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Nov 18, 2017 6:22 AM

Nov 2011
I really love the character chemistry between Rei and Hina in this season/episode. It shows how much they care about each other. For Hina, the episode still explores more of her inner psychology and I thought it was neat with the way they did that.

Interesting to also see Takahashi make an appearance this episode.

The protrayal of Hina's feelings are really emotional and I have to admit that the VA did a great job at playing her character.
Nov 18, 2017 7:03 AM

Apr 2016
Takahashi saved Hina, although it was just a moment, she could smile again with this ball game!!!
Nov 18, 2017 8:00 AM

Dec 2014
That intro sequence was so sweet.

It was very interesting to hear Hina's pov about the class current situation; not to mention the way it was portrayed by SHAFT. Same when she vented at Rei.

It's good that Takahashi is there to help, where Rei can't be present. When he threw that fastball at that girl..priceless. He also knew the girl that was bullied, so he is not uninvolved in this situation.

This is probably going to take quite a while to fix and the face Hina had at the end was warrisome.
Nov 18, 2017 9:26 AM

Apr 2013
Wow, this episode was great again! Well done, Takahashi~ Hope, we get to see more of him.
Nov 18, 2017 10:06 AM

Mar 2008
Is the teacher really that fucking stupid to even think for a second that Hina wrote that on the chalkboard!? Someone needs to smack the shit out of the teacher and the bitches that keep bullying Hina.
AnimeJunkyNov 18, 2017 10:20 AM
Nov 18, 2017 10:07 AM

Apr 2016
Takahashi is man.

Was that what i think it was ? the expression of that teacher ? did she finally see ? the mistake she made.

This "arc" is just too good, need more.
Nov 18, 2017 10:12 AM

Dec 2014
Amazing episode, SHAFT is on fire. The imagery this episode was stunning.

Opening sequence was really nice and I like how Rei was trying to teach Hina shogi. I'm glad that Hina is slowly opening up to what's going on.

I'm so glad Takahashi showed up, the moment he showed up I was smiling. I think Rei did the right thing in telling him about the situation.
I loved the part where Takahashi threw the ball full force at those girls, that was so damn satisfying. Go Takahashi!!
I loved it when he said, it's good to show you have allies. xD

Hina's venting was portrayed in an amazing form and like Rei says, Hina is not just suffering, she's angry. She wants to show these girls who's boss and make them realize the error of their ways and that's good.Go Hina! I'm rooting for you

Loved the moment when Hina stood upto the teacher, the teacher got totally wrecked. I hope she can stop being stupid and open her eyes to what the situation actually is.

Also, I found it really funny when Rei was shouting, I'm gonna be the Pirate Newcomer king. xD
Lelouch0202Nov 18, 2017 11:22 AM
Nov 18, 2017 10:15 AM

Jun 2015
I love Hina's interactions with Kei and Takahashi. Kei is doing his best to win more matches. It's nice to see him show Hina how to play shogi. It was funny when Takahashi threw the baseball at the girls and they got scared. He knows what happened to Chiho. Hina doesn't know what to do about the bullying. It's infuriating to see her getting teased for hanging out with Takahashi. He's a great guy. I hope the teacher finally realized the mistake she made for ignoring Hina.
Nov 18, 2017 10:24 AM

May 2009
First episode of the season that felt like a waste. Kiriyama basically doing nothing for Hina, while it's getting worse. But, hopefully the final scene hints that will change. I hope the next episode gives us some relief regarding this whole debacle.
Nov 18, 2017 10:46 AM

Sep 2013
Hina really is a good girl. Though not much happened this week.
Nov 18, 2017 11:12 AM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
That teacher is a bloody disgrace to her profession and a conflict shy coward. How could she even begin to assume that Hina would write that about herself? Idiot. Bullying can cost lives if it's not tackled early and head on.
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

Nov 18, 2017 11:22 AM
Former AMQ God

Sep 2014
Just fantastic. Unfair to every other series that is airing this season.

Hierarchy in school is something i can somewhat relate to as there has been such in my school though not to this extent. To Hina understandably it's incomprehensible how others can do that to another human being. The bullies mostly do it to feel good about themselves.

Takahashi is back, i hoped that he would come into play since Hina likes him and he has always been a very good guy. He's the only one in class who talks about Chiho and is reminiscing about her together with Hina. That must have been such a relief for her, one guy in school enough for her not to feel utterly alone there.

Got goosebumps with Hina being upset with herself, she doesn't know at all what to do. Glad that Rei is a pillar for her at this time, just listening to her thoughts.

Hina likely got the morale boost from him and Takahashi when he gave the bullies a scare with the ball throw. The teacher not wanting to acknowledge what's going on trying to put the blame on Hina was utterly disgusting. Grow a backbone FFS. Good on Hina to fight back, i'm really worried though what the bullies will do now.
Nov 18, 2017 11:22 AM

Jun 2014
I'm happy to see Takahashi back and doing whatever he can to help Hina in this situation. His intimidation tactic with the fastball was satisfying to see. That useless teacher really is a piece of shit, because yeah it would definitely make a lot of sense for Hina to write that on the board about herself. Fucking idiot, hopefully she wakes up and stops brushing off the bullying by blaming the victim. And at some point I hope the girls doing the bullying face punishment as well.
People on MAL refuse to actually enjoy watching anime.

Your taste in anime isn't a personality trait.

MAL is literally just anime Twitter as its own website lol.

Nov 18, 2017 11:30 AM

Jul 2013
That teacher is a total incompetent, she is too afraid to confront the problem she even accused Hina to be the one who wrote all those things about herself in the board. I loved how Hina wasn't crying and maintained a serene position in that scene, as a way of saying the teacher "I told you".

Takahashi is the best. I wish he would had smacked the ball in the face of that stupid bully, is the least she deserves.

The scene of Hina ranting in front of Rei about how much she wants to make the bullies pay for what they did to Chiyo was amazing, both in visuals (Shaft is incredible) and voice acting. So was Rei monologue at the end of the episode.
Nov 18, 2017 11:33 AM

Sep 2017

Excellent episode, AMAZING voice acting and astounding visuals, as expected. Hina's monologue near the end is one heartfelt speech that absolutely broke me. It looks like things might escalate a bit further next episode, so let's see where that goes.

Takahashi, you da man! Those bitches need a serious smacking!
Nov 18, 2017 11:45 AM
Jul 2018
Guys like Takahashi can save the world~ Ah God bless, he's simply amazing. Hina's personal bodyguard in the school environment.
Since we are at Hina, seems like her situation is getting worse in some way. At this point, a solution must be found asap. The bubble piles up with water, it will burst one day and that ain't gonna be good.
Nov 18, 2017 12:07 PM

Apr 2014
We dont deserve 6 perfect episodes in a row. And not just from a narrative sense but the visuals are up a notch completely from last season.

SHAFT seems to have gotten comfortable, well Okada Kenjirou the director seems to have stopped walking on eggshells. He just wants to turn up the style, unlike the first season. The first season was soo tamed man this is a visually exciting season. I don't know what else to say but the progress of the series is insanely well done. Not going to summarize the episode.

Hopefully for a few more weeks with this arc. I heard someone say it will go on for like a whole cour. If so the next cour will be interesting. 1/4 of the show has aired.
Nov 18, 2017 12:14 PM

Sep 2007
Like a certain character said on another TV show, "ANGRY GETS SHIT DONE"
Nov 18, 2017 12:37 PM
Nov 2016
Aaaargh, I hate those Bullies so much.

Takahashi returned this episode and seems like the meltdown for the teacher is nearing.
Nov 18, 2017 12:55 PM

Jan 2014
Geez. These bullies are relentless. And that teacher is too scared to do anything.

Three things cannot be long hidden..
...the s u n, the m oo n, and the tr u th.

Nov 18, 2017 1:27 PM

Dec 2012
Another great episode.

Nice of Rei to look out for Hina & play some shogi.

Takahasi is such a great guy looking out for Hina. Those bitches need to get disciplined.

After seeing that message on the board, hopefully the teacher does something.

"I’ve set myself to become the King of the Pirates…and if I die trying…then at least I tried!" Monkey D. Luffy (One Piece)

Nov 18, 2017 1:27 PM

May 2012
Oh it's time to fight back! Rei is there, Takahashi is there and most of all, Hina isn't just gonna sit back and let those bullies do their thing.
Teacher finally starting to realize the situation, too.

Chiho proven again and again that she's a sweet child. Hope she'll get better.
Nov 18, 2017 1:32 PM

Nov 2015
Some very beautiful animated moments this week.

But yeah this teacher is horrible. Does anyone else wish Hina's grandfather would head over to that school and do some serious talking to the principal and the teacher? It should be painfully obvious to anyone that this is beyond just someone being overly sensitive.
Nov 18, 2017 1:48 PM

Sep 2009
Farabeuf said:
That teacher is a bloody disgrace to her profession and a conflict shy coward. How could she even begin to assume that Hina would write that about herself? Idiot. Bullying can cost lives if it's not tackled early and head on.

AnimeJunky said:
Is the teacher really that fucking stupid to even think for a second that Hina wrote that on the chalkboard!? Someone needs to smack the shit out of the teacher and the bitches that keep bullying Hina.

She is not stupid, just a coward. She thinks that it is safer to just cover all bulling than risking her position.
Nov 18, 2017 2:05 PM

Feb 2015
I wonder if the teacher is related to the teacher from Koe no Katachi, handles bullying the same way.
Nov 18, 2017 2:14 PM
#1 Hitagi Lover

Apr 2014
Another nice episode. Really liked how Hina handles the bullying against her like a champ and it's nice that she at least has Takahashi to talk to. I hope those bullies get punished soon.

Very excited for the next episode.
Nov 18, 2017 2:42 PM
Oct 2017
Tomoebi said:
I wonder if the teacher is related to the teacher from Koe no Katachi, handles bullying the same way.

They are both Japanese and homeroom teachers so that's why they behave the same way.
Nov 18, 2017 3:15 PM

May 2013
It was so obvious what was gonna happen when I saw Takahashi showed up, I knew at some point Rei was gonna ask for his help. It felt amazing seeing how the teacher reacted when she saw the board, the short flashback of her friends absences was amazing, it made the teacher 2nd thought about bullying no doubt about it. It was even more amazing seeing how Hina reacted, hopefully she finds a way. I hope her reaction wasn't the kind of reaction like I'm broken, I don't care anymore. It felt more like I'll fight them bullies head on with a game plan. Learning more about Hina just amazes me even more, she genuine loves the people she loves being able to get that angry and wanting to rip them apart and taking revenge, I really felt like she was the kind, strong, forgiving person, but this ep gave us more of her character. looking forward for the next ep.
Nov 18, 2017 3:15 PM

Dec 2015
Stay strong hina , that teacher will need to see about the bullying sooner or later
And fcking perverted bitches , even they are drooling over takahashi as well
Looking forward for next episode
Nov 18, 2017 3:19 PM
Apr 2016
I would like to once again point everyone's attention at the fact that this is not a fiction but a reality for moden Japanese society, schools in particular. And there are usually not enough heroes on km^2 to stand up against this scourge. I am really delighted this series is airing... well, worldwide, so that many people get enlightened on the subject some more.
For those who would like some more already, take a look at "Solomon's Perjury", the Japanese one.
Also raise your flag.
Nov 18, 2017 3:55 PM

May 2016
DAAAAAMN! Hina activated MASTERMIND MODE there at the end and played both the bullies and the teacher like a fiddle. LOVE IT!
HyperLNov 18, 2017 4:00 PM
You are not your body, you are your brain, the "self" that emerges from within it.
Nov 18, 2017 4:15 PM

Dec 2012
This bit just.. killed me inside honestly, the first season was already good, and the second season managed to hit up a big notch, Hina best girl
"Only one with the courage
to shoulder the burden
of their own fate can
be called a hero.."

Nov 18, 2017 5:25 PM
Jul 2018
The entire teacher situation is something I can actually relate to because this type of shit happened so consistently back around Elementary school, which for my luck my mom knew the evidence and made them see the light of what's going on. In this case however, I like the overall direction of this, and somewhat showing how bullies are like and how teachers would be blinded and blame the victim instead. Or thinking. It's rather realistic, so to speak.
Nov 18, 2017 5:46 PM

Jul 2014
x3mslayer said:
First episode of the season that felt like a waste. Kiriyama basically doing nothing for Hina, while it's getting worse. But, hopefully the final scene hints that will change. I hope the next episode gives us some relief regarding this whole debacle.

What? Rei explained the situation to Takahashi, and he spends time playing shogi with Hina in order to comfort her and make her talk about school. School harassment is a complex problem involving many people, there's no easy solution, that's the point of this entire arc. That's not GTO, you can't solve everything with a punchline and a few kicks in the ass.
Nov 18, 2017 6:05 PM

Dec 2015
Kind getting tired with this arc, it's not bad, but I'm just tired of bullying arcs in anime.
"At some point, I stopped hoping."
Nov 18, 2017 6:48 PM

Apr 2014
joe_g7 said:
Kind getting tired with this arc, it's not bad, but I'm just tired of bullying arcs in anime.
then drop it for 10 episodes and come back
Nov 18, 2017 7:00 PM
Sep 2015
IT'S REALLY A BEAUTIFUL EPISODE. Instant put Hina in my favorite list
Nov 18, 2017 7:00 PM

Dec 2015
moodie said:
joe_g7 said:
Kind getting tired with this arc, it's not bad, but I'm just tired of bullying arcs in anime.
then drop it for 10 episodes and come back
Nahh, I may skip a few scenes in an episode if I'm bored, but skipping half of the anime is too much.
"At some point, I stopped hoping."
Nov 18, 2017 7:55 PM

Feb 2014
That face Hina made at the end though

Nov 18, 2017 8:16 PM

Mar 2016
I love Hina. She may think that she is weak because she can't do anything about the situation with Chiho and herself, but she is so strong to be able to stand her ground and not succumb to those b*.
I have a feeling the teacher is going to tell her to just go along with whatever's happening or she thinks she just wants attention because the teacher didn't do anything about Chiho. I certainly hope my assumptions are wrong and they will figure out something to solve the current issue. These type of situations are always hard to deal with.
Nov 18, 2017 9:22 PM

Jan 2013
Fantastic episode, as this arc has been. Interesting ending.
Hopefully there's a satisfying resolution.
Nov 18, 2017 10:01 PM

Sep 2013

This season has been absolutely fantastic and for 3 straight episodes it's been amazing. This arc is hands down the best one of this series thus far.

Glad to see Hina getting an ally but it only added fuel to the fire. Adolescent girls are total bitches...can we just send Rei to rip off their limbs now?

And I'm happy to see that the stupid old teacher realize that she's letting this go on for far too long...hopefully she does something about it. Though her asking Hina if she wrote that herself was the dumbest question. I really hope that teacher doesn't ignore it this time too.

Anyways, I hope things get resolved soon, I can't stand seeing sweet Hina be like this anymore. She's slowly turning into someone who is filled with hate rather than sorrow. That look in her eyes makes me worried that she might actually seek vengeance.

Nov 18, 2017 11:17 PM

Aug 2015
I hope Hina loses it at the teacher in front of all the other teachers in the faculty office.
Nov 18, 2017 11:37 PM

Nov 2007

Stay Home and Wash Your Hands.
Protect Yourself. Protect Your Loved Ones.
Protect Your Community and Help Defeat
Nov 19, 2017 12:33 AM

Jan 2008
Excellent episode. I hope that the bitches get what they deserve for bullying Hina! Takahashi was great to play catch with her and be on her side.
Nov 19, 2017 2:08 AM
Sep 2015
Yoshimasa Hosoya plays the role of baseball player who save the day again!
Nov 19, 2017 2:16 AM

Jul 2014
Another fantastic episode, and a welcome return for Takahashi (who I'm ashamed to say I honestly forgot even existed). This bullying arc is this show at its best, and Hina's mix of pain and rage is extremely realistic, and was brilliantly presented and executed. In any case, it was impressive to see her rise above her frustration and leave the irrefutable evidence of the bullying on the blackboard, despite how embarrassing it must have been for her; the moment that the teacher realised that Hina had been telling the truth before, alongside what's happening now, was excellent as well, and it's going to be very interesting to see just what happens next on that front.
Nov 19, 2017 2:36 AM
Jul 2018
Hopefully things will get better for Hina cause this is one hella of a situation where you're being bullied and the teacher couldn't care less.

I know it's not right thing but I sure hope something awful happens to those three girls. I just wanted to rant and act like Godzilla.
Nov 19, 2017 6:12 AM

May 2017
Hina's VA really impressive in this episode, such an emotional portrayal of how Hina is feeling. Takahashi knows what's up, glad to see him back.
Nov 19, 2017 7:43 AM

Jul 2014
what a useless teacher, somebody needs to punch her in the face so she actually realize and start to do something about the problem, and also glad to see Takahashi back and showing that Hina still have person who cares about her at school..

Looks like Hina is already in her limit, can't wait to see what will happen in the next episode, those bitches really need to be wiped out..
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