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The 90 second anime OP/ED is about to be killed off by Netflix.

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Sep 13, 2018 3:59 PM

Feb 2010
Lmao. really grasping at straws to shit on netflix, huh?

So would I rather have a generic jpop song that sounds like every other one with animation that repeats itself every ep or would I want anime creators to have a great budget and all the creative freedom they'd want like Netflix provides? Hmmmm.....

I'm sure that half a generic pop-song is what is objectively best for anime as a visual and storytelling medium. It's not just OPs personal weeb preferences and irrationally angsty relationship to anything western, especially Netflix, that makes him come to the very reasonable conclusion that anime is RUINED by shortening (not even removing) OPs that only fundamentally so long because it saves time and budget and effort in the creation of every episode.
I probably regret this post by now.
Sep 13, 2018 4:08 PM

Jul 2017
Aye. Netflix isn't bad, they're just making a bad decision. And plus people don't go on Netflix to watch anime lets be honest.
Sep 13, 2018 4:10 PM

Feb 2010
GlennMagusHarvey said:

PunkRocker2001 said:
Why should it matter if an anime had an OP/ED or not? I don't think it really matters.
They're good for contributing to the show's sense of atmosphere/emotion.

But when binging they kinda tend to do the exact opposite. You're fully immersed in the atmosphere and emotions of the show and then the episode ends and it might be 5 minutes before you get to continue if you don't skip anything, during which time you can lose immersion rather than gaining it. When I'm already really into it, forcing a 5 minute break on me with the ED, preview, OP and recap, almost never has a positive effect on my immersion. That's why my body almost automatically skips them. I don't want to lose the immersion, the sense of being in the middle of the story.

You only 'need' OPs to get you in the right mood for the show for the first ep of the day, or when you watch seasonals while they air from week to week. And even for that you don't really need 1,5 minutes. 30 seconds would do, arguably even less could fulfil that purpose. But more importantly, it's almost complete unnecessary and instead actually distracting when you binge a show and since that is both Netflix model and how most people prefer to consume their media, it makes a lot of sense for Netflix stuff to not have them or shorten them.
I probably regret this post by now.
Sep 13, 2018 4:12 PM

Oct 2010
This is one of those predictions that could happen in 5, 10, 20 or perhaps 100 years.

And a sort of dumb one if it's assuming that Netflix will take the entire anime industry.
Sep 13, 2018 4:14 PM

May 2009
Pullman said:
GlennMagusHarvey said:

They're good for contributing to the show's sense of atmosphere/emotion.

But when binging they kinda tend to do the exact opposite. You're fully immersed in the atmosphere and emotions of the show and then the episode ends and it might be 5 minutes before you get to continue if you don't skip anything, during which time you can lose immersion rather than gaining it. When I'm already really into it, forcing a 5 minute break on me with the ED, preview, OP and recap, almost never has a positive effect on my immersion. That's why my body almost automatically skips them. I don't want to lose the immersion, the sense of being in the middle of the story.

You only 'need' OPs to get you in the right mood for the show for the first ep of the day, or when you watch seasonals while they air from week to week. And even for that you don't really need 1,5 minutes. 30 seconds would do, arguably even less could fulfil that purpose. But more importantly, it's almost complete unnecessary and instead actually distracting when you binge a show and since that is both Netflix model and how most people prefer to consume their media, it makes a lot of sense for Netflix stuff to not have them or shorten them.
Yeah, I generally only watch maybe two to three episodes in a row, and I also stop between each episode, so yeah.
Avatar character is Gabriel from Gabriel DropOut.
Sep 13, 2018 4:20 PM

Dec 2016
Pullman said:
GlennMagusHarvey said:

They're good for contributing to the show's sense of atmosphere/emotion.

But when binging they kinda tend to do the exact opposite. You're fully immersed in the atmosphere and emotions of the show and then the episode ends and it might be 5 minutes before you get to continue if you don't skip anything, during which time you can lose immersion rather than gaining it. When I'm already really into it, forcing a 5 minute break on me with the ED, preview, OP and recap, almost never has a positive effect on my immersion. That's why my body almost automatically skips them. I don't want to lose the immersion, the sense of being in the middle of the story.

You only 'need' OPs to get you in the right mood for the show for the first ep of the day, or when you watch seasonals while they air from week to week. And even for that you don't really need 1,5 minutes. 30 seconds would do, arguably even less could fulfil that purpose. But more importantly, it's almost complete unnecessary and instead actually distracting when you binge a show and since that is both Netflix model and how most people prefer to consume their media, it makes a lot of sense for Netflix stuff to not have them or shorten them.

That's your opinion, not fact. I never skip the OPs even when I binge watch, and I feel that it gives me a brief period time to reflect on the last episode while looking at some nice visuals or hearing the show's theme. Reducing the OP or eliminating it would be a terrible change even if I'm binge watching... But of course, that is also just my opinion.

Either way, like I said before, there's no reason for the OP change to happen, even with Netflix's model. The guy in the article is just plain wrong, to be honest.

What's the difference?
Sep 13, 2018 4:35 PM

Sep 2013
people that skip OPs should watch jojo for a good example on why you should watch the OPs
Sep 13, 2018 4:46 PM

Apr 2011
I found it incredibly refreshing while watching B: The Beginning. My attention usually divides to elsewhere when an opening starts as I have no interest in them whatsoever, so by all means, go ahead Netflix.

» "You've fought a valiant duel, my friend..." «


inspector @ MAL's anime watching challenge
Sep 13, 2018 4:55 PM

Apr 2016
Sometimes I skip OPs and EDs, sometimes I watch them. However, don't cut out a part of a creator's work just to get me to watch a show faster; let me decide whether or not to bother pressing the "fast-forwarding-thirty-seconds" button three times or not, or make the "automatically skip openings and eds" an option you can checkoff easily.

This is why Crunchyroll/FUNimation/VRV will remain as the go-to streaming service for anime: because they actually understand and service the anime audience, rather than just adding titles that pierced the mainstream consciousness while ignoring the behavior of the anime fandom.
Sep 13, 2018 4:58 PM

Mar 2018
Im thankful with these giving more resources to anime to become better and better cuz is good, everybody knows its an industry moved only by money but i cant agree with these planning to destroy the animes OP/ED songs, most animes ive watched its because i think the opening are catchy or epic so i cant be happy with this news...
Sep 13, 2018 5:05 PM

Aug 2015
jal90 said:
This is one of those predictions that could happen in 5, 10, 20 or perhaps 100 years.

And a sort of dumb one if it's assuming that Netflix will take the entire anime industry.

I agree

it's still too early for Netflix.
Sep 13, 2018 5:10 PM

Feb 2018
OPs and EDs are one of the most memorable parts of anime, after 3 years, you don't remember shit about the anime, but you sure will remember fast as hell a good OP/ED. It can make a 10x more enjoyable experience (e.g. I would feel completely different about Natsume if it wasn't for the beautiful OP and ED).
Sep 13, 2018 5:37 PM

Aug 2016
If they are going to play the opening/ending themes during the key scenes instead of having the usual repeat the same scenes, that makes the anime more memorable and immersive for me so I don't see a problem (assuming song isn't shit and blends with the show).

Sep 13, 2018 5:59 PM

Feb 2010
Daemon said:
Pullman said:

But when binging they kinda tend to do the exact opposite. You're fully immersed in the atmosphere and emotions of the show and then the episode ends and it might be 5 minutes before you get to continue if you don't skip anything, during which time you can lose immersion rather than gaining it. When I'm already really into it, forcing a 5 minute break on me with the ED, preview, OP and recap, almost never has a positive effect on my immersion. That's why my body almost automatically skips them. I don't want to lose the immersion, the sense of being in the middle of the story.

You only 'need' OPs to get you in the right mood for the show for the first ep of the day, or when you watch seasonals while they air from week to week. And even for that you don't really need 1,5 minutes. 30 seconds would do, arguably even less could fulfil that purpose. But more importantly, it's almost complete unnecessary and instead actually distracting when you binge a show and since that is both Netflix model and how most people prefer to consume their media, it makes a lot of sense for Netflix stuff to not have them or shorten them.

That's your opinion, not fact. I never skip the OPs even when I binge watch, and I feel that it gives me a brief period time to reflect on the last episode while looking at some nice visuals or hearing the show's theme. Reducing the OP or eliminating it would be a terrible change even if I'm binge watching... But of course, that is also just my opinion.

Either way, like I said before, there's no reason for the OP change to happen, even with Netflix's model. The guy in the article is just plain wrong, to be honest.

Fair enough. But it's just that we both value different things apparently. I value the immersion and you value the reflection. I almost never just sit down and reflect on an episode, I kinda do that while I watch all the time, or maybe after a session ended or I'm done with a show. I kinda see it like commercial breaks in the middle of a movie. Sure, you can use that time to reflect on what already happened but I'd rather just continue with the movie and reflect on it afterwards.

The issue is not even having some downtime or not tho, but that it's not my choice when to stop and reflect, it's the show forcing me to do it when the show decides and that's kind of the issue. Maybe I want to reflect on stuff, but the timing will rarely align with the 20 minute intervals that series are forced to work with. It just reminds me of what I hated about TV, the commercial breaks that would force breaks on me when I didn't want them but never happened when I needed them. On your computer you can pause at any moment if you need to, so for that reason alone I don't see why we need pre-scheduled breaks from the narrative at certain intervals to allow you to reflect. Everyone can just pause at their own pace and timing if they want to. But well, I do agree that I don't think anything major will change anything soon anyway.
I probably regret this post by now.
Sep 13, 2018 7:06 PM

May 2010
Hoppy said:
You better enjoy them while they last because the ruiners of anime (aka Netflix) is going to cut them short if not phased out.

One reason why you don't want anime to go the binge route. You mis out on good OP/ED themes.

I don't know why Netflix is to blame when I don't watch the openings and endings often. Plus, in Hulu, you can't even see the part of the ending because they auto-minimize it (which I hate).

I don't mind the return of insert songs, tbh. I feel like they've died somewhere along the way. They could also make a music PV instead because the songs are done for cross promotional purposes at times.

The only thing really sad about this is the fact that the op/ed can be experimental in nature and its loss means you don't force yourself to look at it when you watch a show.
Sep 13, 2018 7:11 PM
Jul 2017
But openings and endings are ONE of the things I look forward to in anime. An opening always sounds best on the last episode.
Sep 13, 2018 7:16 PM

Sep 2010
I usually skip Op/ED after watching them once unless they are very good. So I mean if they ever shorten anime openings in the future for TV anime it wouldn't bother me much honestly.
"What has two arms, two legs, and is alive? Not your favorite character lol! xD"
Sep 13, 2018 7:18 PM

Nov 2011
Why do anime have to change for Netflix? Netflix can just do something like OP/ED skipping feature.

Sep 13, 2018 7:28 PM

Aug 2012
I don't use Netflix but doesn't it have like a feature for binge watchers to always skip OP/ED? If so, why not also for Anime?
Sep 13, 2018 7:30 PM

Apr 2014
theyve been doing this for a while no? idk about the anime side of netflix but some english shows have already had heir extra skin chopped
Sep 13, 2018 8:12 PM

May 2010
KaiserNazrin said:
Why do anime have to change for Netflix? Netflix can just do something like OP/ED skipping feature.

The op/ed is partly to promote the music and the artist. The company that provides it is almost always a sponsor for the anime. Aniplex, for example, is owned by Sony, so Sony artists are always used in their shows.

The point was that, because of online streaming, it doesn't become as imperative to watch the opening/ending song anymore (unlike in broadcast TV wherein you can't skip it).

If people keep skipping the songs, then there's less promotion for the artist/song. So it might not be worth it to invest time to create an op/ed.
Sep 13, 2018 10:16 PM
Dec 2015
I always skip the OP and ED anyways and watch the OP and ED on Youtube if I want to anyways.

and there's only a few anime on Netflix.
Sep 13, 2018 10:19 PM
Mar 2018
removing such a staple in the anime industry that everyone loves. nice one netflix. you totally understand the community. if you want people to stay for those ops and eds, make enjoyable ones that you can't skip unless you wanna miss out on a killer beat and spectacular art. but really, it's such a fundamental in any anime series that you're going to produce that it's gonna feel off and lackluster when you brace yourself up for a new episode. it's something to look forward and leave future hints about the plot, during a switch phase after a certain number or when more elements are revealed to be connected to the themes.
Sep 13, 2018 10:28 PM

Dec 2016
Honestly, I would care if we were in the 90s or 00s. But these days? Nahh...ops and eds aren't that special or memorable anymore, so I don't care.
Sep 13, 2018 10:39 PM

Oct 2013
I enjoyed watching OP/ED so its a downer for me but there are people who skip OP/ED, so its a great thing for them. Polarizing.
Sep 13, 2018 11:12 PM

Aug 2016
People who always skip openings are normies change my mind
Sep 13, 2018 11:25 PM

Feb 2017
I like openings and very rarely skip them and also tend to binge when I can. One thing that would bother me about Netflix is they used to skip openings automatically, even skipping over pre-credits scene's like in Fullmetal Alchemist brotherhood for instance. I haven't watched much anime on Netflix recently but they seem to have changed their approach and don't auto-skip anymore but offer to let you skip openings and I think that's a good way to do things. Also it's not like anime are the only shows with openings and netflix still makes them for thier own productions and considering that anime openings are generally a bigger deal than with other....umm...mediums?.....genres?......things, let's go with things I'm not exactly panicking yet. I'm honestly more concerned with endings where Netflix is concerned as it tends to autoskip them after a short window where you have to tell it manually not too every time, again for most media I think this makes sense and probably the only change I'd make is some kind of feature to remember a preference not to do so for a show.
Sep 13, 2018 11:50 PM

Jul 2017
Netflix already has the skip intro button (best feature not gonna lie) so I don't see the point in this.

"Do you know why snow is white? 
Because it's forgotten what color it's supposed to be." - C.C.

Sep 13, 2018 11:59 PM

May 2015
Making this a mandatory thing is just retarded. It should be a setting for those that skip OPs and EDs on a regular basis. There's plenty of people who don't do that though, and not making it optional is unfair.

Sep 14, 2018 1:32 AM

Jun 2014
If anime goes this route, which sadly I see coming one day... Id consider quitting anime as it doesn't sound like a choice id support.
Sep 14, 2018 1:38 AM

Oct 2012
This is the inevitability of the future. The article says Japanese anime fans are increasingly binge watching, meaning the format would have changed with or without Netflix. It's idiotic to blame Netflix for supplying features that anime watchers want.

Personally speaking, if you judge anime on how long the OP/ED is, if your appreciation of the art form requires 90 second OP, then I don't care if you quit. Don't let the door hit you on your way out. That's almost like quitting reading books if they stop printing a blank page before the table of contents.
My subjective reviews:
Sep 14, 2018 2:05 AM

Jan 2012
Why not just make "Skip Preview" and "Next Episode" buttons come up in the corner of the player like Amazon does - that way you give the viewer the choice.

If Netflix cuts content - any content (even OPs / EDs) - that's censorship, and that's never a good thing.

They will just be giving us one more good reason to pirate ;)

NyaaSep 14, 2018 2:18 AM
Sep 14, 2018 2:29 AM
Jul 2018
As if Netflix was important in the anime industry. The only decent "original" anime they have done is Devilman.
removed-userSep 14, 2018 2:33 AM
Sep 14, 2018 2:30 AM
May 2009
I guess it would save on Server space if you got rid of the OP and Ending.
Though they should make it availible to the watcher either way.
Wonder if getting rid of them is a way to save paying royalties to the Music Artists and Studios involved.

Either way.
Sep 14, 2018 2:54 AM

Nov 2013
Congratulations for not actually having read the article, I guess. Not that I'm surprised.
You're a louse, Roger Smith. - R. Dorothy Wayneright
This is my fight! No Senpai, this is our fight! - Kojou Akatsuki & Yukina Himeragi
Sep 14, 2018 3:08 AM

Oct 2014
@Hoppy interesting click-bait you got here. I'm curious, is this a serious post? Hard to tell these days.

I don't believe in the Devil.
You should. He believes in you.
Sep 14, 2018 4:34 AM
Aug 2018
Where is the issue here? If anything there is more potential for anime such as flcl, that incorporates an entire album into the series. I don't consider that a bad thing.
Sep 14, 2018 6:03 AM

Aug 2017
I mostly skip the OP/ED unless I really it. So it isn't going to effect me that much and all this is only predictions as mentioned, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

Sep 14, 2018 6:07 AM

Sep 2015
Lunilah said:
@Hoppy interesting click-bait you got here. I'm curious, is this a serious post? Hard to tell these days.

As usual from OP, it's a post that twists and over-exaggerates certain elements of something without utilizing common sense in regards to its relevance on the overall product to build some paranoid narrative of sorts.

I'd be bummed out if OPs/EDs went out too, mind you. I like them. I like their length, and I like how they feel like a small music video in relation to the greater product, often featuring characters I know and stuff I like seeing, and I do legitimately find them preferable to the vast majority of western media style openings - there's only one western style intro I'd put in the same league as my favorite anime OPs, that I can think of, and I think a large part of that is just the format of anime OPs/EDs in general. I think they're neat and one of the weird little quirks of anime format that makes it feel kind of distinct to me, and I can like them both individually and isolated and as part of the show itself. But I really, really don't think it'd be anything to doomsay about, and I don't even think Netflix would be to blame or at fault, even. Time moves on relentlessly and doesn't care about what it devours in its path, and this would just be a shift to accommodate to as much - this case, the streaming format becoming more dominant and growing rapidly compared to the TV format, in both Japan and the West alike ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Anime will still be anime, so far. The characters and premises and settings and stories it can showcase will all be there if OPs become less of a factor. It'd suck, but it wouldn't be anything even close worth doomsaying or even being that critical over. Or at least I'd really need to be convinced that there's validity in as much, because currently the only thing I see validity in is liking a format without anime-style OPs less than one with them.

It's not the end of the world. It's fine. It's all fine. Shit changes, so be it, it can't be stopped. It won't ruin anime or deprive me of anything except something I sometimes find some minor novelty enjoyment in, and all of the stuff I value infinitely more doesn't seem like it'd be affected by something like this.
ManabanSep 14, 2018 6:29 AM

Sep 14, 2018 7:54 AM

Dec 2016
Pullman said:
The issue is not even having some downtime or not tho, but that it's not my choice when to stop and reflect, it's the show forcing me to do it when the show decides and that's kind of the issue.

It's not really a problem though, especially if you're watching on Netflix. You can very easily just scrub past the opening or ending, which takes like three seconds to do. In fact, Netflix does that for you automatically. There's absolutely no reason why the opening needs to be shortened or eliminated. That's removing an entire 90 seconds of enjoyment for some people just to save a couple seconds for others (actually it doesn't even benefit people who don't like OPs, because like I said, Netflix can skip those automatically).

What's the difference?
Sep 14, 2018 7:54 AM

Nov 2016
Im gonna add this to my list of things Netflix Fucked up.
-Death Note
-Ciri from the Witcher
-90 second OPs
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Sep 14, 2018 8:04 AM

Dec 2017
Pullman said:
Lmao. really grasping at straws to shit on netflix, huh?

So would I rather have a generic jpop song that sounds like every other one with animation that repeats itself every ep or would I want anime creators to have a great budget and all the creative freedom they'd want like Netflix provides? Hmmmm.....

I'm sure that half a generic pop-song is what is objectively best for anime as a visual and storytelling medium. It's not just OPs personal weeb preferences and irrationally angsty relationship to anything western, especially Netflix, that makes him come to the very reasonable conclusion that anime is RUINED by shortening (not even removing) OPs that only fundamentally so long because it saves time and budget and effort in the creation of every episode.
netflix is shit tho. Nobody uses it for anime and they barely contribute to like 2 studios. Pirating sites have a better model than netflix.
Yeah right there is no way a doujin about vomit exists.
Good song
Tsumino account is BigMaraIppo
Another Good Song Listen to テスト by mukami #np on #SoundCloud
Ashita no Joe and Megalo box are disappointing anime.
My reviews:
Best Naruto Op:
discord name: Chitoge Kirisaki#9564 my discord server for plebs
Sep 14, 2018 8:05 AM

Dec 2017
Turtles_Hunter said:
You look like stupid and pathetic anime weeaboos that just shit on thing because those damn westerners dared to touch at your precious anime. Most anime OP/ED are not that good, and they don't change the quality of a show. Maybe we will miss a few good one, but seriously complaining for that. You really should go back playing with your shovel and bucket.
I didn't know weebs are anime. Guys i think we are animated people. (As if you have space to call people weeaboos you loser)
Yeah right there is no way a doujin about vomit exists.
Good song
Tsumino account is BigMaraIppo
Another Good Song Listen to テスト by mukami #np on #SoundCloud
Ashita no Joe and Megalo box are disappointing anime.
My reviews:
Best Naruto Op:
discord name: Chitoge Kirisaki#9564 my discord server for plebs
Sep 14, 2018 8:07 AM

Dec 2017
Netflix will only effect like 2 studios so this isnt a problem. Even tho they say they are important, they only give money to studios that are already elite and not supporting any small companies that actually need the budget. Also binge watching is for losers who have no life and use their moms credit cards
Yeah right there is no way a doujin about vomit exists.
Good song
Tsumino account is BigMaraIppo
Another Good Song Listen to テスト by mukami #np on #SoundCloud
Ashita no Joe and Megalo box are disappointing anime.
My reviews:
Best Naruto Op:
discord name: Chitoge Kirisaki#9564 my discord server for plebs
Sep 14, 2018 8:09 AM

May 2015
"One reason why you don't want anime to go the binge route. You mis out on good OP/ED themes."

Not a big loss anyway.

OP and ED are ways to recycle the same animation and music 12/13 times, you mean that now I will spend that time actually watching anime? Thanks Netflix.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Sep 14, 2018 8:14 AM

Dec 2017
zal said:
"One reason why you don't want anime to go the binge route. You mis out on good OP/ED themes."

Not a big loss anyway.

OP and ED are ways to recycle the same animation and music 12/13 times, you mean that now I will spend that time actually watching anime? Thanks Netflix.
or read the manga, anime is shit. Also hi zalio
Yeah right there is no way a doujin about vomit exists.
Good song
Tsumino account is BigMaraIppo
Another Good Song Listen to テスト by mukami #np on #SoundCloud
Ashita no Joe and Megalo box are disappointing anime.
My reviews:
Best Naruto Op:
discord name: Chitoge Kirisaki#9564 my discord server for plebs
Sep 14, 2018 8:16 AM

May 2015
zal said:
"One reason why you don't want anime to go the binge route. You mis out on good OP/ED themes."

Not a big loss anyway.

OP and ED are ways to recycle the same animation and music 12/13 times, you mean that now I will spend that time actually watching anime? Thanks Netflix.

When has skipping them both never been something you can manually do yourself?

Sep 14, 2018 8:24 AM

May 2015
Botan-Chan45 said:
zal said:
"One reason why you don't want anime to go the binge route. You mis out on good OP/ED themes."

Not a big loss anyway.

OP and ED are ways to recycle the same animation and music 12/13 times, you mean that now I will spend that time actually watching anime? Thanks Netflix.
or read the manga, anime is shit.
Yeah... watching way less anime now but some people like shit, who are we to judge their taste? :)

Also hi zalio
Hi but

TsukuyomiREKT said:
zal said:
"One reason why you don't want anime to go the binge route. You mis out on good OP/ED themes."

Not a big loss anyway.

OP and ED are ways to recycle the same animation and music 12/13 times, you mean that now I will spend that time actually watching anime? Thanks Netflix.

When has skipping them both never been something you can manually do yourself?
That requires effort so better if it's not there to begin with, not only it's useless but sometimes even counterproductive as it spoils stuff from episodes not yet aired.

However I find interesting how a way for the studios to save money by recycling animation has become something people want to defend XD
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Sep 14, 2018 8:26 AM

Dec 2017
zal said:
Botan-Chan45 said:
or read the manga, anime is shit.
Yeah... watching way less anime now but some people like shit, who are we to judge their taste? :)

Also hi zalio
Hi but

TsukuyomiREKT said:

When has skipping them both never been something you can manually do yourself?
That requires effort so better if it's not there to begin with, not only it's useless but sometimes even counterproductive as it spoils stuff from episodes not yet aired.
dont you need effort to watch? Pepe is not proud
Yeah right there is no way a doujin about vomit exists.
Good song
Tsumino account is BigMaraIppo
Another Good Song Listen to テスト by mukami #np on #SoundCloud
Ashita no Joe and Megalo box are disappointing anime.
My reviews:
Best Naruto Op:
discord name: Chitoge Kirisaki#9564 my discord server for plebs
Sep 14, 2018 8:30 AM

May 2015
zal said:
Botan-Chan45 said:
or read the manga, anime is shit.
Yeah... watching way less anime now but some people like shit, who are we to judge their taste? :)

Also hi zalio
Hi but

TsukuyomiREKT said:

When has skipping them both never been something you can manually do yourself?
That requires effort so better if it's not there to begin with, not only it's useless but sometimes even counterproductive as it spoils stuff from episodes not yet aired.

However I find interesting how a way for the studios to save money by recycling animation has become something people want to defend XD

I'd say that most people aren't as cynical as you when it comes to this. I've never seen someone who legitimately thinks of OPs and EDs that way till now.

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