Japan's Weekly Light Novel Rankings for Sep 7 - 13
Rank / This week's sales by copies / Cumulative sales / Titles
*2. 32,174 *90,923 Kuroko no Basket: Replace Vol.6
*3. 24,086 *24,086 Eromanga-sensei Vol.5
*4. 21,689 *21,689 Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka Vol.9
*5. 19,221 *48,411 Naruto: Itachi Shinden - Koumyou-hen
*6. 12,639 *12,639 Seishun Buta Yarou Series Vol.5
*7. 11,943 *73,381 Overlord Vol.8
*8. 11,245 *73,796 Overlord Vol.9
*9. 11,035 *32,695 Yakushiji Ryouko no Kaiki Jikenbo Vol.10 "Umi kara Nanika ga Yattekuru"
10. 11,026 *11,026 Magdala de Nemure Vol.7
11. *9,634 246,248 Sword Art Online Vol.16
12. *9,566 *72,283 Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai Vol.11
13. *9,333 *70,359 Overlord Vol.7
14. *9,041 *23,513 Haikyuu!! TV Anime Team Book Vol.2 "Nekoma Koukou Volleyball-bu/Aoba Jousai Volleyball-bu"
15. *8,197 114,170 Overlord Vol.1
16. *8,144 *65,575 Overlord Vol.4
17. *7,920 *77,955 Overlord Vol.5
18. *7,538 *59,175 Overlord Vol.6
19. *7,418 *94,220 Overlord Vol.3
20. *7,415 **7,415 Intellectual Village no Zashiki Warashi Vol.8
21. *7,196 *99,316 Overlord Vol.2
22. *6,964 **6,964 Toushin Ranbu Online: Novel & Illustration Anthology "Sakura"
23. *5,589 174,762 Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei Vol.17
24. *5,169 *46,470 Okitegami Kyouko no Chousenjou
25. *4,900 *87,075 Boruto: Naruto The Movie
26. *4,939 **4,939 Yozakura Vanpanella
27. *4,067 **5,735 Kuro no Knight: Prince of Silva
28. *4,843 **4,843 Kanae no Hoshi Vol.3
29. *4,694 *45,507 Hidan no Aria Vol.21
30. *4,587 **4,587 Gunparade March 2K: Mirai e Vol.4
31. *4,253 **4,253 Level 1 Rakudai Eiyuu no Isekai Kouryaku
32. *4,052 **4,052 Leo Attiel Den Vol.2
33. *4,029 225,264 Bakemono no Ko (Kadokawa Bunko)
34. *3,979 **3,979 Nourin Vol.11
*2. 37,551 *37,551 Hataraku Maou-sama! Vol.14
*4. 24,086 *24,086 Eromanga-sensei Vol.5
*5. 21,689 *21,689 Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka Vol.9
*8. 12,639 *12,639 Seishun Buta Yarou Series Vol.5
*9. 11,026 *11,026 Magdala de Nemure Vol.7
15. *9,634 246,248 Sword Art Online Vol.16
17. *9,566 *72,283 Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai Vol.11
21. *7,415 **7,415 Intellectual Village no Zashiki Warashi Vol.8
24. *6,964 **6,964 Toushin Ranbu Online: Novel & Illustration Anthology "Sakura"
29. *5,589 174,762 Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei Vol.17
33. *4,939 **4,939 Yozakura Vanpanella
34. *4,843 **4,843 Kanae no Hoshi Vol.3
37. *4,694 *45,507 Hidan no Aria Vol.21
38. *4,587 **4,587 Gunparade March 2K: Mirai e Vol.4
42. *4,253 **4,253 Level 1 Rakudai Eiyuu no Isekai Kouryaku
47. *4,052 **4,052 Leo Attiel Den Vol.2
48. *4,029 225,264 Bakemono no Ko (Kadokawa Bunko)
49. *3,979 **3,979 Nourin Vol.11
(cut-off 3,959)
*5. 32,174 *90,923 Kuroko no Basket: Replace Vol.4
10. 19,221 *48,411 Naruto: Itachi Shinden - Koumyou-hen
17. 11,943 *73,381 Overlord Vol.8
19. 11,245 *73,796 Overlord Vol.9
21. 11,035 *32,695 Yakushiji Ryouko no Kaiki Jikenbo Vol.10 "Umi kara Nanika ga Yattekuru"
26. *9,333 *70,359 Overlord Vol.7
28. *9,041 *23,513 Haikyuu!! TV Anime Team Book Vol.2 "Nekoma Koukou Volleyball-bu/Aoba Jousai Volleyball-bu"
32. *8,197 114,170 Overlord Vol.1
33. *8,144 *65,575 Overlord Vol.4
35. *7,920 *77,955 Overlord Vol.5
38. *7,538 *59,175 Overlord Vol.6
40. *7,418 *94,220 Overlord Vol.3
42. *7,196 *99,316 Overlord Vol.2
(cut-off 6,191)
Literature Books Genre (duplicates removed)
17. *5,169 *46,470 Okitegami Kyouko no Chousenjou
18. *4,900 *87,075 Boruto: Naruto The Movie
19. *4,067 **5,735 Kuro no Knight: Prince of Silva
(cut-off 3,821)
Source: Oricon Youtaijou
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20 of 28 Comments Recent Comments
Sep 23, 2015 5:38 AM by BestBoiEren
Sep 18, 2015 7:08 PM by ichii_1
I really want to read HataMaou but haven't been finding time :/
Anyway...not a single Rokka in sight OTL
Sep 18, 2015 2:46 PM by Barion-Zara
*1位 78,934部 Overlord
*2位 38,336部 Hataraku Maou-sama!
*3位 36,846部 KuroBasu -Replace-
*4位 27,614部 Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka
*5位 25,210部 Eromanga Sensei
*6位 19,221部 NARUTO Shinden
*7位 16,461部 Sword Art Online
*8位 15,879部 Gate Jieitai Kanochi Nite, Taku Tatakaeri
*9位 13,234部 Seishun Buta Yarou Series
10位 11,723部 NARUTO Hiden
Last week: (because I wasn't on then)
*1位 82,866部 Overlord
*2位 64,335部 KuroBasu -Replace-
*3位 29,190部 NARUTO Shinden
*4位 22,759部 Gate Jieitai Kanochi Nite, Taku Tatakaeri
*5位 20,905部 Sword Art Online
*6位 18,699部 Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai
*7位 14,387部 NARUTO Hiden
*8位 12,797部 Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei
*9位 11,385部 Boukyaku Tantei Series
10位 10,110部 Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo!
2 weeks ago:
Sep 16, 2015 11:03 PM by kuuderes_shadow
Rokka no Yuusha
294位 六花の勇者
386位 六花の勇者2
350位 ゲート1 〈上〉 自衛隊 彼の地にて、斯く戦えり 〈接触編〉
401位 ゲート1 〈下〉 自衛隊 彼の地にて、斯く戦えり 〈接触編〉
385位 ゲート2 〈上〉 自衛隊 彼の地にて、斯く戦えり 〈炎龍編〉
400位 ゲート2 〈下〉 自衛隊 彼の地にて、斯く戦えり 〈炎龍編〉
327位 ゲート3 〈上〉 自衛隊 彼の地にて、斯く戦えり 〈動乱編〉
342位 ゲート3 〈下〉 自衛隊 彼の地にて、斯く戦えり 〈動乱編〉
371位 ゲート4 〈上〉 自衛隊 彼の地にて、斯く戦えり 〈総撃編〉
381位 ゲート4 〈下〉 自衛隊 彼の地にて、斯く戦えり 〈総撃編〉
406位 ゲート5 〈下〉 自衛隊 彼の地にて、斯く戦えり 〈冥門編〉
408位 ゲート5 〈上〉 自衛隊 彼の地にて、斯く戦えり 〈冥門編〉
462位 ゲート外伝2 〈下〉 自衛隊 彼の地にて、斯く戦えり 〈黒神の大祭典編〉
478位 ゲート外伝2 〈上〉 自衛隊 彼の地にて、斯く戦えり 〈黒神の大祭典編〉
*63位 オーバーロード1 不死者の王
*85位 オーバーロード2 漆黒の戦士
*71位 オーバーロード3 鮮血の戦乙女
*78位 オーバーロード4 蜥蜴人の勇者たち
*82位 オーバーロード5 王国の漢たち [上]
*84位 オーバーロード6 王国の漢たち [下]
*76位 オーバーロード7 大墳墓の侵入者
*61位 オーバーロード8 二人の指導者
*62位 オーバーロード9 破軍の魔法詠唱者
Sep 16, 2015 10:54 PM by kuuderes_shadow
Hataraku Maou-sama <3 SEASON 2 WHEN? TT-TT
Heh, I was just about to mention this.
*7. 11,943 *73,381 Overlord Vol.8
*8. 11,245 *73,796 Overlord Vol.9
13. *9,333 *70,359 Overlord Vol.7
15. *8,197 114,170 Overlord Vol.1
16. *8,144 *65,575 Overlord Vol.4
17. *7,920 *77,955 Overlord Vol.5
18. *7,538 *59,175 Overlord Vol.6
19. *7,418 *94,220 Overlord Vol.3
21. *7,196 *99,316 Overlord Vol.2
Sasuga Ainz-sama! I doubt anyone expected any less from such a being.Truly magnificent.
Straight Flush
Sep 16, 2015 9:14 PM by raviel_ken
Sep 16, 2015 8:06 PM by Vanschia
bring knb to the top
Sep 16, 2015 7:23 PM by Mayuka
Now give us s2 ...i want s2...s2 or riot
Sep 16, 2015 7:14 PM by ultravigo
But then again, even the mess that is Hidan no Aria gets tons of sales.
Sep 16, 2015 6:08 PM by Orix
Sep 16, 2015 5:57 PM by hoopla123
Also kinda interesting to see this on the list:
> 10. 11,026 *11,026 Magdala de Nemure Vol.7
I wonder when this will get an anime adaptation. Could work nicely.
This. By far the best title in the list this week AFAIK.
And it's going to be around 10 volumes according to the author, which means that if it doesn't get any announcement in the next year, that probably means it's never going to get one (since after it's finished the chances of getting one drops like hell).
It would really be too bad, because it's a very good series, and that it has a simmilar feel with the other medieval series from the same author, spice and wolf.
In other words, properly adapting this series in anime= getting another gem like spice and wolf in anime.
If we get to the end of the LN series without getting an anime, then that's a loss for any anime watcher like me who enjoy that kind of story far more than most of the stuff we're getting each season.
Really really love Spice and Wolf novel so I'd be glad to see more of the author's works animated. She sure knows how to make world and characters feel genuine.
I am dreading a possible (inevitable?) anime adaptation of "Eromanga-sensei" though. Sounds like just the title to feed to the mindless masses that are japanese otaku.
Sep 16, 2015 4:21 PM by NaturalPerm
Heh, I was just about to mention this.
Also kinda interesting to see this on the list:
> 10. 11,026 *11,026 Magdala de Nemure Vol.7
I wonder when this will get an anime adaptation. Could work nicely.
This. By far the best title in the list this week AFAIK.
And it's going to be around 10 volumes according to the author, which means that if it doesn't get any announcement in the next year, that probably means it's never going to get one (since after it's finished the chances of getting one drops like hell).
It would really be too bad, because it's a very good series, and that it has a simmilar feel with the other medieval series from the same author, spice and wolf.
In other words, properly adapting this series in anime= getting another gem like spice and wolf in anime.
If we get to the end of the LN series without getting an anime, then that's a loss for any anime watcher like me who enjoy that kind of story far more than most of the stuff we're getting each season.
Sep 16, 2015 3:27 PM by Paulo27
Hataraku Maou-sama <3 SEASON 2 WHEN? TT-TT
Heh, I was just about to mention this.
Also kinda interesting to see this on the list:
> 10. 11,026 *11,026 Magdala de Nemure Vol.7
I wonder when this will get an anime adaptation. Could work nicely.
This. By far the best title in the list this week AFAIK.
And it's going to be around 10 volumes according to the author, which means that if it doesn't get any announcement in the next year, that probably means it's never going to get one (since after it's finished the chances of getting one drops like hell).
It would really be too bad, because it's a very good series, and that it has a simmilar feel with the other medieval series from the same author, spice and wolf.
In other words, properly adapting this series in anime= getting another gem like spice and wolf in anime.
If we get to the end of the LN series without getting an anime, then that's a loss for any anime watcher like me who enjoy that kind of story far more than most of the stuff we're getting each season.
Sep 16, 2015 2:48 PM by Zefyris
^ thats cute and all but are u even reading the novels
sales are fun to look at but are u even enjoying the source material
Come on now, of course I've read it :(
I read it multiple times actually :P
Now if an english version is officially published :P
i already pre ordered strike the blood
and i have ngnl
and some others i forgot about
Sep 16, 2015 2:32 PM by moodie
^ thats cute and all but are u even reading the novels
sales are fun to look at but are u even enjoying the source material
Come on now, of course I've read it :(
I read it multiple times actually :P
Now if an english version is officially published :P
Sep 16, 2015 2:31 PM by ichii_1
Sep 16, 2015 2:25 PM by HaXXspetten
Hataraku Maou-sama <3 SEASON 2 WHEN? TT-TT
Heh, I was just about to mention this.
Also kinda interesting to see this on the list:
> 10. 11,026 *11,026 Magdala de Nemure Vol.7
I wonder when this will get an anime adaptation. Could work nicely.
This would be very good !! I think it could repeat the success of Spice and Wolf ...
Besides, I'm happy to see the novel in the ranking, bur with the advertising of the anime it could do better !
Sep 16, 2015 2:17 PM by Ramiel00
*8. 11,245 *73,796 Overlord Vol.9
13. *9,333 *70,359 Overlord Vol.7
15. *8,197 114,170 Overlord Vol.1
16. *8,144 *65,575 Overlord Vol.4
17. *7,920 *77,955 Overlord Vol.5
18. *7,538 *59,175 Overlord Vol.6
19. *7,418 *94,220 Overlord Vol.3
21. *7,196 *99,316 Overlord Vol.2
Sasuga Ainz-sama! I doubt anyone expected any less from such a being.Truly magnificent.
Also kinda interesting to see this on the list:
> 10. 11,026 *11,026 Magdala de Nemure Vol.7
I wonder when this will get an anime adaptation. Could work nicely.
Sep 16, 2015 2:16 PM by barmar
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Im just interested, how much does 1 LN volume cost usually in dollars?
Generally between 500-650 yen if it's a bunko format release (which most light novels are). Light novels that are not bunko format will usually cost more - Overlord is 1080 yen per volume, for instance.
At present 1 dollar is 120 yen, but the dollar/yen exchange rate fluctuations would have no impact on the prices of the volumes.
Sep 23, 2015 6:01 AM by kuuderes_shadow