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Feb 28, 2017 11:06 AM

Feb 2016
It's not unrealistic for "isolated" female to seek relationships.. including romantic ones. Kurisu is a human, and every human has needs.

I don't see such thing. The overall tone stays the same troughout the whole show and having the environment and directing reflect on that is a normal way to show something is off and helps with the build up. I don't see how making everything more "alive" and seeking audience response feels pretentious. Definitely better than being flat with no background and symbolic substance as some other anime out there.
Feb 28, 2017 11:35 AM
Jan 2017
imeli said:
eyesalad said:

You didn't refute my point. Not everyone is like you who only thinks of the opposite gender as a sex object and is unable to form a good friendship with them.

I'm not really trying to refute your point because at this rate you're just trying to argue by dishing out insults. I don't think of the opposite gender as "sex-objects" but I'm sure as hell not going to try to "just be friends" with an attractive girl around my age that I like. That's some high level orbiter shit right there.

>Being just friends with an attractive girl my age is bad
>I don't think of her as a sex object
ok bud
Feb 28, 2017 12:16 PM

Jul 2012
kodial said:

Dude, the guy's dumb as a brick. Everything bad that happened in this anime, it's because he's miserably stupid.
Comparatively, if Okabe wasn't into time traveling and say, he was into nuclear physics and all, he would try to stop a nuclear meltdown (that he had caused anyway) without even radiation suit on, that's how dumb he is.

I agree with this. Okabe was the only thing I didn't like about the show. Unfortunately, he's the main character so it ruined a lot of the enjoyment I could have gotten from the series if he had been at least a little capable.
Feb 28, 2017 12:23 PM
Feb 2017
AholePony said:
kodial said:

Dude, the guy's dumb as a brick. Everything bad that happened in this anime, it's because he's miserably stupid.
Comparatively, if Okabe wasn't into time traveling and say, he was into nuclear physics and all, he would try to stop a nuclear meltdown (that he had caused anyway) without even radiation suit on, that's how dumb he is.

I agree with this. Okabe was the only thing I didn't like about the show. Unfortunately, he's the main character so it ruined a lot of the enjoyment I could have gotten from the series if he had been at least a little capable.

I agree. But his personality is what makes the comedic parts funny. don't let one character ruin the entire show for you even if MC is a retard. it's based off a VN with multiple endings.
Feb 28, 2017 12:27 PM

Jul 2012
imeli said:

I agree. But his personality is what makes the comedic parts funny. don't let one character ruin the entire show for you even if MC is a retard. it's based off a VN with multiple endings.

See I found his comedy grating and tone-deaf. Comedy is a personal thing so I don't blame anyone for finding it funny, I just didn't at all. I gave S;G a 7/10, but it could have easily been 2-3 points higher if Okabe didn't make me want to kill myself every time he went into one of his chuunibyou tirades.
Feb 28, 2017 1:15 PM

Dec 2015

Fate-of-Eva said:
Eating vegetables during pregnancy does increase your chances of having a girl. Its solid science.

Being pregnant means having a child/foetus/embryon growing inside of you. That is only possible once a male gamete has already feconded the female one (what creates the egg cell).
Knowing that every ovum contains the X sexual chromosome, it's the spermatozoid who holds the fate of the progeniture's gender because it randomly inherits of an X or chromosome from the future father (women pair of sex.chromosomes being XX).

By gathering those two facts together, it is obvious that under no circumstance a woman could impact the gender determination randomization. Be it through her diet or anything else. (unless of course she uses science to isolate a spermatozoide with the desired sexual chromosome)

The basic principles of genetic

PS: @Ynwe In other words, no, a pregnant woman won't alter the sexe of her future child. And ye,s like you said, it involves genetic.

PPS: About the series itself, I can't help you. I have to watch it but there is so many science-fiction in japanese animation that my stock is nowhere empty enough to resort to watch such a young thing. But... @CodeBlazeFate Since you are currently watching the show and already gave it an award, maybe you could help this poor soul ?

edit @CodeBlazeFate My God, now you're sinking it to the abysses of my list. That's the most ridiculous sci-fi idea I ever read XD
Rei_IIIFeb 28, 2017 2:45 PM
Feb 28, 2017 2:08 PM

Apr 2016
Not sure I can do something about this @Rei366 . Interestingly, this whole ordeal about veggies making the gender of the child a girl was actually a plot point with one of the characters when it came to the time travel aspect of the show.
Feb 28, 2017 2:25 PM

Feb 2016
kodial said:
Snappynator said:
I don't think Okabe is a hopeless retard, he is shown as smart and he is smart, he just as a childish personality at times.

Dude, the guy's dumb as a brick. Everything bad that happened in this anime, it's because he's miserably stupid.
Comparatively, if Okabe wasn't into time traveling and say, he was into nuclear physics and all, he would try to stop a nuclear meltdown (that he had caused anyway) without even radiation suit on, that's how dumb he is.

How so? Okabe showed multiple times he is capable of dealing with tough problems in tough situations, you can't really blame him as stupid for causing something that wasn't under his control without him even knowing about it initially.
Feb 28, 2017 2:36 PM

Mar 2009
Aquamirror said:
kodial said:

Dude, the guy's dumb as a brick. Everything bad that happened in this anime, it's because he's miserably stupid.
Comparatively, if Okabe wasn't into time traveling and say, he was into nuclear physics and all, he would try to stop a nuclear meltdown (that he had caused anyway) without even radiation suit on, that's how dumb he is.

How so? Okabe showed multiple times he is capable of dealing with tough problems in tough situations, you can't really blame him as stupid for causing something that wasn't under his control without him even knowing about it initially.

Yeah, because picking girls off the streets to add to his harem and alter their past to make their wishes come true by using a time machine he accidentally discovered while in the meantime hacking into CERN (and kinda forgetting it on...) was brilliant, wasn't it?
The whole series went with him trying to undo the mistakes he himself made. Everything bad that happened to him and his friends, was his fault to begin with, because he acted like an idiot.
Since we compare him to Subaru so much... at least Subaru landed in a bad situation, he didn't create it himself, unlike Okabe.
The guy invented a time machine and started abusing it, telling everyone and their mother about it and sending mails that radically change the past and present like it's his favorite pass time hobby!
Dude, he's a fucking retard. And the fact that he's supposed to be smart, just make him a not so well written character.
At least Subaru is supposed to be an idiot, so he was written well.
Signature? I ain't got no signature! I don't need no signature! I don't have to show you any stinkin' signature!
Feb 28, 2017 2:49 PM

Feb 2016
So what did you expect him to do with the time machine?
SERN hacking didn't make them get caught, sure it might be a bit stupid to trust random people so much, but he already spew the beans unintentionally and thought it would be a better idea to have Moeka around them. Hacking to SERN wasn't forgotten, just discontinued until the IBN was found again.
Of course you make a time machine and you start experimenting with it. I wouldn't say the supposed changes to be "radical", of course nobody thought it would turn that bad. And whatever mail he had sent, the result would have been the same anyway.

Subaru landed in bad situation because that's the whole idea the author wanted, there was nothing interesting in his character. Shit character being shit doesn't make good writing.
AquamirrorFeb 28, 2017 2:55 PM
Feb 28, 2017 4:29 PM

Apr 2016
Well I like it cause of all the quirkiness and mysteriousness and all the scientific talk

;) lol
Feb 28, 2017 4:29 PM

Apr 2016
rrucian said:
Well I like it cause of all the quirkiness and mysteriousness and all the scientific talk

;) lol

nt that i am nerd or something when i said "scientific talk" - i just meant it
Feb 28, 2017 4:33 PM

Oct 2011
I agree with you, I dropped this anime at one point. I never understood the rating either.
Feb 28, 2017 6:54 PM

Nov 2011
Dunno, I found it extremely boring too. One of my friends likes it mainly for makise :p

Feb 28, 2017 7:18 PM
Feb 2016
Steins gate have a really interesting story, and that why the people like it, but for me, the games are really good, is best explained in the game, them Stein;gate 0 i can´t wait for it!
Mar 1, 2017 12:35 AM

Mar 2016
What I like most about it is that it's actually funny which 90% of comedy anime are not, usually they're just loud and obnoxious.
Mar 1, 2017 8:41 AM
Jul 2018
Lots of twists and turns, great directing and foreshadowing that gives me goosebumps, lots of suspense with a genuinely intense time travel conspiracy plot. The main character Okabe is unique, the girls are cute; it's a recipe for success.

PussyFarts said:
What I like most about it is that it's actually funny which 90% of comedy anime are not, usually they're just loud and obnoxious.

This too: the comedy, especially the dub, is hilarious.
Mar 1, 2017 8:42 AM

Nov 2016
I rated Steins;Gate as a 10 and it's one of my favourites but as to why it's so popular: probably because of Makise and the fact that it's quite an original anime. It's kinda similar to Doctor Who when you think about it so, as Doctor Who is very popular, it would make sense that Steins;Gate would then be too.
Mar 1, 2017 8:45 AM

Apr 2014
yeah i enjoyed it, but it wasn't like the greatest thing ever to me
solid 8/10 for me but I guess other people like like that
I'm still a fan of the ; series :]
Mar 1, 2017 1:06 PM
Nov 2016
It's so highly rated becaue its good, simple as that. You rated Shingeki no Kyojin a 10, i rated it 7. Looks like we like different things. Same applies to the question of the thread.
Mar 1, 2017 2:03 PM

Apr 2016
Every show that has a 7+ rating on MAL is overrated on top of that, tastes differ.

If I'd add any anime on my dropped list my mean score would probably drop by 3 and you'd be surprised how many of them are rated 8+ on MAL.

Instead of taking the MAL scores too serious you should ask someone with a high affinity to you or pick anime that look interesting to you, works like a charm for me. I drop most shows after 3 episodes though, if they don't entertain me, or the premise doesn't look appealing I drop it.

Just by the way, people who say S;G becomes better lie. If you don't like it early on just drop it.
Mar 1, 2017 2:33 PM

Jul 2014
I made this comment in another thread:

"I gave Steins;Gate a 9/10 myself, so I'm not exactly a rabid fanboy. Here are some of my problems (of course, this is all just my opinion):

The overall characterization of S;G's cast really isn't that great (I hear S;G 0 improves on this aspect though, by giving POV scenes for side characters and letting us see different sides to them, in new situations).

Okabe, Kurisu, and Suzuha (and maybe Mayuri) are probably the most interesting characters, but in my opinion, most of the others are somewhat lacking.

Both Rukako's and Faris's arcs lasted only one episode, and those subplots were kind of generic and uncompelling (Rukako's revolved around an awkward date with Okabe, Faris didn't want to lose her father who I hardly cared about since he barely got any screen time, so there was no developed father-daughter relationship for me to invest in), and then the two heroines dropped out of the plot and no longer served any other purpose. So basically, they only exhibited any meaningful substance for just one episode each, and even then, it wasn't anything to write home about.

Moeka seemed interesting at first because of her antagonist affiliation with SERN and her mysterious aura, and she did get 2 episodes instead of just 1. However, we were only given small details about her backstory regarding SERN and FB, and they didn't have the potential impact they could have had because I hadn't spent a whole lot of time with her and because she was mostly quiet/emotionless throughout the show. The end of her arc made me sympathize with her, but she still never felt like a fully realized character.

Mayuri was pretty moe, and her childhood friend relationship with Okabe was quite sweet, and she did have some touching lines during the second half of the show (that scene at the grave with Okabe watching her was really good), but other than that, she didn't have a whole lot going for her; she was the damsel in distress most of the time, the plot's "goal". She was rather childish, an airhead, throughout most of the show she had no idea what was going on, and she didn't really contribute or help out much (the one time was when she deduced Daru was Suzuha's father). I mean, her death scenes with Okabe nearby were all really tragic and emotional, but I think she was kind of lacking as her own character; maybe she herself could've sent a D-Mail or something and changed the timeline so we could learn more about some of her own desires/backstory that didn't revolve around Okabe.

Daru was pretty cool, nice comic relief, and he contributed by fixing up that time machine, and he also had that cool plot twist relationship with Suzuha, but then after Suzuha's arc he quickly lost significance...

Mr. Braun was really just a cool little plot twist, not much more... and he and Nae didn't really get any closure, he just died...

Dr. Nakabachi was just a one-note asshole who appeared in episode 1 and reappeared in the last one as the final boss... We didn't really see any interactions between him and Kurisu, despite their father-daughter relationship, and he was likely working with SERN, but that didn't get any development either. Basically, he was a really lame character and antagonist, and his father-daughter relationship with Kurisu hardly had any importance.

Moreover, pretty much all of the characters above display cliche anime tropes, and they're not that subtle about it either. Exhibiting anime tropes isn't necessarily a big problem, but in S;G's case, it's a little too blatant at times, enough to feel like the tropes actually get in the way of some more mature characterization (Rukako, Faris, Moeka, Mayuri, Daru).


Okabe... this guy pretty much carried the entire anime, since most of the other characters were just average to good. And he really was a pretty great protagonist. Furthermore, his chemistry with Kurisu was pretty nice, though Kurisu, despite being a very likable character, still came off as a little too... perfect, in my opinion. And while I enjoyed their chemistry, I still didn't buy into their romance all that much, because it was developed mainly just from Okabe's side, not from Kurisu's, since Okabe was the only one who retained memories across timelines. I didn't really sense a solid development of romantic feelings from Kurisu.

Suzuha was also a great character because her subplot had both developed, emotional depth and was "directly" related to the overarching time-travel/SERN plot (unlike Rukako's and Faris's, which felt more like standalone stories detached from the main plot).


This criticism is more subjective, but one of my main problems with time travel stories is that usually only the protagonist remembers everything. Because of this, the end result, to me, just feels a little... hollow, I guess. The other characters all just lose their development - the emotions they felt during the conflicts, the meaningful dialogue/interactions they had, the events themselves that made up part of who they are - they're all just gone (they happen in different timelines, sure, but the end result is still that everything is undone). The characters may still subconsciously remember some stuff, but to me, it all still feels kinda empty.

I still gave S;G a 9/10 though, mainly because of the complex psychological-thriller plot and the well-executed emotional moments, despite the average overall characterization. I tend to be fairly lenient with my ratings, anyway."
LightBladeNovaMar 1, 2017 2:38 PM
"Beyond the veil of cherry blossom petals blown by the wind - almost like their promised reunion -

Feelings pile up with the passage of time: once the torrent of emotions comes rushing down, what is the spectacle that awaits?"
Mar 1, 2017 6:53 PM

Feb 2015
Isn't S;G became popular because of the "Sunovabitch" meme?

So... Yeah, it was confirmed that the meme boosted the ranking of S;G
Mar 1, 2017 9:51 PM

Sep 2013
Because it's fucking amazing and who can forget the dread felt when
Mar 2, 2017 12:01 AM

Nov 2013
"Why do people like Anime i don't like cry cry!!!!!!!!!" Because your opinion only matters to yourself, not to other people. /dealwithit
Mar 2, 2017 2:39 AM

Aug 2015
I don't really get these kind of posts, you start of by stating that you dislike the anime, say, in a few lines, why and then proceed to tell us that you got into an reddit discussion with someone defending it. So now you came here to hear what?
Is anything anyone says gonna change your view on Steins;Gate? If you dislike it thats fine, if you like something thats also fine. Everyone has their reason why they watch anime and not every mainstream anime fits into that. The thing you like and dislike are the building blocks of your personality, so don't let anyone influence it, be yourself. Don't search for someone to confirm your opinions.
Likes and dislikes are 100% subjective and no one benefits from hearing it out, so complete it and continue with your daily life or watch something else.

If your reddit is being spammed by posts of a particular anime that you don't like there is always RES to filter it out ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

"So do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide.
All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us."
Mar 2, 2017 3:17 AM

Jan 2008
Another QUALITY thread about someone's butthurt-chronicles, because people dare to like something he doesn't.

Where have I seen this before? Oh right, MAL is literally this in a nutshell. Keep it up, OP! Show these turbo plebians you are a TRU ANIMAY ELITIZT.
JunchiMar 2, 2017 3:21 AM
Use your brain before using your keyboard!
Mar 2, 2017 5:07 AM

Jun 2016
Because it's so cool, sonuvabitch!

Popularity isn't a big problem here, but 9+ rating is. It's good anime but obviously not 9 or 10. For me it was around 7 to 8.
Mar 2, 2017 5:25 AM

Jun 2016
mrdl2010 said:
Deus said:
Because it's so cool, sonuvabitch!

Popularity isn't a big problem here, but 9+ rating is. It's good anime but obviously not 9 or 10. For me it was around 7 to 8.

It IS obviously 9+. Just like Kimi no Na wa. is 9.34 or Fullmetal Alchemist: BrotherhoodWatch Episode Video is 9.26. Your rating is contributing to the obviously 9+ rating.

what? m8, do uknowhowttype? I don't understand what you want to say
Mar 2, 2017 5:49 AM

Mar 2016
Every people have their own think steins gate is average while I think it's great.You like re:zero and eureka seven (I haven't watch eureka yet) but I didn't like re:zero as much as you and I think re:zero is a boring show and I feel something missing in that anime (re:zero).Well,not all shows are perfect.
Forum set made by Sereshay

Mar 2, 2017 5:57 AM

Jun 2016
mrdl2010 said:
Deus said:

what? m8, do uknowhowttype? I don't understand what you want to say

Your rating of an anime of 7 does not mean there is any problem that anime is 9+. If an anime is 9+, it is 9+. I dont like Erased and rate it very low but if its rating is 8+, it deserves that rating. There is no "big problem" or "obviously" here.

You have no idea what rating really means, do you?

Ratings here are inaccurate. There is anime, a lot, that is overrated. Rating here is decided based on how people rate and many people casually give out 10/10 if anime made them "cry" or "feel great" which is one of most bullshit reasons to call anime a "masterpiece".

Ratings from critically thinking people and ratings from casual customers are different. No, if anime is rated high it doesn't means it deserves it. Let me give you example.

Group Echo likes cakes. There are 1000 people in GE. There is anime Echo Golf which is about cakes. Echo Golf is low quality anime with weak plot but cake fanservice helps it get 1000x 9-10/10 votes. Then there is Group Kilo of 1000, which doesn't cares about cakes and only 100 of them watches Echo Golf for plot and characters. They rate it 4-6/10. But as 1000 cakefans overrated EG, its rating remains 8.5+, and this is how you get overrated franchise.

Rating something requires criticism. You may like plot or other aspect but you have to see flaws too. Steins Gate isnt big deal still, there are far worse cases, for example re zero, trash that has 8+ rating. SteinsGate is good at least.
DeusMar 2, 2017 6:01 AM
Mar 2, 2017 6:30 AM

Jun 2016

Lol, nice shitpost. Hate on a popular series; get #1 on recent popular threads

"The sun is my enemy, but the moon has been good to me."
Mar 2, 2017 8:12 AM

Jul 2012
mrdl2010 said:
For someone who rated 10 for animes like: Bakemonogatari, Bounen no Xamdou, Serial Experiments Lain, Tenkuu no Escaflowne, Little Witch Academia your opinion does not mean jack.

I'm sorry I couldn't meet your high standards random internet person. I'm just not edgy enough for S;G to be the best piece of visual entertainment I've ever seen in my life I guess.
Mar 2, 2017 11:26 AM

Jun 2015
I laughed hard at these posts...

Well, OP, it's clear that u are not a chosen one. I'm sorry but S;G is only for those with a special level of wisdom which means you don't have.

Well good luck to u :))

(wtf... the score is decreasing... ppl these days...)
ok :p
Mar 2, 2017 12:19 PM

Apr 2014
because people assume that by liking S;G they will look smarter. why? bcuz sciene, duh.. also white coats
Mar 2, 2017 12:39 PM

Jul 2015
Because it's one of the best anime ever
Mar 2, 2017 1:23 PM
Jun 2015
Because it's fucking good. If you really can't see that then honestly you're a fucking tard. It's painfully obvious that it is quality. Everyone who doesn't at least acknowledges it usually has their head up their ass with thinking anime like naruto and sao are good.

Also, questioning why an anime is rated so high is like asking why a president gets elected - because the majority of people say so
Mar 2, 2017 3:30 PM

Aug 2009
Ynwe said:
Straight off, I dislike the anime. From all the 8.5+ rated anime it is probably my biggest disappointment. I find the anime to have a bunch of issues:

1) its either very childish and then suddenly serious. Dunno for me the tempo of the show just didn't fit

2) characters are super flat. Fat nerd, b-baka! type tsundere main girl, and all others also follow a very generic stereotype. Also no character development. Even if the timeline is rather short and repeated, the characters feel lifeless for me

3) Okarin.. The main character does a bunch of stupid shit, for example when he is desperately trying to save a certain person, his actions he takes are beyond pathetic and if he would get caught once, would be final... He involves everyone anyway, but they have to drag it out of him.

4) story. It really isn't that creative or mind blowing. It has a nice idea, but not much more

These were just some of the things that irked me while watching it. Usually MAL serves as a very good indicator, but for me this show was really average.

And every time I try to ask this question, people tend to get REALLY offended (looking at your /r/anime). Just a few minutes ago a person tried to convince me that the anime is a seinen one and how dare I call it a rather typical shonen one.. (and its not like I dislike shonen anyway, just finished re zero and eureka seven and liked both of those)

So could you guys tell me what I am missing? What makes this anime supposedly so great that makes it deserve a 9+ rating here?

Counter arguments (if i have one):

1. Isn't anime supposed to not take itself serious until it needs to? That's what made it 'shocking' because it is a thriller, it needs to have that shock value after much 'normalcy' which normal is being childish when you're just in college. I don't need even pacing, it's too boring. I hate predictability in anime, so I can see why people like this.

2. I feel like they had plenty of development and character growth, you just didn't pick up on it at all. It is based off a visual novel, doesn't help.
If others don't mind spoilers- they all kind of grew, Okarin, mostly, but the characters did develop. The main girl fell in love, with someone off putting at first, showed that in fact she's not entirely stereotypical. The fat guy had a child with the really beautiful woman, and that's development on her part, and his since he was an otaku who probably wouldn't be bothered with 3d girls, and he landed a major hottie. The other main girl (younger), had a naive/stupid girl personality, but nonetheless cute and sad when she passes away which really tugs on heart strings, because i take emotional intelligence over regular scientific any day. Not sure she did grow, but she did become an important part of the plot, and developed okarin. Okarin becomes a mess, like we would become the same mess if the same thing happened to us, no normal 'fantasy' outs were given to him. A very stressful situation was thrusted upon him for messing with the balance of space and time.

3. see point 2. it's basically my same answer, on the last couple sentences
4. It's a rarity that we see time travel anime, especially ones where literally everyone dies and there's only one timeline that has a possibility where all friends live. It's just a very sad concept and rarely done, therefore it got popular, and people fell in love with the characters and the way it's told.
Technically, it's rating might be purely based upon first time users who saw it the first time and didn't rewatch it.

Here's another point:
Don't trust a MAL rating. I don't think 'your name' doesn't deserve the number one spot, and fma brotherhood may of but this is all a matter of opinion. If your name is high up there, it might be because it's got a gorgeous art style and a wickedly weird story.

Also, look at SAO, and Overlord. Rated in the 8s. Not even decent shows, very disappointing, and why? The hype, the overrating. So don't watch a show for it's rating. Watch it for it's plot, art, music, characters. If you don't like them then don't watch it and don't say anything. This is MAL, a mixing pot of Weeboos, elitists, casuals, and normal people who just watch anime silently like me.

Seinen and shounen are just demographics, pleb. No reason to even bother saying anything. Regarding shounen it's aim is 16 and under, seinen is 17 and up, and all the characters were older than 16, hence, it has the possibility to be mature, and the original visual novel was for a mature audience.
Mar 2, 2017 3:36 PM

Aug 2009
HamburgerSpike said:
Can someone who has achieved objectively good taste tell me if Steins;Gate is really worth it? Its one of the few I havent seen from the top.

Might be, but its a slow start. Has a crazy mofo protagonist and a ridiculous timeline, and interesting animation, why not give it a whirl?
Mar 2, 2017 4:06 PM

Jun 2016
mrdl2010 said:

That's why YOU are the problem not anything else.
Btw I am specialized in math in both high school and university so dont need to use statistics problems to tell me what a rating means. Pretty sure I am more capable than you in that area.

I am annoyed by people like you who think your rating has "more value" than other. Nope, everyone has their own opinions. Will someone like me, who have watched around 1000 animes, have more value in my rating than someone with 100 animes? Nope.

It's not like a math problem when the answer is absolute. Which rating criteria are you going to use to define an anime is a good one? For someone, an anime that can get to them on emotional level is a great one. For someone, an anime needs to have great plot, character development to be a great one. Everyone has different background, religions, interests. That's why some anime can be good to someone but trash to another. That's also the reason why rating exists, to make an average of everyone's rating. Calling an anime to be overrated or underrated is ignorant.

I dislike people like you, making conclusions based on nothing, you seem to be delusional person who thinks is better than anyone just because he/she/heli learned some stuff in university and high school. One day you will meet people who are far better than you and be surprised. For arrogant person like you, I will let you that you are now talking to electrical and mechanical engineer so I am pretty sure I am more capable than you in that area.

Calling anime overrated or underrated is not ignorant. Overall quality of series is still definable. Plot, characters, sound effects and art are main criteria to define quality of show. "Enjoyment" factor is another thing. If you liked anime for some personal reason, you shouldn't give it 10/10 while it has several flaws. Masterpieces shouldn't have several flaws.

Rating system in general here and many other places is flawed. There should be overall average rating, and average rating of people who rate based on show's quality (ratings from critics) and not how much they "loved the emotional background" and such nonsense.

Now, Mr. Genius, you can keep your opinion, because i'm sure it can't be changed, so there is no use in talking to you anymore. I don't like people who think they are better than others based on no evidence.
Mar 2, 2017 4:08 PM

Aug 2016
Plot is really good and we all love those two main character Okumura and Kurisu

Set by SenpieX
Mar 2, 2017 4:09 PM

Sep 2009
It's a hodgepodge of sci fi, pop culture, internet conspiracies, and less than desirable cast of misfits. It's world building 101 and it's something that's being lost in modern Anime. Its a complex narrative that revolves around fringe science and idiosyncratic personalities that anyone who has been to any sort of Anime convention should be well accustomed too. It reaches lots of demographics just out of the sheer cultural references and the story respects its audiences enough to let them enjoy all the random, weird, and nonsense without holding their hands or explaining every little thing.
Mar 2, 2017 4:49 PM

Oct 2016
Uh, because Steins;Gate is awesome, the 8th most popular anime on MAL, and half the peeps that see it give it 10/10 because it's awesome...
Mar 2, 2017 7:06 PM

May 2016
Red hair Tsundere
Tuturuu girl
FAT otaku

Mar 2, 2017 7:38 PM

Aug 2015
When a series is good it becomes popular and commercial.

Mar 3, 2017 12:58 AM

May 2015
Otaku pandering anime that is not that bad, that's why.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Mar 3, 2017 1:11 AM

Dec 2014
I strongly disagree @Ynwe
Mar 3, 2017 2:04 AM

Apr 2013
Because it has a fantastic story, uses time travel in a very interesting manner and Okabe is one of the best mc you'll find in the medium. In fact, I'd say it should be even more popular than what it is
5 main aspects I base my ratings on:
1. Did DramaEnthusiast make a thread about it?
2. Is it better than Breaking Bad?
3. Did MellowJello recommend the shit out of it?
4. Has it caused a (very entertaining) shitstorm on MAL?
5. Is it actually good?

Scratch the fifth point, it's not very relevant...
Mar 3, 2017 6:16 PM

Sep 2015
Sometimes it is just simply demoralizing to see people lambasting a show's plot when it is clearly their fault for not giving a full attention to it. Or for their lack of certain prerequisite knowledge to be able to comprehend it thematically; actually scratch that, just by giving a full attention is enough for you to have it and able to tell this show's strong points.

Not finding it aligned to your liking after paying attention to it, is entirely something else. But I cannot help but to scoff at every comments with those aforementioned reason in them.

Tobacco Causes Severe Health Problems, Smoke Moderately While Respecting Others.
Mar 4, 2017 10:09 AM

Jul 2014
Looks like once again, no one's gonna respond to my wall of text on the previous page... okay then.
"Beyond the veil of cherry blossom petals blown by the wind - almost like their promised reunion -

Feelings pile up with the passage of time: once the torrent of emotions comes rushing down, what is the spectacle that awaits?"
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