Cratex said:kenshin_sama said:
but it almost seems like they want to acknowledge those two as the most suitable couple.
One of the great things about good artwork is that it can mean different things to different people. But that's not one of the things I took out of it. *One* of the things I got was that Chiwa and Masuzu were realizing that Himeka's problems were real and just as valid as their own, and that it might be that accepting her into their group would be a good thing, and in particular that possibly at that moment Eita might be the best person to help her - pushing her away might be construed as having a pile of "bad karma" related implications (probably not the best words to use, but I'm not all that good with trying to describe what I'm trying to say here).
Another thing I took away was maybe that those two were considering that Eita has his own path to walk and they would have to change how they view their relationship with him. I could say more here, but I don't have the right words to do that.
(to some extent, the "real" purpose of their club might turn out to be something very different from the club's stated purpose, but that's just a viewer looking at how he thinks this story is going to play out)