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The Seven Deadly Sins
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Mar 23, 2018 2:52 PM

Nov 2011
Hmm as much as I like Ban's background story, it did kinda feel that they covered about him more than I had wanted to. They could of condensed this episode slightly.

As for Meliodas, he's still training and King decides to test him more, both physically and mentally. I think they made some considerable progress too. I hope the pacing picks up a bit soon. While he's stronger now than his previous fight against Galand, he still has a long way to go tbh against the other Commandments.

We're about half way through the season now after all.
Stark700Mar 24, 2018 10:40 AM
Mar 23, 2018 5:07 PM

Nov 2007
Suzuki-san's character told the Suwabe-san's character about why he looks young and more (basically what happened until now). Despite not believing people, he considers KajiKaji's character as friend... Suwabe-san's character is...?

FukuJun's character is suspecting KajiKaji's character's trustworthyness. KajiKaji's character finally got the power back, but the enemy team also felt it.

He immediately went to met the team, "as a greeting".

So both KajiKaji's characters were brothers... he claimed that he will fight against them with the 7 sins if to continue what's undone.

That fairy girl is? next.
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Mar 23, 2018 7:45 PM

Jul 2015
Another fantastic episode! The Ban feels followed by Meliodas being a complete badass, I'm really hyped for the fight against the ten commandments.
Mar 23, 2018 7:47 PM

Feb 2018
Wow, Galand vs Meliodas round 2 moment is executed well. I knew what will happen, but that scene still make me suprised and excited.
Mar 24, 2018 2:07 AM
Oct 2015
That scene where meliodas recovered his power back was animated relatively nicely, also that greeting scene was pretty sick as well, it would have been nice if
Heckle was here...
Mar 24, 2018 6:27 AM

Nov 2016
This season is truly on a roll. We got a good conclusion regarding Ban with some serious feels again,also some sweet interaction with him and Jericho on top. Must say that I always liked Ban,but now I'm loving his character.

Meliodas powered up and has showed Galand who's the boss.

Overall pretty great.

@Lelouch0202,thanks for making me aware that I misspelled now xD
FMmatronMar 24, 2018 9:37 AM

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Mar 24, 2018 7:00 AM
Aug 2017
oh man this ep was soo lid
Mar 24, 2018 7:16 AM

Apr 2016
Galland is roasted.
And Jerico its gonna be hell ride for you if you wanna win Ban,s heart.
Mar 24, 2018 7:40 AM

Feb 2016
Lol Galand got rekt so hard. So Casual Meliodas saying "hi" to the commandments lol.
"We could make the world better, but it's easier to just shut our eyes."
Mar 24, 2018 8:37 AM

Sep 2014
I really can't remember the last triple A series that had as bad animation as this one
Mar 24, 2018 9:10 AM

Dec 2014
Great episode again.
FMmatron said:
This season is truly on a roll. We got a good conclusion regarding Ban with some serious feels again,also some sweet interaction with him and Jericho on top. Must say that I always liked Ban,but know I'm loving his character.

The soundtrack they used when Ban was telling Zhivago how he felt like shit after Meliodas forgave him was fantastic, I believe it's the same thing they used when Meliodas overcame his trial. It made the whole thing pretty emotional.

Loved watching Meliodas wreck Galland, can't wait to see how the Nanatsu no Taizai are gonna fare against the Ten Commandments after their training.
Mar 24, 2018 9:34 AM

Jul 2013
RIP Zhivago, you were a great man (or mor like a great beastman) till your very end. Glad you have died in peace after your sad life.

Meliodas's greeting was badass, but I kinda expected more, especially compared to the manga, when the beatdown Meliodas gives to Galand looked even more spectacular. Hell, even his previous battle against King at the beginning of the episode looked better. I will admit Galand's scream at the end was awesome.

From this point, the arc will become really interesting...

Jericho is adorable, as always.
Mar 24, 2018 9:58 AM

Aug 2014
now we talkin'

starting to get interesting
Mar 24, 2018 10:27 AM

Jul 2014
While I liked the pacing and the music placements, the fight itself and the animation was a let down compared to the manga, they even cut off a move Meliodas did when he kicked Galan so hard he was sent flying and bounced off a cliff.
Mar 24, 2018 11:19 AM

Jul 2015
Another Fantastic episode.

The farewell to Ban's dad was done well. I'm loving his character more and more.
Meliodas is now super OP. I wonder how the other Deadly Sins are gonna keep up really (I haven't read the manga).

Can't wait for next week.
Mar 24, 2018 11:55 AM

Feb 2013
RIP Zhivago.
Wow, this is the Meliodas I was waiting for!
Mar 24, 2018 12:12 PM

Dec 2015
Lol, I thought Meliodas was gonna take on all 10 of them at the same time just to show off his power. Also, fuck you King for acting like a smartass and doubting Meliodas.
"At some point, I stopped hoping."
Mar 24, 2018 2:20 PM

Jan 2018
The way Meliodas rekted Galland was totally bad-ass!

Amazing episode as always ^_^
Mar 24, 2018 2:50 PM

Jul 2016
Ban sure does get a lot of backstory. Too bad his dad died. He finally told Jericho that she's the one human he doesn't hate and can tolerate, though. For how strong and warrior like she sued to be, she's sure calmed down.

Meliodas and King are definitely going to have a little struggle between them. I think King will learn that his assumptions are wrong. Meliodas sure doesn't change, either. Even after that awesome scene with him getting his power back, he's his old self. Man, he did some damage to Galland. He was joking with the 10 commandments. That's something only a person like Meliodas can pull off and not have it be a bluff.

Mar 24, 2018 3:15 PM
Nov 2017
A bit more Ban backstory. Not bad but it seems like they've covered mostly all avenues with that. Would be nice to see some progression on the ressurrection storyline he's on.

Meliodas receiving his powers back what feels like "so soon" but is really half way through everything. Bit of a power skip but hoping to see him become even stronger through the next few episodes.

King really doesnt seem to trust Meliodas that much right now.. Should be interesting to see how things develope between the two of them.

Elizabeth is still hard at work trying to cure the seed I see.
Mar 24, 2018 3:16 PM
Jul 2013
Very nice episode finally
Mar 24, 2018 5:18 PM

Jan 2017
Live look in on Melodias fighting Galand:

Mar 24, 2018 5:47 PM

Jan 2017
The pacing seems a bit of balance but nonetheless this episode was amazing; an although the reason for meliodas' power being given back to him makes sense, I still hated this surge in power that he was given...maybe 'cause I prefer the training theme, hopefully we see more of their training.

Need an update on Diane though.

Its sadly ironic that Ban is the fox's sin but it was a nice bit of tribute to his father, man I feel sorry for Zhivago; for him to die after seeing Ban again T-T T-T

for me it's Ban X Jericho FTW, I mean that fairy girl is such a salad (I forget her name.)

Mar 24, 2018 5:54 PM

May 2015
That mini a$$whoop was delish!
Mar 24, 2018 7:54 PM

Dec 2013
Meliodas destroying Galan was cool even if the animation was meh.

RIP Zhivago.

Jericho keeps getting better and better!
Mar 24, 2018 7:55 PM
Feb 2016
I read the manga I didn't know ban has a sister,i must miss that
Such tragedy wht hppen tho.
Mar 24, 2018 9:38 PM

Jan 2014
Meliodas just beating up Galland like its nothing lol. Things are starting to get interesting now. RIP Zhivago 2018-2018
New Life
Mar 24, 2018 10:52 PM

Oct 2013
Ouch, Galland got knocked the fu*k down
Mar 25, 2018 1:55 AM

Oct 2017
Tbh this ep is kinda too rushed. I know they have to cover it up as fast as possible, however, Meliodas vs King fight is poor and too short while Ban's backstory is too long...
Mar 25, 2018 2:22 AM

Jul 2014
While the continued forced drama between King and Meliodas was tedious, this was an excellent episode apart from that, especially Meliodas' beatdown of Galland.
Mar 25, 2018 3:03 AM
Jul 2018
Galland had it coming. Meliodas' warning was brilliant.
Mar 25, 2018 5:17 AM
Sep 2017
"satte satte satte"-Meliodas
Mar 25, 2018 7:23 AM
Jan 2016
Wow look at that Meliodas hahaha brand new Meliodas and I really love how confident he is...he didn't even draw his sword and he can beat Galan easily hahaha. I don't know but I think the Ten Commandments captain, Zeldris looked really nervous? That's what I saw from the first time. He looked really serious and really careful, not like the other member.
Mar 25, 2018 7:46 AM

Jan 2011
Am I the only one who's more curious about wtf is going on with King than anything else? He's not my favorite Character in the slightest but that really doesn't seem like a good thing.
Mar 25, 2018 8:05 AM

Dec 2016
dicecop said:
I really can't remember the last triple A series that had as bad animation as this one
Bad animation? Fix your eyes or stop watching it in 144p.
Mar 25, 2018 9:50 AM

May 2016
Another great episode finishing off Ban's background was really amazing I can't belive Zhivago died RIP.

Jaicho is getting better and better damn it she is one hell of a beautiful girl.

I can see where King is coming from regarding Meliodas since we don't know anything about his past, Galand called him the cursed Demon seems like something interesting.
Mar 25, 2018 2:34 PM

May 2015
Jericho is bae. :D

Poor Galland. Getting rekt like last bitch. :(
"The future is always blank. Only your willpower can leave footsteps there."

"Ruling over death means ruling over life. Death is the climax of life. To have the best death, you must honor life."
Mar 25, 2018 4:49 PM

May 2015
This was seriously one awesome episode. Galand got his ass whooped in return this time, tenfold.

Also, RIP Zhivago ;__;....
ReverberateMar 25, 2018 4:53 PM

Mar 25, 2018 6:58 PM

Sep 2014
Alberrti said:
dicecop said:
I really can't remember the last triple A series that had as bad animation as this one
Bad animation? Fix your eyes or stop watching it in 144p.

Name one popular series that has worse animation than this one. Even the horrible One Piece anime is better animated than this
Mar 25, 2018 9:57 PM

Dec 2015
Ban's backstory should be a full 12 episode anime by itself. It's honestly the only truly enjoyable thing that's happened this season so far.

Speaking of which, this episode ended with one gigantic ass plot hole. All of the commandments are seriously underpowered and in a weakened state right now, and Meliodas took care of that lower class demon without breaking a sweat. So that begs the question: why didn't he just completely kill that demon, and then take the rest of them down as well so they'd be easier to seal back up again? Why did he just leave them there to regain their strength? Oh yeah, because the studio wants to drag this out and make their money's worth, and because you can't have a cliche shounen anime without arbitrary and nonsensical power scaling.
Mar 26, 2018 1:17 AM

Sep 2011
dicecop said:
Alberrti said:
Bad animation? Fix your eyes or stop watching it in 144p.

Name one popular series that has worse animation than this one. Even the horrible One Piece anime is better animated than this
Yeah, no. One Piece is far worse.
Mar 26, 2018 3:01 AM

Aug 2011
I'm surprised none of the anime only guys are surprised by the reveal that Zeldris and Meliodas are brothers. Didn't think it was obvious when I read the manga.

Pretty good episode, but the part where Meliodas ask King why he doesn't have wings would've been much better had they adapted the part where Jericho asked him the same. I think it really helps in building the lore, not sure why. I would've preferred had they made the last episode completely about Ban and Zhivago, not a big fan that they had it in two different episodes.

One thing I'm really liking is

I find it funny that
Mar 26, 2018 3:05 AM
Jun 2017
Melioda's power is back!!! and whats the best way to show it, by going to where the 10 commandments is... hahahaha... (and look at that ball of Dark power that Meliodas received!!!hahaha)...

Mar 26, 2018 12:37 PM

Jan 2015
That was damn so epic!
I love scenes when the MC goes in the enemy's place like a badass!
Who the hell is waiting now 4 days?!
Mar 27, 2018 9:15 AM
Jan 2013
Hylianticipated said:
Ban's backstory should be a full 12 episode anime by itself. It's honestly the only truly enjoyable thing that's happened this season so far.

Speaking of which, this episode ended with one gigantic ass plot hole. All of the commandments are seriously underpowered and in a weakened state right now, and Meliodas took care of that lower class demon without breaking a sweat. So that begs the question: why didn't he just completely kill that demon, and then take the rest of them down as well so they'd be easier to seal back up again? Why did he just leave them there to regain their strength? Oh yeah, because the studio wants to drag this out and make their money's worth, and because you can't have a cliche shounen anime without arbitrary and nonsensical power scaling.

Well for one, they are following the manga, has nothing to do with studio dragging this out. Secondly, they commandments are of different power caliber, and Galland, as far as I read (as I actually haven't read the manga) is one of the weaker ones. Doubtful he would be able to take on all 10 of them at the same time.
Mar 27, 2018 11:21 AM

Dec 2014
well that meloides appearing at the 10 commandments was something...things keep getting more and more interesting
Mar 28, 2018 6:11 AM
Oct 2007
dicecop said:
Alberrti said:
Bad animation? Fix your eyes or stop watching it in 144p.

Name one popular series that has worse animation than this one. Even the horrible One Piece anime is better animated than this

Black Clover . Fifteen characters
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Mar 28, 2018 9:01 AM

Sep 2014
luccide said:
dicecop said:

Name one popular series that has worse animation than this one. Even the horrible One Piece anime is better animated than this

Black Clover . Fifteen characters

>popular series
>Black Clover

Mar 28, 2018 9:16 AM
Oct 2007
dicecop said:
luccide said:

Black Clover . Fifteen characters

>popular series
>Black Clover


Why are you comparing Nanatsu no Taizai to popular series then?

One Piece reception compared to Nanatsu no Taizai is AT LEAST 15 times more while Nanatsu no Taizai is probably 2-3 times more of Black Clover. Sure, Black Clover is a popular series if you want to group One Piece with Nanatsu no Taizai.
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Mar 28, 2018 4:07 PM

Dec 2015
hoootie said:
Hylianticipated said:
Ban's backstory should be a full 12 episode anime by itself. It's honestly the only truly enjoyable thing that's happened this season so far.

Speaking of which, this episode ended with one gigantic ass plot hole. All of the commandments are seriously underpowered and in a weakened state right now, and Meliodas took care of that lower class demon without breaking a sweat. So that begs the question: why didn't he just completely kill that demon, and then take the rest of them down as well so they'd be easier to seal back up again? Why did he just leave them there to regain their strength? Oh yeah, because the studio wants to drag this out and make their money's worth, and because you can't have a cliche shounen anime without arbitrary and nonsensical power scaling.

Well for one, they are following the manga, has nothing to do with studio dragging this out. Secondly, they commandments are of different power caliber, and Galland, as far as I read (as I actually haven't read the manga) is one of the weaker ones. Doubtful he would be able to take on all 10 of them at the same time.

That doesn't explain why he didn't just kill Galland right then and there as it's clear he could have. And yeah I know they are of different strengths, but they are all underpowered right now and he had a clear opportunity to at least knock them down a few pegs before getting warped out, maybe even kill two or three. It was just a huge copout to allow for more arbitrary power-ups in my opinion and made it my least favorite scene so far.
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