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Jun 16, 2019 8:19 AM
THIS IS AN ANIME ONLY DISCUSSION POST. DO NOT DISCUSS THE MANGA BEYOND THIS EPISODE. ---------------------------------------- Man, this war for independence is causing a lot of problems altogether. Considering that one of those elite knights is going to be involved in this conflict, things just gets more and more complicated. The action got heated up this episode with the battle on both sides. I guess they're really pushing the war altogether. |
Jun 16, 2019 9:54 AM
The director is a badass, especially the way she fights. So we have Liscar and his group attacking the palace. Wonder what their real goal is. |
Jun 16, 2019 9:58 AM
This dude has a fairy, has inhuman skills, so why doesn't he use it while he is going forward? Why everyone in army is a stormtrooper and can't hit a target that does not even hide? Why does it feel like a poor writing and not a badass scene? |
Jun 16, 2019 10:09 AM
This could've been a good episode if it weren't for the fact that no one on the colonel's side including himself never ever got hit. I don't see why it was necessary for the army to be this useless. Completely retarded. |
Jun 16, 2019 10:09 AM
How are we supposed to take this seriously when dozen of soldiers can't aim a single man ? That felt so edgy.. |
Jun 16, 2019 10:19 AM
Nice use of plot armor guys, you're totally pushing my rating higher for this series. |
Don't believe the hype. |
Jun 16, 2019 10:25 AM
i risk sounding real dumb writing this, but i still don't get what's happening in the anime lmao i feel like i can somehow start connecting the past few episodes? and this one made sense? but if anyone asked me what fairy gone was about i'd just be like, fairies i guess? that being said, HOW is the whole army unable to hit the bad guys? they got liscar's coat with that one bullet and even that didn't leave a mark, how? come on |
My candies: |
Jun 16, 2019 10:52 AM
Hmm interesting rebellion against the empire huh. Still using his own rebellion as a means to draw the empire's main forces to him while simultaneously sending a second force at the capital was well played of him. Beevee's men though really are quite impressive fighters. Its amusing how Beevee is just leisurely strolling to the target while easily breaking through the garrison. Overall a solid ep that while featuring some decent action did its best in revealing the Duke's master plan. Though im curious as to what his true target is though. Looks like next ep will see a rematch between Free and Beevee though. |
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines. |
Jun 16, 2019 11:02 AM
WTF, ether those Rodancia soldiers were a bunch of poor shots whom can't even hit Liscar or any of Liscar's men or Liscar has some kind of super good luck charm that none of those bullets were gonna hit him, and another WTF, the Duke of Haybranz was using the underground system to get to the king , man don't them Rodancia Guys have any intelligence network to get ahead of them enemies like that bad Duke of Haybranz and that Liscar???? |
Jun 16, 2019 11:03 AM
Still no idea what the true objective is\ Stop shouting "Liscar" it is annoying |
Jun 16, 2019 11:33 AM
These fucking stormtroopers, man. The guy was walking in a straight line for the entire episode and somehow not a single bullet managed to even graze him. It took me so far out of the show I think I started watching an entirely different show at the same time. Free just shows up with another Fairy Weapon, I guess. We probably should have been there to see him grab it, but whatever. At least the scene of them shitting on the guy sleeping funny (I haven't cared enough to learn his name) was entertaining. It was cool finally getting to see the Director fight too. That sword she was using is fucking awesome. Why did this Beevee Liscar guy get to keep his Fairy Weapon when all of the others were locked in a vault? At least it was interesting seeing him whistle to the tune of the song. Shit episode, 2/5. |
Jun 16, 2019 11:47 AM
I genuinely think people are just making fake accounts to put negative scores and reviews on this series, under 6 on MAL but boruto is at 6.8 or so? It’s sad to see only like 10 people in here commenting regularly compared to the thousands that participated in anime original DITF last year. I hope they do a manga or something that really fleshes out things and explains the world a bit better because I really do enjoy this series and think it has potential if they just got better direction Also, maryla best girl 😍 |
Jun 16, 2019 12:14 PM
Like to see the commander (Aular Nein) in action. Also Bevee Liscar was fun whe he just leisurely walked towards the enemy with his mercs. Military guys were useless praising each other and getting afraid once they heard the name Liscar. Now about that letter ... might have ben a distraction or plan (to provovoke) as well. I don't really think the other duke wantes to help the emperor. (Prevousily it seemed more like he was working together with the other guy.) |
Jun 16, 2019 1:35 PM
And this is another nail into this series - foolish action scenes, defying logic and common sense. If the producers wanted to make series appear realistic, they have failed big time. A shame, of course, I hoped for something down-to-earth perfect-sense fantasy series. And instead I get the female director jumping three stories, running like Naruto 'n stuff. A real shame. That said I am looking forward to the epic-ness of the next episode, when Ray Dawn comes in guns blazzing kicking gum and chewing... that bunch of retards. Just one good character, oh my, one is enough... Luthandorius said: Like to see the commander (Aular Nein) in action. Also Bevee Liscar was fun whe he just leisurely walked towards the enemy with his mercs. Military guys were useless praising each other and getting afraid once they heard the name Liscar. Now about that letter ... might have ben a distraction or plan (to provovoke) as well. I don't really think the other duke wantes to help the emperor. (Prevousily it seemed more like he was working together with the other guy.) You might have missed at least two "foreshadowings" that Ray Dawn, the Kal-o ruler, is a good guy and is not working with the scums. The first one was the Kal-o was genuinely surprised when an attack happened on the Prime Minister. If he was in cohorts, he would not feign ignorance, and instead he would be prepared to rush in and protect the Minister to earn a favour, just like the mastermind did (though I fear Arcame is the main villain here, with some sort of insane plot and monster fairies). The other one was literally right now, when we saw his vault with Fairy weapon empty. He took the weapon and set out to the Capital to protect the worthless Emperor, the Prime Minister and the peace he tried so much to estabilish. |
Re:formed |
Jun 16, 2019 1:38 PM
Gytanzo said: These fucking stormtroopers, man. The guy was walking in a straight line for the entire episode and somehow not a single bullet managed to even graze him. It took me so far out of the show I think I started watching an entirely different show at the same time. Free just shows up with another Fairy Weapon, I guess. We probably should have been there to see him grab it, but whatever. At least the scene of them shitting on the guy sleeping funny (I haven't cared enough to learn his name) was entertaining. It was cool finally getting to see the Director fight too. That sword she was using is fucking awesome. Why did this Beevee Liscar guy get to keep his Fairy Weapon when all of the others were locked in a vault? At least it was interesting seeing him whistle to the tune of the song. Shit episode, 2/5. I could argue he has a reputation enough to instill horror into the common soldiers who would try to hit but still miss because they are, like, in mortal fear. But I won't because every action scene was full of nonsense, both the director moving like Madara and them not hitting him once. On the other hand, Liscar is a rogue and a mercenary, it should really hint you towards how things went with him - the war ended, he did not like it, he gone rogue and took the weapon and the rest of retard-brigade. Not-so-common but a known trope nonetheless. People who can't see themselves living decently after a time of war. That much would explain why no one ever got to ask Liscar to hand his weapon over. Well you can see that bad duke talking about "free fairy society" and progress and reforms. He could be actually a more-or-less well intentioned extremist who wants to see the world progress through openly uncovering "fairy" secrets. Not that they have one disappeared civilization that also used to work with fairies, but humans are rather stupid. In the end, Hybranz does not have the capacity to be a 24 episodes villain, and you will surely see Arcame pull off the mafia cover and just openly become an enemy to everyone. slavemaster_1991 said: This dude has a fairy, has inhuman skills, so why doesn't he use it while he is going forward? Why everyone in army is a stormtrooper and can't hit a target that does not even hide? Why does it feel like a poor writing and not a badass scene? Actually a common problem with original series produced by enthusiastic amateurs. They want to make it look sick and cool. They make it look so sick it just becomes uncool and awkward, but they still roll with it. I would not openly call it a bad thing, but this series will not achieve the "decent" status due to not being cared for thoroughly. It is enjoyable and interesting, despite being as unrefined as it is. |
Daniel_NaumovJun 16, 2019 2:08 PM
Re:formed |
Jun 16, 2019 1:43 PM
I know that Liscar is a formidable soldier and that people get scared after hearing his name being spoken, but the amount of plot armour that he had when walking up to the palace was just downright insulting. Seriously, if that's the best that the military can do against Liscar, then I'm expecting Liscar to, once again, walk all over the competition and kill the emperor. =/ On the plus side, seeing Nein in action was pretty satisfying as she her agility and precision with her attacks were unmatched. It's a shame that she's not facing off against Liscar right now, since that would be a fight that I really want to see. Free's return to fighting was a good one, along with a new fairy weapon in hand, he showed no mercy against the enemy and easily slayed them. Nicely done. =) All in all, it was a decent episode, despite Liscar's plot armour being a bit stupid, even for anime terms. |
Jun 16, 2019 1:54 PM
Roar! Zabimaru!! At this point the only thing keeping me in the show is the kickass sound track and the prospect of seeing Liscar in action. I hope the rest of the knights are as badass as him and Director Nein |
Jun 16, 2019 3:36 PM
That wasn't too bad, and I feel the story is starting to come together, but like wtf was that having Liscar walking straight into gunfire for a good like 2 minutes??? Like okay gunshots seldom make their make in fiction, but that was ridiculous. You can't expect me to believe these soldiers can't hit a slow moving, huge ass target smh. |
Jun 16, 2019 5:13 PM
ok so in the defense of the soldiers missing Beevee, they clearly weren't the best and brightest troops, as those were dispatched elsewhere. Beevee whistling his own theme music was cheesy af but for some reason I loved it. Just kinda wish his opponents posed any kind of threat whatsoever. We finally get some of the motivation behind Hybranz rebelling. Schwarz wants to see the fairies be used freely rather than the super rigid way that Zesskia forces them to. Is it really worth going to war over, though? And why does Wolfran side with him? Man, so many things that could've been easily explained. This show needed more time. |
Jun 16, 2019 5:19 PM
spacewannabe said: i risk sounding real dumb writing this, but i still don't get what's happening in the anime lmao i feel like i can somehow start connecting the past few episodes? and this one made sense? but if anyone asked me what fairy gone was about i'd just be like, fairies i guess? that being said, HOW is the whole army unable to hit the bad guys? they got liscar's coat with that one bullet and even that didn't leave a mark, how? come on It's about a post-civil war nation where the rebels want to free fairies vs the establishment that wants to control them. The main characters are on the side of the establishment, but I have a feeling they'll switch sides. |
Jun 16, 2019 5:29 PM
This is so retarded now it's triggering me. I seriously hope Ao Jyumonji never touches another anime again. The guy can't write a good script to save his life, and it was naive of him and the studio to think he could just because he's written a popular novel. The two don't translate and this anime is such a good example of why--when writing a script for a show you need to keep in mind the visual storytelling as well, how it'll all actually look, feel and work in proper motion. And this show is such a blatant fail. I'm sure writing this the guy was super cuffed with how cool it all read, but man it really isn't cool watching it--where shit actually has to make sense to hold up. OH YEAH THIS DEFINITELY LOOKS LIKE A GATE THAT WOULD DEFINITELY WITHSTAND ""EVEN AN ONSLAUGHT OF TENS OF THOUSANDS"" YES SO HEAVILY REINFORCED AND ARMORED YES, DEFINITELY MAKES SENSE TO CONSIDER THIS ONE THE STRONGEST ALL THOSE 90% GLASS WINDOWS?? PFFFT LOOK AT THAT GATE THOUGH, ABSOLUTELY IMPENETRABLE Give it up for the most retarded, most un-intimidating antagonist this season tfw the only way you know how to make an antagonist come across as powerful and intimidating is having him deus ex machina survive (for absolutely no explainable reason) despite walking straight through and into the enemies line of fire for 20 minutes. You can tell this character is truly an experienced combat veteran. His walk is so scary too--I don't know what I'd do if he walked very slowly towards me, in a straight line unarmed, for 30 straight metres, while I'm behind cover on much higher ground with a gun and 20 other armed soldiers, and every single shot of the 100s we make misses him completely. Man such a scary scenario. Supreme storytelling. Where the fuck are these retards even aiming at? And damn why did no one ever think of this before!! This is such a superior tactic against those enemies of theirs that are hidden behind proper cover and can readily shoot over it. It's no wonder they reached the gate without any losses. Yeah. Stupid presumably-highly-trained-soldiers never expect the slow walk. Remember all those WW2 documentaries were the troops would walk very, very slowly over no mans land towards the enemies turf? You think it's hard to hit a moving target, but what about a very slowly moving target? The enemies just can't handle it. This isn't even scratching this show's or even this episode's stupidity by the way. You think this show is done introducing new people, groups, factions, relationships and all that yet? We're 11 episodes in and it's been non-stop introductions, one after the other with no time for really anything to get properly established and sit. It's so awfully messy and convoluted. If you want to make a grand epic you have to actually put the work in and build it all up, not spew it all out to the viewer as fast as you can to fast track to that point. I don't care about any of these groups or characters, does anyone? That death last episode was laughably weak, despite how heavy the show tried to make it. How many lines did we actually get from that guy...? What was his personality again? Oh, he was the big buff soldier guy with a surprising heart of gold? And?? Oh, that was literally it. |
ZaugrJun 16, 2019 6:40 PM
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines. |
Jun 16, 2019 6:01 PM
Ok this was just bad. Like previous episodes, I would try to see some positives but this was just messy as hell. The animation when the director was attacking looked TG:re levels bad, and that whole segment with Liscar was the biggest piles of wtf. I don't even buy the potential argument that he instilled fear into the soldiers, Richard fucking Lionhearted died by some kid with a crossbow (I know the situations were different but still) Zaugr said: OH YEAH THIS DEFINITELY LOOKS LIKE A GATE THAT WOULD DEFINITELY WITHSTAND ""EVEN AN ONSLAUGHT OF TENS OF THOUSANDS"" YES SO HEAVILY REINFORCED AND ARMORED YES, DEFINITELY MAKES SENSE TO CONSIDER THIS ONE THE STRONGEST ALL THOSE 90% GLASS WINDOWS?? PFFFT LOOK AT THAT GATE THOUGH, ABSOLUTELY IMPENETRABLE Give it up for the most retarded, most un-intimidating antagonist this season tfw the only way you know how to make an antagonist seem strong and intimidating is have him deus ex machina walk towards the line of fire. You can tell this character is truly an experienced combat veteran. His walk is so scary too--I don't know what I'd do if he walked very slowly towards me, in a straight line unnarmed, for 30 straight metres, while I'm behind cover on much higher ground with a gun and 20 other soldiers, and every single shot of the 100s we make misses him completely. Man such a scary scenario. Supreme storytelling. Where the fuck are these retards even aiming at? And damn why did no one ever think of this before!! This is such a superior tactic against those enemies of theirs that are hidden behind cover and shooting. It's no wonder they reached the gate without any losses. Yeah. Stupid enemies never expect the slow walk. This isn't even scratching this show's or even this episodes stupidity. You think this show is done introducing new people, groups, factions, relationships and all that yet? We're 11 episodes in and it's been non-stop introductions, one after the other with no time for really anything to get properly established and sit. It's so awfully messy and convoluted. If you want to make a grand epic you have to actually put the work in and build it all up, not spew it all out to the viewer as fast as you can to fast track to that point. I don't care about any of these groups or characters, does anyone? That death last episode was laughably weak, despite how heavy the show tried to make it. How many lines did we actually get from that guy...? What was his personality again? Oh, he was the big buff soldier guy with a surprising heart of gold? And?? Oh, that was it. this made me laugh a bit gg |
'On-Hold' is another way for a completionist to say 'Dropped' |
Jun 16, 2019 6:05 PM
You gotta be kidding me! Trained soldiers unable to hit a single walking person in plain sight is such bullshit this series whips out. I get it they're trying to make Beevee a badass villain, but oh come on that shit has hit the fan already. I see also the political war has started, man this series is contradictory! They started us on the Marlya finding Vero chase and ditched that, they went to the collection of these fairy tome/whatevs, now we on the treason political war and it seems like they will ditch that too. This is boring to be precise and I hope it will improve. Who approves anime like these? |
How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb --- Dr Strangelove |
Jun 16, 2019 6:26 PM
Zaugr said: This is so retarded now it's triggering me. I seriously hope Ao Jyumonji never touches another anime again. The guy can't write a good script to save his life, and it was naive of him and the studio to think he could just because he's written a popular novel. The two don't translate and this anime is such a good example of why--when writing a script for a show you need to keep in mind the visual storytelling as well, how it'll all actually look, feel and work in proper motion. And this show is such a blatant fail. I'm sure writing this the guy was super cuffed with how cool it all read, but man it really isn't cool watching it--where shit actually has to make sense to hold up. OH YEAH THIS DEFINITELY LOOKS LIKE A GATE THAT WOULD DEFINITELY WITHSTAND ""EVEN AN ONSLAUGHT OF TENS OF THOUSANDS"" YES SO HEAVILY REINFORCED AND ARMORED YES, DEFINITELY MAKES SENSE TO CONSIDER THIS ONE THE STRONGEST ALL THOSE 90% GLASS WINDOWS?? PFFFT LOOK AT THAT GATE THOUGH, ABSOLUTELY IMPENETRABLE Give it up for the most retarded, most un-intimidating antagonist this season tfw the only way you know how to make an antagonist seem strong and intimidating is have him deus ex machina walk towards the line of fire. You can tell this character is truly an experienced combat veteran. His walk is so scary too--I don't know what I'd do if he walked very slowly towards me, in a straight line unnarmed, for 30 straight metres, while I'm behind cover on much higher ground with a gun and 20 other armed soldiers, and every single shot of the 100s we make misses him completely. Man such a scary scenario. Supreme storytelling. Where the fuck are these retards even aiming at? And damn why did no one ever think of this before!! This is such a superior tactic against those enemies of theirs that are hidden behind proper cover and shooting over it. It's no wonder they reached the gate without any losses. Yeah. Stupid presumably-highly-trained-soldiers never expect the slow walk. Remember all those WW2 documentaries were the troops would walk very, very slowly over no mans land towards the enemies turf? You think it's hard to hit a moving target, but what about a very slowly moving target? The enemies just can't handle it. This isn't even scratching this show's or even this episode's stupidity by the way. You think this show is done introducing new people, groups, factions, relationships and all that yet? We're 11 episodes in and it's been non-stop introductions, one after the other with no time for really anything to get properly established and sit. It's so awfully messy and convoluted. If you want to make a grand epic you have to actually put the work in and build it all up, not spew it all out to the viewer as fast as you can to fast track to that point. I don't care about any of these groups or characters, does anyone? That death last episode was laughably weak, despite how heavy the show tried to make it. How many lines did we actually get from that guy...? What was his personality again? Oh, he was the big buff soldier guy with a surprising heart of gold? And?? Oh, that was it. The creator is also the writer for Grimgar, another trashy isekai that's just as bad as this series. The difference is some shows are bad because of their low ambition and others are bad because they're overly ambitious and don't realise that in order to create a more complex story you need much more planning and talent behind it. Fairy Gone can PRETEND to be complex and have rich worldbuilding at first but if people have watched any similar shows they'll easily recognize its flaws. |
"Doubting everything that you take on... That is very important. Open your own eyes, clear out your ears, and look and listen to the world... And think using your own brain. After you've doubted everything, there is a possibility of something real to believe in. To believe in something, doubt everything." |
Jun 16, 2019 9:55 PM
Hybranz Duked revealed and the prime minister ordered to counterattack and gave Nein a fairy weapon, army and Dorothea went there. Free’s group returned to Rondacia and Dorothea was empty, Free went to deliver the letter to the prime minister and reading it, he noticed that the rebellion was a distraction and there’s gonna be an attack to the palace in Rondacia, it started. Free’s group went to stop it. Diese and Wolfran are walking somewhere in a tunnel. While the palace was being defended, Liscar appeared at the celestial gate and started a direct attack with his fairy. It was obvious for the viewers that this Hybranz guy was going to try something, maybe he’s not satisfied with what he had after war ended, but I barely understand his reasons, power maybe. Liscar and Wolfran work with him and war started again. How is it possible that no bullet hits Liscar? |
Atlas77Aug 18, 2019 9:38 PM
Jun 16, 2019 10:15 PM
AquaShldEXE said: spacewannabe said: i risk sounding real dumb writing this, but i still don't get what's happening in the anime lmao i feel like i can somehow start connecting the past few episodes? and this one made sense? but if anyone asked me what fairy gone was about i'd just be like, fairies i guess? that being said, HOW is the whole army unable to hit the bad guys? they got liscar's coat with that one bullet and even that didn't leave a mark, how? come on It's about a post-civil war nation where the rebels want to free fairies vs the establishment that wants to control them. The main characters are on the side of the establishment, but I have a feeling they'll switch sides. Ugh oh, spoiler: The "establishment" is actually the sane guys. Control over guns vs free guns available. Sm0ggy said: Zaugr said: This is so retarded now it's triggering me. I seriously hope Ao Jyumonji never touches another anime again. The guy can't write a good script to save his life, and it was naive of him and the studio to think he could just because he's written a popular novel. The two don't translate and this anime is such a good example of why--when writing a script for a show you need to keep in mind the visual storytelling as well, how it'll all actually look, feel and work in proper motion. And this show is such a blatant fail. I'm sure writing this the guy was super cuffed with how cool it all read, but man it really isn't cool watching it--where shit actually has to make sense to hold up. OH YEAH THIS DEFINITELY LOOKS LIKE A GATE THAT WOULD DEFINITELY WITHSTAND ""EVEN AN ONSLAUGHT OF TENS OF THOUSANDS"" YES SO HEAVILY REINFORCED AND ARMORED YES, DEFINITELY MAKES SENSE TO CONSIDER THIS ONE THE STRONGEST ALL THOSE 90% GLASS WINDOWS?? PFFFT LOOK AT THAT GATE THOUGH, ABSOLUTELY IMPENETRABLE Give it up for the most retarded, most un-intimidating antagonist this season tfw the only way you know how to make an antagonist seem strong and intimidating is have him deus ex machina walk towards the line of fire. You can tell this character is truly an experienced combat veteran. His walk is so scary too--I don't know what I'd do if he walked very slowly towards me, in a straight line unnarmed, for 30 straight metres, while I'm behind cover on much higher ground with a gun and 20 other armed soldiers, and every single shot of the 100s we make misses him completely. Man such a scary scenario. Supreme storytelling. Where the fuck are these retards even aiming at? And damn why did no one ever think of this before!! This is such a superior tactic against those enemies of theirs that are hidden behind proper cover and shooting over it. It's no wonder they reached the gate without any losses. Yeah. Stupid presumably-highly-trained-soldiers never expect the slow walk. Remember all those WW2 documentaries were the troops would walk very, very slowly over no mans land towards the enemies turf? You think it's hard to hit a moving target, but what about a very slowly moving target? The enemies just can't handle it. This isn't even scratching this show's or even this episode's stupidity by the way. You think this show is done introducing new people, groups, factions, relationships and all that yet? We're 11 episodes in and it's been non-stop introductions, one after the other with no time for really anything to get properly established and sit. It's so awfully messy and convoluted. If you want to make a grand epic you have to actually put the work in and build it all up, not spew it all out to the viewer as fast as you can to fast track to that point. I don't care about any of these groups or characters, does anyone? That death last episode was laughably weak, despite how heavy the show tried to make it. How many lines did we actually get from that guy...? What was his personality again? Oh, he was the big buff soldier guy with a surprising heart of gold? And?? Oh, that was it. The creator is also the writer for Grimgar, another trashy isekai that's just as bad as this series. The difference is some shows are bad because of their low ambition and others are bad because they're overly ambitious and don't realise that in order to create a more complex story you need much more planning and talent behind it. Fairy Gone can PRETEND to be complex and have rich worldbuilding at first but if people have watched any similar shows they'll easily recognize its flaws. Which I do, however, I strongly disagree about Hai to Gensou no Grimgar being a sub-par series. In comparison to Fairy Gone, Grimgar builds upon itself well and does not over-extend when it should not - for a fantasy series it seems realistic enough, especially the way main characters interact with each other. I have enjoyed the adaptation of Grimgar and believe it to be a decent series, it might be subject to a change once I know the whole story (is it finished already?) but they don't seem to be working on another season right now... Unlike Fairy Gone it does well with tropes. Fairy Gone is just a big big trope that did not get refined during production, you can see how it is all over the place. It looks cool, but if you try using at least TWO braincells you will definitely see the flaws a decent series produced by experienced people would not have allowed. |
Daniel_NaumovJun 16, 2019 10:21 PM
Re:formed |
Jun 17, 2019 12:16 AM
Well finally free took out his fairy weapon and we got to see some bad ass action scenes. Thou Liscar just walking and dozens of soldiers not being able to hit him was dumb. |
Jun 17, 2019 5:20 AM
So war broke out, huh. The thing with Liscar walking a straight line while whistling without being hit by a single bullet, like twice, was way over the top though. I get it, he is strong, and a threat. But it would've been cooler if he neutralized those soldiers like Nein Auler did in the rebellion, actually a diversion, that she was fighting in. But well, let's see how it will go from here with only one episode left for this cour. |
Jun 17, 2019 8:25 AM
Not gonna lie : this episode was much better & I kinda enjoyed it (time passed really quicker than it did with other pointless episode). But jeez, I know they want Liscar to be the strong boss, but c'mon, the dude just walked as if he was in a corridor... 1 soldier who misses a bullet seems fine, but a squad that has the charge of guarding the Palace lol Now I'd like to see the director versus him, that should be a great fight ! Though I have the feeling they'll lose this war, ending the 12th episode with a retreat from Dorothea. Season 2 being the 'after war', kind of reconquest... these are my suppositions ! |
Jun 17, 2019 11:20 AM
We are of to a slow start!! Something about robots new model and other shit i don't care about one bit. And its goes on for almost half the fucking episode .Anime if you want my attention let my girls speak!!! Or i ignore your stupid ass A revolution?(something) is taken place,,Whistling madmen walking down the streets with hes troops killing every loyal emperor soldier in sight!!! The situation looks dire and chaos and despair will follow by the invading troops But fear not good people!!!! My Lesbian Goddesses hear the desperate cry for help!! And as true heroines they hastily hurries to aid the losing army.My brave beautiful waifus are driven by the two non important male servants/slaves,,,,, Tide is turned quickly when my lesbian warrior princesses are arriving at the scene!!!!!!! , My powerful girls rip that army to pieces in seconds a totally annihilation,,And they save millions even billions of civilian lives!! Their will be songs stories written and statues raised in their honour!!! And their bravery shall be told and they will be glorified for generations to come!!!!And their name will go down in history!!!! Yes,,,, The stupid males where in the way and almost destroyed everything!!! They are useless like always!!!! Why are the males fighting? They are the lesser weaker sex,,, And should drive the car then go home clean the damn house and the headquarters, then make some dinner to my waifus ,,, My girls can fight!! And are more skilled and therefor much better suited for that task,My angels are superior in every way!!!!,,,,,,, The puny males are better suited for household chores!!!!Go back to the fucking kitchen where you belong you assholes!! The first half was boring then it becomes much better!!!! I love the strong fighting females this is your strongest card ,,,You still have 7/10 next time more of my girls,,, And anime the male problem,,,They are irritating and in the way,, I want them "gone" More lesbians please that is so fun,,,Better yourself to next week!!! My tough cute girls can do their own fighting!!! |
Yuri-CrusaderJun 20, 2019 3:27 AM
Jun 17, 2019 11:41 AM
Come on... they couldn't possibly miss him when there is like 10 soldiers shooting at him from what... 10 or 20 meters away? Even 10 guys that never shot a gun before couldn't possibly miss him. Even stormtroopers wouldn't be that bad... |
Jun 17, 2019 2:39 PM
Sm0ggy said: The creator is also the writer for Grimgar, another trashy isekai that's just as bad as this series. The difference is some shows are bad because of their low ambition and others are bad because they're overly ambitious and don't realise that in order to create a more complex story you need much more planning and talent behind it. Fairy Gone can PRETEND to be complex and have rich worldbuilding at first but if people have watched any similar shows they'll easily recognize its flaws. Grimgar wasn't this bad of a show. This one's just too forced. |
Jun 17, 2019 3:05 PM
Bullcrap! The fact that not only one, but two different groups of soldiers can't even hit a single defenseless man in two different instances. No sniper? No backup fairy soldier to defend their royal palace? SMH! -_- |
Jun 17, 2019 3:08 PM
Those soldiers sure are trash how can someone be so bad at shooting?, poor writting indeed and they Made sure Captain was out of the Capital cuz if She wasnt she would Kick that guy ass in a sec, The way she fights is cool. |
Jun 17, 2019 3:24 PM
If this were a satire show, it would've been good. Nobody ever pulls most of the troops from the capital when a rebellion breaks out, that's just common sense. If anything, they tighten the defenses, as monarchs fear for their trones. Not even commenting on the superb "tactics" the bad guys were employing this episode, everyone knows that walking in a straight line is the best way of attacking, very formidable indeed. This show tries to be both serious and badass (which is already hard enough) and fails at both. Not the worst trainwreck I've seen, but a trainwreck nonetheless |
Jun 18, 2019 12:04 AM
TheDopplerEffect said: If this were a satire show, it would've been good. Nobody ever pulls most of the troops from the capital when a rebellion breaks out, that's just common sense. If anything, they tighten the defenses, as monarchs fear for their trones. Not even commenting on the superb "tactics" the bad guys were employing this episode, everyone knows that walking in a straight line is the best way of attacking, very formidable indeed. This show tries to be both serious and badass (which is already hard enough) and fails at both. Not the worst trainwreck I've seen, but a trainwreck nonetheless If we are talking history, it is a logical move to quickly subjugate rebellions until they gain more dangerous momentum. But here we are dealing with an overthrow attempt, meticulously planned out by many sides. Except for Prime Minister, everyone else in the capital is a bunch of complacent fools, further dulled by peace time. And even then they just did not have enough information to predict the involvement of Arcame, and the fact that deranged mercenaries under Liscar are being used by the revolting Hybranz as well. It makes sense the capital is in dire situation now, though there are other forces which can protect it besides the army and the wall-jumping female director of Dorothea. |
Re:formed |
Jun 18, 2019 12:14 AM
Daniel_Naumov said: TheDopplerEffect said: If this were a satire show, it would've been good. Nobody ever pulls most of the troops from the capital when a rebellion breaks out, that's just common sense. If anything, they tighten the defenses, as monarchs fear for their trones. Not even commenting on the superb "tactics" the bad guys were employing this episode, everyone knows that walking in a straight line is the best way of attacking, very formidable indeed. This show tries to be both serious and badass (which is already hard enough) and fails at both. Not the worst trainwreck I've seen, but a trainwreck nonetheless If we are talking history, it is a logical move to quickly subjugate rebellions until they gain more dangerous momentum. But here we are dealing with an overthrow attempt, meticulously planned out by many sides. Except for Prime Minister, everyone else in the capital is a bunch of complacent fools, further dulled by peace time. And even then they just did not have enough information to predict the involvement of Arcame, and the fact that deranged mercenaries under Liscar are being used by the revolting Hybranz as well. It makes sense the capital is in dire situation now, though there are other forces which can protect it besides the army and the wall-jumping female director of Dorothea. You could make that argument, but the peace lasted for like what, 9 years? I doubt this little time would make people complacent. If that was 20 or 30 years, then I'd get it, but those fighting in the streets right now are the very same people who were fighting in the war back then. |
Jun 18, 2019 12:31 AM
TheDopplerEffect said: Daniel_Naumov said: TheDopplerEffect said: If this were a satire show, it would've been good. Nobody ever pulls most of the troops from the capital when a rebellion breaks out, that's just common sense. If anything, they tighten the defenses, as monarchs fear for their trones. Not even commenting on the superb "tactics" the bad guys were employing this episode, everyone knows that walking in a straight line is the best way of attacking, very formidable indeed. This show tries to be both serious and badass (which is already hard enough) and fails at both. Not the worst trainwreck I've seen, but a trainwreck nonetheless If we are talking history, it is a logical move to quickly subjugate rebellions until they gain more dangerous momentum. But here we are dealing with an overthrow attempt, meticulously planned out by many sides. Except for Prime Minister, everyone else in the capital is a bunch of complacent fools, further dulled by peace time. And even then they just did not have enough information to predict the involvement of Arcame, and the fact that deranged mercenaries under Liscar are being used by the revolting Hybranz as well. It makes sense the capital is in dire situation now, though there are other forces which can protect it besides the army and the wall-jumping female director of Dorothea. You could make that argument, but the peace lasted for like what, 9 years? I doubt this little time would make people complacent. If that was 20 or 30 years, then I'd get it, but those fighting in the streets right now are the very same people who were fighting in the war back then. The problems are the commanders. The Emperor could not care less for his empire, the General is an overly confident guy who once served as a soldier, but seemingly did nothing except for supporting peace, and is now just a glorified medal stand. It happened many times in history before. |
Re:formed |
Jun 18, 2019 12:52 AM
Daniel_Naumov said: TheDopplerEffect said: Daniel_Naumov said: TheDopplerEffect said: If this were a satire show, it would've been good. Nobody ever pulls most of the troops from the capital when a rebellion breaks out, that's just common sense. If anything, they tighten the defenses, as monarchs fear for their trones. Not even commenting on the superb "tactics" the bad guys were employing this episode, everyone knows that walking in a straight line is the best way of attacking, very formidable indeed. This show tries to be both serious and badass (which is already hard enough) and fails at both. Not the worst trainwreck I've seen, but a trainwreck nonetheless If we are talking history, it is a logical move to quickly subjugate rebellions until they gain more dangerous momentum. But here we are dealing with an overthrow attempt, meticulously planned out by many sides. Except for Prime Minister, everyone else in the capital is a bunch of complacent fools, further dulled by peace time. And even then they just did not have enough information to predict the involvement of Arcame, and the fact that deranged mercenaries under Liscar are being used by the revolting Hybranz as well. It makes sense the capital is in dire situation now, though there are other forces which can protect it besides the army and the wall-jumping female director of Dorothea. You could make that argument, but the peace lasted for like what, 9 years? I doubt this little time would make people complacent. If that was 20 or 30 years, then I'd get it, but those fighting in the streets right now are the very same people who were fighting in the war back then. The problems are the commanders. The Emperor could not care less for his empire, the General is an overly confident guy who once served as a soldier, but seemingly did nothing except for supporting peace, and is now just a glorified medal stand. It happened many times in history before. Do I have to quote every time here? Anyway, this is my other problem with the show, since I wish I knew who you're talking about. I wouldn't call myself the most devoted watcher, but it's not like I use this show as a background noise or something. I watch it and try my best to understand what's happening in every given moment. And while I understand the plot and some character motivations, I just couldn't remember any B or C character to save my life. They're introduced in a matter of secounds and then promptly set aside. Then there's character design. I've never had this problem of watchin a show and not (at least broadly) knowing who's on the screen |
Jun 18, 2019 4:05 AM
So a coup e'tat happens in a state. Not surprised given that prior episodes before with the whole whistle-blowing "Fairy Control" thing by Ted, this was a catalyst waiting to happen. So Arcame was behind all the fiasco, and the Duke Hybranz, Diese, just adds the fire to the fuel. With that, plans are underway to push back the traitor. Add another Fairy Weapon into the mix (of which the Dorothea female director now wields), this is quite a battle to face. Looks like the Arcame guys are more democratic than the Unified government. Not that it mattered a lot, but if that's the plot, then it's a badly decided one. And...the boss Beevee Liscar is back again. AND WTF SOLDIERS YOU CAN'T DO A PROPER JOB OF SHOOTING DOWN EVEN ONE PERSON??? What gives... And the trust of the commanders...effectively are lost too. All this while, with Ray Dawn, Liscar and Arcame at the helm, the enemy has all the cards on their hands. The final turning point before the 2nd cour. And I have no shame to spell this series out of the shelf. |
Jun 18, 2019 6:42 AM
TheDopplerEffect said: Daniel_Naumov said: TheDopplerEffect said: Daniel_Naumov said: TheDopplerEffect said: If this were a satire show, it would've been good. Nobody ever pulls most of the troops from the capital when a rebellion breaks out, that's just common sense. If anything, they tighten the defenses, as monarchs fear for their trones. Not even commenting on the superb "tactics" the bad guys were employing this episode, everyone knows that walking in a straight line is the best way of attacking, very formidable indeed. This show tries to be both serious and badass (which is already hard enough) and fails at both. Not the worst trainwreck I've seen, but a trainwreck nonetheless If we are talking history, it is a logical move to quickly subjugate rebellions until they gain more dangerous momentum. But here we are dealing with an overthrow attempt, meticulously planned out by many sides. Except for Prime Minister, everyone else in the capital is a bunch of complacent fools, further dulled by peace time. And even then they just did not have enough information to predict the involvement of Arcame, and the fact that deranged mercenaries under Liscar are being used by the revolting Hybranz as well. It makes sense the capital is in dire situation now, though there are other forces which can protect it besides the army and the wall-jumping female director of Dorothea. You could make that argument, but the peace lasted for like what, 9 years? I doubt this little time would make people complacent. If that was 20 or 30 years, then I'd get it, but those fighting in the streets right now are the very same people who were fighting in the war back then. The problems are the commanders. The Emperor could not care less for his empire, the General is an overly confident guy who once served as a soldier, but seemingly did nothing except for supporting peace, and is now just a glorified medal stand. It happened many times in history before. Do I have to quote every time here? Anyway, this is my other problem with the show, since I wish I knew who you're talking about. I wouldn't call myself the most devoted watcher, but it's not like I use this show as a background noise or something. I watch it and try my best to understand what's happening in every given moment. And while I understand the plot and some character motivations, I just couldn't remember any B or C character to save my life. They're introduced in a matter of secounds and then promptly set aside. Then there's character design. I've never had this problem of watchin a show and not (at least broadly) knowing who's on the screen Well as you can see neither I can remember their names. But they were mentioned like once both so whatever. I agree about this work of art being unrefinied, and yet I still find myself interested and enjoying the sheer amount of tropes, however amateur the work on shaping them into a decent narrative is. KANLen09 said: So a coup e'tat happens in a state. Not surprised given that prior episodes before with the whole whistle-blowing "Fairy Control" thing by Ted, this was a catalyst waiting to happen. So Arcame was behind all the fiasco, and the Duke Hybranz, Diese, just adds the fire to the fuel. With that, plans are underway to push back the traitor. Add another Fairy Weapon into the mix (of which the Dorothea female director now wields), this is quite a battle to face. Looks like the Arcame guys are more democratic than the Unified government. Not that it mattered a lot, but if that's the plot, then it's a badly decided one. And...the boss Beevee Liscar is back again. AND WTF SOLDIERS YOU CAN'T DO A PROPER JOB OF SHOOTING DOWN EVEN ONE PERSON??? What gives... And the trust of the commanders...effectively are lost too. All this while, with Ray Dawn, Liscar and Arcame at the helm, the enemy has all the cards on their hands. The final turning point before the 2nd cour. And I have no shame to spell this series out of the shelf. UGH CLASS... I am sorry did you just assume Ray Dawn is in cohorts with bad guys? You are in for a MAJOR surprise next episode, then. Also about an underworld mafia organization being democratic... You sure you understand the language you watching this series in? Arcame has nothing to do with democracy even remotely - it is a wild card faction, considering the information given in the series up until now. The "democratic" thinking belongs to Hybranz, the one who staged the whole coup d'etat. He does not care about democracy, given his wording. He wants to see the world advance rapidly because the access to fairies would become unrestricted, meaning murderers like Liscar get to have a fairy, and geniuses like that guy who developed artificial fairies would have more freedom to work with fairies. You do not seem to grasp the ideas here further than the first dimension, taking everything at a face value. Or at least you are making it sound as such. |
Daniel_NaumovJun 18, 2019 6:47 AM
Re:formed |
Jun 18, 2019 10:05 AM
Daniel_Naumov said: TheDopplerEffect said: Daniel_Naumov said: TheDopplerEffect said: Daniel_Naumov said: TheDopplerEffect said: If this were a satire show, it would've been good. Nobody ever pulls most of the troops from the capital when a rebellion breaks out, that's just common sense. If anything, they tighten the defenses, as monarchs fear for their trones. Not even commenting on the superb "tactics" the bad guys were employing this episode, everyone knows that walking in a straight line is the best way of attacking, very formidable indeed. This show tries to be both serious and badass (which is already hard enough) and fails at both. Not the worst trainwreck I've seen, but a trainwreck nonetheless If we are talking history, it is a logical move to quickly subjugate rebellions until they gain more dangerous momentum. But here we are dealing with an overthrow attempt, meticulously planned out by many sides. Except for Prime Minister, everyone else in the capital is a bunch of complacent fools, further dulled by peace time. And even then they just did not have enough information to predict the involvement of Arcame, and the fact that deranged mercenaries under Liscar are being used by the revolting Hybranz as well. It makes sense the capital is in dire situation now, though there are other forces which can protect it besides the army and the wall-jumping female director of Dorothea. You could make that argument, but the peace lasted for like what, 9 years? I doubt this little time would make people complacent. If that was 20 or 30 years, then I'd get it, but those fighting in the streets right now are the very same people who were fighting in the war back then. The problems are the commanders. The Emperor could not care less for his empire, the General is an overly confident guy who once served as a soldier, but seemingly did nothing except for supporting peace, and is now just a glorified medal stand. It happened many times in history before. Do I have to quote every time here? Anyway, this is my other problem with the show, since I wish I knew who you're talking about. I wouldn't call myself the most devoted watcher, but it's not like I use this show as a background noise or something. I watch it and try my best to understand what's happening in every given moment. And while I understand the plot and some character motivations, I just couldn't remember any B or C character to save my life. They're introduced in a matter of secounds and then promptly set aside. Then there's character design. I've never had this problem of watchin a show and not (at least broadly) knowing who's on the screen Well as you can see neither I can remember their names. But they were mentioned like once both so whatever. I agree about this work of art being unrefinied, and yet I still find myself interested and enjoying the sheer amount of tropes, however amateur the work on shaping them into a decent narrative is. KANLen09 said: So a coup e'tat happens in a state. Not surprised given that prior episodes before with the whole whistle-blowing "Fairy Control" thing by Ted, this was a catalyst waiting to happen. So Arcame was behind all the fiasco, and the Duke Hybranz, Diese, just adds the fire to the fuel. With that, plans are underway to push back the traitor. Add another Fairy Weapon into the mix (of which the Dorothea female director now wields), this is quite a battle to face. Looks like the Arcame guys are more democratic than the Unified government. Not that it mattered a lot, but if that's the plot, then it's a badly decided one. And...the boss Beevee Liscar is back again. AND WTF SOLDIERS YOU CAN'T DO A PROPER JOB OF SHOOTING DOWN EVEN ONE PERSON??? What gives... And the trust of the commanders...effectively are lost too. All this while, with Ray Dawn, Liscar and Arcame at the helm, the enemy has all the cards on their hands. The final turning point before the 2nd cour. And I have no shame to spell this series out of the shelf. UGH CLASS... I am sorry did you just assume Ray Dawn is in cohorts with bad guys? You are in for a MAJOR surprise next episode, then. Also about an underworld mafia organization being democratic... You sure you understand the language you watching this series in? Arcame has nothing to do with democracy even remotely - it is a wild card faction, considering the information given in the series up until now. The "democratic" thinking belongs to Hybranz, the one who staged the whole coup d'etat. He does not care about democracy, given his wording. He wants to see the world advance rapidly because the access to fairies would become unrestricted, meaning murderers like Liscar get to have a fairy, and geniuses like that guy who developed artificial fairies would have more freedom to work with fairies. You do not seem to grasp the ideas here further than the first dimension, taking everything at a face value. Or at least you are making it sound as such. Not that I'm too lazy to even cover this at face value, but when it comes to politics, nothing gets more confusing than this. Sure, I could go and rewatch the entire series from scratch, then do the overarching stuff of connecting the dots, even if now we're almost at the halfway-point. Via the way you mentioned it, I already knew that I have lost track of everything since the beginning, and don't intend to rebut any further. Because this already has the hallmarks of a bad show. |
Jun 18, 2019 11:13 AM
KANLen09 said: Daniel_Naumov said: TheDopplerEffect said: Daniel_Naumov said: TheDopplerEffect said: Daniel_Naumov said: TheDopplerEffect said: If this were a satire show, it would've been good. Nobody ever pulls most of the troops from the capital when a rebellion breaks out, that's just common sense. If anything, they tighten the defenses, as monarchs fear for their trones. Not even commenting on the superb "tactics" the bad guys were employing this episode, everyone knows that walking in a straight line is the best way of attacking, very formidable indeed. This show tries to be both serious and badass (which is already hard enough) and fails at both. Not the worst trainwreck I've seen, but a trainwreck nonetheless If we are talking history, it is a logical move to quickly subjugate rebellions until they gain more dangerous momentum. But here we are dealing with an overthrow attempt, meticulously planned out by many sides. Except for Prime Minister, everyone else in the capital is a bunch of complacent fools, further dulled by peace time. And even then they just did not have enough information to predict the involvement of Arcame, and the fact that deranged mercenaries under Liscar are being used by the revolting Hybranz as well. It makes sense the capital is in dire situation now, though there are other forces which can protect it besides the army and the wall-jumping female director of Dorothea. You could make that argument, but the peace lasted for like what, 9 years? I doubt this little time would make people complacent. If that was 20 or 30 years, then I'd get it, but those fighting in the streets right now are the very same people who were fighting in the war back then. The problems are the commanders. The Emperor could not care less for his empire, the General is an overly confident guy who once served as a soldier, but seemingly did nothing except for supporting peace, and is now just a glorified medal stand. It happened many times in history before. Do I have to quote every time here? Anyway, this is my other problem with the show, since I wish I knew who you're talking about. I wouldn't call myself the most devoted watcher, but it's not like I use this show as a background noise or something. I watch it and try my best to understand what's happening in every given moment. And while I understand the plot and some character motivations, I just couldn't remember any B or C character to save my life. They're introduced in a matter of secounds and then promptly set aside. Then there's character design. I've never had this problem of watchin a show and not (at least broadly) knowing who's on the screen Well as you can see neither I can remember their names. But they were mentioned like once both so whatever. I agree about this work of art being unrefinied, and yet I still find myself interested and enjoying the sheer amount of tropes, however amateur the work on shaping them into a decent narrative is. KANLen09 said: So a coup e'tat happens in a state. Not surprised given that prior episodes before with the whole whistle-blowing "Fairy Control" thing by Ted, this was a catalyst waiting to happen. So Arcame was behind all the fiasco, and the Duke Hybranz, Diese, just adds the fire to the fuel. With that, plans are underway to push back the traitor. Add another Fairy Weapon into the mix (of which the Dorothea female director now wields), this is quite a battle to face. Looks like the Arcame guys are more democratic than the Unified government. Not that it mattered a lot, but if that's the plot, then it's a badly decided one. And...the boss Beevee Liscar is back again. AND WTF SOLDIERS YOU CAN'T DO A PROPER JOB OF SHOOTING DOWN EVEN ONE PERSON??? What gives... And the trust of the commanders...effectively are lost too. All this while, with Ray Dawn, Liscar and Arcame at the helm, the enemy has all the cards on their hands. The final turning point before the 2nd cour. And I have no shame to spell this series out of the shelf. UGH CLASS... I am sorry did you just assume Ray Dawn is in cohorts with bad guys? You are in for a MAJOR surprise next episode, then. Also about an underworld mafia organization being democratic... You sure you understand the language you watching this series in? Arcame has nothing to do with democracy even remotely - it is a wild card faction, considering the information given in the series up until now. The "democratic" thinking belongs to Hybranz, the one who staged the whole coup d'etat. He does not care about democracy, given his wording. He wants to see the world advance rapidly because the access to fairies would become unrestricted, meaning murderers like Liscar get to have a fairy, and geniuses like that guy who developed artificial fairies would have more freedom to work with fairies. You do not seem to grasp the ideas here further than the first dimension, taking everything at a face value. Or at least you are making it sound as such. Not that I'm too lazy to even cover this at face value, but when it comes to politics, nothing gets more confusing than this. Sure, I could go and rewatch the entire series from scratch, then do the overarching stuff of connecting the dots, even if now we're almost at the halfway-point. Via the way you mentioned it, I already knew that I have lost track of everything since the beginning, and don't intend to rebut any further. Because this already has the hallmarks of a bad show. It's a series. Not exactly a bad one, but I would not sing it praises either. You are missing out some experience by not paying enough attention, but you are slightly justified in that the series does not try well enough either. |
Re:formed |
Jun 18, 2019 12:05 PM
I wonder what happened to the last Fairy Weapon that was in the basement...all that security and for it to be gone now. If I had to guess Veronica probably has it but we will see. We know at least 5 people with the Fairy Weapons. Free, Nein, Ray Dawn, Diese, and LISCAR! So there's two more we dont know about yea? |
Listen to my podcast Follow my twitch. Winter 2525 Waifus on Profile "You can have multiple Waifus" -me |
Jun 18, 2019 1:05 PM
Another meh episode that focuses on too many things all at once just to end up all over the place. I still have hope. |
Jun 18, 2019 3:54 PM
SoraSenpai said: I wonder what happened to the last Fairy Weapon that was in the basement...all that security and for it to be gone now. If I had to guess Veronica probably has it but we will see. We know at least 5 people with the Fairy Weapons. Free, Nein, Ray Dawn, Diese, and LISCAR! So there's two more we dont know about yea? Many people missed quite an obvious point there. But as many more keep on missing it I start questioning whether it is really that obvious, and not me just being superior. The weapon that disappeared belongs to Ray Dawn, Kal-o's (it was literally written on screen when the empty case was shown, Kal-o) Duke. Why was it shown? To hint that Ray Dawn is en route to the capital, to protect the Minister and the Emperor. He took the weapon to once again fight for peace like he did a decade ago. Eoussama said: Another meh episode that focuses on too many things all at once just to end up all over the place. I still have hope. I am positive our hopes will be answered with sick episode featuring Ray Dawn kicking those dumb mercenaries around, both morally and physically. |
Re:formed |
Jun 18, 2019 11:02 PM
Daniel_Naumov said: KANLen09 said: Daniel_Naumov said: TheDopplerEffect said: Daniel_Naumov said: TheDopplerEffect said: Daniel_Naumov said: TheDopplerEffect said: If this were a satire show, it would've been good. Nobody ever pulls most of the troops from the capital when a rebellion breaks out, that's just common sense. If anything, they tighten the defenses, as monarchs fear for their trones. Not even commenting on the superb "tactics" the bad guys were employing this episode, everyone knows that walking in a straight line is the best way of attacking, very formidable indeed. This show tries to be both serious and badass (which is already hard enough) and fails at both. Not the worst trainwreck I've seen, but a trainwreck nonetheless If we are talking history, it is a logical move to quickly subjugate rebellions until they gain more dangerous momentum. But here we are dealing with an overthrow attempt, meticulously planned out by many sides. Except for Prime Minister, everyone else in the capital is a bunch of complacent fools, further dulled by peace time. And even then they just did not have enough information to predict the involvement of Arcame, and the fact that deranged mercenaries under Liscar are being used by the revolting Hybranz as well. It makes sense the capital is in dire situation now, though there are other forces which can protect it besides the army and the wall-jumping female director of Dorothea. You could make that argument, but the peace lasted for like what, 9 years? I doubt this little time would make people complacent. If that was 20 or 30 years, then I'd get it, but those fighting in the streets right now are the very same people who were fighting in the war back then. The problems are the commanders. The Emperor could not care less for his empire, the General is an overly confident guy who once served as a soldier, but seemingly did nothing except for supporting peace, and is now just a glorified medal stand. It happened many times in history before. Do I have to quote every time here? Anyway, this is my other problem with the show, since I wish I knew who you're talking about. I wouldn't call myself the most devoted watcher, but it's not like I use this show as a background noise or something. I watch it and try my best to understand what's happening in every given moment. And while I understand the plot and some character motivations, I just couldn't remember any B or C character to save my life. They're introduced in a matter of secounds and then promptly set aside. Then there's character design. I've never had this problem of watchin a show and not (at least broadly) knowing who's on the screen Well as you can see neither I can remember their names. But they were mentioned like once both so whatever. I agree about this work of art being unrefinied, and yet I still find myself interested and enjoying the sheer amount of tropes, however amateur the work on shaping them into a decent narrative is. KANLen09 said: So a coup e'tat happens in a state. Not surprised given that prior episodes before with the whole whistle-blowing "Fairy Control" thing by Ted, this was a catalyst waiting to happen. So Arcame was behind all the fiasco, and the Duke Hybranz, Diese, just adds the fire to the fuel. With that, plans are underway to push back the traitor. Add another Fairy Weapon into the mix (of which the Dorothea female director now wields), this is quite a battle to face. Looks like the Arcame guys are more democratic than the Unified government. Not that it mattered a lot, but if that's the plot, then it's a badly decided one. And...the boss Beevee Liscar is back again. AND WTF SOLDIERS YOU CAN'T DO A PROPER JOB OF SHOOTING DOWN EVEN ONE PERSON??? What gives... And the trust of the commanders...effectively are lost too. All this while, with Ray Dawn, Liscar and Arcame at the helm, the enemy has all the cards on their hands. The final turning point before the 2nd cour. And I have no shame to spell this series out of the shelf. UGH CLASS... I am sorry did you just assume Ray Dawn is in cohorts with bad guys? You are in for a MAJOR surprise next episode, then. Also about an underworld mafia organization being democratic... You sure you understand the language you watching this series in? Arcame has nothing to do with democracy even remotely - it is a wild card faction, considering the information given in the series up until now. The "democratic" thinking belongs to Hybranz, the one who staged the whole coup d'etat. He does not care about democracy, given his wording. He wants to see the world advance rapidly because the access to fairies would become unrestricted, meaning murderers like Liscar get to have a fairy, and geniuses like that guy who developed artificial fairies would have more freedom to work with fairies. You do not seem to grasp the ideas here further than the first dimension, taking everything at a face value. Or at least you are making it sound as such. Not that I'm too lazy to even cover this at face value, but when it comes to politics, nothing gets more confusing than this. Sure, I could go and rewatch the entire series from scratch, then do the overarching stuff of connecting the dots, even if now we're almost at the halfway-point. Via the way you mentioned it, I already knew that I have lost track of everything since the beginning, and don't intend to rebut any further. Because this already has the hallmarks of a bad show. It's a series. Not exactly a bad one, but I would not sing it praises either. You are missing out some experience by not paying enough attention, but you are slightly justified in that the series does not try well enough either. OK, to be fair, I mean, we all tried to sieve out some silver lining out of this show. Amidst all that political nonsense with the mercenaries, dukes, ministers, the different mafia groups, both loyal and rebellious, I must admit that from my POV it was a sleaze to take the time and tie down all the chains that link together. To reaccount, the Black Fairy Tome arc was a bit convoluted, but at least it had something going for it. Now with the rebel/overthrow govt arc, the puzzle pieces are there, and we the audience have to piece the picture, with little to no sight in mind. Furthermore, it seems that the writers of the show really are just waiting for exposition to note down and give us the finer details while the action lays priority. If you're invested in this show, I don't blame you. There are always 2 sides to every coin, and unfortunately this is tails for me. P.S. Even as I re-account ANN episodic reviews, I still find myself very lost within the worldbuilding that is this show. |
Jun 19, 2019 5:02 PM
I honestly liked this episode despite the excessive music and the unbelievable aim of everyone in the unified empire's army. My favourite part was the whistling!!! We also saw Free do something that resembles cool and I hope we will see his full strength in the next episode. The episode could have been better but it was definitely very good compared to some that we have seen so far. |
Jun 19, 2019 5:13 PM
Zaugr said: This is so retarded now it's triggering me. I seriously hope Ao Jyumonji never touches another anime again. The guy can't write a good script to save his life, and it was naive of him and the studio to think he could just because he's written a popular novel. The two don't translate and this anime is such a good example of why--when writing a script for a show you need to keep in mind the visual storytelling as well, how it'll all actually look, feel and work in proper motion. And this show is such a blatant fail. I'm sure writing this the guy was super cuffed with how cool it all read, but man it really isn't cool watching it--where shit actually has to make sense to hold up. OH YEAH THIS DEFINITELY LOOKS LIKE A GATE THAT WOULD DEFINITELY WITHSTAND ""EVEN AN ONSLAUGHT OF TENS OF THOUSANDS"" YES SO HEAVILY REINFORCED AND ARMORED YES, DEFINITELY MAKES SENSE TO CONSIDER THIS ONE THE STRONGEST ALL THOSE 90% GLASS WINDOWS?? PFFFT LOOK AT THAT GATE THOUGH, ABSOLUTELY IMPENETRABLE Give it up for the most retarded, most un-intimidating antagonist this season tfw the only way you know how to make an antagonist come across as powerful and intimidating is having him deus ex machina survive (for absolutely no explainable reason) despite walking straight through and into the enemies line of fire for 20 minutes. You can tell this character is truly an experienced combat veteran. His walk is so scary too--I don't know what I'd do if he walked very slowly towards me, in a straight line unarmed, for 30 straight metres, while I'm behind cover on much higher ground with a gun and 20 other armed soldiers, and every single shot of the 100s we make misses him completely. Man such a scary scenario. Supreme storytelling. Where the fuck are these retards even aiming at? And damn why did no one ever think of this before!! This is such a superior tactic against those enemies of theirs that are hidden behind proper cover and can readily shoot over it. It's no wonder they reached the gate without any losses. Yeah. Stupid presumably-highly-trained-soldiers never expect the slow walk. Remember all those WW2 documentaries were the troops would walk very, very slowly over no mans land towards the enemies turf? You think it's hard to hit a moving target, but what about a very slowly moving target? The enemies just can't handle it. This isn't even scratching this show's or even this episode's stupidity by the way. You think this show is done introducing new people, groups, factions, relationships and all that yet? We're 11 episodes in and it's been non-stop introductions, one after the other with no time for really anything to get properly established and sit. It's so awfully messy and convoluted. If you want to make a grand epic you have to actually put the work in and build it all up, not spew it all out to the viewer as fast as you can to fast track to that point. I don't care about any of these groups or characters, does anyone? That death last episode was laughably weak, despite how heavy the show tried to make it. How many lines did we actually get from that guy...? What was his personality again? Oh, he was the big buff soldier guy with a surprising heart of gold? And?? Oh, that was literally it. HAHAHAHA. I love your sarcasm. You have pretty much summarised the anime. Once in awhile, I enjoy one aspect or another but its generally not a very a good anime. Very disappointing. |
Jun 20, 2019 10:29 AM
that guy whistling along with the ost in the background was so cool |
If you are going to disagree with me, don't bother talking to me. I will seriously hurt you! |
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