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Aug 1, 2016 8:01 AM

Aug 2013
So, what are your thoughts about the OVA ?

I have to say I am quite satisfied with what has been done in 28 minutes. The pacing is really good, and the story has quite a bit of potential. I definitely don't regret participating in the KickStarter.
"Even now, I travel on my journey,
Believing in the world,
Aiming for something far away – an endless journey.
Having a dream like someone else’s,
Or being in someone else’s dream –
Which would you prefer?"
Aug 1, 2016 8:23 AM
Jul 2016
DerMond said:
So, what are your thoughts about the OVA ?

I have to say I am quite satisfied with what has been done in 28 minutes. The pacing is really good, and the story has quite a bit of potential. I definitely don't regret participating in the KickStarter.

No regrets, but sad that they didnt had enough time for more anthea (fight scenes show in trailer wasn't animated). But its understandable

As for Hana, it was :/ no happy fairytale ending for all parties tbh
Aug 1, 2016 8:29 AM
Jul 2011
Amazing, best military action i've seen in awhile.
Aug 1, 2016 9:13 AM
Jun 2014
So sad there isn't more :c
Aug 1, 2016 9:36 AM

Apr 2014
Wow Under The Dog was actually good, I'm impressed. I will say they did oversell it in kickstarter but hey thats how you sell a product and I'm not mad it is a solid 8/10.

Its more substance than style because I would say this is basically something a seasonal anime can accomplish with the animation. I guess its harder to sell a story that isn't otaku pandering. But hey who knows maybe they thought they could have done this independently. But seeing as this is with KC and Orange I'm glad they worked with a competent studio. The CG is your standard Orange quality CG. Some scenes def looked more flashier than others and the backgrounds were simple but it got the job done.

I feel that Hana was a good main character for the amount of screen time she got. Sadly we don't get to see the Anthea till the 22 minute mark. Again, it looks like they were selling a different product at first. Anthea's introduction puts everything in to perceptive to why she comes so late in the anime. It isn't a bad thing because Hana is still a good character. The last act is what the 2 acts before it built up to. And I do say it was worth the build up. The action scenes might not be OMG sakuga nut on my screen, but it was good and interesting.

Most of the story is placed in high school where we see a gun fight going on. Don't let high school setting bother you because we only get that higschool feel for 2 or 3 minutes before everything goes ape shit. Whats great about it is that we get enough info in-between these shooting fight scenes but not overbearing to the point where we have exposition coming out the screen. There are plenty of things that the story shows you but doesn't explicitly tell you. For example the monster having green eyes as well as Hana and Anthea. They even spell it out for you in the beginning about how their hope became their nemesis. But you forget about that by the time you get to the second act. Overall there are other things but I don't want to go into detail just watch it for yourself. The entire anime is paced and directed in such a way where it feels like a mini movie.

The best part about the feel of this narrative is that it feels like a 90s OVA. Oh how I miss the OVA boom. Anyways to wrap things up, was it the over the top action/mystery flick we were planning to see? No, but it is a decent to good action anime with great build up and nice characters.

Enjoy the twist because this anime does something most anime wouldn't have. Thats all I gotta say without spoiling your experience.

I seen titties so its a good anime.
moodieAug 1, 2016 10:28 AM
Aug 1, 2016 9:42 AM

Apr 2014
I enjoyed this ova more than I thought I would

The action was great and I hope a sequel gets made in the future

Mod edit: Removed illegal streaming link
ArdanazAug 1, 2016 10:23 AM

Aug 1, 2016 10:20 AM

Oct 2013
After everything that this project went through, I was surprised to find myself so impressed with the OVA. While there was some things that I did not like, such as some of the cringe worthy English and a few brief scenes, overall it was very well done. The animation looked good, the soundtrack was awesome, and it sufficiently told a good story while still leaving enough to be desired for a series. Overall, I'll give it an 8/10.

Also, I wonder how much personality those black flowers retain when they are "pandoraized." To me it looked like the father was trying to save his son from the missile at the end, only to be ironically killed by him, leading to both of their deaths. I wonder if it could even be that they retain almost 100% control, as the father was never the instigator in any of the fights and he did try to save his son. Maybe they are killed instead because of their hideous and monster like nature. It could also be that girls, are able to revert back to their natural form (each return from a certain degree, for example Athena being able to go the furthest into pandora form explaining why she is the most bad @$$) and that is why they are used in those operations...

I want more, I am hooked already! Hopefully, Under The Dog will get a TV series after this!
Aug 1, 2016 10:47 AM

Sep 2014
I must say I really liked it. Been waiting since I heard of the anime in a reddit AMA of the former producer. Hopefully they will adapt it into a TV anime in the future.
Aug 1, 2016 10:52 AM

Jun 2015
I've been waiting for this for forever and it definitely did not disappoint. The animation was great and I like that they didn't spend too much time on an exposition dump but left it fairly vague (which makes sense, given that it's a hypothetical pilot episode).

I really hope this gets turned into a full-length TV series.
Aug 1, 2016 10:59 AM

May 2013
I was rather skeptical first cause heard some trouble with this anime production. but after watching, it was a good anime with 25 minutes short story you could pull to tell. Just confused with black/white analogy, the 'true' main character also introduced late.

Nonetheless, it was I want to see, like POI the animation. every week having number, go protecting number, gunfighting and badass fem mc.
Aug 1, 2016 11:39 AM

Jun 2015
Pretty bad but that face though

Aug 1, 2016 12:08 PM

Mar 2016
This looks like a prologue to a story that has yet to be announced. Well i guess I can't expect to grasp everything from what went on here, but it can be good with a series to pick up from here . The english was not bad though lol
Aug 1, 2016 12:10 PM

Mar 2016
wish it was longer, it would have been nice if more things were explained though
Aug 1, 2016 12:18 PM

Aug 2015
DragonSlayer_19 said:
This looks like a prologue to a story that has yet to be announced. Well i guess I can't expect to grasp everything from what went on here, but it can be good with a series to pick up from here . The english was not bad though lol

I agree it did feel like a prologue, which isn't a bad thing. It introduces us to the world without having much explained. It gets us interested in what might come if the series gets continued.

The episode gives us tons of questions about the world. How did things come to be like they are? What are the Flowers fighting for. We get it, the hope of humanity. But what is at stake? You could say their families and their lives. That is what the series promoted in it's trailers. But what would happen if they fail? What exactly is their Mission? What does it mean to be "white"? How does Pandorization (I hope I got that right) come to be?

I can go on, but I won't. It is because of all these things that it draws us in. And I love that. I'm drawn in now. But what is the series going to do for me now? Is it just going to leave me here, wanting more from it? As a concept, I love it. That is why I backed it. But as a series as a whole, leaves for things to be desired.

Overall, I liked it.
Everyone says anime is getting worse and nothing compares to the greats;

I say anime never stops getting better

Aug 1, 2016 12:23 PM

Mar 2013
holy crap this gave me some weird GITS vibes maybe a little bit of Jormungand but all I can say is this should have been longer. I liked the english/engrish in this it was really well done the action scenes in this were so amazing I can't believe this was a kickstarter Anime. this definitely needs to be a full fledged anime or at least a movie series.
Aug 1, 2016 12:41 PM

Sep 2015
it was okay i guess
Aug 1, 2016 12:51 PM

Mar 2010
Left with too much question, it was interesting i guess though as it wasn't painful to watch but since
this ova doesn't get high ratings from me.
StardewAug 1, 2016 12:56 PM
Aug 1, 2016 1:04 PM

Feb 2015
Many unanswered questions. But I'm not even mad, it was good.
Didn't expect that ending though.

Cool bloody action-scenes and the OST was fitting as well, I hope there is going to be more of "Under the Dog" in the future. But.. oh well, hopefully with better english VA's or getting rid of them entirely.
I'm curious about the pandorization.. and wanna see more of Anthea's boobs those assassins, when they die, the family also dies? That's probably the reason why the family was so anxious regarding Hana.

I'm glad i backed up.
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Aug 1, 2016 1:08 PM

May 2015
An interesting pilot episode with a lot of potential, that is if any production committee is willing to pick this up. I would love to see more of Anthena's motorcycle like it was teased in the original preview trailers.

KuroiSenko said:
Many questions left; the first trailer is nothing like an episode itself.. Still pretty interesting

The creators "re-booted" the series mid-production.
RoseVueAug 1, 2016 1:12 PM
Aug 1, 2016 1:15 PM

Mar 2014
So I'm kind of confused here. Is this just a standalone thing (because it looked like a prologue or something) or have they actually made more episodes?

As for the anime itself well, it piqued my curiosity. The animation was decent, I saw some things that bothered (why do all girls have rosy cheecks?) me but overall okay. The story seems pretty standard for the genre from what I can see from the first episode, could either be boring or amazing, hard to say yet. A big plus was the lack of engrish despite the many english lines, it always feels so silly when they try to speak english in anime. All in all decent I guess, 7/10. Also uncensored tits, yay.
beforetomorrowAug 1, 2016 1:22 PM
Aug 1, 2016 1:16 PM

Dec 2014
That actually surpassed my expectations. It has the hard-nosed world-building of Ghost in the Shell and fantastic action set pieces.

I give it an 8/10. For a kickstarter project, this is really fucking good.
Aug 1, 2016 1:19 PM

May 2010
coudlnt finish it.
Aug 1, 2016 1:21 PM
May 2013
well it was ok until they killed hana... for me hana had the better char design. But well hard to really judge with only one episode so to say.
Aug 1, 2016 1:27 PM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
Full disclosure: I backed the Kickstarter and really wanted this to do well. I was extremely scared when the project went dark and we began getting all these staff changes.

All things considered, I'm extremely pleased with what I got. While the story and concept might not be very original (think they oversold that bit), it really delivered in spades with the action and the old school 90's scifi feel. You could tell the animators love their military hardware.The soundtrack was pretty good and the voice acting was very decent. Heck even the English was very understandable and didn't sound like it was tortured out of some Seeiyu.

I really hope this OVA can wet the appetite of a studio or two so they can go on to do a full series. Unfortunately I think the audience for this kind of story and feel are just not there anymore. It just doesn't pander to the otaku of 2016 (the ones 15 years ago would have loved it though!).
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

Aug 1, 2016 1:45 PM

Aug 2015
Farabeuf said:
Full disclosure: I backed the Kickstarter and really wanted this to do well. I was extremely scared when the project went dark and we began getting all these staff changes.

All things considered, I'm extremely pleased with what I got. While the story and concept might not be very original (think they oversold that bit), it really delivered in spades with the action and the old school 90's scifi feel. You could tell the animators love their military hardware.The soundtrack was pretty good and the voice acting was very decent. Heck even the English was very understandable and didn't sound like it was tortured out of some Seeiyu.

I really hope this OVA can wet the appetite of a studio or two so they can go on to do a full series. Unfortunately I think the audience for this kind of story and feel are just not there anymore. It just doesn't pander to the otaku of 2016 (the ones 15 years ago would have loved it though!).

It wouldn't have been funded if there wasn't an audience for it.

And the originality of the content is definitely there. Having the chance for the only hope for humanity capable of going bad without hardly any warning and becoming something that can wipe out humanity is a fairly original thought. I don't think it had the time to properly explore that thought in any reasonable and completely understandable way, so I could be off of the creator's vision a little.
Everyone says anime is getting worse and nothing compares to the greats;

I say anime never stops getting better

Aug 1, 2016 1:45 PM

Jun 2013
Personally a bit disappointed with this ova, I thought the music and the action was good but everything else felt pretty subpar. I think I would've enjoyed the full 2 hour movie length more, I don't feel like it really did much with the 28 minutes it was given.

beforetomorrow said:
So I'm kind of confused here. Is this just a standalone thing (because it looked like a prologue or something) or have they actually made more episodes?

It's just a single episode ova, nothing more for right now.
Aug 1, 2016 1:52 PM

Apr 2013
BACONator1313 said:
DragonSlayer_19 said:
This looks like a prologue to a story that has yet to be announced. Well i guess I can't expect to grasp everything from what went on here, but it can be good with a series to pick up from here . The english was not bad though lol

I agree it did feel like a prologue, which isn't a bad thing. It introduces us to the world without having much explained. It gets us interested in what might come if the series gets continued.

Yeah, it definitely felt like a prologue of sorts. If this does well enough, I hope we can get a full-fledged series in the future, I think it'd benefit from it a lot.

I didn't back up the kickstarter, but I did check it out when it was up, and I was all for it. I was happy it was successfully funded as it meant it could've been the start of something new for the anime industry. This gives me a Blood: The Last Vampire feel in that regard, and it was a breath of fresh air. Certainly not the best, although I will agree with those who say it was like a 90s OVA. A lot of those, too, sadly got cut short before there could be a full story, but here's to hoping this doesn't become victim to that.
Aug 1, 2016 1:56 PM

Sep 2014
Pretty short so the story and characters suffered, which was to be expected. It was pretty much a glimpse into a brutal world. Every "main character" died by the end of the show. Damn. I must admit it was tense though. I would watch a full feature movie in this setting with more character development, a whole story and better insights to the world.

The animation was actually really good. Lots of great action scenes (the Pandora for example!), lots of great explosions! :D It had a few terribad 3D CGI scenes that seemed really out of place. Seems like they had to cut the budget a bit. But generally I was positively surprised.

shawnofthedeadz said:
While there was some things that I did not like, such as some of the cringe worthy English

Wait what? I'm not a native but lots of the english voices sounded very american...
Aug 1, 2016 1:59 PM
May 2015
This was pretty trash
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Aug 1, 2016 2:00 PM

Jan 2016
I most say i satisfied as well, like to see a season with this, more n less sense its a swedish character (ish) n im Swedish xD nice action, also surprisingly, there where actual real english voices in this ? nice to see/hear.
Interested to see what they got more too offer ^^
cause MAL is doing there job for once.
Aug 1, 2016 2:12 PM

Apr 2013
Miragee said:
shawnofthedeadz said:
While there was some things that I did not like, such as some of the cringe worthy English

Wait what? I'm not a native but lots of the english voices sounded very american...

I think the soldiers were all American. I didn't think they're bad voice actors, it was just either the voice-directing that made some line deliveries wonky, or the animators not putting in the right emotions to match the voice. Or a combination of both. Either way, I hadn't heard actual American voice actors in a modern (non-dubbed) anime since Eden of the East--and if you want to count just the one character, T.K. from Angel Beats.
Aug 1, 2016 2:19 PM

Jan 2016
solid prologue 7-8/10 A lot of unanswered questions and a lot of unexpected badassery and nipple ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Hopefully its get picked up for a cour or something
Aug 1, 2016 2:35 PM

Oct 2014
KingKatsura said:
This was pretty trash

yeah I expected something better 1/10
CnonJan 7, 2017 12:22 AM
Aug 1, 2016 2:43 PM

Nov 2010
The animation was very good and i really liked the character designs too, but while the story idea might be good there is simply not enough of it. If you get more info out of the kickstarter page and the summary 'on the box' than from actually watching the episode there is something wrong with the balancing.

For me it felt like the glorified trailer you show to people to show the potential your show got to get funding for it and that might be exactly what they wanted to do with it, but for me it is not enough. While the concept might be interesting, there is no way to know if it will have the depth to carry enough weight to buy enought time to unfold the story to a point that makes it actually good.

At the moment it is (sadly) just a glorified (beautiful looking) trailer for something that could but may never be.

EDIT: Goodness can you stop comparing it to GitS? Even with the same amount of content that GitS has it couldn't even scratch the surface of what GitS has to offer.

EDIT2: I don't want to play party pooper, but i don't think that this will get any more content other than whatever they can squeeze out of kickstarter with a new campaign. Why? No actual animation studio would fund that level of animation for anything other than a movie and the creators don't seem to want to do any kind of compromise on te quality (which i can understand). The only way i see for this to get more content (in years) is a new kickstarter for a lot more funding for a series or (a) movie(s) and i'm not sure kickstarter could fund the millions of dollars needed for that.
zwolf12Aug 22, 2016 1:21 PM
Aug 1, 2016 2:49 PM

Jul 2010
LOL? what was this trash, everything just felt like false advertising from the KS promises because this animation just looked like any other seasonal anime out there which was clearly not what they promised with how they demand a lot of money and hyped up the animation for it and the whole premise ended up being in...high school? are you fucking kidding me right now. Hana was such a bland and boring character and so was the "male lead" and both ended up dying anyways so what was even the point?

Athena doesn't even show up until like the end so just few mins screen-time in total and she's on the cover and everything and I myself was most curious about her since she got Swedish background which is my nationality but not like it mattered anyways since she was such a throw away character and don't let me start on the "ofc this being an ova and all we just HAVE to include some nudity" thus the nipple shot, just found it kinda hilarious and then we got 10mins credits...

Kickstarters as usual fails to deliver, not even sure why I'm surprised by this point but I'm glad I didn't back this project.
Aug 1, 2016 2:53 PM

Jul 2015
I was told there would be a Swedish woman hunting a terrorist who struck the upcoming Tolyo olympics?

Instead we got the usual fucking high school kids as if we hadn't had enough of that setting. Not only that but we are treated to shitty english voice acting, why couldn't they just have them speak Japanese, don't they understand it breaks immersion this way?

Well I know the japanese audience don't care.

At least the action was good, especially during the finale.

Mod Edit: Modified for language.
ShockedAug 2, 2016 2:31 PM
Aug 1, 2016 2:59 PM

Nov 2010
Tenth said:
LOL? what was this trash, everything just felt like false advertising from the KS promises because this animation just looked like any other seasonal anime out there which was clearly not what they promised with how they demand a lot of money and hyped up the animation for it and the whole premise ended up being in...high school? are you fucking kidding me right now. Hana was such a bland and boring character and so was the "male lead" and both ended up dying anyways so what was even the point?

Athena doesn't even show up until like the end so just few mins screen-time in total and she's on the cover and everything and I myself was most curious about her since she got Swedish background which is my nationality but not like it mattered anyways since she was such a throw away character and don't let me start on the "ofc this being an ova and all we just HAVE to include some nudity" thus the nipple shot, just found it kinda hilarious and then we got 10mins credits...

Kickstarters as usual fails to deliver, not even sure why I'm surprised by this point but I'm glad I didn't back this project.

You clearly have no idea of what good animation means and is. The animation was excellent for the most part and incredible detailed. That level of animation is only found in full on movies at the moment and for sure not in your average season show.
Aug 1, 2016 3:23 PM

Sep 2014
BlueBalls said:
I was told there would be a Swedish woman hunting a terrorist who struck the upcoming Tolyo olympics?

Instead we got the usual fucking high school kids as if we hadn't had enough of that setting. Not only that but we are treated to shitty english voice acting, why couldn't they just have them speak Japanese, don't they understand it breaks immersion this way?

Well I know the japs don't care.

At least the action was good, especially during the finale.

It was the US army, that's why. And it wasn't even bad...

zwolf12 said:
Tenth said:
LOL? what was this trash, everything just felt like false advertising from the KS promises because this animation just looked like any other seasonal anime out there which was clearly not what they promised with how they demand a lot of money and hyped up the animation for it and the whole premise ended up being in...high school? are you fucking kidding me right now. Hana was such a bland and boring character and so was the "male lead" and both ended up dying anyways so what was even the point?

Athena doesn't even show up until like the end so just few mins screen-time in total and she's on the cover and everything and I myself was most curious about her since she got Swedish background which is my nationality but not like it mattered anyways since she was such a throw away character and don't let me start on the "ofc this being an ova and all we just HAVE to include some nudity" thus the nipple shot, just found it kinda hilarious and then we got 10mins credits...

Kickstarters as usual fails to deliver, not even sure why I'm surprised by this point but I'm glad I didn't back this project.

You clearly have no idea of what good animation means and is. The animation was excellent for the most part and incredible detailed. That level of animation is only found in full on movies at the moment and for sure not in your average season show.

Yeah, people will probably compare this to things like UBW and now Tales of Zestiria which apparently have godlike animation while they really don't. I mean sure, Under the Dog had some shitty moments but it also had lots of really good animation. Far better than any TV show I have watched this year.
Aug 1, 2016 4:01 PM
Nov 2014
Loved the ED song.
Aug 1, 2016 4:06 PM

Apr 2013
Excellent :) so satisfying to try to find my name in the kickstarter credits. I've been waiting for this moment.

This was definitely NOT the level of crisp animation that the original trailer had, but who cares? Honestly I was still really impressed by the detail and animation, and what matters is they nailed the tone and atmosphere. I was on the edge of my seat for a lot of this, I cared about the characters and Anthea was definitely badass for the very small part that she played in the end.

I really appreciate how this was all presented, I felt like it provided just enough to make me understand basically what was happening while still having a few questions that I am positive would be answered if they ever make a full series out of this. This OVA would serve as a very promising prologue to what looks like an interesting story that I'm totally itching to see more of.

Seriously, I hope that something more comes of this - as it is, I'd give this a solid 7/10 or even 8/10 for being so tense and capturing my interest to such an extent, but if time goes on and this is really all that we get, that would just be really sad. This is clearly not something to be judged as an entire story though, if you expect a full story then this will probably seem pretty disappointing to say the least. This is just a very good attention-grabber, a prologue to what was originally planned as a 26-episode anime. I very much hope that they can make more of this.
Aug 1, 2016 4:12 PM

Aug 2015
Miragee said:
zwolf12 said:

You clearly have no idea of what good animation means and is. The animation was excellent for the most part and incredible detailed. That level of animation is only found in full on movies at the moment and for sure not in your average season show.

Yeah, people will probably compare this to things like UBW and now Tales of Zestiria which apparently have godlike animation while they really don't. I mean sure, Under the Dog had some shitty moments but it also had lots of really good animation. Far better than any TV show I have watched this year.

Ufotable doesn't even have that great of animation. They have good art. Their computerized graphics are pleasant to the eyes. Art is not animation. Animation is the fluidity of charcters and such between frames. This had great animation. The art was average. Nothing really wrong with it.

And I know I am not going to be able to convince you, Tenth, that these characters, especially Hana were really well made, so I am not going to even try to take you from your opinion.

I think these characters were well done and the setting, although in highschool, never brought up any of the cliche boring highschool drama. The story brought action to the stage. I don't know if you noticed, obviously not, that the school had barricades and lock downs. Not to mention the military practically blowing up the school. There is nothing cliche about that!
Everyone says anime is getting worse and nothing compares to the greats;

I say anime never stops getting better

Aug 1, 2016 4:14 PM
Oct 2015
Came here expecting to see a lot of negative comments because thats what I'm seeing on YT and my twitter feed. Surprised to see mostly positive opinions. I liked it and I think because I didn't back it there was less room to be disappointed? The animation was pretty good, maybe not compared to the PV but still solid. It was definitely 'popcorn' entertainment, but thats not a bad thing. Its a fun 25 minute gun shooting explosive romp that is easy on the eyes.
Aug 1, 2016 4:31 PM

Dec 2014
Trying so hard to deliver something disappointing. It really is an anime!

I will always trade shallow, unearned sentimentality for mindless fun anytime. Is it really that difficult for them to get things right just for one time?
Aug 1, 2016 4:44 PM

Oct 2014
It's a decent pilot, tbh.
Aug 1, 2016 4:48 PM

Dec 2014
very disappointed with this ova, just a mindless action without any story.
but at least no engrish this time.

Aug 1, 2016 5:13 PM

Mar 2014
This was a mess. The only good thing about this OVA is the animation during action. Unless they make a sequel explaining things and telling us more about the world and the "main character", my score will remain 4/10.
Aug 1, 2016 5:31 PM

Nov 2012
As expected one episode kick starter funded ova fails to be anything significantly good 5/10.
Aug 1, 2016 7:44 PM

Jun 2015
The english dub just killed it right away, jesus christ, at least it was enjoyable
Aug 1, 2016 7:56 PM

Nov 2013
I don't understand, is there supposed to be more? This is god-awful. 1/10
Aug 1, 2016 8:29 PM
Feb 2016
I thought it was good. Not amazing, but I would definitely watch more episodes if they are made as it did a very good job of creating intrigue. We were thrust into the middle of a story but if they follow up with more episodes it works, if not I'll be sad. I sort of felt like the boy, thrust into the middle of the situation without knowing anything about what was going on. Now I want to know.

Usually I'm not a fan of english dub but I loved it for this because it was only the US military that was speaking English while everyone else spoke Japanese. I wish more anime would do stuff like that.

Overall, I'd say it was a 7-8 assuming they eventually create a follow up to the story, preferably with more episodes, but I'd take a manage or light novel. If the rest of the story never gets explained then its probably around a 4-5. Great intro to a series but not as a stand alone.
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