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Mar 30, 2017 9:48 PM

Jan 2011
A new one came out
which makes it the 5th episode. Leave this entry as currently airing.
"OVA & ONA will be set to finished after 18 months of inactivity (i.e.: no new information or releases). "
It hasn't even been a year and we've gotten anther episode. This is the 3rd time this anime has released a new episode after being closed prematurely. Just let it run the 18 month course.
The 4th CM was uploaded:
As well as the 5th:
and these two do contain new footage not present in the PV and TV commercials. So please bump up the 'counted towards' area to 5 and put the video titles there.
EDIT: the 6th CM has been released now this one does not contain new footage. It will be with the rejected CMs.
EDITEDIT: another CM has been released but a different name scheme. This contains new footage, and should be listed in the original footage area.
Ugg sorry, this is still airing. A new ep came out today
I know this entry is still in the queue but can you please edit it for accuracy. Considering how short of a temporary exhibit it was promoting and DLE's history of doing one-shot CMs, I honestly thought they wouldn't make more.

The title will have to be updated to "Kaishain x Sumida Suizokukan" and the Jap title to "貝社員×すみだ水族館" as that is the common title between both episodes at the moment. And any future episodes I guess.
lanbladeApr 9, 2018 11:50 PM
Mar 30, 2017 10:02 PM
Jul 2016
I put in a proposed change to an anime's rating after reading MyAnimeList's guidelines about 3 weeks ago which has gone unanswered. While, I understand these things take time. I am wondering if my proposal was overlooked:

Mashiro-iro Symphony: The Color of Lovers has a PG-13 rating that should be adjusted to a R+ rating due to numerous occurrences of frontal nudity. It was referenced numerous times, with users even linking the nudity itself, within the anime's Title Discussion.

While I am not some sort of crusader against nudity, I feel it important to have an accurate database. That being said, if necessary, I would will be willing to provide further information or evidence.

Consequently, I humbly ask one of two things: Could the anime's rating be updated to reflect MyAnimeList's standards? Alternatively, could it be explained why it is not listed as R+? Either form of assistance would greatly be appreciated.
Mar 31, 2017 7:54 PM

Jan 2011
Taroon said:
I put in a proposed change to an anime's rating after reading MyAnimeList's guidelines about 3 weeks ago which has gone unanswered. While, I understand these things take time. I am wondering if my proposal was overlooked:

Mashiro-iro Symphony: The Color of Lovers has a PG-13 rating that should be adjusted to a R+ rating due to numerous occurrences of frontal nudity. It was referenced numerous times, with users even linking the nudity itself, within the anime's Title Discussion.

While I am not some sort of crusader against nudity, I feel it important to have an accurate database. That being said, if necessary, I would will be willing to provide further information or evidence.

Consequently, I humbly ask one of two things: Could the anime's rating be updated to reflect MyAnimeList's standards? Alternatively, could it be explained why it is not listed as R+? Either form of assistance would greatly be appreciated.

An age rating given by an English licensing company always trumps an age rating arbitrarily assigned by MAL. Mashiro is rated TV-14
so MAL rounds down 1 year to match the MPAA rating scale.
MAL reflects official legal data from the industry and fills in the blanks for age ratings when one is not present. Mashiro has one provided by an industry head (with their own team of lawyers and legal tape), so MAL will display its age rating.
Perhaps Sentai Filmworks if finally taking the lead towards gender equality.
Mar 31, 2017 9:27 PM
Jul 2016
First, let me say that I'm not going to discuss gender equality here. I am simply going to respond with facts and not delve political or social commentary.

First, Sentai Filmworks doesn't give it a rating on it's page. While your link does connect to their store that shows the DVD's back, rating it as TV-14, no where does it say that such a rating is from the US. That image could have recycled by them to cut-costs or save time. Additionally, they specifically suggest people view the anime online at either Anime Network Online, Crunchyroll, and Hulu. While Crunchyroll and Hulu do not easily give the anime's rating upfront, Anime Network Online clearly states upfront that it's rated TV-MA. It's a pretty common stance regarding media's rating system when (sexual) nudity is involved. Nudity that is "fanservice" (not nudity in a documentary for educational purposes) causes the program to be rated TV-MA.

More to the point: 1) The US company that put out anime does not specifically list the anime's rating, 2) that company provides links to online outlets that have it rated as TV-MA, and, most importantly, 3) MyAnimeList specifies how it rates anime within Section III(e)(i) which has its own rating scale that would classify it as R+.

As a side-note for you personally, lanblade: The FCC handles the rating of TV content, whereas the MPAA suggests ratings for movies. It should also be noted that the MPAA is a non-governmental entity. Last, while I did open with agreeing not to discuss the trolling about gender equality, I will say this: It is a silly thought to think someone believes "Topfreedom" boils down showcasing women's chests for (sexual) gratification or "fanservice".

To the moderator(s): Please change the rating of Mashiro-iro Symphony: The Color of Lovers to R+ so that it accurately reflects MyAnimeList's standards.
Apr 1, 2017 1:54 AM
Dec 2016

If possible, could the genre "Shoujo Ai" be added to this show? The anime largely features a relationship between two women and includes other characters making comments about how much like a couple they are, and the show ends with the two blushing and holding hands while a passer-by comments that the two are in love.

In addition, I would argue that Shoujo Kakumei Utena is also Shoujo Ai as it centers around a female relationship and is even considered to be THE yuri anime on this featured article here The related movie also features an intimate kiss between two women, and centers along their relationship.

Mod Edit: Merged double post.
BrandonApr 7, 2017 8:58 AM
Apr 1, 2017 8:16 PM

Jan 2011
Taroon said:
First, let me say that I'm not going to discuss gender equality here. I am simply going to respond with facts and not delve political or social commentary.

First, Sentai Filmworks doesn't give it a rating on it's page. While your link does connect to their store that shows the DVD's back, rating it as TV-14, no where does it say that such a rating is from the US. That image could have recycled by them to cut-costs or save time. Additionally, they specifically suggest people view the anime online at either Anime Network Online, Crunchyroll, and Hulu. While Crunchyroll and Hulu do not easily give the anime's rating upfront, Anime Network Online clearly states upfront that it's rated TV-MA. It's a pretty common stance regarding media's rating system when (sexual) nudity is involved. Nudity that is "fanservice" (not nudity in a documentary for educational purposes) causes the program to be rated TV-MA.

More to the point: 1) The US company that put out anime does not specifically list the anime's rating, 2) that company provides links to online outlets that have it rated as TV-MA, and, most importantly, 3) MyAnimeList specifies how it rates anime within Section III(e)(i) which has its own rating scale that would classify it as R+.

As a side-note for you personally, lanblade: The FCC handles the rating of TV content, whereas the MPAA suggests ratings for movies. It should also be noted that the MPAA is a non-governmental entity. Last, while I did open with agreeing not to discuss the trolling about gender equality, I will say this: It is a silly thought to think someone believes "Topfreedom" boils down showcasing women's chests for (sexual) gratification or "fanservice".

To the moderator(s): Please change the rating of Mashiro-iro Symphony: The Color of Lovers to R+ so that it accurately reflects MyAnimeList's standards.

What difference does it make if Sentai lists it or not as text on the webpage? TV-14 is what's physically printed on the DVD case that people purchase and physically have in their hands.
Being "from the US" doesn't matter at all as I said "English licensing company". If Mashiro was licensed by Madmen Entertainment only and they gave an age rating, we would display theirs. Which Sentai Filmworks also lists the rating for Australia as well as PG-14 using their rating scale too.
Anime Network Online is a secondary company giving their own rating for shows they rent from the original licensing company. They are not the main source of age ratings and are not considered as main source of age ratings.
DB guidelines are old, many things in them are not longer used. "Trailers/ads of upcoming or aired anime. Animated commercials produced for the Japanese market will be allowed only if they are of decent length and have substantial plot. (e.g. Superflat Monogram)" is an example. This rule is not longer used but you'd only know it if you were a frequent poster here. This is why I'm telling you that official licensed shows use the age rating as given by the official company because using the rating as given by the licensing company is the standard on MAL because this is what the mods have said.

I know the difference between FCC and MPAA, MAL doesn't care because then only licensed theatrical movies airing in theaters would have an age rating while also ignoring Japan's Eirin scale. But the entire site uses MPAA as the base catch-all scale to mold everything. This is why the FCC's TV-14 is rounded down to match the equivalent of a MPAA PG-13.
lanbladeApr 1, 2017 8:19 PM
Apr 1, 2017 9:31 PM

Sep 2013
Could you add slice of life, comedy, kids, magic, fantasy and shoujo genres to this anime?

and to
put the same intead of all the genres?
OriharaShinraJan 27, 2019 2:22 PM
"It is absurd to divide people into good and bad. People are either charming or tedious."
FAL SPRING 2019 Rank 650 FAL FALL 2019 Rank 136
Apr 1, 2017 11:40 PM
Jul 2016
lanblade said:
What difference does it make if Sentai lists it or not as text on the webpage? TV-14 is what's physically printed on the DVD case that people purchase and physically have in their hands.
Being "from the US" doesn't matter at all as I said "English licensing company". If Mashiro was licensed by Madmen Entertainment only and they gave an age rating, we would display theirs. Which Sentai Filmworks also lists the rating for Australia as well as PG-14 using their rating scale too.
Anime Network Online is a secondary company giving their own rating for shows they rent from the original licensing company. They are not the main source of age ratings and are not considered as main source of age ratings.
DB guidelines are old, many things in them are not longer used. "Trailers/ads of upcoming or aired anime. Animated commercials produced for the Japanese market will be allowed only if they are of decent length and have substantial plot. (e.g. Superflat Monogram)" is an example. This rule is not longer used but you'd only know it if you were a frequent poster here. This is why I'm telling you that official licensed shows use the age rating as given by the official company because using the rating as given by the licensing company is the standard on MAL because this is what the mods have said.

I know the difference between FCC and MPAA, MAL doesn't care because then only licensed theatrical movies airing in theaters would have an age rating while also ignoring Japan's Eirin scale. But the entire site uses MPAA as the base catch-all scale to mold everything. This is why the FCC's TV-14 is rounded down to match the equivalent of a MPAA PG-13.

I appreciate if you're trying to be helpful; however, I get the feeling that's not your intent in responding. You're right, I won't know if MyAnimeList follows a different set of rules than the ones they've posted. I can only operate based on the formal guidelines they've posted. Repeated fanservice of exposed nipples classify an anime as R+ according to MyAnimeList. In your first response, I didn't see the need to follow your red herring regarding the possible philosophical stance of a company's values regarding feminism and topfreedom. Nevermind, I pointed out how worried I am that a person links anime fanservice to topfreedom. Now, you present two more equally worrisome "points":

1) Your argument that MyAnimeList blindly follows the rating of an anime given by the original licensing company has some holes to it. Either you're wrong, you're trolling, or MyAnimeList doesn't follow always their--according to you--secret and unposted guidelines (which already conflicts with their formal, posted guidelines). Take these four examples comparing the back case's rating by Sentai Filmworks to the anime's page on MyAnimeList:

Another's TV-14 (2012) rating compared to MyAnimeList's rating of R-17+ (violence & profanity)
Battle Girls: Time Paradox's TV-14 (2011) rating compared to MyAnimeList's rating of R+ (mild nudity)
Appleseed's TV-14 (2004) rating compared to MyAnimeList's rating of R-17+ (violence & profanity)
Mashiro-iro Symphony: The Color of Lovers' TV-14 (2011) rating compared to MyAnimeList's rating of PG-13

I, therefore, suggest the top 3 anime's rating be changed to PG-13 if we'd follow the guidance you're giving us. Alternatively, I would much rather a moderator change the last anime of that list to a R+ (mild nudity) rating since that would follow their posted guidelines and not conflict with the standards they have already applied to MyAnimeList's database. As it stands, lanblade, your strongest point so far as been refuted and proved to be erroneous and with contradictions.

2) Ad hominem arguments will not strengthen your position nor will curry any favor: The amount a person posts in the past has no bearing on validity of their current post. It also has no relevance to the topic at hand.

Again, I appreciate your offer of guidance and the time you've put in responding to me. I hope my response was well-received, understood, and clarifies why your points are not valid.

(In the event a future response claims that "the anime's rating has already been assigned in MyAnimeList and, therefore, won't get changed", please review other people's previous posts on this thread and compare them to the changes made to older anime. There are ample examples. MyAnimeList moderators are diligent and sincere in their efforts to constantly improve the database and its experience.)
Apr 2, 2017 4:59 AM

Oct 2016
CM for Haikyuu!! Second Season OVA

Haikyuu!!: Lev Kenzan! CM 1

Haikyuu!!: Lev Kenzan! CM 2

Haikyuu!!: vs. Akaten CM

And please do not merge these OVA with the new OVA until it released or get a proper information, since this OVA most likely belong to the third season.

Please stop blindly merging the OVAs, especially if the series have several seasons.
Apr 3, 2017 11:19 AM

May 2009
Apr 3, 2017 12:04 PM

Jun 2008
Hi. Today I submitted Tsurikichi Sanpei OVA to the database, but after more research I found out that it is likely just a "voiced manga" (at least that's how another release in the まんがビデオシリーズ is described here). So you can probably reject this entry.
Apr 3, 2017 6:12 PM

Feb 2017
Anime "Juusen Battle Monsuno" has in total 65 episodes , which are not added in the db.
Thank you!
Apr 3, 2017 9:03 PM

Jan 2011
bwoii said:
Anime "Juusen Battle Monsuno" has in total 65 episodes , which are not added in the db.
Thank you!
"Episode 53-65" never aired in Japan. There are currently no plans for a Japanese release. As it stands, these episodes are outsourced productions commissioned by America and not anime.
Apr 4, 2017 2:38 AM
Apr 4, 2017 10:21 AM
Jul 2018
Apr 4, 2017 12:24 PM
May 2007
Episodes: 12
Apr 4, 2017 3:48 PM

Jan 2011

Join the club bro
I said the same thing last month.

Shadow-Chan said:
Episodes: 12

To back you up on the name change. Yen Press officially licensed the manga for the US and they use the "Heine" spelling:
Apr 4, 2017 4:31 PM

Feb 2013
Why this music series is still pending approval? I tried to add it many years ago in my list, and now it's still like that...

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges.

Apr 4, 2017 7:33 PM

Jan 2011
Please reopen this entry. An unprecedented new episode came out.
Most likely because of the other Toyama tourism anime airing with Taka no Tsume, they decided to continue the cross over one with "Kaette Kite yoo Toyama kara".

Since there are 2 episodes we need to use the common denominator title
Japanese title: 鷹の爪団、富山
Main title: Taka no Tsume-dan, Toyama
+genre: parody
This is 12 episodes not 13. Remember we have the Epsiode 0 from above as its own entry.
I think this should be TV type. The official site and Twitter
was all like "web release sometime 2016" and "here's two clips for a full web release soon" and they never EVER posted that there was an actual web release. Nowhere can I find that this whole length anime was made available online. Not on Hulu, not on Gayao, not on any of the other streaming sites Japan uses. All I can see is an active history that says this anime was shown at some fancy film festivals followed by a TV broadcast from December 30, 2016 through January 7, 2017. Then the DVD release came out on March 1, 2017.
Ergo I believe this anime should be changed to TV type with that air date range [if we consider the film festivals listed on the official site to be pre-airs].
Why was this entry closed? It hasn't been 18 months yet. And the first episode has a "to be continued" in the video as well as having "1" in its title to indicate that more are planned in the series.
The main title should be Candle with a capital C. We don't do stylized titles until the whole title is extremely stylized on purpose like as the franchise is known for always being in all caps except the letter "i".
lanbladeMay 25, 2017 2:25 PM
Apr 5, 2017 12:20 AM

Mar 2014
Should be OVA instead of Special.
Likewise, title can probably be changed from Specials to OVA too.
Apr 5, 2017 8:43 AM

Dec 2014

Some of the info for The Donkey is wrong. First of all the source is listed as unknown. It is based on the book "Aesop's Fables", specifically the story "The Man, the Boy, and the Donkey". Also, the Sports and Fantasy tags do not apply at all. It the story of a father and son who travel the countryside to take their donkey to the market to sell. There are no fantasy elements or sports involved.

Apr 5, 2017 1:24 PM

Nov 2014
The main title for this should be 'Kotatsu Neko'
The main title for this should be 'Kotatsu Neko (TV)'
Apr 5, 2017 5:49 PM

Dec 2014
This series is listed as 13 episodes, but since episode 0 already has its own entry, the correct episode count is actually 12.
Apr 5, 2017 11:35 PM

Jan 2011
I think this needs to be deleted from the database.
This is the official site of the web release:
If you go on the sale sites listed there like Hulu or Geo Channel
here you will find the original 2002 Whistle! anime with new voice actors. Hulu even states that in the description, all they did was get new voice actors and reused the original footage. (Though the footage has been remastered a bit, like they put an HDR filter on top so it's more sharply colored. But no **new** footage has been created.)
Apr 6, 2017 1:00 PM
Jan 2016
Kemurigusa Monogatari ( is listed as airing 1924, which probably comes from the AniDB page (which also says 1924), but the Tokyo National Film Center online animation archives says it is 1926 (

(Normally airing dates would be editable by users, but that only allows 1931 onwards.)

Also, FYI, I'll be going through that Film Classics archive over the next few days/weeks and submitting database entry requests for any of the 1917-1941 short films in there that MAL doesn't have yet.
Apr 6, 2017 5:24 PM

Jun 2008

The "more info" section is strange. Charles Perrault is clearly credited in the opening sequence, so it shouldn't say "POSSIBLY based" on his work.
Apr 6, 2017 10:45 PM

Jan 2011
Needs to be deleted from the database. This is a motion comic.
Check for yourself here:
Almost everything is still pictures. What isn't stills is weirdo mouth-only movements (like that in Crunchyroll's "manga 2.5" stuff with Hadi Girl). The heads don't move, the eyes don't blink, etc. They take pictures from the fully colored manhua and have added voice actors to speak the lines over superimposed shots of the manhua's panels.
lanbladeJun 27, 2017 8:36 PM
Apr 7, 2017 9:04 AM

Sep 2010
Taroon said:
numerous occurrences of frontal nudity
0ne & only scene in only one episode, and this scene is only in BD version and not in TV is now called this? Sorry, but no.
Taroon said:
Take these four examples comparing the back case's rating by Sentai Filmworks to the anime's page on MyAnimeList:

Another's TV-14 (2012) rating compared to MyAnimeList's rating of R-17+ (violence & profanity)
Battle Girls: Time Paradox's TV-14 (2011) rating compared to MyAnimeList's rating of R+ (mild nudity)
Appleseed's TV-14 (2004) rating compared to MyAnimeList's rating of R-17+ (violence & profanity)
Mashiro-iro Symphony: The Color of Lovers' TV-14 (2011) rating compared to MyAnimeList's rating of PG-13
And we still has Neon Genesis Evangelion despite being one of the first and so the oldest entries, Fullmetal Alchemist and a lot of other English-named anime despite all MAL naming rules (i.e. original Japanese supersede any other). And a lot of entries with wrong tags. And honestly, a bloody metric ton of other wrong stuff. The point? MAL never had enough mods, so some entries destined to stay with wrong parameters until someone starts bugging mods here. That's why we have this topic.

There is such thing as shit taste. Only idiots think that every "work of art" should have the same value.

Persona anime are good. Deal with it.
Apr 7, 2017 12:44 PM

Jan 2011
lanblade said:
cookieliciousnya said:

Should be finished if I'm not mistaken.
If so, please change the status.

It has, 39 eps final. 2 DVD sets for sale.

Also mods, please change the main title to "Aware! Meisaku-kun".
あはれ is pronounced as あわれ as indicated in literally the first 2 seconds of every episode where the characters shout it.

Uggg, after taking a 7 week break the anime has been re-continued. This has come out of the blue....they announced a continuation on April Fools' Day.
I thought that was a joke but today episode 40 has been released (that's what they officially number it themselves) and it also has a new OP and ED.
Since its under 12 weeks and the numbering continues, please reopen this entry and remove the episode count.
lanbladeJun 27, 2017 9:31 PM
Apr 7, 2017 2:45 PM

Oct 2014
Tag "space" should be added:

Both series have space travel and spaceships; also the theme plays an important role in the stories.
Apr 7, 2017 6:09 PM

Aug 2015
I request that the English title of "Night Is Short, Walk on Girl" be added to the following entry:
Apr 7, 2017 8:52 PM

Jan 2011
TheKillerAngel said:
I request that the English title of "Night Is Short, Walk on Girl" be added to the following entry:

You can do that yourself:
But make sure the English title is "a. North American distribution title; b. licensed streaming title; c. English title given by the creator(s)." and not a fan made translated title. Otherwise it needs to go under synonyms.
Apr 7, 2017 9:25 PM

May 2012
Youjo Shenki should only have 12 episodes as the "0" episode has its own entry:
Apr 8, 2017 12:32 PM
Sep 2015
Apr 9, 2017 1:38 AM
Aug 2009
Doubutsu Olympic Taikai
duration is currently at 5 minutes. It is actually almost three times that. More accurately about 13 minutes.

I will post my proof if you want in a private message moderator or admin if you require it. If you need it just message me.
Already had a request for change but mistakenly forgot to remove the zero in the ten place on minutes so the request is 013minutes. which i suppose still works.
Apr 9, 2017 3:45 AM

Apr 2007

This needs an update, status is stated as 'Finished Airing', but number of episodes still ?.

Total episode count should be 2 (I just watched both episodes).

Can't add to list right now, 'this anime is pending approval'.

Apr 10, 2017 8:10 AM
Jul 2016
Please add the Genres, Parody, and to a lesser degree, Ecchi, to Renai Boukun. It is a very direct/obvious parody of Death Note on how it plays on the words and visual aspects to link the two while twisting it slightly for a comedic effect. Additionally, ecchi would also accurately define it due it its numerous panty shots and how the anime uses perspective/camera angling.
Apr 10, 2017 8:28 AM
Aug 2009
Oira no Ski (

Two Issues: English name and actual duration
My Ski Trip (English name)
9 minutes long not 6 minutes
Apr 10, 2017 9:29 AM
Jul 2016
kitsune0 said:
0ne & only scene in only one episode, and this scene is only in BD version and not in TV is now called this? Sorry, but no.
And we still has Neon Genesis Evangelion despite being one of the first and so the oldest entries, Fullmetal Alchemist and a lot of other English-named anime despite all MAL naming rules (i.e. original Japanese supersede any other). And a lot of entries with wrong tags. And honestly, a bloody metric ton of other wrong stuff. The point? MAL never had enough mods, so some entries destined to stay with wrong parameters until someone starts bugging mods here. That's why we have this topic.

Yikes. I didn't think all the trolls would gather up to flog me for saying, "hey, let's apply MAL's standards to the MAL data" nor did I think it was a wise course of action for a person to take conflicting points and try to argue that they make sense (and not conflict). I guess I was wrong in both cases.

1) MAL doesn't say there needs to be greater than 1 scene of breast-shots to be their definition, nor does MAL say it rates--and only rates--the TV version of the anime. Rather, they often define anime by it's original art production: It has nudity if the nipples were drawn in when the anime was created. The logic here is that many countries have very different levels of censorship. MAL takes an American approach: "The R+ rating is reserved for non-hentai anime with exposed female nipples." People need to simply stop reading in to this and making it mean more than it does. If the anime has been released with exposed female nipples it is rated R+. I don't see how users are getting confused here.

2) You are wrong. Not that it matters (for the reason as noted above) but there are multiple scenes of nudity. Just going off memory, there was one time, the beginning with the main character's sister, another time with both his sister and the pseudo-maid, and a third time with his love interest. It should be noted that B Gata H Kei is rated R+ while only having one scene of nudity despite it being censored until the DVD/BD release. (I'm defining "scene" to mean one occurrence of state of undress.)

3) I am further confused that you're mistaking "original Japanese supersede any other" rule being a rule. It's not formally stated anywhere and, therefore, isn't a rule. But, as I said earlier in the thread, I could be wrong: I welcome citation of a quote where a mod states such (regarding the topic here: nudity/anime rating). But, I'm getting side-tracked: You go on how this thread, here, is meant to point out and fix contradictions, omissions, and errors in MAL's anime database but, then, get all flustered when I do the very thing that this thread has been created for.

4) I really don't understand the purpose in your response: It looked to me that you were just flailing your hands in the air without knowing why. I mean, I could just randomly speculate the logic. Like, are you trying to spread misinformation about the anime, are you in favor of purposefully misleading readers with false rating, are you suggesting that there's some conspiracy theory that MAL has secret rules that they follow which conflict with their formal ones, are you proposing a rule change regarding how MAL defines nudity in some round-about way through attacking the validity of my post, or are you saying that MAL filled with so many errors/omissions that everyone shouldn't bother posting in this thread. I could continue onward with speculation but I really don't see a point. If you have a valid point you're trying to express I would be interested hearing it.

5) From a human-resource management perspective, I do agree with you. There's a limited number of moderators and a never-ending stream of tasks to undertake with this database. Overall, MAL is a great database and the moderators (and management) have done a great job. I am not suggesting otherwise nor am I suggesting it's perfect. I realize it takes continual effort. So, I'm just offering a helping hand by highlighting an error in the database. My post fit the parameters of this thread: Mashiro-iro Symphony: The Color of Lovers has multiple scenes of exposed nipples and, therefore, would have the Database guideline regarding a R+ rating applied (i.e. "The R+ rating is reserved for non-hentai anime with exposed female nipples"). It's that simple. Anything else, such as random spam claiming falsehood as fact, just further spams the mods that are trying to sift through this thread and hinders/prevents mods from undertaking their responsibilities to improve MAL.
TaroonApr 10, 2017 9:36 AM
Apr 10, 2017 9:34 AM
Aug 2009
Kobutori (1929) (

Issue the currrent Synopsis is slightly misleading. I would say it is wrong but then i would hurt the poster's feelings. It is currently written as...

"In Kobu-Tori, an old man with a lump growing on his face takes refuge in a hollow tree during a thunderstorm. When he awakens, he finds the forest populated by mythic creatures. He dances with the sprites and as a reward, the creatures remove his deformity. Back in the village, he tells another man who has a similar growth on his face. Will the creatures bestow the same boon upon this other man?

(Source: 100 Years of Movies)"

Note the mention of the 'reward'. It was not a reward but an evil means of insurance. For as the story goes an old man in love with the melody starts dancing. The person in charge of the party likes the old man's dancing so much demands he comes back next time. Not wanting to be rude he says it as a suggestion but whispers to his men ensure he comes back by stealing a precious thing of his. As can be seen for yourself here:
Apr 10, 2017 12:54 PM
May 2007
Episodes: 12 (TVシリーズ全12話完全収録)
Apr 11, 2017 12:55 AM

Jan 2011
these two are the same anime. Before we thought that Masaoka created the 1936 one b/c it was the one included on the giant Nihon Art Animation Eiga Senshuu release with his name and that date credited from Nishikata Film Review.
And here
We knew there was a 1939 version too based on historical literature but didn't know who made it.
This was a game of telephone of ancient anime and they were one and the same
1939 is the date of the film from Nihon Art Animation Eiga Senshuu as listed here:
And the National Film Center at the National Museum of Modern Art can confirm that Masaoka did make the 1939 edition:
Both the video off their website and the video from the Nihon Art Animation Eiga Senshuu release contain the same footage so they are the same anime.

Ergo, merge these puppies.

Not's like this thing can't catch a break before being labeled as all the other Saru Kani anime.

This entry is not Murata's 1927 "Saru Kani Gassen". The titles aren't even spelled the same (titles which are present in the actual videos themselves) and don't have the same duration either!
Murata's version 猿蟹合戦:
This anime entry's mystery creator version サルカニ合戦: (first half of the video)

Please remove the incorrect information. Murata's version doesn't have a database entry yet so I will be submitting it shortly.

lanbladeApr 25, 2020 10:33 PM
Apr 11, 2017 6:43 PM

Mar 2014

This is a standalone movie adaptation of Captain Harlock.
However, it has episode links for all 42 episodes of the TV series:

These episode videos should be listed on the proper page.
::End of Transmission::

Apr 11, 2017 8:10 PM

Jan 2011
I just wanted to make a note for mods to not approve any submission for Kisha no Hattatsu/The Development of the Train.

This is a live action+anime video with intertitles but the live action looked quite lengthy to me.
So I took the video and put it in my editor and quickly removed the intertiles+OP+ED since they are neither live action nor anime. So the 14 minute 12 second video dropped down to 10 minutes and 44 seconds.
Then I split up anime sequences from the live action sequences. What I got was about a 3 minute 40 second duration of anime and 7 minutes 4 second of live action.

The live action part of this film is double the amount of the anime part. I know we give special cases for near borderline items (eg. Kizu darake no Tenshi-tachi, while there were more anime stories, the duration tipped a couple min more top live action) but this definitely not borderline. When you look at the 10 minutes and 44 second cut video the animation is about one third of that duration. And when you consider the video as a whole, the animation only accounts for a quarter.
[We also give special cases to anime which are easily cut away from their live action. Like Ad Lib Anime Kenkyuujo and Shugo Chara! Party! and Ski Jumping Pairs which had more live action total for the whole video but it was in two easy parts so we just ignored the duration of the live action section as you could literally do a single cut and just have an anime only section as if you cut off the top of a pineapple.]

Denshin Denrei Denwa is similar but qualifies as an anime.
Doing some similar chopping in a video editor I got about 4 min 30 seconds of live footage. And about 5 min 24 seconds of animation. Here the animation is the majority of the video.
lanbladeMay 1, 2017 12:24 AM
Apr 13, 2017 5:19 AM

Oct 2014

title should be silent moebius or möbius not mobius
Apr 14, 2017 8:42 AM

Oct 2014
Cnon said:

title should be silent moebius or möbius not mobius
these too
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