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Jul 20, 2019 1:06 AM

Feb 2016
depression hits me from time to time
just gotta stay busy and you'll be better
(i said good at first but that's not true)
“The world is full of nice people. If you can't find one, be one.”
― Nishan Panwar
8=D ~ O:
Jul 20, 2019 11:04 AM

Dec 2016
HopefulNihilist said:
Veronin said:
None as far as I'm aware. Mental disorders are more an angsty teen sort of thing which you grow out of.

There is no such thing as "growing out of" mental disorders: mental disorders stick with you for life.

MeisterDM said:
Veronin said:
None as far as I'm aware. Mental disorders are more an angsty teen sort of thing which you grow out of.

The amount of ignorance and insensitivity in this post is astounding.

veronin may not have said it in the best way, but there is some truth to their words. with the increase of awareness in regards to mental disorders, a lot of teenagers do self-diagnose (for a variety of reasons) and they 'grow out of this' as they change, and develop, during puberty. there are always those who say they have a mental disorder without necessarily actually having it.

in addition, a scary number of disorders in the dsm have little evidence supporting their existence, and various disorders have been retracted from the dsm over time. if someone claimed to have had one of those disorders, which now 'no longer exists', did they ever have a mental disorder?
AnimeFreak-San said:
is this a male gender issure...human issue...mental illness perhaps?
Jul 20, 2019 11:14 AM

Jan 2019
Eating disorders. Kinda surprised this one hasn't come up yet, but thats what I deal with. In living with it, its actually much more of a spectrum than I had previously understood... Binging, bulimia, anorexia ... they swing like mood does and can adapt with your overall mental stability, depending on what kind of week or month one is having... In a sense, suffering from "disorderly eating" might be a better way of explaining it.

Quick shout out to everyone who has a hard time existing with the various types of obstacles that one can live with. You aren't alone, therapy and medication are available, and remember to take care as often as you can... It may not seem worth the effort to take care, but thats all ya can do ... stay strong, folks.

much love
Jul 20, 2019 11:38 AM

Mar 2015
Depression and social anxiety are the only diagnosed ones. I'm starting to think I might have bipolar disorder too but I'm not doctor so maybe I'm just overthinking it.
Jul 20, 2019 12:01 PM

Nov 2013
photophobic said:
HopefulNihilist said:

There is no such thing as "growing out of" mental disorders: mental disorders stick with you for life.

MeisterDM said:

The amount of ignorance and insensitivity in this post is astounding.

veronin may not have said it in the best way, but there is some truth to their words. with the increase of awareness in regards to mental disorders, a lot of teenagers do self-diagnose (for a variety of reasons) and they 'grow out of this' as they change, and develop, during puberty. there are always those who say they have a mental disorder without necessarily actually having it.

in addition, a scary number of disorders in the dsm have little evidence supporting their existence, and various disorders have been retracted from the dsm over time. if someone claimed to have had one of those disorders, which now 'no longer exists', did they ever have a mental disorder?

do you have any specific phobias? guess what, it's an anxiety disorder, which falls into being a mental disorder. a high number of the population have some sort of specific phobia. when they graduate from high school they should automatically rid themselves of it, almost like a leveling system where you gain new gear that has a immunity to it. life isn't a video game i'm afraid.

as mental health has become more prominent, yeah, it has attracted chameleons more than willing to don cloaks of mental illness to disguise behaivours. but that in itself could indicate some form of mental illness anyway, but perhaps not the one they're projecting. it's manipulative and awful, and only serves to prolong and deepen the stigma surrounding mental health. but it's not a reason to be ignorant for those who are influenced day to day by some disorder.

bettie from your office may say she has OCD because she enjoys keeping her desk clean. this damages the view people have of ocd and almost trivialises it down to amusing elements. they don't hear about the compulsions/obsessions that drive people to suicide because of something you might not even consider - for instance someone who can't cope with v neck sweaters (there's a story online about that one!)

regarding your commentary on the dsm, don't forget homosexuality used to be in it. it's good, but not great, it's marred by so much controversy. some rather than being stripped from root, have simply come under another branch. they're hesistant to put loads of things in it because they're not sure whether the condition is caused by several underlying disorders that may already be classified. there's major concerns about internet/video game addiction but they won't include them.

there's already enough content on here to fill /r/iamverysmart/ just quit while you're both behind

noah9999 said:
Eating disorders. Kinda surprised this one hasn't come up yet, but thats what I deal with. In living with it, its actually much more of a spectrum than I had previously understood... Binging, bulimia, anorexia ... they swing like mood does and can adapt with your overall mental stability, depending on what kind of week or month one is having... In a sense, suffering from "disorderly eating" might be a better way of explaining it.

Quick shout out to everyone who has a hard time existing with the various types of obstacles that one can live with. You aren't alone, therapy and medication are available, and remember to take care as often as you can... It may not seem worth the effort to take care, but thats all ya can do ... stay strong, folks.

much love

when i was training for a role in mental health (unsure if it's still accurate) but at the time eating disorders had the highest mortality rate, and that many people did not understand them whatsoever - just focusing on the food, rather than the control involved. but, i guess if we go with dumb and dumber above they were just angsty teens who didn't know better
the official MAL hall of fame/cursed comments is now open for business - you are welcome to PM me any potential quotes to include
Jul 20, 2019 1:21 PM

Jan 2019
Sad said:
photophobic said:

veronin may not have said it in the best way, but there is some truth to their words. with the increase of awareness in regards to mental disorders, a lot of teenagers do self-diagnose (for a variety of reasons) and they 'grow out of this' as they change, and develop, during puberty. there are always those who say they have a mental disorder without necessarily actually having it.

in addition, a scary number of disorders in the dsm have little evidence supporting their existence, and various disorders have been retracted from the dsm over time. if someone claimed to have had one of those disorders, which now 'no longer exists', did they ever have a mental disorder?

do you have any specific phobias? guess what, it's an anxiety disorder, which falls into being a mental disorder. a high number of the population have some sort of specific phobia. when they graduate from high school they should automatically rid themselves of it, almost like a leveling system where you gain new gear that has a immunity to it. life isn't a video game i'm afraid.

as mental health has become more prominent, yeah, it has attracted chameleons more than willing to don cloaks of mental illness to disguise behaivours. but that in itself could indicate some form of mental illness anyway, but perhaps not the one they're projecting. it's manipulative and awful, and only serves to prolong and deepen the stigma surrounding mental health. but it's not a reason to be ignorant for those who are influenced day to day by some disorder.

bettie from your office may say she has OCD because she enjoys keeping her desk clean. this damages the view people have of ocd and almost trivialises it down to amusing elements. they don't hear about the compulsions/obsessions that drive people to suicide because of something you might not even consider - for instance someone who can't cope with v neck sweaters (there's a story online about that one!)

regarding your commentary on the dsm, don't forget homosexuality used to be in it. it's good, but not great, it's marred by so much controversy. some rather than being stripped from root, have simply come under another branch. they're hesistant to put loads of things in it because they're not sure whether the condition is caused by several underlying disorders that may already be classified. there's major concerns about internet/video game addiction but they won't include them.

there's already enough content on here to fill /r/iamverysmart/ just quit while you're both behind

noah9999 said:
Eating disorders. Kinda surprised this one hasn't come up yet, but thats what I deal with. In living with it, its actually much more of a spectrum than I had previously understood... Binging, bulimia, anorexia ... they swing like mood does and can adapt with your overall mental stability, depending on what kind of week or month one is having... In a sense, suffering from "disorderly eating" might be a better way of explaining it.

Quick shout out to everyone who has a hard time existing with the various types of obstacles that one can live with. You aren't alone, therapy and medication are available, and remember to take care as often as you can... It may not seem worth the effort to take care, but thats all ya can do ... stay strong, folks.

much love

when i was training for a role in mental health (unsure if it's still accurate) but at the time eating disorders had the highest mortality rate, and that many people did not understand them whatsoever - just focusing on the food, rather than the control involved. but, i guess if we go with dumb and dumber above they were just angsty teens who didn't know better

Appreciate your thoughts, Sad ... I think in general, the level of cognizance one can have about the prevalence of mental disorders in our current society, mixed with the consistent exposure to the vocabulary and symptoms in media CAN encourage a group of people to misuse the language and subscribe to a disorder without fully realizing its implications...

... but that doesn't deny the fact that the mental health spectrum is one the should be taken seriously, and the smarter and more aware people become, the more complex that spectrum gets. There are so many different types of people, the types of mental states one can lie in are still being discovered and the exploration is currently underway... Progress has been made, but it will be a struggle indefinitely.

Eating disorders with the highest mortality rate? I've never heard the connection between the two... I've never thought about people dying from that type of behavior.. I wonder if its mortality in the sense of suicide? Or mortality in the sense that their life expectancy is shorter after the damage done to their body?

Eating disorders are hard for people to grasp... Myself included! I think people look at it as a stigma because the "choice" to eat properly is too "logical" or "easy" to be subject to the likes of a mental illness. In a similar fashion to addiction disorders, often times the response is "well they shouldn't have done heroin in the first place." , or whatever drug of choice... and though responsibility is important to have, it isn't always that simple.

Also, i feel like a lot of people minimize the cause for eating disorders to only people that are obsessed with their body image... Most popularly, I feel like when people think of bulimia, they first assume people (probably women) who are obsessed with becoming as thin as possible after undergoing the unfortunate and repressive stress of the beauty standards that are placed on women... And though that can be a very real situation, that isn't the only way it can arise.. I do have trouble with my body image, but the physical act of engaging in the eating disorder is rarely directly linked to an obsessive impulse of becoming thinner. More often, it is an act self-mutilation in the wake of embarrassment, self-hatred, or some other overwhelming confusion or lack of purpose... the body "craves" an outlet to mimic the emotional framework that one is in... And while the body is constantly needing food, becoming more or less hungry on a momentary basis, food can be a convenient way to easily harm oneself and conceal the scars from your friends, family, and public at large. Its no wonder that, for me and others in that framework, cutting oneself can go hand in hand with eating disorders. For me, the impulse feels very similar and the reward is in taking complete control (or at least an unfortunate attempt) of the situation. You're right, Sad, the control part of it is the most invasive part for many sufferers, and has little to do with the actual food itself.

The maturity of a teenager can put their behaviors into question, and those behaviors will develop in some way into adulthood... but even the angstiest of teens are exhibiting their emotions and impulses in the most appropriate way they see fit, and thus their nature is just as legitimate as an adults. Yo, if you're gonna make the choice to exist, you gotta act in that existence, no matter what logic seems to be the best... in some cases, it can be a little faulty because of some unfortunate stuff they've run into as kids.. only time will tell how those things develop.

I'll quit after this, but wanted to mention a couple books that are enlightening.

Lighter Than My Shadow by Katie Green (a graphic novel that is very touching)
Cravings by Judy Collins (an eloquent and open depiction from a thoughtful, and famous singer songwriter)
The Body Keeps The Score by Bessel van der Kolk (specifically centered toward analyzing trauma, but a unique and open-minded way of expanding the conversation for most people to relate to in some way)
keap3Jul 20, 2019 1:40 PM
Jul 20, 2019 2:19 PM
Mob Character C

Oct 2009
I don't think I've been diagnosed with anything except like asthma.
My asthma doesn't bother me much, but sometimes if I'm not careful it can up the risk of catching pneumonia-- of which one time I did.
Actually, now that I think of it, I was having a really bad constant coughing problem last year. My asthma hardly bothers me so I'm only realizing now that it was probably my asthma acting up. Whoops.

As far as I know, I don't have anything else, but I don't think I've ever really been checked mentally or physically recently. For the mental part, I wouldn't even know how to really go about that, to be honest. A lot of my professors from my previous college always told us to check though.

Enjoy your anime! | Witch Cafe Wisteria
Jul 20, 2019 2:29 PM

Apr 2018
Well apparently now I have gaming disorder. But yeah all I do is sit on my chair and be on the pc.
Jul 20, 2019 2:38 PM

Dec 2012
I believe I have ADHD, I have most of the symptoms and been there long time.

Of course I went to psychologist once because my mom couldn't bear anymore to see me moving my hands all the time, stratching something, tearing skin off my hand. Psychologist said I'm just more sensitive to anxiety to others which I don't think that was it but who knows.
Jul 20, 2019 3:23 PM

Feb 2008
-epilepsy -dyscalcula
Depression/ anxiety /social anxiety/ ptsd /ADHD
Occasional very rare occurances of dissasosiation
-I have a lot of symptoms of autism but they don't diagnose aspergers anymore, it's not in the DSM5 but even then theyve always been weird about diagnosing girls. so getting a diagnosis is actually impossible.
GummyShoesJul 22, 2019 9:53 AM
Jul 20, 2019 5:01 PM

Oct 2014
As far as I know, just ADHD. There's mild anxiety and depression like most, if not all people, but I wouldn't consider it something I suffer from. Sometimes people end up in dark places, but find their way out of them. Mostly, anyway.
Jul 20, 2019 5:11 PM
Jul 2018
Nithirel said:
As far as I know, just ADHD. There's mild anxiety and depression like most, if not all people, but I wouldn't consider it something I suffer from. Sometimes people end up in dark places, but find their way out of them. Mostly, anyway.

I agree. Even though living with ADD, APD, and a degree of social anxiety definitely makes life a little harder, I wouldn't say I suffer from it.
Saying someone suffers from a disorder, to me, implies that disorder is severe.
Jul 20, 2019 5:21 PM

May 2013
HopefulNihilist said:
Nithirel said:
As far as I know, just ADHD. There's mild anxiety and depression like most, if not all people, but I wouldn't consider it something I suffer from. Sometimes people end up in dark places, but find their way out of them. Mostly, anyway.

I agree. Even though living with ADD, APD, and a degree of social anxiety definitely makes life a little harder, I wouldn't say I suffer from it.
Saying someone suffers from a disorder, to me, implies that disorder is severe.

Anybody can get diagnosed with a disorder if they say the right things. My teachers used to say I had ADD, but I refused to go to the doctor for it hahah.
And what I assume you shall assume,
For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you.
Jul 21, 2019 3:48 AM
Lewd Depresso

Jul 2008
no idea... if ever finally decide to go to specialist. I'll see what list will be written.
Jul 21, 2019 11:12 AM
Jul 2018
Gan_water said:
HopefulNihilist said:

I agree. Even though living with ADD, APD, and a degree of social anxiety definitely makes life a little harder, I wouldn't say I suffer from it.
Saying someone suffers from a disorder, to me, implies that disorder is severe.

Anybody can get diagnosed with a disorder if they say the right things. My teachers used to say I had ADD, but I refused to go to the doctor for it hahah.

I experienced it like three times that teachers wanted to see kids with much energy to see the doctor and take ritalin... basically to shut up. Their parents had bad gut feelings and didn't give them the ritalin. Instead the kids joined sports clubs etc and that was perfect for them.
I mean, ADHD / ADD definitely exists, but it became a "take this drugs to shut the fuck up"-diagnosis for every lively and tiring kid or just full of energy or for kids, who can't focus too long.
Jul 21, 2019 11:17 AM

May 2013
Maneki-Mew said:
Gan_water said:

Anybody can get diagnosed with a disorder if they say the right things. My teachers used to say I had ADD, but I refused to go to the doctor for it hahah.

I experienced it like three times that teachers wanted to see kids with much energy to see the doctor and take ritalin... basically to shut up. Their parents had bad gut feelings and didn't give them the ritalin. Instead the kids joined sports clubs etc and that was perfect for them.
I mean, ADHD / ADD definitely exists, but it became a "take this drugs to shut the fuck up"-diagnosis for every lively and tiring kid or just full of energy or for kids, who can't focus too long.

Yeah and it's true that Ritalin/Adderal makes you way better at school, but I just don't think it's worth it. It turns you into a zombie *_____*
And what I assume you shall assume,
For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you.
Jul 21, 2019 11:20 AM

Jan 2009


The Rosenhan experiment or Thud experiment was an experiment conducted to determine the validity of psychiatric diagnosis. The experimenters feigned hallucinations to enter psychiatric hospitals, and acted normally afterwards.

Psychiatric diagnosis 'scientifically meaningless'


thats true for neurosis (mild none psychotic illnesses) they should not give drugs at all (talk therapy like CBT is enough)
Jul 21, 2019 11:25 AM

Dec 2013
I don't have anything personally but I wish all the best for the people in this thread.
Jul 21, 2019 11:33 AM
Jul 2018
Gan_water said:
Maneki-Mew said:

I experienced it like three times that teachers wanted to see kids with much energy to see the doctor and take ritalin... basically to shut up. Their parents had bad gut feelings and didn't give them the ritalin. Instead the kids joined sports clubs etc and that was perfect for them.
I mean, ADHD / ADD definitely exists, but it became a "take this drugs to shut the fuck up"-diagnosis for every lively and tiring kid or just full of energy or for kids, who can't focus too long.

Yeah and it's true that Ritalin/Adderal makes you way better at school, but I just don't think it's worth it. It turns you into a zombie *_____*

It might be true that as well, but I think so many are over-diagnosed, also with dyslexia. Some people could see the doctor for ten, fifteen minutes, sometimes even once, and then they get a diagnosis.
Jul 21, 2019 12:42 PM

Mar 2018
I shiver when it’s cold and I sweat when it’s hot. I need help :(
Help stop the spread of Korean propaganda (KPrOP) and sign this petition!
Jul 21, 2019 5:25 PM

Jul 2007
I'm autistic and have a multitude of personality disorders.
"There's a huge difference between one and infinity.
However, compared to the difference between
existence and non-existence, one and infinite are
nearly the same. I am the child destined to become
the best witch... no... The greatest Creator in the world...!"
-Maria Ushiromiya

Jul 23, 2019 10:44 PM
Jul 2018
god knows I've probably made the mistake of divulging it fully multiple instances; I have a tendency to swing my moods around, was once confirmed cluster bpd but with new diagnoses that's kind of a wavering opinion, have no sense of focus at all

oh I also despise gaining weight and don't want to weigh more than 130 lbs if I can help it or else I will probably die

TL;DR am messed up person
Jul 23, 2019 11:44 PM

Mar 2018
I poop out of my butt instead of my mouth
Help stop the spread of Korean propaganda (KPrOP) and sign this petition!
Jul 24, 2019 2:09 AM
Aug 2016
Social anxiety *to a certain degree* and depression. That's all that I'm aware of, maybe there is something else that I don't know about.
Jul 24, 2019 3:57 AM

Jul 2019
I have had Aspergers syndrome (a form of autism) for my whole life. Thankfully it has gotten a lot better over time, but I'm still pretty shy and bad at dealing with social situations. And I also tend to get angry easily, which is a problem
Jul 24, 2019 5:15 AM

Jul 2015
HopefulNihilist said:
Veronin said:
None as far as I'm aware. Mental disorders are more an angsty teen sort of thing which you grow out of.

There is no such thing as "growing out of" mental disorders: mental disorders stick with you for life.
also incorrect. While your chances are looking bad with stuff like autism or schizophrenia, it is certainly possible to recover from PTSD, depression and anxiety disorders.

And many people do get better and can live their lives to the fullest. With the right therapist, it's a very achievable goal.
"my life at this state could be transposed into a pretty massive biography"

- Cneq, "the guy who was literally using BTC in 2012 to make deals in the first main instance of a digital itemized economy forming naturally in all human history (also the precursor of NFTs) and who had 20k+ total trades.", 23 years old

MAL's most prolific antivaxxer, Noboru.
Jul 24, 2019 6:30 AM

Nov 2016
Kinda relevant.

Disorders are kinda unavoidable these days. Pretty sure if I went for a Psych eval I'd come out with a list of my own, but none of them are bad enough to interfere with my normal functioning so I choose not to label them if I can work around them or simply fix them by following a healthy schedule.
Jul 24, 2019 9:53 AM

Jun 2016
Nice try, Department of Health and Human Services, you're not putting me in any psych ward!
Jul 24, 2019 10:12 AM
Jul 2018
Let's see, I recently decreased some of the medication I take, and the first thing that started to go was things like memory-retaining, and concentration. Not sure if this was just a withdrawal effect or whatever, but it quickly made me want to increase the dose again.

So depending on how low I go on the medication, I can experience increased ADD symptoms, auditory processing disorder, and things like increased social phobia/social interactivity paranoia.

Needless to say this can make it semi problematic to work in open job spaces, but I usually just brave them anyway.

On the right dosage of medication though all of these symptoms get better, especially the ones dealing with information retaining/memory/concentration/attention span, etc.
Jul 24, 2019 10:39 AM

Mar 2019
- Social anxiety
- Mild Autism (aspergers).
- Delayed Sleep Phase (I routinely go to sleep between 4:00-6:00 AM).
- Insomnia (related but not exactly the same as DSPD).
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jul 24, 2019 10:58 AM

Oct 2017
I was told that I had Asperger's a long time ago (I'm surprised how many have it here), but I've read up on it, the symptoms, and even have friends who have it, and in no way am I like them. I'm guessing that it's just because of my young age, my asocialness and awkwardness leading me to say and do things out of embarrassment instead that brought doctors to assume that. Also, my parents constantly going on about it and making excuses out of it. Like, if I were to balance on something for a long period of time, I'd get off of it the moment I find it awkward (even though I have good balance).

Organ problems: most likely from the intestine, bowel, I'm not too entirely sure and neither have any doctors ever known. It was most likely caused by a very prolonged seizure I had as a child. Either that or the random medicines they used or just having it from birth. It ruins my quality of life, is a hinderance, embarrassing, and also impossible some days to even walk around the place, plus a load of other things. When I was younger, I would feel like crushing whatever hurt in a way of helping the pain. Because some days, it absolutely is agony. And like I said, it's not researched into properly and I have no medical ways to help with it.

A high form of depression, BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder), anxiety, and insomnia which seems to come and go every now and then. None of those four have been confirmed but they're highly accurate, definitely the first two, but I just don't have the urge or commitment to go to see therapists or such. I'm not really fond of those people anyway, it seems pretty intimidating, especially if you're on your own.
BunilleJul 24, 2019 11:02 AM
Jul 24, 2019 11:18 AM
Sep 2017
HungryForQuality said:
Maneki-Mew said:

Yeah, but now I don't even care anymore how edgy this is. I care about how unscientific this shit is. It's like saying the earth is a disk.

The guy's been in Japan for a while. Maybe he hung around circles that think mental illness is a sham and he's bought into it? People don't take mental illness that seriously over there.

Thats not an excuse for spewing verbal diarrhea. His location says BC, Canada.

LeonhartAugustJul 24, 2019 11:24 AM
Jul 24, 2019 11:22 AM
Jul 2018
MeisterDM said:
HungryForQuality said:

The guy's been in Japan for a while. Maybe he hung around circles that think mental illness is a sham and he's bought into it? People don't take mental illness that seriously over there.

Thats not an excuse for spewing verbal diarrhea. His location says BC, Canada.

People like him deserve to suffer from mental disorders later in life.

Never said it was. I'm just wondering why he'd say such a thing. I guess I'm trying to understand the post since it kinda hurts me.
Jul 24, 2019 2:07 PM

May 2018
I have been diagnosed with ibs, its doesn't effect me too much, I don't have severe ibs or anything.

I also have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, but it mainly effected me when i was 11-13 years old. im much better now. you never are really "cured" from a mental illness, but i dont have to take medication anymore. i still have my episodes and moments though, but its less than twice a week which is super good.
Jul 24, 2019 2:12 PM

Mar 2008
Aside from depression and some sort of anxiety disorder I don't really know because I don't neatly fit in any condition perfectly. I've also had misdiagnosis before. I may or may not have ADD since I am unsure if that diagnoses was ever correct and only more recently actually have trouble focusing but that likely is from depression and anxiety.
Jul 24, 2019 2:14 PM

Jul 2014
I've got ADD and I've become increasingly highly strung in the past few years, so I suspect I may have an undiagonised anxiety disorder. I need to see a therapist about it before I can say anything for sure though.
Take care of yourself

Jul 24, 2019 2:32 PM

Jan 2019
I have been diagnosed with Anorexia Nervosa and it causes me to struggle with my body image quite a bit
"Those who hate themselves,

cannot love or trust others."

Jul 25, 2019 7:49 AM

Oct 2018
oof, where should I start on what the genetic lottery gave me?
-Hypermobility Spectrum Disorder (was misdiagnosed as Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome)

-Autism Spectrum Disorder (Asberger's Syndrome)
-mild OCD
-borderline depression
-Social Anxiety
Fleeting_DreamJul 25, 2019 7:53 AM
Dreaming 'bout long gone things;
Days, on end, repeating infinitely.
Like the inside of a never-ending dream,
Whilst looking for the endless morn...
Only to return to the dream again
Jul 25, 2019 2:58 PM

May 2013
probably just a sleep disorder since my sleep is pretty fucked up
insomnia sucks

Jul 25, 2019 6:01 PM

Jul 2016
i have more than i'd like to admit .-. i've been diagnosed several times but i still
have my doubts regarding a few idk. the most obvious thing i can note is that i am
probably not a particularly stable individual specifically regarding mental well-being.

grouper - no other

0:00 ●━━━━━━─────── 3:46


⁞⁞⁞ purple cause baal is my wife  ⁞⁞⁞
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