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Jun 29, 2014 1:34 PM
Mar 2012
This movie focuses mainly on Motoko's subconscious needs of feeling human by pursuing romantic relationships. I found it a tad bit more boring than the previous movies maybe due to the lack of action. Akira though was quite the peculiar character that I wanted to be more fleshed out. Though it would have been hard to do for such a support character in an hour long movie.

Also, the animation quality was really bad, fluctuating from okay to horrible frequently.
Jun 29, 2014 5:13 PM

Jan 2008
Lol, it seemed Motoko was interested in Togusa for a second there at the end, but it seems she simply has poor luck with men....unless it's whipping them as their leader, which I'm sure Bato is all too familiar with.

While the story is cool, I don't think my views on the art will change since the first movie...just doesn't ever grow on me. The thing I liked most was the Logicoma, and didn't even get to see it too much.

Last movie comes out in September. If they ever decide to make more Ghost in the Shell of anything after that...hopefully they can at least match Stand Alone Complex's quality, for next time.

alexpte said:
Also, the animation quality was really bad, fluctuating from okay to horrible frequently.

^This. I nearly spat out my dinner when I saw her face. Maybe they'll fix it for the Blu-ray...Oh wait, this is the BD. Well, shit.
Estoy_GordoJun 29, 2014 5:21 PM
Jun 29, 2014 8:55 PM

Nov 2009
alexpte said:
This movie focuses mainly on Motoko's subconscious needs of feeling human by pursuing romantic relationships. I found it a tad bit more boring than the previous movies maybe due to the lack of action. Akira though was quite the peculiar character that I wanted to be more fleshed out. Though it would have been hard to do for such a support character in an hour long movie.

Also, the animation quality was really bad, fluctuating from okay to horrible frequently.

Yeah you are right, Animation felt half ass. I thought I was going crazy when I saw Motoko face was pretty off centered.

Also not a lot of action and too much Akira. It felt like he could have been left out and we would not miss much.
Jun 29, 2014 9:24 PM

Nov 2011
Hmm, I guess it was kinda interesting to see cyborg's lifestyles in this movie. The animation dropped a ball there though..sigh.

It was kinda interesting to see Major and Akira's interpersonal relationship. Otherwise, I thought it was a so-so movie. Shame about Major's lover though....
Jun 29, 2014 9:31 PM
Oct 2012
where did you guys watch the movie?
Jun 30, 2014 11:11 AM

Oct 2008
Those character designs still make me cringe.
It's nice that it gave us more insight on Motoko's character this time around and how she wants to be as human as possible, but it's already been done in both the original and SAC and done much better.
Oh well, just one more to go..
Jun 30, 2014 1:31 PM

Dec 2011
Meh, it was even worse than previous episodes.
Jul 1, 2014 4:37 PM

Jan 2010
Its even worse than 1st one. While there was major plot fallacies, at least animation quality in the first ep. was somewhat consistent. In this episode we see that section9 operatives prefers to chat in VR while on a anti-terrorist mission with a predictable outcome:

totally legit dominatrix-general from 1st one returned
with some not-so-mysterious loli-hacker, that presumably got screen time in 4 ep.

now, some quality shots:

just look at that neck

and what with that design, is Motoko a skinhead now?

This episode also has Gendo-pose
and truth in a television

The preview of next ep. shows us Motoko in oldschool gear
which not even close to
but hopefully a good sign nonetheless.
JCDenton1989Jul 1, 2014 4:42 PM
Jul 3, 2014 7:25 PM

Sep 2007
God this episode was awful. Any 14 year old teenager could have written that plot in under 30 minutes.
Suddenly a foreign terror group appears, plothole, plothole, plothole, culprit shoots himself for no reason.
Then all this emotional crap Motoko is going through. She is a fecking elite soldier dammit.
And after this episode you can add warcriminal to the list...


1 point for the bad executed subplot of how Togusa got the job offering.
1 point for beeing GitS in general.
Jul 4, 2014 7:32 AM

Nov 2012
hmm the loli kouhai get her screentime for the next ep? better be good

and about animation quality..atleast i downloaded this.
i feel bad for people who buy the BD, refund? maybe... or this gonna get a remake
Jul 4, 2014 2:52 PM
Jul 2018
Those movies are embarrassment to GITS series. Bad plot, characters, even animation is bad. Character designs look awful. Not even soundtracks are good. Plot is so boring I didn't even bother to think about wth was going on. Would have been better if they just continued old GITS.
Jul 6, 2014 5:55 AM

Oct 2012
Well, in contrast to most of you(at least those who've commented), I enjoyed the first two series a lot, especially the second one. However this third one was a really bad one... The art wasn't nearly as good as i expected, in fact there was only one scene where I felt like it was good enough, the story was uncreative, at times even boring, and the Major's bf was such a shit ass character he could have been shown for 2 minutes and would've still left the same impact - absolute zero.
Jul 6, 2014 6:12 AM

Apr 2012
What I really found boring in Arise 2 was the overlong action scenes that made it look like a Matrix clone. So I'm glad there wasn't any in this border. But on the other hand, this movie felt the cheapest of the three, with a lazy character design, no memorable backgrounds or effects. It's like the production is saving budget for the last border (and I hope they are).

Story-wise it was also a little better than Arise 2, but nothing extraordinary either. Like others pointed out, my main issue is with the characters: for an opus called Ghost Tears, I was expecting to be a little more emotionally involved -- like Motoko is supposed to be -- but the scenarisation was rushed so we end up with a cyberpunk commonplace, a bit like Ghost Pains in that respect.

A good movie that could have been a lot better. I'll watch border 4 but I'm not hyped at all at this point.
Jul 6, 2014 6:45 AM

Dec 2013
Batou punching himself in the face will never ever get old.
Jul 6, 2014 8:51 AM

May 2010
i just dont get ppl bitching about character designs in the third movie cause they were the same in ghost pain! sure this was the worst of the 3 and it doesnt even compare to the GITS movies or anime but i still think it was worth my time.

what i didnt like was the sub title to the movie "ghost tears" because the moment you see Akira you know he will die in the end..atleast i felt this way.

on thing..the guy with the bomb prostehtics they threw down the elevator shaft..was there any reason no to rip his arms out and save him? they just "disposed" of him..#

anyways ..a very generous 6/10

i think the 2 batou self punches + togusa getting the job were the best moments of this movie.
Jul 7, 2014 10:02 AM

Oct 2008
Kerozinn said:

on thing..the guy with the bomb prostehtics they threw down the elevator shaft..was there any reason no to rip his arms out and save him? they just "disposed" of him..#

I agree, they probably could've done that. Also letting him die like that really felt weird and just mean.. Not only that, but they show no second thougts in throwing an innocent man down to his death and immediately afterwards say "crap, the fire is closing up my throat" as if they just disposed of a bug or something..
Jul 10, 2014 7:02 PM

Jan 2013
Was a good film, but I felt the lack of information was a bit dissapointing.
Still a great film none the less, 8/10
PrOxAntoJul 12, 2014 4:34 PM
Jul 11, 2014 8:06 AM

Apr 2009
This was the worst ARISE episode so far, 5/10 and I am being generous here...

Scratch that, 4/10.
NidhoeggrJul 11, 2014 8:09 AM
Steel Ball Run anime when?
Jul 12, 2014 3:50 AM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
I'm sad they changed the majors sexual proclivities from the manga. Yuri Motoko was much more fun and less conflicted. And finally the team is complete with Togusa, the "natural" of the group.

The animation was rather poor for this being a movie, and the story didn't pull me in as much as it should. It's hard to believe that GITS SAC and 2nd Gig are more than 10 years old and blow this out of the water in every way possible. It's not bad, but it could just be so much better. Calling Kenji Mamiyama please?
FarabeufJul 12, 2014 6:28 AM
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

Jul 14, 2014 3:23 AM

Nov 2010
Some very surprising light tones with Motoko's love story and other scenes which reminded me of SAC. It wasn't that great, but still enjoyable and entertaining and the side coming from Motoko was interesting.
With this I miss the tone that was set with the original first and second movie
Jul 14, 2014 9:53 PM

Mar 2013
They keep on spitting on the original gits movie and the sac series. I mean wtf is this? the second arise movie was already bad, but this one puts motokos character to a new bottom. Everyone who has any respect for the original motok should be ashamed liking this bullshit. Motoko now acts like every other clichee romance character with a bit of a strong attitude (which in some scenes makes her to an irational rager), so there is now absolutly nothing left from the old motoko in this new piece of garbage character. If it wouldnt insult a great show so much this movie could at least be watchable, but not this way.
Jul 21, 2014 12:17 PM

Sep 2011
Arise continues to disappoint. Had no clue what was going on, and honestly didn't care. It all just felt like a retread of stuff we've seen before. And I know it's been said over and over... but jeez... these character designs.
Jul 29, 2014 1:11 AM

Dec 2013
i actually really liked the first two borders quite a bit. i thought the new direction was kinda refreshing and i actually liked the character designs much more than SAC.

but THIS was awful. i don't even understand how this came to be. so much of it was so poorly drawn, that i was distracted by awkward anatomy/poorly rendered faces for probably half of the movie. its like every single artist who understands how motokos head should attach to her shoulders was away for the entirety of the production. even the action scenes were sloppy. i can't remember production IG ever making anything that looked this bad. if i was a teacher grading this as homework i would assume it was shit out in the 5 minute passing time before class.

the plot was pretty meh. aside from some interesting passing insights on life/romance as a cyborg the plot really didnt bring much fresh or thought provoking. and while i like the idea of a greener more naive motoko the borders are going for as prequels, seeing her being carried around and being almost the more submissive partner in her relationship felt really off and forced. she even has a cheesy tsundere moment that made me absolutely cringe
Jul 30, 2014 2:25 PM

Sep 2008
5/10 lol. They butchered Motoko. Now she's just a dumb slut(wtf) who lets her emotions get the better of her(even more wtf). Her character is entirely inconsistent with her profile(wizard class hacker? please, who are we kidding?).
There's two kinds of people you can't win an argument against:
One - Too dumb to tell right from wrong.
Two - Too stubborn to admit they are wrong.
Jul 31, 2014 12:18 AM

Aug 2008
Not very good. Stand Alone Complext still the best Ghost in the Shell to me.
But it's important to remember that a movie review is subjective;it only gives you one person's opinion.

It doesn't matter if you like LoGH,Monster etc.If you are a jobless or college/school dropout living in your mom basement, you are still an unintelligent loser. Taste in anime does not make you a better person.If elitist don't exist, casual pleb and shit taste also don't exist.
Aug 3, 2014 3:59 PM
Feb 2011
After watching this, I feel dead inside.
Aug 4, 2014 8:50 AM

Nov 2007
Through the case this time with bombing, the company that uses Water and the guy that major falls in love, we find out major's past and why she has that body. Interesting and sad at the same time.

Seems like that new cyborg (CV: Ai Kayano) that appeared in this movie will be important in next movie.
tsubasaloverAug 4, 2014 2:07 PM
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Aug 9, 2014 3:21 AM

Feb 2008
I have a feeling I'll forget everything that happened by tomorrow. Really disappointed, but on the bright side it's put me in the mood for sleep.
Aug 21, 2014 9:17 AM

Nov 2011
Sentimental score is 7 (because this is a new GITS, unrelated to anything else except by the names and physical appearances, I actually liked seeing how Section 9 was like back in the day, and that includes a less mature and less wise Motoko with her love life. This is a good thing because realistically putting into context, "You know better today than yesterday." The romance element was also actually nice, but then the romantic interest unfortunately, is useless piece of dragonshit, so there goes the score)

Objectively, as usual, a 6, because while almost everything made sense (or at least I think they did), they still don't elaborate on a lot of shit. Either that, or once more, I wasn't getting the picture. (I guess lately, I've been rather slow-minded. Fuck. Growing up's a real fucking hassle when you know your body's deteriorating) It would be nice if they spent more time talking. That's what made S.A.C. for me. In the end, I was able to understand SOMETHING because of all their talking. Here, there's way too much focus on Action. How dare they do that when the Animation was GARBAGE. You see. P.I.G. is P.I.G. for a reason. The only GOOD thing they can do is BACKGROUNDS.

New people just keep coming up, and not only are they new, but they're new and they look like FUCKING SHIT.

Seriously, WHAT THE FUCK is this SHIT?

That garbage reminds me of this shit:

This third episode had interesting parts, and some really shitty ass parts. I find it harder to connect the dots and comprehend this shit than S.A.C. I'm starting to miss S.A.C. even more already.

I REALLY want to like this. I really do. After all, the OP's the most dope shit I've ever heard in anime. And in this third episode, the OP and ED sequences were the best so far.

But I guess I'll leave my score at 7 because of Togusa. Though could someone tell me who that guy he captured was and what this whole thing about "shooting a person" was? He mentioned that the guy who escaped with the "proof" was shot, and I'm guessing this guy is the culprit but who exactly is this motherfucker? My brain's fried.
zetsu_shorenAug 21, 2014 12:45 PM
Aug 28, 2014 11:02 PM

May 2010
zetsu_shoren said:
Sentimental score is 7 (because this is a new GITS, unrelated to anything else except by the names and physical appearances, I actually liked seeing how Section 9 was like back in the day, and that includes a less mature and less wise Motoko with her love life. This is a good thing because realistically putting into context, "You know better today than yesterday." The romance element was also actually nice, but then the romantic interest unfortunately, is useless piece of dragonshit, so there goes the score)

Objectively, as usual, a 6, because while almost everything made sense (or at least I think they did), they still don't elaborate on a lot of shit. Either that, or once more, I wasn't getting the picture. (I guess lately, I've been rather slow-minded. Fuck. Growing up's a real fucking hassle when you know your body's deteriorating) It would be nice if they spent more time talking. That's what made S.A.C. for me. In the end, I was able to understand SOMETHING because of all their talking. Here, there's way too much focus on Action. How dare they do that when the Animation was GARBAGE. You see. P.I.G. is P.I.G. for a reason. The only GOOD thing they can do is BACKGROUNDS.

New people just keep coming up, and not only are they new, but they're new and they look like FUCKING SHIT.

Seriously, WHAT THE FUCK is this SHIT?

That garbage reminds me of this shit:

This third episode had interesting parts, and some really shitty ass parts. I find it harder to connect the dots and comprehend this shit than S.A.C. I'm starting to miss S.A.C. even more already.

I REALLY want to like this. I really do. After all, the OP's the most dope shit I've ever heard in anime. And in this third episode, the OP and ED sequences were the best so far.

But I guess I'll leave my score at 7 because of Togusa. Though could someone tell me who that guy he captured was and what this whole thing about "shooting a person" was? He mentioned that the guy who escaped with the "proof" was shot, and I'm guessing this guy is the culprit but who exactly is this motherfucker? My brain's fried.

The whole movie was really Togusa time. In my theory, its why the quality was crappy and left redundant. Last two movies, their cutting corners at our expense. I agree with 7 for Sentimental value and my favorite Togusa
Sep 5, 2014 2:57 PM
Oct 2011
Yeah I agree with the overall reviews on the animation for part 3, some parts looked good, like the action, but there was way more lacking art/animation than I expect from an OVA or movie. The first two looked way better, I hope part 4 is the best yet to make up for it, though I'm disappointed an OVA series would experience animation budget issues, let alone a Ghost in the Shell one. Not that there wasn't some good stuff and I think better pacing could have improved the feel of the episode.

Those occasional Motoko face issues already posted, and the same thing kind of surprisingly happened with her face and rather flatly drawn hair in those dress scenes, if they were going to do that then they I kind of expected that would have some of the better art. I was expecting something like how in Mardock Scramble they did some of their best art work when they drew Balot in the formal clothes for the trial.

While the weakest of the three, I did quite enjoy seeing the team finally working together for the first time and their SAC style interactions, and Motoko starting to lead, and Togusa getting some good screentime.

4kicks said:
Lol, it seemed Motoko was interested in Togusa for a second there at the end, but it seems she simply has poor luck with men....unless it's whipping them as their leader, which I'm sure Bato is all too familiar with.


Also, enjoyed the return of Motoko making Batou punch himself when he does something to earn it lol.

Though actually I'd say I interpreted her interest there at the end was just that she was interested in recruiting him and she was making him the job offer in this scene when he got the call about the baby coming. Earlier in the movie Aramaki commented that she should have someone of a "different" make up on her team to round it out, like a "natural," which she wasn't really in favor of for a while there. All of her other choices were cyborgs and loners with few ties. Then ironically, out of all of the non-cyborgs she could have picked, the one that impressed her enough to recruit turns out to be one who's also married and becoming a father, LOL. Which is what I think she laughs at at the end.
DangerMouseDMSep 5, 2014 3:07 PM
Sep 8, 2014 12:44 PM

Oct 2009
That...was awful..whyy :(, I thought the first 2 were pretty good..

I hated the romance in this, it just completely ruined Motoko's character for me (also she was way out of character, lashing out at Togusa and all..) and on top of that it was boring and the plot was pretty average as well, not worthy of GitS. Very disappointing.

5/10, tempted to give a 4 but eh..
AozureSep 8, 2014 12:47 PM
Sep 22, 2014 1:24 PM

Jun 2008
HATUL said:
Those character designs still make me cringe.
It's nice that it gave us more insight on Motoko's character this time around and how she wants to be as human as possible, but it's already been done in both the original and SAC and done much better.
Oh well, just one more to go..

I guess we will have to accept this will never be as good as other SAC.
This was really disappointing for me. It seemed to be the worst of the three honestly.
Many things were there but something felt missing and boring and i can't even put my finger on it.

Marzan said:
I'm sad they changed the majors sexual proclivities from the manga. Yuri Motoko was much more fun and less conflicted. And finally the team is complete with Togusa, the "natural" of the group.

The animation was rather poor for this being a movie, and the story didn't pull me in as much as it should. It's hard to believe that GITS SAC and 2nd Gig are more than 10 years old and blow this out of the water in every way possible. It's not bad, but it could just be so much better. Calling Kenji Mamiyama please?

Well Motoko isn't yuri. She's bi actually. She is very sexually open and just loves sex activities as recreation and relax time, whether with men or women.
Hope this franchise doesn't try to make her a more traditional type of female because it just ruins a part of her character. I can't say it completely made her traditional since it at least mentioned how many men she was changing and showed how she has no problem wearing revealing outfits which is part of her sexual openness but by mentioning only guys changing it makes it seem like she didn't bother with women.

Btw seeing Motoko in that sexy dress just brought disappointment cause i could only think how more awesome she would look in it with her SAC design.
MonadSep 22, 2014 1:32 PM
Sep 22, 2014 8:51 PM

Sep 2012
Okay, now this was the worst.
I enjoyed the previous two episodes though not to extensive amounts (rated them 6 and 7, respectively), though both suffered from exposure and pacing issues that made them unnecessarily hard to piece together, but this one takes the cake, specially when added with its plot holes.
And that romance? SO CRINGEWORTHY, it made me turn my face away from the screen due to the unbearable second-hand embarrassment.
I'm giving this a 5 at best.
Nov 14, 2014 11:26 AM

Nov 2009
That was a massive improvement over Border:2 and that was due to there being less action sequences which meant there was more time for plot. Togusa finally being introduced was great as well, But yeah like what most people are saying this series overall could/should have been done better and its a shame that the episode quality is fluctuating a lot whereas with Stand Alone Complex pretty much every episode was excellent and it flowed well, With this it feels very disjointed as every episode feels distinctly different and keeps changing its identity like I said about the last episode with its Matrix inspired action scenes which seemed out of place because Ghost in the Shell has never been about that then this episode happens and we are back to what I perceive as normal for GitS but there is no consistency here.
Nov 19, 2014 12:10 AM

May 2012
Fuck this shit
Sword in hand, a warrior clutches stone to breast. In sword etched he his fading memories In stone, his tempered skill By sword attested, by stone revealed. Their tale can now be told
Nov 19, 2014 12:10 AM

May 2012
Zapredon said:
Not very good. Stand Alone Complext still the best Ghost in the Shell to me.
Sword in hand, a warrior clutches stone to breast. In sword etched he his fading memories In stone, his tempered skill By sword attested, by stone revealed. Their tale can now be told
Jan 6, 2015 6:59 PM

Jan 2008
The faces made me want to vomit at times.
Feb 10, 2015 10:00 AM

Aug 2014
Meh, okay. Didn't have very good fight scenes.

Anime is good, fucking deal with it.
May 5, 2015 12:40 PM

Mar 2013
Really average animation and storytelling...
May 18, 2015 12:04 AM

Jan 2009
they made Major Kusanagi a slut here
May 31, 2015 1:21 AM
Aug 2011
I didn't get the explanation in the end. What did they mean she was scylla and she copied herself? Wtf? I get that she was undercover and operating as a "local hero" but what is it with the double?
Jul 2, 2015 6:07 PM

May 2012
The best movie yet! This sure was great and well I can't wait to see what the last movie will offer us!
Aug 9, 2015 10:08 PM

Dec 2012
Saitou sleeping at work wow
I'm glad now that they changed seiyuus because fuck this shit this is not GiTS anymore
Aug 28, 2015 7:35 AM
Jul 2018
From the first few minutes I just knew Motoko's character in this movie would rustle some jimmies. It's even more funny since so many people were complaining about the lack of "philosophy", and now that they introduced some (humanity and identity issues) it doesn't matter because they turned her into a "slut" (like, wtf).

Knee jerk reactions aside, I could maybe say this movie the worst so far, but honestly I don't think I properly understood the plot and the characters' motivations (more importantly, Akira's, Kurutsu's, and that cyborg-like lady's) to say that. But I didn't and by now I kind of don't give a damn. Next.

Nov 6, 2015 12:52 AM

Apr 2009
Nice red dress, Major but you don't really need it. We already liked you from your past Ghosts, i.e. the earlier series, but why are you turning slutty here? TT_TT Ah well...

I wonder who the little girl is, she seems to be the focus of the next episode.
kumashock said:
fuck this shit this is not GiTS anymore

Yeah I'm slowly getting to that bandwagon about this too. *sigh*
You see there's no need to wonder where your god is,
Coz he's right here! ...and he's fresh out of mercy.
Jan 20, 2016 8:47 PM

Jul 2009
Good episode, but lots of ehh moments.

I kinda didn't like how Major was all lovey dovey. I know she's supposed to be young and all, but the older Motoko she's more serious. I know in the original manga, she slept with a lot of people/cyborgs, male or female. She doesn't share her personal life just like that. Not to mention if this was SAC Batou, he would have been heart broken instead of casually making fun of her love life.

I do love how Motoko keeps ghost hacking Batou's arm and punching himself in the face XD

Major in a dress!?! Ehh she fits more in her red rider suit :)

I love how in the beginning, when they stop the terrorists. It reminded me of 2nd GiG's first episode. Especially the setting and how they captured everyone by hacking them.

Not to mention why does Major keeps getting hacked like this!?! in SAC, she's one of the strongest hackers ever and is only 2nd to Aoi. She's also a former guerrilla leader back in the day. It seems while this is more of a reinterpretation/prequel of some sorts instead of being a direct link to SAC or even the original movie.

The action scenes were cool, but the 2nd episode was much better.

I love the PV, brings her back her original look in the first movie :)

Can't wait for the final one!
Feb 7, 2016 6:06 PM
Feb 2016
I got to the part where the boyfriend slapped her on the thigh and that was it. Gone. DVD out of the player, DVD smashed to pieces.

1, 2 and 4 were okay in a general "meh" sense. Inoffensive, dull and derivative, but fine to watch once despite the obvious shortcomings of the designs, writing and animation.

This episode went far beyond that and attempted to destroy the Major's entire character. I put up with it as long as I possibly could before all the NOPE alarms went off and I got rid of this piece of garbage before it did any serious damage to Motoko. I am writing this one off as a virus that distorted my perception and hope to forget everything I saw as soon as possible.
Apr 26, 2016 7:22 PM

Apr 2016
TBH the mitigating reason for my getting back into GITS is cuz I saw the cover for Arise: Borders 3-4

The slinky dress, Louboutin heels and the suddenly skinny Major kinda put the hooks in me. Heh.
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Aug 2, 2016 4:52 PM

Feb 2010
These movies are awful.
But still better than nothing.
Stop the sequels high-ranking stupidity.
Group franchises in Top Anime page.
Because Gintama is just "one" anime and not 5.
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