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Jan 6, 2019 9:07 PM

Jun 2015
this was a cool twist on the idol genre, and enjoyable in its way. i hope there's a season two, cause there's a lot more you could go off of. got the whole thing with the reporters, the bartender who seems to know yuugiri, and that koutarou knew sakura before she died. man this is a good 8/10 for me
Jan 7, 2019 1:43 AM

Aug 2013
Well at least the cliffhanger ending doesnt matter since the staff said I guess through a tweet that more projects were in the works. The tabloid guy is onto them, the connection between Sakura and "Inui" was shown, and we still don't have goofy back stories for Tae and Yugiri.

I enjoyed this a lot. The idol stuff was typical but better than some others in the genre (cough cough* Ongaku Shoujo). Comedy was over the top and hilarious. Had some dramatic moments too. Really just a balanced blend of everything. Also like how they broke the mold with the metal shit, and the rap battle and whatnot.

I'll probably give it a solid 8/10. I'd probably give it a 9 but episode 8 caused a bit of "controversy", and brought out the self-insert fanfic fanatic SJWs who otherwise wouldn't have bothered with the show or anime in general. They crawled out of the wood work the same way yaoi shippers are always lurking around Attack on Titan and Haikyuu threads.

That aside it was still a great show and I'm looking forward to seeing what direction they take the story in on these future projects they're working on.
Jan 10, 2019 12:30 PM
Oct 2017
A good ending for a good show! It was nice how in the end Sakura remembered everything again and that scene were they are cuddling together before the performance is too precious.

Waiting for a season 2 already!!!
Jan 10, 2019 2:44 PM
Jul 2018
A satisfactory finale, a pity that remained unclear on some aspects, a clarification would have served. Perhaps a special future? S2? The mystery of Tae remains.
Jan 11, 2019 5:41 AM

Mar 2013
Better than expected. I give it an extra point for being genuinely funny sometimes and not """funny""". It is ultimately an idol anime, but with some slight differences. That made it worth it.

Yamada is legendary because she's voiced by a legend.
Jan 13, 2019 5:20 PM

Apr 2015
Solid show. Ultimately more about idols then zombies (I still have no idea why this has an R rating on MAL and TV-MA from Funimation, it's barely PG-13/TV-14), but the zombie antics help the idol stuff.

"No, son, you may not have your body pillow at the dinner table!"
Jan 14, 2019 9:48 PM
Aug 2018
it was alright but the cgi ruined sum of it for me
Jan 15, 2019 1:14 AM

Oct 2017
I just wish they would of kept switching genres like to rap then to metal then to rock and pop, I know its to save saga, but to go full on idol songs only was kinda of a mehhhh let down. Ya dig? If not then dig ya self a grave ya rotten zombie you.!...
Jan 18, 2019 7:42 AM

May 2012
Oh boy that sure was a really open ending! But what an amazing ending, we finally got a slight glimpse what role Tatsumi Koutarou plays in this and what relation he has to Sakura. Really interesting if you ask me.

To be honest this is probably one of the most interesting concepts in terms of idol anime I've seen yet! Really loved the humour and progression and all the different character's personalities.

Really do hope to see a continuation on this!
Jan 21, 2019 6:21 PM
YouTuber / VA

Aug 2017
Fantastic show but I'm a bit disappointed it couldn't keep up the level of quality we saw in those first two episodes (easily one of the strongest starts to a show in the history of anime). If the rest of the show had been like those first two episodes it wouldn't have surprised me to see this show make the Top 100 on MAL if not the Top 50 despite technically being an idol show.
Jan 23, 2019 10:29 AM
Jul 2017
episode 12 was filled with feels. imagine looking like an idiot by using "saving saga with zombie idols" as an excuse to fulfill your highschool crush's dreams. damn this shit sad.
Feb 1, 2019 10:46 AM

May 2016
That scene with Sakura and all her zombie girls together resting for their performance showed how close they've became altogether.

I've grown to this show alot and makes me wanna ad to my favorites.

Ending was good, hopefully Season 2 comes soon....

Feb 4, 2019 8:16 PM

Jun 2013
This was a fun little series. It has good character and a decent plot. I hope next season would be more focused on Tatsumi and Tae. They are the only two characters whose past was never really explored.
Feb 6, 2019 6:52 AM

Nov 2008
Mmmmmmm, I'm feeling mixed on the series overall. It started off tremendously strong but ended up as just another standard idol show. It went from an easy 9 to like a 7.
Feb 9, 2019 8:06 AM
Jun 2014
This was not a good anime, it wasn't a terribly bad one either. First few episodes were simply brilliant, but after that? Well, it devolved into a simple cute idol girls singing and having fun. At least under the very shallow surface. The character arcs? Completely pointless. Nothing was done, no resolution, nothing. The "people from my past can't know my current self" trope has been done to death, and excluding this trope and ignoring it is actually the better way to go about things.

And i'd like it if they did something else than that super faggoty idol shit. Singing about rainbows, hearts and fluffy rabbits. I swear, otakus are the biggest faggots out there for liking this girly shit.
I don't like rap, but that rap thing would have been fun, death metal also, just not idol shit and it was taken seriously as it progressed as well :( One of the shows utter failures was progressively getting serious about things.
Feb 9, 2019 8:14 AM
Jun 2014
Xenobreaker said:
DonTrumpolino said:

Well, were your your eyes shut during this episode the whole time? Okay, there was only a 99% chance that this is really where they know each other from, but still this was like no challenge to come up with. It also negated my prior theory that Kotaro may be a zombie, because he aged...

No offense, but I'm not sure where your reply to my post came from as I have no idea how your reply relates to my post.

It was already blatantly obvious from the beginning that Kotarou knows Sakura. Now that the anime decided to show a glimpse of their past with that one quick flashback in this episode, I simply want to know more about what happened to them in the past. My post was very short and simple. I don't see how you could've misunderstood it.

Have I opened my eyes during this episode? Of course I did, that's why I said what I said. lol They literally showed only a 10 second flashback. Sakura even referred to the guy as Inui-kun. Who the hell is Inui-kun? It's probably Kotarou's real name. Why is he hiding his real identity then? Probably for Sakura's sake. Why is he helping Sakura become an idol? Who knows. By the way, there's already a 99% chance you've noticed but if not, I'm being sarcastic.

Easy. He knew she would become a zombie after her death and has been training to become the coach to be able to make her into a proper idol after she woke up and regained her life(unlife?). The particulars of how to become a zombie is a question for another time i guess.

And he more than likely has a major crush on Sakura. Well, obviously..
Feb 18, 2019 5:09 PM
Mar 2018
It just dawned upon me: Kotaro's character is atually just a copypasta, because he is completely build up on the voice actors performance in Yuri on Ice. Like the same level of insanity and impulsiveness. Still the best male lead of the show.
Feb 21, 2019 3:51 AM

May 2018
Btw, Zombieland Saga won Tokyo Anime Awards 2019.
It doesn't matter if you like LoGH,Monster etc.If you are a jobless or college/school dropout living in your mom basement, you are still an unintelligent loser. Taste in anime does not make you a better person.
Mar 2, 2019 10:23 AM

Apr 2012
Yeah cliffhanger hints towards a special at least, but it's so abrupt I definitely believe in a second cour.

Overall good comedy, good drama, good characters, and lots of showcasing Saga as well as Saga-ben. Seems it was popular too so not only neeks watched it. Great job.
Mar 6, 2019 2:46 PM

Mar 2018
Great... I want to visit Saga now.
Mar 6, 2019 7:41 PM

Oct 2013
Wow i didn't expect that, Sakura and Koutarou got histories back in the past, i'm so happy for those girls it's i'm rooting for the real idol group, There are things that left unexplained like Yuugiri's and Tae's death, i want some background stories in the next season if there's any.

Overall score 8/10
Mar 13, 2019 1:30 AM

Nov 2010
Aww man, I've been waiting for someone to slap Sakura since ep 11. (=w=) I'm glad Yuugiri slapped some sense into her.

Overall, this is pretty okay~
Hope there's a second season that explains everything.
Mar 31, 2019 3:50 PM

Oct 2017
I started this series by seeing the opening of Sakura getting hit by the truck and decided to see what happens next. I haven't watched an idol anime before but this was very enjoyable to watch. The CGI wasn't good but getting past that and watching the rest was great. I enjoyed a lot of the songs and like how they incorporated about death since they are zombies. Loved the loyal metal fans sticking through and becoming some of the biggest fans of Franchouchou.

My one major complaint about the series is how people just assume it's a doppelganger of a friend/family member of the past and how everyone seems to not recall the members past accomplishments through music and TV (people just not recognizing Lily despite being a TV star that died in 2011 or how Ai looks exactly the same). To me it's mind boggling that some many people just forget about this famous person who died in the past ten years yet there are people who look exactly like them in this idol group. I'm glad that at the very end the journalist looks at the pictures from Franchouchou and previous pictures of Ai, Junko and Lily and remarks "Something isn't right", it at least shows that not everyone in this world just randomly forgets these people.

I understand why everyone thinks Tae is best girl after watching this episode. Hopefully with that ending scene involving the journalist, we'll get a 2nd season dealing with Yuugiri, Tae, and Kotaro's past along with the girls trying to solve the problem of people actually realizing that they are deceased and maybe change their looks. Overall, I think this series is a 7 or 8/10.
Mar 31, 2019 5:54 PM

May 2013

once you get past the weirdness of it in the beginning, the series grows on ya haha.

OMGOSSSHHHHHH, BUT KOTARO LOVED SAKURA BACK IN THEIR SCHOOL DAYS?!?!??!!! *O* awweeeee TT-TT juicy scoop lol. Even tho we all knew there had to have been something, it's always nice to have that romantic news, kekeke. Guess he wasn't the truck driver after all lulz

Tae-chan is such a sweetheart <3
There it is~ the connection of the past that Lily, Ai, and Junko gotta cover up :X

S2 pls :D

Kokoro_KotashimaMar 31, 2019 5:58 PM
Apr 5, 2019 9:10 AM

Jul 2016
Omg I need season 2 aaaaa
Apr 23, 2019 10:08 AM

Dec 2007
That Tae/Sakura moment aww. For a moment I thought Tae would start talking there. Hoping for season 2.

Yuri & Shoujo-ai FTW
May 12, 2019 3:28 PM

Apr 2013
I can't rate something that's not clearly unfinished yet, I'll have to see season 2 for that matter so I could understand more as in HOW HE MADE THEM ZOMBIES?! What's his trick to find dead bodies of each girl from different ears or years?! Also what was that sattelite point of view?! The snow storm? No that's bigger than just some snow storm, also the way the day counters where going down was also a hint for something I assume? Season2 Confirmed?
May 12, 2019 3:28 PM

Apr 2013
I can't rate something that's not clearly unfinished yet, I'll have to see season 2 for that matter so I could understand more as in HOW HE MADE THEM ZOMBIES?! What's his trick to find dead bodies of each girl from different ears or years?! Also what was that sattelite point of view?! The snow storm? No that's bigger than just some snow storm, also the way the day counters where going down was also a hint for something I assume? Season2 Confirmed?
Jun 4, 2019 3:12 AM
Dec 2018
I have to admit this...

I started watching this anime because I had seen the opening on YT and I had thought "This will be a really crazy show, let's watch something weird!"

But even though this is not really my style (I just prefer dark, psychological, horror anime), I fell in love with the girls, I enjoyed all funny moments and I'm really hoping there will be season two!
Jun 14, 2019 7:15 AM
Jan 2018
still dont get how this series was parodying the CGI when literally all idol anime's use CGI to begin with
Jun 25, 2019 8:47 PM

Aug 2016
Vi- said:
They didn't show Tae and Onee backstories.

I didn't get exactly what is the "save saga" thing? I have some ideas in mind, though.

There're few times he's funny, but most of the times producer-san is very annoying. Would have been better (for the sake of enjoyment) if he weren't THAT annoying. IMO.

I think that if it weren't for Tae and the dog I would have enjoyed much less this anime.

7 to 8 /10

PS.: Best episode: 05

They didn't show everything because it's a setup for S2. Also the save Saga thing I think was because of the population dying out or something.
Jul 2, 2019 1:51 PM

Aug 2013
Can't say it's a bad anime but it's not something outstanding either. It started in a very pretentious way so I hoped for some extreme combination of dark comedy and creepy moments since this anime with the same rating as guro/ecchi are but no - we got some typical idol melodrama with pretty weak comedy elements and typical slogans instead of some big idea and actual plot. Sakura's death in first episode was unusual and represented high standard which developers and author didn't handle obviously. This anime is a typical product of marketing - original package (zombie idols) for average content (your typical slice of life full of cuties). Shame, MAPPA.
Jul 18, 2019 11:56 AM

Mar 2019
Another anime finished but this one is a special one as it's my first idol type of anime.I honestly loved it.When the bad weather and that building makes you want to somehow help the building stand up or clear the weather you know you're into the show wholeheartedly.
There must be a second season or an OVA as season 1 left us with kind of a cliffhanger.
I'm going to post a review on this and all my watched anime,but I must first take my lazy-ass personality and create them.
For this great creation I must give a great note so 9/10 for sure.
Come on man,where is that Noragami season 3 masterpiece.We want it, Bones!

Aug 18, 2019 5:28 PM

Apr 2013
Yet another Ordeal of a performance where the stage breaks down on them, but they didn't give up and managed to pull off an outstanding performance

It had few flaws but overall an awesome anime
just because I’ve gotten weaker, doesn’t mean that you got stronger, does it?
Sep 19, 2019 2:57 PM

Mar 2009
First of all I thought they were going to make a sacrifice out of that 500 people... anyway. I must need a therapy bcs I was lowkey holding back tears at the end.
Oct 11, 2019 1:50 PM

Nov 2008
Definitely one the better idol shows I've watched. Got chills during the climax!

I ship KotaroxSakura no I don't gaf about ages; we're already in necro territory lmao

Nov 9, 2019 3:06 AM

Dec 2008
Got me with an idol show...Clever Gurl...
Still, this was pretty entertaining. The music, the cg performances, backstories and mystery that will hopefully unravel in the 2nd season next year... AND THE SILLY TATSUMI SAMA!!! MANAGER BAKA! lol Good show. It was certainly original.
Dec 7, 2019 10:41 PM

Mar 2013
I made a mistake and bing this series thinking it's completed.

I freaking loved it and later come to realized there is a sequel. NOOO! I hate be the one waiting for a 2nd season. With the time gap, it won't feel the same unless I still remember vibes and feels from the series by then.

Marathon a series without checking MAL was a MISTAKE. Great anime tho. :L
MALoween✟Mansion (2024) Candy Basket 🎃:
Mar 2, 2020 4:34 AM

Oct 2019
This show is a blast, very enjoyable and entertaining. While this isn't the 1st zombie girl show I've seen, this is for sure my 1st time seeing an idol show and it did not dissapoint. Looking forward for S2 in the future.

Mar 15, 2020 9:07 AM
Nov 2018
This is also my first time seeing idol show.
And I didn't expected it to be this good
My god I love this show.
First half is 6 or 7 for me but Second half is something.The heart(Objective) is very SOLID.
I love it.Look forward to next season.
Still hate Using 3d animation
Ai chan is cute tho
Mar 18, 2020 4:02 AM
Nov 2018
I have mentioned that OP is also something.
When I first saw it.I think It just meme.
But When I rewatched it many and many times
I have noticed why Why zombie ? Why Idol ?
Why Power ranger ? Why sakura ? Why Koutorou ? And yes I finally realized Everything has connected from the first second that op started.
This is a short conclusion of zombieland saga that I found. It is very surprise !
The fact is sakura has been fighting with the universe alone all the time in the multiverse level but she didn't realized what she is doing.
But koutarou a.k.a.Super secret Un staff he expert in science and spy From his experiment he find the girl sakura and the fact of Universe So he knowingly and decided to protect the space made the strong possibilities to the world peace.koutarou need to build a team that can connected with sakura mind and then support her fighting with universe.So Kotarou need to built idol group because that is something that stayed strong in her mind.So that is the beginning of The legend that going to be the Biggest among other historical of humanity.
Why I didn't know before.I should realized it since 2018 where I was then.This Anime is the first co-works of heroic sprit Robert Einstein and William shakespear in heroic trone and bring it to earth2018 to save the world that going to collapsed in the near future.
This plot going to be far beyond the stein gate level.Zombie plot is going to be darker than watching madoka 10 times a week.It is going to be time tavel with hardcore action scifi fark fantasy drama with unbealiveable beautiful freindship.SS2 confirm.
Mar 18, 2020 4:03 AM
Nov 2018
I just going to say that the op is really good.I like how it presented. hahahaha
Mar 21, 2020 5:12 PM

Oct 2009
Abit upset that they still didn't mention anything about Tae's background.

That last concert.. the stage collapsed but none of the audience got panic.. and nobody questioned how the idols survived that crash. *clap*
Must be plot twist: actually the audience are all zombies as well

Still kinda curious what will happen in S2 tho lolz
Apr 4, 2020 11:20 AM

Feb 2019
This episode nearly drove me cry, Tae-chan and the girls are so precious, the way they care for Sakura and encourage her is so sweet. Tae-chan best zombie girl for sure, that flashback to when Sakura helped her practicing so now she does the same is very emotional, pulls my heartstrings a little bit.

Seeing the girls support each other is the best thing in anime I've ever seen, such beautiful friendship and teamwork.

Producer bro was Sakura's classmate, wow!! Maybe she is his crush, so sweet!

Beautiful last performance, even if it's CGI, even if bad luck happens, Producer chad keeps clapping like a boss, he won't abandon his girlfriend!!!

Zombieland Saga is the first idol anime I've ever watched, and I'm so glad I just binged this gem of a show in just a day. This anime will go down in history as the best idol anime ever.
Anime is fun.
Apr 5, 2020 12:29 AM

Oct 2019
I really wanted tae to be intelligent by the end of the series. Like, she gets hit in the head, and suddenly she's the smartest in the show. Now THAT would be funny.

Overall okay anime, there were a few things i was iffy on but it was a unique take on the idol genre.
Apr 15, 2020 5:07 PM

Feb 2020
I see the manager in a new light, now I'm interested. hope this gets a second season this was really good.

Kyoto Animation rocks
Apr 18, 2020 3:44 AM

Feb 2020
I have literally no idea what to think of this show because it managed to both fail and succeed in everything it tried to do.
First, it was supposed to be a parody of idol shows featuring zombies, and it had a very good start on that level. The first two episodes were hilarious and very promising.
Then the show decided to keep being this parody while at the same time being a literal idol show. That's when things started to go downhill.
The zombie gags quickly lost their essence because it felt more like a little gimmick rather than what the show was originally supposed to be about. It's like people started this show thinking "Hey, let's do a parody of idol shows with the idols having been brought back to life by their crazy manager", and then they went "Hey, let's do an idol anime with the little twist being that the idols are zombies so sometimes they lose their limbs and all which makes it different from your typical idol show". And suddenly, it wasn't funny anymore. Of course humor is subjective, but I didn't laugh once in most of the episodes. Tae especially, quickly became annoying when she started growling and trying to eat people for the 10th time.
Then there's the drama aspect that became way more prominent than it should have been (because like, this show claims itself to be a comedy before anything else). Even if I feel a bit lied to, I must admit that I liked some parts of the drama, especially Lily's episode.
Using the conditions of our zombie idols was a clever idea most of the time.
However, anytime the show tried to add typical idol drama, I disliked it. I've never watched an idol show before (except for the 4 first episodes of K-On but I don't know if that counts), and yet, I can tell for sure that the idol drama in this show has been shown multiple times in other animes. It was so cliché it hurt. The last episode especially, was a big failure for me. Sakura just found out that she died and the only thing that makes her depressed is that she's unlucky ? Really ? There's nothing else to worry about ?
Plus, as relatable as she can be, I don't think turning her into an emo was necessary. You can feel like a failure without being so dead inside. (And I know what I'm talking about.)
And come on, suddenly the whole zombie aspect is a metaphor to how you shouldn't give up even when everything seems to be against you ? I kinda saw it coming with the opening but I didn't want to believe it. Using such a great idea for such a stereotypical moral... Not to mention how this moral can only come out as good if the message is executed correctly. In Zombieland Saga's case, it wasn't. Because following your dreams and all that is good, but you gotta be careful you know. For exemple, going to a concert when there is a storm outside that can potentially destroy the structure is an horrible idea.
Like, really, they made the moral come out as so dumb and irrational...
And I can't believe they actually added the part where the heroine's friends realise the heroine has been nice to them so they have to be nice in return now that she's the one who needs help. Go on, just be as stereotypical as possible and then claim yourself as a unique show, great job. (Not to mention how those kind of scenes always tend to anger me. The only reason you're helping your friend is because she's the one who normally helps everyone ? So you mean that if she was a little less helpful with a bad temper you wouldn't have gone as far ? Great moral, great moral.)
And that annoys me because there were some things done more than correctly and the characters are all very likeable (though pretty one-dimensional), but I can't gloss over the flaws that made me want to slam my face against my screen.
I'll give this show a 6. It would've deserved a 7 if its quality remained consistent, but since it's not the case, I can't rate higher. Too many wasted potential and too many clichés, that's disappointing.
Aug 17, 2020 10:47 PM

Mar 2010
Some episodes were more enjoyable then others. I wished we had more backstory, they were the best stories for me.
Sep 5, 2020 7:13 PM

Nov 2013
Surprisingly enjoyable. There are some episode that are lackluster and the finale is just melodrama that didn't work for me, but there's a charm in the series that keep me going. I'd like to watch Season 2. 6/10
I'm too weird to live but much too rare to die.

Oct 6, 2020 11:44 AM

Nov 2019
this was pretty good......
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