Featured Articles tagged as "Anime Terms"
![Nakama and the Cheesy, Yet Wholesome, Friendships in Anime]()
Nakama and the Cheesy, Yet Wholesome, Friendships in Anime
"The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb." Anime, especially shounen anime, reaffirms this proverb time after time. Comrades who battle together develop strong, almost unbreakable bonds—becoming more like family than mere friends. Let’s explore why this trope is so popular.
![Top 15 Anime Chibi Characters]()
Top 15 Anime Chibi Characters
They’re cute. They’re adorable. They’re tiny enough to fit in the palm of your hands. In this list, we’ll be taking a look at 15 chibi character representations in anime.
![All about Dojikko: Who Are These Clumsy Cuties?]()
All about Dojikko: Who Are These Clumsy Cuties?
Have you ever seen a cute girl in your favorite anime trip, falling to the ground unharmed but embarrassed, and felt the overwhelming desire to help her up? Congratulations, you've just encountered a dojikko. Let's take a closer look at this adorable anime archetype.
![All About Mecha Musume]()
All About Mecha Musume
Within all the genres and subgenres of anime exists a realm where mechanization and moe come together; mecha musume. What's the history of this strangely cute genre, and who are the key players?
![All About Dakimakura: Comfy, Cuddly Pillow-Girlfriends!]()
All About Dakimakura: Comfy, Cuddly Pillow-Girlfriends!
Pillows, a source of comfortable cuddles are taken to the next level with dakimakura. From comfort pillows to 'waifu' pillows, the dakimakura is equal parts loved and scorned by anime fans. So let's take a closer look at where they came from, and what they've become today!
![What The Hell Is a Fujoshi? [Meaning]]()
What The Hell Is a Fujoshi? [Meaning]
Fujoshi can definitely claim to be one of the most contentious words ever. With so many uses and meanings, and all of these with different emotional interpretations, it's no wonder many are thoroughly confused. It's definitely time to put fujoshi under the microscope.
![Nekomimi in Anime: Top 10 Anime Cat Girls]()
Nekomimi in Anime: Top 10 Anime Cat Girls
While the majority of the internet chooses to adore cats as is, the anime industry believes it better to combine them with cute humans, turning fantasy into reality. Come learn more about the origin and meaning of the term nekomimi... while also cuddling with some cute anime cat girls, of course!
![A Beginner's Guide to Being Chuunibyou]()
A Beginner's Guide to Being Chuunibyou
A description of what chuunibyou is, why characters fall into this "illness" to protect themselves, and how you can pick up the chuunibyou lifestyle yourself if you so choose!
![Moe: Love it or Hate it]()
Moe: Love it or Hate it
Anyone old enough in the anime industry knows about this ongoing clash about moe. Will you join the side of the loving fans, or do the edgy haters fit you better? Take your time guys. I can do this all day.
![Top 15 Ahoge Characters in Anime: What is Ahoge?]()
Top 15 Ahoge Characters in Anime: What is Ahoge?
Have you ever wondered why a strand of hair from an anime character’s head sticks out? This cute little accent is called an "ahoge". But what does this ahoge really signify? Let’s take a closer look at it and check out some of the most popular anime characters with this classic hairstyle!
![What is Zettai Ryouiki? : You Dare Visit the Absolute Territory!]()
What is Zettai Ryouiki? : You Dare Visit the Absolute Territory!
The zettai ryouiki, also known as the absolute territory, is one of the most famous character tropes in anime. It refers to the heavenly slice of thigh you see in between socks and skirts when there is a perfect balance of cloth and flesh. No need to be shy now. Come catch a glimpse of perfection!
![The 10 Strongest Gundams: Saviors of Space]()
The 10 Strongest Gundams: Saviors of Space
No Gundam series would ever be complete without the titular Gundam mobile suits, built as ultimate weapons. Gundams are easily capable of beating any other mobile suit in combat. Some are strong enough to defeat an entire squad of enemies... Others can wipe out a space colony.
![Top 10 Best Anime Omake - What are Omake?]()
Top 10 Best Anime Omake - What are Omake?
Have you ever wondered what omake are or if they’re even worth watching? Are they just filler or are they something different entirely? Let’s learn the difference with this collection of 10 of the best omake in the worlds of anime and manga!
![Yandere Definition: A Comprehensive Guide to Crazy]()
Yandere Definition: A Comprehensive Guide to Crazy
Have you ever wondered what a yandere really is and why the hell they are so popular, but been too afraid to ask? Don't worry, we've got you covered with our full coverage of the origination and definition of the term, some classic examples, and why some people are really into yandere.
![Gainaxing: The Physics Defying Anime Oppai]()
Gainaxing: The Physics Defying Anime Oppai
Let us all say thanks to every anime illustrator that brings our dreams and ideals to life. Well, in the case of gainaxing, one can say they really made it alive. Oh sorry, I meant "them".
![Top 15 Annoying Cliches In Anime: This Again?]()
Top 15 Annoying Cliches In Anime: This Again?
Ever start watching a new anime only to get the feeling of deja vu? Let's be honest: many popular shows are chock-full of cliches. Whether we love them or hate them, they have come to define anime! Here is a list of 15 things viewers are almost guaranteed to see in most anime.
![5 Types of Anime that Every Anime Lover should Know by Heart]()
5 Types of Anime that Every Anime Lover should Know by Heart
Long time anime fans know the different types of anime by heart, sure, but how about newer fans? Anime types are very difficult to research on your own. This article is especially dedicated to those newbies who want to know more about them to delve deeper into the complex medium.
![The Space Opera that Gave Rise to the OVA]()
The Space Opera that Gave Rise to the OVA
The OVA format was, and in many ways still is, one of the most important forms of distribution for anime companies. Even with the dawn of the internet and popular anime streaming services, the OVA format is still going strong. This is all, in large part, because of a certain show...
![Top 15 Best Yaoi Anime: Why is Boys Love Beloved By Girls?]()
Top 15 Best Yaoi Anime: Why is Boys Love Beloved By Girls?
Yaoi anime and Boys' Love (BL) anime are some of the most recognizable and popular genres in the medium. Have you ever wondered why they are mostly aimed at female audiences and what makes them so irresistible? Come to the dark side for a moment and peek into the magical world of BL fandom.
![What Exactly Does 'Otaku' Mean?]()
What Exactly Does 'Otaku' Mean?
The term otaku is often used in the West to refer to anyone interested in anime. But is that what otaku really means? Learn about the history behind the otaku phenomenon and how different anime have reacted to it, as well as anime fandom in general.