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May 9, 2012 11:18 AM
Aug 2010
Well, I knew what type of episode it would be given by the summary, but I didn't know they would be so upfront about it.
busterbeamMay 9, 2012 3:55 PM
May 9, 2012 7:37 PM

Nov 2008
Fujiko is hot, no matter which gender she is seducing, but the real fun doesn't start until Lupin shows up...
May 10, 2012 5:07 AM

Jun 2009
Whoah, Oscar's one sly bastard. I don't think i got how he got those girls that cut his wig to listen to his every word though.
But dat Fujiko. щ( °٢° щ)
And Lupin's always fun to watch.
レッツゴー ED イケイケゴーゴー
May 10, 2012 5:14 AM
Jun 2008
so this week ep is teaching with fujiko yea all girls school too & yet yuri in it sure who want fujiko's "teaching".

give it was a trap by oscar sure tied fujiko then pour wine on her (give also see owl flashback of her past of sorts).

yea but did not count lupin wrench to come in sure give school girls machine guns to chase lupin so trap him in glass house smoke.

but oscar sorta "failed" fujiko's test cause his "weakness" oh boy now oscar want revenge on fujiko.
you either with ANIME or against the anime
May 10, 2012 6:41 AM

Jan 2012
Nice episode. Fujiko is sooo hot.

May 10, 2012 9:41 AM

Feb 2012
Okay, I didn't realize at first that Isolde was Oscar, so I thought of rage quitting this episode because of the male voice.

Oh Fujiko, the kissing scenes were hot, you naughty girl.

I missed a bit of closure around the whole action but guess this was focused on Oscar and Fujiko's past, could anyone actually tell how the dream scene was related to her past, what was the meaning behind it?
May 10, 2012 10:11 AM

Oct 2010
I guess as a long time Lupin III the episode was below average. I'm so use to Fujiko and Lupin in disguises i figured Lupin would be in a disguise somewhere.
Oscar did trick me though.

TBH i hope they dont focus a lot on Fujiko's past thats why i liked her. She was always mysterious like Lupin III. Except a lot of info points that Fujiko was a spy for CIA and Russion or German at one time i cant remember but i know she worked for CIA before.

After this series is done they better give Lupin III, Goemon, Jigen, and Fujiko a real show. More about the crazy impossible jobs they use to do.
rodacNov 2, 2013 11:30 PM
May 10, 2012 11:29 AM

Dec 2009
This yuri stuff was hard to watch. I was squirming in my seat until lupin came.

May 10, 2012 11:55 AM

Feb 2012
There were definitely some farfetched elements in this episode. But the dream sequence was surreal.

May 10, 2012 12:54 PM
Jul 2008
LMAO! I kinda had a feeling Isolde was a guy. I didn't know it was going to be Oscar. XDDD

All in all, this was a very strange epusode. Especially with surreal dream Mine had.
May 10, 2012 1:42 PM
Sep 2011
Once again a fantastic episode.
Oscar used his slim figure to his advantage and even managed to trick Fujiko and Lupin.
Overall, this episode was dedicated to flesh out his character and it was a clever way to convey his feelings for Zenigata by using these lines for Fujiko in order to lull her into a false sense of security.

It seems ironic how these words expressing his affection are uttered to the person he despises, creating a highly grotesque sensation that only increases with him pooing wine on her naked body. Even more so, it's his infatuation with Zenigata that makes him vulnerable and leads him to his failure in the end.

However, this episode also shed light on Fujiko's past. It appears that she went through severe examinations in her childhood with her getting exposed in her "natural form" which might be the reason why she conceals her true nature. "Women never show themselves in their natural form" : A sentence she proclaims to be self-evident but it merely shows her warped perspective of herself and reveals more of her personality than she probably intends to.

The confession of one of the girls to Fujiko struck me as really interesting: Private schools as prisons yet as shelters that protect their inhabitants from the outside world. While it may offer security it also constrains one's perspective .
In contrast to this Fujiko's past could be considered another form of imprisonment which she is constantly fleeing from, distracting herself with thievery.
May 10, 2012 3:04 PM

Mar 2009
MJSpice said:
LMAO! I kinda had a feeling Isolde was a guy. I didn't know it was going to be Oscar. XDDD

All in all, this was a very strange epusode. Especially with surreal dream Mine had.

Yeah, that voice was to deep, turned out that being a faggot have some interesting uses.
rodacNov 2, 2013 11:31 PM
May 10, 2012 4:49 PM

Apr 2011
Dude, at first i was like... YES! a lesbian scene. But than after i found out it was Oscar dressed as a girl i was Porque (Why)?! Oscar is a pretty weird person
May 10, 2012 4:54 PM

Aug 2009
If this had been any other series and someone just described this episode to me, I probably would have never though of even touching it. School girls with guns, cross dressing and yuri(well not really as we soon find out, there was the blonde girl tho) but yeah, point is just goes to show how exection, style and music and affect something. I also had my doubts about Oscar, but hes proving to be quite the interesting antagonist. I have a lingering suspision that he'll be killed off in the end of the series though, considering this is the only series I remember him in. Also anyone else find it weird she keeps using her real name... why would the school hire a known theif lol

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself."
-Friedrich Nietzsche
May 10, 2012 5:24 PM

May 2010
Another Hot Episode as alway this show never fail to please me, showing how crafty it is didnt see the whole Oscar dressing up as a girl thing to catch Fujiko but work with what ja got haha, those school girl with with gun was just abounch of wtf in my book, and what did he do to make em do that one wonder about these thing, now we see why Fujiko had sex with Zenigata, that was crafty as hell, the whole owl thing about her past was creepy as hell wonder what that will pan out to be, cant what till next week.
May 10, 2012 6:08 PM

Nov 2011
An episode for characterizing Oscar, and expanding on Fujiko (unless that was just an unrelated surreal dream). Oscar's adulation and affection for Zenigata clarifies his hatred towards Fujiko in the previous episodes. It seems like they're going for a character spin-off rather than an alternate as listed, which I should have realized with the title. Overall, this episode was just odd, as is Oscar. The utilization of the scene between Zenigata and Fujiko in episodes before was amusing.
MissileSoupMay 10, 2012 6:13 PM
May 10, 2012 7:31 PM

Jan 2009
lol i got nothing to add to the comments but just saying good episode
May 10, 2012 7:55 PM

Aug 2011
Well, that was certainly... unique. Lol at Oscar. That dream sequence was jibby as hell, it'd be awesome if someone could explain it.
May 10, 2012 11:51 PM

Jun 2009
I thought Isolde is a girl.

Then I hear her speak, and I knew immediately that it's Oscar.

Liked Oscar since his first appearance, hope to see more of him, he is one gay and unique character.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
May 11, 2012 12:15 AM

Oct 2011
oh sinful of the most sublimely sexy yuri scenes of all time and then it turns out to be the work of a trap...i was transported to a wonderful heaven, and then...what a letdown, but what a great plot twist! this show is nothing but pure enjoyment from beginning to end every week - definitely sexier than any hentai - by leaving the sensuality to the imagination it becomes more arousing by far...mine fujiko is pure goddess!
octal9May 11, 2012 12:22 AM
May 11, 2012 1:55 AM

Apr 2012
Well that was definitely an interesting episode. It's funny because during the lesbian scene I was like "huh that girl kinda looks like Oscar with her hair cut" and then 10 secs later HOLY SHIT IT IS OSCAR!!!

Looks like Oscar is shaping up to be Fujiko's rivial kinda in the way that Zenigate is Lupin's rival.
ZetatrainMay 11, 2012 10:39 AM
May 11, 2012 3:49 AM

May 2011
That was a pretty good trick at the end with the voice recording. At first I thought it was Lupin mimicking the Detective's voice, but it was just Fujiko sexing that guy up. :P
May 11, 2012 5:14 PM

Aug 2010
This episode was sexy as always. Some good ol' yuri never hurt anyone. Oscar is one sly dog. I kinda expected that girl to him considering her voice didn't really sound at all like a girl. Fujiko is always one step ahead though.
May 11, 2012 6:04 PM

Apr 2009
Despite acting like a female voice, i was still able to discern that Isolde has Yuki Kaji's voice.. ended up figuring out that she's probably Oscar, then it turned out i was right..
May 11, 2012 9:40 PM

Mar 2012
Lol Oscar. The guy is definitely an interesting character. It was great how Fujiko got the upper hand over Oscar this time around. On the other hand, that owl dream sequence was o_0
May 11, 2012 9:50 PM

Jul 2011
There was something slightly off about her voice but i was totally fooled. There was a stark difference between the way she was drawn before the revelation compared to after where she looked more masculine. Still despite that you got to give Yuki Kaji props, he did sound quite convincing.

Dare i say that so far i'm enjoying the dynamic between Oscar and Fujiko more than Lupin and Zenigata. The way she played him was brilliant and I'm very interested to see what happens next. Also we got yuri which is always a plus and a further testament to Fujiko's awesomeness. She don't care who or what she does if the part requires it.
May 12, 2012 5:53 PM

Feb 2011
Man, I love the Oscar-character. Hope he'll appear in some of the future seasons, specials, movies etc.
May 12, 2012 7:18 PM

Feb 2010
ImagineThat said:

Dare i say that so far i'm enjoying the dynamic between Oscar and Fujiko more than Lupin and Zenigata. The way she played him was brilliant and I'm very interested to see what happens next. Also we got yuri which is always a plus and a further testament to Fujiko's awesomeness. She don't care who or what she does if the part requires it.

May 13, 2012 4:39 AM

Sep 2007
This show is bad and getting worse. The episode with Jigen has really been the only really good one so far.
May 13, 2012 10:18 AM
Apr 2011
Nappa: Vegeta, what does the scouter say about the level of fanservice?
Vegeta: IT'S OVER 9000!~
Vegeta: ME TOO too.
May 14, 2012 6:28 PM

Aug 2009
Took me a couple minutes to figure out it was Oscar just from his voice lol. Those girls suddenly firing guns at Lupin was a lmao WTF moment.

Anyway, that was nice seeing Oscar fool Fujiko that way, though I would've liked it if Fujiko or even especially Lupin, put on better ways to kind of "one-up" Oscar/Zenigata. Would've expected them to be in disguise at some point in the ep. Ah well, good episode.

Also, DAT YURI O___O
Jun 2, 2012 11:11 PM

Jun 2009
I thought this was a pretty excellent episode, particularly the owl dream sequence was pretty imaginative. I was indeed fooled by Oscar in this episode, but Fujiko turned the tables.
"Yes, I have been deprived of emotion. But not completely. Whoever did it, botched the job."

- Geralt of Rivia
Jun 21, 2012 2:09 AM

Jul 2008
Oscar really doesn't like women much does he?
Jul 2, 2012 11:46 PM

Nov 2011
Oct 13, 2012 7:32 AM

Jan 2010
fuuu...yuri :(
and a lot of stupid girls =(
Oct 22, 2012 2:06 AM

Nov 2011
That was an awesome episode, though that Oscar ruined my yuri moment >.> Kind of badass all-girls school, they're having guns and all.

Dec 2, 2012 12:35 PM

Apr 2012
Zhou said:
Oh Fujiko, the kissing scenes were hot, you naughty girl.

Seconded. That was a nice surprise that I hadn't expected. They definitely made the episode for me (despite only one of them were actually a girl..)
Zhou said:
That faggot Oscar did trick me though.

I hadn't seen that one coming at all . No matter how feminine Oscar looks, I hadn't expected to see him cross-dressing as a school girl at a private all-girls school.

Also, the dream sequence really has me puzzled. It was quite peculiar, really. And just what is it with all those owls?!
Oct 31, 2013 5:45 AM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
Well played, Fujiko Mine, well played indeed.

Delicious yuri mood throughout the early part of the episode (even if it was a trap!)-

Loving this.
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

May 8, 2015 2:35 AM

Jan 2012
That beginning was really getting trippy with the female eroticism. Oscar's initial trap for Fujiko legit caught me off guard, but I saw the Zenigata reveal coming. This show is just so different from how I think of Lupin, though I don't consider it a bad thing really.
Nov 10, 2016 4:33 PM

Feb 2012

Novels I have read/am reading pending approval: since November 10 2022
Dec 10, 2016 3:40 AM

Sep 2013
Yuki Kaji's voice is too memorable and so unique that it gave the surprise away.
Dec 30, 2016 10:28 PM

Jan 2013
Strange episode, wonder how long she became a teacher for this or what's so important about that treasure. Still this was enjoyable
Jun 1, 2017 12:34 PM

Jun 2014
Zenigata gets the Fujiko pussy yet again, how lucky. This episode was beyond weird. I like how the gay guy for Zenigata is going to end up being the a villanous character.
alpha_shadowJun 2, 2017 6:26 AM
Jul 11, 2017 5:21 PM

Dec 2015
TRAPS EVERYWHERE! They've done such a good job depicting Fujiko's sensual side, she really is a chameleon. The directing for this episode was splendid as always.

Once again, biggest issue pacing - as with all the episodes so far, regardless of how exciting the twists get, everything ends in the blink of an eye. They should have gone with 46 minute episodes imo.

Also, i'm not sure how Lupin escaped the greenhouse - was he pretending to pass out + did he somehow climb out of through the roof??
Oct 24, 2017 2:30 AM

Dec 2012
Fujiko...sensei? That's a sensei I'd hit.
All the girls like Fujiko.
Angelica's such a bitch.
Who confessing to Fujiko? Angelica, that bitch.
Dat kiss! HLA! HLA! HLA!
Angelica watching.
Angelica really is a bitch.
Fujiko is slaying.
Damn. They cut up her school uniform. Assholes, that shit ain't free.
She wants to learn the kissing technique.
LMAO I knew I was hearing Yuki's voice when Isolde talked for a reason.
Oscar stripping her. Boss!
Oh shit! He stripped Fujiko. Dat oppai.
pour it on her.
Dem nipples.
Younger Fujiko so cute.
Dat oppai.
lol at Lupin.
LMAO Oscar whipped them.
lol at Oscar getting tricked.
lol at the squirrel's.
LMAO at the code being ZNGT.
If you see that my post is exactly 1 month old (or more) from when it was posted... Don't waste your time, especially when you want to reply with something petty & insignificant. Assume that I've moved on (because I have).
Jan 6, 2018 12:27 AM

Jul 2009
Great episode!

Definitely the best episode so far!! I like how the show made us think Fujiko and Lupin are going to be captured.

Damned that Oscar. I thought we we're going to see some innocent yuri scenes. Even being deceived, Fujiko still knows how to find a way out.

So Fujiko and Zenigata didn't really do the deed. It was just mainly Fujiko playing around or so.

Good shit! Can't wait for more!
Mar 30, 2019 3:27 AM

Oct 2012
Haha Kaji Yuki's girly voice xD

Guess Oscar stole something important for those girls too, their hearts? Nahh :P
This anime really like using vague words
Pretty adult-thing xD

Oscar is a very weird addition to the cast
Zenigata -> Lupin
Oscar - Fujiko
Kinda make sense since this anime is about Fujiko
"Signature removed"
Jun 20, 2019 2:20 PM

Apr 2009
Whoooa, Oscar is a psycho o.o did not expect that bedroom scene, although it did seem like the reason he called her all the cruel names before is because he's got some unresolved issues :p "notice me, inspector", indeed... also, what the hell is up with schoolgirls keeping and using uzis on schoolgrounds?xd...
- If you believe this place holds you, it is a prison.
If you do not wish to leave, it will become a fortress.

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Kusuriuri from Mononoke
by pana (LJ username)
Sep 5, 2019 9:03 AM

Sep 2011
This was one intense episode with lots of acting. Oscar really thought he had what it takes to go against both Fujiko, and Lupin. Talk about underestimating your foes. But Fujiko really hit where it hurts, he disappointed Zenigata, and I guess he wants to make her pay for it.

This is the first time here that Lupin and Fujiko worked together, succeeded, and shared the loot. Nice! But what are those recollections Fujiko keeps having? The sound effect is so unsettling, and those owl-like people seemed to be doing something awful to her. Time will answer for sure.
Jan 7, 2020 5:28 PM

Nov 2016
Fujiko got Oscar good. Pretty crazy episode with some delicious yuri(even tho it was more trap action later)

But still, when this series tries to be hot then it definitely is.

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