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What's your pronouns?
92 votes
Oct 1, 2021 10:17 AM

Oct 2015
I noticed some ppl on the internet got triggered a lot when discovering someone put pronouns in their bio... WHY?? It's their bio... Or I should I say, in the American way it would be "Their Property". Why do people like to trespass alot on other's property? Funny as well that I found some people use this as a way to dismiss other's opinion, which is actually a form of ad hominem.

I personally don't put my pronouns in my bio as I'm fine with any pronouns. In addition, my native language don't have gendered pronouns in the first place so I'm used with calling males, females, etc with the same pronoun.
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Oct 1, 2021 10:19 AM
Jul 2018
It's because the people who grew up in the previous generation are still upset about the safe spaces people build up, and having someone give their pronouns is just another way society is going in the wrong direction.

With that being said, I have no problem with it, as long as they're happy it isn't a big deal.
Oct 1, 2021 10:24 AM
Jul 2018
Having your pronouns in your bio isn't nherently bad but it's often associated with those annoying ass twitter leftists (which is why i removed mine lol)
Oct 1, 2021 10:27 AM

Jun 2016
People like to meme on things, and they also like to take jabs at people to make themselves feel better.

I'm honestly okay with putting she/her, he/him and they/them in bios, but creating completely new pronouns like xem/xer or whatever is pretty strange. They/them seems to be the perfect neutral pronoun and it's a tried and tested way to exclude grammatical gender in English. I know language is an evolving thing but most of the time that's confined to vocabulary, not grammar. It's hard to take too many liberties with grammar without running into a tower of Babel kinda scenario where people don't understand each other.
Pronouns in bios get a bad rep cause of some obnoxious twats though, especially on Twitter.

Thank fuck my native language is completely gender neutral though, so that's not a source of conflict here thankfully.
Oct 1, 2021 10:52 AM

Oct 2015
Frostwork said:
"Any/all" o_0 ? Seriously? And here I thought "they" is the latest phase of degradation. Whelp, trends are changing fast these days. What's next, I wonder? "None"? What a fucked up generation.
What's wrong with someone who don't mind being called he/she/they?
Oct 1, 2021 11:04 AM

May 2016
Because the freaks with pronouns in bio always have shit opinions and are stupid. They are the same people who were now put in charge of wow and are removing everything sexual.

Whenever something on twitter happens the pronoun freaks always are the ones whining about sexist racism etc bullshit.

And the worst part for me is when the avatar they have is of a person with a giant beard and his username is John.

Thanks for putting he/him, I literally would have never guessed by taking a glance at your name and pic
Oct 1, 2021 11:05 AM

May 2021
My pronouns are we/us

I'd imagine it's because of some people on twitter
Oct 1, 2021 11:08 AM

Oct 2015
Frostwork said:
@Desolated Except that they need some professional help? Nothing.
So you basically said that someone HAVE TO be triggered when they're being misgendered?

Kayle_x_Morgana said:
Because the freaks with pronouns in bio always have shit opinions and are stupid. They are the same people who were now put in charge of wow and are removing everything sexual.

Whenever something on twitter happens the pronoun freaks always are the ones whining about sexist racism etc bullshit.

And the worst part for me is when the avatar they have is of a person with a giant beard and his username is John.

Thanks for putting he/him, I literally would have never guessed by taking a glance at your name and pic
But again, it's their profile. Would you also get triggered when someone plant a sunflower on their own lawn just because you don't like sunflowers?
Oct 1, 2021 11:10 AM
Dec 2017
I respect your right to be adressed as whatever pronoun you wish as long as long as you don't force your identitiy politics onto me.

Oct 1, 2021 11:11 AM

Oct 2015
Crow_Black said:
I respect your right to be adressed as whatever pronoun you wish as long as long as you don't force your identitiy politics onto me.
lol nah nobody gonna force u to put pronouns in your bio, because it's your property.
Oct 1, 2021 11:16 AM

Aug 2014
In my experience, people offended by the listing of someone's preferred gender pronouns tend to be those who want to enforce traditional gender stereotypes on everyone.
Oct 1, 2021 11:23 AM

Oct 2015
Frostwork said:
@Desolated You only have 'sex', buddy. There is no such thing as 'gender' in humans. It's a man-made concept, invented by a sick psycho named John Money. But you could easily learn it all yourself, if you actually cared about the truth - it's all out there, easily accessible.
So you basically agree that gender is just a social construct and that the abolishment of it would lead to a better world? Wow, you're so progressive and liberal!
Oct 1, 2021 11:36 AM

May 2016
Desolated said:
Frostwork said:
@Desolated Except that they need some professional help? Nothing.
So you basically said that someone HAVE TO be triggered when they're being misgendered?

Kayle_x_Morgana said:
Because the freaks with pronouns in bio always have shit opinions and are stupid. They are the same people who were now put in charge of wow and are removing everything sexual.

Whenever something on twitter happens the pronoun freaks always are the ones whining about sexist racism etc bullshit.

And the worst part for me is when the avatar they have is of a person with a giant beard and his username is John.

Thanks for putting he/him, I literally would have never guessed by taking a glance at your name and pic
But again, it's their profile. Would you also get triggered when someone plant a sunflower on their own lawn just because you don't like sunflowers?

It's stupid. You need to tell me you are a man when I can already see clearly you are one?

It is like a body builder going up to and saying he is a guy despite it being obvious. Lmfao.

SadMadoka said:
In my experience, people offended by the listing of someone's preferred gender pronouns tend to be those who want to enforce traditional gender stereotypes on everyone.

You mean normal man and woman that wasn't a problem 10 years ago but all of a sudden people are now calling themselves it/they/xur to be special.
Oct 1, 2021 11:48 AM

Oct 2015
Kayle_x_Morgana said:
Desolated said:
So you basically said that someone HAVE TO be triggered when they're being misgendered?

But again, it's their profile. Would you also get triggered when someone plant a sunflower on their own lawn just because you don't like sunflowers?

It's stupid. You need to tell me you are a man when I can already see clearly you are one?

It is like a body builder going up to and saying he is a guy despite it being obvious. Lmfao.

SadMadoka said:
In my experience, people offended by the listing of someone's preferred gender pronouns tend to be those who want to enforce traditional gender stereotypes on everyone.

You mean normal man and woman that wasn't a problem 10 years ago but all of a sudden people are now calling themselves it/they/xur to be special.
But they didn't meant to tell you. They just put it in their bio, not commenting it on your profile. Not everything is about you.

And hey, females can be bodybuilder too y'know?
DesolatedOct 1, 2021 11:51 AM
Oct 1, 2021 11:52 AM

Mar 2015
People do be out there calling others easily triggered snowflakes and then proceed to have a mental breakdown when someone puts their pronouns in bio.
Oct 1, 2021 12:09 PM

May 2016
Desolated said:
Kayle_x_Morgana said:

It's stupid. You need to tell me you are a man when I can already see clearly you are one?

It is like a body builder going up to and saying he is a guy despite it being obvious. Lmfao.

You mean normal man and woman that wasn't a problem 10 years ago but all of a sudden people are now calling themselves it/they/xur to be special.
But they didn't meant to tell you. They just put it in their bio, not commenting it on your profile. Not everything is about you.

And hey, females can be bodybuilder too y'know?
yeah that looks fake as fuck but regardless, you can still tell that is a woman
Oct 1, 2021 12:24 PM
Ooga Booga

Jul 2020
Idk, some people seem to really care about such things.

smoochie smoochie[/center]
Oct 1, 2021 12:36 PM

Aug 2018
Frostwork said:
@Desolated You only have 'sex', buddy. There is no such thing as 'gender' in humans. It's a man-made concept, invented by a sick psycho named John Money. But you could easily learn it all yourself, if you actually cared about the truth - it's all out there, easily accessible.

"I studied high school biology. If it has a penis, it's a man. If it has a vagina, it's a woman. See? See how straightforward it is? All those academics who publish research papers on neuroscience and human psychology don't know basic biology!"
Oct 1, 2021 12:46 PM

Mar 2021
I have them on Twitter and IG. Used to have them here, but got rid of them cause I felt like I didn't need them.

People get mad just cause it's something they're not used to. The fact is, the world is evolving, so these people should be willing to change, too.
"Molly Ringwald" out right now - check my Linktree!

Oct 1, 2021 12:46 PM

Dec 2019
I guess I don't really like people telling me how to refer to them, even if it's something as basic as a pronoun. I shouldn't have to follow YOUR rules when talking about you. Sure, I probably won't use the wrong pronouns, but it rubs me the wrong way. A more extreme example would be "Don't say bad things about me". That's much rarer, but I think it illustrates what I'm talking about.
You also rarely use pronouns when talking directly to a person. So, you wouldn't see your pronouns flying around when I'm talking to you. Only when I'm talking about you to a different person. So, it feels like you are controlling conversations about you. Sure, it's a small part of the conversation, but I'll rather you not have any real control.
Oct 1, 2021 12:48 PM

Aug 2009
I like to think that I'm respectable towards how people want to identify as since gender identity doesn't determine where someone is a good person or not. But Twitter activism doesn't help with the movement being accepted. Fighting ignorance by being self-righteous isn't a good look; it's just wrestling with pigs, and I wonder as to how many non-cisgender people realize that.

Oct 1, 2021 12:48 PM

May 2013
It's more there is a trend. A specific trend where people who put their pronouns in their bios are in general pretty insufferable people.

That's not the case with everybody who does but there still is a trend.

♡ Harder Daddy ♡
Oct 1, 2021 12:52 PM

Jun 2017
They tend to be snowflakes or super sensitve and offended by things.

Like wanting to ban people from drinking milk because it's white.
My waifu is the most wonderful waifu. Mai Valentine.
Oct 1, 2021 1:01 PM

May 2020
I don't have any problems with it, but I just find cringey and redundant. The gender field can do its job and when talking to a person you can easily avoid gendering them (at least in English).
Oct 1, 2021 1:03 PM

Feb 2021
because some people think other people's buisness is theirs and people on the intnet like to br dicks
Oct 1, 2021 1:10 PM
Jul 2018
I really don’t care, profiles are for self expression in my eyes.
Oct 1, 2021 1:38 PM

Apr 2015
Don't care. And about people with pronouns in their bio being insufferable asshats, well most people are like that on internet.
Oct 1, 2021 2:08 PM

Jul 2021
I mean, there's nothing inherently wrong with it but....

With the political/social issues going on today, it's pretty obvious why those people are putting pronouns in their bio, it usually tells you they have a particular left-leaning ideology-

they probably think not abiding by someone else's preferred pronouns should be considered hate speech and should be punishable by the law, believe gender is 100%/90% a social construct and believe non-binary is really a thing...some of them possibly believe that kids should be raised gender-neutral.

Which....I don't agree with I think are all beliefs which could be detrimental to a functioning society.

But hey, in regards to their profile, they can do what they want, freedom of choice innit

Desolated said:
Crow_Black said:
I respect your right to be adressed as whatever pronoun you wish as long as long as you don't force your identitiy politics onto me.
lol nah nobody gonna force u to put pronouns in your bio, because it's your property.

Naahh they've already started brainwashing kids in schools with their ideologies and want to make it so that people who won't use their preferred pronouns to adress them should be punished by the law. It's not easy to just ignore them and mind our own business anymore
Quinoa_44Oct 2, 2021 2:15 AM
Oct 1, 2021 2:18 PM

Jan 2009
The question usually never plays a role, because when you talk to someone, you usually refer to them by "you" or their name/nick or some other form

And in all other cases, you simply avoid talking about people in third person in their presence
Oct 1, 2021 2:22 PM

May 2021
I swear that this is the most stupid topic to have controversy with, who the fuck cares lmao let them be

Oct 1, 2021 2:25 PM

Jun 2011
99% of the time that means they are an SJW with shit opinions trying to censor something I like. I'm not against them putting it in their bio since it means I know what to expect in advance.

Desolated said:
gender is just a social construct and that the abolishment of it would lead to a better world?

If you believe that then why do you support gender politics? Transgender, non-binary, etc. require that there be a gender in the first place.
Oct 1, 2021 2:57 PM

Jan 2019
I don't know. I don't care.

I just find it amusing that most gender debates seem to completely ignore the existence of intersex people (specially those that appeal to biology).

Narmy said:
Desolated said:
gender is just a social construct and that the abolishment of it would lead to a better world?

If you believe that then why do you support gender politics? Transgender, non-binary, etc. require that there be a gender in the first place.

I don't have a problem with LGBTI stuff by itself, but yes, I also have this question. What's the point of transgender and genderfluid if you're simultaneously pushing forth the "gender is a social construct" thing? Isn't it silly that you have a whole identity issue based on something that you recognize it's merely virtual? Wouldn't it be more beneficial to just accept sex as the main determiner (since even intersex people are assigned a sex depending on their functional organ or their own choice) and then proceed to argument that there are multiple ways of behaving as a man or woman, regardless of the norm? It just seems more natural and logical to me, and that's usually how I go about the subject.

Btw, I'm just quoting you because you made me think about the subject, my post is not directly addressed to you, so don't mind me.
Oct 1, 2021 3:02 PM

Jun 2019
Desolated said:
Kayle_x_Morgana said:

It's stupid. You need to tell me you are a man when I can already see clearly you are one?

It is like a body builder going up to and saying he is a guy despite it being obvious. Lmfao.

You mean normal man and woman that wasn't a problem 10 years ago but all of a sudden people are now calling themselves it/they/xur to be special.
But they didn't meant to tell you. They just put it in their bio, not commenting it on your profile. Not everything is about you.

And hey, females can be bodybuilder too y'know?

Great example of a drugged female athlete whose testosterone levels are higher than the sum of the ones of everyone who posted in this thread. You must be masochist to try making such "points."
Oct 1, 2021 3:02 PM

Jun 2011
Sheklon said:
Wouldn't it be more beneficial to just accept sex as the main determiner (since even intersex people are assigned a sex depending on their functional organ or their own choice) and then proceed to argument that there are multiple ways of behaving as a man or woman, regardless of the norm?

That is my opinion as well. All gender does is reinforce stereotypes of what male and female is supposed to be.
Oct 1, 2021 3:22 PM

Oct 2016
There's nothing wrong it, just the people who are bat shit crazy or virtual signalers tend to have pronouns in their bio
Oct 1, 2021 3:50 PM

Sep 2019
My pronouns are He, Not him 😤

Because Ill' never be him...😔
Oct 1, 2021 4:23 PM
YouTuber / VA

Aug 2017
As long as you're not hurting anybody you should be free to live your life however you want, put whatever pronouns you want in your bio I'll happily use them I don't give a shit. And logically speaking if your profile picture on a site doesn't clearly show where you're a guy or a girl it arguably does make sense to include them.

I think the issue is that when a cis person (who is clearly that gender when you look at their profile picture) puts their pronouns in their bio it's clearly just virtue signaling and the vast majority of people either find that behavior laughably pathetic or eye rollingly cringey (and in both those cases understandably so). However the third reaction is getting angry over it, and if somebody is getting legitimately angry over it obviously they're a dumbass and need to take a chill pill. Only exception is if instead of he/she/they you're making people use ridiculous made up shit like zer or something. Whilst anger still is the wrong response, asking someone to use shit like zer is not a legitimate request you're just a shitty human being getting off on the power of being able to force people to do what you tell them to do or you're just straight up deeply mentally ill. They is already general neutral and more than enough, frankly I've defaulted to typically using they on everybody just so I don't have to keep track of what to call every person because in the voice acting community there's a shit load of people not using their born pronouns and I'm already bad at remembering names let alone pronouns.

Now some people make the argument that cis people including pronouns is to normalize including pronouns but that's a pretty stupid argument considering the places people do it (Twitter, Tumblr, Etc) everybody already all buys into that stuff. Also just logistically speaking it's absurd to make everybody share their pronouns for example in school or at work when everybody is getting together for the first time when it'd make far more sense to just let those few extremely rare exceptions mention it to everyone themselves if they want everybody else to use a specific set of pronouns, the same way if somebody wants to be called by a nickname they can mention that on their own instead of making forty other people share in a circle and shocker we just wasted five minutes because as usual everybody uses their birth name.

Even most older people would be willing to use the pronouns you request for example if you're trans, people are inherently adverse to conflict and will put up with others requests even if they think they're silly, but the second you start "forcing" them to (whether that be through peer pressure or legislation) then they start rebelling even if the inconvenience is only moderate. Frankly though I find both sides of the whole gender debate insufferable everybody just needs to chill the fuck out and mind their own business stop telling other people they can't use X pronouns or reversely telling people they have to use some made up ze / zim pronounce. Why can't people just have a little fucking empathy jesus.
KyotosomoOct 1, 2021 4:37 PM
Oct 1, 2021 4:31 PM

Oct 2015
Narmy said:
99% of the time that means they are an SJW with shit opinions trying to censor something I like. I'm not against them putting it in their bio since it means I know what to expect in advance.

Desolated said:
gender is just a social construct and that the abolishment of it would lead to a better world?

If you believe that then why do you support gender politics? Transgender, non-binary, etc. require that there be a gender in the first place.

To make it easier to explain, because it's just like historical materialism. You can't go jump from feudalism to communism without industrialization, seizing the ownership of the means of production, and withering the state away. State plays important part on socialism while it withers away on communism. Same thing with this, because people still think such things are weird shit, people need to give them labels. Once they're normalized in society, such labels won't be needed anymore. Or how in some countries, people are advocating for gay marriage while in the future where it's already a normal thing to do , they'll probably advocate to abolish marriage as a legal constitution.
Meusnier said:
Desolated said:
But they didn't meant to tell you. They just put it in their bio, not commenting it on your profile. Not everything is about you.

And hey, females can be bodybuilder too y'know?

Great example of a drugged female athlete whose testosterone levels are higher than the sum of the ones of everyone who posted in this thread. You must be masochist to try making such "points."
I'm just trying to refute his seemingly implications of bodybuilder always being a male.
Quinoa_44 said:
I mean, there's nothing inherently wrong with it but....

With the political/social issues going on today, it's pretty obvious why those people are putting pronouns in their bio, it usually tells you they have a particular left-leaning ideology-

they probably think not abiding by someone else's preferred pronouns should be considered hate speech and should be punishable by the law, believe gender is 100%/90% a social construct and believe non-binary is really a thing...some of them possibly believe that kids should be raised gender-neutral.

Which....I don't agree with I think are all beliefs which could be detrimental to a functioning society.

But hey, they can do what they want, freedom of choice innit

Desolated said:
lol nah nobody gonna force u to put pronouns in your bio, because it's your property.

Naahh they've already started brainwashing kids in schools with their ideologies and want to make it so that people who won't use their preferred pronouns to adress them should be punished by the law. It's not easy to just ignore them and mind our own business anymore
But with this, technically every form of teaching is "brainwashing". Including religion, history, even mathematics.
Oct 1, 2021 4:39 PM

Jun 2011
Desolated said:
Same thing with this, because people still think such things are weird shit, people need to give them labels. Once they're normalized in society, such labels won't be needed anymore.

Except all it normalizes is that females act/look a certain way and males act/look a certain way. If you want to normalize abolishing gender, you have to do the exact opposite of what gender politics does. Say that males who wear dresses and have long hair are still men, not "women in a man's body" or whatever.
Oct 1, 2021 4:49 PM

Oct 2015
Narmy said:
Desolated said:
Same thing with this, because people still think such things are weird shit, people need to give them labels. Once they're normalized in society, such labels won't be needed anymore.

Except all it normalizes is that females act/look a certain way and males act/look a certain way. If you want to normalize abolishing gender, you have to do the exact opposite of what gender politics does. Say that males who wear dresses and have long hair are still men, not "women in a man's body" or whatever.
Again, it's because we still treat man and woman, whether it be cis or trans, very differently. There'd be no point of it once we treat man and woman in society, whether it be cis or trans the same. We haven't reach that point yet.

Ultimately, man and woman are also just a label anyways. If we have abolished gender, we don't need of such labels. For the point of telling trans woman that they're man well, what do you think the implications of saying it, in a world where people still expect even a cis man and a cis woman to behave in some certain set of gender roles? Isn't that subtly trying to coerce these people to adhere to the said gender roles, in which, is exactly what these people don't want to? The very reason they want to be called a woman?
DesolatedOct 1, 2021 4:53 PM
Oct 1, 2021 4:57 PM

Dec 2016
Nothing wrong people can put whatever pronouns they like on their profiles
한 번만 살지만 제대로 하면 한 번이면 충분해요
Oct 1, 2021 5:05 PM
Aug 2011
Desolated said:
I noticed some ppl on the internet got triggered a lot when discovering someone put pronouns in their bio... WHY?? It's their bio... Or I should I say, in the American way it would be "Their Property". Why do people like to trespass alot on other's property? Funny as well that I found some people use this as a way to dismiss other's opinion, which is actually a form of ad hominem.

I personally don't put my pronouns in my bio as I'm fine with any pronouns. In addition, my native language don't have gendered pronouns in the first place so I'm used with calling males, females, etc with the same pronoun.

It's just one way of generating fake outrage.

The "why" isn't just because of internet points: you can claw your way up the ladder by being a big enough outrage merchant. Look at someone like Marjorie Taylor Greene, she parlayed that sort of crappy outrage shit into a political career / power.

However see that the whole pronouns things is being politicized from both ends too

However, ask why it's a woman in the spotlight for not having pronouns instead of a guy? And why not even a big celebrity? Basically Gina Carano is small enough for them to successfully bully about it - they got her FIRED, and a woman who doesn't agree with them is a bigger direct threat than a man who doesn't.
cipheronOct 1, 2021 5:28 PM
Oct 1, 2021 5:31 PM

Oct 2015
cipheron said:
Desolated said:
I noticed some ppl on the internet got triggered a lot when discovering someone put pronouns in their bio... WHY?? It's their bio... Or I should I say, in the American way it would be "Their Property". Why do people like to trespass alot on other's property? Funny as well that I found some people use this as a way to dismiss other's opinion, which is actually a form of ad hominem.

I personally don't put my pronouns in my bio as I'm fine with any pronouns. In addition, my native language don't have gendered pronouns in the first place so I'm used with calling males, females, etc with the same pronoun.

It's just one way of generating fake outrage.

The "why" isn't just because of internet points: you can claw your way up the ladder by being a big enough outrage merchant. Look at someone like Marjorie Taylor Greene, she parlayed that sort of crappy outrage shit into a political career / power.

However see that the whole pronouns things is being politicized from both ends too

However, ask why it's a woman in the spotlight for not having pronouns instead of a guy? And why not even a big celebrity? Basically Gina Carano is small enough for them to successfully bully about it - they got here FIRED, and a woman who doesn't agree with them is a bigger direct threat than a man who doesn't.
Gina Carano is an actress, who signed a contract with a private entity on what to do and whatnot. Violation to said contract can lead to her being fired of course, and she had already violated that contract several times. I don't see the problem here, since the government never try to limit her "freedom", but it's the private company she worked for in which, every private company do that anyways.
Oct 1, 2021 5:38 PM
Aug 2011
Desolated said:
cipheron said:

It's just one way of generating fake outrage.

The "why" isn't just because of internet points: you can claw your way up the ladder by being a big enough outrage merchant. Look at someone like Marjorie Taylor Greene, she parlayed that sort of crappy outrage shit into a political career / power.

However see that the whole pronouns things is being politicized from both ends too

However, ask why it's a woman in the spotlight for not having pronouns instead of a guy? And why not even a big celebrity? Basically Gina Carano is small enough for them to successfully bully about it - they got here FIRED, and a woman who doesn't agree with them is a bigger direct threat than a man who doesn't.
Gina Carano is an actress, who signed a contract with a private entity on what to do and whatnot. Violation to said contract can lead to her being fired of course, and she had already violated that contract several times. I don't see the problem here, since the government never try to limit her "freedom", but it's the private company she worked for in which, every private company do that anyways.

My point wasn't about what the company did, it was about the people who use social media to try and push someone else down, and how that's about promoting their own visibility, instead of actually giving a shit for real. The outrage is mock outrage.
Oct 1, 2021 5:41 PM
Jul 2018
i think people just enjoy being triggered about stuff that isn’t hurting anyone and has zero impact on their life
Oct 1, 2021 5:44 PM

Oct 2015
cipheron said:
Desolated said:
Gina Carano is an actress, who signed a contract with a private entity on what to do and whatnot. Violation to said contract can lead to her being fired of course, and she had already violated that contract several times. I don't see the problem here, since the government never try to limit her "freedom", but it's the private company she worked for in which, every private company do that anyways.

My point wasn't about what the company did, it was about the people who use social media to try and push someone else down, and how that's about promoting their own visibility, instead of actually giving a shit for real. The outrage is mock outrage.
I mean, clout chaser exists in almost every community. Nothing new about it. Even someone who mocks people for having pronouns in bio can be a clout chaser as well, just for a different groups of people to those who has pronouns in bio.
Oct 1, 2021 5:48 PM
Aug 2011
Desolated said:
I mean, clout chaser exists in almost every community. Nothing new about it. Even someone who mocks people for having pronouns in bio can be a clout chaser as well, just for a different groups of people to those who has pronouns in bio.

Then we're basically in agreement. clout chasers are largely responsible for being upset that people have pronouns, also opposite side clout chasers upset about people not having them.

My other main point was about *who* they target, because some people are more immune to that than others. For example nobody was attacking Tucker Carlson for not having the pronouns, they attack a female minor celebrity. So it makes sense they pick targets where they can either drive a wedge or score an easy win.
Oct 1, 2021 7:46 PM

Jan 2021
Nothing. I just don’t personally care. I think Labels in general are pointless. It's been three times now that people I meet have asked me for my pronouns/sexuality before my name. Before my damn name. I just want to be me. Why you gotta care more about what I prefer to HEE HEE with than what my name is? I know I might be a little salty, but goodness. There is more to life than this.
Oct 1, 2021 8:03 PM

Apr 2019
personally, i don't think theres anything wrong with doing this. i mean, its the person's decision to whether or not they put their pronouns in their bio, why should we judge?

✧ forum set by coziitsu ✧
Oct 1, 2021 8:49 PM

Mar 2008
It only really makes sense for someone trans to do to avoid repetitively being asked so much. Anyone else is just following a dumb trend. Either way people shouldn't care so much about pronouns. I dont think gendered pronouns should even exist to put an end to this stupidity.
traedOct 1, 2021 8:53 PM
This topic has been locked and is no longer available for discussion.
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» Why do people abandon their friends for relationships?

Amityblight - 3 hours ago

12 by Sad »»
1 hour ago

Poll: » Should prisons be comfy?

Auron_ - 5 hours ago

15 by Sad »»
1 hour ago
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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