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ShiirooChii Mar 20, 5:26 PM
aww ur profiles cute!
viraat_pirate Mar 14, 9:18 PM
yeah i'd imagine they'll try to fit in most of east blue in 24 episodes and likely ending the first season as we head to loguetown. yeah if it is seasonal then i can see them taking a 2 season break between cours. that's true, it's just that netflix has stretched out stuff longer than they need to, like i heard people were complaining about how they only released episodes in batches of one of the recent jojos instead of releasing the entire season when it's ready. yeah the remake is being made by a new team at wit studio but i am sure toei is likely overseeing the project considering they hold the anime rights for it iirc. yup i'd imagine that new team probably has some key members of toei to helm the project and train the team. let me know your thoughts on them when you check them out!

yup they never progress their arcs and are just stuck as their character types, it's kinda crazy how this is still doing well sales wise despite not completing the arcs. that's true, i know 2 friends who still keep up with this manga and every once in a while they mention it's picking up, only for it to go back down lmao. that's certainly strange lol! yeah i'd imagine someone else handles the spinoff while he oversees that project as he works on RaG and another which is apparently an incest manga.
yeah it would be cool to see which character skins were most popular, i think they are more lenient with skins, like ayaka's skin doesn't fit well since that's more of a fontaine aesthetic.

exactly! there's just so many good series but not enough time to check them all out, then there's also other hobbies which takes up time from it. i did finish slam dunk last year it was great! takes like 40 chapters to get good but after that it's incredible.
that's true! but i'd imagine most wouldn't do it because that's like burning bridges with some of the biggest publications and publishers own the IP so they can't continue it on their own, it'll have to be something similar to the writers strike to leave an impact big enough that'll change the industry.
yeah jjk will keep following him until the end of time, people will still keep asking him to remake the ending lol. yup a new pen name would be the best option for him other than just retiring and occasionally doing a one shot whenever he feels like drawing.
lmao! yeah that's kinda what happened in that final fight. would've been nice if he had literally anything else.

oh btw i forgot to show you this! i finally won :'] got 4th place in the design contest!!!

ah for the beidou set i found these png logos and used a bunch of adjustments like hue and saturation, also used a duplicate layer in the background for the outline. for the furina set i found that texture and then added the images and adjustments to it. ah thanks!
i started working on the furina layout yesterday so will be working on that for a while :] going for top 3 next :p

yeah that's true with friends or people who write interesting replies FG can be really fun. yup events has been one of the best parts of FG lately, it's nice have those to look forward to :]

exactly, it'll have to be a netflix or another streaming service production to be able to avoid some of that. yup it's also easier to convince the younger audience that this generic power fantasy isekai is cool compared to the older audience :p

lmao that's a lot of people! makes sense that they went back on the decision after this. ahh that wasn't a good idea lol i am surprised that decision went through without anyone thinking about how the fanbase will react to it. maybe this will be enough for riot to make the game more beginner friendly.
yeah it would've been great and as for the lore, they could've had lore consultants oversee those projects to see what's a good change and what strays further away from the character's original story.
yup that it is.

yeah that's understandable, it might be a taste thing where some people might not have the patience for it.
exactly lol! different timezones makes it pretty difficult. i ended up continuing by myself will finish it soon.

ah nice! mine was alright as well, just been busy with work stuff lol. i hope you have a great weekend!
Voila_ Mar 7, 7:47 AM
glad you're warm to it.

last semester, huh congrats!
I am making through it, most of the days it's just's quite fine.
viraat_pirate Feb 27, 11:52 PM
yup lol especially considering that this will likely be a seasonal anime release, they will likely try to fit as much as possible of an arc into 25+ episodes, also this is a netflix joint so it's possible that they'll cut big arc into parts like AoT. that's very true, with good animation and updated aspect ratios it'll be much easier for people to get into it. yeah it's pretty much jump/toei planning for the future when one piece is done, with the remake that's likely around a decade worth of content when you factor in the breaks between seasons and in the meantime they'll probably try to find their next flagship title that'll carry their brand. the recent chapters have been insane! i would recommend checking them when you find some time :]

oh lol! yeah i've heard that after a certain point the characters just stop progressing and remain stuck as who they were while the protagonist keeps getting worse. yup it's surprising how the author is managing RaG, it's spinoff and another harem manga that they are working on.
yup that's very true lol! hutao fans are very dedicated to her, i am sure that new hutao skin must've made a lot of money for mihoyo.
yeah that's understandable, it would be nice if 2 characters just caring about one another doesn't get blown out of proportion but shipping fans just take anything and run with it lol.

ah that's true i had forgotten about the cave lol! it's a boring macguffin indeed, still i think that moment does work well as a mini training arc.
yeah i've been meaning to read naruto since last year but can't seem to find the right time for it, usually i either don't have the time to get into a long series or i get distracted by other stuff like finishing slam dunk or continuing gintama haha! i'll get to it someday.
yup that industry is brutal for authors, especially weekly magazines. hopefully the conditions will get better for them soon like how breaks were more normalized in the past few years. that would be completely understandable since jjk fans are on a level of their own, they are really creative but also pretty toxic lol! yup if he says anything bad about jjk that would start a war within the fandom where people who don't like jjk would keep bringing it up to the fans and it would be a mess, not to mention gege won't be able to get rid of those angry fans after that lmao. yup! hopefully he can relax and enjoy whatever project he feels like doing next.
exactly! in a world where everyone else has crazy powers he's just a punch guy, even at the end he just becomes a mirror match for sukuna. he's just kinda there instead of being a protagonist and fighting on his own, in almost every fight he had help from someone.

so like after 2 days of the break i got this random idea for a beidou set that features a map aesthetic, which was great considering it's been 2 years and i haven't made anything pirate related despite being one lol!

after this i found a nice render for furina which i probably can't use for the layout so i made this set lol, tried some new things with this one:

so yeah i keep getting distracted by stuff haha! will probably continue the break and try to find more resources :]

ah that's very true, most of the old users are gone now even the ones who joined around my time. FG also can be quite repetitive which has driven some users away from it, it's kinda why there's been some regular events that are happening in FG so that there's something to look forward to. though some older users do pop in every now and then which is fun.

yeah that's a good point, some of the live action adaptation have shown that, like dragon ball evolution caused super to happen lmao! i remember watching that movie for the first time and being very disappointed, both companies have to be on really good terms for it to happen.
that's true, i'd imagine ratings have something to do with it as well like how most shows tend to keep the rating to mature or lower, anything higher would limit the audience that a show can bring. but yeah most shows tend brush past that stuff during the adaptation process or just hint at it.

yeah it's strange why they haven't done something about it, almost every game wants to attract new players except for league, the must be retaining a good chunk of their player base to be able to ignore this. oh lol! that really sucks to hear, i am gonna guess that the 500$ ahri skin success has changed their thought process on how to approach the monetization of the game, they'll likely keep pushing until people get really angry and then they'll tone it down to what they originally wanted.
ah that's a shame, having games based in the league universe would've synergized well with the shows and would've brought in more people who might end up liking the league world. i'd imagine those studios were formed during the pandemic when companies were doing everything they can to spend the money and the new ceo didn't see a profit in it or something.

lol i see, that does seem like an interesting way to introduce the characters and progress the story, seems to require a bit of patience though haha.
yeah seeing the present would've been more interesting, i need to continue s3 as well, i was going to watch it with friends but the schedules never really aligned haha! will likely continue it this weekend,

yup my weekend was alright, i hope you had a wonderful week as well!
Voila_ Feb 24, 7:19 AM
good to hear from you, just thought would drop by the profile of old bud.

doing not too shabby myself.
Still at the game development degree?
karemi_ Feb 24, 3:11 AM

Voila_ Feb 23, 10:47 AM
what's good with you, mighty German?
viraat_pirate Feb 10, 9:03 AM
yeah that made one piece much easier to get into through anime for the new audience. yup most people are waiting for the remake to air since it'll have nicer fights and possibly even faster than one pace, though we don't know when that might air so we decided to catch up now since the anime is on break right now. yup that was probably one of his dreams along with the invisible fruit. considering the recent chapter, i think sanji also might get some character development here. lmao yeah he would likely still get lost since he doesn't know how to take a turn :p

yup stuff like rent a girlfriend is a great example of that where from what i've heard, the story and characters haven't progressed in a long time, yet it's still going strong and even has a spinoff manga for some reason which might also doing alright sales wise due to the shipping fans and the hardcore audience.
oh lmao! most hutao fans in general are quite open about their fondness for the character, like that one person who wrote a book's worth of twitter threads on why they like hutao, this must've sent them in overdrive haha! but yeah it's crazy how that one small thing is enough for them to make it a confirmed ship, like it could've just been a friendly hug.
yup gacha games are definitely doing that lol!
yeah soul society arc from bleach comes to mind for me in terms of engaging training arcs since he's fighting against time and himself to get strong enough to save rukia from the execution, that was a cool training arc and it felt deserved when ichigo used his bankai. i haven't seen/read naruto yet but i've heard great things about it's training and exam arcs. but yeah seeing the character work for new abilities more interesting than the protag just randomly get it, or at least it should feel deserved which yuji wasn't able to achieve. yeah that makes sense considering his health was getting worse towards the tail end of the manga, maybe he just wanted to be done with this as soon as possible and rest, which is understandable he's been following the harsh schedule for a long time now and likely couldn't handle it anymore. i haven't heard that quote before but it would make sense considering jjk was originally a horror manga but jump thought it was too dark and now he has made a series that has an insane fanbase who just focus on shipping and power scaling. a lot of these are assumptions though since he never officially said anything about his thoughts on jjk after it ended. exactly! he doesn't have much going on, in this world where characters have cool powers he's just the bland punch guy even at the end he just used what sakuna had, he's really boring.
yup lol! none of what he said made sense to me :p
yeah that's true, it would've been nice if at least a couple of those genre of anime had unique ideas.

thanks! i used a texture for this one so it's a bunch of backgrounds stitches together lol.

yeah i am kinda out ideas/inspiration right now haha! so currently taking a break right now, i do have some ideas for a couple new layouts so i'll just gather resources for now and see where it goes, it could be a furina layout.

yeah that's true, not having that bridge that connects the mal users and the gfx community is likely why the contests are slowly dying and combined with the community being closed off, it doesn't help much either. FG is a great place most of the time, most of my friends are from there and they've been amazing! though yeah FG has had it's drama and problematic users who appear now and then. though thankfully the current state of FG seems to be good since there hasn't been any problems lately, we don't get new users often but older users are still around which is nice.

yup it took them like decades to get godzilla right, i can't imagine how difficult something like berserk and vegabond would be to adapt. yeah also japanese companies are very protective of their IPs they don't want anything to harm their reputation which could also be why they don't collab with western studios, as for politics yeah most anime tend to stay away from it unless the mangaka wants to get their message across.
yup league is at a point where it's very difficult to get into, also the game in general is confusing to understand at the beginning, like if someone who knows nothing about league were to see a livestream of it, they would get very lost. oh lol! i didn't know league had gacha, is it for skins?
yeah league as a world is interesting but nobody wants to go through the experience of playing league lol! exactly, also having different games will let them tell focused stories on a set of characters instead of trying to everyone in 1 game. ohh a league dungeon crawler would be interesting, though i wonder if it'll let you make your own character with different classes or it'll give you a set of league characters to play as.

yeah that's true, hopefully they'll remain faithful to the original designs.

yeah this season doesn't have anything too interesting from the new shows. oh i've heard of ishura! a friend of mine watched it and said it took 7 episodes for things to start happening and until then it kept introducing new sets of characters haha, did season 2 make it more interesting? ah i watched the first episode of link click s3, need to watch more. though so far i am not sure if i like the direction of exploring their origin story, i am more interested in seeing what's happening in the present and the events that happens after, yeah i'll let you know my thoughts on it when i finish it!
viraat_pirate Jan 31, 1:49 PM
yeah one pace is an incredible way to get into the series after the manga, it's edited really well to a point where you can't tell something was cut or stitched together which makes it really easy to binge. ah i see, yeah i'd imagine that messes up the arc's pacing, that was caesar the clown i believe. yup sanji did have some great scenes in wholecake, especially the lunch scene which was the moment that sanji became cool again, since nami got that in wano i'd imagine next will be usopp who gets to show his loyalty to luffy which makes sense considering we are in elbaf right now, sanji might be after him.
lmao yup and with vegapunk's knowledge he'll finally make a gps for zoro so he won't get lost again!

yeah it very much becomes a big part of them, fandoms are understandable since that's where people make friends who like the same/similar things and even if the series doesn't end well or something, the people they met along the way will still be there. however with shipping (looking at it from an outsider's perspective) it feels like the thing where the people who have invested the most time into it are the ones who gets destroyed by the canon since after that there's not much you can do other than keeping it alive by creating stuff around it, being angry at the author or moving onto a different ship. lmao that's very true, it explains why most gacha characters have at least one scene where they are friendly to the protagonist which often gets over analyzed by a few people who think it's a subtle hint for a potential romance when it's just nothing lol! i am sure the companies know about this market and are capitalizing on it.
yeah the final arc just happened out of nowhere, jjk always had a problem with giving it's characters time to breathe and let them get developed before pulling the trigger on them and it really shows in the final arc, yuji's entire training arc was a brief flashback which is definitely a choice, does feel like a way for the author to justify the random things that yuji is surprisingly proficient at, it just felt rushed since yuji is just treated horriblly in his own manga that he got zero development power wise. yeah lmao! i remember the aftermath of gojo vs sukuna where he just goes off on a monologue about how he won and it was so over convoluted that i checked out halfway through lol! it really felt like he realized that this decision was a big blunder and wanted to salvage it as much as possible.
yup that's a very good point. it's just like power fantasies in manhwa and romcoms in LN they will continue to exist since sometimes people enjoy something that's generic where they can expect what might happen and enjoy what they wanted out of it which is kinda understandable when used as a pallet cleanser.

ah thanks! yeah it's definitely motivating when i get stuck on a project haha. that's true, i just feel like i should try different stuff often otherwise the sets might be too similar to one another, here are the ones i made recently in preparation for the FG valentines day event:

gonna be taking a break from matching sets now lol i've made 7 of them now in a short period of time :p

yeah that's true, i had that experience recently where my frieren layout did worse than my okita layout in the contest lmao! though granted it was a busy month where everyone released their layout so it got buried by really high quality ones. i like the process of learning from other works so contests are a great way to gauge what i need to learn to get the sets better, though yeah it's a rather closed off community compared to something like FG.

oh that would be cool! but i'd doubt it would happen because most publishing companies in japan tend to not trust western studios with their properties, like the castlevania studio has been talking about wanting to do a berserk adaptation for a few years now and nothing happened from it. hopefully this might result in something, vegabond will be a difficult adaptation but i feel like fortiche might be able to do it.
yeah it makes sense and it's also a skin for a popular character as well, it's just insane to think how much money they might've made from it.
yup it's funny how quickly the hype for learning league went away lmao!
exactly it's very difficult to get into now. i'd imagine riot is going to do more games like ruined king and 2xko so that the people have something to get into without jumping straight into league lol.

yup lol! though i am looking forward to seeing how they'll look in star rail's art style.

yeah it adds a nice variety to the playthroughs.
this season has been good nothing too outstanding, i am really enjoying sakamoto days it's great to finally see this series get an anime, while it doesn't capture the high quality artwork of the series as well, the anime was able to capture it's vibes with va, music and good animation which is great. apothecary diaries has been amazing just like season 1 happy to see it back. solo leveling has been a great "turn your brain off" anime lmao! it's been fun, it's so well animated that you can feel the budget haha. i still need to start medalist and the new season of link click. how about you? how are you liking the season so far?
karemi_ Jan 26, 12:17 PM
viraat_pirate Jan 20, 9:46 PM
ah i get what you mean, i am watching the one pace cut of the anime which fixes the pacing of the series which might be why it didn't feel that arc dragging on. though yeah i agree with you on punk hazard, that arc had some points where it kinda dragged on. hmm maybe we'll get a similar scene with sanji? we did kind of get something similar with nami during wano where she said "luffy will be the pirate king" despite almost dying fighting against ulti.
yup since the general consensus of the community was that gear 5 will be a really cool transformation, basically they wanted something like super saiyan. which gear 5 is technically that but in a very goofy way which was jarring.
he'll look just like the big brain meme lmao, i kinda want this to be his fruit awakening now, he just unlocks the cheat code for the big head mode lol. yeah chopperzilla would be pretty cool and would make him threatening again.

honestly it's a pretty good strategy, so i was working on a furina set (i'll get into that in another paragraph below) and somehow ended up on the shipping wiki page and it's insane how much work they put into connecting these ships through source material and writing a fan canon for them, basically they are one piece theory crafters except they can indeed get much higher, oh so high lol :p but yeah the amount of effort is impressive and it makes sense why the companies target them.
ah nice! yeah while mha's ending was disappointing, jjk's ending was frustrating for me. likely because i was pretty invested after reading shibuya arc but the writing decisions later on just put gege into a corner. they had everything going for them i can not wrap my head around why they pulled the trigger on the body switch so early, it started this domino effect that they had to bring back gojo and have to fight immediately which ended up becoming the final fight of the series. i won't get into gojo because that would be a long paragraph of me just ranting lol! basically i have a lot of problems with him just being back to fight the final boss while the protag doesn't get anything until the final fight and the way he gets it is questionable like why kenjaku was his mother? this story is a mess :p
hmm yeah looking through the previous seasons now it's true, i guess generic isekai will continue on lol.

thanks! yeah compared to last year i have gotten better at understanding how sets work so it's been easier to get inspiration and build from it. i recently made a simple mini layout for a friend's birthday and i was talking to marissa about matching sets and ended up making a furina neuvillette matching set lol! these are some of my favorites i've made so far, though i did recycle some elements lol

thank you! those older signatures were the inspiration for it along with makeine's opening art style, though i feel like quality it didn't reach the level of competition thread ones due to certain elements standing out, but yeah next one that i'll make in this style will be better :]

yeah i am glad that they went all out for it for their vision and created one of the best animated shows out there, it's visual style is really unique. yeah it's insane how much that skin sold despite the high price.
yeah apparently arcane got many old players to return to league, some of my friends were addicted again because of it lol! but yeah the arcane magic wore off in a day and everyone returned to gacha other games :p but i can't even imagine learning the game now, all the match ups/knowledge checks sound like a nightmare to learn. i feel like they should just keep making skins instead since that would likely bring in more people lol.

yeah that would be pretty cool! it will be interesting to see how they'll implement the old bosses into the game. speaking of artoria, according to the leaks apparently saber and archer are the collab characters for star rail.

ah that's good to hear!
yeah it's like an RTS mixed with social system from fire emblem or persona where you can build relationships with every single character which gives you story and small buffs. thanks!
ah nice! all the best with them! i've been alright thanks, was busy with those two projects but now that they are done i am taking a small break and think about what to make next, also been helping my mom with work stuff and trying to catch up on anime haha!
viraat_pirate Jan 10, 1:41 AM
yeah that's understandable, the sanji scene brings it way down but i do like the horror aesthetic of this arc and brook's backstory is really good which saves it i think, and of course the "nothing happened" scene.
yeah i remember hearing theories about that gear 5 is similar to gear 4 and just like luffy used snakeman out of nowhere against katakuri he'll do something similar, this is before we knew the real name of the gum gum fruit so these theories were really out there lol. yup that's one of the things that makes gear 5 really stand out from other battle shounen, though yeah it subverted expectations so much that it became a little jarring.
it would also be very strange if he used the rumble ball in his human form, he would turn into vegapunk lol! i feel like going back to his monster point and making it bigger, scarier would be an interesting idea, basically making him a kaiju.

yeah it's very rarely focused on in a battle shounen and sometimes is just there for the sake of it. yup it's definitely strange that they think their fanfiction couple will be together in the source material and then get upset about how all might and all for one didn't end up together in the end. ah gotcha i haven't seen black clover so wasn't sure about it, but yeah the jjk fanbase is on another level with shipping lol! almost everyone has been shipped with one another at this point.
yup which is why i feel like isekai is slowly being phased out compared to a few years ago when every season had like 8 isekais and half of them have very similar concept lol.
hmm yeah maybe it didn't fit into the overall game i guess.

yeah i did finish them and they turned out pretty well:

now i am working on something much different than my usual sets, using text and shapes more and works for valentines as well, it's technically ready but something feels kinda missing

apparently they went overbudget every episode lol, ah i am sure the 500$ ahri skin already funded like 3 league shows :p but yeah i'd imagine the article was talking about just the show's profits, i saw a bunch of friends jump back into league because of arcane so they did get some players back.

yeah that's true, they also haven't done something like bring old bosses from other games back before so it'll be interesting to see how they'll update their movesets and stuff.
from what i've read, it's a good middle ground since sony doesn't get the monopoly and kadokawa gets some perks from their partnership, also since they are kadokawa's biggest shareholder now tencent can't swoop in and get them.

ah nice! getting sick really sucks though, i hope you have a speedy recovery!
it's a tactics game similar to fire emblem where the units fight on their own but you guide them as to where to go etc, it has a fantasy theme where you have to beat the bad guy who killed your mother and reclaim all the countries in the world so you meet elves, angels, beasts etc who will join your crew. it has a social link system as well. it's made by vanillaware the devs who made 13 sentinels aegis rim, it's also a great game but it's more of a visual novel.
it was the same for me as well haha, i visited my mother's side of the family with everyone and just ate a lot of food lmao!
also happy new year! i hope your 2025 is going well so far :]
Shizuna Dec 31, 2024 2:19 PM
Happy New Year!
viraat_pirate Dec 29, 2024 3:13 AM
ah no worries! there's no rush, have an amazing new years eve!
i also finished the sets, just working on the avatars now
Zedlin Dec 25, 2024 4:22 PM
monkemonmormoknormnrok monkeeeeeee, the gem king, a very merry berry cheery christmas to you as well! had a very eventful christmas hard to find time for anything ahhhhh send helpo. hope you got lots of gems for christmas hehe, and that you had fun. ^^
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