Mar 6, 2019 4:16 PM
I don't understand how some people do that. I've seen people who loved an anime from episode 1 to 11 and then they hate the final episode and all of a sudden they severely drop the score. Like, the the journey even matter anymore?! There's too much emphasis on the final episode....I'm not here to say it isn't important, but goddamn, sometimes people take it too seriously. |
Mar 6, 2019 4:22 PM
Mar 6, 2019 4:27 PM
eh I mean if they think the ending effects the overall product I don't see whats wrong with lowering the score since you think the show is worser because of the full product Like how the complete disaster that was Halo 5's campaign made Halo 4's campaign much worser because it has no pay off or depth anymore you could say the same with The Last Jedi making the Force Awakens worser also but at least Halo 4 campaign wise was good until it was a later ruined unlike episode 7 which was basically a failure from the beginning |
Mar 6, 2019 4:35 PM
I don't think it's impossible, but it is VERY unlikely for a show to just have that huge of a shift, so yeah I don't like it either. I'd probably guess the main reason is payoff. I think it's dumb to rate something a 10 because you expect the payoff to be great, but that's a separate matter. If a show looks like it'll have great payoff, but then have the worst ending imaginable, I could maybe see that. I can't see it being a 10 all the way to a 5 though, that's unreasonable. From a 9 to a 6 seems like a better change, though changing a score more than 2 points for the ending should only be reserved for some of the absolute worst. The ending of a show is one to two episodes. Having the expected payoffs not be met is pretty lame, but that doesn't really invalidate all the fun you had during the 10 episodes prior. |
Mar 6, 2019 4:46 PM
Yeah I don't think any show can really have a finale that bad to lower one's score that much (unless it reallly ticked their gears). +- 1-2 scores is completely plausible though |
'On-Hold' is another way for a completionist to say 'Dropped' |
Mar 6, 2019 4:55 PM
And what of it? You're the one who's taking people too seriously. |
Mar 6, 2019 5:03 PM
The journey matters the most definitely for me. I don't understand that mindset people have. |
Mar 6, 2019 5:08 PM
I don't know. For example for me ERASED was a really good show until the final 2-3 episodes. I did rate it lower (9/10) but it's still one of my favourite shows. I like it even more than some shows that I rated 10/10. |
Mar 6, 2019 5:19 PM
Ever heard of OreImo? Maybe not 10 to 5 but at least a 7 to 4. |
Mar 6, 2019 5:33 PM
Mar 6, 2019 5:38 PM
I don't think so. The journey does matter to me, a good or bad finale could change a 10 to a 9 or a 5 to a 7 at most. |
Mar 6, 2019 5:49 PM
I wouldn't normally do it but there definitely are situations where the second half/last 3rd or ending of the show absolutely ruins the whole show even if you were enjoying it up until then, and I have. For someone, who rates with story, characters, and emotional impact for instance a bad ending can potentially drastically alter those and decrease the score. On a side note saying the journey matters more the destination is but the naivety of someone who's obviously never been on a shitty vacation. |
KruszerMar 6, 2019 5:58 PM
Mar 6, 2019 5:59 PM
I don't usually rate before I'm done with the show, but it's possible that the show builds up to something that the finale totally betrays, screws up horribly, or otherwise poorly serves. (I also don't use 10s either, and also rate based on overall enjoyment, etc.) |
Avatar character is Gabriel from Gabriel DropOut. |
Mar 6, 2019 6:06 PM
>Caring about why other people rate Anime the way they do :^) Who cares and why should you. If they do lower their scores just from one episode, then let them. If they do not let them do that too. :> You do you, they do whatever floats their way. |
The dearer you hold a memory the more painful it becomes. |
Mar 6, 2019 6:07 PM
Not really a 10 to 5, for me Akame ga Kill went from a 10 to a 7 in the last 3 episodes, or maybe a 9 to 7 mhh, too many asspulls in 3 episodes, its amazing how much bullshit they managed to stick within such a short timeframe darling in the franxx went from 7 to 4 real quick too |
Mar 6, 2019 6:10 PM
Mar 6, 2019 6:21 PM
People can do whatever they want. Maybe someone realized them the anime wasn't that good you thought... |
Mar 6, 2019 6:22 PM
Not for me at least. The most I've ever changed a score from the last episode was Soul Eater going from a 7 to a 5. |
Mar 6, 2019 6:26 PM
I can't think of any show in which I lowered the score more than 3 points, but I can drastically change the score within the last ep. In my mind, I score a show based on my enjoyment of each individual ep, while the last ep will look at the eps as a whole and determine if things made sense for it to progress the way it did. Did it have a well-paced intro, middle, and end? was there growth or change that was satisfactory by the end? has a goal been established and solved (doesn't mean goal was achieved, but there was some sort of closure surrounding the goal)? was the setting/theme/characters/etc. given some establishment and left some sort of trademark to the overall story, or was there nothing of value from them (replaceable with anyone/anything)? I tie these questions together and make sense of the series that I've watched at the end. If I found it to be a very temporary, very forgettable show, I score it lower because my enjoyment easily burns out if try to watch it again. Even wondering about it much later makes me think something like, "huh, y'know, there really was nothing done to give closure about this thing shown on earlier eps." which makes me sad about how it ended, which can affect the score after some time has already passed since I watched it. |
Mar 6, 2019 6:49 PM
:) the only reviews that should matter are your own since they align exactly with your opinion (: looking at how someone does their rating system and getting confused by it is to be expected. There are as many different rating systems as there are people on here. if someone goes from 10 to 5 then hell yea i guess the show's a 5 damn. ain't gonna catch me doing that. or that guy, or the next, oh maybe he might do it |
LoonitickMar 6, 2019 6:52 PM
Mar 6, 2019 6:55 PM
10 (Masterpiece) to 5 (Average) just didn't work to me just because one episode of presumably 12 or even 6 episode shows.. Something worth a Masterpiece is at least worth 6 (Fine, but I prefer to define it as Above Average), because Average in my definition is average all thoroughout the show or have equal 6 and 4 or 7 and 3 moments ... Yes, I didn't really calculate it seriously, but I think at least a little ... |
"The Slave is the have-not, the oppressed one with nothing to spare. But because the Slave is in that despairing situation, having nothing, it can kill the Emperor !" |
Mar 6, 2019 7:01 PM
If the ending is complete shit, then I will drop the score some, but it won't be as bad as when the entire show is shit. If it's before the last episode, then if it's bad enough I just drop the series. cough *Darling in the Franxx* cough |
Mar 6, 2019 7:02 PM
Not all journeys matter. There are plenty of anime where the conclusion is what directly justifies the journey. A perfect example? Mysteries. The journey is kaput if the resolution is disappointing, and can change entirely the way someone looks at the work as a whole. Also, if an episode or the ending develops in a way that's just way too absurd or stupid it's completely understandable to give it a low rating even if the build-up to it was good. Want another good example of that? Imagine if Usagi Drop adapted the whole manga. |
Mar 6, 2019 7:10 PM
A lot of times you rate a Show at the start and don't change it until the end. The Show itself didn't go from 10 to 5. The person just didn't change the score until the end. With the rest I do agree with you. One episode can't completely change your opinion about a show. The one thing it can do is make the rest of the show feel pointless. Maybe because the arc in question doesn't have a satisfying conclusion. |
愛がなければ、見えない。 Without Love, the truth cannot be seen. |
Mar 6, 2019 7:27 PM
Surprised no one has mentioned school days yet. I guarantee that last episode changed multiple peoples rating by a 5 or even more. But yeah, it depends on a lot. How long the series is, etc. Easily more likely for a one core show, and especially the finale of a one cour show. Often times there are aspects of the plot that are a mystery, or the romance isn’t addressed etc., until the final episode. I don’t think I’ve ever had that big of a change in a single episode but close. The first 18ish episodes of The Future Diary I would of scored 5 or lower, but the last few episodes made the plot come together nicely and make sense, so I ended up loving it. That took place over the course of like 4-5 eps though. School days I wasn’t fond of from the start so the finale didn’t have a huge impact, but a 3 or 4 down into a 1, and I wish I could give it less than 1 tbh. |
Hokage_JasonMar 6, 2019 7:40 PM
Lolicons are scum. BABYMETAL is more metal than Metallica. Naruto is objectively the best anime ever. HxH 99' is decent. HxH 11' is bad. |
Mar 7, 2019 8:07 PM
The journey doesnt matter to me if the end result isn't to my liking. The ending is very important to me. It's what wraps everything up and if it does it awfully, then it'll affect my score tremendously. It's much worse when the journey is actually really enjoyable but the ending doesn't do it justice. Endings are everything to me. They can save a show or ruin it for me |
Mar 7, 2019 8:28 PM
Never happened to me but I don't think it's dumb. I was outraged by prison school and usagi drop manga endings but I didn't lower it that bad 9 to 8 and 8 to 6. The ending is part of the story so you better get it right or damage that anime. Escaflowne end was very stupid now that I think about it, it destroyed 20ish episodes of romance between our 2 main characters, maybe I should've downgrade it. |
Mar 8, 2019 12:42 AM
Honestly, there are users that really changes their rates/score every episode. As for my case, back then when I was rating, I only rate after I finished the whole thing. As what others said, I too, emphasized the whole journey not the destination. |
Mar 8, 2019 12:46 AM
Well, it all depends, man. If the finale totally shits on the entire plot and destroys any build up or character development to that point then I'd say it's justified. If you just didn't get the finale you wanted/expected but it still made sense thematically or logically then yeah, halving the score is a bit harsh. There's an argument to be made that it's as much about the journey as it is about the destination but again, arguably, that's only true if a show has been written with that sentiment in mind. Most of the time to be truly satisfied by a tale it has to have the standard anatomical parts of a story, i.e. a beginning, middle and end or if you wanna get all first year creative writing then it probably should follow the standard dramatic structure in order to leave the person engaged with the story satisfied. It's easy to see why bad endings can ruin a show for people. A bad analogy could be being told about this brilliant restaurant that's just opened up in town, you and your mates get together and plan a day off when you can go and have a few beers and an awesome meal, one of your friends is also bringing a plus one, you know, that girl/boy you like and there's a chance for some sweet, precious face time with this person over a great meal (and there's alcohol involved, who knows what could happen!), aw man, it's gonna be such a good night annnnndddd you get there and it's closed and your mates haven't turned up. The end. See what I mean? Kinda pisses on the whole tale. |
CallMeHootMar 8, 2019 1:02 AM
Mar 8, 2019 12:55 AM
Deknijff said: I kind of disagree with you, not in the sense that you can't lower scores, I've done that, maybe not form 10 to 5 but 2 or 3 points less, but it's really different lowering the score of an anime/game because of the ending than lowering the score of a prequel because of the sequel. Halo 5's campaign didn't make Halo 1's, 2's, 3's and 4's worse, as Halo Infinite wont make Halo 5's campaign bettereh I mean if they think the ending effects the overall product I don't see whats wrong with lowering the score since you think the show is worser because of the full product Like how the complete disaster that was Halo 5's campaign made Halo 4's campaign much worser because it has no pay off or depth anymore you could say the same with The Last Jedi making the Force Awakens worser also but at least Halo 4 campaign wise was good until it was a later ruined unlike episode 7 which was basically a failure from the beginning |
This is my signature |
Mar 9, 2019 7:00 PM
I remember that fanboys from Darling in the FranXX went from 10 to 1 after episode 14 lol. In my opinion, the last episode is very important just like the first. My score can change a few points if the ending is shit or very good. |
BANZAI NIPPON. Nippon is the Land of freedom. Nippon is the Land of Peace. Nippon is the Land of Justice and Prosperity. In Nippon, we trust. We love Nippon, we love Anime. Anime love us, Nippon love us. 日本 |
Mar 9, 2019 9:47 PM
I can't fathom doing that myself, so it's quite shocking to me how many MAL users value endings so heavily. From my experience, when a good anime has a bad ending, it is in a realm the said show would usually do. For instance, in Erased, the directing was very heavy-handed(with red marks being highlighted red), and the mom character was puppy killing levels of evil, so the fact that the villain turned out to be the teacher didn't surprise me. The guy had dramatic camera angles almost as if to suggest a jump scare(quick shots and shrouded in darkness) and said, villain, being this unbelievably creepy guy seemed fitting. Another example, of something good having bad endings, would be the dangaronpa games where the endings are so over the top and out of nowhere there's a noticeable backlash effect when it happens. However, the whole game's appeal to me is how over the top it is. Everything from the characters to the executions is so exaggerated as to be surreal. It seems obvious to me the games would want to end with the biggest bang possible, it was the games nature from the very start. Not only that, but the game prides itself on its twists(being a mystery and all), so the fact it would've been almost impossible to predict the end of the game seems like the point of it. The writers didn't crawl out of making another entirely different series, even if it's executed poorly story-wise, it always feels like I'm watching the same show. I mean the characters and presentation are the same as they always been, right? So, I don't get such a drastic change on a view of the said show. I can see a 9 or 8, but 5 is way too much. Not to mention, one episode is hardly anything to the overall(even if it is the ending). How about the other 92% of the product in the 12 episode series(yes I actually did the math for that number)? Isn't the majority of the show going to affect most people's enjoyment of the said show? This is even more baffling to me when a bad show has a good ending and it goes from a 4 to a 9. The ending doesn't even justify sitting through until it got good, so why bother? |
removed-userMar 10, 2019 12:38 PM
Mar 9, 2019 10:00 PM
Well, maybe the ending sucks so much that it defies its initial premise and development of it and just makes everything convoluted |
Mar 9, 2019 10:03 PM
TheProblemIsntMe said: I don't know. For example for me ERASED was a really good show until the final 2-3 episodes. I did rate it lower (9/10) but it's still one of my favourite shows. I like it even more than some shows that I rated 10/10. Exactly the same way I felt. Erased was an easy 9 for me up until the ending. I dropped it by one point, to an 8. The journey that series takes you on is exceptional. On another note, I've never severely dropped the score of a series, but one example I can think of where the second cour/ending almost ruined the show is The Ancient Magus Bride. The first half was so incredibly promising and almost felt like it was a show designed for my personal viewing pleasure (I'm a huge fan of mythology in general). The second half was was a significant step down for me, but at the end I still gave it a solid 7 because I'm not gonna disregard the things the show did right. |
"I am not sure that I exist, actually. I am all the writers that I have read, all the people that I have met, all the women that I have loved; all the cities I have visited." ― Jorge Luis Borges [url=]Goodreads[/url] | [url=]Letterboxd[/url] |
Mar 9, 2019 10:05 PM
lol dude u havent seen the whole voltron legendary defender fandom when they aired the last episode people were literally throwing all their merch away and it was crazy. also i remember a couple years back idk if i remember this correctly but i think there was a crazy bunch of mad fans burning all their oreimo stuff and light novels and mangas because they didnt like the ending. |
My Candies: |
Mar 9, 2019 10:23 PM
Have you not seen Code Geass R2? The ratings are based solely on the awesome ending it had. If not for that, it would probably be around a 7.50, for me about 7. |
"You are the result of 4 billion years of evolution. Act like it." "Why don't you eat make up? Then you can be beautiful on the inside too." "'Sick'? Call me 'twisted'. 'Sick' makes it sound like there's a cure." "What's messed up isn't my thinking, what's messed up is this god damn world." "The world isn't perfect, but its out there doing the best it can for us. That's what makes it so damn beautiful." |
Mar 9, 2019 11:26 PM
I can't picture doing that personally. I've never really had a finale episode change the score by more than a point. |
Mar 9, 2019 11:30 PM
It's happened to me once. I loved akatsuki no yona until I went to hit the next episode button and it wasn't there. |
Mar 10, 2019 3:12 AM
Yeah I can I enjoyed watching Rezero for 18 ep then the ending ruined everything from 7-8/10 to 1/10 School days was mediocre but the ending satisfied my soul from 5-6/10 to 8/10 |
Mar 10, 2019 3:24 AM
Yeah you can easily. In my case, the ending relates to about 70% of how i'll perceive the show after I finish it and in my opinion a bad ending can ruin everything that made a show good. |
Mar 10, 2019 5:53 AM
I think it depends on how bad that 12 episode was. Let me give an example of my own: I've been watching "Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken" and I like it. However the golem the dwarfs were developing and the one we see later in the series irritates me like nothing else. In fact I might give the anime a 6/10 instead of 7/10 because of it. If the rest of the anime gets better even slightly, it may save it. And that's all it takes for some people to give an anime a low score. |
Mar 10, 2019 11:34 AM
I barely care about the last episodes, especially since most of the time it isn't even the ending, it's just the last episode of the adaption. The journey always matters more because that's what you spend most of your time on. I'll never get people who care so much about endings, especially in a medium that is notorious for barely ever having them because of all the incomplete adaptions. If you're not watching anime for the journey, you're doing it wrong if you ask me. If you think a bad ending goes back in time and robs you of all the enjoyment you felt while you were watching the earlier parts, then I understand valuing the ending that highly. But that does not really happen, so it doesn't make sense to me. If it was just people who fancy themselves 'critics' and think that means not caring about enjoyment who did that it'd be the one thing, but many people who claim to rate by enjoyment still score based on the endings and not much else. So effectively they don't score based on enjoyment, they score based on that one episode they disliked, ignoring all the enjoyment they got from the rest of the show. Not sure how they rationalize it for themselves, but there must be some mental gymnastics involved. And yes, Erased is a great example. The resolution of the mystery wasn't great, but that was also never the point or main appeal of the show. It was pretty obvious from early on that it would conclude like that so idk why people still ended up surprised. And what made the show immersive wasn't not knowing who the culprit is, but the character interactions and their emotions, the drama and the atmosphere, all that good stuff. So who cares about having a mediocre solution to the mystery? It's not like it was terrible either, it was just kinda meh. Then again many people also hated the show because they're brainwashed by the internet and can't think in terms other than 'cuck', especially after having an irrational mental breakdown like they did in episode 11(?). People will always find stuff to hate especially when a show is popular. Irrationally caring about irrelevant stuff and completely misinterpreting a show just so they can hate it are general hobbies of the average anime fan so the whole thing with the endings is probably just a side effect of that. Any reason to hate something will be gladly accepted because many anime fans enjoy hating and whining and bickering and arguing so much more than they enjoy genuine enjoyment (if they even know what that is). It's just how it is. |
I probably regret this post by now. |
Mar 10, 2019 11:38 AM
@Hokage_Jason For me, in School Days the score went from 2-3 to 10 ... HaHa just loved the last Ep. ┬┴┬┴┤(・_├┬┴┬┴ But that was only a one-time special case ... I don't think 50% or more of the score should matter on the last Ep. |
Mar 10, 2019 11:48 AM
for me an episode made me change the score from 8/10 to 1/10 and drop, well it was not the final episode it was the 8th episode , Shinsekai yori, the story was already boring and bad and that episode made me stop watching |
Mar 10, 2019 11:59 AM
ZainKean said: @Hokage_Jason For me, in School Days the score went from 2-3 to 10 ... HaHa just loved the last Ep. ┬┴┬┴┤(・_├┬┴┬┴ But that was only a one-time special case ... I don't think 50% or more of the score should matter on the last Ep. Yeah by no means should it be common place for a score too change that much on one episode, but school days is definitely proof it’s possible haha. As for my thoughts on school days: I hated that shit lol. I hate seeing women used like that IRL and seeing it in an anime wasn’t any better for me. Makoto still didn’t deserve to be killed though I mean... cheating is wrong but murder is..... yeah. I will say it’s hands down the most realistic harem I have seen though. That kind of scenario takes place in every high school, minus the murder. And even the murder part has some truth to it, I guarantee some chick had killed her boyfriend for cheating somewhere, probably multiple instances of this have happened. |
Lolicons are scum. BABYMETAL is more metal than Metallica. Naruto is objectively the best anime ever. HxH 99' is decent. HxH 11' is bad. |
Mar 10, 2019 12:39 PM
Mar 10, 2019 1:12 PM
@Pullman Alright, I disagree with the majority of what you said despite us both coming to similar conclusions. First off, don't you think you are being quite condescending? Your ramble and assumptions are based solely on the fact that they value the ending a lot more than you. Who are you to say the average anime fan is brainwashed sheep who enjoys bickering and that they are lying about their enjoyment of a series being based around the ending? Why are you thinking so little of fellow fans? So what if they gave Erased a 5 because they didn't like ending, nothing about that deserves that amount of anger thrown at them. At worst, even if I am to assume that they lied, and did enjoy the show more, that's still barely a minor annoyance to me. |
Mar 10, 2019 2:24 PM
SURE I CAN. Like bitching Griffith in 3d Berserk movie made me give the movie 'Appalling', tho i was planning to give it an 8 at first. Or Akame ga Kill - gave it the same appalling score and dropped on 21/24 episode cause i got fed up with all the good characters dying for no reason. |
Mar 10, 2019 3:48 PM
Peaceful_Critic said: @Pullman Alright, I disagree with the majority of what you said despite us both coming to similar conclusions. First off, don't you think you are being quite condescending? Your ramble and assumptions are based solely on the fact that they value the ending a lot more than you. Who are you to say the average anime fan is brainwashed sheep who enjoys bickering and that they are lying about their enjoyment of a series being based around the ending? Why are you thinking so little of fellow fans? So what if they gave Erased a 5 because they didn't like ending, nothing about that deserves that amount of anger thrown at them. At worst, even if I am to assume that they lied, and did enjoy the show more, that's still barely a minor annoyance to me. Generalazing is always a bad thing, cuz u lose accuracy in the process. But I'd say that there's quite the number of "fellow anime fans" who's done more than enough to make people think so little of them and deserve that amount of anger thrown at them. OT: 10 to 5 for only one ep seems a little too much to me, there were situations where the ending may have affected my overall score of 1 or 2 points, but 5 really do seem a little too much to me. |
vhagar8Mar 10, 2019 3:58 PM
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