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Oct 19, 2019 5:41 PM

Jul 2017
so yeah, what is the worst anime you have seen from this decade?
something that bored you so much you'd rather watch boku no pico 10 times a day.
for me, mahou sensou takes the prize.
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Oct 19, 2019 5:45 PM
Apr 2016
darling in the franxx, definitely.
Oct 19, 2019 5:49 PM

Nov 2008
The experimental anime that contain variety show segments (Venus Project, Idol Memories, etc.), and Wonder Momo.

Oct 19, 2019 5:54 PM

Jul 2010
Netoge no Yome wa Onnanoko ja Nai to Omotta?

Man that anime sucked so bad, they fully prioritized fanservice over plot and the last few episodes were completely detached altogether.
Oct 19, 2019 5:56 PM

Sep 2018
I haven't completed much anime I think are bad, but Absolute Duo I guess. I was just super bored watching it. Everything was predictable and boring.

Maybe bunny girl as well though. It's not as boring but some things in it were so stupid that I felt I lost brain cells.
Oct 19, 2019 5:58 PM

Jan 2016
I mean, I haven't watched any of these because if I'm spending my time watching anime, I got better shit to watch than this, but from what I hear these might be some contenders.

Marchen Madchen. When an anime delays it's last 2 episodes for months with no release date in sight due to production issues, you might have a problem.

Hand Shakers. If you can watch this for more than a minute without your eyes bleeding, get them checked, I think you might be blind.

My Sister, My Writer. A production so bad the staff hid cries for help in the credits. Yikes.

Try Knights. I dunno as much about this one due to how recently it finished, but for a full length series to have below a 5 on MAL is actually quite impressive. I legitimately don't think I've ever seen a TV anime get below a 5, I thought that only shorts and OVAs ever managed to get scores that low.

I'm more familiar with recent bad shows than older ones, so these are the last couple of years though.

Oh, and if you want me to actually say the show I've watched that I hated the most, Ranpo Kitan. Great atmosphere that failed to distract me from the fact that by the end the series was running on moon logic and had no compelling characters or a story that made sense. And any interesting ideas it does have (and to be fair, there are a few) are wasted when it amounts to nothing.
You have shit taste, and then I have taste so shit it makes your taste look good
Oct 19, 2019 6:51 PM
Mar 2016
I typically avoid watching anime I have a feeling I'll dislike so hmm the worst anime I've seen is
by far
Diabolik lovers
Oct 19, 2019 6:56 PM

Nov 2016
Hyakuren no Haou to Seiyaku no Valkyria

definetly the worst anime I've ever seen.

Edit: I like how all the people saying shit like SAO, BNH, and a lot of other popular animes are bad.
There are trash animes with less than a 7 that aren't popular that deserve this title more than SAO and others.
"I hate it because is popular", a lot of the people who write this, hates the anime more because of the community.
AlvaritoterreosOct 22, 2019 3:39 AM
Oct 19, 2019 6:58 PM

Apr 2012
I guess Pupa but Vatican Kiseki Chousakan and Chaos Dragon were also terrible for me.
Oct 19, 2019 6:59 PM
Apr 2019
Trinity seven
worst rating I've ever given to an anime.I guess Harem anime is not for me.
Oct 19, 2019 7:01 PM

Apr 2015
Ousama Game the Animation is the lowest I've rated a show this decade so far.
Oct 19, 2019 7:05 PM
Dragon Idol

May 2017
Saying Puchimas S2 would seem more like a joke so I'll mention the next worst instead.

A several way tie between Fractale (starts off with a Ghibli vibe, ends up doing rather questionable things), Card Captor Sakura Clear Card Prologue (don't even get me started on this one please), I want to eat your Pancreas (overall very unsatisfying), Do you love your mom and her two hit multi target attacks (Why.) Ain't gonna count the music video I rated the same cause that's just a taste thing.

I know I haven't seen the true bottom of the barrel. But for me, these get very close to it.
They're all awful in their own right.
Oct 19, 2019 7:16 PM

Jan 2018
Based on my scores from this decade, I could say something like Pupa, but that's a little too generic. In terms of beloved shows that I personally hated, probably Konosuba or Fate UBW (not ragging on anyone if you like those shows btw).

But nah, I'd still rather rewatch the things I listed here over watching Boku no Pico, lmao

"I am not sure that I exist, actually. I am all the writers that I have read, all the
people that I have met, all the women that I have loved; all the cities I have visited.
― Jorge Luis Borges
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Oct 19, 2019 7:42 PM

Nov 2011
From what I have seen right ? I think I hate Bungou Stray Dogs (except for the flashback arc) or Kimetsu no Yaiba most.
I don't give the lowest score though, because at least they have nice artworks and animations. By scores alone, it is Black Rock Shooter I think.
Jim_HeartOct 19, 2019 8:01 PM
"The Slave is the have-not, the oppressed one with nothing to spare.
But because the Slave is in that despairing situation, having nothing, it can kill the Emperor !"
Oct 19, 2019 7:47 PM

Jul 2013
Masou Gauken HxH without a doubt the worst anime of this decade and probably in any Japanese media I've seen this decade.

Oct 19, 2019 7:55 PM

Feb 2018
Deadman Wonderland
other 1/10 anime were just bad or "so bad that it's good", but this retarded mix of Tokyo Ghoul and Mirai Nikki took worst parts from both shows and combined them

kataneerOct 19, 2019 7:59 PM
Oct 19, 2019 8:33 PM

Jun 2015
Steins;Gate 0 (Possibly the worst anime I've ever seen. It's insufferably boring 90% of the time and insulting the other 10%. It's a giant middle finger to the franchise and good taste.)

No Game No Life (I hated every second of this.)

White Album 2 (Somehow manages to be insultingly bland and infuriating at the same time. I cannot even begin to fathom how that can be possible.)

Blend S (Gross.)

Grand Blue (Every joke falls flat on its face and it looks absolutely hideous. Garbage opening.)

I could go on for hours.

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Oct 19, 2019 8:37 PM

Oct 2013
Damn, it's hard to choose between Isuca, Gunslinger Stratos or Mahou Sensou. None of them really bored me, but out of everything I've completed, these are the worst. Worse than Taboo Tattoo and Big Order.
Oct 19, 2019 8:40 PM
Jan 2018
Kono Subarashi Sekai
I hate so much this anime, and i don't understand why everyone love this anime.
Oct 19, 2019 9:03 PM

Jan 2019
Sword Art Online was the most Garbage Anime of the Century. It embarrassed itself.
-Kirito never has to fight and when he does, he's overpowered.
-Everything Predictable as hell.
-Imagine trying to escape a video game. You hack into it and change the code which is already impossible considering how its running, and he's never even dealt with the code before.
-Instead of logging everyone out, He saves a Cute AI for him and his E-girl.

I edit the source code to save an in-game character, but not to escape the game that im trying to escape in which we might die in....
Oct 19, 2019 9:27 PM

Nov 2007
The title gotta go to Sword Art Online. The most infuriating anime that came out in the last decade or so.

Other bad ones are (the worst after SAO):
#2 Boke Dake ga Inai Machi
#3 Yuri on Ice
#4 Domestic na Kanojo
#5 Youkoso Jitsuryoku Shijou Shugi no Kyoushitsu e
#6 Blood-C
#8 Megalo Box
#9 Maken-ki
#10 Strike the Blood

That's all.

nb. of the ones I have seen only.
Stay Home and Wash Your Hands.
Protect Yourself. Protect Your Loved Ones.
Protect Your Community and Help Defeat
Oct 19, 2019 11:55 PM
May 2019
1. Aku no Hana
2. Schoolgirl Strikers: Animation Channel (I stopped watching at episode 6 because of how bad it is, but still)
3. Hataraku Maou-sama

that's my top three probably, as these three anime have offended me in a way that made me hate them this much lol
Oct 20, 2019 1:16 AM

Oct 2010
for me it's FLCL alt, they managed to destroy all that mattered to flcl, the characters were horrible, raharu was on another level of atrocious, the story was dumb, they even used the same song "thank you my twilight" that they used in prog, in the end scene, how stupid, did they ran outta good songs? not to mention how ridiculous the drama was handled. Even talking about it makes me angry.
Oct 20, 2019 3:17 AM

Jul 2019
I would say its either Sword Art Online, Sirius, Arifureta or seven deadly sins.
Oct 20, 2019 3:24 AM
Oct 2017
I don't think it's fair to say the title because it would sound so subjective, but there are some anime that I consider worst. Mostly, those anime that has complicated story and couldn't direct the story properly, the plot was going everywhere. AND... this is subjective, but what I consider the worst anime are those anime with characters who didn't do anything but complain and didn't have proper development.
Oct 20, 2019 3:35 AM

Nov 2013
Well there's a lot. But surely on top of the list is Yuri!!! on Ice
Oct 20, 2019 4:10 AM

Mar 2017
There's no order, but these are the worst ones from my point of view:
-SAO (A poop anime. I don't understand why it's still being continued?)
-Tokyo Ghoul:re (the manga is better, the anime is just... No.)
-Pandora Hearts (Alice ruined it all - since her b**chy 24/7 attitude appeared, the anime was a big nope for me.)
Oct 20, 2019 4:19 AM
*hug noises*

May 2013
People that just list all the usual popular shows makes me wonder if they actually try any of the really low-rated garbage that comes out pretty much every season

As for me, if I had to just pick one then it has to go to JK Meshi. I have a review on it on there if you want my full reasons why but tl;dr it's perhaps the only anime I've ever seen which literally feels like it doesn't have a target audience at all. I can't imagine why anyone would enjoy this

It's basically a kids' show by design because of how low-level all the trivia it gives out is and how hoorendous the animation is, but at the same time... it's a late-night anime. It's a show which aired at 1 am Japanese time on Tuesdays. In other words it's clearly only aimed at adults but why on Earth would anyone above the age of 10 find any sort of value in this? There's no story, no characterization, no production value, no real humour or anything; the only thing it has is educational content in the form of general trivia, but it's like the most basic shit ever that anyone that's graduated middle school would surely know already so what's the point of it? I just... I just don't get it
Oct 20, 2019 4:25 AM

Dec 2015
Mirai Nikki is probably the worst anime I've ever seen apart from Gakkou no Kaidan.
Oct 20, 2019 4:29 AM
Jul 2018
MaskOfIce said:
Hand Shakers. If you can watch this for more than a minute without your eyes bleeding, get them checked, I think you might be blind.

This. This thing was like it was made to torture my eyes and brain. I know it's a cliche phrase, but "just because you are / it is different doesn't mean you are useful / it is good" makes sense in some cases. There are reasons why a certain visual language and some kind of universal understanding of what it's pleasant for your eyes developed.
I can forgive every generic Isekai but damn this...
Oct 20, 2019 5:02 AM

Aug 2013
Easily Carole & Friday. It was the most disgusting shit that I've ever seen in anime.
Dub = fake crap. Always.
Oct 20, 2019 5:16 AM
Nov 2017
It's going to be a hot forum, isn't it?

Well, this is my list.
1. Sword Art Online
- It's triggered me, at least for a human beings.
- As someone who can code, when I look Kirito can easily hack the game just makes me want to game end myself.
- Oh yeah, every girl want to get fucked and all the antagonist is jealous.

2. Mirai Nikki
- It's edgy, but it's not good at all.
- I just hate the main character, he's just too generic. At least shonen character has some characterization (like determine to achieve their goals, or etc), but he's just too normal.

3. Ero manga-sensei
- For someone who has sister IRL, I hate incest, and this is the worst "even though not related" incest.
- A kid who says "I love dick" just makes me cringe.
- Again, the main mc is just too generic. He's nothing more than a teenager who, for some reason, love his own sister.
- I clearly have no idea what the story is even about besides "ero manga-sensei is actually my little sister" plot twist. It's just that, and nothing else. The story didn't go anywhere else.

4. Bokutachi Wa Benkyou ga Dekinai
- I had an expetation the mc is going to be as good at TWGOK because they look really similar, but no. I'm an anti-generic male mc, so this anime is just another bullshit harem.
- Another war between the fandom, but somehow it's worse than Nisekoi (I actually kinda like Nisekoi, at least at that moment tsundere girl is not really as bad as today, so I enjoyed it, but the girls in this anime is a big no).
Oct 20, 2019 5:27 AM

May 2013
Big Order probably. Made by the same person who was behind Mirai Nikki. I'd take Mirai Nikki over BO any day.

Then there's Mayoiga too but it was rather forgettable.
Truly a Divine Comedy
Oct 20, 2019 5:32 AM

Apr 2013
Worst that I have seen (as I tend to avoid what I know I won't like it's definitely not the worst out there) is Little Busters. That show was horrendous. Animation, story, characters, voice acting, background details, everything was abysmally bad in it.
I rarely saw something where you cannot find any part of it with proper quality, so this one takes the cake as worst I've seen by quite a long shot.
Oct 20, 2019 5:39 AM

Jun 2011
Mahou Shoujo naria Girls still wins worst anime ever for me.
The anime community in a nutshell.
Oct 20, 2019 5:43 AM

Jun 2014
Well, there's a lot of things from this decade that I would never watch, so I just avoid them.

But if we're specifically talking about things that I've actually seen, the worst things would be:

Tansu Warashi - This was really boring, and awkward at the same time.

The iDOLM@STER - I hate cute things. Dropped halfway through the second episode.

Ensemble Stars! - Characters were annoying, and the female protagonist ruined it for me. Dropped after seeing the first episode.

Ironically, I actually didn't mind "Try Knights." The animation quality left a lot to be desired, but the later episodes were still entertaining to watch. I gave it a 7/10, which is probably a higher score than most MAL members gave it.

Oct 20, 2019 5:47 AM

May 2016
Easily MHA. It was the most disgusting shit that I've ever seen in anime.
Oct 20, 2019 5:48 AM

Apr 2017
shadowblaster5 said:
I typically avoid watching anime I have a feeling I'll dislike so hmm the worst anime I've seen is
by far
Diabolik lovers

Hello, kindred soul! In my eyes, the second season is worse than Hametsu no Mars. I'd rather watch a full series of HnM than anything DL-related ever again.

AlphaN00b said:
so yeah, what is the worst anime you have seen from this decade?
something that bored you so much you'd rather watch boku no pico 10 times a day.
for me, mahou sensou takes the prize.

Well, so far my lowest rated anime (aside from Diabolik Lovers S2 + OVA) from this decade is Happy Sugar Life, so I'll go with that.
Oct 20, 2019 5:50 AM

Oct 2017
This gotta be Nobunaga-sensei no Osanazuma

deg said:
this one its so boring and slow its like i have watch a 2 hour movie each episode

im sorry Stan Lee but your other anime Heroman is miles better

Yeah, i forgot about this one. It was pure puke, ugh...
RainyShadowOct 27, 2019 9:50 AM
Oct 20, 2019 5:57 AM

Jun 2017
Water-sama said:
Sword Art Online was the most Garbage Anime of the Century. It embarrassed itself.
-Kirito never has to fight and when he does, he's overpowered.
-Everything Predictable as hell.
-Imagine trying to escape a video game. You hack into it and change the code which is already impossible considering how its running, and he's never even dealt with the code before.
-Instead of logging everyone out, He saves a Cute AI for him and his E-girl.

I edit the source code to save an in-game character, but not to escape the game that im trying to escape in which we might die in....
mohrip said:
It's going to be a hot forum, isn't it?

Well, this is my list.
1. Sword Art Online
- It's triggered me, at least for a human beings.
- As someone who can code, when I look Kirito can easily hack the game just makes me want to game end myself.
- Oh yeah, every girl want to get fucked and all the antagonist is jealous.

2. Mirai Nikki
- It's edgy, but it's not good at all.
- I just hate the main character, he's just too generic. At least shonen character has some characterization (like determine to achieve their goals, or etc), but he's just too normal.

3. Ero manga-sensei
- For someone who has sister IRL, I hate incest, and this is the worst "even though not related" incest.
- A kid who says "I love dick" just makes me cringe.
- Again, the main mc is just too generic. He's nothing more than a teenager who, for some reason, love his own sister.
- I clearly have no idea what the story is even about besides "ero manga-sensei is actually my little sister" plot twist. It's just that, and nothing else. The story didn't go anywhere else.

4. Bokutachi Wa Benkyou ga Dekinai
- I had an expetation the mc is going to be as good at TWGOK because they look really similar, but no. I'm an anti-generic male mc, so this anime is just another bullshit harem.
- Another war between the fandom, but somehow it's worse than Nisekoi (I actually kinda like Nisekoi, at least at that moment tsundere girl is not really as bad as today, so I enjoyed it, but the girls in this anime is a big no).
melfluere said:
There's no order, but these are the worst ones from my point of view:
-SAO (A poop anime. I don't understand why it's still being continued?)
-Tokyo Ghoul:re (the manga is better, the anime is just... No.)
-Pandora Hearts (Alice ruined it all - since her b**chy 24/7 attitude appeared, the anime was a big nope for me.)

If you're going to grasp at straws and offer criticism, at least do it right. I know the anime didn't explain this very clearly but in no way did Kirito do "coding" or "hack", assuming you're talking about the Yui part. All he did was press some buttons in the console and turn her into a mortal object. He couldn't do anything else.
Congrats, you are literally too stupid for SAO.
Oct 20, 2019 6:19 AM

Jan 2019
@mohrip You said
"I just hate the main character, he's just too generic. At least shonen character has some characterization (like determine to achieve their goals, or etc), but he's just too normal."

-I don't think you understand what Generic means. Especially if you try applying it to Yukiterru. He is in no way like typical Shounen Characters which you are saying, then you go on to say he's Generic. That makes no sense. How is he like most others but not like others?
-Also you said, "He's just to normal". That was the point. He was an Average Boy. Being put into a completely messed up game. Not every male character has superpowers and is strong and stuff. I understand you have your preference tho but not liking a character cause they're normal isn't really logical.
"(like determine to achieve their goals)". He was determined to win to the game to revive his parents. He was so determined to bring them back that he murdered people. Something he never did before.
Oct 20, 2019 6:21 AM

Apr 2016
I doubt there will ever be something as broken, as offensively awful in virtually every way, as Hand Shakers, the embodiment of reckless ambition and insulting laziness at the same time. Not even the sequel was as bad.
Oct 20, 2019 6:27 AM

Jan 2009
this one its so boring and slow its like i have watch a 2 hour movie each episode

im sorry Stan Lee but your other anime Heroman is miles better

Oct 20, 2019 6:33 AM
Oct 2019
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Crystal
that rubbery feel
Oct 20, 2019 6:39 AM

Jan 2016
don't want to remember any of them, especially the ones that I don't put on my list.. i apologize for fan of this anime, but Kuusen Madoushi Kouhosei no Kyoukan
Oct 20, 2019 6:45 AM

Jan 2019
"Im going to use this GM account to bypass" > Keep in mind Yui-chan Part of the Game itself.
But then shows alot of code. He's rapidly tapping on the keyboard. My friend, he's editing it.

Instead of saving in-game character, Why not just log us out?
Asuna cries because she just lost an in-game NPC that she just met... In a game she's trying to escape.

In this game if you lose, you die. Your brain gets fried. Right? In the end. Kirito loses, He was supposed to die. Nope, He comes back into the game literally by determination alone then he smites the creator... No superpowers, No consistency in the author's story, just straight up determination.
Fights. There were none. The whole anime lacked any threat at all, and that made things more predictable than ever. For example, I thought finally he was going to have a real fight, then Yui-chan destroys the skeleton looking thingy.
Why would creator fight with him with hacks then just not fight him with hacks anyways? Character choices, very weird and unbelievable.
Oct 20, 2019 6:51 AM

Apr 2015
Almost everything between 2018-2020.
Oct 20, 2019 7:04 AM

May 2010
Sword Art Online without a doubt. had suicidal tendencies watching this.
Oct 20, 2019 8:07 AM

Jun 2017
Water-sama said:
"Im going to use this GM account to bypass" > Keep in mind Yui-chan Part of the Game itself.
But then shows alot of code. He's rapidly tapping on the keyboard. My friend, he's editing it.

Instead of saving in-game character, Why not just log us out?
Asuna cries because she just lost an in-game NPC that she just met... In a game she's trying to escape.

In this game if you lose, you die. Your brain gets fried. Right? In the end. Kirito loses, He was supposed to die. Nope, He comes back into the game literally by determination alone then he smites the creator... No superpowers, No consistency in the author's story, just straight up determination.
Fights. There were none. The whole anime lacked any threat at all, and that made things more predictable than ever. For example, I thought finally he was going to have a real fight, then Yui-chan destroys the skeleton looking thingy.
Why would creator fight with him with hacks then just not fight him with hacks anyways? Character choices, very weird and unbelievable.

In the LN, it clearly states that he didn't hack anything. All he did was use an admin account (which obviously doesn't override Kayaba's account). You got the wrong impression out of that scene.

And yes, Kawahara wanted to show that in this world, you can override the constraints of a program through the power of will. He probably loved Matrix a lot.
Oct 20, 2019 8:10 AM

Dec 2015
virtualityy said:
darling in the franxx, definitely.

Watch <- that and say that agian please :)

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