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Oct 14, 2016 10:58 AM
Jul 2018
Unique. Loving this along with 3-gatsu no Lion. Both had strong start imo.
Hopefully it doesn't become repetitive afterwards.
Oct 14, 2016 11:31 AM

Dec 2014
I was kinda disappointed with the first one ..too much fixation with dreams and stuff...Can someone care to comment why this is can be a good one....
Oct 14, 2016 11:36 AM

Aug 2015
ibraheem234 said:
I was kinda disappointed with the first one ..too much fixation with dreams and stuff...Can someone care to comment why this is can be a good one....

I'm giving it time. The live-action movie of this won several awards including the Japanese Academy Award for Best Picture. I know this and that are completely separate things, I think the story will get better over time. That's the case with most dramas.
Oct 14, 2016 11:39 AM

Feb 2013
'Explain 'right' to me'...

I struggled haha
Oct 14, 2016 1:06 PM

Feb 2016
rsc-pl said:
hisokathebutcher said:
jesus fucking christ , it says commie sub ! How the fuck are people watching this !

Don't judge everyone, some of us aren't retarded that much to watch with commie subs and don't forget that many people are watching it raw ;)

Which one are you ? The raw or the sub ? Cause i want to watch it with good sub ;)
"This is my father's crime against me, which I myself committed against none" Al-ma'arri
Oct 14, 2016 1:44 PM

May 2010
Benio_ said:
This anime cures insomnia. Zzzzz...

i cant help but agree
Oct 14, 2016 3:47 PM

May 2015
This was a highly enjoyable first episode. A show about creating dictionaries is something you don't see every day, so this should be interesting.

Can't forget about the animation either. That was so fluid and rock solid all the way through. Hopefully the show will keep that up. So far, so good. Absolutely loved the OP and ED as well.

Oct 14, 2016 3:48 PM

Apr 2016
I didn't know what to expect from the premise, but this was a lovely surprise with a very good animation.
I'm looking forward to how it develop.
Oct 14, 2016 4:19 PM

Aug 2009
Really solid first episode, a definite candidate for AOTS, although I'm loving Drifters a lot.

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself."
-Friedrich Nietzsche
Oct 14, 2016 4:20 PM

Nov 2013
Better than expected and interesting and promising so far.

I don't like Nishioka though, him badmouthing Majime was rather cringeworthy. Okay, he made a mistake and his social skills are lacking, but he seems to be more capable than Nishioka.
You're a louse, Roger Smith. - R. Dorothy Wayneright
This is my fight! No Senpai, this is our fight! - Kojou Akatsuki & Yukina Himeragi
Oct 14, 2016 4:21 PM

Oct 2014
So the source material for this is by Rakugo's mangaka? Or just the character designs? Either way, this was really cool. It had quirky directing that didn't get in the way of the realism presented, the discussion on dictionaries was pretty cool, overall it had great animation and music and the characters were interesting. Really looking forward to continuing with this one. Potential AOTS material for me setting up strong competition for JoJo and Sangatsu no Lion.
RainyRai said:

>not appreciating how much of a cunt Asuka is
How disgusting tbh
Oct 14, 2016 5:05 PM

Nov 2015
Very interesting so far, looking forward to the next ep!
Oct 14, 2016 5:28 PM
Aug 2015
guud, whodefeck knows words as much as he does?
Oct 14, 2016 10:14 PM

Feb 2016
So, I think the animation was talked about earlier, but what I really wanna pay special attention to the directing style of this show. It's very different at the very least. It's not something you see in anime, much less anime like this. I'm not really knowledgeable about direction and directing styles and techniques, so it's somewhat hard to describe for me. I just found it rather interesting, and I'm not very sure what I feel about it.

Storywise, it took a while for me to get hooked. I was rather bored in the first half of the episode, but I slowly started to get hooked. I frankly feel that some of the dialogue in the show is rather hammy or at least unsubtle, but I don't think it'll stop me from enjoying the show.

I'd say this would indeed probably deserve the title "Most Underrated Show of Fall 2016". Maybe not AOTS but definitely should be noticed more.
"There’s no point in the world. But isn’t that wonderful? Because if there isn’t one, then you can decide what it is for yourself."
~ Filicia Heideman, Sora no Woto

"Senpai...please grow up."
~ Fumi Manjoume, Aoi Hana

"I wonder what tomorrow will bring."
~ Yunocchi, Hidamari Sketch: Sae and Hiro's Graduation Arc

Oct 14, 2016 11:18 PM

Aug 2011
Natsume and Kusuriuri making dictionaries? I never knew I wanted this until now??

Wow this is actually about dictionaries. That's different to say the least.

There was definitely a lot of animation fluidity in some parts, just pleases my eyes.
I don't necessarily know what to expect but i'll keep watching since I doubt i'll be disappointed.

Toa_of_Gallifrey said:
So the source material for this is by Rakugo's mangaka? Or just the character designs?

Just the character designs.
standOct 14, 2016 11:29 PM
Oct 14, 2016 11:58 PM

Dec 2011
Interesting first episode.I love these kind of slice of life anime :)
Oct 15, 2016 12:21 AM

Jun 2013
While I think most of the stuff was okay and the concept of making a dictionary is definitely good, this episode was pretty weird overall. Majime suddenly starting to tell what meaning of "air" was used there for no reason at all was super weird. Who the hell does that and why wasn't that other guy weirded out? That felt way off to me. And I didn't quite get that part when Araki was searching for Majime and the words started to come out or something. What was that about? How did that help him find Majime? And Majime was simply putting books in a shelf like everyone does, so what was different about him? This episode had some things which felt off. The OP was good and the visuals are nice. I'll do a few more episodes here to see if there isn't any more weirdness.
Oct 15, 2016 12:49 AM

Feb 2014
Its quite interesting. Being able to explain things correctly and in the clarity needed in a dictionary seems extremely hard.
Oct 15, 2016 2:42 AM

Nov 2015
I enjoyed watching this episode. The visuals are nice and the setting is relaxing.

Oct 15, 2016 4:56 AM

Jul 2013
Pretty decent episode. The animation and overall atmosphere are really nice and even somehow relaxing imo. I hope this show will be able to reach a Barakamon-like quality, minus the comedy and plus emotion-wise of course. It's definitively promising.
Oct 15, 2016 8:11 AM

Mar 2008
Subbing this anime will be pain in the ass with all definitions of words
I watch it for the plot ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Oct 15, 2016 9:03 AM

Dec 2015
Wow amazing. Most underrated anime this season. Best 1st episode I have seen in a long time. All of the chars are nice and interesting. I bet the old lady did not just accidentally make too much food. (She probably feels lonly and likes to eat with someone together.) - So there should also be enough stuff in their personal life to show - besides only the work at the dictionary.

But those 3 main chars still working (old guy, young guy from dictionary department and the sales guy) - that were were very nice moments. And great pacing and good introduction/contact between the old guy and the sales guy (I still need to learn the naems ha ha).

Liked how the younger dictionary guy didn't get it and the older guy immediately recognized that the sales guy might be suited.

Easily 5/5 for this episode and anime is already 9/10 for me. Might make be a 10 if they keep it up until the end. (And possible AOTS/AOTY.) But in this weak season ... might not be to hard to become AOTS at least.
Oct 15, 2016 10:59 AM

Dec 2008
I didn't get a thing from this.

Oct 15, 2016 11:56 AM

Dec 2008
I was about to say "I smell a masterpiece" until that childishly animated bump showed up.

I still think this is going to be a great show...and even greater if that bump never shows up again.

Loved the ED!

I wouldn't be surprised if it's later revealed that the MC is under the Autism umbrella as either high-functioning or Asperger's.
Oct 15, 2016 2:50 PM

Sep 2015
I'd like to give kudos to the this show's English translator. Seriously, it's not easy interpreting a Japanese word due to the nature a Kanji can have - and that is having multiple meanings and pronunciations. I was sort of worried that I'd have a hard time to understand about it but luckily on the first episode, that was not even a problem.
Oct 15, 2016 3:59 PM

Jun 2013
that was surprisingly good
Oct 15, 2016 4:06 PM

Jan 2015
Im still offended why they didnt made it more comedic unlike the movie.
Twitter and it's consequences had been a disaster for the human race
Oct 15, 2016 4:21 PM

Dec 2012
This episode was promising. I'm looking forward to watch him work on the dictionary. I was not aware that each dictionary was unique, but it looks interesting.
Oct 16, 2016 12:32 AM

Jul 2011
The animation is a little overdone imo, they actually matched the lip moments so it felt a tad awkward when the moments were too animated.

Saying that, this was fantastic. And that ED, dayum. <3
Oct 16, 2016 1:21 AM

Jul 2008
I'm so incredibly excited about this! The theme - all things bookish, not just in terms of the work being related to publishing but the fact that the main character is a big reader (so much so that there's barely any more place in his room for anything other than a futon), it seems like it's also going to be informative on different aspects of publishing (espc. dictionary related of course), and the constant focus on language makes me so happy. The animation is beautifully done and the opening song was definitely my favourite OST for this season so far! I feel like this is going to become a new favourite of mine.
Oct 16, 2016 5:18 AM

May 2009
Surprisingly very good, especially animation from Zexcs (shitty studio).

ItsSebPlease said:
Benio_ said:
This anime cures insomnia. Zzzzz...

Are you serious? And you list Hanasaku Iroha and Akame ga kill amongst your favorites.. :3

Eh, what's wrong with Hanasaku Iroha?
Oct 16, 2016 5:32 AM

Mar 2013
Whew. I loved the episode. It was relaxing and had nice atmosphere.
I also like the theme of of the anime.
Will be looking forward to more.
Oct 16, 2016 8:02 AM

May 2015
Wow. I knew show was going to be different, but I didn't expect it to be this good. The animation in particular stood out. It looked so nice. I'm excited to see them work on the dictionary.
Cross-country >>>>>>>>>>>> Every other sport
Oct 16, 2016 8:12 AM

Nov 2011
Revised with subtitles in my native language, I re-appreciated so close to reality in the narrative and the excellent quality of the drawings and set designs. The subject matter attracts me a lot, I hope they can pull off a story that knows how to excite a lot. I can not wait to be discovered something more about the characters, even on this point, you play the success of this anime. Excellent opening and OST, ditto for the ending. Sympathetic the detachment, half episode, for descivere, the different types of existing dictionaries.
Oct 16, 2016 10:10 AM

Apr 2015
This seems like it will be a very enjoyable series to watch. I like the atmosphere and the concentration on words will be interesting.
Oct 16, 2016 3:47 PM

Jun 2016
bastek66 said:
Surprisingly very good, especially animation from Zexcs (shitty studio).

ItsSebPlease said:

Are you serious? And you list Hanasaku Iroha and Akame ga kill amongst your favorites.. :3

Eh, what's wrong with Hanasaku Iroha?

Nothing wrong with it, I really like it! But if we have to stay objective, the pacing of the whole show is not really the best. But everything is forgiven since it gave us one of the best characters ever <3
Oct 17, 2016 10:25 AM

Jul 2015
Gwahh... a really good start
23 mins flow without me noticing.
Really great anime with fluid animation
I think it will be a really good and has a solid story.
ED song is really good and give me a old japanese anime song vibe

5/5 for first eps
Oct 17, 2016 12:26 PM

May 2008
I really liked this, both the story and animation was far better than I'd thought it would be. When I read about it felt like this season's more grownup title. I just hope it will continue to keep it up.
Oct 17, 2016 2:05 PM
Oct 2013
More than "fluid" animation, I think what's amazing is how they tried to picture every little movement we do with our bodies. Whenever the character walk, talk, or even look around or open a door, you see a bunch of little movement from the hands, the head and the whole body in the animation.
Best example is when Araki enter inside the Sales department, the "camera" follow him for several seconds, and you see very natural movement.

Animation is indeed "fluid", but the most impressive in this episode is really how they captured a body in motion as a whole.

Anyway, this anime caught my eyes the second I saw the synopsis, and for now I'm not disappointed. After Rakugo, Joker Game and 91Days, there come my "realist" anime of the season.

With Drifters and Izetta being such pleasant surprise, and 3-Gatsu no Lion being as good as I hoped it to be, Fall 2016 will be a very good season for me !
Oct 17, 2016 4:21 PM

Oct 2012
Well, this was different than your usual anime. Even different than your usual Notanima.

It's certainly very promising start although so far I'm still kinda lost about what main appeal of this will be.
Creating dictionaries is very niche thing, almost old-school in today's information age world. Count to it that Japanese has very complicate language bound to context and tradition and the result is series somehow unique for the world of anime.

I honesly wonder where they'll go from this starting point though. Cause editor's work can be very boring and tedious and for this series to be entertaining it has either go with superb abstraction of it or great visuals and dialogues. I hope for both. Me being translator myself, I'm using monolingual dictionaries too... and I really want to know how they can make everything entertaining to a viewer.
Oct 18, 2016 11:08 AM

Mar 2008
Graceful surprise, one of the best first episodes from this season. I really liked the seiyuu choices and the main theme seems good. Just don't understand why show the dictionaries definition in the middle of the episode and not at end. This first episode gave me a peaceful vibe, maybe the animation contribute a lot for this. 4/5
Oct 20, 2016 8:02 AM

Apr 2011
This anime confuses the hell out of me. It's too good to give a 7, but it's not quite good enough to give an 8. Fuck it, I'm giving it an 8 for now for the fact that this is, supposedly, an anime about creating a dictionary.

I love the opening. The ending song isn't bad either.
Oct 20, 2016 1:50 PM
Mar 2012
OMG dictionary editing! Such Excitement! Much Drama! [insert Doge here]

Seriously, I thought they were trying a little too hard to make it "not boring". I like calm anime, but I just didn't like how overly dramatic they were being.

Oh, and this:
Yamada2 said:
Majime suddenly starting to tell what meaning of "air" was used there for no reason at all was super weird. Who the hell does that and why wasn't that other guy weirded out? That felt way off to me.
It just feels too desperate.

But I'll see how it will go on, maybe they'll tone down a bit or maybe I'll get used to it.
ElenirLachlagosOct 20, 2016 1:54 PM
Oct 21, 2016 1:22 AM

Jan 2014
ItsSebPlease said:
Benio_ said:
This anime cures insomnia. Zzzzz...

Are you serious? And you list Hanasaku Iroha and Akame ga kill amongst your favorites.. :3
And how does having an action filled anime like AgK in your favorites is related to this case?_? If anything having AgK in your favorites makes you less likely to enjoy this one because this is not an action shounen anime afaik...

So ye...your argument is wrong(if it can be called an argument at all in the first place) :ı
Oct 22, 2016 2:44 AM

Oct 2013
Slow paced but alright.
Was looking forward to this and yep, not disappointed.
I wonder how they are going to explore in the subject of editing a dictionary.
Gonna be interesting 😀
Oct 23, 2016 1:37 PM

Aug 2013
I thought that it would be something rather boring, but it isn't at all.
Nice direction. And interesting art direction too.
I liked the OP song.

ItsSebPlease said:
Benio_ said:
This anime cures insomnia. Zzzzz...

Are you serious? And you list Hanasaku Iroha and Akame ga kill amongst your favorites.. :3

OK, I understand AgK is a garbage, but what's wrong with Hanasaku Iroha? O. O
HidenNinpoOct 23, 2016 1:41 PM
Oct 23, 2016 4:12 PM

Dec 2012
Seems promising, very unusual premise for a series. I really liked when Majime described the word "right", especially since he was able to take its definition as a direction and still apply it toward its usage for ideology.
Oct 24, 2016 9:32 PM

Jan 2013
Novels make some of the best adaptations.
This is such a specific and strange topic to cover.
Oct 25, 2016 4:06 PM

Jun 2016
LoneWizard said:
ItsSebPlease said:

Are you serious? And you list Hanasaku Iroha and Akame ga kill amongst your favorites.. :3
And how does having an action filled anime like AgK in your favorites is related to this case?_? If anything having AgK in your favorites makes you less likely to enjoy this one because this is not an action shounen anime afaik...

So ye...your argument is wrong(if it can be called an argument at all in the first place) :ı

Not an argument, but insomnia is something that might be given by bad pacing. Hence my comment.

rsc-pl said:
I thought that it would be something rather boring, but it isn't at all.
Nice direction. And interesting art direction too.
I liked the OP song.

ItsSebPlease said:

Are you serious? And you list Hanasaku Iroha and Akame ga kill amongst your favorites.. :3

OK, I understand AgK is a garbage, but what's wrong with Hanasaku Iroha? O. O

Already answered to this on a previous post and made clear I like Hanasaku Iroha, but we just gotta admit that it's not a fast paced anime.
Oct 28, 2016 4:19 AM

Jun 2013
I like these seinen type series a lot, their plots are nice and despite it being aimed for a more mature audience, it's still very entertaining.

I loved dictionaries as a child and to this very day, I still collect word power books, both physical books and e-books for my Kindle.

Both Majime and Nishioka are interesting characters. Majime looks like a sweet bookworm. :) The kind of guy I would date in real life.
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