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Bungo Stray Dogs
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Nov 19, 2016 9:19 PM

Aug 2013
I love this episode~
tho Lucy is so lovely, I'm on the Atsushi X Kyouka ship alright xD
and hyping for the alliance yay!!

Nov 19, 2016 9:27 PM

Sep 2011
One of the better episodes this season.
Nov 19, 2016 9:46 PM

Apr 2016
can someone explain to me what the quote "the head may err, but never the blood" means here? i kinda get the idea, but not really so an explanation would be appreciated
Nov 20, 2016 2:22 AM

Dec 2012
It was a bit predictable that Atsushi was going toe escape, but as usual the animations were amazing.
Dazai :)
Nov 20, 2016 2:31 AM

Jul 2015
What...? another whale? i thought that crap ended with ReZero (yeah, not a fan of that show) but still episode was pretty good episode :)
Nov 20, 2016 2:38 AM

Jul 2015
"It was a wonderful episode, but there was one flaw". How could Dazai escape from the car accident not explained (or not yet explained). Btw this episode is 4.6/5
Nov 20, 2016 2:41 AM

Mar 2016
willsygle said:
"It was a wonderful episode, but there was one flaw". How could Dazai escape from the car accident not explained (or not yet explained). Btw this episode is 4.6/5

They will get back to the car accident thing later on ... I think they'll reveal who orchestrated it .
Nov 20, 2016 8:12 AM
Aug 2014
its looking good,but i feel like they are in a hurry or something i have not read its mange(dont even know if there is 1)anyways it might just be me,but i felt like they are rushing through episodes ,lots of change of scenes in a single episode constantly changing scenes maybe its cause there are lot of characters and story to cover and they have limited episodes for the season? any1 sharing the same opinion :p?
Nov 20, 2016 3:10 PM

Jul 2013
The episode was a bit rushed, but well, it's not like I didn't expected that or anything, and, tbh, I loved it.

Glad to see Lucy (AKA best girl) animated again. I expected the scene involving her helping Atsushi to escape and it didn't dissapointed me at all despite they removed some dialogue. I have to say it bothered me a bit they didn't put her brackets unlike in the manga. I mean, it's an small detail, but I absolutely loved them, it gave Lucy's design something more... unique and adorably weird at the same time. Kinda sad too we wouldn't probably see her putting those insane rape faces again :´(

Mark Twain was awesome. He is easily another fav of mine (well, the Guild in general is great) and the battle against Atsushi was cool. Curious how Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn are voiced by different voice actors than the ones of Twain, since while reading the manga I thought they would had the same voice as him (since they are in a sense part of him and that).

Sad they didn't portrayed Dogra Magra's effect on Yokohama like in the manga. Here things were portrayed much, much worse (even Kunikida was affected). And we also have Moby Dick too (seeing Melville reminded me of how sad his backstory is, poor man :`( ). Screw the alliance with the mafia, someone needs to call Subaru ASAP and he will end this in a few hours :P

Being Kyoka is suffering....
Good to see Atsushi finally accepting the tiger (AKA his power and will) and deciding to do something instead of loathing himself. Great scene at the end when he says to Dazai the quote of the actual Atsushi Nakajima of the real world.

Next episode will be fucking lit.

Btw, so fucking glad they animated the scene when Lovecraft destroys that little shit of Q very well. I mean, they even added the sausage dog scene! God bless you all, Bones.

This smile needs to be protected at all cost. Lovecraft's too pure for this world.
IllyricusNov 20, 2016 3:14 PM
Nov 20, 2016 3:50 PM

Mar 2016

I think they can re-insert the kunikida part cause dazai mentions it to chuuya in chapter 31 . Just like they re-inserted Kouyou's warning about kyouka in this episode instead of ep 7 .
Next episode should be almost full adaptation without omitting anything cause it's 2 chapters . most stuff omitted are comedic stuff since this arc began , but i'm glad they're at least keeping the lovecraft funny stuff. Realize he was back at the cabine and still thinking and trying to make the dachshund lmao that was not in the manga i think
I didn't notice the lucy braces not being animated before now lol i also realized in ep 12, there were instances where they didn't draw the braces too, but here they weren't at all ...
Shishou_23Nov 20, 2016 4:12 PM
Nov 21, 2016 3:34 PM

Oct 2012
Tsukizono said:

My thoughts exactly, ever since the end of S1 I wanted something between them but I dismissed the possibility when she disappeared and didn't reappear early in this season.
I mean I'm perfectly fine with Atsushi x Kyouko but I find that AtsuLucy is so much more genuine for me, and as a character I liked Lucy more.
I'm worried though because since I'm an anime only watcher for this series, I have no clue if she'll make it out of this alive T^T
Well that'll change soon enough, I'll pick up Bungou again in the next few days
gust11Nov 21, 2016 3:37 PM
"If I don't have to do it, I won't. If I have to do it, I'll make it quick."
- Oreki Houtarou
Nov 21, 2016 10:23 PM

Sep 2014
Definitely a fun a thrilling episode, but I had so much problems with this episode. I actually paused 15 minutes in was struggling to finish it. It just the episode felt awkward in a way. Both pacing and how it kept jumping from scene to scene as if it was in a hurry. Plus some characters motivation make no senses. Some characters were introduced last episode, and are already playing a major role. Idk it feels like everything happened too fast. There was also this odd sense that some of the characters made no sense or were just devoid of logic. While fun, I think this episode was a train wreck.
Nov 22, 2016 8:44 AM

Nov 2011
Loved this episode, and I love that Atsushi is finally believing in himself!

I think Kyouka will join the Guild and fight Atsushi in the end, she didn't want anymore light in her life and the Guild is basically darkness.Gin is adorable, I kind of fell for her in episode 7 when she talked for the first time, I hope we get more of her.

I want more Akiko and Kenji DAMMIT.

The lack of the other Agency members is bumming me out!
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Nov 23, 2016 2:02 AM
Oct 2011
oh my goodness this show is continuing to deliver on the hype
Nov 23, 2016 7:17 PM

Oct 2013
The Guild Arc has been a bit underwhelming for me so far. Hopefully we see more intense battles between the three organizations
Nov 24, 2016 4:27 AM
Mar 2012
wow just beautiful mayhem happening
two most creepy folks meet, city goes insane
Kyouka, Lucy & Atsushi parts so beautiful & painful.
Moby Dick... every show with a flying whale has been freaking great.
Mark Twain kinda different from expected, but nice to see Tom & Huck.
Nov 24, 2016 4:51 AM
Jan 2016
Nov 24, 2016 6:31 PM

Oct 2008
This episode is pure damn epicness!
So the Special Gifted Guild is truly strong Atsushi plans to get alliance with Port Mafia!?
Well, look at what happened to the mind control kid, totally lost against one of the members of the Special Gifted Guild!
Good to see Lucy back and helped Atsushi escaped from Moby Dick!
Yokohama burns but Atsushi saved it with the appearance none other than DAZAI!!!

Nov 25, 2016 11:22 AM

Apr 2016
The uselessness of Atsushi is getting really tiresome... yeah, he will blow everyone out of the water at some point, but it sucks to see him mess things up, get beat up all the time, get captured, etc.

Sakunosuke was much more fun... (o.o)
Nov 26, 2016 5:17 AM

Jun 2013
Mark Twain's my new favorite for now. Atsushi has been put in the hall of fame. No, actually they're both my favorite.

I'm glad Lucy helped Atsushi out.

Also, Tom and Huck are fucking cute.
Nov 27, 2016 3:00 PM

May 2015
a lot happened this episode, and the guild shows the lengths they will go to succeed.
Nov 27, 2016 6:47 PM

Jan 2013
This is definitely one of the best animes this year!
Atsushi's power is so op, can't wait to see him full berserk xD
Dazai always comes at a right time and the right place.
I don't know what power Lovecraft has but damn... that kid thought that he was scary xD Can't wait to see the ending of this season, it will be so epic!!!
And btw, Atsushi's plan to become allies of Port's Mafia is their only way to win.
"There is no such thing as an Anime elitist. You watch Anime, therefore, you are trash by society's standards."

Dec 17, 2016 3:01 AM

May 2016
OMG An alliance has been formed. >.< I'am getting hype guys I can't wait to see the two rivals working each other to fight that guild :3
Jan 4, 2017 5:00 PM

Nov 2015
The pacing is waaay to fast.
Otherwise a great episode after a while.

Jan 11, 2017 6:27 PM

Dec 2011
The apocalypse is coming.
Jan 23, 2017 2:15 AM

Mar 2015
Aw yeah Dazai-san to the rescue!!

And a reappearance of Lucy and my beloved Kana!
I'm Bruneian and I like anime. And Manchester United. And fat cats.
Feb 1, 2017 1:51 PM

Jul 2009
Kyouka was able to save the day, but then it was ruined the moment she killed the police.
I am loving the Guild guys, this season is amazing!
Jun 28, 2017 12:53 AM

May 2013
I knew he'd say Port Mafia huehuehue C:

I wanna know more about Lovecraft's ability o.o
Kokoro_KotashimaJun 28, 2017 12:57 AM
Dec 9, 2017 6:54 AM

Sep 2012
bittersweetlove said:
Kyouka was able to save the day, but then it was ruined the moment she killed the police.
I am loving the Guild guys, this season is amazing!

she only wounded him badly not killed
Sep 11, 2018 12:12 AM

Feb 2015
Tsukizono said:
I noticed something:

In the manga it was Lucy who gave Atsushi the idea for the alliance, but it was removed in the anime:

Also they deleted the Tachihara baby scene too.

wow really? gotta make the MC even more ebic than usual.
lucy fits atsushi better. she's more mature and they share the same pain. but the plot is pushing kyouka and him together no matter what, i see.

i was actually a little surprised that the whole "burn japan" idea went through since this story is massively deus ex machina. but this story had it so heavily that a million people could die and it would legitimately have no impact on the story at all.
Oct 25, 2018 1:13 AM

Dec 2013
Things happened too fast. I don’t understand how they were knowledgeable about the kids abilities.

I’m still looking forward to this future alliance.
Nov 30, 2018 9:51 PM
Jul 2018
Kyouka's heel-face turn sure is a painful one. That's why I like it so much.

I love how badass Atsushi is becoming, like "Lemme just transform into a tiger real quick, no biggie"

I'm also getting the vibe that any character voiced by Hanazawa actually is a good (?) person deep down. Plutia, Kougyouku, Lucy, etc. AtsuLusy is a BIG mood.

From what the comments are saying about next episode it seems like something big is about to happen~
removed-userNov 30, 2018 9:55 PM
Dec 27, 2018 5:02 PM

Jun 2015
things going by too fast in this episode, i'm not all too clear in what's happening other than atsushi is kidnapped, kyouka is pretty sad, they need a book, and they tried to burn own yokohama
Jan 31, 2019 9:43 AM

Aug 2017
Atsushi x Lucy is strong. Good episode. I think that Atsushi have more personality in this season.
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Feb 10, 2019 3:06 PM
Supreme Tsundere

Nov 2012
velvetprayer said:
Tsukizono said:

Agreed! Lucy was amazing here, I was blown away. :)

The conversation between Q and Steinbeck was depressing. Both of them are victims of their own circumstances. "God exists. But He doesn't love you." was a really realistic point of view.

I gasped at the title of next week's episode.

Agreed, dunno if they will try to build some romance there in the future or not, but I wouldnt mind at all, this girl has some potential to be a really interesting character.

Great episode overall, I only felt that dude with the cannon shooting from the whale, I felt that scene was kinda underhelming and retarded tbh.

Looking forward to see how the alliance goes, also what happened to Kyouka?
Apr 17, 2019 9:57 PM

Feb 2015
Kyoka rescued Atsushi from Francis, but in their escape, they had an incident with some police officers, Francis appeared again with the help of two members of Guild, Mark that immobilized them and Herman that summoned Moby-Dick (aircraft), Francis took Atsushi with him. Q found Lovecraft, and after trying to control him, Lovecraft unleashed his powers, defeating the kid, John immobilized Q and united their powers to use it at a greater scale. Francis visited Nathanael in the hospital and revealed him that Margaret is really bad, Nathanael quit from Guild. Francis questioned Atsushi about a special book he's looking for (Lucy appeared as a waitress) and threatened him with using Q's ability at a great scale, but Atsushi doesn't know about it, he got jailed and Q's ability got unleashed. Lucy visited Atsushi and helped him escape with a parachute and the doll, in his freefall Mark tried to stop him, but failed. Atsushi could see Port Mafia dealing with the situation and found Dazai, who stopped the hole power, Atsushi confessed that they need to join with Port Mafia to finish with Guild.

Lot of things happened in this episode, when I thought that Kyoka could be more relevant, they spit in my face, well. It was a well dona plan the one with Q, how was it possible not to affect Lovecraft, maybe he's special or attacked first. Margaret is not going to wake up, what a mess, Port Mafia really hurted them in this side. Maybe, Atsushi's idea is not that bad.
Atlas77Aug 24, 2019 6:42 PM
May 24, 2019 3:48 PM

Nov 2017
Dear god, how can this be so terrible

Jan 7, 2020 7:26 PM
Apr 2013
Am I the only one who think that the story is somehow garbage? Season 1 was ok but season 2... They just introduced a dozen new characters, or let's say, they just appeared out of nowhere like there is some sort of an enemy spawn point from a video game. And there is one Deus Ex machina after another while the rest of the story is pure chaos.

I mean... Tiger-boy is in jail inside of that flying invisible mecha whale (what a stupid skill) and that red haired girl comes to him, of course with the puppet in her hands (why does she even have it?), Tiger-boy uses Talk no jutsu, red haired girl gives him the puppet and a parachute and opens the door for him, he jumps out of the plane, he doesn't die because of some inner monologue, he runs like 100 meters, gets hit by an explosion and looses the puppet... and Dazai is at the exact same spot at the exact same time (even though it's a big city and Tiger-boy was in jail for over a week), he touches the puppet to destroy it and starts at lot of smoke bombs which he has placed before Tiger-boy even jumped out of the plane to secure Tiger-boy from a skill that Dazai can't even know.

The Zombie chaos in the city was also garbage. It's like: Dear anime viewer, this is a new character, he has a puppet, and these are two other characters. Puppet character wants to attack one of the others but fails and now let's combine them to start a zombie apocalypse. And the Gilde has planed that before we even get to know the characters. Holy moly
Mar 9, 2020 10:26 PM

Mar 2018
Interesting episode, really fast-paced. Wonder if Lucy will reappear in later episodes.

Floating Around...

"You're loved as deeply as the ocean reaches"

Mar 2, 2021 7:26 PM

Oct 2019
I just realized that nearly every character (except a few minor characters) of the show is named after writers. The Armed Agency and Port Mafia guys are named after Japanese authors, nearly all of them classical authors from the pre-WW2 and Meiji Period (late 19th century - early 20th century).

I already knew that the Guild members were named after authors (mostly Americans, but also some British ones, a Russian etc) but I had to look up the Japanese authors. It also appears that the authors were not chosen at random either. The Guild members share some traits with the authors they are named after and/or their works, so the same almost certainly applies to the Japanese characters/authors as well, but I am not familiar with any of these Japanese authors to say for sure..

A few episodes back I wondered why the Agency and the Port Mafia did not form a (temporary) alliance against their common foreign enemy, per the "The enemy of my enemy is my friend (until he isn't)" adage. It appears that's the direction they are going to take from the next episode. I'm sure they are going to have a lot of awkward fun battling the Guild together like comrades! ^.^
May 27, 2021 8:20 AM

Jun 2020
Omg it felt like so many things happened this episode, that was insane!!!!!

I loved Atsushi’s moment with the Tiger 月下獣, that was haunting & beautiful. And we got like 2 secs of Chuuya. I’ll take that 2secs. Need!!!! More!!!! Chuuuuuuyaaaaa!!!!!

I really like Lucy too, hope to see more of her again♡

Grapes of Wrath Steinbeck & this rendition of Mark Twain, fucking loved it. Love those takes on their abilities &.......this Mark Twain is too cute ♡____♡

but i’ll probably remember over and over again
you were there and everyone else was there
— the day we all searched for just one thing

May 27, 2021 2:58 PM

Mar 2019
Poor Kyouka, always getting the short end of the stick. Wonder what she meant by "stop showing me the light". That ending was sooooo hypeee. Everything from Dazai coming to the rescue and having that planned, to Atsushi suggesting an alliance between those 2.
Come on man,where is that Noragami season 3 masterpiece.We want it, Bones!

Jul 20, 2021 7:03 AM

Nov 2020
Hmm interesting. Moby Dick is interesting ability and that plan was almost perfect but Atsushi and Dazai saved the city. That Lovercraft or whatever guy looks pretty strong i wanna see his full power.
Sorry for my english xD!

RIP Kentaro Miura :(
RIP Akira Toriyama :(

Oct 17, 2021 11:04 AM
Nov 2020
The amount of strategy and planning ahead everyone is doing (especially Dazai) is absolutely chaos but it's so much fun to watch.
Oct 23, 2021 9:37 PM
Dec 2017
ireallywantcake said:
I noticed something:

In the manga it was Lucy who gave Atsushi the idea for the alliance, but it was removed in the anime:

Also they deleted the Tachihara baby scene too.

Now that really sucks it was cut out.

Dec 7, 2021 7:36 AM

May 2020
Lucy still like a Lucy. Atsushi escaped from The Guild now. Thought his plan to teamate with Mafia will be happened soon.
Aug 9, 2022 7:39 PM
Jan 2022
to gostando bastante agora que estou retornando a ver animes
Aug 18, 2022 8:33 PM

Feb 2022
Liked the plot up to this point so far. Looking forward to seeing how the rest plays out.

Sep 15, 2022 2:34 AM

Apr 2018
Damn mixing the seed's power with Q's one is true hell especially how it works and a lot of people became crazy, at least now Atsushi is out with Dazai and they're planning to make an alliance with the mafia to save the city? :o interesting
Oct 20, 2022 4:17 AM

Oct 2018
Oh wait, so the real battles between the executives start from the next episode? Hell yeah!
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