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Apr 3, 2020 12:43 AM

Oct 2012
I've noticed this over the years. It's like a sneaky, cowardly move that fanboys internally conspire towards, perhaps fed by the culture that enable them to drop the intellectual ball. Perhaps it's symbiotic with the Millennial "safe space" concept, or the recent post-structuralist fad that pushes these activists to feel justified in marginalizing the "other". You've undoubtedly recognized it, and I want you to discuss the influence of such cancer, how it affects the anime community, whether you think it preserves political correctness and keeps out the "haters", or just dumbs down all discussion to the euphoria of a mental institution.

It goes like this:

One: If you don't like something, drop it! Only haters finish something they don't like. It's stupidity, not criticism!

Two: If you haven't finished something, you're not allowed to judge it. How do you know whether it's good or bad?

Conveniently, the Irrational Fanboy One-Two Punch™ seeks to erase the legitimacy of all criticism, to create a Catch 22 situation where a critic is not allowed to finish a show that he might criticize, and not allowed to criticize a show until he finishes. Of course, the fanboy wants to create this condition to prematurely tilt the foundation of any potential differing opinion, because they think that it's not them that can't take an opinion, but it's the "hater" that can't take the show. In my opinion, it's a fixed mindset born of utter fear of confrontation, like a crab under a shell. But that's what makes the one-two punch so effective, because it's so beneath your intellectual headspace that you don't even see it coming.

My subjective reviews:
Apr 3, 2020 12:52 AM

Jun 2016
I got that a few times. I ignore those replies because they're usually meant to shut down criticism. I told a guy to drop a series once but they asked if they should continue a series so I feel like the situation was different.
Apr 3, 2020 12:58 AM

Jan 2009
i usually just accept and read constructive criticism rather than destructive criticism and social media especially twitter with its limited character count is full of destructive criticism anyway

here on MAL the reviews are so toxic that has a lot of destructive criticism too
Apr 3, 2020 12:58 AM
Jul 2018
You called this phenomenon cancer. I agree. Nothing more to discuss.
Apr 3, 2020 1:14 AM
Jan 2012
I'm happy that I don't run into these people that often. I get the people who try to dismiss your opinion on a niche just because you "didn't get it", but at least those people aren't trying to be rational. These kinds of fanboys are trying to root their dumb argument in some kind of logic, which actually makes them far more annoying to me. Literally no one has the power to dismiss anyone else's opinions on a show, but here we have people trying to explain why they have the authority to do away with yours. They seem like children playing superhero who tries to persuade another kid their superpower doesn't count just because of their own personal reasoning.

Yeah I agree that most of it's born from a fear of confrontation. A lot of people discussing their differing opinions can become hostile in this community, but these kinds of fanboys are so afraid of that that they just immediately assume that any dissenting opinion is hostile, even when a civil conversation isn't off the table and the fanboy is ironically the one being hostile.

Then there are those that just refuse to accept their opinion as incorrect, so anyone with a dissenting opinion is wrong. That shit's stupid too, I can't believe people STILL don't know what subjectivity is, and someone not liking something you do like isn't an attack on your character.
Apr 3, 2020 1:26 AM

Jan 2010
I'm one of those people, however it's mostly because it's simply what I'd do in that situation. Cause I value my time very much. If they want to continue watching, it's their time to spend, not mine. So it's up to them.
If one want to judge a show before finishing it, they should at least mention what episode they stopped at, so readers can judge for themselves the relevancy of the review.
Just my two cents.
Apr 3, 2020 2:18 AM

Oct 2010
cognitive dissonance, they wanna protect their world view, as if talking shit about their fav anime will do harm but anyways, mostly are immature brats.
Some time ago I was talking about shippuuden in a sorta bad way and I got the "why did you watch it if you didn't like it?" imagine that
Apr 3, 2020 8:07 AM

Dec 2018
People don’t like to see their fav get ripped apart. Nothing’s perfect, there are bound to be flaws and problems in your fav no matter how good it is. Add in people’s preferences and you have people who will and will not enjoy something. It really comes down to people not wanting to see something they like dissed.
Apr 3, 2020 8:14 AM

Nov 2016
Nothing to discuss, OP is right and fanboys should off themselves or at least get castrated to prevent the chance of having offspring.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Apr 3, 2020 8:24 AM
Jul 2018
People need to feel validated. If you start shitting on their favorite anime, they'll see it as a personal attack.
Is it irrational? Well, yes, but you need to understand that a lot of these people don't exactly have stable mental healths as it is.

It's not so much a matter of thin skin, it's more akin to not having any skin at all.
They just aren't equipped to handle that kind of rejection. Because that's what it is, to them. By rejecting their taste you're actually rejecting them. Personally. It's an attack.

As for the validity of their actual argument... lol
Obviously it's not going to have much of a solid ground to stand on. It doesn't stem from a place of rationality. It's an involuntary reaction, meant to preserve what little self-esteem they still have.

I've dropped bad shows. But I've also finished bad shows.
If I have any interest in judging a complete package, and it's not a 7000 episode spam-fest like Sazae-san or something, of course I'm going to make that investment.
I'm not doing it for the satisfaction of belittling you. In fact, I don't actually give a fuck what any of you feel about any specific anime. I'm doing it for myself.
Apr 3, 2020 8:25 AM

Jun 2019
Interesting theme.

It basically shows that online discussions have a very limited value since a lot of people write with two axioms in head:
1) Everything is subjective.
2) It's wrong to criticize what I like.

The line of arguments katsucats is presenting is just slightly above the following one: "I've seen your favorites, they suck." or "Why do you discuss this anime that you did not add to you list?"

Since fanboy comprises the word fanaticism, one should not be surprised to see so many heated reactions and irrational comments when it comes to criticism.
Apr 3, 2020 8:26 AM

Jan 2009
inb4 someone make a thread for irrational haters lol
Apr 3, 2020 8:41 AM

Sep 2018
I don't think anyone would do both back to back in the same discussion though. That would be hilarious.
Apr 3, 2020 8:42 AM

Sep 2018
Nefelupitou said:
Well, I'm guess I am a fanboy, because I agree with one and two punches

If you don't like something, you shouldn't keep watching it and if you haven't finished something, you shouldn't talk about it.

So basically never talk about anything negatively ever?
Apr 3, 2020 8:47 AM

Sep 2018
Nefelupitou said:
Ramy_Stereo said:
So basically never talk about anything negatively ever?

Nope, I said you "should", not you "must"

I didn't say "must" either.
But alright, you're saying noone -should- talk about anything negatively ever?
Apr 3, 2020 8:48 AM

May 2009
katsucats said:
It goes like this:

One: If you don't like something, drop it! Only haters finish something they don't like. It's stupidity, not criticism!

Two: If you haven't finished something, you're not allowed to judge it. How do you know whether it's good or bad?
Note that it's not necessarily the same person saying both of these. Just because both people aren't known beyond a random-seeming username and avatar doesn't mean both can be ascribed to the same person.

For example, I will say half of the first one -- the "if you don't like it, drop it" part, but not the part where I call someone stupid for finishing it, since I think there are quite legit reasons beyond self-torture to finish something that one dislikes. For example, curiosity, or a desire to study it from an intellectual standpoint, or even that it's something required for participation in another activity (such as a class or an anime watching group).

Meanwhile, I say the opposite of the second but I also qualify it by saying that one must be honorable and honest in providing the basis upon which one draws one's opinion. For example, I dislike Utena, but only because I don't like the art style and premise, and I can't speak for whether I'd enjoy the story since I haven't watched it yet.

katsucats said:
Conveniently, the Irrational Fanboy One-Two Punch™ seeks to erase the legitimacy of all criticism, to create a Catch 22 situation where a critic is not allowed to finish a show that he might criticize, and not allowed to criticize a show until he finishes. Of course, the fanboy wants to create this condition to prematurely tilt the foundation of any potential differing opinion, because they think that it's not them that can't take an opinion, but it's the "hater" that can't take the show. In my opinion, it's a fixed mindset born of utter fear of confrontation, like a crab under a shell. But that's what makes the one-two punch so effective, because it's so beneath your intellectual headspace that you don't even see it coming.
I think you've overthinking this. I guess you could take both statements seriously, but I don't think that's a useful idea.

The first statement is to tell people that they don't have to keep watching something they hate. Now, they certainly can hatewatch it, or watch it and keep up a hope that it gets better, or whatever. But if you present an intellectually compelling/interesting reason for watching something, you can't be addressed with this anyway.

The second statement is just used to ask people to stop ragging on a show that they haven't watched. But chances are if you write a well-bounded statement of opinion that indicates the limits of your opinion and its basis, rather than just some offhand flame, you won't get this thrown at you anyway.
Avatar character is Gabriel from Gabriel DropOut.
Apr 3, 2020 8:50 AM
Jul 2018
Nefelupitou said:
Nope, I said you "should", not you "must"

Well, it's official, people. We have hit rock bottom and there's no escaping it.

I don't think anyone can process this reply without gouging their eyes out. We're done. AD is done.
Apr 3, 2020 9:00 AM

Feb 2015
Some shows require watching up to a certain point to get a good idea of what it's trying to do. People who've dropped it before that and then hate on it have a much weaker argument when they do.

Then there are some shows who set an established formula or theme, so watching beyond the point it gets established serves no real purpose to those who already dislike it.
Apr 3, 2020 9:35 AM

Jul 2015
Been saying the same thing for awhile too, that response doesn’t have any weight behind. People will continue to do it so why keep wasting time using that response.
Apr 3, 2020 10:15 AM

Oct 2017
nah op i disagree with you actually i think the community would be better if we only ever said positive things about shows regardless of our opinions on them we cant risk the chance that someones feelings get slightly bruised from our unbridled assaults against the cartoons they tend to enjoy
Apr 3, 2020 6:30 PM
Jul 2018
I quote it from another topic.

katsucats said:
Maneki-Mew said:
It starts with your choices.
If they are already hating war games and then buying, playing and complaining about war games in their review, that's stupid, not critical.
I roll my eyes when people somehow think anime exists to educate, not entertain, as if OP's Aku no Hana somewhat realistically modeling the stupidity of teenagers make it a better anime. And similarly that someone's character and choices, questionable or not, in selecting anime somehow make them unqualified to judge anime. As if the review of anime must come from a factual place external to oneself, which is just utterly absurd from both the review perspective and the artistic perspective.

I suppose some people must think if an anime realistically portrays penguins standing around and doing nothing in Antarctica, it must be an avant garde masterpiece regardless of its success in entertainment, and that people who don't find it entertaining are just not qualified because they lack knowledge in the anatomic correctness of penguins; or even if they don't, they let their subjective senses override the objectivity of penguin depiction.

It's just mind blowing that people can't separate the difference between a comment about a person and a comment about an anime. If prior experience disqualifies value of experience, then the only people who are allowed to criticize anything will be the ones who are surprised -- what a convenient way to circle jerk your way into perfection.

I didn't say that and it's quite fascinating what you interpret there, but you should know at least what you like and when to stop, before you are criticing something for what it wanted to be and for what it is.
Otherwise it's as illogical as going to a restaurant, ordering a specific meal and then complaining that you don't like it. It's just a waste of money and it's your own fault for doing dumb aka illogical stuff like that.
And in anime it's a waste of time and is still your own fault for wasting time.
What I find funny was always people complaining about "they are a dozens of shit series now that are wasting my time!" - no, you are doing it on your own.

It's rather an issue, if you see how many people are mass consuming everything they find today, and I also find myself doing it too much, because you got the fear of missing out, but actually it becomes an unhealthy behavior.
On the other side, it comes far more natural to most people that they are just watching what they are actually really interested in - and then much less, so they don't pick up genres and styles they inherently dislike right from the start.

But it's your time and energy you put in anyway. I only think it's really dumb to see people reading hundreds of chapters and scoring it very low and then bashing on it for hundreds of chapters. It's your obsession you have to deal to with, but I usually don't wanna see people's hate boners.

I've seen a few people obsessing over a medium they hate for almost all parts and didn't find anything remotely good about it, and I found it creepy. That one girl wrote reviews of a book for every chapter and talked herself into the worst aggression- and violence fantasies-ridden rants at some point. I didn't even like the book, it was a pretty bad young adult fantasy with the worst mary sue and all, but that girl was a lot cringier than any bad book. Soon as they became this kind of creepy, I already stopped reading her reviews. At the begin, they were a bit snarky and funny, fitting that it really wasn't good, but oh boi...
But I also stopped reading the book series after the second one, I think.
If you are not stopping at this point ranting about a book in these ways, then sorry, but these people got really bad obsession problems with some media they hate.
Given that most people aren't this bad like her, but it's still imo not the smartest choice hanging on something you hate anyway in more aspects than you like. From a personal / human standpoint.
What you are doing with your time is up to you anyway.
Apr 3, 2020 6:58 PM

Aug 2018
Why do you watch something you hate? It's a fair question.

Do you hope to convince the fanboys the error of their ways and steer anime towards a better, brighter future more in line with your personal preferences? Good luck with that...

Or do you just get off on shitting on something other people like?

Either way if you operate with this mindset you're probably going to end up biased against the show before you even start the first episode.
Apr 3, 2020 7:02 PM

Dec 2016
katsucats said:
I've noticed this over the years.

cowardly move

internally conspire towards,

fed by the culture that enable them to drop the intellectual ball.



"safe space"


fad that pushes these activists to feel justified

the "other".

You've undoubtedly recognized it

I want you to discuss the influence of such cancer

preserves political correctness

dumbs down all discussion to the euphoria of a mental institution.

Conveniently, the Irrational Fanboy One-Two Punch™

seeks to erase the legitimacy of all criticism, to create a Catch 22

prematurely tilt the foundation

it's a fixed mindset born of utter fear of confrontation, like a crab under a shell.

But that's what makes the one-two punch so effective

Beneath your intellectual headspace

I like the idea, but more interesting to me is how much you sound like Jordan Peterson, holly fuck you sound pretentious.
N04L1TYApr 3, 2020 7:07 PM
Apr 3, 2020 11:42 PM

Oct 2012
GlennMagusHarvey said:
katsucats said:
It goes like this:

One: If you don't like something, drop it! Only haters finish something they don't like. It's stupidity, not criticism!

Two: If you haven't finished something, you're not allowed to judge it. How do you know whether it's good or bad?
For example, I will say half of the first one
GlennMagusHarvey said:
Meanwhile, I say the opposite of the second


GlennMagusHarvey said:
The first statement is to tell people that they don't have to keep watching something they hate. Now, they certainly can hatewatch it, or watch it and keep up a hope that it gets better, or whatever. But if you present an intellectually compelling/interesting reason for watching something, you can't be addressed with this anyway.

The second statement is just used to ask people to stop ragging on a show that they haven't watched. But chances are if you write a well-bounded statement of opinion that indicates the limits of your opinion and its basis, rather than just some offhand flame, you won't get this thrown at you anyway.
So people should stop watching something they don't enjoy, "hatewatching" as you call it, but they should also stop ragging on shows they haven't finishes. Following these prescriptions, we can stratify critics into several categories and address them as follows:
  • Critics that finish something they don't like. This doesn't seem to be a problem with you, since you said they could legitimately finish for intellectual study, although you might see it as torture or a waste of time. Some other people would attribute this waste of time as a character flaw of the critic that diminishes his reputability.
  • Critics that don't finish something they don't like. In this case, you seem to think they have limits in their opinion.

It would seem to me then that you somewhat disagree with the first, but agree with the latter. In my opinion, I don't have to justify why I am watching anything, whether I like it or not, and my choice in that matter is not up for debate in "anime" discussion.

While it's true that it isn't necessarily the same person who pulls both punches, it often is -- of course, often not in the same thread.
My subjective reviews:
Apr 3, 2020 11:48 PM

Oct 2012
I'll answer these because it's easy.

epidemia78 said:
Why do you watch something you hate? It's a fair question.
No, it's not a fair question in an "anime" discussion, because the reason why someone watches something is completely irrelevant to anyone's opinion on anime. We're here to discuss anime, not anyone's personal choices in life. I've come to stop using Latin words, but that's textbook ad hominem.

epidemia78 said:
Or do you just get off on shitting on something other people like?
In order to acknowledge the good, we must also acknowledge the bad. You can't possibly convey how much you like something unless you distinguish it through comparison, so by avoiding criticism, we will never understand what drives your opinions. I don't get off on shitting on anything you like as you get off on shitting on the fact that I don't like something. It's two sides of the same coin.

Bob-o-Dominador said:
I like the idea, but more interesting to me is how much you sound like Jordan Peterson, holly fuck you sound pretentious.
Textbook ad hominem. See above.
My subjective reviews:
Apr 4, 2020 12:00 AM

Mar 2015
Nefelupitou said:
Well, I'm guess I am a fanboy, because I agree with one and two punches

If you don't like something, you shouldn't keep watching it and if you haven't finished something, you shouldn't talk about it.

If so, there will be no talk what soever about long running shounen shows that havent finished like One piece, boruto or Black clover,.. but i partly agree with you though
The world is not beautiful. Therefore, it is.
Apr 4, 2020 12:18 AM

Oct 2012
Maneki-Mew said:
I didn't say that and it's quite fascinating what you interpret there, but you should know at least what you like and when to stop, before you are criticing something for what it wanted to be and for what it is.
Otherwise it's as illogical as going to a restaurant, ordering a specific meal and then complaining that you don't like it. It's just a waste of money and it's your own fault for doing dumb aka illogical stuff like that.
This would have been a great lead-in for my second thread on the disease of irrational fanboys: the pretense that your role as an individual judge of anime extends beyond yourself, and into the territory of what the anime is and what it "wanted to be". It's as if you think a person is qualified to assert the value of motivation behind an anime rather than just the anime itself, just by having watched the finished product. On the other hand, it's entirely clear to most people that when they judge anime, whether through a rating on their list or in discussion, that the filter is not some presumed objective "Creator", but the lens of the judge. If I go to a restaurant and order something I don't like, then I give it a bad rating because I don't like it. It's completely ridiculous to suggest that I should give it a good rating or avoid opining about it just because I didn't think I would like it. By that logic, if someone had a single bad experience with Italian food, he should never try Italian food again or never comment on Italian food -- his experience is eternally stuck at that barely explored level.

Ironically, you insist that someone who has more experience watching something must be closed minded, more so than the person who doesn't watch it at all.

It might make sense at this point to interject the absurdity of the Watchmaker argument, whether you're religious or not. Christians often assert that the "purpose" of a watch is to tell time, because that's what the creator, the watchmaker, ascribed, and that it would be wrong to use it for anything else. That's ridiculous. The watch can be used for anything the owner as a use for, regardless of what the watchmaker had in mind. As such, your idea that just because the anime creator wanted his work to be commercial or lack artistic value means that I must hail it for having succeeded at its intent is a mockery of art itself. By that logic, just because Justin Bieber succeeded as a pop star more than Salieri as a classical composer must mean we must rate Justin Bieber higher than Salieri even if we like classical more -- perhaps, under your logic, because we like classical more. That one is only qualified to judge within the category that he likes, despite that what he likes is informed by what he dislikes is self contradictory. He could not have even judged what he liked if not by comparison to anything else.

Maneki-Mew said:
And in anime it's a waste of time and is still your own fault for wasting time.
What I find funny was always people complaining about "they are a dozens of shit series now that are wasting my time!" - no, you are doing it on your own.
It might be my "fault" for wasting my time, but that's my decision, and using that as the basis to dismiss an opinion about anime is textbook ad hominem. It's a logical fallacy where you dismiss an argument by dismissing someone's character, and frankly one of the lowest forms of a rebuttal, akin to a schoolyard taunt.

Maneki-Mew said:
But it's your time and energy you put in anyway. I only think it's really dumb to see people reading hundreds of chapters and scoring it very low and then bashing on it for hundreds of chapters. It's your obsession you have to deal to with, but I usually don't wanna see people's hate boners.
Then do yourself a favor and stay out of AD. No one wants to see your fanboy boner, if you put it that way, and the criticism is symmetric. As much as you are desperate to equate the quality of decision to consuming some media with the quality of opinion about it, it is not. You may have made the best decision in your life to have read something for hundreds of pages, but your opinion of it is still no more value than anyone else's. Let's stop with this elitism, shall we? It's a bad look.

Maneki-Mew said:
I've seen a few people obsessing over a medium they hate for almost all parts and didn't find anything remotely good about it, and I found it creepy. That one girl wrote reviews of a book for every chapter and talked herself into the worst aggression- and violence fantasies-ridden rants at some point. I didn't even like the book, it was a pretty bad young adult fantasy with the worst mary sue and all, but that girl was a lot cringier than any bad book. Soon as they became this kind of creepy, I already stopped reading her reviews. At the begin, they were a bit snarky and funny, fitting that it really wasn't good, but oh boi...
Wow, a whole paragraph of ad hominem and talking shit. If we want to talk pathetic or creepy, this is it. A girl wrote about something she didn't like. I didn't see it, so I won't comment about the quality of her reviews. But you apparently read all her reviews, and your only rebuttal was that "it wasn't really that good" (why?) and "it's creepy". You might want to check out a mirror.

Maneki-Mew said:
But I also stopped reading the book series after the second one, I think.
If you are not stopping at this point ranting about a book in these ways, then sorry, but these people got really bad obsession problems with some media they hate.
Given that most people aren't this bad like her, but it's still imo not the smartest choice hanging on something you hate anyway in more aspects than you like. From a personal / human standpoint.
What you are doing with your time is up to you anyway.
It is, just as what you are doing with your time is up to you, whether you want to hate on some girl's opinion or not. I'm beginning to think your whole shtick is just a bad reflex of projection.
My subjective reviews:
Apr 4, 2020 12:26 AM

Dec 2016
katsucats said:

Bob-o-Dominador said:
I like the idea, but more interesting to me is how much you sound like Jordan Peterson, holly fuck you sound pretentious.
Textbook ad hominem. See above.

I don't really want to engage with how you tried to use those buzz words to link the actual topic and the people who those BW refers to, it would a very muddy figth.

Anyways, this don't changes that you choice of words is extremely inadequate and vague, and people how want to really get theirs points across wouldn't do that.
Apr 4, 2020 12:36 AM

Oct 2012
Bob-o-Dominador said:
katsucats said:

Textbook ad hominem. See above.

I don't really want to engage with how you tried to use those buzz words to link the actual topic and the people who those BW refers to, it would a very muddy figth.

Anyways, this don't changes that you choice of words is extremely inadequate and vague, and people how want to really get theirs points across wouldn't do that.
You know what's inadequate and vague? "Inadequate" and "vague". Specifically, they don't explain how anything is inadequate or vague, or what specifically is inadequate or vague. But I guess we're just at this level.

I'm not sure what you're contributing, but if you'd like to continue to bump my thread, please enjoy yourself. Thank you.
My subjective reviews:
Apr 4, 2020 12:38 AM

Jun 2012
Come anywhere near me with that and I have to drop the instant-kill "your Anime waifu is shit" bomb.
Apr 4, 2020 12:45 AM

Jul 2019
They're all just pussies and cucks who can't take the word of some random stranger on the internet and believe in objective judgement of anime as if it would make them better as connoisseurs of an artform. Absolutely pathetic.

On a more serious note, I do agree with you that what someone decides to do with their time is ultimately their choice and to bring it up in an argument about the quality of a certain anime is just going off on an utterly useless tangent. But as far as the second point goes, I'll only partially agree with you. I do consider judging an entire work after watching only some part of it to be unfair as you dont know what it might hold for you in the future and you can never have a precise idea of how the quality might change and you also cant take the word of others as fact because funnily enough, observations and interpretations can vary from person to person, but for the part that you have watched, I think it's totally fair to criticize that specific part. Personally, I'll be willing to take any well-substantiated criticism. Hell, I'll even enjoy it if it was typed down with the help of a functioning brain cell or two.
SunBro26Apr 4, 2020 1:03 AM
Apr 4, 2020 12:50 AM
Mar 2018
You're allowed to criticize, but remember that your criticism wont be valid. I'd much rather listen to the rambling of someone who finished the anime rather than someone who left it in middle. Many anime get extremely good after certain number of episodes(Steins;Gate , Madoka Magica , Gintama). I've experienced it many times, my opinion on the show getting changed in a seconds. Yes, just seconds. You can argue all about how its slow paced and thats why its trash without even finishing the anime. but I can guarantee 90% that you wouldn't say the same if you had just stuck to watching it.

Its ok to say that you didn't enjoy the anime cuz you found it boring in the beginning and thats why you dropped it, but its not ok to conclude that the anime is trash when you haven't even finished the show.

Also about the fanboy thing, I'd have the same reaction even if you criticised something I didn't watch or didn't like. I won't consider the criticism valid if you dropped it without finishing lol.

But hey, I'm just a nobody who wanted to voice his opinion, ignore me if you want to.
ccbestgirl1411Apr 4, 2020 12:55 AM
Apr 4, 2020 1:08 AM

Oct 2012
ccbestgirl said:
You're allowed to criticize, but remember that your criticism wont be valid. I'd much rather listen to the rambling of someone who finished the anime rather than someone who left it in middle. Many anime get extremely good after certain number of episodes(Steins;Gate , Madoka Magica , Gintama). I've experienced it many times, my opinion on the show getting changed in a seconds. Yes, just seconds. You can argue all about how its slow paced and thats why its trash without even finishing the anime. but I can guarantee 90% that you wouldn't say the same if you had just stuck to watching it.
My qualm in this thread is with people who pull both punches, so I won't argue with you.

But I will say that in my experience, I have never had an anime that made me want to drop it on episode 1 that got better (except The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi broadcast order, since the first episode was a student film thing the characters made, which had nothing to do with the plot at all). And if you see my list, I've seen Steins;Gate and Madoka. Both of these shows gave me indications of quality within the first half of the first episode. That doesn't mean I can foresee all the plot points, but I knew the quality of the stylistic expression, the narrative voice, the tightness of tension due to the scene edits, the themes exposed by the opening song, the foreshadowing and motifs, etc. And while there are things I don't know from episode 1, the things that I do know never goes away.

But that's a different thread...
My subjective reviews:
Apr 4, 2020 1:18 AM

Dec 2016
katsucats said:
Bob-o-Dominador said:

I don't really want to engage with how you tried to use those buzz words to link the actual topic and the people who those BW refers to, it would a very muddy figth.

Anyways, this don't changes that you choice of words is extremely inadequate and vague, and people how want to really get theirs points across wouldn't do that.
You know what's inadequate and vague? "Inadequate" and "vague". Specifically, they don't explain how anything is inadequate or vague, or what specifically is inadequate or vague. But I guess we're just at this level.

I'm not sure what you're contributing, but if you'd like to continue to bump my thread, please enjoy yourself. Thank you.

Imagine actually not knowing how using academic terms as post structuralism is inadequate to the context of an anime forum.

Also, I'm okay with bumping you thread, I just want to start some shit, like:

I Should have said it earlier, but complaining about an supposed ad hominem after creating an entire archetype of person and characterizing it as coward, ignorant and stuff have to be the most incoherent thing I have ever seen.

No human being have the ability to know what really is going on on others people minds, but you just act like you could saying stuff like "You've undoubtedly recognized it" "Of course, the fanboy wants to create this condition to prematurely tilt the foundation of any potential differing opinion"

Just assigning ideas to other people is easy, but anyone can do it and it is useless if it don't have any base.
Apr 4, 2020 6:25 AM

May 2009
katsucats said:
GlennMagusHarvey said:
For example, I will say half of the first one
GlennMagusHarvey said:
Meanwhile, I say the opposite of the second


GlennMagusHarvey said:
The first statement is to tell people that they don't have to keep watching something they hate. Now, they certainly can hatewatch it, or watch it and keep up a hope that it gets better, or whatever. But if you present an intellectually compelling/interesting reason for watching something, you can't be addressed with this anyway.

The second statement is just used to ask people to stop ragging on a show that they haven't watched. But chances are if you write a well-bounded statement of opinion that indicates the limits of your opinion and its basis, rather than just some offhand flame, you won't get this thrown at you anyway.
So people should stop watching something they don't enjoy, "hatewatching" as you call it, but they should also stop ragging on shows they haven't finishes. Following these prescriptions, we can stratify critics into several categories and address them as follows:
  • Critics that finish something they don't like. This doesn't seem to be a problem with you, since you said they could legitimately finish for intellectual study, although you might see it as torture or a waste of time. Some other people would attribute this waste of time as a character flaw of the critic that diminishes his reputability.
  • Critics that don't finish something they don't like. In this case, you seem to think they have limits in their opinion.

It would seem to me then that you somewhat disagree with the first, but agree with the latter. In my opinion, I don't have to justify why I am watching anything, whether I like it or not, and my choice in that matter is not up for debate in "anime" discussion.

While it's true that it isn't necessarily the same person who pulls both punches, it often is -- of course, often not in the same thread.
There's no "should" involved in any of my opinions. Given this is entertainment, there are basically no obligations.

I think it's perfectly fair to continue watching something out of curiosity, or out of liking one character despite disliking the rest of the cast, etc..

My explanation of both points and my recommendation as to them is not about trying to give full intellectual weight to each argument and respond to it. it is about how to avoid (to some extent) people saying such things in the first place. You seem to be having beef with people who'd criticize your motive for watching something. So, like I mentioned earlier, it's not worth giving full intellectual weight to everything said on the internet, and one method for having a better discussion is to say things in ways that avoid prompting silly responses; another is to just ignore the silly responses.

One's motive for watching a thing is not directly part of the work, but can be informative of the person's approach. For example, I mention what I would have wanted to see from, say, Haganai, when I describe why it disappointed me. This is relevant because it establishes purpose, and a choice of purpose is necessary for a meaningful understanding of one's opinion on a show.
Avatar character is Gabriel from Gabriel DropOut.
Apr 4, 2020 6:36 AM

Apr 2015
operationvalkyri said:
You called this phenomenon cancer. I agree. Nothing more to discuss.
I concur with this guy and OP. Anything I could add would be a redundancy and merely reiterate the same things but with less accuracy.
Apr 4, 2020 8:49 AM
Jul 2018
Okay then. I think it's more reasonable to question the motifs of a person, if they won't stop hating on something they clearly hate anyway.
At least on a personal level, I know a few of these people better. I don't want to hear about how much they hate something to the core all the time, if it's just about a fictional medium and not about something really important that happened in their life. And I don't talk about a normal conversation that they didn't like it and why they don't like it.
Because they are sucking out your energy for every nonesense that is there in their life and I personally just dislike it, when people are becoming incredibly mad over nothing. I don't need to hear people's sick violence fantasies and all in length, not sorry.

I never said that everyone is like that, but it's still illogical to complain (wjat I heard and read sometimes) that something is "stealing" their time, while they are wasting it by themselves.
I think they got not really a concept of how many other people are consuming media and that most won't just continue something, if they don't like too much about it. And that's pretty much the most reasonable thing to do.
Because you know, letting go of things, if they don't favor you anymore at all, is a great feeling and pretty much time- and energy-saving.
Still it's their cup of tea to deal with.

And I surely didn't say that you aren't "allowed" to critize it, but just don't like to listen or read about in a private conversation to energy-robbing or creepy rants over nothing over a long time, if they could have dropped it.
Funny btw how you mention "fanboys", like it's a protection for yourself. "You are just fanboys!!"

The anime community (and other people, who are very much into media) is anyway often far too obsessive for me and I just don't need this for myself. I neither liked that book series nor I liked some anime like SAO and some others, but people who sit up onto a hate train for months and years, are in my eyes really cancerous. And there were a lot of hate trains, where people don't just give their honest critic, but they stay there for months.
That's why you let go of something you just didn't like and shrug about it. It's healthier for everyone involved, including the people in rage. ;)
removed-userApr 4, 2020 9:39 AM
Apr 4, 2020 9:06 AM

Apr 2016
Fan boy irrationality is the most disappointing of all human hatred. As it focuses on something (anime, comics, sports...etc) that they have no part to play.

They forget that fans are just spectators.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Apr 4, 2020 9:31 AM

Aug 2018
One: If you don't like something, drop it! Only haters finish something they don't like. It's stupidity, not criticism!
I think dropping a show is the only rational thing to do if watching it is actually making you suffer and feel like it's a waste of time. However for the sake of discussion e.g. when someone talks about the reasons for them hating on the show, PROVIDED it makes sense (not something dumb like complaining about the presence of ecchi elements in ecchi anime), that's probably not the smartest argument to bring up.

Two: If you haven't finished something, you're not allowed to judge it. How do you know whether it's good or bad?
as for this second point, I think CrimsonMidnight summed it up pretty well

CrimsonMidnight said:
If one want to judge a show before finishing it, they should at least mention what episode they stopped at, so readers can judge for themselves the relevancy of the review.
of course we're all allowed to judge shows before watching it, but I think the least you can do is make a disclaimer on where you stopped to lend credibility to your own words.
Apr 4, 2020 3:02 PM

Jun 2007
I find myself agreeing with with Two, but not One. If naysayers and anti-fanboys want to spend their time watching something from a genre or with a premise that obviously doesn't appeal to them, that's their choice. But I don't care for lazy, uninformed Crystal Ball Criticism, e.g. "I watched the first 7 minutes of episode 1 and know everything there is to know about this" or "It's seinen, so it must be crap."

Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but not their own facts.

Everything that connects to MAL
Apr 4, 2020 4:43 PM

Oct 2012
Zalis said:
"I watched the first 7 minutes of episode 1 and know everything there is to know about this"
If you've actually read one of the reviews under this claim, you'd find out that
  1. There's more analysis in those 7 minutes than most entire anime reviews.
  2. The final rating after having finished the show is within 0.5 points of the 7 minute estimate.

I suppose when someone turns their mind off and only see what people do or say, they miss all the subtext. It's a shame that a lot of people don't see that there is more to anime than they think. It's not what the author describes, but how he's describing it that matters. Otherwise, you could just read Cliff Notes of whatever you're consuming and it would be exactly the same thing.
My subjective reviews:
Apr 5, 2020 12:51 AM

Jan 2013
This shit is really annoying. I've been running into those two points (sometimes in the same disussion, too) for years. I would add that usually a third ight jab is tacked on to this pair of arguments: "if you don't have anything nice to say, stay silent".

Neither of the points aren't even valid.
There's plenty of reasons to watch anime, even ones you deem bad. Watching the bad makes you appreciate the good, and develops your taste and critical abilities.
And we are totally allowed to judge somethign based on only a part of it. I don't have to finish eating a plate of doshit to know it's shit.

I choose to finish bad anime for one simple thing: "shitting rights". When you watch the shitty anime, fanboys can't brush off you for not watching the anime.
Apr 5, 2020 12:52 AM
Jul 2018
Never listen to fanboys. Arguing with them is pointless.
Apr 5, 2020 1:00 AM

Sep 2008
this is why I finish every show I'm capable stomaching. honest to earth, I should drop most of these.
馬鹿げた倫理 全部ガラクタで
Apr 6, 2020 2:28 PM

Jan 2014
katsucats said:
Zalis said:
"I watched the first 7 minutes of episode 1 and know everything there is to know about this"
If you've actually read one of the reviews under this claim, you'd find out that
  1. There's more analysis in those 7 minutes than most entire anime reviews.
  2. The final rating after having finished the show is within 0.5 points of the 7 minute estimate.

I suppose when someone turns their mind off and only see what people do or say, they miss all the subtext. It's a shame that a lot of people don't see that there is more to anime than they think. It's not what the author describes, but how he's describing it that matters. Otherwise, you could just read Cliff Notes of whatever you're consuming and it would be exactly the same thing.

And yet there are more cases where people put meaning into something completly meaningless so take that as you will, especially when it comes to discussing such anime
AstZeroApr 13, 2020 6:40 PM
The beauty of humans is that they say one thing then do another, but at the same time that can also be their ugliest side.
Apr 6, 2020 5:23 PM

Dec 2008
katsucats said:
If you don't like something, drop it!

Yeah, I dropped Ange Vierge after first episode. An anime existed for...... I dunno... for the sake of seeing naked girls? An All Girls Anime Show?

Fairy Tail. I dropped it after its 7 years Time-Skip. Continued and dropped it after Laxus defeated Jura. Returned to it, and dropped it after Erza defeated Minerva and Irene. Again and again until the defeat of Acnologia. I think I did my best, but the manga won't give itself a chance. Yet returned with its 100 Years Quest? NO THANK YOU!
katsucats said:
Only haters finish something they don't like.

This part makes no sense. How anyone watches and completes a series they hate?
katsucats said:
If you haven't finished something, you're not allowed to judge it. How do you know whether it's good or bad?

You know? This logic may or I should say it works with ONE PIECE, but not Fairy Tail. Just an example of two series.

Bleach? Yes, you have to finish the series and then judge it. Don't talk to me about fillers.
Naruto? Also Yes
Fairy Tail and/or 100 Years Quest? No
Edens Zero? No.

What about Fate series as an example? I finished Fate/stay Night, Fate/Zero and Fate/Apocrypha. There are other Fate, like Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya. No way in hell I'm gonna watch it. It doesn't look good.

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