves a lot to desire, but the dialogue and music are just so fucking good you almost don't even care.
I also watched "the substance" in cinema the other day, which was also really good. Honestly, I've been getting too much great media recently. I need to watch some trashy dumpster fire before becoming completely spoiled lol
holy moly I had no idea this was a thing that existed. I'm hyped!
I saw that shot where Nagara and Nozomi are both standing on the roof with Nagara's side having storm clouds while her skies are sunny and instantly connected it to the rain in the last episode. As you'll recall, the last episode opens with everyone back in the real world but clouded by constant rain. I realized that this is because, while they are back in the real world, the Nozomi that's alive is no longer the same unique and free Nozomi from the beginning of the story. Now, the sunnyness she brought is gone and only Nagara's clouds remain. It isn't until leading into the final scene, where Nagara goes to the train station, rescues the birds, and receives some closure with Nozomi / his future to complete his arc, that the rain finally calms. Of course, I had picked up on the rain before, but I had mostly just connected it to Nagara's mental state without linking it back to this shot with Nozomi.
sorry I must have missed this message before, so I'll response to it now.
This just goes to show how good of an interpretive piece sonny boy is, cause I had a completely different interpretation for it. I think the clouds represented the dullness and mundaneness of the real world. They went through a multi-life time of an adventure and now that they're back it's just... normal.
as if nothing had even happened.
The world isn't reflecting Nagara's thoughts, the world is just what it used to be. Nozomi never changed the world, she just had a different viewpoint. One that lead her to believe there is a light, which.. there is. in the final episode, there is still a shot where she reaches into the sky to get the light.
A literal interpretation would be that her reaching to the sky, is using the symbol of her seeing the sun from behind the clouds, to show that she still sees the light. While from our or Nagara's pov... it's just cloudy. there is no sun to reach for.
so in a way, the light is just as present in the finale, but we have to look passed the clouds to see it. As Nozomi has been doing during the entire series. I mean she first saw said light in a setting that had a literally pitch black sky. Nothing has changed in that sense. Nozomi has just always been better than us at finding the light.
but again, sonny boy is partly interpretive by design, so there isn't really a "correct" answer here.
tbh I have seen only like half of his works, so thankfully I still have a few titles to go through If I'm itching for more natsume goodness!
It had been a while since he worked on something though, so I am still waiting for a new title to be excited about.
It is true that you can never grasp the feel of a long story with a youtube video, but Tale Foundry is probably the closest thing to making that happen.
Both his analysis and retelling (with analysis) videos are really great. As a self proclaimed creative, his videos are actually some of my favourites.
So while I obviously didn't get the full picture of the story, or got the entire emotional weight, I think you would be surprised by how much of it I did get.
I suggest watching one his videos:
this one is really great and the video that made me get into his channel. I promise is better than you expect.
And here's the homunculus video, you can be the judge of how much he does it justice:
I had heard great things about the manga, and from the poster alone I already love the aesthetic.
bro you already forgot about look back lol
I haven't finished girls band cry so don't quote me on it being AMAZING, but given how it's score only went higher as it went on, it probably stuck the landing. Dungeon meshi I do genuinely fully recommend though. probably more than everything else that I named.
Oh you will be extremely but pleasantly surprised with episode 1. It had so many cool directing choices that it has already surpassed s1 in terms of production imo
from minute 1 the director is going all out with making this season something special, for more reasons than just the story.