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How tall are you? And are you happy with your height?

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Aug 1, 2016 1:01 PM

Aug 2009
I'm american. We talk about things in inches. So I'M 5 foot 7. I'll translate that to:
170 cm. I'm okay with my height. I'm a girl, any taller, gl getting any guys. LIKE SERIOUSLY. Tall girls= nope. Although I'd date a guy 4 inches shorter just because I like that idea somewhat, same with same height and taller.
Aug 1, 2016 1:09 PM

Jun 2014
I'm like somewhere between 168-171cm range. Yeah I come from a family of midgets as my dad is around 5'4". Nothing I can do about the birth lottery.

I'd love to be taller as it reduces the risk of getting heart disease and some forms of cancer. My ideal height would be something like 5'10. Just average and blending in with the crowd.
All credit goes to Sacred.
Aug 1, 2016 1:09 PM

Aug 2015
I'm 185.42 cm/6'1. I'm happy with it. Being too tall is not good.
Aug 1, 2016 1:11 PM

Jun 2014
I'm 165 cm / 5'5 ft tall, which is the average height in the US, I think...? So I'm pretty happy, I guess. :)

s t a t i c n o i s e

Aug 1, 2016 1:25 PM

Sep 2013
5'4" I want to break my legs in half and add metal rods in between.
Signature removed. Bro, can you please follow the signature rules? How many times do I have to tell you, 300kb MAX. You know we don't have the server space for your giant ass gifs. Site & Forum Guidelines (read them dumbass).
Aug 1, 2016 1:51 PM

May 2015
154cm/5'0.5". It's not too short but little things like not being able to reach something can be annoying so I wish I'd grow a bit more.
Aug 1, 2016 2:19 PM

Jan 2013
syou said:
I'm 165 cm / 5'5 ft tall, which is the average height in the US, I think...? So I'm pretty happy, I guess. :)

Actually 163cm is average in the USA, so you're taller :) (for females)

I'm 186cm myself and average in the Netherlands is 182cm (for males)
Aug 1, 2016 2:26 PM

May 2012
6'6 or 198cm(?) when I converted it

Last I took my height was in the middle of high school, so not sure if I've grown slightly taller or have stayed the same.

Anyway, I used to hate being tall since I'd stick out a lot more, but I've grown to like it. It feels nice being relied on due to being tall though.

And yeah, lotsa things that suck that come with being too tall. Having to have to put the seat in the car all the way back, legs hanging off most normal beds, etc. lol

Aug 1, 2016 2:45 PM
Jul 2018
6ft 2 inches Im pretyy satisfied with my height
Aug 1, 2016 3:42 PM
Apr 2015
I'm 185 cm and it's pretty fine just need more kilos !
Aug 1, 2016 4:29 PM

Jun 2015
i think it kind of sucks if you're a girl because most of them stop growing after they have their period. so unless a girl does rigorous exercise or just have crazy genetics, they'd only be growing 1 or 2 cm per year after their first shark week

also i'm 160cm
Aug 1, 2016 4:31 PM

Jul 2016
I'm like 5'3" or something. My height never bothered me.

Was it the shyness in my soul that made me lonely just like you? No one noticed I was there, when I walked into the room.

-Freddie Mercury
Aug 1, 2016 4:33 PM

Dec 2008
ixaa said:
i think it kind of sucks if you're a girl because most of them stop growing after they have their period. so unless a girl does rigorous exercise or just have crazy genetics, they'd only be growing 1 or 2 cm per year after their first shark week

also i'm 160cm

Girls never want to be very tall, though.

Btw, Being very tall can shorten your life. Think about it, people. How many old people with over 1,95m have you seen?
Aug 1, 2016 5:13 PM

Jun 2015
Cowabunga said:
ixaa said:
i think it kind of sucks if you're a girl because most of them stop growing after they have their period. so unless a girl does rigorous exercise or just have crazy genetics, they'd only be growing 1 or 2 cm per year after their first shark week

also i'm 160cm

Girls never want to be very tall, though.

Btw, Being very tall can shorten your life. Think about it, people. How many old people with over 1,95m have you seen?

But people actually start shrinking once they reach their middle ages. there's probably a lot of old people who were tall before but they lost inches when they started getting older
my grandpa was 1.83m when he was younger but now he's only 1.76m
Aug 1, 2016 5:26 PM

Dec 2008
ixaa said:
Cowabunga said:

Girls never want to be very tall, though.

Btw, Being very tall can shorten your life. Think about it, people. How many old people with over 1,95m have you seen?

But people actually start shrinking once they reach their middle ages. there's probably a lot of old people who were tall before but they lost inches when they started getting older
my grandpa was 1.83m when he was younger but now he's only 1.76m

Sure, but someone who was, let's say, 203cm when they were young will not shrink below 180cm. And I have never seen an old person taller than about 186cm.
Aug 1, 2016 6:05 PM

Jun 2013
i hate it. i'm 5'1" and my extreme case of baby face just makes it worse
Aug 1, 2016 6:07 PM

Aug 2009
I am from Northern-Europe and if you're anything under 180 here, you're not properly representing your viking genes. So I escaped that humiliation barely with my 182cm, even though I was definitely the shortest of all my friends who are all towering way above 190cm.
Aug 1, 2016 6:15 PM

Aug 2015
5'5" I am kind of short but I am still 14 which means I can grow(or I hope so lol)
Aug 1, 2016 6:42 PM

Dec 2012
185 cm. Already surpassed my dad.
Happy with it, but sometimes I have to be careful not to crash into a tree branch or something like that.

This is how it all begins.

My RYM|My Last.Fm|My Steam
Aug 1, 2016 7:06 PM

Apr 2014
I'm like average height, 5'8ish, but I used to be super short in middle school and I got made fun of a lot for it.
Aug 1, 2016 7:20 PM
Mob Character C

Oct 2009
I'm somewhere between 5'8" and 6'0"??
I usually slouch, so it's like at maximum slouch I'm 5'8" but when I stand up straight...?? I would just say 5'9", but I dunno.

Kinda a benefit with a con to my height here. Usually, being tall comes with big feet, and this is the case for me (and my mom). Actually, everyone in the house except for my brother, wears the same size shoes: 11/12 in women's, 10 and a half/11 in men's depending on the maker. It's pretty hard to find shoes in 11 from the women's section, so my mom and I usually get our shoes from the men's section. My dad even steals my shoes sometimes. Even so, I have a lot of shoes to pick from if I really want to in this house. That's pretty nice.

I do wish I were taller though. I don't like being like... second tallest, or third tallest; I want to just be the tallest, and anyone taller than me can just be special cases. Like right now, I'm the tallest at work, and I like that. :U
I hope I grow more-- even just a little. OTL Aim for a for sure 6'0" maybe?

Enjoy your anime! | Witch Cafe Wisteria
Aug 1, 2016 7:22 PM

Aug 2012

And for a Filipino living in america, yes, I am very much happy with my height. I am blessed
Aug 1, 2016 11:11 PM

Nov 2015
Acropyre said:

And for a Filipino living in america, yes, I am very much happy with my height. I am blessed

I don't believe you. Lol. I'm half Filipino but only I'm 5'8" and a half. Filipinos tend to be short, but anyways you should consider yourself lucky.
Aug 1, 2016 11:17 PM
Jan 2016
im 5'6-5'7 so as a dude its just a little depressing but meh im at peace with it

tbf tho if i could choose to add an extra 3" to anything it would b height
Aug 1, 2016 11:19 PM

Jan 2016
iam around 175-176 cm it seems ain't happy with that
Aug 1, 2016 11:49 PM
Feb 2016
I'm 5 feet 1 inch. I'm turning 20. I get sad about being short all the time. Sometimes people dont take you seriously. But nonetheless i enjoy it
Aug 1, 2016 11:59 PM

Oct 2015
I'm 184cm tall. I wished I could settle this at a round 185, but ya know, that's just because I'm perfectionist and prefer round numbers. x) Overall I'm satisfied with my height. I am taller than most of my friends anyway, though not the rest of my classmates. Now that I think of it, why did I make friends of the smallest guys of my class? x)
Aug 2, 2016 12:16 AM

Apr 2015
185 cm to be precise, am I happy with it? Yes, but considering that I live in a town where the buses are very small, I usually have to bend a lot.

Though I am underweight weighing only 68 kg.
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Aug 2, 2016 12:54 AM

Mar 2011
6'0". I wish I was taller, but considering that my parents are 5'8" and 5'7" respectively I guess it's not that bad after all.

Men are props on the stage of life, and no matter how tender, how exquisite…
A lie will remain a lie.

Aug 2, 2016 1:07 AM

Jul 2016
i stand at a measly 5'1 - and i think i stopped growing at around the age of 14/15? it's sad because i also have a baby face so i often get "you're so cute" comments by people who are younger than me and i also get used as an arm rest by my taller friends (which sucks but i get 'em back!).

i'd probably cry from happiness if i suddenly grew another 10cm haha ~~

grouper - no other

0:00 ●━━━━━━─────── 3:46


⁞⁞⁞ purple cause baal is my wife  ⁞⁞⁞
Aug 2, 2016 2:08 AM

Feb 2014

Wish I was a bit taller, but I mean it is what it is.
Now I see the secret of the making of the best persons.
It is to grow in the open air and to eat and sleep with the earth.
-Walt Whitman

A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.
-Robert A. Heinlein
Aug 2, 2016 4:34 AM

Jun 2016
I am about 5'4'' says my last doctor visit. Somehow my height seems to switch between 5'5'' and 5'4'' o_o
Aug 2, 2016 4:57 AM

Dec 2013
I'm 5'10"-5'11". I would like to be taller because 1. I should be, I was projected to be ~6'2" but stunted the hell out of my growth by not sleeping or getting enough calcium when I was younger, and 2. I'm an athlete so a little extra height is always welcomed. Not sure I'm done growing though, I think I'll stop growing at ~ 6'.
Immahnoob said:
They say Jesus walked on water.
People are made out of 79% water.
I can walk on people.
So I am 79% Jesus.
Sourire said:
I once fucked an apple pie.
Aug 2, 2016 5:34 AM

Apr 2014
169 cm, I'm pretty satisfied although it used to bug me that I only had 1 cm left to 170 cm. Now I don't really care anymore haha.
Aug 2, 2016 5:36 AM

Sep 2015
6'3". I'm content with everything about myself. Doctor says I still have a few inches left in me, which I guess makes me happy.

A pair of eyes appear disguised,
I take flight and stay high in paradise,
With bad luck, snake eyes, a pair of dice.
I'm paralyzed, she speaks twice, a pair of lies,
It's parallel, apparent hell of parasites.
ask for discord server
Aug 2, 2016 7:41 AM

Jun 2016
6'3 i'm a god in the flesh big up funny boi haha
Aug 2, 2016 8:09 AM

Oct 2011
I call bullshit on a lot of these tall guys on here. A minute percentage of the pop that are 6 feet or ever but we have tons of people apparently over it on here.

12 are on this page alone. A lot of insecure manlets are pretending to be something they are. Be insecure brehs.
Aug 2, 2016 8:28 AM

Dec 2008
Gov said:
I call bullshit on a lot of these tall guys on here. A minute percentage of the pop that are 6 feet or ever but we have tons of people apparently over it on here.

12 are on this page alone. A lot of insecure manlets are pretending to be something they are. Be insecure brehs.

Yes, that is very common on the internet. People inflating their height and penis size. And also their income.

Some of the tall users in here are form places such as the Netherlands and Scandinavia though, which have some of the highest height averages in the world. alongside Balkan countries.

What I'm sure is that many people are not really aware how tall they actually are. A lot of times people get their height measured while wearing shoes, and whoever measures their height might take a couple of cms off them due to them wearing shoes. I know a guy who is taller than me and his ID says he is a bit shorter than me.

I think I'm in the 183cm-184cm territory. AT BEST I'm 185cm. No more than that.
Aug 2, 2016 8:28 AM

Aug 2015
I'm about 5'11'' (I think that's about 180cm). I'm fine with my height, it seems average. Kinda wish I would of made it just one more inch though, lol, but I'm already taller than both of my parents, so what can I say.
"More than the cherry blossoms,
Inviting a wind to blow them away,
I am wondering what to do,
With the remaining springtime."

-Asano Naganori
Aug 2, 2016 8:42 AM

Mar 2011
Gov said:
I call bullshit on a lot of these tall guys on here. A minute percentage of the pop that are 6 feet or ever but we have tons of people apparently over it on here.

12 are on this page alone. A lot of insecure manlets are pretending to be something they are. Be insecure brehs.

At my workplace there are some 6'3"- 6'7" guys and even one ~7' guy. Ofc most people there are shorter than that, but I still feel so little with my mere 6'0".

Men are props on the stage of life, and no matter how tender, how exquisite…
A lie will remain a lie.

Aug 2, 2016 9:04 AM

Jul 2016
I'm 6'3/191, I'm somewhat ok with my height, though If i were to choose my height, it would be around 7'2/218+ or so.
So, you can say I'm a little disappointed with my height

"We become what we think about"

If you want to succeed in life, plant the next goal you want to achieve in your brain, and work toward achieving that goal. write as specifically as you can the path you need to go through to get to the goal, and If that is really what you wished for, work toward it, and you will achieve it.

Aug 2, 2016 9:13 AM

Jan 2013
I'm 165 cm... pretty average for a girl (in my country, at least). I'm okay with it. :D

weetI guess, as long as I have life, all I can do is fight with all my might.
Aug 2, 2016 9:26 AM

Sep 2014
I am too tall, I wish I was shorter like a girl and/or loli. would be much cuter that way.
Aug 2, 2016 9:39 AM

Nov 2015
Aug 2, 2016 9:42 AM

Jun 2016
169 cm (somewhere between 5'6''~5'7'') and I like high heels, then I'm 176-178 cm (5'9''~5'10''). I'm okay with it since I'm average in my country. I wouldn't like being too short or tall.
soeyoJul 4, 2017 3:30 AM
Aug 2, 2016 9:57 AM

Sep 2015
I'm 147cm haha ^^;. I'm okay with my height. With time, I've learned to embrace it. =)
"Every day that you spent searching for the womb of your rebirth.
Preserving every sacred organ just to show her what she's worth.

Exhaling all of the darkness dissipates
Beauty personifies, dead dreams animate.

Defeated from the moment she came.

Now we're sound and safe, you're the one I'll follow.
Locked hands til our old age, and never letting go."

Aug 2, 2016 10:09 AM

Jun 2016
I'm 4'11. Not super happy about it. I have a round, baby-face so I always get mistaken for at least 3 years younger than my actual age.

behind these hills
i'm reaching for the heights

Aug 2, 2016 10:16 AM

Jan 2013
Gov said:
I call bullshit on a lot of these tall guys on here. A minute percentage of the pop that are 6 feet or ever but we have tons of people apparently over it on here.

12 are on this page alone. A lot of insecure manlets are pretending to be something they are. Be insecure brehs.

Why would someone lie about their height?
I'm 6.1 (thanks google) and I always thought 180cm (me being 186cm) is like average, or at least in the Netherlands where I live.
Aug 2, 2016 10:19 AM

Feb 2008
182cm. Considering I'm Dutch (the tallest people in the world), that's pretty weak.

But I don't think I'd want to be any more than two or three centimeters taller. Too tall means imposing and I prefer to mind my own business.
Aug 2, 2016 10:33 AM

Mar 2008
About 177cm.
most people in my family are more tall than me, but I honestly don't care about it. I'm beautiful, that's more important.
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