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Anne Shirley
Mar 25, 1:43 PM
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Ao no Hako
Mar 24, 2:11 PM
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Zutaboro Reijou wa Ane no Moto Konyakusha ni Dekiai sareru
Zutaboro Reijou wa Ane no Moto Konyakusha ni Dekiai sareru
Mar 23, 1:49 AM
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Eizouken ni wa Te wo Dasuna!
Mar 23, 2:02 PM
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Koiseyo Mayakashi Tenshi-domo
Mar 23, 10:37 AM
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Yubisaki to Renren
Mar 23, 10:36 AM
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bboy_OatsnRice Mar 24, 8:46 AM
Yay! IT! >:) I'm still working on my reply to you! 😭 In the meantime, enjoy!!!! I can't wait to catch up too, since the manga not being up to date was one of the main reasons I wanted to learn Japanese in the first place ;'). Welp, Enjoy!!! :D
Daniel_cr99 Mar 16, 12:14 PM
hi! thanks for the fr and the nice words :) Hope youre having a nice weeknd

You know it did take a while to make that profile, bb code is confusing and such a hassle, i doubt i will ever change it lol just some images.

I like your favs, need to start blood on the tracks!
MonkeeDan Feb 24, 2:31 AM
Limonene Feb 8, 9:25 AM
Po japońsku to raczej od czasu do czasu przeczytam sobie mangę, ale książek mi się nie chce hehe. Generalnie to tyle jest teraz tłumaczeń na polski, że nie mam kiedy wszystkiego przeczytać :P Czasem też biorę za coś po angielsku (jeśli angielski jest językiem oryginału), ale zdecydowanie króluje u mnie polski.
Kawabata to trochę starszy autor, dostał Nobla w latach 60., więc teraz oczywiście nie jest taki popularny w Polsce, ale myślę że warto go przeczytać. Jest bardzo "japoński", jeśli można tak to nazwać. "Tancerka z Izu" to zbiór jego opowiadań skupionych wokół kobiet, najczęściej właśnie tancerek, służących, etc. Zasadniczo w jego utworach liczą się raczej styl pisania, liryzm i odczucia niż fabuła. Myślę, że ten zbiór był całkiem niezły, chociaż najbardziej niestety zapamiętałam jedno opowiadanie, w którym bohater znęcał się nad zwierzętami, a takie tematy bardzo mnie przygnębiają, więc może dlatego rzuciło to cień na resztę książki. Przeczytałam kilka jego utworów, ale właśnie najbardziej podobał mi się "Meijin - mistrz go" opowiadający o głośnej rozgrywce w go między starym mistrzem i młodym geniuszem gry. Oprócz tekstu w książce są też obrazki z ustawieniem kamieni na planszy, więc można jakby "na żywo" obserwować postęp gry. Jakoś specjalnie się nie znam na go, ale muszę przyznać, że było to naprawdę fascynujące. Zresztą podobno sam Kawabata pisał, że to jego najbardziej udana powieść, więc może coś w tym jest :P
viraat_pirate Feb 4, 1:53 AM
yup it is quite convenient haha!

kyoani makes more slice of life and sports stuff nowadays like dragon maid, hibike, that anime about archery etc. except for violet evergarden which feels more 2000s kyoani when they focused on romance/drama anime. oh nice! i would highly recommend clannad, it's a slow burner but the payoff to everything in after story is really worth it. if you like clanned then i would also recommend kanon 2005, it's not as good as clannad but it's up there. i need to watch hibike euphonium, that's one of the series i haven't gotten around to starting yet

ah nice! the current arc has been awesome so far, the way everything interconnects has pretty cool and i can't wait to see how everything will progress now that serie is here. yup it's really sad that sein finally achieved his goal but it turned out to be like this :[

ah i see! that's still pretty cool though :]
btw i watched the first episode of link click S3 and yeah i understand what you mean now, i would've liked to see continuation of the story instead of an origin story which i feel like isn't needed. i'll binge watch the rest soon!
Limonene Feb 1, 12:19 PM
O ja już dawno nie czytałam niczego w obcym języku. I jak ci się podoba? Ja w zasadzie prawie nie czytam kryminałów (to chyba kryminał?), więc nawet nie wiem do czego to sobie porównać.
Znam Sayakę Muratę, mam na półce jej "Dziewczynę z konbini" ale jeszcze jej nie przeczytałam. Stoi w długiej kolejce :P Mówisz, że taka dobra?
Ja właśnie skończyłam "Tancerkę z Izu" Yasunariego Kawabaty. Niby klasyk, ale bardziej podobał mi się jego "Meijin - mistrz go".
Limonene Jan 31, 2:41 PM
Hej, pomyślałam że lubimy podobne rzeczy to cię zaczepię :) Czytasz może ostatnio coś ciekawego? Albo nieciekawego?
viraat_pirate Jan 29, 6:45 PM
no i help out my mom with her boutique business stuff like adding products on online stores etc. though i do learn about things that i find interesting on my own, granted most of that time just goes into designing stuff :p

yeah i'd imagine the tone was one of the reasons why it didn't make it into the anime, like here it's more humorous while another one shot manga that i can't say the name of because spoilers, does take the themes from what happened with kyoani and tells that story in a serious tone, which might be why it was adapted into a movie. speaking of kyoani, i am glad that they are making more anime again, i hope they'll make something like violet evergarden again in the future!

ah that's awesome! frieren manga has some really nice cover artworks. btw are you caught up with the manga? if yes then what are your thoughts on the current arc? oh that's cool! is it like a frieren card game?
viraat_pirate Jan 27, 11:33 PM
no worries you can take your time with the replies! all the best with the semester :]
lol that's fine, it was a cool coincidence!

yeah the quality of the artwork is crazy especially considering it's a weekly series that doesn't go on breaks often. yup i get that, there's a bunch of stuff to catch up on but not enough time to get to everything haha! you can continue with the anime, aside for cool artwork you won't miss out on much. the adaptation has been pretty good so far! they only cut a couple chapters at the start which were slice of life focused so there's not much, it also featured a villain who's entire goal was to crash a bus into shuiesha's hq building because his favorite manga got cancelled lmao! shuiesha likely wasn't happy about that one.
ah i see, yeah they'll likely wrap up the arc before going back into episodic stuff or they might conclude the story with this arc which is also a possibility
DoctorWasabi Jan 25, 2:39 PM
Thank you~

Perhaps I'm slightly biased as it's all music I grew up listening to, but there's a very strong part of me that genuinely believes I lived through the best generation of music.

Aside from Blink, Linkin Park, Sum 41, these below are my favorite bands as well.

Not sure if you will like all of them, ( or that you actually already know all of them already) but maybe there's 1 band you didn't know about and will like~

Visual Novels can be a tough medium to get into, as it's a big time commitment ! However it's a huge return on investment, as the time to develop and flesh out characters and character interactions is by far the best thing in the medium ! I'd say just dive headfirst, don't think about it, don't lament about it, just BAM right in. For instance I was really hesitant on reading Light Novels, as I'm a huge visual person. But lately I've been reading a high fantasy Light Novel, and I read every night for 30 minutes ! Diving right in, but also not overwhelming myself was the key to my enjoyment. So maybe you can do the same. Of course you don't have to, but you should keep that in the back of your head

Yangtze12 Jan 19, 6:27 AM
Last volumes sucked enough
viraat_pirate Jan 18, 4:54 PM
ah i see! it's a nice set, yup i know dan, we write to each other pretty often haha!
no worries i am not a fan of it either lol but yeah as you mentioned it's still very similar.

yeah it's nice that they released 2 episodes at once and got through the introductions quickly, from next episode onwards it'll be even better story wise. let me know your thoughts on the manga if you decide to check it out! the artwork of the manga is really good as well. oh that kinda makes me worried for season 3, hopefully towards the end the story will get more interesting, will let you know my thoughts on season 3's episodes when i get to them. that's understandable, those episodic stories from season 1 were quite good and the power of getting into photos to travel back in time is pretty cool! would've been nice to see it used for more detective stuff, also the way they weaved in an overarching story into the episodic stories was great which is something i miss from season 2 since now it's more action/thriller focused now, though still i did enjoyed what season 2 offered. but yeah it would be cool if they return to an episodic season after this arc.
viraat_pirate Jan 17, 4:05 PM
i am doing alright thanks! ah no worries, i saw you on forum games a few times and your forum set looked pretty cool so i thought i should send a request haha. thank you! nice to meet a fellow frieren fan :]
oh that's cool! i think there's only one other person that i know who's from 2005, it seems that it's rare to find users from that year haha!

yeah that's understandable, current season seems to be lacking that. overall it's been an okay season for me, though very few new series caught my attention. i've been enjoying sakamoto days, it's a series i've been looking forward to for a while now. it's not as good of an adaptation because the manga has some of the best action choreography in shounen right now but still it's a solid adaptation. other than that i've been watching solo leveling which has been a good turn your brain off action series. i still need to start the new season of apothecary dairies, been looking forward to seeing where the story goes, same for medalist which i've heard good things about and the new season of link click. there's a lot catch up on lol!
viraat_pirate Jan 17, 9:05 AM
hey! how are you doing? thanks for accepting the friend request!

how are you liking the current anime seasonals so far?
OshieteOshiete- Jan 13, 3:06 PM
I live for the yaoi in this show but it also made me cry because I’m a sucker for unrequited love stories
Anyways just google round 1 vivinos (the creator) and it’s a very good intro to the series and establishes the premise really well!!
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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