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[Update 11/10] Final Features Restored & API Development Update

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Sep 17, 2018 5:41 PM

May 2018
Aphyxia said:

I need some support too.

I'm pretty sure there are multiple ways to access these Horrible crunchyroll subs
Sep 17, 2018 9:37 PM
May 2012
Only_Brad said:

I'm pretty sure there are multiple ways to access these Horrible crunchyroll subs

lol.. good one
Sep 17, 2018 11:00 PM
Jun 2011
myanimelistllc said:

As part of ongoing efforts to support the anime and manga industry, the Fansub Group section of the site has been removed.

This reeks of a sellout to me.

Crunchyroll and Funimation have proven to me over and over that they can't be trusted to deliver consistent, accurate translations. Are there problems with every show? No, but the fact that numerous "official" subs they release have severe paraphrasing or outright mistranslations is what creates the need for fansub groups to do the job they should have done in the first place.
Sep 18, 2018 3:12 AM
Dec 2010
AshiAshi said:
Drunk_Samurai said:
It won't help at all. The majority of pirates wouldn't buy in the first place.

That too, is true. Plus there's tons of countries (including mine) where, even if you are willing to buy anime/manga stuff (anything at all), you simply can't. Because the right stores are so few in number you'd have to travel far to even visit the nearest one. Speaking for myself, the stores are hard to find, and there are stores that you only discover if you're 'accidentally' spending a day in another city and you're lucky enough to come across one, which doesn't have its address information listed anywhere. Heck, and the stores we have don't sell products from series of which I would buy anything, anything at all. Bright side being that at least there are anime/manga stores located in my country at all. It could be worse.

Long story short: aside from buying from anime stores overseas, the lack of more convenient and customer-friendly options makes me yet another one who pirates. I'm being honest about it (which doesn't make me a good pirate), but I'm not proud of it.

(I'll leave it at that seeing as it's not exactly on-topic...)

there're some issues with region lock as well
in my country CR shows are not available at all

Progeusz said:
Zaugr said:
I'm willing to bet that Crunchyroll would have never even come about without all the old fansub groups' role in making anime as widely popular as it is today, nor would so many companies be interested in releasing their films and shows abroad.
Heh. Reality is far more interesting than you imagined. CrunchyRoll was founded on stolen fansub releases. Fansubs were 100% of CrunchyRoll's existence in its first years and even after they went legal (from a site which steals pirated episodes and demands money for it), big chunk of their employees were ex fansubbers.

i don't even know about CR until seeing some posts about Underwater guy moving to CR cuz he got hired

trash MAL being a dick
Sep 18, 2018 8:08 AM
Jul 2018
Zaugr said:
myanimelistllc said:

As part of ongoing efforts to support the anime and manga industry, the Fansub Group section of the site has been removed.

...What? How does that in any way "support" the industry? It just hurts the community. Fansub groups, if anything, need more love right now. They were doing the vast majority of the work before Crunchyroll ever came about, and have (and still do) helped the international anime community discover how many great animes that would have otherwise never been heard of or licensed abroad? You guys can remove the feature sure, it might not have been popular, but why paint it and fansubs as a force for bad..? That's nothing but insulting. I'm willing to bet that Crunchyroll would have never even come about without all the old fansub groups' role in making anime as widely popular as it is today, nor would so many companies be interested in releasing their films and shows abroad. And god for bid a scenario where the majority would need to rely on Crunchyroll's subs... what with their history of politicizing and changing all manner names and important structure.

And out of all the times, why on Earth would you guys think it'd be good idea to do this now? After all the "recent" shit? For me this was definitely one of the most useful features this site had for whenever I wanted to watch old, forever-unlicensed animes; being able to see which groups subbed it, and see people's feedback on those subs (or give feedback myself).

Strongly agree with this. I'd also add that MAL wouldn't even be around without fansubs and the community it created. This move isn't going to make me view fansubs as bad for the industry or stop me from relying on them.

Basically MAL shitting on it's roots and it just doesn't sit well with me. I mean at least half the user base's anime lists would be a good 70% smaller if it weren't for fansubs.

Glad I cancelled my MAL supporter subscription.
Sep 18, 2018 8:53 AM

May 2016

I've seen a few people cancel their subscriptions over this and I really hope more do (I mean, I can't see them needing much of a push at all now after all this "maintenance") as maybe then MAL would get the message. The way they worded that triggered the fuck out of me as it was nothing short of disingenuous and dirty. If DeNa forced them to do it, that's fine, (although I'm betting the pressure came from elsewhere) but don't paint the move as "supporting the industry" and fansubs as a force for evil to save your backside.. A retired mod told me that they tried to get rid of the feature years ago but couldn't because of backlash (or the possibility of it, because it IS a useful feature), so I guess they thought that if they did it sort-of under the guise of an "everything's finally (not) back up!!" announcement and all the recent havoc, and added that bit of "reasoning" at the start; it wouldn't cause too much of a stir.
ZaugrSep 18, 2018 9:01 AM
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Sep 18, 2018 3:47 PM

Sep 2011
Zaugr said:

I've seen a few people cancel their subscriptions over this and I really hope more do (I mean, I can't see them needing much of a push at all now after all this "maintenance") as maybe then MAL would get the message. The way they worded that triggered the fuck out of me as it was nothing short of disingenuous and dirty. If DeNa forced them to do it, that's fine, (although I'm betting the pressure came from elsewhere) but don't paint the move as "supporting the industry" and fansubs as a force for evil to save your backside.. A retired mod told me that they tried to get rid of the feature years ago but couldn't because of backlash (or the possibility of it, because it IS a useful feature), so I guess they thought that if they did it sort-of under the guise of an "everything's finally (not) back up!!" announcement and all the recent havoc, and added that bit of "reasoning" at the start; it wouldn't cause too much of a stir.
I don't recall the Mal staff ever wanting to get rid of the fansub section. It was always the company who owned Mal that wanted to. Crave also wanted to, and now Dena just did.
Sep 18, 2018 4:56 PM

Apr 2013
I never got the hate for fan-subs. I don't really consider them pirates, just fans who wanted to share something obscure with the world to save it from oblivion. I imagine the fan-subbers do purchase the show when they can (hence clean quality), and by exposing it to more people they hope other people will support it legally as well that may hopefully bring attention to it so it can become licensed and more legally/widely available. It's why a lot of fan-subs have watermark disclaimers in the beginning of the episodes that roughly state "Not for sale or rent! If you paid for this, you were ripped off!" I take that as a warning message about piracy and knowing what to look for.

Demeaning fan-subs and killing sections dedicated to them isn't how you fight piracy.
Sep 18, 2018 8:55 PM

Nov 2010
You are really shooting yourselves in the foot with the fansub list removal move. It clearly shows where your priorities lie: your sponsors, not the users that actually made MAL what it is today. Regrettable, to say the least.
Sep 18, 2018 10:21 PM

Apr 2010
Zaugr said:
myanimelistllc said:

As part of ongoing efforts to support the anime and manga industry, the Fansub Group section of the site has been removed.

...What? How does that in any way "support" the industry? It just hurts the community. Fansub groups, if anything, need more love right now. They were doing the vast majority of the work before Crunchyroll ever came about, and have (and still do) helped the international anime community discover how many great animes that would have otherwise never been heard of or licensed abroad? You guys can remove the feature sure, it might not have been popular, but why paint it and fansubs as a force for bad..? That's nothing but insulting. I'm willing to bet that Crunchyroll would have never even come about without all the old fansub groups' role in making anime as widely popular as it is today, nor would so many companies be interested in releasing their films and shows abroad. And god for bid a scenario where the majority would need to rely on Crunchyroll's subs... what with their history of politicizing and changing all manner names and important structure.

And out of all the times, why on Earth would you guys think it'd be good idea to do this now? After all the "recent" shit? For me this was definitely one of the most useful features this site had for whenever I wanted to watch old, forever-unlicensed animes; being able to see which groups subbed it, and see people's feedback on those subs (or give feedback myself).

I've had an account on Crunchy Roll since 2006 back before it became what it is now. Many people tend to forget or not even know that Crunchy Roll was built off of all the fansubs it used to host that fans were uploading when you used to be able to. They wouldn't be where they are now without fansubs. So their holy than thou attitude towards people using Fansubs is just hilarious to me.
Sep 18, 2018 11:34 PM

Nov 2015
Im waiting for the ios app thanks for your service MAL.
Sep 18, 2018 11:39 PM

Dec 2013
cartals said:
Please asap fix this API we want to use taiga.
taiga discontinued MAL support
Sep 19, 2018 2:04 AM

Jun 2007
Zephyrast said:
Crunchyroll and Funimation have proven to me over and over that they can't be trusted to deliver consistent, accurate translations. Are there problems with every show? No, but the fact that numerous "official" subs they release have severe paraphrasing or outright mistranslations is what creates the need for fansub groups to do the job they should have done in the first place.

The numbers (like nyaa DLs and views on KA) show that an extremely vast majority of pirates consume straight rips of official subs, either via re-encodes on bootleg streaming sites, or downloading the HorribleSubs rips directly. Clearly they're adequate for most anime viewers. Are there legitimate criticisms of official subs? Sure, but actually caring enough to look for something different makes you an outlier.

Sangaz said:
Basically MAL shitting on it's roots and it just doesn't sit well with me. I mean at least half the user base's anime lists would be a good 70% smaller if it weren't for fansubs.
Given that the site's userbase skews towards younger viewers and seasonal/airing anime watchers, most of the "fansubs" they're watching are just edited versions of official subs anyway. If they're even watching something other than 1:1 copies of official subs, which again, most are not. From-scratch, original translations don't exist anymore for shows that get official simulcast releases -- the kinds of shows that get the majority of pirate activity, according to the KA numbers -- and that's been the case for most of the past decade.

So as unfortunate as it was to see the section go, there was a visible decline in its usefulness and quality: a devolution towards arguing/voting between several versions with essentially the same scripts. For "pre-streaming era" 2000s shows, the version you're most likely to find on illegal streaming and torrent sites is probably going to be the best one anyway, and obscure pre-2000 stuff rarely has more than one release in the first place. For the more-popular classics, all the pirated versions just use official scripts.

Everything that connects to MAL

Contains Ecchi, but not Tagged Ecchi: Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3

Sep 19, 2018 3:35 AM

Apr 2012
myanimelistllc said:

As part of ongoing efforts to support the anime and manga industry, the Fansub Group section of the site has been removed.

What is this bullshit are you saying?
More like your ongoing efforts to sell out your fucking userbase.
Sep 19, 2018 4:14 AM
May 2013
I always use fansub section to get the best subs, what's the big deal?
Sep 19, 2018 7:17 AM

Jun 2016
Good to know. Never used Fansubs anyway
Sep 19, 2018 7:37 AM
Review Moderator

Jun 2007
I'm kind of surprised people are talking about suddenly MAL being a sell-out, like everything the day before was ok. Fact is DeNA was and is a legit Japanese company, not a few random people who try to get into legal business and slowly turning MAL into something different. From the moment they bought MAL, it meant something like this (though to be fair, at first I didn't realise that DeNa being DeNA would be so detrimental to MAL's development). I bet if it were only their decision, fansubs would have been removed the moment they realised the function exists :'D

I guess fansubs being a kind of gray area and it being told it is an important feature, they did the least thing possible and removed the links at first, but I'm not surprised they finally removed them altogether. They have partnerships with manga publishers and anime distributors and we even have a manga store. Is it REALLY surprising they removed the fansubs? Whatever good fansubs did in the past, things change and don't forget that MAL is owned by a legit company that has ties with the anime and manga industry which probably doesn't want to rock the boat anymore.

Is it a good decision? Well, for us definitely not. For them? EHHH, have they done any proper decision making lately? I get why this happened and I was waiting for it to happen sooner or later, but unfortunately, they suck at trying at keeping a balance. They seem to be losing this game and I wonder when they will wake up... maybe when they finally churn out that API. Maybe if they brought some seiyuu to speak to us too on MAL :^) (And to be fair, I think they have done good things for MAL, but they are slipping way more and my faith is 0.)

Either way, my point was that MAL itself isn't a sell-out, but MAL is business to DeNA and business is what it will keep on doing. (Though, they aren't good businessmen :'D)
Sep 19, 2018 12:19 PM

Oct 2011
I never saw fansubs to be an official feature so, this is probably for the best. Clubs can be dedicated to fansubs instead, and it's more appropriate. Communities in a site versus site features are two different things.

Sep 19, 2018 2:20 PM

Sep 2012
Maffy said:
ansubs would have been removed the moment they realized the function exists :'D

I think they realized it with maintenance.

CEO: Oh wait do we have a feature like that??

Dev: Seems so. Since we do jack shit about the site, we didn't notice it either.

CEO: Oohh... So that why. Remove it.

Probably something like this.
Sep 19, 2018 3:02 PM

Sep 2018
Help me
When I check the anime in myanimelist apk it give me a error "Update Latest:Please Download Now"

Please Tell me How I resolve this problem
Sep 19, 2018 8:28 PM
Shōjo Specialist

Oct 2014
myanimelistllc said:
Dear Users,

the Fansub Group section of the site has been removed.

Bravo MAL.
You know why?

In the end, regardless of ethics, or motive, fansubs are technicaly illegal.

So I fully support this move as it’s helping the industry. It’s also keeping MAL out of legal trouble.
Sep 20, 2018 12:26 AM

Aug 2007
Maffy said:
I'm kind of surprised people are talking about suddenly MAL being a sell-out, like everything the day before was ok. Fact is DeNA was and is a legit Japanese company, not a few random people who try to get into legal business and slowly turning MAL into something different. From the moment they bought MAL, it meant something like this (though to be fair, at first I didn't realise that DeNa being DeNA would be so detrimental to MAL's development). I bet if it were only their decision, fansubs would have been removed the moment they realised the function exists :'D

I guess fansubs being a kind of gray area and it being told it is an important feature, they did the least thing possible and removed the links at first, but I'm not surprised they finally removed them altogether. They have partnerships with manga publishers and anime distributors and we even have a manga store. Is it REALLY surprising they removed the fansubs? Whatever good fansubs did in the past, things change and don't forget that MAL is owned by a legit company that has ties with the anime and manga industry which probably doesn't want to rock the boat anymore.

Is it a good decision? Well, for us definitely not. For them? EHHH, have they done any proper decision making lately? I get why this happened and I was waiting for it to happen sooner or later, but unfortunately, they suck at trying at keeping a balance. They seem to be losing this game and I wonder when they will wake up... maybe when they finally churn out that API. Maybe if they brought some seiyuu to speak to us too on MAL :^) (And to be fair, I think they have done good things for MAL, but they are slipping way more and my faith is 0.)

Either way, my point was that MAL itself isn't a sell-out, but MAL is business to DeNA and business is what it will keep on doing. (Though, they aren't good businessmen :'D)

The issue is @Kineta lied and said MAL wouldn't remove the fansub section after the first removals of series that were owned by the streaming affiliates.

idealtoy said:
myanimelistllc said:
Dear Users,

the Fansub Group section of the site has been removed.

Bravo MAL.
You know why?

In the end, regardless of ethics, or motive, fansubs are technicaly illegal.

So I fully support this move as it’s helping the industry. It’s also keeping MAL out of legal trouble.

Its REALLY funny you actually believe that.
Sep 20, 2018 2:24 AM
Lead Admin
Faerie Queen

Aug 2007
Drunk_Samurai said:
The issue is @Kineta lied and said MAL wouldn't remove the fansub section after the first removals of series that were owned by the streaming affiliates.
I don't believe it's accurate to say I "lied" when a year or more has passed since I last wrote anything about fansubs. But in the end, the events of the last 4 months should clearly indicate to everyone that I don't make any decisions for MAL that DeNA executes, and an inkling into just how much my opinion or advice on things is taken into consideration. If I had any participation at all in this decision, I would have taken responsibility for communicating it.
Sep 20, 2018 3:58 AM

Feb 2018
myanimelistllc said:

We are currently working a new terms of use for third party application developers. Also, we have mostly finished reviewing all the tasks necessary for completing development. We are planning to start work on the remaining development some time next week.

Now that you speak of new, did we have/ where is the old developer agreement and policy ?
Talk is cheap, show me the code.

Almost is not good enough.
Sep 20, 2018 4:43 AM

Aug 2011
Everyone that posted a comment in this thread bitching and complaining about fansubs, third party etc, etc, etc you need to stop. DeNA is not going to listen to you or me. You cannot complain to MAL moderators b/c they have been neutered by DeNA and that is a bad thing. They ran this ship efficiently. DeNA could learn a thing or two from the ancient Romans and how they ran their conquered foes.

The ONLY way any of us can affect change is by voting and I am not talking about a ballot box. You vote with your money ( subscriptions ) and your memberships. Cancel your subscriptions and abandon your profiles. Go somewhere else. That is the only way DeNA will change. Example: The NFL. They are a multi-billion dollar entity. The last three seasons ( to include the start of the current season ) they have suffered large loss of viewership b/c of issues on and off the field. They have started to make changes to appease the viewers/fan base b/c they are starting to lose some of those billions. Don't be surprised if the NFL folds in five years b/c they can't stop the hemorrhaging.

You want change? Cancel your subscriptions and leave MAL.

BTW, can anyone tell me a good site or two? You can find me here.

Active Military, Prior Service and Veteran's Anime Club
do not forget the sound of my voice until the day we reunite
Sep 20, 2018 4:50 AM

Aug 2011
Kineta said:
Drunk_Samurai said:
The issue is @Kineta lied and said MAL wouldn't remove the fansub section after the first removals of series that were owned by the streaming affiliates.
I don't believe it's accurate to say I "lied" when a year or more has passed since I last wrote anything about fansubs. But in the end, the events of the last 4 months should clearly indicate to everyone that I don't make any decisions for MAL that DeNA executes, and an inkling into just how much my opinion or advice on things is taken into consideration. If I had any participation at all in this decision, I would have taken responsibility for communicating it.

Of all the moderators of MAL, Kineta is in our corner. I don't say this b/c we are friends. Over the years I have had opportunities to see how she conducts herself both w/ me and other members concerning different issues both good and bad. She is top notch and if you are going to call her a liar I am going to say you don't know anything about her and keep your comments to yourself until you know the full/complete picture.

Active Military, Prior Service and Veteran's Anime Club
do not forget the sound of my voice until the day we reunite
Sep 20, 2018 1:11 PM
Jun 2011
Zalis said:
crunchyroll and Funimation have proven to me over and over that they can't be trusted to deliver consistent, accurate translations. Are there problems with every show? No, but the fact that numerous "official" subs they release have severe paraphrasing or outright mistranslations is what creates the need for fansub groups to do the job they should

People being ignorant about subs and not realizing that they're consuming an inferior product does not excuse the inferior product.

Just the other day, Crunchyroll let some pretty obvious errors slip into the text during an intense scene of Boku no Hero Academia. They're clearly not even checking what they throw out for consumption.

Honestly, all I'm asking is that they focus even a fraction of the effort they use focusing on trying to shut down and kill off external sub groups on actually producing clean and accurate scripts for their own shows. It's really not much to ask from a proper company and would lend a lot more credence to their cries of "official" "official".
ZephyrastSep 20, 2018 1:38 PM
Sep 20, 2018 3:42 PM

Nov 2016
Boi the industry is supported more by piracy than legal methods.
CPU: i7 6700 | GPU: GTX 1070 | RAM: 16GB | HD: 1TB | Moderators are mean! | D. Gray Man Hallow is UNDERRATED!

Sep 20, 2018 3:55 PM

Feb 2010
Antalk said:

Of all the moderators of MAL, Kineta is in our corner. I don't say this b/c we are friends. Over the years I have had opportunities to see how she conducts herself both w/ me and other members concerning different issues both good and bad. She is top notch and if you are going to call her a liar I am going to say you don't know anything about her...

The real thing right here. Wish I could +1 the post.
Sep 20, 2018 6:41 PM

Jul 2014
Wow MAL dun g00fed up stuck up their ass.


Regarding the API, I honestly believe they are locking it down and shaving access, basically just dangling it to us like candy dangling on a stick string, only leaving third party devs scraps meanwhile driving up more "hype" on the so-called MAL app.

Antalk said:

Of all the moderators of MAL, Kineta is in our corner. I don't say this b/c we are friends. Over the years I have had opportunities to see how she conducts herself both w/ me and other members concerning different issues both good and bad. She is top notch and if you are going to call her a liar I am going to say you don't know anything about her and keep your comments to yourself until you know the full/complete picture.

I wonder what was kineta's take on the "not helpful" button removed in reviews in years past. Shit hit the fan there.
Sep 21, 2018 4:36 AM

Feb 2008
Horrible call deleting the fansubs information. Fansubs = a marketplace that someone isn't tapping into. And for many older anime fans it was an extremely useful source to see what shows even had subs or not. This is a database site that should provide this kind of information. Sure there's aniDB or whatever, but well if you want to keep becoming the worst DB out there then keep at it. Been years since this place had any up front user updates that were actually worthwhile. You're on a downward trend.
Sep 21, 2018 11:39 AM
Sep 2016
When can we expect to start working again?
Sep 21, 2018 6:33 PM

Feb 2008
API update turns out to be no update at all. It took about five months to bring the site to function again with no actual explanation of what's really going on. By now I highly doubt we'll get anything besides vague posts about updating us with the real issue of why this site was such a mess for nearly half a year.

And lol @ the supporting the anime industry by removing the fansubs section. I'm glad I moved to anidb, that & bakabt are all I really need.

This entire update is unsightly.

“That which does not kill us makes us stronger.” - Friedrich Nietzsche

Sep 21, 2018 10:19 PM

Feb 2018
Midori-tan said:

API update turns out to be no update at all. It took about five months to bring the site to function again with no actual explanation of what's really going on. By now I highly doubt we'll get anything besides vague posts about updating us with the real issue of why this site was such a mess for nearly half a year.

I'm not sure what these guys are doing but you had better have a functioning API before you even think of terms of use :-P

Talk is cheap, show me the code.

Almost is not good enough.
Sep 22, 2018 9:04 AM

Oct 2010
Anyone knows another website to compare fansub list? This is bad...
Sep 22, 2018 10:29 AM

Aug 2013
Looks like another thing for add to "Daiz sin list"

myanimelistllc said:
Dear Users,As part of ongoing efforts to support the anime and manga industry, the Fansub Group section of the site has been removed.

This is literally the worst joke which I've read in past few months. Do you really believe that anyone would believe in this lie?
Support manga and anime? If you want to support it, go, buy original manga releases, figurines and other merch.
Paying for CR subscription =/= supporting creators. They are receiving even less from this than artists on shitty services like spotify.
And read more about CR origins.

Now what? Will you force English titles? Western name order? Showing shitty, fake (aka dub) voice actors instead original on front page?

Whispernight said:
Anyone knows another website to compare fansub list? This is bad...

Anidb has decent fansub database. But that's all. Just a database, practically without any user feedback.
rsc-plSep 23, 2018 2:05 AM
Dub = fake crap. Always.
Sep 22, 2018 10:36 AM

Sep 2012
-R said:
You can actually still view fansub info via group pages. You can search for groups here:

Here is a good example of a group with added projects, comments, and votes:

They probably don't even know those pages exist in the first place.
Sep 22, 2018 1:22 PM

Feb 2010
rsc-pl said:
Look like another thing to add for "Daiz sin list"

lol nice
Sep 22, 2018 7:44 PM

Feb 2018
idealtoy said:
myanimelistllc said:
Dear Users,

the Fansub Group section of the site has been removed.

Bravo MAL.
You know why?

In the end, regardless of ethics, or motive, fansubs are technicaly illegal.

So I fully support this move as it’s helping the industry. It’s also keeping MAL out of legal trouble.

Comeback and say it again when the shows with only fansubs have legal ways to watch outside of Japan.
Watch Jewelpet Twinkle
Sep 23, 2018 11:06 PM

Feb 2018
The most fucked up thing is when someone is busy trying to prove to us that we can't live without fansubs.

Which he is part of.


awesomenettleSep 24, 2018 12:35 AM
Talk is cheap, show me the code.

Almost is not good enough.
Sep 24, 2018 12:19 AM
Aug 2011
Znajomy said:
Don't really get what was wrong with fansubs section but I'll be fine without it.

What's wrong with fansubs is that it's illegal to distribute copyrighted material. And MAL is trying to stay on the legit side of the law.

This isn't just about Crunchyroll. MAL has been owned by Japanese company DeNA since the start of 2015, who make mobile games, some of which have been made into anime. Two examples are the Shingeki no Bahamut anime and the Hackadolls anime. Both were based on games made by DeNA, myanimelist's parent company. If fansub groups sub these series and are promoted on MAL then MAL is effectively promoting piracy of titles based on works by MAL's own parent company, as well as many of DeNA's commercial partners in Japan.

myanimelist is actually more legitimately Japanese that crunchyroll. Watch anime on here instead of crunchyroll to help support the Japanese industry directly. MAL currently takes content from CR and Hulu, but by watching it here, on a Japanese-owned website then there's a real possibility for them to cut the American middle-man out of the equation in future.
cipheronSep 24, 2018 12:31 AM
Sep 24, 2018 12:35 AM

Feb 2018
cipheron said:
Znajomy said:
Don't really get what was wrong with fansubs section but I'll be fine without it.

What's wrong with fansubs is that it's illegal to distribute copyrighted material. And MAL is trying to stay on the legit side of the law.

This isn't just about Crunchyroll. MAL has been owned by Japanese company DeNA since the start of 2015, who make mobile games, some of which have been made into anime. Two examples are the Shingeki no Bahamut anime and the Hackadolls anime. Both were based on games made by DeNA, myanimelist's parent company. If fansub groups sub these series and are promoted on MAL then MAL is effectively promoting piracy of titles based on works by MAL's own parent company, as well as many of DeNA's commercial partners in Japan.

Well, what else are you supposed to do when so many animes have no legal way to watch outside of Japan and thus can only be watched thru fansubs?
Watch Jewelpet Twinkle
Sep 24, 2018 1:17 AM
Aug 2011
[quote=DragonKnightGX message=55799696]
cipheron said:

Well, what else are you supposed to do when so many animes have no legal way to watch outside of Japan and thus can only be watched thru fansubs?

Myanimelist removing the fansub info from the database doesn't prevent you doing that. That is in fact completely tangential.

The whole point was to explain why MAL did what they did. They have partners directly in Japan so they can't be undercutting them. People are still free to talk about fansubs in the forums or the like, but there just won't be any legitimizing of piracy in the database itself.

And anyway, the argument that you need to watch stolen stuff because it's not officially release is moot. You do not if fact need to watch anything. Nothing bad actually happens if you miss out on a show.
cipheronSep 24, 2018 1:21 AM
Sep 24, 2018 1:29 AM

Feb 2018
cipheron said:

Myanimelist removing the fansub info from the database doesn't prevent you doing that. That is in fact completely tangential.

I get that.

cipheron said:
The whole point was to explain why MAL did what they did. They have partners directly in Japan so they can't be undercutting them. People are still free to talk about fansubs in the forums or the like, but there just won't be any legitimizing of piracy in the database itself.

Now this I see sort of I guess.

cipheron said:
And anyway, the argument that you need to watch stolen stuff because it's not officially release is moot. You do not if fact need to watch anything. Nothing bad actually happens if you miss out on a show.

I've heard this before, bleh, my most favorite shows are all fansub-only and I don't know where I would be without them.
DragonKnightGXSep 24, 2018 1:38 AM
Watch Jewelpet Twinkle
Sep 24, 2018 1:45 AM
Aug 2011
Don't get me wrong here, I'm no better, but the point is that we can't really win any points by saying we need our free shit.

My favorite manga is Yokohama Kadaisho Kikou BTW, and it's never been officially translated. But it gets comic book experts raving about how great it is. For ones like that, scanlations are really the only way enough people are going to find out about it to get enough interest for it to get translated at all.
Sep 24, 2018 3:17 AM

Feb 2018
-R said:

You can actually still view fansub info via group pages. You can search for groups here:

Okay, this is indeed a fansub group, the first one I've ever seen.

How do I access their translation, I mean, I can see comments like "excellent translation, speedy releases" e.t.c but where exactly are all these events happening?

A lot of information is not exactly clear about that fansub group.

It's not even clear whether they have produced any translations.
awesomenettleSep 24, 2018 3:20 AM
Talk is cheap, show me the code.

Almost is not good enough.
Sep 24, 2018 10:18 AM
Aug 2011
azulakina said:

Okay, this is indeed a fansub group, the first one I've ever seen.

How do I access their translation, I mean, I can see comments like "excellent translation, speedy releases" e.t.c but where exactly are all these events happening?

Through torrent aggregators like, though some groups also have a website or wordpress blog, but they still embed links to torrents hosted via or similar.
Sep 24, 2018 10:55 AM

Jun 2016
Everybody crying over the fact that they removed the fansub section, while I'm here still waiting for more details on the API. Will it eventually come back? I mean it has been four months since it was disabled. Four freaking months. Asking the "support" team for updates is just like talking to a robot. Delayed and standard responses that got nothing to do with the issue. While I don't really want to leave MAL, I'm considering migrating to AniDB because of all of this.
Sep 24, 2018 2:46 PM

Oct 2013
Lindholmaren said:
>MAL catering to the pure seasonal anime watcher garbage and killing off a futureproofing feature used mostly for older or unlocalized shows in the absence of "real" subs just to cozy up to CR a tiny bit closer.
Fot a while I actually believed that ~all~ features were going to be returned, you sure got me haha.

I love how in 5 years as a user here, the only post you've ever made is this post.

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