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Why do Shounen Anime make the 'ships' happen at the end?

May 15, 2019 9:59 AM

Jan 2018
Is there even a shounen anime that shows the MC in a steady relationship?
I really wanna see how the ships progress instead of just 'oo they kiss, and boom, timeskip 10 years later got 2 kids.

I know the author wants us to relate to the MC but that doesn't mean we're lonely fucks... right? (This one is joke... maybe)

Edit: I just realize that there is an anime that set the ship halfway... and its freaking Sword Art Online..
Props to that?

Dave_AdrianMay 15, 2019 10:56 AM

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May 15, 2019 10:02 AM

Mar 2012
Because ship only dock at the end of journey.
Kickstarter for Rokujouma is fully funded. Good work everyone. Lets wait for the result of our hard work together.
May 15, 2019 10:03 AM
Jul 2018
NeoAnkara said:
Because ship only dock at the end of journey.
XD, that actually made me laugh out loud lol. You should feel honored.
May 15, 2019 10:04 AM

Jan 2018
NeoAnkara said:
Because ship only dock at the end of journey.

Not exactly m8. The ship can transit, drop some cargo, and other shit that ships do..

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May 15, 2019 10:06 AM

May 2013
Dave_Adrian said:
NeoAnkara said:
Because ship only dock at the end of journey.

Not exactly m8. The ship can transit, drop some cargo, and other shit that ships do..

b..but he said end of the journey. the cargo is probably the baby because kissing girls makes them pregnant in japan. lol
Truly a Divine Comedy
May 15, 2019 10:13 AM

Mar 2012
Sayanora12 said:
NeoAnkara said:
Because ship only dock at the end of journey.
XD, that actually made me laugh out loud lol. You should feel honored.
I feel proud of it actually. I just realize it is a good one.

Dave_Adrian said:
NeoAnkara said:
Because ship only dock at the end of journey.

Not exactly m8. The ship can transit, drop some cargo, and other shit that ships do..
That's just temporary in the end. Ship need to restock every so often to not make a boring journey.
NeoAnkaraMay 15, 2019 10:17 AM
Kickstarter for Rokujouma is fully funded. Good work everyone. Lets wait for the result of our hard work together.
May 15, 2019 10:18 AM

Aug 2018
Because its shounen.
The charm and writing of romance (good writing or romance choose one lmao) is lost in the shounen targed audience.

Also if there were romance in a shounen it would stop being a shounen since one of the key factors about romance is that its something aimed at young adults or adults while shounen is for kids/teens.

Check out my taste and my profile.
May 15, 2019 10:27 AM

Jan 2018
CordobezEverdeen said:
Because its shounen.
The charm and writing of romance (good writing or romance choose one lmao) is lost in the shounen targed audience.

Also if there were romance in a shounen it would stop being a shounen since one of the key factors about romance is that its something aimed at young adults or adults while shounen is for kids/teens.

I know that Shounen is for teenage boys and all, but I'm pretty sure some teenagers are in a relationship (probably not a serious one but still), or wanting to have a relationship (thats why they start shipping characters anyway right?)

I'm just saying that romance can still be included as a subplot instead of just 'boom timeskip 10 years later they got 2 kids'.

I want to see them develop as a couple at least (first date, first kiss, first fight, first sex? Probably not that, but the others are pg 13). But don't let that subplot take the focus from the main plotline.

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May 15, 2019 10:27 AM

Oct 2010
Because the creators want total attention from the reader/watcher. They make the ship at the end to avoid backlash and a possibility of the fans to stop following the series if their ship won't happen. For ex: hook up hinata with naruto on ep100 and you lose 20% of the fans early. Hook them up later and profit till there. Money.
May 15, 2019 10:30 AM

Jan 2018
Dave_Adrian said:
NeoAnkara said:
Because ship only dock at the end of journey.

Not exactly m8. The ship can transit, drop some cargo, and other shit that ships do..
That's just temporary in the end. Ship need to restock every so often to not make a boring journey.[/quote]
I'm not even sure what we're talking about anymore..

Just tell me what do you think about shounen anime giving us the ship at the end.

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May 15, 2019 10:33 AM

Jul 2010
Well for some anime make sense, a lot of shounen animes have lowkey romance going with the main storyline and what the reader attention to be involved more in the action line than the romance. Also shipping invests the fans into the anime sometimes and u countinue watching till the end only to see your ship becoming canon or getting totally screwed up like it happened in Bleach.

Honestly I'm kinda tired of that cliche. In some animes it would make so much sense if the couple just get together finally during the plot line and as you said watch the romance evolve while to some others putting the characters together just spoils the end.

May 15, 2019 10:34 AM

Jan 2018
Catalano said:
Because the creators want total attention from the reader/watcher. They make the ship at the end to avoid backlash and a possibility of the fans to stop following the series if their ship won't happen. For ex: hook up hinata with naruto on ep100 and you lose 20% of the fans early. Hook them up later and profit till there. Money.

I feel you fam.. but what about the ones that are already set in stone like Midoriya and Uraraka (cmon its fucking obvious) or Inuyasha and Kagome? (this aint really a spoiler, its just really fucking obvious.. and I havent even seen Inuyasha)

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May 15, 2019 10:36 AM

Feb 2019
Catalano said:
Because the creators want total attention from the reader/watcher. They make the ship at the end to avoid backlash and a possibility of the fans to stop following the series if their ship won't happen. For ex: hook up hinata with naruto on ep100 and you lose 20% of the fans early. Hook them up later and profit till there. Money.

This. It's quite difficult to keep the shippers on deck after ruining/discarding their preferred pairing. They'll just rage and not be invested anymore as much or not at all.
May 15, 2019 10:37 AM

Mar 2012
Dave_Adrian said:
Dave_Adrian said:

Not exactly m8. The ship can transit, drop some cargo, and other shit that ships do..
That's just temporary in the end. Ship need to restock every so often to not make a boring journey.

I'm not even sure what we're talking about anymore..

Just tell me what do you think about shounen anime giving us the ship at the end.[/quote]When it end doesn't matter to me. I just enjoy the interaction and situation coupling of thinking will they and won't they be together. Just giving more fuel for imagination.
NeoAnkaraMay 15, 2019 10:42 AM
Kickstarter for Rokujouma is fully funded. Good work everyone. Lets wait for the result of our hard work together.
May 15, 2019 10:38 AM

Jan 2018
Griff-ith said:
Well for some anime make sense, a lot of shounen animes have lowkey romance going with the main storyline and what the reader attention to be involved more in the action line than the romance. Also shipping invests the fans into the anime sometimes and u countinue watching till the end only to see your ship becoming canon or getting totally screwed up like it happened in Bleach.

Honestly I'm kinda tired of that cliche. In some animes it would make so much sense if the couple just get together finally during the plot line while to some others putting the characters together just spoils the end.

The cliche is already overbearing for me. It's just like the mainstream tv series with the element of will they/wont they (99% of the time, they will)

and yeah tite kubo fucked us all in the ass with that ending

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May 15, 2019 10:41 AM
May 2019
If you want an example of a shonen that does a great job at building the MCs love interest, itd have to be yu yu hakusho without a doubt, its built throughout the series and not suddenly "hey this happened during our time skip".
May 15, 2019 10:42 AM

Jul 2010
@Dave_Adrian yeah exactly. For example for Boku no Hero Academia it would be refreshing if there is some romance actually going on with the plot line not just hinted. Like come on they are in school it will even make sense because that's where romance starts to happen... I would like to see some Todoroki/Momo or Deku/Uraraka actual moments.

May 15, 2019 10:43 AM

Jan 2018
Weebover9000 said:
If you want an example of a shonen that does a great job at building the MCs love interest, itd have to be yu yu hakusho without a doubt, its built throughout the series and not suddenly "hey this happened during our time skip".

Aah shit.. I haven't finished watching Yu Yu Hakusho.

Were they really dating tho? I mean, I know they both liked each other and had their 'sweet' moments, but still..

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May 15, 2019 10:45 AM
May 2019
Dave_Adrian said:
Weebover9000 said:
If you want an example of a shonen that does a great job at building the MCs love interest, itd have to be yu yu hakusho without a doubt, its built throughout the series and not suddenly "hey this happened during our time skip".

Aah shit.. I haven't finished watching Yu Yu Hakusho.

Were they really dating tho? I mean, I know they both liked each other and had their 'sweet' moments, but still..

No, but its clear they both had a thing for each other so itd be fitting for them to get together in the end because it built up in a healthy way unlike most shonen anime pairings.
May 15, 2019 10:47 AM

Jan 2018
Griff-ith said:
@Dave_Adrian yeah exactly. For example for Boku no Hero Academia it would be refreshing if there is some romance actually going on with the plot line not just hinted. Like come on they are in school it will even make sense because that's where romance starts to happen... I would like to see some Todoroki/Momo or Deku/Uraraka actual moments.

Yes! I really wanna see them progressing as couples as well instead of just hinting and more hinting.
It is a coming of age story after all, let them have experiences about dating and all them sticks (possibly breaking up as well?).

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May 15, 2019 10:51 AM

Jan 2018
Dave_Adrian said:
Weebover9000 said:
If you want an example of a shonen that does a great job at building the MCs love interest, itd have to be yu yu hakusho without a doubt, its built throughout the series and not suddenly "hey this happened during our time skip".

Aah shit.. I haven't finished watching Yu Yu Hakusho.

Were they really dating tho? I mean, I know they both liked each other and had their 'sweet' moments, but still..

It would still be better if they showed the progress of being an actual couple instead of just liking each other.

I know shounen shouldn't focus on all of that, but romance should be a subplot considering that you have romantic interactions in your series.

Shounen is coming of age stories after all.

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May 15, 2019 10:55 AM

Jul 2010
@Dave_Adrian YES! That's a big problem in anime for me not only in shounen but in shoujo too. They never break up or date another people. It would be so interesting if they change partners like in real life. Let's use BNHA again let's say Uraraka for example dates someone else from the main cast and by end she gets together with Deku. That would be so nice honestly! Or first being with Deku and then they find someone else. Maybe break the main gets the girl cliche, too...
And also in shoujo animes, too. Its kinda unrealistic to never liked anyone else except the main character.

May 15, 2019 11:02 AM

Jan 2018
Griff-ith said:
@Dave_Adrian YES! That's a big problem in anime for me not only in shounen but in shoujo too. They never break up or date another people. It would be so interesting if they change partners like in real life. Let's use BNHA again let's say Uraraka for example dates someone else from the main cast and by end she gets together with Deku. That would be so nice honestly! Or first being with Deku and then they find someone else. Maybe break the main gets the girl cliche, too...
And also in shoujo animes, too. Its kinda unrealistic to never liked anyone else except the main character.

Completely agree with you m8... but here's the thing...

I'm pretty sure the editors in Shounen Jump (motherfuckers that ruin Death Note, Naruto, Bleach, and etc) wouldn't allow Horikoshi to do that because it has the possibility to stir up the fanbase (remember that Zero two and Ichigo bullshit?)

It's sad to see that a series can't be groundbreaking because it can lead to some mild controversy for the fanbase.

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May 15, 2019 11:12 AM
Apr 2018
Anime that are targeted towards male audiences between 12-18 are referred to as shounen anime.The distinct plot elements of anime belonging to this category are action and adventure.The main focus of these anime is not romance and therefore the 'ships' usually happen at the end.
May 15, 2019 11:14 AM

Jul 2010
@Dave_Adrian yes it's a major problem with the manga industry that if you are published by Shounen Jump, you don't really get to write your story the way you want.
I don't know if you watched/read JoJo, but anyway here is the thing. The 6th part of JoJo is starring a female protagonist, long story short, the author wanted her to be a lesbian, SJ didn't allow it so he had to transform her love interest into a male still fine tho because the character is cool. Honestly for me it's fine that he is a male and I enjoyed the story, but as an author it must be really frustrating for someone to make you change your ways just because the audience might not like it very much.

May 15, 2019 11:17 AM

Nov 2016
There's Hajime no Ippo. The protagonist isn't in an official relationship, it's more a platonic one, but it's decent by anime standards, especially for a battle/sports shounen. He's going on dates and stuff, you can tell they really love each other and the girl cares a lot about his well, so in that regard a proper girlfriend has nothing on her. Admittedly, there's very little progress for the amount of chapters, I would still say that I grew immensely fond of their relationship and some moments hit me harder in the feels than some better written one or two cour romances.

so go watch/read Ippo, you're even getting kind of a harem situation

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

May 15, 2019 11:21 AM

Jan 2018
Yato_gami123 said:
Anime that are targeted towards male audiences between 12-18 are referred to as shounen anime.The distinct plot elements of anime belonging to this category are action and adventure.The main focus of these anime is not romance and therefore the 'ships' usually happen at the end.

I know m8, but why can't they include romance as a subplot instead of just pairing them up in the end like, I can't believe I'm gonna say this, Sword Art Online (but SAO aint really like a real relationship tho, it really feels forced.. and them acting like newlyweds after just ONE DAY as a couple is just unrealistic)

Most of Shounen Anime are about coming of age stories and I'm pretty sure romance can definitely be included as a subplot, especially when two characters are written to have feelings for each other.

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May 15, 2019 11:21 AM

Oct 2010
Op. Regarding inuyasha, they progress with their love quite well, in the 2nd season it's clearly that they are a couple and they will spend life together, but they are on the run to fight that mf naraku. They didn't ship the 2 of them only at the end.
About bnha, I didn't watch it and judging from my exp with naruto and bleach, I can see that the editors don't wanna put romance in there because the'll upset the other shippers. My first argument stands. If orihime x ichigo happened since 100th chapter for ex, no one would have read bleach till the end. Maybe we'll find other reasons in this thread.
May 15, 2019 11:34 AM

Dec 2018
Dave_Adrian said:
Catalano said:
Because the creators want total attention from the reader/watcher. They make the ship at the end to avoid backlash and a possibility of the fans to stop following the series if their ship won't happen. For ex: hook up hinata with naruto on ep100 and you lose 20% of the fans early. Hook them up later and profit till there. Money.

I feel you fam.. but what about the ones that are already set in stone like Midoriya and Uraraka (cmon its fucking obvious) or Inuyasha and Kagome? (this aint really a spoiler, its just really fucking obvious.. and I havent even seen Inuyasha)

Honestly, a lot of fans don't give up that easily. They'll hold on to the faintest glimmer of hope that the MC will end up with their best girl/boy until the very end.
May 15, 2019 11:44 AM

Jul 2017
The prequel to Rurouni Kenshin has the MC in an actual developed relationship. Yuu Yuu Hakusho is a good example as well.

Griff-ith said:
Well for some anime make sense, a lot of shounen animes have lowkey romance going with the main storyline and what the reader attention to be involved more in the action line than the romance. Also shipping invests the fans into the anime sometimes and u countinue watching till the end only to see your ship becoming canon or getting totally screwed up like it happened in Bleach.

Yeah Kubo did us dirty xD.

May 15, 2019 11:45 AM

Jul 2017
Putting the couple getting together at the end is a good representation of an overall conclusion to the story, to all the buildup that happens. Like some of the shows that do have couples forming early on like Golden Time or DomeKano, their endings kinda feel more like settling drama rather than moving forward or something

I mean I'm all for couples forming early on and being all lovey-dovey whatever, like HIs and Her Circumstances or Tsuki ga Kirei but I don't mind if they form at the end as long as it was enjoyable like Tamako Love Story or Tada Doesn't Fall in Love.

That being said though I think the bigger problem is shows that tease the hell out of couples but never give them any good conclusion

May 15, 2019 11:55 AM

Jan 2018
Short_Circut said:
Putting the couple getting together at the end is a good representation of an overall conclusion to the story, to all the buildup that happens. Like some of the shows that do have couples forming early on like Golden Time or DomeKano, their endings kinda feel more like settling drama rather than moving forward or something

I mean I'm all for couples forming early on and being all lovey-dovey whatever, like HIs and Her Circumstances or Tsuki ga Kirei but I don't mind if they form at the end as long as it was enjoyable like Tamako Love Story or Tada Doesn't Fall in Love.

That being said though I think the bigger problem is shows that tease the hell out of couples but never give them any good conclusion

I really don't think that Domestic Kanojo is even up for discussion here, that series is basically a telenovela.
But Golden Time, I actually like that show, it tells a good story about relationships and all that, before they go to the whole memory ghost Banri and that whole crap.
It's kinda weird to just pair the couple in the end and not show us how they develop as a couple (the whole time skip 10 years later got 2 kids ending needs to stop)
Shounen Anime is a coming of age story and romance can definitely be included as a subplot (the subplot is about having a romantic relationship instead of just hinting both of them have feelings for each other)

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May 15, 2019 11:59 AM
Jul 2018
One anime/manga that does slightly more than just get the love interests together at the end is Noragami.

Griff-ith said:
@Dave_Adrian YES! That's a big problem in anime for me not only in shounen but in shoujo too. They never break up or date another people. It would be so interesting if they change partners like in real life. Let's use BNHA again let's say Uraraka for example dates someone else from the main cast and by end she gets together with Deku. That would be so nice honestly! Or first being with Deku and then they find someone else. Maybe break the main gets the girl cliche, too...
And also in shoujo animes, too. Its kinda unrealistic to never liked anyone else except the main character.

Agree with you re: shonen, but in quite a few shojo/romance shows, the characters get together with others before finally realizing who they want to be with. There are plenty of third wheels e.g. in Kaichou wa Maid-sama, Ao Haru Ride, even Ouran Kokou Host Club. So much so that I got tired of the third wheel trope at one point.
May 15, 2019 12:12 PM

Jan 2018
Attackonfiller said:
The prequel to Rurouni Kenshin has the MC in an actual developed relationship. Yuu Yuu Hakusho is a good example as well.

Griff-ith said:
Well for some anime make sense, a lot of shounen animes have lowkey romance going with the main storyline and what the reader attention to be involved more in the action line than the romance. Also shipping invests the fans into the anime sometimes and u countinue watching till the end only to see your ship becoming canon or getting totally screwed up like it happened in Bleach.

Yeah Kubo did us dirty xD.

Is it weird of me that I kinda don't want to read Rurouni Kenshin cuz Watsuki is basically Japanese Jared Fogel??
I mean, The Pianist was a really good movie, but to think that that movie was directed by Roman Polanski was.. well u get wut I mean

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May 15, 2019 12:18 PM

Jul 2017
Dave_Adrian said:
Short_Circut said:
Putting the couple getting together at the end is a good representation of an overall conclusion to the story, to all the buildup that happens. Like some of the shows that do have couples forming early on like Golden Time or DomeKano, their endings kinda feel more like settling drama rather than moving forward or something

I mean I'm all for couples forming early on and being all lovey-dovey whatever, like HIs and Her Circumstances or Tsuki ga Kirei but I don't mind if they form at the end as long as it was enjoyable like Tamako Love Story or Tada Doesn't Fall in Love.

That being said though I think the bigger problem is shows that tease the hell out of couples but never give them any good conclusion

I really don't think that Domestic Kanojo is even up for discussion here, that series is basically a telenovela.
But Golden Time, I actually like that show, it tells a good story about relationships and all that, before they go to the whole memory ghost Banri and that whole crap.
It's kinda weird to just pair the couple in the end and not show us how they develop as a couple (the whole time skip 10 years later got 2 kids ending needs to stop)
Shounen Anime is a coming of age story and romance can definitely be included as a subplot (the subplot is about having a romantic relationship instead of just hinting both of them have feelings for each other)

I do think it still has to do with the conclusion aspect to it. Really it depends on how the plot is moving, like Golden Time, for instance, focused more on the relationship and that stuff, so couple forming in the middle was a good choice. Something like the aforementioned Tada Doesn't Fall in Love, however, would be kinda hard to progress the plot had the couple formed early on.

It could also just be lazy writing on the creators part. Like it's much simpler to make a couple form at the end and be happily ever after then take the time to actually show their relationship progress (although that's not really hard to begin with)
May 15, 2019 1:15 PM

Oct 2017
Backlash to me would be the big reason though don't get me wrong I would like to see anime with more continued relationships. Getting together is just one phase of any relationship. Though honestly I tend to feel you need to explicitly have them get together early to avoid any potential backlash from shippers if your series is popular.
May 15, 2019 1:33 PM
Jul 2018
Dave_Adrian said:

Is it weird of me that I kinda don't want to read Rurouni Kenshin cuz Watsuki is basically Japanese Jared Fogel??
I mean, The Pianist was a really good movie, but to think that that movie was directed by Roman Polanski was.. well u get wut I mean

Not weird considering the "should we separate the art from the artist" debate is pretty hot right now, especially post metoo. No right answers yet.
May 15, 2019 2:10 PM

May 2018
"Why do Shounen Anime make the 'ships' happen at the end?"
Shounen or only battle shounen?

What's with the generalizing in most of OP's topics?
May 15, 2019 3:11 PM

Jan 2018
alshu said:
"Why do Shounen Anime make the 'ships' happen at the end?"
Shounen or only battle shounen?

What's with the generalizing in most of OP's topics?

What's the difference m8?

And the generalizing... pfftt I don't know, probably too lazy or somethin.

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges.

May 15, 2019 3:27 PM

Nov 2007
Forming couples by the end of the story? The syndrome is called Fainaru Fantajii and shounen anime is not immune to it.
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May 15, 2019 10:53 PM

May 2018
Dave_Adrian said:

What's the difference m8?

If I must make an analogy to battle shounen and shounen in general it will be like pizza and italian food in general.
May 15, 2019 10:55 PM

Jan 2009
NeoAnkara said:
Because ship only dock at the end of journey.

you win the internet today with that lol
May 15, 2019 11:23 PM

Jan 2018
alshu said:
Dave_Adrian said:

What's the difference m8?

If I must make an analogy to battle shounen and shounen in general it will be like pizza and italian food in general.

alshu said:
Dave_Adrian said:

What's the difference m8?

If I must make an analogy to battle shounen and shounen in general it will be like pizza and italian food in general.

Probably more on the italian food than just the pizza

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges.

May 15, 2019 11:50 PM

Feb 2012
Maybe because unlike Top Gun, these series aren't chick flicks in disguise. Well, some might be if you look really hard.
May 16, 2019 12:06 AM

Jan 2011
Because romance subplots are almost always shit, and that goes for all of fiction. If it's not the focus, very few pull it off well.
May 16, 2019 12:06 AM

Apr 2017
Romance isn't the main genre? I'd rather then focus on the action than kissing.
May 16, 2019 12:21 AM

Apr 2016
Of course, this isn't a thing with just anime; I feel like there are many shows in general that don't portray what happens after the happily ever after.

My best guess for why? The target audience. It's not like they expect young boys to be single losers, but that tweens and teenagers aren't experiencing real, mature love. They're still in that mushy faze where most of the time in the relationship WAS probably spent trying to buck up the courage to get the crush in the first place. It's young love, not something mature, deep, or complex. So why portray something that most of your target audience might not understand? For many young people, they DO believe that it's all roses and daisies once you get the guy/girl.

I've seen anime portray all the different stages and struggles that come with relationships and they're usually targeted to audiences who will understand and/or seek such stories, like young adults or romance lovers. I feel like teen boys, in their current stage of life, would relate more to the flirting and excitement of trying to win your crush's heart as opposed to the actual relationship struggles that make you question everything.

Edit: Not to mention, that's unnecessary extra writing!! It's all nice and cute when they're still courting each other, but it'll be cringey if the couple gets together and, turns out, they don't mesh or they've lost the spark that came with the chase.
CHLO_JO007May 16, 2019 12:28 AM
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May 16, 2019 12:26 AM

Jan 2009
and obviously the characters are usually not yet in the age of consent and the audience are usually kids too (like mentioned already with previous replies)
May 16, 2019 12:33 AM

Jan 2018
Shounen delivers a good action packed fighting scenes which is the main draw for majority while romance plot would generally have mixed feelings, steadily being out of touch from majority because we simply don't just pick anyone to fall in love with. Yes, bleach is a good example.
May 16, 2019 12:37 AM

Oct 2007
ReaperCreeper said:
Because romance subplots are almost always shit, and that goes for all of fiction. If it's not the focus, very few pull it off well.

I'm a huge romance fan, and this is sadly true. Shoehorned-in romance B-plots are mostly terrible. :( I really wish creators would stop with that obligatory love interest crap.

It's been ages, but I seem to remember Flame of Recca (battle shounen) being pretty unusual in that the MCs both are basically committed to each other from the beginning. It's pretty sweet, in a middle-school romance kind of way.
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