Featured Articles tagged as "Dragon Ball"
![The 10 Best Anime Fighting Games]()
The 10 Best Anime Fighting Games
From spectacular anime fights, to anime video games, to fighting video games, to fighting video games based on anime, these concepts blend together quite well. But in what games did they come together the best?
Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2, the sequel to the global smash hit that was Dragon Ball Xenoverse, is almost here. Featuring new gameplay modes, new characters, and a boatload of new features, this could very well be the best Dragon Ball game experience of all time.
![Top 15 Epic Transformation Sequences in Anime]()
Top 15 Epic Transformation Sequences in Anime
Henshin a go go baby! Transformation is a staple in many genres of anime, from fighting to magical girl. The sacred rule of transformation is that no other character is allowed is interrupt while you power up to your next form, so of course you want to make things spiffy with a henshin sequence.
![Top 20 Angry Anime Characters]()
Top 20 Angry Anime Characters
Anger: a strong feeling of being upset or annoyed because of something wrong or bad; the feeling that makes someone want to hurt other people, to shout, etc. Everyone is subject to it, including anime characters. Although our favorite anime persons tend to have reactions that are amusingly extreme.
![Top 15 Annoying Cliches In Anime: This Again?]()
Top 15 Annoying Cliches In Anime: This Again?
Ever start watching a new anime only to get the feeling of deja vu? Let's be honest: many popular shows are chock-full of cliches. Whether we love them or hate them, they have come to define anime! Here is a list of 15 things viewers are almost guaranteed to see in most anime.
![10 Anime Localizations that Completely Changed the Show]()
10 Anime Localizations that Completely Changed the Show
In the wide world of anime localization, it's easy to lose things in translation. Whether through censorship or rewrites, some shows don't play to overseas audiences exactly as the creators wrote them. Sometimes the results are understandable. Sometimes they're funny. Sometimes they're weird.
![The Devolution of Animation: Dragon Ball Super Episode 5]()
The Devolution of Animation: Dragon Ball Super Episode 5
It has been about 30 years since the Dragon Ball anime was born. During this time, fans have watched the characters evolve from aspiring fighters to true heroes. But never could we have imagined that the series would hit rewind. Let's explore the infamous Dragon Ball Super episode 5.
![Anime Stand-Up: 20 Dragon Ball Z Jokes]()
Anime Stand-Up: 20 Dragon Ball Z Jokes
Get yourselves ready for anime stand-up time. The featured show is none other than Dragon Ball Z, where voice actors scream till their blood vessels pop and every villain has at least three forms of transformation. Oh yeah baby! Let's play ball with 20 of the funniest Dragon Ball Z jokes available!
![Top 18 Funny Dragon Ball Z Memes]()
Top 18 Funny Dragon Ball Z Memes
Boys and girls, grab some senzu beans and prepare your eyes for the awesomeness that awaits you. That's right, it's time for some funny Dragon Ball Z memes. You can expect five minute long transformation scenes, training montages and insane power levels. Also, at some point... Krillin will die.
![Naruto vs Goku: Battle of the Minds]()
Naruto vs Goku: Battle of the Minds
Goku comes from a race of space warriors who place heavy emphasis on brute force. Naruto is the vessel for a dangerous demon and also a ninja, people who place heavy emphasis on battle strategy and adaptability. In a battle of Naruto vs. Goku, who would come out the winner?
![20 Surprising Dragon Ball Z Facts You May Not Know]()
20 Surprising Dragon Ball Z Facts You May Not Know
You think you know all there is to know about the Dragon Ball franchise? Not a chance! What would an anime based off a 500+ chapter manga be without tons of behind-the-scenes goodies? Here are 20 of the most interesting Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball GT, and Dragon Ball Z facts.
![Dragon Ball Z vs Dragon Ball Kai: Battle of the Ages]()
Dragon Ball Z vs Dragon Ball Kai: Battle of the Ages
Dragon Ball Z is one of the most popular anime ever released, enjoying success worldwide. After 20 years, Toei Animation released Dragon Ball Kai, a revised version created to cater to fans new and old alike. Let's explore the differences and similarities between the two!
![Dragon Ball Z Kai's Opening: Wrapping Up the Whole Series]()
Dragon Ball Z Kai's Opening: Wrapping Up the Whole Series
Dragon Ball Kai is a remastered and recut version of the original Dragonball Z that slims things down and keeps the main themes. The series' opening takes this very same direction, and gives us the big moments and themes from the show.